Implementation of the intelligent platform A Estrada ON for the start-up of the “Smart Village” in the City of A Estrada. (Q3152318): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item)
(‎Changed an Item)
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Castro de Rei / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
199,174.58 Euro
Amount199,174.58 Euro
Property / budget: 199,174.58 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
159,339.67 Euro
Amount159,339.67 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 159,339.67 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
80.00000301243261 percent
Amount80.00000301243261 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 80.00000301243261 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
12 June 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 12 June 2023 / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
42°58'24.60"N, 3°10'47.14"W
Property / coordinate location: 42°58'24.60"N, 3°10'47.14"W / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 42°58'24.60"N, 3°10'47.14"W / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Province of Burgos / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Pontevedra Province / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS: Pontevedra Province / qualifier
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Estrada, A / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
42°41'12.59"N, 8°27'26.21"W
Property / coordinate location: 42°41'12.59"N, 8°27'26.21"W / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 42°41'12.59"N, 8°27'26.21"W / qualifier
Property / budget
199,174.58 Euro
Amount199,174.58 Euro
Property / budget: 199,174.58 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
112,832.4 Euro
Amount112,832.4 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 112,832.4 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
56.65 percent
Amount56.65 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 56.65 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
20 December 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 20 December 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 16:43, 20 December 2023

Project Q3152318 in Spain
Language Label Description Also known as
Implementation of the intelligent platform A Estrada ON for the start-up of the “Smart Village” in the City of A Estrada.
Project Q3152318 in Spain


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    112,832.4 Euro
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    199,174.58 Euro
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    56.65 percent
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    10 June 2020
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    31 December 2022
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    42°41'12.59"N, 8°27'26.21"W
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    La operación propuesta plantea el desarrollo de la plataforma “A Estrada ON” para la implementación del modelo de “Smart Village” en el Ayuntamiento de A Estrada mediante la adopción de las nuevas tecnologías para ofrecer a la ciudadanía nuevos servicios y garantizar una gestión eficiente de los recursos públicos del municipio. (Spanish)
    0 references
    The proposed operation proposes the development of the platform “A Estrada ON” for the implementation of the model of “Smart Village” in the City of A Estrada through the adoption of new technologies to offer citizens new services and guarantee an efficient management of the public resources of the municipality. (English)
    12 October 2021
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    L’opération proposée propose le développement de la plate-forme «A Estrada ON» pour la mise en œuvre du modèle de «Smart Village» dans la ville d’A Estrada à travers l’adoption de nouvelles technologies pour offrir aux citoyens de nouveaux services et garantir une gestion efficace des ressources publiques de la municipalité. (French)
    2 December 2021
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    Die vorgeschlagene Operation schlägt die Entwicklung der Plattform „A Estrada ON“ für die Umsetzung des Modells „Smart Village“ in der Stadt A Estrada durch die Einführung neuer Technologien vor, um den Bürgern neue Dienste anzubieten und eine effiziente Verwaltung der öffentlichen Ressourcen der Gemeinde zu gewährleisten. (German)
    9 December 2021
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    De voorgestelde operatie stelt de ontwikkeling voor van het platform „A Estrada ON” voor de uitvoering van het model van „Smart Village” in de stad A Estrada door de invoering van nieuwe technologieën om burgers nieuwe diensten aan te bieden en een efficiënt beheer van de publieke middelen van de gemeente te waarborgen. (Dutch)
    17 December 2021
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    L'operazione proposta propone lo sviluppo della piattaforma "A Estrada ON" per l'implementazione del modello di "Smart Village" nel Comune di A Estrada attraverso l'adozione di nuove tecnologie per offrire ai cittadini nuovi servizi e garantire una gestione efficiente delle risorse pubbliche del comune. (Italian)
    16 January 2022
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    Η προτεινόμενη πράξη προτείνει την ανάπτυξη της πλατφόρμας «A Estrada ON» για την υλοποίηση του μοντέλου του «Έξυπνου Χωριού» στην πόλη A Estrada μέσω της υιοθέτησης νέων τεχνολογιών που θα προσφέρουν στους πολίτες νέες υπηρεσίες και θα εγγυηθούν την αποτελεσματική διαχείριση των δημόσιων πόρων του δήμου. (Greek)
    17 August 2022
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    Den foreslåede operation foreslår udvikling af platformen "A Estrada ON" til gennemførelse af modellen "Smart Village" i byen A Estrada gennem indførelse af nye teknologier til at tilbyde borgerne nye tjenester og sikre en effektiv forvaltning af kommunens offentlige ressourcer. (Danish)
    17 August 2022
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    Ehdotetussa toimessa ehdotetaan ”A Estrada ON” -alustan kehittämistä ”älykkään kylän” mallin toteuttamiseksi Estradan kaupungissa ottamalla käyttöön uusia teknologioita, joilla tarjotaan kansalaisille uusia palveluja ja taataan kunnan julkisten varojen tehokas hallinnointi. (Finnish)
    17 August 2022
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    L-operazzjoni proposta tipproponi l-iżvilupp tal-pjattaforma “A Estrada ON” għall-implimentazzjoni tal-mudell ta’ “Raħal Intelliġenti” fil-Belt ta’ Estrada permezz tal-adozzjoni ta’ teknoloġiji ġodda li joffru liċ-ċittadini servizzi ġodda u jiggarantixxu ġestjoni effiċjenti tar-riżorsi pubbliċi tal-muniċipalità. (Maltese)
    17 August 2022
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    Ierosinātā darbība ierosina izstrādāt platformu “A Estrada ON”, lai A Estrada pilsētā īstenotu “viedā ciemata” modeli, ieviešot jaunas tehnoloģijas, lai iedzīvotājiem piedāvātu jaunus pakalpojumus un garantētu pašvaldības publisko resursu efektīvu pārvaldību. (Latvian)
    17 August 2022
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    Navrhovaná operácia navrhuje rozvoj platformy „A Estrada ON“ na implementáciu modelu „inteligentnej dediny“ v meste A Estrada prostredníctvom prijatia nových technológií s cieľom ponúknuť občanom nové služby a zaručiť efektívne riadenie verejných zdrojov obce. (Slovak)
    17 August 2022
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    Molann an oibríocht atá beartaithe an t-ardán “A Estrada ON” a fhorbairt chun samhail “Smart Village” a chur i bhfeidhm i gCathair A Estrada trí theicneolaíochtaí nua a ghlacadh chun seirbhísí nua a thairiscint do shaoránaigh agus bainistíocht éifeachtach acmhainní poiblí an bhardais a ráthú. (Irish)
    17 August 2022
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    Navrhovaná operace navrhuje rozvoj platformy „A Estrada ON“ pro realizaci modelu „Inteligentní vesnice“ ve městě A Estrada prostřednictvím přijetí nových technologií, které občanům nabízejí nové služby a zaručí efektivní správu veřejných zdrojů obce. (Czech)
    17 August 2022
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    A operação proposta propõe o desenvolvimento da plataforma «A Estrada ON» para a implementação do modelo de «Aldeia Inteligente» na Cidade de A Estrada através da adoção de novas tecnologias para oferecer aos cidadãos novos serviços e garantir uma gestão eficiente dos recursos públicos do concelho. (Portuguese)
    17 August 2022
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    Kavandatavas operatsioonis tehakse ettepanek arendada välja platvorm „A Estrada ON“A Estrada linna aruka küla mudeli rakendamiseks, võttes kasutusele uued tehnoloogiad, et pakkuda kodanikele uusi teenuseid ja tagada omavalitsuse avalike vahendite tõhus haldamine. (Estonian)
    17 August 2022
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    A javasolt művelet az „A Estrada ON” platform fejlesztését javasolja A Estrada városában az „intelligens falu” modelljének megvalósítására, új technológiák bevezetésével, amelyek új szolgáltatásokat nyújtanak a polgároknak, és garantálják az önkormányzat állami forrásainak hatékony kezelését. (Hungarian)
    17 August 2022
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    Предложената операция предлага разработването на платформа „А Естрада ON„за прилагане на модела „Интелигентно селище“ в град А Естрада чрез въвеждане на нови технологии за предлагане на нови услуги на гражданите и гарантиране на ефективно управление на публичните ресурси на общината. (Bulgarian)
    17 August 2022
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    Siūlomoje operacijoje siūloma sukurti platformą „A Estrada ON“, skirtą „Smart Village“ modeliui įgyvendinti Estrados mieste diegiant naujas technologijas, kurios piliečiams suteiktų naujų paslaugų ir užtikrintų veiksmingą savivaldybės viešųjų išteklių valdymą. (Lithuanian)
    17 August 2022
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    Predložena operacija predlaže razvoj platforme „A Estrada ON” za implementaciju modela „Pametnog sela” u gradu A Estrada kroz usvajanje novih tehnologija kako bi se građanima ponudile nove usluge i jamčilo učinkovito upravljanje javnim resursima općine. (Croatian)
    17 August 2022
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    I den föreslagna åtgärden föreslås utveckling av plattformen ”A Estrada ON” för genomförandet av modellen ”Smart Village” i staden A Estrada genom införande av ny teknik för att erbjuda medborgarna nya tjänster och garantera en effektiv förvaltning av kommunens offentliga resurser. (Swedish)
    17 August 2022
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    Operațiunea propusă propune dezvoltarea platformei „A Estrada ON” pentru implementarea modelului „Satul inteligent” în orașul A Estrada prin adoptarea de noi tehnologii pentru a oferi cetățenilor servicii noi și pentru a garanta o gestionare eficientă a resurselor publice ale municipiului. (Romanian)
    17 August 2022
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    Predlagana operacija predlaga razvoj platforme „A Estrada ON“ za izvajanje modela „Pametne vasi“ v mestu A Estrada s sprejetjem novih tehnologij, ki državljanom ponujajo nove storitve in zagotavljajo učinkovito upravljanje javnih sredstev občine. (Slovenian)
    17 August 2022
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    Proponowana operacja proponuje rozwój platformy „A Estrada ON” w celu wdrożenia modelu „inteligentnej wsi” w mieście Estrada poprzez przyjęcie nowych technologii w celu zaoferowania obywatelom nowych usług i zagwarantowania skutecznego zarządzania zasobami publicznymi gminy. (Polish)
    17 August 2022
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    Estrada, A
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    20 December 2023
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