Project to increase the detection and prevention of rheumatoid arthritis in people living in Pomeranian, Zachodniopomorskie and Warmia-Mazury voivodships, who are of working age and fall into a high risk group (Q93975): Difference between revisions

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label / frlabel / fr
Projet visant à accroître la détection et la prévention de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde chez les personnes en âge de travailler et qui font partie du groupe à risque plus élevé
Projet visant à accroître la détection et la prévention de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde chez les personnes vivant dans les voïvodies de Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie et Warmińsko-Mazurskie, qui sont en âge de travailler et présentent un risque plus élevé
label / delabel / de
Projekt zur Erhöhung der Erkennung und Prävention von rheumatoiden Arthritis bei Menschen in Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie und Warmińsko-Mazurskie Woiwodschaften im erwerbsfähigen Alter und gehören zu den höheren Risikogruppen
Projekt zur Verbesserung der Erkennung und Prävention von rheumatoider Arthritis bei Menschen, die in den Woiwodschaften Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie und Warmińsko-Mazurskie leben, die im erwerbsfähigen Alter sind und ein höheres Risiko haben
label / nllabel / nl
Project ter verbetering van de opsporing en preventie van reumatoïde artritis bij mensen die in Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie en Warmińsko-Mazurskiewodschappen wonen die in de werkende leeftijd zijn en tot de hogere risicogroep behoren
Project ter verhoging van de opsporing en preventie van reumatoïde artritis bij mensen in de Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie en Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodships, die in de werkende leeftijd zijn en een hoger risico lopen
label / itlabel / it
Progetto per aumentare l'individuazione e la prevenzione dell'artrite reumatoide nelle persone che vivono a Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie e Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodships che sono in età lavorativa e sono tra i gruppi a rischio più elevato
Progetto per aumentare l'individuazione e la prevenzione dell'artrite reumatoide nelle persone che vivono nei voivodati Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie e Warmińsko-Mazurskie, che sono in età lavorativa e sono a maggior rischio
label / eslabel / es
Proyecto para aumentar la detección y prevención de la artritis reumatoide en personas que viven en Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie y Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodatos en edad de trabajar y que se encuentran entre los grupos de mayor riesgo
Proyecto para aumentar la detección y prevención de la artritis reumatoide en personas que viven en los voivodatos Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie y Warmińsko-Mazurskie, que están en edad de trabajar y están en mayor riesgo
label / dalabel / da
Projekt til øget påvisning og forebyggelse af reumatoid arthritis hos personer, der bor i Pommern, Zachodniopomorskie og Warmia-Mazury voivodships, som er i den arbejdsdygtige alder og falder ind i en højrisikogruppe
Projekt til øget påvisning og forebyggelse af reumatoid arthritis hos personer, der bor i voivodskaberne Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie og Warmińsko-Mazurskie, som er i den arbejdsdygtige alder og er i højere risiko
label / ellabel / el
Σχέδιο για την αύξηση της ανίχνευσης και της πρόληψης της ρευματοειδούς αρθρίτιδας σε άτομα που ζουν σε Pomeranian, Zachodniopomorskie και Warmia-Mazury voivodships, τα οποία είναι σε ηλικία εργασίας και εμπίπτουν σε ομάδα υψηλού κινδύνου
Σχέδιο για την αύξηση της ανίχνευσης και της πρόληψης της ρευματοειδούς αρθρίτιδας σε άτομα που ζουν στα βοεβοδάλια Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie και Warmińsko-Mazurskie, τα οποία βρίσκονται σε ηλικία εργασίας και διατρέχουν υψηλότερο κίνδυνο
label / hrlabel / hr
Projekt za povećanje otkrivanja i prevencije reumatoidnog artritisa u osoba koje žive u pomeranskom, Zachodniopomorskieu i Warmia-Mazury voivodships, koji su radno sposobni i spadaju u skupinu visokog rizika
Projekt za povećanje otkrivanja i prevencije reumatoidnog artritisa kod osoba koje žive u Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie i Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodships, koji su radno sposobni i izloženi su većem riziku
label / rolabel / ro
Proiect de creștere a detectării și prevenirii artritei reumatoide la persoanele care trăiesc în voievodatele Pomeranian, Zachodniopomorskie și Warmia-Mazury, care sunt de vârstă activă și se încadrează într-un grup de risc ridicat
Proiect de creștere a detectării și prevenirii artritei reumatoide la persoanele care trăiesc în voievodatele Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie și Warmińsko-Mazurskie, care sunt în vârstă de muncă și sunt expuse unui risc mai mare
label / sklabel / sk
Projekt na zvýšenie detekcie a prevencie reumatoidnej artritídy u ľudí žijúcich v Pomoranskom, Zachodniopomorskom a vojvodstve Warmia-Mazury, ktorí sú v produktívnom veku a patria do vysoko rizikovej skupiny
Projekt na zvýšenie detekcie a prevencie reumatoidnej artritídy u ľudí žijúcich vo vojvodstvách Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie a Warmińsko-Mazurskie, ktorí sú v produktívnom veku a sú vystavení vyššiemu riziku
label / mtlabel / mt
Proġett biex iżid is-sejba u l-prevenzjoni ta’ artrite rewmatojde f’nies li jgħixu f’Pomeranian, Zachodniopomorskie u f’voivodships Warmia-Mazury, li huma ta’ età tax-xogħol u li jaqgħu fi grupp ta’ riskju għoli
Proġett biex jiżdiedu l-identifikazzjoni u l-prevenzjoni tal-artrite rewmatojde f’persuni li jgħixu fil-Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie u Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodships, li huma fl-età tax-xogħol u li huma f’riskju akbar
label / ptlabel / pt
Projeto para aumentar a deteção e prevenção da artrite reumatoide em pessoas que vivem em voivodias Pomerânia, Zachodniopomorskie e Warmia-Mazury, que são em idade ativa e se enquadram em um grupo de alto risco
Projeto para aumentar a deteção e prevenção da artrite reumatoide nas voivodias da Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie e Warmińsko-Mazurskie, em idade ativa e em maior risco
label / filabel / fi
Hanke nivelreuman havaitsemiseksi ja ehkäisemiseksi Pommerin, Zachodniopomorskien ja Warmia-Mazuryn voivodikunnissa, jotka ovat työikäisiä ja kuuluvat korkean riskin ryhmään
Hanke nivelreuman havaitsemisen ja ehkäisyn lisäämiseksi Pomorskien, Zachodniopomorskien ja Warmińsko-Mazurskien voivodikunnissa elävillä ihmisillä, jotka ovat työikäisiä ja joilla on suurempi riski
label / sllabel / sl
Projekt za povečanje odkrivanja in preprečevanja revmatoidnega artritisa pri ljudeh, ki živijo v Pomorjanskih, Zachodniopomorskie in Warmia-Mazury vojvodstev, ki so delovno sposobni in spadajo v visoko rizično skupino
Projekt za povečanje odkrivanja in preprečevanja revmatoidnega artritisa pri ljudeh, ki živijo v Pomorjanskih, Zachodniopomorskie in Warmińsko-Mazurskie vojvodstvih, ki so delovno sposobni in so izpostavljeni večjemu tveganju
label / cslabel / cs
Projekt na zvýšení detekce a prevence revmatoidní artritidy u lidí žijících v Pomeranian, Zachodniopomorskie a Warmia-Mazury vojvodství, kteří jsou v produktivním věku a spadají do vysoce rizikové skupiny
Projekt na zvýšení detekce a prevence revmatoidní artritidy u lidí žijících v Pomorském, Zachodniopomorském a Warmińsko-Mazurském voivodství, kteří jsou v produktivním věku a jsou vystaveni vyššímu riziku
label / ltlabel / lt
Projektas, skirtas padidinti reumatoidinio artrito aptikimą ir prevenciją Pomeranijos, Zachodniopomorskie ir Warmia-Mazury vaivadijose, kurie yra darbingo amžiaus ir patenka į didelės rizikos grupę
Projektas, kuriuo siekiama pagerinti reumatoidinio artrito nustatymą ir prevenciją Pamario, Zachodniopomorskie ir Warmińsko-Mazurskie vaivadijose gyvenantiems žmonėms, kurie yra darbingo amžiaus ir kuriems kyla didesnė rizika
label / lvlabel / lv
Projekts, kura mērķis ir palielināt reimatoīdā artrīta atklāšanu un profilaksi Pomerānijas, Zachodniopomorskie un Warmia-Mazury vojevodistē dzīvojošiem cilvēkiem, kuri ir darbspējīgā vecumā un ietilpst augsta riska grupā
Projekts, lai palielinātu reimatoīdā artrīta atklāšanu un profilaksi Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie un Warmińsko-Mazurskie vojevodistē dzīvojošajiem cilvēkiem, kuri ir darbspējīgā vecumā un ir pakļauti lielākam riskam
label / bglabel / bg
Проект за увеличаване на откриването и предотвратяването на ревматоиден артрит при хора, живеещи в Померан, Заходниопоморско и Вармия-Мазурски воеводства, които са в трудоспособна възраст и попадат във високорискова група
Проект за повишаване на откриването и превенцията на ревматоиден артрит при хора, живеещи в Поморското, Захардниопоморското и Варминско-Мазурското воеводство, които са в трудоспособна възраст и са изложени на по-висок риск
label / hulabel / hu
Projekt a reumatoid artritisz észlelésének és megelőzésének fokozására Pomeránia, Zachodniopomorskie és Warmia-Mazury vajdaság lakosaiban, akik munkaképes korúak és magas kockázati csoportba esnek
Projekt a reumatoid artritisz kimutatásának és megelőzésének fokozására a Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie és Warmińsko-Mazurskie vajdaságban élő emberek körében, akik munkaképes korúak és nagyobb kockázatnak vannak kitéve
label / galabel / ga
Tionscadal chun méadú a dhéanamh ar airtríteas réamatóideach a bhrath agus a chosc i ndaoine atá ina gcónaí i Pomeranian, Zachodniopomorskie agus voivodships Warmia-Mazury, atá in aois oibre agus a thagann isteach i ngrúpa ardriosca
Tionscadal chun brath agus cosc airtríteas réamatóideach a mhéadú i ndaoine atá ina gcónaí sa Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie agus Warmińsko-Mazurskie, atá in aois oibre agus atá i mbaol níos mó
label / svlabel / sv
Projekt för att öka upptäckten och förebyggandet av reumatoid artrit hos personer som bor i Pomeranian, Zachodniopomorskie och Warmia-Mazury voivodships, som är i arbetsför ålder och faller i en högriskgrupp
Projekt för att öka detektion och förebyggande av reumatoid artrit hos personer som bor i Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie och Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodships, som är i arbetsför ålder och löper högre risk
label / etlabel / et
Projekt reumatoidartriidi avastamiseks ja ennetamiseks Pommeri, Zachodniopomorskie ja Warmia-Mazury vojevoodkondades elavatel inimestel, kes on tööealised ja kuuluvad kõrge riskirühma
Projekt reumatoidartriidi avastamise ja ennetamise suurendamiseks Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie ja Warmińsko-Mazurskie vojevoodkonnas, kes on tööealised ja suuremas ohus
Property / summaryProperty / summary
La mise en œuvre du projet vise à résoudre dans une certaine mesure le problème de la détection tardive de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde chez les personnes en âge de travailler. Ce problème est dû, entre autres, à un manque de connaissances élémentaires de la maladie, à une longue période pour décider de consulter un médecin de famille, à un long temps d’attente pour une visite chez un rhumatologue et à un diagnostic final. Compte tenu de ce qui précède, le projet suppose: — organisation de cinq formations d’une journée complète combinées à des ateliers pratiques, pour un total de 140 médecins POZ dans le domaine, entre autres, du diagnostic et du traitement de la RA, des informations de base sur les maladies rhumatismales, la pathogenèse, l’épidémiologie et le tableau clinique, la RA de vieillesse et les comorbidités, — mise en œuvre de services médicaux dans le cadre du Programme national de prévention primaire et de détection précoce de l’inflammation rhumatoïde sous la forme de deux visites chez un médecin POZ, au cours de laquelle la présélection sera effectuée et les patients sélectionnés seront dirigés vers un rhumatologue, une première visite au rhumatologue PCR, au cours de laquelle le diagnostic sera vérifié et l’éventuel renvoi à un examen de diagnostic complémentaire et une deuxième visite au rhumatologue, où le diagnostic final sera effectué, — la création et le fonctionnement d’une plate-forme de coopération entre les médecins POZ, les chefs de projet et d’autres parties prenantes potentielles, entre autres, pour lutter contre le phénomène de fragmentation des soins aux patients, — l’achat de matériel médical permettant la fourniture de services de santé dans le cadre de la prévention secondaire, — la réalisation d’une action d’information sur le programme de prévention primaire et la détection précoce de la RA, — la préparation d’une étude résumant les travaux. Grâce à la mise en œuvre du projet, il sera possible de prévenir la maladie en la détectant rapidement et en réduisant ses effets négatifs sur la santé et l’économie grâce à un processus de traitement précédemment mis en œuvre. (French)
Le projet vise à résoudre dans une certaine mesure le problème de la détection tardive de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde chez les personnes en âge de travailler. Ce problème est dû, entre autres, à un manque de connaissances élémentaires sur la maladie, à un long moment pour décider d’une visite chez un médecin de famille, à un long délai d’attente pour une visite chez un rhumatologue et à un diagnostic final. Par conséquent, le projet suppose: — organisation de cinq formations d’une journée complète, combinées à des ateliers pratiques, pour un total de 140 médecins POZ dans le domaine, entre autres, du diagnostic et du traitement de la PR, des informations de base sur les maladies rhumatismales, la pathogenèse, l’épidémiologie et l’image clinique, la PR âgée et les maladies coexistantes, — la mise en place de services médicaux dans le cadre du Programme national de prévention préventive et de détection précoce de l’inflammation rhumatoïde d’étangs sous la forme de deux visites chez un médecin OZ, au cours de laquelle la présélection sera effectuée et les patients sélectionnés seront dirigés vers un rhumatologue, une visite préliminaire à un rhumatologue PCR, au cours de laquelle le diagnostic sera vérifié et une éventuelle saisine pour un examen diagnostique ultérieur et une deuxième visite au rhumatologue, où le diagnostic final sera effectué, — création et fonctionnement d’une plateforme de coopération pour les médecins de POZ, les chefs de projet et d’autres parties prenantes potentielles, entre autres afin de contrer le phénomène de fragmentation des soins aux patients, — l’achat d’équipements médicaux permettant la mise en œuvre des services de santé dans le cadre de la prévention secondaire, — mener une campagne d’information sur la prévention primaire et la détection précoce de la PR, — la préparation d’une analyse sommaire des travaux. Grâce à la mise en œuvre du projet, il sera possible de prévenir la maladie par sa détection précoce et de réduire ses effets négatifs sur la santé et l’économie grâce à un processus de traitement précédemment mis en œuvre. (French)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Die Umsetzung des Projekts zielt darauf ab, das Problem der späten Erkennung von rheumatoider Arthritis bei Menschen im erwerbsfähigen Alter bis zu einem gewissen Grad zu lösen. Dieses Problem ist unter anderem auf den Mangel an elementaren Kenntnissen der Krankheit, eine lange Zeit, um einen Familienarzt zu besuchen, eine lange Wartezeit für einen Besuch eines Rheumatologen und eine abschließende Diagnose. In Anbetracht der vorstehenden Ausführungen geht das Projekt davon aus: — Organisation von fünf ganztägigen Schulungen in Verbindung mit praktischen Workshops für insgesamt 140 POZ-Ärzte im Bereich Diagnose und Behandlung von RA, grundlegende Informationen zu rheumatischen Erkrankungen, Pathogenese, Epidemiologie und klinischem Bild, RA und Komorbiditäten im Alter, – Durchführung medizinischer Dienste im Rahmen des Nationalen Programms zur Verhütung der Primärprävention und Früherkennung von Rheumatoid-Inflammation in Form von zwei Besuchen bei einem POZ-Ärzten; bei der Vorauswahl durchgeführt und ausgewählte Patienten an einen Rheumatologen verwiesen werden, einen ersten Besuch beim PCR-Rheumatologen, bei dem die Diagnose überprüft wird und die mögliche Weiterleitung auf die weitere diagnostische Untersuchung und ein zweiter Besuch beim Rheumatologen, wo die endgültige Diagnose gestellt wird, – die Schaffung und Durchführung einer Plattform für die Zusammenarbeit zwischen POZ-Ärzten, Projektmanagern und anderen potenziellen Interessenträgern; unter anderem dem Phänomen der Fragmentierung der Patientenversorgung entgegenzuwirken, – Kauf von medizinischen Geräten, die die Erbringung von Gesundheitsdienstleistungen im Rahmen der Sekundärprävention ermöglichen, – Durchführung einer Informationsmaßnahme zum Primärpräventionsprogramm und Früherkennung von RA – Vorbereitung einer Studie, in der die Arbeit zusammengefasst wird. Dank der Umsetzung des Projekts wird es möglich sein, die Krankheit zu verhindern, indem sie frühzeitig erkannt und ihre negativen gesundheitlichen und wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen durch einen zuvor durchgeführten Behandlungsprozess verringert wird. (German)
Das Projekt soll bis zu einem gewissen Grad das Problem der Späterkennung von rheumatoider Arthritis bei Menschen im erwerbsfähigen Alter lösen. Dieses Problem ist unter anderem auf einen Mangel an elementarem Wissen über die Krankheit, eine lange Zeit, um sich für einen Besuch bei einem Hausarzt zu entscheiden, eine lange Wartezeit für einen Besuch bei einem Rheumatologen und eine abschließende Diagnose. Daher geht das Projekt davon aus: — Organisation von fünf ganztägigen Schulungen in Verbindung mit praktischen Workshops für insgesamt 140 POZ-Ärzte auf dem Gebiet u. a. der Diagnose und Behandlung von RA, grundlegende Informationen zu rheumatischen Erkrankungen, Pathogenese, Epidemiologie und klinischem Bild, älteren RA und koexistierenden Krankheiten, – Durchführung medizinischer Dienstleistungen im Rahmen des Nationalen Programms zur Prävention und Früherkennung von Rheumatoid-Entzündungen von Teichen in Form von zwei Besuchen bei einem Arzt der OZ, während der Vorauswahl und ausgewählten Patienten wird ein Rheumatologe, ein Vorbesuch bei einem PCR-Rheumatologen, bei dem die Diagnose überprüft und mögliche Überweisungen für weitere diagnostische Untersuchungen und ein zweiter Besuch beim Rheumatologen durchgeführt werden, – Schaffung und Betrieb einer Kooperationsplattform für POZ-Ärzte, Projektmanager und andere potenzielle Interessengruppen, unter anderem, um dem Phänomen der Fragmentierung der Patientenversorgung entgegenzuwirken, – Anschaffung von medizinischen Geräten, die die Durchführung von Gesundheitsdienstleistungen als Teil der Sekundärprävention ermöglichen, – Durchführung einer Informationskampagne über die Primärprävention und Früherkennung von RA, – Vorbereitung einer Zusammenfassung der Arbeit. Dank der Umsetzung des Projekts wird es möglich sein, die Krankheit durch ihre Früherkennung zu verhindern und ihre negativen gesundheitlichen und wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen durch einen zuvor implementierten Behandlungsprozess zu reduzieren. (German)
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De uitvoering van het project heeft tot doel het probleem van de late detectie van reumatoïde artritis bij mensen in de werkende leeftijd tot op zekere hoogte op te lossen. Dit probleem is onder andere te wijten aan een gebrek aan elementaire kennis van de ziekte, een lange tijd om te beslissen om een huisarts te bezoeken, een lange wachttijd voor een bezoek aan een reumatoloog en een definitieve diagnose. Gezien het bovenstaande gaat het project uit van: organisatie van vijf volledige opleidingen in combinatie met praktische workshops, voor in totaal 140 POZ-artsen op het gebied van, onder meer, diagnose en behandeling van RA, basisinformatie over reumatische ziekten, pathogenese, epidemiologie en klinisch beeld, ouderdoms- en comorbiditeiten, — uitvoering van medische diensten in het kader van het nationaal programma voor de preventie van primaire preventie en vroegtijdige opsporing van reumatoïde ontsteking in de vorm van twee bezoeken aan een POZ-arts; tijdens welke preselectie wordt uitgevoerd en geselecteerde patiënten worden doorverwezen naar een reumatoloog, een eerste bezoek aan de PCR-reumatoloog, tijdens welke de diagnose zal worden gecontroleerd en de mogelijke verwijzing naar verder diagnostisch onderzoek en een tweede bezoek aan de reumatoloog, waar de uiteindelijke diagnose zal worden gesteld, — de oprichting en het beheer van een platform voor samenwerking tussen POZ-artsen, projectmanagers en andere potentiële belanghebbenden; onder meer om het verschijnsel van fragmentatie van de patiëntenzorg tegen te gaan, — de aankoop van medische apparatuur die de verstrekking van gezondheidsdiensten in het kader van secundaire preventie mogelijk maakt, — het uitvoeren van een voorlichtingsactie over het primaire preventieprogramma en vroegtijdige opsporing van risico’s, — voorbereiding van een studie waarin het werk wordt samengevat. Dankzij de uitvoering van het project zal het mogelijk zijn om de ziekte te voorkomen door de ziekte vroegtijdig op te sporen en de negatieve gezondheids- en economische effecten ervan te verminderen door middel van een eerder geïmplementeerd behandelingsproces. (Dutch)
Het project is ontworpen om tot op zekere hoogte het probleem van late detectie van reumatoïde artritis bij mensen in de werkende leeftijd op te lossen. Dit probleem is onder meer te wijten aan een gebrek aan elementaire kennis over de ziekte, een lange tijd om te beslissen over een bezoek aan een huisarts, een lange wachttijd voor een bezoek aan een reumatoloog en een definitieve diagnose. Daarom gaat het project uit van: — organisatie van vijf voldaagse opleidingen in combinatie met praktische workshops, voor in totaal 140 POZ-artsen op het gebied van onder meer diagnose en behandeling van RA, basisinformatie over reumatische ziekten, pathogenese, epidemiologie en klinisch beeld, oudere RA en naast elkaar bestaande ziekten, — uitvoering van medische diensten in het kader van het nationaal programma voor preventie en vroegtijdige detectie van reumatoïde ontsteking van vijvers in de vorm van twee bezoeken aan een arts van OZ, tijdens welke voorselectie zal worden gemaakt en geselecteerde patiënten zullen worden doorverwezen naar een reumatoloog, een voorafgaand bezoek aan een reumatoloog van PCR, waarbij de diagnose zal worden geverifieerd en eventueel zal worden verwezen voor verder diagnostisch onderzoek en een tweede bezoek aan de reumatoloog, waar de definitieve diagnose zal worden gesteld, — oprichting en exploitatie van een samenwerkingsplatform voor POZ-artsen, projectmanagers en andere potentiële belanghebbenden, onder andere om het fenomeen van fragmentatie van de patiëntenzorg tegen te gaan, — aankoop van medische apparatuur waarmee gezondheidsdiensten kunnen worden uitgevoerd als onderdeel van secundaire preventie, — een voorlichtingscampagne voeren over de primaire preventie en vroegtijdige opsporing van RA, — voorbereiding van een samenvatting van de werkzaamheden. Dankzij de uitvoering van het project zal het mogelijk zijn om de ziekte vroegtijdig op te sporen en de negatieve gezondheids- en economische effecten ervan te verminderen door middel van een eerder geïmplementeerd behandelingsproces. (Dutch)
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L'attuazione del progetto mira a risolvere in una certa misura il problema dell'individuazione tardiva dell'artrite reumatoide nelle persone in età lavorativa. Questo problema è dovuto, tra l'altro, alla mancanza di conoscenze elementari della malattia, molto tempo per decidere di visitare un medico di famiglia, un lungo tempo di attesa per una visita a un reumatologo e una diagnosi finale. Alla luce di quanto precede, il progetto presuppone: — organizzazione di cinque corsi di formazione di una giornata intera, combinati con workshop pratici, per un totale di 140 medici POZ nel campo, tra l'altro, della diagnosi e del trattamento dell'AR, informazioni di base sulle malattie reumatiche, patogenesi, epidemiologia e quadro clinico, RA di vecchiaia e co-morbilità, — attuazione di servizi medici nell'ambito del programma nazionale per la prevenzione della prevenzione primaria e individuazione precoce dell'infiammazione reumatoide sotto forma di due visite presso un medico POZ, durante la quale sarà effettuata la preselezione e i pazienti selezionati saranno deferiti a un reumatologo, una prima visita al reumatologo PCR, durante la quale sarà verificata la diagnosi e l'eventuale rinvio a un ulteriore esame diagnostico e una seconda visita al reumatologo, dove sarà effettuata la diagnosi finale, — la creazione e la gestione di una piattaforma di cooperazione tra medici POZ, project manager e altri potenziali soggetti interessati, tra l'altro per contrastare il fenomeno della frammentazione dell'assistenza al paziente, — l'acquisto di attrezzature mediche che consentano la fornitura di servizi sanitari nell'ambito della prevenzione secondaria, — l'esecuzione di un'azione informativa sul programma di prevenzione primaria e l'individuazione precoce di RA, — preparazione di uno studio sommario del lavoro. Grazie all'attuazione del progetto, sarà possibile prevenire la malattia rilevandola precocemente e riducendone gli effetti negativi sulla salute e sull'economia attraverso un processo di trattamento precedentemente implementato. (Italian)
Il progetto è stato progettato per risolvere in una certa misura il problema della diagnosi tardiva dell'artrite reumatoide nelle persone in età lavorativa. Questo problema è dovuto, tra l'altro, alla mancanza di conoscenze elementari sulla malattia, a lungo per decidere una visita da un medico di famiglia, un lungo tempo di attesa per una visita da un reumatologo e una diagnosi finale. Pertanto, il progetto presuppone: — organizzazione di cinque corsi di formazione interi combinati con workshop pratici, per un totale di 140 medici POZ nel campo, tra l'altro, della diagnosi e del trattamento dell'AR, informazioni di base su malattie reumatiche, patogenesi, epidemiologia e immagine clinica, RA anziani e malattie coesistenti, — implementazione di servizi medici nell'ambito del programma nazionale per la prevenzione preventiva e l'individuazione precoce dell'infiammazione reumatoide degli stagni sotto forma di due visite a un medico OZ, durante la quale verrà effettuata la preselezione e i pazienti selezionati saranno indirizzati a un reumatologo, una visita preliminare a un reumatologo PCR, durante la quale verrà verificata la diagnosi e possibile rinvio per un ulteriore esame diagnostico e una seconda visita al reumatologo, dove verrà effettuata la diagnosi finale, — creazione e funzionamento di una piattaforma di cooperazione per medici POZ, project manager e altri potenziali stakeholder, tra gli altri al fine di contrastare il fenomeno della frammentazione della cura del paziente, — acquisto di attrezzature mediche che consentano l'implementazione di servizi sanitari nell'ambito della prevenzione secondaria, — condurre una campagna informativa sulla prevenzione primaria e il rilevamento precoce della RA, — preparazione di un'analisi sintetica del lavoro. Grazie all'attuazione del progetto, sarà possibile prevenire la malattia attraverso la sua diagnosi precoce e ridurre i suoi effetti negativi sulla salute e sull'economia attraverso un processo di trattamento precedentemente implementato. (Italian)
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La ejecución del proyecto tiene por objeto resolver en cierta medida el problema de la detección tardía de la artritis reumatoide en personas en edad de trabajar. Este problema se debe, entre otras cosas, a la falta de conocimiento elemental de la enfermedad, a un largo tiempo para decidir visitar a un médico de familia, a un largo tiempo de espera para una visita a un reumatólogo y a un diagnóstico final. En vista de lo anterior, el proyecto asume: — organización de cinco cursos de jornada completa combinados con talleres prácticos, para un total de 140 médicos de POZ en el campo, entre otros, de diagnóstico y tratamiento de RA, información básica sobre enfermedades reumáticas, patogénesis, epidemiología y cuadro clínico, AR de vejez y comorbilidades, — implementación de servicios médicos en el marco del Programa Nacional para la Prevención Primaria y Detección Temprana de Inflamación Reumatoide en forma de dos visitas a un médico de POZ. durante la cual se realizará la preselección y se remitirá a pacientes seleccionados a un reumatólogo, una visita inicial al reumatólogo, durante la cual se verificará el diagnóstico y la posible remisión a un examen diagnóstico posterior y una segunda visita al reumatólogo, donde se realizará el diagnóstico final, — la creación y funcionamiento de una plataforma de cooperación entre médicos de POZ, gestores de proyectos y otras partes interesadas potenciales, entre otros, para contrarrestar el fenómeno de fragmentación de la atención al paciente, — adquisición de equipos médicos que permitan la prestación de servicios de salud como parte de la prevención secundaria, — realización de una acción informativa sobre el programa de prevención primaria y detección precoz de la RA, — preparación de un estudio resumiendo el trabajo. Gracias a la implementación del proyecto, será posible prevenir la enfermedad detectándola tempranamente y reduciendo sus efectos negativos en la salud y económicos a través de un proceso de tratamiento previamente implementado. (Spanish)
El proyecto está diseñado para resolver hasta cierto punto el problema de la detección tardía de la artritis reumatoide en personas en edad de trabajar. Este problema se debe, entre otros, a la falta de conocimientos elementales sobre la enfermedad, mucho tiempo para decidir sobre una visita a un médico de familia, un largo tiempo de espera para una visita a un reumatólogo, y un diagnóstico final. Por lo tanto, el Proyecto asume: — organización de cinco cursos de formación de jornada completa, combinados con talleres prácticos, para un total de 140 médicos POZ en el campo, entre otras cosas, del diagnóstico y tratamiento de la AR, información básica sobre enfermedades reumáticas, patogénesis, epidemiología e imagen clínica, AR de edad avanzada y enfermedades coexistentes, — ejecución de servicios médicos en el marco del Programa Nacional de Prevención Preventiva e Detección Temprana de Inflamación Reumatoide de estanques en forma de dos visitas a un médico de OZ, durante la cual se realizará la preselección y los pacientes seleccionados serán remitidos a un reumatólogo, una visita preliminar a un reumatólogo de la PCR, durante la cual se verificará el diagnóstico y la posible derivación para un examen diagnóstico adicional y una segunda visita al reumatólogo, donde se realizará el diagnóstico final, — creación y operación de una plataforma de cooperación para médicos de POZ, gerentes de proyectos y otros interesados potenciales, entre otros, con el fin de contrarrestar el fenómeno de fragmentación de la atención al paciente, — compra de equipos médicos que permitan la implementación de servicios de salud como parte de la prevención secundaria, — llevar a cabo una campaña de información sobre la prevención primaria y la detección temprana de la AR, preparación de un resumen del trabajo. Gracias a la implementación del proyecto, será posible prevenir la enfermedad mediante su detección precoz y reducir sus efectos negativos en la salud y económicos a través de un proceso de tratamiento previamente implementado. (Spanish)
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Projektet har til formål i et vist omfang at løse problemet med sen påvisning af leddegigt hos personer i den arbejdsdygtige alder. Dette problem skyldes manglen på elementær viden om sygdommen, lang tid til at træffe beslutninger om et besøg hos en praktiserende læge, en lang ventetid for at besøge en reumatolog og en endelig diagnose. Derfor forudsætter projektet: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Danish)
Projektet er designet til at løse til en vis grad problemet med sen påvisning af reumatoid arthritis hos mennesker i den arbejdsdygtige alder. Dette problem skyldes blandt andet mangel på elementær viden om sygdommen, lang tid til at beslutte et besøg hos en familielæge, en lang ventetid på et besøg hos en reumatolog og en endelig diagnose. Derfor forudsætter projektet: tilrettelæggelse af fem heldagskurser kombineret med praktiske workshops for i alt 140 POZ-læger inden for bl.a. diagnosticering og behandling af RA, grundlæggende oplysninger om reumatiske sygdomme, patogenese, epidemiologi og klinisk image, ældre RA og samtidig eksisterende sygdomme — gennemførelse af lægelige tjenester inden for rammerne af det nationale program for forebyggelse og tidlig påvisning af Rheumatoid Inflammation of Ponds i form af to besøg hos en OZ-læge under hvilken forhåndsudvælgelse vil blive foretaget og udvalgte patienter vil blive henvist til en reumatolog, et indledende besøg hos en PCR reumatolog, hvor diagnosen vil blive verificeret og mulig henvisning til yderligere diagnostisk undersøgelse og et andet besøg hos reumatologen, hvor den endelige diagnose vil blive foretaget, — oprettelse og drift af en samarbejdsplatform for POZ læger, projektledere og andre potentielle interessenter, bl.a. for at modvirke fænomenet fragmentering af patientpleje, — indkøb af medicinsk udstyr, der gør det muligt at gennemføre sundhedsydelser som led i sekundær forebyggelse, — gennemføre en informationskampagne om primær forebyggelse og tidlig påvisning af RA, — udarbejdelse af en sammenfattende analyse af arbejdet. Takket være gennemførelsen af projektet vil det være muligt at forebygge sygdommen ved tidlig påvisning og reducere dens negative sundhedsmæssige og økonomiske virkninger gennem en tidligere gennemført behandlingsproces. (Danish)
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Το έργο έχει σχεδιαστεί για να λύσει σε κάποιο βαθμό το πρόβλημα της καθυστερημένης ανίχνευσης ρευματοειδούς αρθρίτιδας σε άτομα σε ηλικία εργασίας. Αυτό το πρόβλημα οφείλεται στην έλλειψη στοιχειωδών γνώσεων σχετικά με την ασθένεια, πολύ καιρό για να πάρετε αποφάσεις σχετικά με μια επίσκεψη σε έναν ιατρό, μεγάλο χρόνο αναμονής για να επισκεφθείτε έναν ρευματολόγο και μια τελική διάγνωση. Ως εκ τούτου, το έργο προϋποθέτει: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Greek)
Το έργο έχει σχεδιαστεί για να λύσει σε κάποιο βαθμό το πρόβλημα της καθυστερημένης ανίχνευσης της ρευματοειδούς αρθρίτιδας σε άτομα σε ηλικία εργασίας. Το πρόβλημα αυτό οφείλεται, μεταξύ άλλων, στην έλλειψη στοιχειωδών γνώσεων σχετικά με την ασθένεια, σε μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα για να αποφασιστεί η επίσκεψη σε οικογενειακό γιατρό, σε μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα αναμονής για επίσκεψη σε ρευματολόγο και σε τελική διάγνωση. Ως εκ τούτου, το έργο προϋποθέτει: — διοργάνωση πέντε ολοήμερων εκπαιδεύσεων σε συνδυασμό με πρακτικά εργαστήρια, για συνολικά 140 ιατρούς POZ στον τομέα, μεταξύ άλλων, της διάγνωσης και θεραπείας της ΡΑ, βασικές πληροφορίες για τις ρευματικές παθήσεις, την παθογένεση, την επιδημιολογία και την κλινική εικόνα, τους ηλικιωμένους και τις συνυπάρχουσες ασθένειες, — εφαρμογή ιατρικών υπηρεσιών στο πλαίσιο του Εθνικού Προγράμματος Προληπτικής Πρόληψης και Πρόωρης Ανίχνευσης Ρευματοειδούς Φλεγμονής των λιμνών υπό τη μορφή δύο επισκέψεων σε ιατρό της ΟΖ, κατά τη διάρκεια της οποίας θα γίνει προεπιλογή και επιλεγμένοι ασθενείς θα παραπεμφθεί σε ρευματολόγο, προκαταρκτική επίσκεψη σε ρευματολόγο PCR, κατά τη διάρκεια της οποίας θα επαληθευτεί η διάγνωση και πιθανή παραπομπή για περαιτέρω διαγνωστική εξέταση και δεύτερη επίσκεψη στον ρευματολόγο, όπου θα γίνει η τελική διάγνωση, — δημιουργία και λειτουργία πλατφόρμας συνεργασίας για ιατρούς POZ, διαχειριστές έργου και άλλους πιθανούς ενδιαφερόμενους φορείς, μεταξύ άλλων, προκειμένου να αντιμετωπιστεί το φαινόμενο του κατακερματισμού της περίθαλψης ασθενών, — αγορά ιατρικού εξοπλισμού που επιτρέπει την εφαρμογή υπηρεσιών υγείας στο πλαίσιο της δευτερογενούς πρόληψης, — διεξαγωγή ενημερωτικής εκστρατείας σχετικά με την πρωτογενή πρόληψη και τον έγκαιρο εντοπισμό της RA, — προετοιμασία συνοπτικής ανάλυσης των εργασιών. Χάρη στην υλοποίηση του έργου, θα είναι δυνατή η πρόληψη της νόσου με την έγκαιρη ανίχνευσή της και η μείωση των αρνητικών επιπτώσεων στην υγεία και την οικονομία μέσω μιας διαδικασίας θεραπείας που είχε εφαρμοστεί προηγουμένως. (Greek)
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Projekt je osmišljen kako bi se u određenoj mjeri riješio problem kasnog otkrivanja reumatoidnog artritisa u radno sposobnih osoba. Ovaj problem je zbog nedostatka elementarnog znanja o bolesti, dugo vremena za donošenje odluka o posjetu liječniku opće prakse, dugo vrijeme čekanja za posjet reumatologu i konačnu dijagnozu. Stoga se u okviru projekta pretpostavlja: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Croatian)
Projekt je osmišljen kako bi se u određenoj mjeri riješio problem kasnog otkrivanja reumatoidnog artritisa kod radno sposobnih osoba. Ovaj problem je, među ostalim, zbog nedostatka elementarnog znanja o bolesti, dugo vremena za odlučivanje o posjetu obiteljskom liječniku, dugog čekanja na posjet reumatologu i konačnoj dijagnozi. Prema tome, projekt pretpostavlja: — organizacija pet cjelodnevnih treninga u kombinaciji s praktičnim radionicama, za ukupno 140 POZ liječnika iz područja, među ostalim, dijagnoze i liječenja RA, osnovnih informacija o reumatskim bolestima, patogenezi, epidemiologiji i kliničkoj slici, starijem RA-u i kopostojećim bolestima, – implementaciji medicinskih usluga u okviru Nacionalnog programa prevencije i ranog otkrivanja reumatoidne upale ribnjaka u obliku dva posjeta liječniku OZ-a, tijekom kojeg će se napraviti predodabir i odabrani pacijenti uputiti reumatologu, preliminarni posjet PCR reumatologu, tijekom kojeg će se provjeriti dijagnoza i moguća uputnica za daljnje dijagnostičko ispitivanje i drugi posjet reumatologu, gdje će se napraviti konačna dijagnoza, – stvaranje i rad platforme za suradnju za POZ liječnike, voditelje projekata i druge potencijalne dionike, među ostalim kako bi se suzbila pojava fragmentacije skrbi o pacijentima, – kupnja medicinske opreme koja omogućuje provedbu zdravstvenih usluga u okviru sekundarne prevencije, – provođenje informativne kampanje o primarnoj prevenciji i ranom otkrivanju RA, – priprema sažete analize rada. Zahvaljujući provedbi projekta, bit će moguće spriječiti bolest njezinim ranim otkrivanjem i smanjiti njezine negativne zdravstvene i ekonomske učinke kroz prethodno proveden proces liječenja. (Croatian)
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Proiectul este conceput pentru a rezolva într-o anumită măsură problema detectării tardive a artritei reumatoide la persoanele de vârstă activă. Această problemă se datorează lipsei de cunoștințe elementare despre boală, o lungă perioadă de timp pentru a lua decizii cu privire la o vizită la un medic generalist, o lungă perioadă de așteptare pentru a vizita un reumatolog și un diagnostic final. Prin urmare, proiectul presupune: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Romanian)
Proiectul este conceput pentru a rezolva într-o anumită măsură problema detectării tardive a artritei reumatoide la persoanele de vârstă activă. Această problemă se datorează, printre altele, lipsei de cunoștințe elementare despre boală, o lungă perioadă de timp pentru a decide cu privire la o vizită la un medic de familie, o lungă perioadă de așteptare pentru o vizită la un reumatolog și un diagnostic final. Prin urmare, proiectul presupune: organizarea a cinci cursuri de formare de o zi, combinate cu ateliere practice, pentru un total de 140 de medici POZ în domeniul, printre altele, al diagnosticării și tratării RA, al informațiilor de bază privind bolile reumatice, patogeneza, epidemiologia și imaginea clinică, RA în vârstă și bolile coexistente, – punerea în aplicare a serviciilor medicale în cadrul Programului național de prevenire și detectare timpurie a inflamației reumatoide a iazurilor sub forma a două vizite la un medic OZ; în cursul căreia se va efectua preselecția, iar pacienții selectați vor fi deferiți unui reumatolog, o vizită preliminară la un reumatolog PCR, în cadrul căreia diagnosticul va fi verificat și posibila sesizare pentru examinarea ulterioară a diagnosticului și o a doua vizită la reumatolog, unde se va face diagnosticul final, – crearea și funcționarea unei platforme de cooperare pentru medicii POZ, managerii de proiect și alte părți interesate potențiale, printre altele pentru a contracara fenomenul de fragmentare a îngrijirii pacienților, – achiziționarea de echipamente medicale care să permită implementarea serviciilor de sănătate în cadrul prevenției secundare, – desfășurarea unei campanii de informare cu privire la prevenirea primară și depistarea precoce a RA, – pregătirea unei analize sumare a lucrărilor. Datorită implementării proiectului, va fi posibilă prevenirea bolii prin depistarea timpurie a acesteia și reducerea efectelor sale negative asupra sănătății și economiei printr-un proces de tratament implementat anterior. (Romanian)
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Cieľom projektu je do určitej miery vyriešiť problém neskorej detekcie reumatoidnej artritídy u ľudí v produktívnom veku. Tento problém je spôsobený nedostatkom základných vedomostí o chorobe, dlhou dobou rozhodovania o návšteve GP, dlhou čakacou dobou na návštevu reumatológa a záverečnou diagnózou. Projekt preto predpokladá: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Slovak)
Projekt je navrhnutý tak, aby do určitej miery vyriešil problém neskorej detekcie reumatoidnej artritídy u ľudí v produktívnom veku. Tento problém je spôsobený okrem iného nedostatkom základných vedomostí o chorobe, dlhom rozhodovaní o návšteve rodinného lekára, dlhou čakacou dobou na návštevu reumatológa a konečnou diagnózou. Projekt preto predpokladá: — organizovanie piatich celodenných školení v kombinácii s praktickými workshopmi pre celkovo 140 lekárov POZ v oblasti, okrem iného, diagnostiky a liečby RA, základných informácií o reumatických ochoreniach, patogenéze, epidemiológii a klinickom obraze, starších RA a koexistujúcich chorobách – vykonávanie lekárskych služieb v rámci národného programu preventívnej prevencie a včasného odhaľovania reumatoidného zápalu rybníkov formou dvoch návštev u lekára OZ, počas ktorého sa uskutoční predbežný výber a vybraní pacienti budú postúpení reumatológovi, predbežnú návštevu reumatológa PCR, počas ktorého bude diagnóza overená a možné odporúčanie na ďalšie diagnostické vyšetrenie a druhá návšteva reumatológa, kde bude vykonaná konečná diagnóza, – vytvorenie a prevádzka platformy spolupráce pre lekárov POZ, projektových manažérov a ďalších potenciálnych zainteresovaných strán, okrem iného s cieľom bojovať proti javu fragmentácie starostlivosti o pacientov, – nákup zdravotníckeho vybavenia umožňujúceho realizáciu zdravotníckych služieb v rámci sekundárnej prevencie, – viesť informačnú kampaň týkajúcu sa primárnej prevencie a včasného zistenia RA, – príprava súhrnnej analýzy práce. Vďaka realizácii projektu bude možné predchádzať tejto chorobe včasnou detekciou a znížiť jej negatívne zdravotné a ekonomické účinky prostredníctvom predtým implementovaného liečebného procesu. (Slovak)
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Il-proġett huwa mfassal biex sa ċertu punt tissolva l-problema tad-detezzjoni tardiva tal-artrite rewmatojde f’persuni fl-età tax-xogħol. Din il-problema hija dovuta għan-nuqqas ta ‘għarfien elementari dwar il-marda, żmien twil biex jagħmlu deċiżjonijiet dwar żjara lil GP, żmien twil stennija biex iżuru rewmatoloġista u dijanjosi finali. Għalhekk, il-Proġett jassumi: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Maltese)
Il-proġett huwa mfassal biex isolvi sa ċertu punt il-problema tad-detezzjoni tardiva tal-artrite rewmatojde f’persuni fl-età tax-xogħol. Din il-problema hija dovuta, fost l-oħrajn, għal nuqqas ta’ għarfien elementari dwar il-marda, żmien twil biex tittieħed deċiżjoni dwar żjara lil tabib tal-familja, żmien twil ta’ stennija għal żjara f’retomatologu, u dijanjożi finali. Għalhekk, il-Proġett jassumi: — l-organizzazzjoni ta’ ħames taħriġ ta’ ġurnata sħiħa flimkien ma’ workshops prattiċi, għal total ta’ 140 tabib tal-POZ fil-qasam ta’, inter alia, id-dijanjożi u t-trattament ta’ RA, informazzjoni bażika dwar mard rewmatiku, patoġenesi, epidemjoloġija u immaġni klinika, RA anzjani u mard koeżistenti, — implimentazzjoni ta’ servizzi mediċi fil-qafas tal-Programm Nazzjonali għall-Prevenzjoni Preventiva u l-Individwazzjoni Bikrija ta’ Ponds fil-forma ta’ żewġ żjarat lil tabib tal-OZ, li matulha ssir l-għażla minn qabel u l-pazjenti magħżula jiġu riferuti lil rewmatoloġista, żjara preliminari lil rewmatoloġista tal-PCR, li matulha d-dijanjożi tiġi vverifikata u referenza possibbli għal eżami dijanjostiku ulterjuri u t-tieni żjara lir-rewmatoloġista, fejn se ssir id-dijanjożi finali, — il-ħolqien u t-tħaddim ta’ pjattaforma ta’ kooperazzjoni għat-tobba tal-POZ, il-maniġers tal-proġetti u partijiet interessati potenzjali oħra, fost l-oħrajn sabiex jiġi miġġieled il-fenomenu tal-frammentazzjoni tal-kura tal-pazjenti, — ix-xiri ta’ tagħmir mediku li jippermetti l-implimentazzjoni ta’ servizzi tas-saħħa bħala parti mill-prevenzjoni sekondarja, — it-twettiq ta’ kampanja ta’ informazzjoni dwar il-prevenzjoni primarja u l-iskoperta bikrija tal-analiżi tar-RA, l-analiżi fil-qosor tal-analiżi tar-RA. Bis-saħħa tal-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett, se jkun possibbli li l-marda tiġi evitata permezz tas-sejba bikrija tagħha u jitnaqqsu l-effetti negattivi tagħha fuq is-saħħa u l-ekonomija permezz ta’ proċess ta’ trattament implimentat qabel. (Maltese)
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O projeto destina-se a resolver, em certa medida, o problema da deteção tardia da artrite reumatoide em pessoas em idade ativa. Esse problema se deve à falta de conhecimento elementar sobre a doença, há muito tempo para tomar decisões sobre uma visita a um GP, um longo tempo de espera para visitar um reumatologista e um diagnóstico final. Portanto, o Projeto assume: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Portuguese)
O projeto destina-se a resolver, em certa medida, o problema da deteção tardia da artrite reumatoide em pessoas em idade ativa. Esse problema se deve, entre outros, à falta de conhecimento elementar sobre a doença, a um longo tempo para decidir uma visita a um médico de família, a um longo tempo de espera para uma visita a um reumatologista e a um diagnóstico final. Portanto, o Projeto assume: — organização de cinco formações de dia inteiro, combinadas com workshops práticos, para um total de 140 médicos POZ no domínio, entre outros, do diagnóstico e tratamento da AR, informações básicas sobre doenças reumáticas, patogênese, epidemiologia e imagem clínica, AR idosa e doenças coexistentes, — execução de serviços médicos no âmbito do Programa Nacional de Prevenção Preventiva e Deteção Preventiva da Inflamação Reumatoide de Lagoas sob a forma de duas visitas a um médico OZ, durante o qual a pré-seleção será feita e os pacientes selecionados serão encaminhados para um reumatologista, uma visita preliminar a um reumatologista PCR, durante o qual o diagnóstico será verificado e possível encaminhamento para posterior exame diagnóstico e uma segunda visita ao reumatologista, onde será feito o diagnóstico final, — criação e operação de uma plataforma de cooperação para médicos POZ, gerentes de projeto e outros potenciais interessados, entre outros, a fim de contrariar o fenômeno da fragmentação da assistência ao paciente, — aquisição de equipamentos médicos que permitam a implementação de serviços de saúde como parte da prevenção secundária, — realização de uma campanha de informação sobre a prevenção primária e deteção precoce da AR, — preparação de uma análise sumária do trabalho. Graças à implementação do projeto, será possível prevenir a doença através da sua deteção precoce e reduzir os seus efeitos negativos na saúde e na economia através de um processo de tratamento previamente implementado. (Portuguese)
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Hankkeen tarkoituksena on ratkaista jossain määrin nivelreuman myöhäisen havaitsemisen ongelma työikäisillä. Tämä ongelma johtuu perustietämyksen puutteesta taudista, pitkästä aikaa tehdä päätöksiä GP: n vierailusta, pitkästä odotusajasta reumalääkärin vierailulle ja lopulliseen diagnoosiin. Näin ollen hankkeessa oletetaan seuraavaa: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Finnish)
Hanke on suunniteltu ratkaisemaan tietyssä määrin ongelma, joka liittyy nivelreuman myöhäiseen havaitsemiseen työikäisillä ihmisillä. Tämä ongelma johtuu muun muassa sairauden perustietojen puutteesta, pitkästä aikaa päättää vierailusta perhelääkäriin, pitkästä odotusajasta reumatologin vierailulle ja lopullisesta diagnoosista. Hankkeessa oletetaan näin ollen seuraavaa: — viiden kokopäiväisen koulutuksen järjestäminen yhdessä käytännön työpajojen kanssa yhteensä 140 POZ-lääkärille muun muassa nivelreuman diagnosoinnin ja hoidon alalla, perustiedot reumataudeista, patogeneesistä, epidemiologiasta ja kliinisestä imagosta, iäkkäiden nivelreumatautien ja samanaikaisten sairauksien iäkkäistä sairauksista – lääketieteellisten palvelujen toteuttaminen osana kansallista ohjelmaa, joka koskee reumatoiditulehdusten ehkäisyä ja varhaista havaitsemista Pondsin tulehduksen ehkäisyä ja varhaista havaitsemista koskevan kansallisen ohjelman puitteissa kahden vierailun muodossa OZ-lääkärille, jonka aikana esivalinta ja valitut potilaat ohjataan reumatologiin, alustavaan vierailuun PCR-reumatologiin, jonka aikana diagnoosi todennetaan ja mahdollinen lähete diagnostiseen lisätutkimukseen, ja toinen vierailu reumatologiin, jossa lopullinen diagnoosi tehdään, – POZ-lääkäreille, hankepäälliköille ja muille mahdollisille sidosryhmille tarkoitetun yhteistyöfoorumin perustaminen ja toiminta muun muassa potilaiden hoidon pirstoutumisilmiön torjumiseksi, – sellaisten lääkinnällisten laitteiden hankinta, jotka mahdollistavat terveyspalvelujen toteuttamisen osana sekundaarista ennaltaehkäisyä, – toteuttaa tiedotuskampanja ensivaiheen ennaltaehkäisystä ja varhaisesta havaitsemisesta, – työn yhteenvetoanalyysin laatiminen. Hankkeen toteutuksen ansiosta taudin varhainen havaitseminen on mahdollista ja sen kielteisiä terveys- ja taloudellisia vaikutuksia voidaan vähentää aiemmin toteutetulla hoitoprosessilla. (Finnish)
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Projekt je zasnovan tako, da do določene mere reši problem poznega odkrivanja revmatoidnega artritisa pri ljudeh v delovni dobi. Ta problem je posledica pomanjkanja osnovnega znanja o bolezni, dolgega časa za sprejemanje odločitev o obisku zdravnika, dolge čakalne dobe za obisk revmatologa in končne diagnoze. Zato projekt predvideva: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Slovenian)
Projekt je zasnovan tako, da do določene mere reši problem poznega odkrivanja revmatoidnega artritisa pri delovno sposobnih ljudeh. Ta problem je med drugim posledica pomanjkanja osnovnega znanja o bolezni, dolgega časa za odločitev o obisku družinskega zdravnika, dolge čakalne dobe za obisk revmatologa in končne diagnoze. Zato projekt predvideva: — organizacija petih celodnevnih usposabljanj v kombinaciji s praktičnimi delavnicami za skupno 140 zdravnikov POZ na področju, med drugim, diagnosticiranja in zdravljenja revmatoloških bolezni, osnovnih informacij o revmatskih boleznih, patogenezi, epidemiologiji in klinični podobi, starejših RA in soobstoječih boleznih, – izvajanje zdravstvenih storitev v okviru Nacionalnega programa za preventivno preprečevanje in zgodnje odkrivanje revmatoidnega vnetja ribnikov v obliki dveh obiskov pri zdravniku OZ, med predizborom in izbranimi pacienti se napotijo na revmatologa, predhodni obisk revmatologa PCR, med katerim bo diagnoza preverjena in možna napotitev na nadaljnji diagnostični pregled ter drugi obisk revmatologa, kjer bo postavljena končna diagnoza, – vzpostavitev in delovanje platforme za sodelovanje zdravnikov POZ, projektnih vodij in drugih potencialnih deležnikov, med drugim za preprečevanje pojava razdrobljenosti oskrbe pacientov, – nakup medicinske opreme, ki omogoča izvajanje zdravstvenih storitev v okviru sekundarne preventive, – izvedba informacijske kampanje o primarnem preprečevanju in zgodnjem odkrivanju RA, – priprava povzetka analize dela. Zahvaljujoč izvedbi projekta bo bolezen mogoče preprečiti z zgodnjim odkrivanjem in zmanjšati njene negativne zdravstvene in gospodarske učinke s predhodno izvedenim postopkom zdravljenja. (Slovenian)
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Projekt je navržen tak, aby do určité míry vyřešil problém pozdní detekce revmatoidní artritidy u lidí v produktivním věku. Tento problém je způsoben nedostatkem základních znalostí o nemoci, dlouhou dobou rozhodování o návštěvě praktického lékaře, dlouhou čekací dobou na návštěvu revmatologa a konečnou diagnózou. Projekt proto předpokládá: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Czech)
Projekt je navržen tak, aby do určité míry vyřešil problém pozdní detekce revmatoidní artritidy u lidí v produktivním věku. Tento problém je mimo jiné způsoben nedostatkem základních znalostí o nemoci, dlouhou dobou rozhodnout o návštěvě rodinného lékaře, dlouhou čekací dobou na návštěvu revmatologa a závěrečnou diagnózou. Projekt proto předpokládá: — uspořádání pěti celodenních školení v kombinaci s praktickými workshopy pro celkem 140 lékařů POZ v oblasti mimo jiné diagnostiky a léčby RA, základních informací o revmatických onemocněních, patogenezi, epidemiologii a klinickém obrazu, starších RA a souběžných onemocněních – provádění lékařských služeb v rámci Národního programu preventivní prevence a včasného odhalení revmatoidního zánětu ryb ve formě dvou návštěv lékaře OZ, během níž bude proveden předběžný výběr a vybraní pacienti budou postoupeni revmatologovi, předběžná návštěva revmatologa PCR, během níž bude diagnóza ověřena a případná postoupení k dalšímu diagnostickému vyšetření a druhá návštěva revmatologa, kde bude provedena konečná diagnóza, – vytvoření a provoz platformy spolupráce pro lékaře POZ, projektové manažery a další potenciální zúčastněné strany, mimo jiné s cílem čelit fenoménu fragmentace péče o pacienty, – nákup zdravotnického vybavení umožňujícího realizaci zdravotních služeb v rámci sekundární prevence, – vést informační kampaň týkající se primární prevence a včasné detekce RA, – příprava souhrnné analýzy práce. Díky realizaci projektu bude možné předcházet onemocnění včasným odhalením a snížit její negativní zdravotní a ekonomické dopady prostřednictvím dříve zavedeného léčebného procesu. (Czech)
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Projektas skirtas tam tikru mastu išspręsti vėlyvo reumatoidinio artrito aptikimo darbingo amžiaus žmonėms problemą. Ši problema yra dėl elementarių žinių apie ligą trūkumo, ilgą laiką priimti sprendimus dėl vizito į GP, ilgą laukimo laiką aplankyti reumatologą ir galutinę diagnozę. Todėl projekte daroma prielaida, kad: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Lithuanian)
Projektas skirtas tam tikru mastu išspręsti vėlyvo reumatoidinio artrito nustatymo problemą darbingo amžiaus žmonėms. Ši problema, be kita ko, yra dėl to, kad trūksta elementarių žinių apie ligą, ilgą laiką nuspręsti dėl vizito į šeimos gydytoją, ilgą laukimo laiką vizitui į reumatologą ir galutinę diagnozę. Todėl projektas numato: – surengti penkis visos dienos mokymus kartu su praktiniais praktiniais seminarais, kuriuose iš viso 140 POZ gydytojų, be kita ko, susijusių su RA diagnozavimu ir gydymu, pagrindine informacija apie reumatines ligas, patogenezę, epidemiologiją ir klinikinį įvaizdį, vyresnio amžiaus RA ir kartu egzistuojančiomis ligomis, – medicinos paslaugų teikimas pagal Nacionalinę reumatoidinio tvenkinių uždegimo prevencijos ir ankstyvo nustatymo programą, atliekant du vizitus pas OZ gydytoją, per kurią bus atliekama išankstinė atranka ir atrinkti pacientai bus nukreipti į reumatologą, preliminarų vizitą į PGR reumatologą, kurio metu bus patikrinta diagnozė ir galimas nukreipimas tolesniam diagnostiniam tyrimui, antrasis apsilankymas reumatologe, kur bus atlikta galutinė diagnozė, – POZ gydytojams, projektų vadovams ir kitiems potencialiems suinteresuotiesiems subjektams skirtos bendradarbiavimo platformos sukūrimas ir veikimas, be kita ko, siekiant kovoti su pacientų priežiūros susiskaidymo reiškiniu, – medicininės įrangos pirkimas, leidžiantis įgyvendinti sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas kaip antrinės prevencijos dalis, – vykdyti informavimo kampaniją apie pirminę prevenciją ir ankstyvą RA nustatymą, – apibendrintos darbo analizės parengimas. Įgyvendinus projektą bus galima užkirsti kelią ligai ankstyvu jos nustatymu ir sumažinti neigiamą jos poveikį sveikatai ir ekonomikai taikant anksčiau įdiegtą gydymo procesą. (Lithuanian)
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Projekts ir paredzēts, lai zināmā mērā atrisinātu problēmu, kas saistīta ar reimatoīdā artrīta novēlotu atklāšanu darbspējas vecuma cilvēkiem. Šī problēma ir saistīta ar elementāru zināšanu trūkumu par slimību, ilgu laiku, lai pieņemtu lēmumus par ģimenes ārsta apmeklējumu, ilgu gaidīšanas laiku, lai apmeklētu reimatologu un galīgo diagnozi. Tāpēc projektā tiek pieņemts, ka: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Latvian)
Projekts ir paredzēts, lai zināmā mērā atrisinātu problēmu, kas saistīta ar reimatoīdā artrīta novēlotu atklāšanu darbspējīgā vecuma cilvēkiem. Šī problēma cita starpā ir saistīta ar elementāru zināšanu trūkumu par slimību, ilgu laiku, lai izlemtu par ģimenes ārsta vizīti, ilgu gaidīšanas laiku reimatologa apmeklējumam un galīgo diagnozi. Tāpēc projektā tiek pieņemts, ka: — piecu pilnas dienas apmācību organizēšana kopā ar praktiskām darbnīcām 140 POZ ārstiem, kas cita starpā nodarbojas ar RA diagnostiku un ārstēšanu, pamatinformāciju par reimatiskajām slimībām, patoģenēzi, epidemioloģiju un klīnisko tēlu, gados vecākiem RA un līdzās esošām slimībām, — medicīnas pakalpojumu īstenošanu Valsts programmas reimatoīdās slimības profilaksei un agrīnai atklāšanai, veicot divus OZ ārsta apmeklējumus, kuras laikā tiks veikta priekšatlase un izvēlētie pacienti tiks nosūtīti pie reimatologa, PCR reimatologa iepriekšēja vizīte, kuras laikā tiks pārbaudīta diagnoze un iespējama nosūtīšana tālākai diagnostiskai izmeklēšanai un otrā vizīte pie reimatologa, kur tiks veikta galīgā diagnoze, — sadarbības platformas izveide un darbība POZ ārstiem, projektu vadītājiem un citām potenciālajām ieinteresētajām personām, cita starpā, lai novērstu pacientu aprūpes sadrumstalotību, — medicīniskā aprīkojuma iegāde, kas ļauj īstenot veselības aprūpes pakalpojumus kā daļu no sekundārās profilakses, — informācijas kampaņa par RA primāro profilaksi un agrīnu atklāšanu, — darba kopsavilkuma analīzes sagatavošana. Pateicoties projekta īstenošanai, iepriekš īstenotā ārstēšanas procesā būs iespējams novērst slimību ar tās agrīnu atklāšanu un samazināt tās negatīvo ietekmi uz veselību un ekonomiku. (Latvian)
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Проектът има за цел да реши до известна степен проблема с късното откриване на ревматоиден артрит при хора в трудоспособна възраст. Този проблем се дължи на липсата на елементарни познания за болестта, дълго време за вземане на решения за посещение на личен лекар, дълго време за посещение на ревматолог и окончателна диагноза. Поради това проектът предполага: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Bulgarian)
Проектът е предназначен да реши до известна степен проблема с късното откриване на ревматоиден артрит при хора в трудоспособна възраст. Този проблем се дължи, наред с другото, на липсата на елементарни познания за болестта, дълго време за вземане на решение за посещение при семеен лекар, дълго време за изчакване за посещение при ревматолог и окончателна диагноза. Следователно проектът предполага: — организиране на пет целодневни обучения, съчетани с практически семинари, за общо 140 лекари по ПОЗ в областта, наред с другото, на диагностика и лечение на РА, основна информация за ревматични заболявания, патогенеза, епидемиология и клиничен образ, възрастни РА и съвместно съществуващи заболявания, — прилагане на медицински услуги в рамките на Националната програма за превенция и ранно откриване на ревматоидно възпаление на езерата под формата на две посещения на лекар от OZ, по време на който ще бъде направен предварителен подбор и избрани пациенти ще бъдат насочени към ревматолог, предварително посещение при ревматолог на PCR, по време на което диагнозата ще бъде проверена и евентуално насочване за по-нататъшно диагностично изследване и второ посещение при ревматолога, където ще бъде направена окончателната диагноза, — създаване и функциониране на платформа за сътрудничество за лекари по ПОЗ, ръководители на проекти и други потенциални заинтересовани страни, наред с другото, за да се противодейства на явлението разпокъсване на грижите за пациентите, — закупуване на медицинско оборудване, позволяващо изпълнението на здравни услуги като част от вторична профилактика, — провеждане на информационна кампания относно първичната профилактика и ранното откриване на РО, подготовка на обобщен анализ на работата. Благодарение на изпълнението на проекта ще бъде възможно да се предотврати болестта чрез ранното му откриване и да се намалят отрицателните последици за здравето и икономиката чрез предварително прилаган процес на лечение. (Bulgarian)
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A projekt célja, hogy bizonyos mértékig megoldja a reumatoid artritisz késői észlelésének problémáját a munkaképes korú emberekben. Ez a probléma annak köszönhető, hogy nincs elemi ismeretek a betegségről, hosszú idő, hogy döntéseket hozzanak a háziorvos látogatásáról, hosszú várakozási idő a reumatológus látogatására és a végső diagnózisra. Ezért a projekt feltételezi: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Hungarian)
A projekt célja, hogy bizonyos mértékig megoldja a rheumatoid arthritis késői felismerésének problémáját a munkaképes korú embereknél. Ez a probléma többek között a betegséggel kapcsolatos elemi ismeretek hiánya, a családi orvos látogatásának hosszú ideje, a reumatológus látogatásának hosszú várakozási ideje és a végső diagnózis. Ezért a projekt feltételezi: öt egész napos képzés szervezése gyakorlati workshopokkal kombinálva, összesen 140 POZ orvos számára, többek között az RA diagnózisa és kezelése területén, alapvető információk a reumás betegségekről, a patogenezisről, az epidemiológiáról és a klinikai imázsról, az idős RA-ról és az egyidejűleg előforduló betegségekről, – az orvosi szolgáltatások végrehajtása a Nemzeti Rheumatoid Inflammáció megelőzésére és korai észlelésére irányuló nemzeti program keretében egy OZ orvosnál, amelynek során előválogatásra kerül sor, és a kiválasztott betegeket reumatológushoz utalják, előzetes látogatást tesznek a PCR reumatológusnál, amelynek során ellenőrzik a diagnózist és a további diagnosztikai vizsgálatra való esetleges utalást, valamint egy második látogatást a reumatológusnál, ahol a végső diagnózis készül, – együttműködési platform létrehozása és működtetése a POZ orvosok, projektmenedzserek és más potenciális érdekelt felek számára, többek között a betegellátás szétaprózódásának megakadályozása érdekében, – orvosi eszközök beszerzése, amely lehetővé teszi az egészségügyi szolgáltatások másodlagos megelőzését, – tájékoztató kampányt folytat az RA elsődleges megelőzéséről és korai felismeréséről, – a munka összefoglaló elemzésének elkészítése. A projekt megvalósításának köszönhetően a betegség korai felismerése és negatív egészségügyi és gazdasági hatásainak csökkentése egy korábban végrehajtott kezelési folyamat révén lehetséges lesz. (Hungarian)
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Tá an tionscadal deartha chun an fhadhb a bhaineann le airtríteas réamatóideach a bhrath go déanach i ndaoine in aois oibre a réiteach go pointe áirithe. Tá an fhadhb seo mar gheall ar an easpa eolais tosaigh faoin ngalar, ar feadh i bhfad chun cinntí a dhéanamh faoi chuairt ar DG, am feithimh fada chun cuairt a thabhairt ar reumatologist agus diagnóis deiridh. Dá bhrí sin, glacann an Tionscadal leis an méid seo a leanas: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Irish)
Tá an tionscadal deartha chun an fhadhb a bhaineann le airtríteas réamatóideach a bhrath go déanach i ndaoine in aois oibre a réiteach go pointe áirithe. Tá an fhadhb seo mar gheall, i measc nithe eile, ar easpa eolais tosaigh faoin ngalar, ar feadh i bhfad chun cinneadh a dhéanamh maidir le cuairt a thabhairt ar dhochtúir teaghlaigh, am feithimh fada le haghaidh cuairt a thabhairt ar reumatologist, agus diagnóis deiridh. Dá bhrí sin, glacann an Tionscadal leis an méid seo a leanas: — cúig oiliúint lae iomlán a eagrú mar aon le ceardlanna praiticiúla, le haghaidh 140 dochtúir POZ san iomlán i réimse, inter alia, diagnóis agus cóireáil RA, faisnéis bhunúsach maidir le galair réamatacha, pataigineas, eipidéimeolaíocht agus íomhá chliniciúil, RA scothaosta agus galair atá ann cheana féin, — seirbhísí leighis a chur chun feidhme faoi chuimsiú an Chláir Náisiúnta um Chosc Coisctheach agus Luath-Athlasú Ponds i bhfoirm dhá chuairt ar dhochtúir OZ, ina ndéanfar réamhroghnú agus ina ndéanfar othair roghnaithe a tharchur chuig reumatologist, réamhchuairt ar reumatologist PCR, ar lena linn a fhíorófar an diagnóis agus a fhéadfar é a tharchur le haghaidh tuilleadh scrúdaithe diagnóisigh agus an dara cuairt ar an réamateolaí, áit a ndéanfar an diagnóis deiridh, — ardán comhair a chruthú agus a oibriú do lianna POZ, bainisteoirí tionscadail agus geallsealbhóirí féideartha eile, i measc nithe eile chun cur i gcoinne an fheiniméin a bhaineann le hilroinnt cúraim othar, — trealamh leighis a cheannach lena gcumasaítear cur chun feidhme seirbhísí sláinte mar chuid de chosc tánaisteach, — feachtas faisnéise a sheoladh maidir le príomhchosc agus luathbhrath RA, ullmhú achoimre ar an obair. A bhuí le cur chun feidhme an tionscadail, beifear in ann an galar a chosc trína luathbhrath agus a éifeachtaí diúltacha sláinte agus eacnamaíocha a laghdú trí phróiseas cóireála a cuireadh chun feidhme roimhe seo (Irish)
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Projektet är utformat för att i viss mån lösa problemet med sen upptäckt av reumatoid artrit hos personer i arbetsför ålder. Detta problem beror på bristen på elementär kunskap om sjukdomen, en lång tid att fatta beslut om ett besök på en GP, en lång väntetid för att besöka en reumatolog och en slutlig diagnos. Projektet förutsätter därför följande: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Swedish)
Projektet är utformat för att i viss utsträckning lösa problemet med sen upptäckt av reumatoid artrit hos personer i arbetsför ålder. Detta problem beror bland annat på brist på elementär kunskap om sjukdomen, en lång tid att besluta om ett besök hos en familjeläkare, en lång väntetid för ett besök hos en reumatolog och en slutlig diagnos. Därför utgår projektet från följande: — anordnande av fem heldagsutbildningar i kombination med praktiska workshoppar för sammanlagt 140 läkare i POZ inom bland annat diagnos och behandling av RA, grundläggande information om reumatiska sjukdomar, patogenes, epidemiologi och klinisk bild, äldre RA och samexisterande sjukdomar – genomförande av medicinska tjänster inom ramen för det nationella programmet för förebyggande och tidig upptäckt av reumatoid inflammation av dammar i form av två besök hos en läkare i OZ, under vilket förval kommer att göras och utvalda patienter kommer att hänvisas till en reumatolog, ett preliminärt besök hos en PCR-reumatolog, under vilken diagnosen kommer att verifieras och eventuellt remitteras för ytterligare diagnostisk undersökning och ett andra besök hos reumatologen, där den slutliga diagnosen kommer att ställas, – inrättande och drift av en samarbetsplattform för POZ-läkare, projektledare och andra potentiella intressenter, bland annat för att motverka fenomenet fragmentering av patientvården, – inköp av medicinsk utrustning som möjliggör genomförande av hälso- och sjukvård som en del av sekundärprevention, – genomföra en informationskampanj om primär prevention och tidig upptäckt av RA, – förberedelse av en sammanfattande analys av arbetet. Tack vare genomförandet av projektet kommer det att vara möjligt att förebygga sjukdomen genom tidig upptäckt och minska dess negativa hälso- och ekonomiska effekter genom en tidigare genomförd behandlingsprocess. (Swedish)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Projekti eesmärk on lahendada teatud määral reumatoidartriidi hilise avastamise probleem tööealistel inimestel. See probleem on tingitud elementaarsete teadmiste puudumisest haiguse kohta, pikka aega teha otsuseid GP visiidi kohta, pikk ooteaeg reumatoloogi külastamiseks ja lõplik diagnoos. Seetõttu eeldatakse projektis järgmist: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (Estonian)
Projekti eesmärk on lahendada teatud määral reumatoidartriidi hilise avastamise probleem tööealistel inimestel. See probleem on muu hulgas tingitud elementaarsete teadmiste puudumisest haiguse kohta, pikka aega perearsti külastuse otsustamiseks, reumatoloogi külastamise pika ooteaja ja lõpliku diagnoosi tõttu. Seetõttu eeldatakse projektis järgmist: korraldada viis täispäevast koolitust koos praktiliste seminaridega, mis hõlmavad kokku 140 POZ-arsti muu hulgas RA diagnoosi ja ravi, reumaatiliste haiguste, patogeneesi, epidemioloogia ja kliinilise kuvandi, eakate RA ja koos eksisteerivate haiguste põhiteabe valdkonnas, – meditsiiniteenuste rakendamine reumatoidsete tiikide ennetava ennetamise ja varajase avastamise riikliku programmi raames kahe visiidina OZ arsti juurde, mille jooksul eelvalik tehakse ja valitud patsiendid suunatakse reumatoloogi juurde, eelkülastus PCR reumatoloogi juurde, mille käigus diagnoosi kontrollitakse ja võimalik suunamine edasisele diagnostilisele läbivaatusele, ning teine reumatoloogi külastus, kus tehakse lõplik diagnoos, – koostööplatvormi loomine ja käitamine POZ arstidele, projektijuhtidele ja teistele potentsiaalsetele sidusrühmadele, muu hulgas selleks, et võidelda patsiendihoolduse killustatuse nähtuse vastu, – meditsiiniseadmete ostmine, mis võimaldavad tervishoiuteenuste rakendamist teisese ennetuse osana; – korraldada teavituskampaania RA esmase ennetamise ja varajase avastamise kohta, – töö kokkuvõtliku analüüsi koostamine. Tänu projekti rakendamisele on võimalik haigust ennetada selle varajase avastamisega ning vähendada selle negatiivset mõju tervisele ja majandusele varem rakendatud raviprotsessi kaudu. (Estonian)

Revision as of 23:01, 2 March 2023

Project Q93975 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Project to increase the detection and prevention of rheumatoid arthritis in people living in Pomeranian, Zachodniopomorskie and Warmia-Mazury voivodships, who are of working age and fall into a high risk group
Project Q93975 in Poland


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    1,701,683.99 zloty
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    448,842.37 Euro
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    54°14'44.2"N, 18°6'35.6"E
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    53°55'52.3"N, 21°7'34.0"E
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    53°32'42.4"N, 15°33'58.3"E
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    Realizacja Projektu ma za zadanie rozwiązanie w określonym stopniu problemu późnego wykrywania występowania reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów u osób w wieku produkcyjnym. Problem ten wynika braku elementarnej wiedzy dotyczącej choroby, długiego czasu podejmowania decyzji o wizycie u lekarza rodzinnego, długiego czasu oczekiwania wizytę u reumatologa oraz ostateczną diagnozę. W związku z powyższym w ramach Projektu zakłada się: - organizację pięciu całodziennych szkoleń połączonych z praktycznymi warsztatami, łącznie dla 140 lekarzy POZ w zakresie diagnostyki i leczenia RZS, podstawowych informacji o chorobach reumatycznych, patogenezy, epidemiologii i obrazu klinicznego, RZS wieku podeszłego oraz chorób współistniejących, - realizację świadczeń medycznych w ramach Ogólnopolskiego Programu Profilaktyki Pierwotnej i Wczesnego Wykrywania Reumatoidalnego Zapalenia Stawów w postaci dwóch wizyt u lekarza POZ, podczas których dokonywana będzie wstępna selekcja i wytypowani pacjenci będą kierowani do lekarza reumatologa, wstępnej wizyty u lekarza reumatologa PCR, podczas której nastąpi weryfikacja diagnozy i ewentualne skierowanie na dalsze badanie diagnostyczne oraz powtórna wizyta u reumatologa, gdzie postawiona zostanie ostateczna diagnoza, - stworzenie i prowadzenie platformy współpracy lekarzy POZ, osób zarządzających projektem oraz innych potencjalnych interesariuszy w celu przeciwdziałaniu zjawisku fragmentacji opieki nad pacjentem, - zakup sprzętu medycznego umożliwiającego realizację świadczeń zdrowotnych w ramach profilaktyki wtórnej, - przeprowadzenie akcji informacyjnej dotyczącej programu profilaktyki pierwotnej i wczesnego wykrywania RZS, - przygotowywanie analizy podsumowującej prace. Za sprawą realizacji Projektu możliwe będzie zapobieganie chorobie poprzez jej wczesne wykrycie oraz ograniczenie jej negatywnych skutków zdrowotnych i ekonomicznych za sprawą wcześniej wdrożonego procesu leczeni (Polish)
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    The project is designed to solve to a certain extent the problem of late detection of rheumatoid arthritis in people of working age. This problem is due to the lack of elementary knowledge about the disease, a long time to make decisions about a visit to a GP, a long waiting time to visit a rheumatologist and a final diagnosis. Therefore, the Project assumes: — rectification of the recurrence of five whole-day training courses combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of, among others, diagnosis and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rheumatoid age and co-existing diseases, – implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit will be carried out by the surgeon’s primary and Early Diagnostic Presidencies of the Physsical Diagnostic Diagnostic in the form of reumatology of two-personal recurrence, – implementation of medical services will be carried out in the framework of the surgical visit of the physician will be carried out during the primary and Early Diagnoses of the rheumatoid recurresit in the form of rheumatoid repetitiveness of the rheumatoid recursent in the form of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence, in which he/she will carry out the necessary medical services in the scope of the recitation of which will be carried out in the recalculation of the primary and Early Diagnoses of rheumatoidal Diagnoses in the form of rhematoid recurrences, in which he/shes will be carried out in the recalculation of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the completeness of the medical services, the completion of medical services within the scope of the surgical examination of the surgeons will be carried out in the period of the introduction of the primary and Early Diagnos of the rheumatology of which will be carried out in the recreation of the recursents of the recurs on the recurreval of the recurreval of the full-day trainings combined with practical workshops, for a total of 140 GP physicians in the scope of diagnostics and treatment of RA, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathogenesis, epidemiology and clinical picture, rsosophy will be carried out during the introduction of the proficiency of two persons will be carried out in the recalculation of two physicians, the implementation of medical services within the scope of the surgical visit of the surgeon will be carried out of the surgeon’s examination of the primary and Early Presicles will be carried out during the introduction of rheumatoid in the form of rheumatoid recurrecology in the form of rhematoid recursing of two physicians, the implementation of medical services will be carried out in the scope of the recalculation of the recurrence of the recursents of the recurssions of the recurresting and the recalculation of the rectacification of the recurrence of the recursitology and the maintenance of the recurrence of the recurrence of the recurrence of the curricity, in which the rhetoric of the recurrence of the curricity of the recurrence of the recursoraccessive of the recurrence of the curricity of the curricity of the curricity and the maintenance of practical workshops, for a total of 140 GPs in the scope of diagnos and treatment of RAD, basic information on rheumatic diseases, basic information on rheumatic diseases, pathology, pathology, epidemiology and clinical picture, will be carried out during the introduction of the presidental age and associated diseases, – the implementation of medical services will be carried out by the surgeon’s Through the implementation of the Project, it will be possible to prevent the disease by detecting it early and reducing its negative health and economic effects through the previously implemented treatment process (English)
    15 October 2020
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    Le projet vise à résoudre dans une certaine mesure le problème de la détection tardive de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde chez les personnes en âge de travailler. Ce problème est dû, entre autres, à un manque de connaissances élémentaires sur la maladie, à un long moment pour décider d’une visite chez un médecin de famille, à un long délai d’attente pour une visite chez un rhumatologue et à un diagnostic final. Par conséquent, le projet suppose: — organisation de cinq formations d’une journée complète, combinées à des ateliers pratiques, pour un total de 140 médecins POZ dans le domaine, entre autres, du diagnostic et du traitement de la PR, des informations de base sur les maladies rhumatismales, la pathogenèse, l’épidémiologie et l’image clinique, la PR âgée et les maladies coexistantes, — la mise en place de services médicaux dans le cadre du Programme national de prévention préventive et de détection précoce de l’inflammation rhumatoïde d’étangs sous la forme de deux visites chez un médecin OZ, au cours de laquelle la présélection sera effectuée et les patients sélectionnés seront dirigés vers un rhumatologue, une visite préliminaire à un rhumatologue PCR, au cours de laquelle le diagnostic sera vérifié et une éventuelle saisine pour un examen diagnostique ultérieur et une deuxième visite au rhumatologue, où le diagnostic final sera effectué, — création et fonctionnement d’une plateforme de coopération pour les médecins de POZ, les chefs de projet et d’autres parties prenantes potentielles, entre autres afin de contrer le phénomène de fragmentation des soins aux patients, — l’achat d’équipements médicaux permettant la mise en œuvre des services de santé dans le cadre de la prévention secondaire, — mener une campagne d’information sur la prévention primaire et la détection précoce de la PR, — la préparation d’une analyse sommaire des travaux. Grâce à la mise en œuvre du projet, il sera possible de prévenir la maladie par sa détection précoce et de réduire ses effets négatifs sur la santé et l’économie grâce à un processus de traitement précédemment mis en œuvre. (French)
    1 December 2021
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    Das Projekt soll bis zu einem gewissen Grad das Problem der Späterkennung von rheumatoider Arthritis bei Menschen im erwerbsfähigen Alter lösen. Dieses Problem ist unter anderem auf einen Mangel an elementarem Wissen über die Krankheit, eine lange Zeit, um sich für einen Besuch bei einem Hausarzt zu entscheiden, eine lange Wartezeit für einen Besuch bei einem Rheumatologen und eine abschließende Diagnose. Daher geht das Projekt davon aus: — Organisation von fünf ganztägigen Schulungen in Verbindung mit praktischen Workshops für insgesamt 140 POZ-Ärzte auf dem Gebiet u. a. der Diagnose und Behandlung von RA, grundlegende Informationen zu rheumatischen Erkrankungen, Pathogenese, Epidemiologie und klinischem Bild, älteren RA und koexistierenden Krankheiten, – Durchführung medizinischer Dienstleistungen im Rahmen des Nationalen Programms zur Prävention und Früherkennung von Rheumatoid-Entzündungen von Teichen in Form von zwei Besuchen bei einem Arzt der OZ, während der Vorauswahl und ausgewählten Patienten wird ein Rheumatologe, ein Vorbesuch bei einem PCR-Rheumatologen, bei dem die Diagnose überprüft und mögliche Überweisungen für weitere diagnostische Untersuchungen und ein zweiter Besuch beim Rheumatologen durchgeführt werden, – Schaffung und Betrieb einer Kooperationsplattform für POZ-Ärzte, Projektmanager und andere potenzielle Interessengruppen, unter anderem, um dem Phänomen der Fragmentierung der Patientenversorgung entgegenzuwirken, – Anschaffung von medizinischen Geräten, die die Durchführung von Gesundheitsdienstleistungen als Teil der Sekundärprävention ermöglichen, – Durchführung einer Informationskampagne über die Primärprävention und Früherkennung von RA, – Vorbereitung einer Zusammenfassung der Arbeit. Dank der Umsetzung des Projekts wird es möglich sein, die Krankheit durch ihre Früherkennung zu verhindern und ihre negativen gesundheitlichen und wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen durch einen zuvor implementierten Behandlungsprozess zu reduzieren. (German)
    7 December 2021
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    Het project is ontworpen om tot op zekere hoogte het probleem van late detectie van reumatoïde artritis bij mensen in de werkende leeftijd op te lossen. Dit probleem is onder meer te wijten aan een gebrek aan elementaire kennis over de ziekte, een lange tijd om te beslissen over een bezoek aan een huisarts, een lange wachttijd voor een bezoek aan een reumatoloog en een definitieve diagnose. Daarom gaat het project uit van: — organisatie van vijf voldaagse opleidingen in combinatie met praktische workshops, voor in totaal 140 POZ-artsen op het gebied van onder meer diagnose en behandeling van RA, basisinformatie over reumatische ziekten, pathogenese, epidemiologie en klinisch beeld, oudere RA en naast elkaar bestaande ziekten, — uitvoering van medische diensten in het kader van het nationaal programma voor preventie en vroegtijdige detectie van reumatoïde ontsteking van vijvers in de vorm van twee bezoeken aan een arts van OZ, tijdens welke voorselectie zal worden gemaakt en geselecteerde patiënten zullen worden doorverwezen naar een reumatoloog, een voorafgaand bezoek aan een reumatoloog van PCR, waarbij de diagnose zal worden geverifieerd en eventueel zal worden verwezen voor verder diagnostisch onderzoek en een tweede bezoek aan de reumatoloog, waar de definitieve diagnose zal worden gesteld, — oprichting en exploitatie van een samenwerkingsplatform voor POZ-artsen, projectmanagers en andere potentiële belanghebbenden, onder andere om het fenomeen van fragmentatie van de patiëntenzorg tegen te gaan, — aankoop van medische apparatuur waarmee gezondheidsdiensten kunnen worden uitgevoerd als onderdeel van secundaire preventie, — een voorlichtingscampagne voeren over de primaire preventie en vroegtijdige opsporing van RA, — voorbereiding van een samenvatting van de werkzaamheden. Dankzij de uitvoering van het project zal het mogelijk zijn om de ziekte vroegtijdig op te sporen en de negatieve gezondheids- en economische effecten ervan te verminderen door middel van een eerder geïmplementeerd behandelingsproces. (Dutch)
    16 December 2021
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    Il progetto è stato progettato per risolvere in una certa misura il problema della diagnosi tardiva dell'artrite reumatoide nelle persone in età lavorativa. Questo problema è dovuto, tra l'altro, alla mancanza di conoscenze elementari sulla malattia, a lungo per decidere una visita da un medico di famiglia, un lungo tempo di attesa per una visita da un reumatologo e una diagnosi finale. Pertanto, il progetto presuppone: — organizzazione di cinque corsi di formazione interi combinati con workshop pratici, per un totale di 140 medici POZ nel campo, tra l'altro, della diagnosi e del trattamento dell'AR, informazioni di base su malattie reumatiche, patogenesi, epidemiologia e immagine clinica, RA anziani e malattie coesistenti, — implementazione di servizi medici nell'ambito del programma nazionale per la prevenzione preventiva e l'individuazione precoce dell'infiammazione reumatoide degli stagni sotto forma di due visite a un medico OZ, durante la quale verrà effettuata la preselezione e i pazienti selezionati saranno indirizzati a un reumatologo, una visita preliminare a un reumatologo PCR, durante la quale verrà verificata la diagnosi e possibile rinvio per un ulteriore esame diagnostico e una seconda visita al reumatologo, dove verrà effettuata la diagnosi finale, — creazione e funzionamento di una piattaforma di cooperazione per medici POZ, project manager e altri potenziali stakeholder, tra gli altri al fine di contrastare il fenomeno della frammentazione della cura del paziente, — acquisto di attrezzature mediche che consentano l'implementazione di servizi sanitari nell'ambito della prevenzione secondaria, — condurre una campagna informativa sulla prevenzione primaria e il rilevamento precoce della RA, — preparazione di un'analisi sintetica del lavoro. Grazie all'attuazione del progetto, sarà possibile prevenire la malattia attraverso la sua diagnosi precoce e ridurre i suoi effetti negativi sulla salute e sull'economia attraverso un processo di trattamento precedentemente implementato. (Italian)
    16 January 2022
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    El proyecto está diseñado para resolver hasta cierto punto el problema de la detección tardía de la artritis reumatoide en personas en edad de trabajar. Este problema se debe, entre otros, a la falta de conocimientos elementales sobre la enfermedad, mucho tiempo para decidir sobre una visita a un médico de familia, un largo tiempo de espera para una visita a un reumatólogo, y un diagnóstico final. Por lo tanto, el Proyecto asume: — organización de cinco cursos de formación de jornada completa, combinados con talleres prácticos, para un total de 140 médicos POZ en el campo, entre otras cosas, del diagnóstico y tratamiento de la AR, información básica sobre enfermedades reumáticas, patogénesis, epidemiología e imagen clínica, AR de edad avanzada y enfermedades coexistentes, — ejecución de servicios médicos en el marco del Programa Nacional de Prevención Preventiva e Detección Temprana de Inflamación Reumatoide de estanques en forma de dos visitas a un médico de OZ, durante la cual se realizará la preselección y los pacientes seleccionados serán remitidos a un reumatólogo, una visita preliminar a un reumatólogo de la PCR, durante la cual se verificará el diagnóstico y la posible derivación para un examen diagnóstico adicional y una segunda visita al reumatólogo, donde se realizará el diagnóstico final, — creación y operación de una plataforma de cooperación para médicos de POZ, gerentes de proyectos y otros interesados potenciales, entre otros, con el fin de contrarrestar el fenómeno de fragmentación de la atención al paciente, — compra de equipos médicos que permitan la implementación de servicios de salud como parte de la prevención secundaria, — llevar a cabo una campaña de información sobre la prevención primaria y la detección temprana de la AR, preparación de un resumen del trabajo. Gracias a la implementación del proyecto, será posible prevenir la enfermedad mediante su detección precoz y reducir sus efectos negativos en la salud y económicos a través de un proceso de tratamiento previamente implementado. (Spanish)
    19 January 2022
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    Projektet er designet til at løse til en vis grad problemet med sen påvisning af reumatoid arthritis hos mennesker i den arbejdsdygtige alder. Dette problem skyldes blandt andet mangel på elementær viden om sygdommen, lang tid til at beslutte et besøg hos en familielæge, en lang ventetid på et besøg hos en reumatolog og en endelig diagnose. Derfor forudsætter projektet: tilrettelæggelse af fem heldagskurser kombineret med praktiske workshops for i alt 140 POZ-læger inden for bl.a. diagnosticering og behandling af RA, grundlæggende oplysninger om reumatiske sygdomme, patogenese, epidemiologi og klinisk image, ældre RA og samtidig eksisterende sygdomme — gennemførelse af lægelige tjenester inden for rammerne af det nationale program for forebyggelse og tidlig påvisning af Rheumatoid Inflammation of Ponds i form af to besøg hos en OZ-læge under hvilken forhåndsudvælgelse vil blive foretaget og udvalgte patienter vil blive henvist til en reumatolog, et indledende besøg hos en PCR reumatolog, hvor diagnosen vil blive verificeret og mulig henvisning til yderligere diagnostisk undersøgelse og et andet besøg hos reumatologen, hvor den endelige diagnose vil blive foretaget, — oprettelse og drift af en samarbejdsplatform for POZ læger, projektledere og andre potentielle interessenter, bl.a. for at modvirke fænomenet fragmentering af patientpleje, — indkøb af medicinsk udstyr, der gør det muligt at gennemføre sundhedsydelser som led i sekundær forebyggelse, — gennemføre en informationskampagne om primær forebyggelse og tidlig påvisning af RA, — udarbejdelse af en sammenfattende analyse af arbejdet. Takket være gennemførelsen af projektet vil det være muligt at forebygge sygdommen ved tidlig påvisning og reducere dens negative sundhedsmæssige og økonomiske virkninger gennem en tidligere gennemført behandlingsproces. (Danish)
    26 July 2022
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    Το έργο έχει σχεδιαστεί για να λύσει σε κάποιο βαθμό το πρόβλημα της καθυστερημένης ανίχνευσης της ρευματοειδούς αρθρίτιδας σε άτομα σε ηλικία εργασίας. Το πρόβλημα αυτό οφείλεται, μεταξύ άλλων, στην έλλειψη στοιχειωδών γνώσεων σχετικά με την ασθένεια, σε μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα για να αποφασιστεί η επίσκεψη σε οικογενειακό γιατρό, σε μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα αναμονής για επίσκεψη σε ρευματολόγο και σε τελική διάγνωση. Ως εκ τούτου, το έργο προϋποθέτει: — διοργάνωση πέντε ολοήμερων εκπαιδεύσεων σε συνδυασμό με πρακτικά εργαστήρια, για συνολικά 140 ιατρούς POZ στον τομέα, μεταξύ άλλων, της διάγνωσης και θεραπείας της ΡΑ, βασικές πληροφορίες για τις ρευματικές παθήσεις, την παθογένεση, την επιδημιολογία και την κλινική εικόνα, τους ηλικιωμένους και τις συνυπάρχουσες ασθένειες, — εφαρμογή ιατρικών υπηρεσιών στο πλαίσιο του Εθνικού Προγράμματος Προληπτικής Πρόληψης και Πρόωρης Ανίχνευσης Ρευματοειδούς Φλεγμονής των λιμνών υπό τη μορφή δύο επισκέψεων σε ιατρό της ΟΖ, κατά τη διάρκεια της οποίας θα γίνει προεπιλογή και επιλεγμένοι ασθενείς θα παραπεμφθεί σε ρευματολόγο, προκαταρκτική επίσκεψη σε ρευματολόγο PCR, κατά τη διάρκεια της οποίας θα επαληθευτεί η διάγνωση και πιθανή παραπομπή για περαιτέρω διαγνωστική εξέταση και δεύτερη επίσκεψη στον ρευματολόγο, όπου θα γίνει η τελική διάγνωση, — δημιουργία και λειτουργία πλατφόρμας συνεργασίας για ιατρούς POZ, διαχειριστές έργου και άλλους πιθανούς ενδιαφερόμενους φορείς, μεταξύ άλλων, προκειμένου να αντιμετωπιστεί το φαινόμενο του κατακερματισμού της περίθαλψης ασθενών, — αγορά ιατρικού εξοπλισμού που επιτρέπει την εφαρμογή υπηρεσιών υγείας στο πλαίσιο της δευτερογενούς πρόληψης, — διεξαγωγή ενημερωτικής εκστρατείας σχετικά με την πρωτογενή πρόληψη και τον έγκαιρο εντοπισμό της RA, — προετοιμασία συνοπτικής ανάλυσης των εργασιών. Χάρη στην υλοποίηση του έργου, θα είναι δυνατή η πρόληψη της νόσου με την έγκαιρη ανίχνευσή της και η μείωση των αρνητικών επιπτώσεων στην υγεία και την οικονομία μέσω μιας διαδικασίας θεραπείας που είχε εφαρμοστεί προηγουμένως. (Greek)
    26 July 2022
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    Projekt je osmišljen kako bi se u određenoj mjeri riješio problem kasnog otkrivanja reumatoidnog artritisa kod radno sposobnih osoba. Ovaj problem je, među ostalim, zbog nedostatka elementarnog znanja o bolesti, dugo vremena za odlučivanje o posjetu obiteljskom liječniku, dugog čekanja na posjet reumatologu i konačnoj dijagnozi. Prema tome, projekt pretpostavlja: — organizacija pet cjelodnevnih treninga u kombinaciji s praktičnim radionicama, za ukupno 140 POZ liječnika iz područja, među ostalim, dijagnoze i liječenja RA, osnovnih informacija o reumatskim bolestima, patogenezi, epidemiologiji i kliničkoj slici, starijem RA-u i kopostojećim bolestima, – implementaciji medicinskih usluga u okviru Nacionalnog programa prevencije i ranog otkrivanja reumatoidne upale ribnjaka u obliku dva posjeta liječniku OZ-a, tijekom kojeg će se napraviti predodabir i odabrani pacijenti uputiti reumatologu, preliminarni posjet PCR reumatologu, tijekom kojeg će se provjeriti dijagnoza i moguća uputnica za daljnje dijagnostičko ispitivanje i drugi posjet reumatologu, gdje će se napraviti konačna dijagnoza, – stvaranje i rad platforme za suradnju za POZ liječnike, voditelje projekata i druge potencijalne dionike, među ostalim kako bi se suzbila pojava fragmentacije skrbi o pacijentima, – kupnja medicinske opreme koja omogućuje provedbu zdravstvenih usluga u okviru sekundarne prevencije, – provođenje informativne kampanje o primarnoj prevenciji i ranom otkrivanju RA, – priprema sažete analize rada. Zahvaljujući provedbi projekta, bit će moguće spriječiti bolest njezinim ranim otkrivanjem i smanjiti njezine negativne zdravstvene i ekonomske učinke kroz prethodno proveden proces liječenja. (Croatian)
    26 July 2022
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    Proiectul este conceput pentru a rezolva într-o anumită măsură problema detectării tardive a artritei reumatoide la persoanele de vârstă activă. Această problemă se datorează, printre altele, lipsei de cunoștințe elementare despre boală, o lungă perioadă de timp pentru a decide cu privire la o vizită la un medic de familie, o lungă perioadă de așteptare pentru o vizită la un reumatolog și un diagnostic final. Prin urmare, proiectul presupune: organizarea a cinci cursuri de formare de o zi, combinate cu ateliere practice, pentru un total de 140 de medici POZ în domeniul, printre altele, al diagnosticării și tratării RA, al informațiilor de bază privind bolile reumatice, patogeneza, epidemiologia și imaginea clinică, RA în vârstă și bolile coexistente, – punerea în aplicare a serviciilor medicale în cadrul Programului național de prevenire și detectare timpurie a inflamației reumatoide a iazurilor sub forma a două vizite la un medic OZ; în cursul căreia se va efectua preselecția, iar pacienții selectați vor fi deferiți unui reumatolog, o vizită preliminară la un reumatolog PCR, în cadrul căreia diagnosticul va fi verificat și posibila sesizare pentru examinarea ulterioară a diagnosticului și o a doua vizită la reumatolog, unde se va face diagnosticul final, – crearea și funcționarea unei platforme de cooperare pentru medicii POZ, managerii de proiect și alte părți interesate potențiale, printre altele pentru a contracara fenomenul de fragmentare a îngrijirii pacienților, – achiziționarea de echipamente medicale care să permită implementarea serviciilor de sănătate în cadrul prevenției secundare, – desfășurarea unei campanii de informare cu privire la prevenirea primară și depistarea precoce a RA, – pregătirea unei analize sumare a lucrărilor. Datorită implementării proiectului, va fi posibilă prevenirea bolii prin depistarea timpurie a acesteia și reducerea efectelor sale negative asupra sănătății și economiei printr-un proces de tratament implementat anterior. (Romanian)
    26 July 2022
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    Projekt je navrhnutý tak, aby do určitej miery vyriešil problém neskorej detekcie reumatoidnej artritídy u ľudí v produktívnom veku. Tento problém je spôsobený okrem iného nedostatkom základných vedomostí o chorobe, dlhom rozhodovaní o návšteve rodinného lekára, dlhou čakacou dobou na návštevu reumatológa a konečnou diagnózou. Projekt preto predpokladá: — organizovanie piatich celodenných školení v kombinácii s praktickými workshopmi pre celkovo 140 lekárov POZ v oblasti, okrem iného, diagnostiky a liečby RA, základných informácií o reumatických ochoreniach, patogenéze, epidemiológii a klinickom obraze, starších RA a koexistujúcich chorobách – vykonávanie lekárskych služieb v rámci národného programu preventívnej prevencie a včasného odhaľovania reumatoidného zápalu rybníkov formou dvoch návštev u lekára OZ, počas ktorého sa uskutoční predbežný výber a vybraní pacienti budú postúpení reumatológovi, predbežnú návštevu reumatológa PCR, počas ktorého bude diagnóza overená a možné odporúčanie na ďalšie diagnostické vyšetrenie a druhá návšteva reumatológa, kde bude vykonaná konečná diagnóza, – vytvorenie a prevádzka platformy spolupráce pre lekárov POZ, projektových manažérov a ďalších potenciálnych zainteresovaných strán, okrem iného s cieľom bojovať proti javu fragmentácie starostlivosti o pacientov, – nákup zdravotníckeho vybavenia umožňujúceho realizáciu zdravotníckych služieb v rámci sekundárnej prevencie, – viesť informačnú kampaň týkajúcu sa primárnej prevencie a včasného zistenia RA, – príprava súhrnnej analýzy práce. Vďaka realizácii projektu bude možné predchádzať tejto chorobe včasnou detekciou a znížiť jej negatívne zdravotné a ekonomické účinky prostredníctvom predtým implementovaného liečebného procesu. (Slovak)
    26 July 2022
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    Il-proġett huwa mfassal biex isolvi sa ċertu punt il-problema tad-detezzjoni tardiva tal-artrite rewmatojde f’persuni fl-età tax-xogħol. Din il-problema hija dovuta, fost l-oħrajn, għal nuqqas ta’ għarfien elementari dwar il-marda, żmien twil biex tittieħed deċiżjoni dwar żjara lil tabib tal-familja, żmien twil ta’ stennija għal żjara f’retomatologu, u dijanjożi finali. Għalhekk, il-Proġett jassumi: — l-organizzazzjoni ta’ ħames taħriġ ta’ ġurnata sħiħa flimkien ma’ workshops prattiċi, għal total ta’ 140 tabib tal-POZ fil-qasam ta’, inter alia, id-dijanjożi u t-trattament ta’ RA, informazzjoni bażika dwar mard rewmatiku, patoġenesi, epidemjoloġija u immaġni klinika, RA anzjani u mard koeżistenti, — implimentazzjoni ta’ servizzi mediċi fil-qafas tal-Programm Nazzjonali għall-Prevenzjoni Preventiva u l-Individwazzjoni Bikrija ta’ Ponds fil-forma ta’ żewġ żjarat lil tabib tal-OZ, li matulha ssir l-għażla minn qabel u l-pazjenti magħżula jiġu riferuti lil rewmatoloġista, żjara preliminari lil rewmatoloġista tal-PCR, li matulha d-dijanjożi tiġi vverifikata u referenza possibbli għal eżami dijanjostiku ulterjuri u t-tieni żjara lir-rewmatoloġista, fejn se ssir id-dijanjożi finali, — il-ħolqien u t-tħaddim ta’ pjattaforma ta’ kooperazzjoni għat-tobba tal-POZ, il-maniġers tal-proġetti u partijiet interessati potenzjali oħra, fost l-oħrajn sabiex jiġi miġġieled il-fenomenu tal-frammentazzjoni tal-kura tal-pazjenti, — ix-xiri ta’ tagħmir mediku li jippermetti l-implimentazzjoni ta’ servizzi tas-saħħa bħala parti mill-prevenzjoni sekondarja, — it-twettiq ta’ kampanja ta’ informazzjoni dwar il-prevenzjoni primarja u l-iskoperta bikrija tal-analiżi tar-RA, l-analiżi fil-qosor tal-analiżi tar-RA. Bis-saħħa tal-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett, se jkun possibbli li l-marda tiġi evitata permezz tas-sejba bikrija tagħha u jitnaqqsu l-effetti negattivi tagħha fuq is-saħħa u l-ekonomija permezz ta’ proċess ta’ trattament implimentat qabel. (Maltese)
    26 July 2022
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    O projeto destina-se a resolver, em certa medida, o problema da deteção tardia da artrite reumatoide em pessoas em idade ativa. Esse problema se deve, entre outros, à falta de conhecimento elementar sobre a doença, a um longo tempo para decidir uma visita a um médico de família, a um longo tempo de espera para uma visita a um reumatologista e a um diagnóstico final. Portanto, o Projeto assume: — organização de cinco formações de dia inteiro, combinadas com workshops práticos, para um total de 140 médicos POZ no domínio, entre outros, do diagnóstico e tratamento da AR, informações básicas sobre doenças reumáticas, patogênese, epidemiologia e imagem clínica, AR idosa e doenças coexistentes, — execução de serviços médicos no âmbito do Programa Nacional de Prevenção Preventiva e Deteção Preventiva da Inflamação Reumatoide de Lagoas sob a forma de duas visitas a um médico OZ, durante o qual a pré-seleção será feita e os pacientes selecionados serão encaminhados para um reumatologista, uma visita preliminar a um reumatologista PCR, durante o qual o diagnóstico será verificado e possível encaminhamento para posterior exame diagnóstico e uma segunda visita ao reumatologista, onde será feito o diagnóstico final, — criação e operação de uma plataforma de cooperação para médicos POZ, gerentes de projeto e outros potenciais interessados, entre outros, a fim de contrariar o fenômeno da fragmentação da assistência ao paciente, — aquisição de equipamentos médicos que permitam a implementação de serviços de saúde como parte da prevenção secundária, — realização de uma campanha de informação sobre a prevenção primária e deteção precoce da AR, — preparação de uma análise sumária do trabalho. Graças à implementação do projeto, será possível prevenir a doença através da sua deteção precoce e reduzir os seus efeitos negativos na saúde e na economia através de um processo de tratamento previamente implementado. (Portuguese)
    26 July 2022
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    Hanke on suunniteltu ratkaisemaan tietyssä määrin ongelma, joka liittyy nivelreuman myöhäiseen havaitsemiseen työikäisillä ihmisillä. Tämä ongelma johtuu muun muassa sairauden perustietojen puutteesta, pitkästä aikaa päättää vierailusta perhelääkäriin, pitkästä odotusajasta reumatologin vierailulle ja lopullisesta diagnoosista. Hankkeessa oletetaan näin ollen seuraavaa: — viiden kokopäiväisen koulutuksen järjestäminen yhdessä käytännön työpajojen kanssa yhteensä 140 POZ-lääkärille muun muassa nivelreuman diagnosoinnin ja hoidon alalla, perustiedot reumataudeista, patogeneesistä, epidemiologiasta ja kliinisestä imagosta, iäkkäiden nivelreumatautien ja samanaikaisten sairauksien iäkkäistä sairauksista – lääketieteellisten palvelujen toteuttaminen osana kansallista ohjelmaa, joka koskee reumatoiditulehdusten ehkäisyä ja varhaista havaitsemista Pondsin tulehduksen ehkäisyä ja varhaista havaitsemista koskevan kansallisen ohjelman puitteissa kahden vierailun muodossa OZ-lääkärille, jonka aikana esivalinta ja valitut potilaat ohjataan reumatologiin, alustavaan vierailuun PCR-reumatologiin, jonka aikana diagnoosi todennetaan ja mahdollinen lähete diagnostiseen lisätutkimukseen, ja toinen vierailu reumatologiin, jossa lopullinen diagnoosi tehdään, – POZ-lääkäreille, hankepäälliköille ja muille mahdollisille sidosryhmille tarkoitetun yhteistyöfoorumin perustaminen ja toiminta muun muassa potilaiden hoidon pirstoutumisilmiön torjumiseksi, – sellaisten lääkinnällisten laitteiden hankinta, jotka mahdollistavat terveyspalvelujen toteuttamisen osana sekundaarista ennaltaehkäisyä, – toteuttaa tiedotuskampanja ensivaiheen ennaltaehkäisystä ja varhaisesta havaitsemisesta, – työn yhteenvetoanalyysin laatiminen. Hankkeen toteutuksen ansiosta taudin varhainen havaitseminen on mahdollista ja sen kielteisiä terveys- ja taloudellisia vaikutuksia voidaan vähentää aiemmin toteutetulla hoitoprosessilla. (Finnish)
    26 July 2022
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    Projekt je zasnovan tako, da do določene mere reši problem poznega odkrivanja revmatoidnega artritisa pri delovno sposobnih ljudeh. Ta problem je med drugim posledica pomanjkanja osnovnega znanja o bolezni, dolgega časa za odločitev o obisku družinskega zdravnika, dolge čakalne dobe za obisk revmatologa in končne diagnoze. Zato projekt predvideva: — organizacija petih celodnevnih usposabljanj v kombinaciji s praktičnimi delavnicami za skupno 140 zdravnikov POZ na področju, med drugim, diagnosticiranja in zdravljenja revmatoloških bolezni, osnovnih informacij o revmatskih boleznih, patogenezi, epidemiologiji in klinični podobi, starejših RA in soobstoječih boleznih, – izvajanje zdravstvenih storitev v okviru Nacionalnega programa za preventivno preprečevanje in zgodnje odkrivanje revmatoidnega vnetja ribnikov v obliki dveh obiskov pri zdravniku OZ, med predizborom in izbranimi pacienti se napotijo na revmatologa, predhodni obisk revmatologa PCR, med katerim bo diagnoza preverjena in možna napotitev na nadaljnji diagnostični pregled ter drugi obisk revmatologa, kjer bo postavljena končna diagnoza, – vzpostavitev in delovanje platforme za sodelovanje zdravnikov POZ, projektnih vodij in drugih potencialnih deležnikov, med drugim za preprečevanje pojava razdrobljenosti oskrbe pacientov, – nakup medicinske opreme, ki omogoča izvajanje zdravstvenih storitev v okviru sekundarne preventive, – izvedba informacijske kampanje o primarnem preprečevanju in zgodnjem odkrivanju RA, – priprava povzetka analize dela. Zahvaljujoč izvedbi projekta bo bolezen mogoče preprečiti z zgodnjim odkrivanjem in zmanjšati njene negativne zdravstvene in gospodarske učinke s predhodno izvedenim postopkom zdravljenja. (Slovenian)
    26 July 2022
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    Projekt je navržen tak, aby do určité míry vyřešil problém pozdní detekce revmatoidní artritidy u lidí v produktivním věku. Tento problém je mimo jiné způsoben nedostatkem základních znalostí o nemoci, dlouhou dobou rozhodnout o návštěvě rodinného lékaře, dlouhou čekací dobou na návštěvu revmatologa a závěrečnou diagnózou. Projekt proto předpokládá: — uspořádání pěti celodenních školení v kombinaci s praktickými workshopy pro celkem 140 lékařů POZ v oblasti mimo jiné diagnostiky a léčby RA, základních informací o revmatických onemocněních, patogenezi, epidemiologii a klinickém obrazu, starších RA a souběžných onemocněních – provádění lékařských služeb v rámci Národního programu preventivní prevence a včasného odhalení revmatoidního zánětu ryb ve formě dvou návštěv lékaře OZ, během níž bude proveden předběžný výběr a vybraní pacienti budou postoupeni revmatologovi, předběžná návštěva revmatologa PCR, během níž bude diagnóza ověřena a případná postoupení k dalšímu diagnostickému vyšetření a druhá návštěva revmatologa, kde bude provedena konečná diagnóza, – vytvoření a provoz platformy spolupráce pro lékaře POZ, projektové manažery a další potenciální zúčastněné strany, mimo jiné s cílem čelit fenoménu fragmentace péče o pacienty, – nákup zdravotnického vybavení umožňujícího realizaci zdravotních služeb v rámci sekundární prevence, – vést informační kampaň týkající se primární prevence a včasné detekce RA, – příprava souhrnné analýzy práce. Díky realizaci projektu bude možné předcházet onemocnění včasným odhalením a snížit její negativní zdravotní a ekonomické dopady prostřednictvím dříve zavedeného léčebného procesu. (Czech)
    26 July 2022
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    Projektas skirtas tam tikru mastu išspręsti vėlyvo reumatoidinio artrito nustatymo problemą darbingo amžiaus žmonėms. Ši problema, be kita ko, yra dėl to, kad trūksta elementarių žinių apie ligą, ilgą laiką nuspręsti dėl vizito į šeimos gydytoją, ilgą laukimo laiką vizitui į reumatologą ir galutinę diagnozę. Todėl projektas numato: – surengti penkis visos dienos mokymus kartu su praktiniais praktiniais seminarais, kuriuose iš viso 140 POZ gydytojų, be kita ko, susijusių su RA diagnozavimu ir gydymu, pagrindine informacija apie reumatines ligas, patogenezę, epidemiologiją ir klinikinį įvaizdį, vyresnio amžiaus RA ir kartu egzistuojančiomis ligomis, – medicinos paslaugų teikimas pagal Nacionalinę reumatoidinio tvenkinių uždegimo prevencijos ir ankstyvo nustatymo programą, atliekant du vizitus pas OZ gydytoją, per kurią bus atliekama išankstinė atranka ir atrinkti pacientai bus nukreipti į reumatologą, preliminarų vizitą į PGR reumatologą, kurio metu bus patikrinta diagnozė ir galimas nukreipimas tolesniam diagnostiniam tyrimui, antrasis apsilankymas reumatologe, kur bus atlikta galutinė diagnozė, – POZ gydytojams, projektų vadovams ir kitiems potencialiems suinteresuotiesiems subjektams skirtos bendradarbiavimo platformos sukūrimas ir veikimas, be kita ko, siekiant kovoti su pacientų priežiūros susiskaidymo reiškiniu, – medicininės įrangos pirkimas, leidžiantis įgyvendinti sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas kaip antrinės prevencijos dalis, – vykdyti informavimo kampaniją apie pirminę prevenciją ir ankstyvą RA nustatymą, – apibendrintos darbo analizės parengimas. Įgyvendinus projektą bus galima užkirsti kelią ligai ankstyvu jos nustatymu ir sumažinti neigiamą jos poveikį sveikatai ir ekonomikai taikant anksčiau įdiegtą gydymo procesą. (Lithuanian)
    26 July 2022
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    Projekts ir paredzēts, lai zināmā mērā atrisinātu problēmu, kas saistīta ar reimatoīdā artrīta novēlotu atklāšanu darbspējīgā vecuma cilvēkiem. Šī problēma cita starpā ir saistīta ar elementāru zināšanu trūkumu par slimību, ilgu laiku, lai izlemtu par ģimenes ārsta vizīti, ilgu gaidīšanas laiku reimatologa apmeklējumam un galīgo diagnozi. Tāpēc projektā tiek pieņemts, ka: — piecu pilnas dienas apmācību organizēšana kopā ar praktiskām darbnīcām 140 POZ ārstiem, kas cita starpā nodarbojas ar RA diagnostiku un ārstēšanu, pamatinformāciju par reimatiskajām slimībām, patoģenēzi, epidemioloģiju un klīnisko tēlu, gados vecākiem RA un līdzās esošām slimībām, — medicīnas pakalpojumu īstenošanu Valsts programmas reimatoīdās slimības profilaksei un agrīnai atklāšanai, veicot divus OZ ārsta apmeklējumus, kuras laikā tiks veikta priekšatlase un izvēlētie pacienti tiks nosūtīti pie reimatologa, PCR reimatologa iepriekšēja vizīte, kuras laikā tiks pārbaudīta diagnoze un iespējama nosūtīšana tālākai diagnostiskai izmeklēšanai un otrā vizīte pie reimatologa, kur tiks veikta galīgā diagnoze, — sadarbības platformas izveide un darbība POZ ārstiem, projektu vadītājiem un citām potenciālajām ieinteresētajām personām, cita starpā, lai novērstu pacientu aprūpes sadrumstalotību, — medicīniskā aprīkojuma iegāde, kas ļauj īstenot veselības aprūpes pakalpojumus kā daļu no sekundārās profilakses, — informācijas kampaņa par RA primāro profilaksi un agrīnu atklāšanu, — darba kopsavilkuma analīzes sagatavošana. Pateicoties projekta īstenošanai, iepriekš īstenotā ārstēšanas procesā būs iespējams novērst slimību ar tās agrīnu atklāšanu un samazināt tās negatīvo ietekmi uz veselību un ekonomiku. (Latvian)
    26 July 2022
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    Проектът е предназначен да реши до известна степен проблема с късното откриване на ревматоиден артрит при хора в трудоспособна възраст. Този проблем се дължи, наред с другото, на липсата на елементарни познания за болестта, дълго време за вземане на решение за посещение при семеен лекар, дълго време за изчакване за посещение при ревматолог и окончателна диагноза. Следователно проектът предполага: — организиране на пет целодневни обучения, съчетани с практически семинари, за общо 140 лекари по ПОЗ в областта, наред с другото, на диагностика и лечение на РА, основна информация за ревматични заболявания, патогенеза, епидемиология и клиничен образ, възрастни РА и съвместно съществуващи заболявания, — прилагане на медицински услуги в рамките на Националната програма за превенция и ранно откриване на ревматоидно възпаление на езерата под формата на две посещения на лекар от OZ, по време на който ще бъде направен предварителен подбор и избрани пациенти ще бъдат насочени към ревматолог, предварително посещение при ревматолог на PCR, по време на което диагнозата ще бъде проверена и евентуално насочване за по-нататъшно диагностично изследване и второ посещение при ревматолога, където ще бъде направена окончателната диагноза, — създаване и функциониране на платформа за сътрудничество за лекари по ПОЗ, ръководители на проекти и други потенциални заинтересовани страни, наред с другото, за да се противодейства на явлението разпокъсване на грижите за пациентите, — закупуване на медицинско оборудване, позволяващо изпълнението на здравни услуги като част от вторична профилактика, — провеждане на информационна кампания относно първичната профилактика и ранното откриване на РО, подготовка на обобщен анализ на работата. Благодарение на изпълнението на проекта ще бъде възможно да се предотврати болестта чрез ранното му откриване и да се намалят отрицателните последици за здравето и икономиката чрез предварително прилаган процес на лечение. (Bulgarian)
    26 July 2022
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    A projekt célja, hogy bizonyos mértékig megoldja a rheumatoid arthritis késői felismerésének problémáját a munkaképes korú embereknél. Ez a probléma többek között a betegséggel kapcsolatos elemi ismeretek hiánya, a családi orvos látogatásának hosszú ideje, a reumatológus látogatásának hosszú várakozási ideje és a végső diagnózis. Ezért a projekt feltételezi: öt egész napos képzés szervezése gyakorlati workshopokkal kombinálva, összesen 140 POZ orvos számára, többek között az RA diagnózisa és kezelése területén, alapvető információk a reumás betegségekről, a patogenezisről, az epidemiológiáról és a klinikai imázsról, az idős RA-ról és az egyidejűleg előforduló betegségekről, – az orvosi szolgáltatások végrehajtása a Nemzeti Rheumatoid Inflammáció megelőzésére és korai észlelésére irányuló nemzeti program keretében egy OZ orvosnál, amelynek során előválogatásra kerül sor, és a kiválasztott betegeket reumatológushoz utalják, előzetes látogatást tesznek a PCR reumatológusnál, amelynek során ellenőrzik a diagnózist és a további diagnosztikai vizsgálatra való esetleges utalást, valamint egy második látogatást a reumatológusnál, ahol a végső diagnózis készül, – együttműködési platform létrehozása és működtetése a POZ orvosok, projektmenedzserek és más potenciális érdekelt felek számára, többek között a betegellátás szétaprózódásának megakadályozása érdekében, – orvosi eszközök beszerzése, amely lehetővé teszi az egészségügyi szolgáltatások másodlagos megelőzését, – tájékoztató kampányt folytat az RA elsődleges megelőzéséről és korai felismeréséről, – a munka összefoglaló elemzésének elkészítése. A projekt megvalósításának köszönhetően a betegség korai felismerése és negatív egészségügyi és gazdasági hatásainak csökkentése egy korábban végrehajtott kezelési folyamat révén lehetséges lesz. (Hungarian)
    26 July 2022
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    Tá an tionscadal deartha chun an fhadhb a bhaineann le airtríteas réamatóideach a bhrath go déanach i ndaoine in aois oibre a réiteach go pointe áirithe. Tá an fhadhb seo mar gheall, i measc nithe eile, ar easpa eolais tosaigh faoin ngalar, ar feadh i bhfad chun cinneadh a dhéanamh maidir le cuairt a thabhairt ar dhochtúir teaghlaigh, am feithimh fada le haghaidh cuairt a thabhairt ar reumatologist, agus diagnóis deiridh. Dá bhrí sin, glacann an Tionscadal leis an méid seo a leanas: — cúig oiliúint lae iomlán a eagrú mar aon le ceardlanna praiticiúla, le haghaidh 140 dochtúir POZ san iomlán i réimse, inter alia, diagnóis agus cóireáil RA, faisnéis bhunúsach maidir le galair réamatacha, pataigineas, eipidéimeolaíocht agus íomhá chliniciúil, RA scothaosta agus galair atá ann cheana féin, — seirbhísí leighis a chur chun feidhme faoi chuimsiú an Chláir Náisiúnta um Chosc Coisctheach agus Luath-Athlasú Ponds i bhfoirm dhá chuairt ar dhochtúir OZ, ina ndéanfar réamhroghnú agus ina ndéanfar othair roghnaithe a tharchur chuig reumatologist, réamhchuairt ar reumatologist PCR, ar lena linn a fhíorófar an diagnóis agus a fhéadfar é a tharchur le haghaidh tuilleadh scrúdaithe diagnóisigh agus an dara cuairt ar an réamateolaí, áit a ndéanfar an diagnóis deiridh, — ardán comhair a chruthú agus a oibriú do lianna POZ, bainisteoirí tionscadail agus geallsealbhóirí féideartha eile, i measc nithe eile chun cur i gcoinne an fheiniméin a bhaineann le hilroinnt cúraim othar, — trealamh leighis a cheannach lena gcumasaítear cur chun feidhme seirbhísí sláinte mar chuid de chosc tánaisteach, — feachtas faisnéise a sheoladh maidir le príomhchosc agus luathbhrath RA, ullmhú achoimre ar an obair. A bhuí le cur chun feidhme an tionscadail, beifear in ann an galar a chosc trína luathbhrath agus a éifeachtaí diúltacha sláinte agus eacnamaíocha a laghdú trí phróiseas cóireála a cuireadh chun feidhme roimhe seo (Irish)
    26 July 2022
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    Projektet är utformat för att i viss utsträckning lösa problemet med sen upptäckt av reumatoid artrit hos personer i arbetsför ålder. Detta problem beror bland annat på brist på elementär kunskap om sjukdomen, en lång tid att besluta om ett besök hos en familjeläkare, en lång väntetid för ett besök hos en reumatolog och en slutlig diagnos. Därför utgår projektet från följande: — anordnande av fem heldagsutbildningar i kombination med praktiska workshoppar för sammanlagt 140 läkare i POZ inom bland annat diagnos och behandling av RA, grundläggande information om reumatiska sjukdomar, patogenes, epidemiologi och klinisk bild, äldre RA och samexisterande sjukdomar – genomförande av medicinska tjänster inom ramen för det nationella programmet för förebyggande och tidig upptäckt av reumatoid inflammation av dammar i form av två besök hos en läkare i OZ, under vilket förval kommer att göras och utvalda patienter kommer att hänvisas till en reumatolog, ett preliminärt besök hos en PCR-reumatolog, under vilken diagnosen kommer att verifieras och eventuellt remitteras för ytterligare diagnostisk undersökning och ett andra besök hos reumatologen, där den slutliga diagnosen kommer att ställas, – inrättande och drift av en samarbetsplattform för POZ-läkare, projektledare och andra potentiella intressenter, bland annat för att motverka fenomenet fragmentering av patientvården, – inköp av medicinsk utrustning som möjliggör genomförande av hälso- och sjukvård som en del av sekundärprevention, – genomföra en informationskampanj om primär prevention och tidig upptäckt av RA, – förberedelse av en sammanfattande analys av arbetet. Tack vare genomförandet av projektet kommer det att vara möjligt att förebygga sjukdomen genom tidig upptäckt och minska dess negativa hälso- och ekonomiska effekter genom en tidigare genomförd behandlingsprocess. (Swedish)
    26 July 2022
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    Projekti eesmärk on lahendada teatud määral reumatoidartriidi hilise avastamise probleem tööealistel inimestel. See probleem on muu hulgas tingitud elementaarsete teadmiste puudumisest haiguse kohta, pikka aega perearsti külastuse otsustamiseks, reumatoloogi külastamise pika ooteaja ja lõpliku diagnoosi tõttu. Seetõttu eeldatakse projektis järgmist: korraldada viis täispäevast koolitust koos praktiliste seminaridega, mis hõlmavad kokku 140 POZ-arsti muu hulgas RA diagnoosi ja ravi, reumaatiliste haiguste, patogeneesi, epidemioloogia ja kliinilise kuvandi, eakate RA ja koos eksisteerivate haiguste põhiteabe valdkonnas, – meditsiiniteenuste rakendamine reumatoidsete tiikide ennetava ennetamise ja varajase avastamise riikliku programmi raames kahe visiidina OZ arsti juurde, mille jooksul eelvalik tehakse ja valitud patsiendid suunatakse reumatoloogi juurde, eelkülastus PCR reumatoloogi juurde, mille käigus diagnoosi kontrollitakse ja võimalik suunamine edasisele diagnostilisele läbivaatusele, ning teine reumatoloogi külastus, kus tehakse lõplik diagnoos, – koostööplatvormi loomine ja käitamine POZ arstidele, projektijuhtidele ja teistele potentsiaalsetele sidusrühmadele, muu hulgas selleks, et võidelda patsiendihoolduse killustatuse nähtuse vastu, – meditsiiniseadmete ostmine, mis võimaldavad tervishoiuteenuste rakendamist teisese ennetuse osana; – korraldada teavituskampaania RA esmase ennetamise ja varajase avastamise kohta, – töö kokkuvõtliku analüüsi koostamine. Tänu projekti rakendamisele on võimalik haigust ennetada selle varajase avastamisega ning vähendada selle negatiivset mõju tervisele ja majandusele varem rakendatud raviprotsessi kaudu. (Estonian)
    26 July 2022
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