Local residents’ opinion poll on the perception of flood risk (Vallée du Rhône) — 2016 (Q3702511): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item)
(‎Changed an Item)
Property / date of last update
8 June 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 8 June 2023 / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): Rhône-Alpes / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Property / location (string): Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): Languedoc-Roussillon / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Isère / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Hérault / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse / qualifier
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Montarnaud / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Montarnaud / qualifier
Property / coordinate location
45°19'3.11"N, 5°43'16.64"E
Property / coordinate location: 45°19'3.11"N, 5°43'16.64"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 45°19'3.11"N, 5°43'16.64"E / qualifier
Property / coordinate location
44°0'0.00"N, 6°0'0.00"E
Property / coordinate location: 44°0'0.00"N, 6°0'0.00"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 44°0'0.00"N, 6°0'0.00"E / qualifier
Property / coordinate location
43°39'15.12"N, 3°40'28.81"E
Property / coordinate location: 43°39'15.12"N, 3°40'28.81"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 43°39'15.12"N, 3°40'28.81"E / qualifier
Property / date of last update
7 December 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 7 December 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 15:07, 7 December 2023

Project Q3702511 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
Local residents’ opinion poll on the perception of flood risk (Vallée du Rhône) — 2016
Project Q3702511 in France


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    45,121.5 Euro
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    17 December 2015
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    31 December 2016
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    Direction Régionale de l'Environnement de l'Aménagement et du Logement
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    L’opération consiste à mettre en place un sondage de perception du risque inondation de la population habitant le long du linéaire du Rhône. Initié en 2006, ce dispositif d’enquête est renouvelé tous les trois ans dans les mêmes termes. (French)
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    The operation consists of setting up a survey of the flood risk perception of the population living along the Rhône line. Initiated in 2006, this investigative mechanism is renewed every three years in the same terms. (English)
    22 November 2021
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    Im Rahmen des Vorhabens wird eine Umfrage zur Wahrnehmung des Hochwasserrisikos der Bevölkerung entlang der linearen Rhône durchgeführt. Die im Jahr 2006 initiierte Erhebung wird alle drei Jahre in gleicher Weise erneuert. (German)
    1 December 2021
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    De operatie bestaat uit het opzetten van een onderzoek naar de overstromingsrisicoperceptie van de bevolking die langs de Rhônelijn woont. Dit onderzoeksmechanisme, dat in 2006 van start is gegaan, wordt om de drie jaar in dezelfde bewoordingen vernieuwd. (Dutch)
    6 December 2021
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    L'operazione consiste nell'effettuare un'indagine sulla percezione del rischio di alluvioni della popolazione che vive lungo la linea del Rodano. Avviato nel 2006, questo meccanismo d'indagine viene rinnovato ogni tre anni negli stessi termini. (Italian)
    13 January 2022
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    La operación consiste en realizar un estudio de la percepción del riesgo de inundación de la población que vive a lo largo de la línea Ródano. Iniciado en 2006, este mecanismo de investigación se renueva cada tres años en los mismos términos. (Spanish)
    14 January 2022
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    Tegevus hõlmab Rhône’i joonel elava elanikkonna üleujutusriski tajumise uuringu läbiviimist. Aastal algatatud uurimismehhanismi uuendatakse iga kolme aasta järel samadel tingimustel. (Estonian)
    12 August 2022
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    Pagal šią operaciją bus atliktas gyventojų, gyvenančių palei Ronos liniją, potvynių rizikos suvokimo tyrimas. Šis tyrimo mechanizmas, pradėtas 2006 m., atnaujinamas kas trejus metus tomis pačiomis sąlygomis. (Lithuanian)
    12 August 2022
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    Operacija se sastoji od uspostave ankete o percepciji rizika od poplava stanovništva koje živi duž crte rijeke Rhône. Taj se istražni mehanizam pokrenut 2006. obnavlja svake tri godine pod istim uvjetima. (Croatian)
    12 August 2022
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    Η επιχείρηση συνίσταται στη διενέργεια επισκόπησης της αντίληψης των κινδύνων πλημμύρας του πληθυσμού που ζει κατά μήκος της γραμμής Rhône. Ο εν λόγω μηχανισμός έρευνας, που ξεκίνησε το 2006, ανανεώνεται κάθε τρία χρόνια με τους ίδιους όρους. (Greek)
    12 August 2022
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    Operácia spočíva v vytvorení prieskumu vnímania povodňového rizika obyvateľstva žijúceho pozdĺž línie Rhône. Tento vyšetrovací mechanizmus, ktorý sa začal v roku 2006, sa obnovuje každé tri roky za rovnakých podmienok. (Slovak)
    12 August 2022
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    Toimen tarkoituksena on kartoittaa Rhône-linjan varrella asuvan väestön tulvariskiä. Vuonna 2006 aloitettu tutkintamekanismi uusitaan kolmen vuoden välein samoin ehdoin. (Finnish)
    12 August 2022
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    Operacja polega na przeprowadzeniu przeglądu postrzegania ryzyka powodziowego przez ludność żyjącą wzdłuż linii Rodanu. Rozpoczęty w 2006 r. mechanizm dochodzeniowy jest odnawiany co trzy lata na tych samych warunkach. (Polish)
    12 August 2022
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    A művelet keretében felmérést készítenek a Rhône-vonal mentén élő lakosság árvízkockázati megítéléséről. Ezt a 2006-ban elindított vizsgálati mechanizmust háromévente azonos feltételek mellett megújítják. (Hungarian)
    12 August 2022
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    Operace spočívá ve stanovení průzkumu vnímání povodňových rizik u obyvatel žijících podél linie Rhône. Tento vyšetřovací mechanismus, který byl zahájen v roce 2006, se obnovuje každé tři roky za stejných podmínek. (Czech)
    12 August 2022
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    Darbība sastāv no pētījuma par plūdu riska uztveri attiecībā uz iedzīvotājiem, kas dzīvo Ronas līnijā. Šo izmeklēšanas mehānismu, kas tika uzsākts 2006. gadā, atjauno ik pēc trim gadiem ar tādiem pašiem nosacījumiem. (Latvian)
    12 August 2022
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    Is éard atá i gceist leis an oibríocht ná suirbhé a chur ar bun ar an dearcadh riosca tuile ar an daonra atá ina gcónaí ar líne Rhône. Cuireadh tús leis in 2006, déantar an mheicníocht imscrúdaitheach seo a athnuachan gach trí bliana sna téarmaí céanna. (Irish)
    12 August 2022
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    Operacija vključuje vzpostavitev raziskave o dojemanju poplavne ogroženosti prebivalstva, ki živi ob reki Rhône. Ta preiskovalni mehanizem, ki se je začel izvajati leta 2006, se pod enakimi pogoji obnovi vsaka tri leta. (Slovenian)
    12 August 2022
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    Операцията се състои в провеждане на проучване на възприятието за риска от наводнения за населението, живеещо по линията Рона. Стартиран през 2006 г., този механизъм за разследване се подновява на всеки три години при същите условия. (Bulgarian)
    12 August 2022
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    L-operazzjoni tikkonsisti fit-twaqqif ta’ stħarriġ dwar il-perċezzjoni tar-riskju tal-għargħar tal-popolazzjoni li tgħix tul il-linja Rhône. Dan il-mekkaniżmu investigattiv li nbeda fl-2006, jiġġedded kull tliet snin bl-istess termini. (Maltese)
    12 August 2022
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    A operação consiste na realização de um levantamento da perceção do risco de inundação da população que vive ao longo da linha do Ródano. Iniciado em 2006, este mecanismo de investigação é renovado de três em três anos nos mesmos termos. (Portuguese)
    12 August 2022
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    Operationen består i at udarbejde en oversigt over oversvømmelsesrisikoen hos befolkningen langs Rhône-linjen. Denne undersøgelsesmekanisme, der blev indledt i 2006, fornyes hvert tredje år på samme vilkår. (Danish)
    12 August 2022
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    Operațiunea constă în realizarea unui studiu privind percepția asupra riscului de inundații a populației care trăiește de-a lungul liniei Rhône. Inițiat în 2006, acest mecanism de investigare este reînnoit o dată la trei ani în aceiași termeni. (Romanian)
    12 August 2022
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    Insatsen består i att göra en undersökning av översvämningsriskuppfattningen hos den befolkning som lever längs Rhône-linjen. Denna utredningsmekanism inleddes 2006 och förnyas vart tredje år på samma villkor. (Swedish)
    12 August 2022
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    Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
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    7 December 2023
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