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(‎Removed claim: co-financing rate (P837): 80.0 percentage)
(‎Changed an Item: Import item from Poland)
Property / EU contributionProperty / EU contribution
164,773.95 Euro
Amount164,773.95 Euro
152,621.87 Euro
Amount152,621.87 Euro
Property / budgetProperty / budget
205,967.43 Euro
Amount205,967.43 Euro
190,777.34 Euro
Amount190,777.34 Euro
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): WOJ.: WARMIŃSKO-MAZURSKIE, POW.: ostródzki / rank
Normal rank
Property / priority axis
Property / priority axis: ENERGY EFFICIENCY / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
80.0 percent
Amount80.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 80.0 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 23:52, 21 October 2022

Project Q132277 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q132277 in Poland


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    686,558.11 zloty
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    152,621.87 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    858,197.64 zloty
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    190,777.34 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    80.0 percent
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    26 February 2016
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    30 October 2018
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    53°42'10.1"N, 19°57'46.4"E
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    Przedmiotem proj. jest głęboka termomodernizacja budynku Kotłowni miejskiej wraz z budową mikroinstalacji fotowoltaicznej oraz wymianą oświetlenia na bardziej efektywne energetycznie oświetlenie LED w MPEC sp. z o.o. w Ostródzie.Zakres rzeczowy proj. obejmuje:prace przygotowawcze polegające na opracowaniu dok. technicznej, przetargowej i projektowej, w tym audytu energetycznego ex-ante;roboty budowlane polegające na ociepleniu ścian zewnętrznych,wymianie stolarki okiennej i drzwiowej, wymianie oświetlenia wewnętrznego na LED oraz budowę nadachowej mikroinstalacji PV.Projekt obejmuje likwidację częściowej stolarki okiennej oraz montaż dodatkowej bramy. Zakres rzeczowy proj.obejmuje także nadzór inwestorski oraz działania informacyjno-promocyjne.W ramach proj. zaplanowano zastosowanie TIK w postaci zdalnie sterowanego systemu zarządzania energią w instalacji oświetleniowej.Za wdrożenie proj. będzie odpowiedzialny Wnioskodawca,przy czym zadania opisane powyżej w ramach zakresu rzeczowego zostaną zlecone podmiotom zewnętrznym,które zostaną wybrane w oparciu o zapisy ustawy PZP,zaś tam gdzie występują wyłączenia spod ustawy Pzp,zgodnie z zasadą konkurencyjności.Szczegółowa struktura organizac. systemu wdrażania proj. została opisana w rozdziale 2.3.1 SW.Proj. składa się z 4 głównych,przenikających się etapów inwestycyjnych.Etap I-prac przygotowawczych,w ramach którego Wnioskodawca wykonał ww. w ramach zakresu rzeczowego zadania.Etap II-etap prac budowlanych.Na dzień składania wniosku została zakończona procedura wyboru wykonawcy tych robót.Etap III obejmuje nadzór inwestorski nad projektem.Etap IV obejmuje działania o charakterze informacyjno-promocyjnym.Poprzez racjonalizację zużycia energii,wzrost udziału energii elektr. produkowanej z OZE,obniżenie zużycia energii pierwotnej w Kotłowni miejskiej oraz w efekcie zmniejszenie emisji gazów cieplarnianych do atmosfery,wpisuje się w założenia Osi Priorytetowej 4–Efektywność energetyczna,opisanej w SzOOP RPO WiM 2014-2020. (Polish)
    0 references
    The object of the project is the deep thermal modernisation of the municipal boiler building with the construction of photovoltaic micro-installation and the exchange of lighting with more energy-efficient LED lighting in MPEC sp. z o.o. in Ostróda.The scope of the project includes: preparatory work of the interior window part consisting of the development of technical, tender and design doors, including ex-ante energy audit; construction works involving the construction of internal windows and interior walls. In the context of the project is planned the use of ICT in the form of remote control of the energy management system in the lighting installation.For implementation of the project was responsible the Applicant, the tasks described above within the scope of the object will be commissioned to external entities, which will be selected on the basis of the provisions of the PZP Act, where there are exemptions from the Act of Provision. (English)
    21 October 2020
    0 references
    L’objet du projet est la thermomodernisation profonde du bâtiment de la chaufferie municipale ainsi que la construction d’une micro-installation photovoltaïque et le remplacement de l’éclairage pour un éclairage LED plus économe en énergie dans MPEC sp. z o.o. à Ostróda. La portée du projet de matériaux: préparation de documents techniques, d’appel d’offres et de conception, y compris un audit énergétique ex-ante; travaux de construction consistant en l’isolation des murs extérieurs, le remplacement de la menuiserie des fenêtres et des portes, le remplacement de l’éclairage intérieur par LED et la construction de micro-installation aérienne PV.Le projet comprend l’élimination de l’installation partielle de la menuiserie de fenêtre et de menuiserie supplémentaire. Dans le cadre du projet, l’utilisation des TIC sous la forme d’un système de gestion de l’énergie télécommandé dans l’installation d’éclairage est prévue. Le demandeur sera responsable de la mise en œuvre du projet, et les tâches décrites ci-dessus dans le cadre du champ d’application matériel seront externalisées, qui seront sélectionnées sur la base des dispositions de la loi PZP, lorsqu’il existe des dérogations à la loi PZP, conformément au principe de compétitivité. La structure détaillée de l’organisation du système de mise en œuvre du projet est décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet, le projet se compose de 4 phases d’investissement principales, pénétrantes dans le projet.Etap du projet, la procédure de supervision du projet. La procédure de mise en œuvre du projet a été décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 de SW. Le projet comprend 4 étapes principales d’investissement entrant dans le projet.Et. du projet. la procédure de mise en œuvre du projet est décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet.Le projet se compose de 4 grandes phases internes du projet.Et.Dans le projet, la procédure de mise en œuvre du projet est décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet. Le projet se compose de 4 étapes principales d’investissement pénétrantes.Et le projet, dont la projection est réalisée dans le cadre du projet. La procédure de mise en œuvre du projet a été décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet. Le projet se compose de 4 principaux, le système de mise en œuvre du projet est décrit au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet, le projet se compose de 4 étapes principales d’investissement pénétrantes dans le projet.La structure détaillée du système de mise en œuvre du projet a été décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet. Le projet se compose de 4 étapes principales d’investissement pénétrantes.Et la projection du projet, la procédure de mise en œuvre du projet a été achevée à la section 2.3.1 du projet. Le projet comprend 4 étapes principales d’investissement. la structure détaillée du système de mise en œuvre du projet est décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet. Le projet se compose de 4 phases d’investissement principales et pénétrantes dans le projet.La structure détaillée du projet mettant en œuvre le projet a été décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet. Le projet se compose de 4 étapes principales d’investissement pénétrantes.Le projet est réalisé dans le cadre du projet. La procédure de mise en œuvre du projet a été décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet. Le projet se compose de 4 étapes principales, le projet est réalisé dans le cadre du projet. La structure détaillée du système de mise en œuvre du projet est décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet, qui sera sélectionné sur la base des dispositions de la loi PZP, lorsqu’il existe des dérogations à la loi PZP, conformément au principe de compétitivité. La structure détaillée de l’organisation du système de mise en œuvre du projet a été décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet. Le projet comprend quatre grandes étapes: dans le cadre du projet, la procédure de mise en œuvre du projet a été achevée dans le cadre du projet. La procédure de mise en œuvre du projet a été décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet. Le projet se compose de 4 étapes principales d’investissement pénétrantes.Le projet est réalisé dans le cadre du projet. La procédure de mise en œuvre du projet a été décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet. Le projet se compose de 4 étapes principales d’investissement. la réalisation du projet est décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet. Le projet se compose de 4 étapes principales d’investissement pénétrantes dans le projet.Le projet est réalisé par le projet. La procédure de mise en œuvre du projet est décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet. Le projet se compose de 4 phases d’investissement principales et pénétrantes dans le projet.Le projet implique le projet. La structure détaillée du système de mise en œuvre du projet est décrite au chapitre 2.3.1 du projet, qui seront choisis parmi les dispositions de la loi PZP, lorsque des dérogations à la loi PZP ont lieu, conformément au principe de la compétitivité. (French)
    2 December 2021
    0 references
    Gegenstand des Projekts ist die tiefgreifende Thermomodernisierung des Gebäudes des kommunalen Kesselraums zusammen mit dem Bau einer Photovoltaik-Mikroinstallation und der Ersetzung der Beleuchtung für energieeffizientere LED-Beleuchtung in MPEC sp. z o.o. in Ostróda. Umfang des Materialprojekts: Erstellung von technischen, Ausschreibungs- und Entwurfsunterlagen, einschließlich Ex-ante-Energieaudit; Bauarbeiten aus der Isolierung von Außenwänden, Austausch von Fenster- und Türtischarbeiten, Austausch von Innenbeleuchtung durch LED und Bau von Overhead-Mikroinstallation PV.Das Projekt umfasst die Beseitigung der Teilinstallation der Fenstertischlerei und zusätzliche Fenstertischlerie. The scope of the project includes also investor supervision and information and promotion activities.In the framework of the project, the use of ICT in the form of a remotely controlled energy management system in the lighting installation is planned. The Applicant will be responsible for the implementation of the project, and the tasks described above within the material scope will be outsourced, which will be selected on the basis of the provisions of the PZP Act, where there are exemptions from the PZP Act, in accordance with the principle of competitiveness. The detailed structure of the organisation of the project implementation system is described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project, the project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment phases in the project.Etap of the project, the procedure for the supervision of the project. The procedure for the implementation of the project was described in Chapter 2.3.1 of SW. Project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.Et. of the project, the procedure for implementing the project is described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project.The project consists of 4 main,internal phases of the project.Et.In the project, the procedure for the implementation of the project is described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project, the projection of which is carried out in the framework of the project. The procedure for implementing the project has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project I-proposal, the project implementation system is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project, the project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.The detailed structure of the project implementation system has been described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the projection of the project, the procedure for the implementation of the project has been completed in section 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment phases in the project.The detailed structure of the project implementation system is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment phases in the project.The detailed structure of the project implementing the project has been described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project is carried out of the project. The procedure for the implementation of the project has been described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project is carried out in the framework of the project. The detailed structure of the project implementation system is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project, which will be selected on the basis of the provisions of the PZP Act, where there are exemptions from the PZP Act, in accordance with the principle of competitiveness. The detailed structure of the organisation of the project implementation system has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.In the context of the project, the procedure for implementing the project has been completed in the framework of the project. The procedure for implementing the project has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project is carried out in the framework of the project. The procedure for implementing the project has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the projection, the procedure for the implementation of the project has been completed by the project. It is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.Et the project is carried out by the project. The procedure for implementing the project is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment phases in the project.The project involves the project. The detailed structure of the p... (German)
    9 December 2021
    0 references
    Het doel van het project is de diepe thermomodernisering van het gebouw van de gemeentelijke ketelruimte, samen met de bouw van een fotovoltaïsche micro-installatie en de vervanging van verlichting voor energiezuiniger LED-verlichting in MPEC sp. z o.o. in Ostróda. De reikwijdte van het materiaalproject: voorbereiding van technische, aanbestedings- en ontwerpdocumenten, waaronder een ex-ante energieaudit; bouwwerkzaamheden bestaande uit isolatie van buitenmuren, vervanging van raam- en deurschrijnwerk, vervanging van binnenverlichting door LED en bouw van bovengrondse micro-installatie PV.Het project omvat de verwijdering van de gedeeltelijke installatie van het vensterschrijnwerk en extra raamschrijnwerk. The scope of the project includes also investor supervision and information and promotion activities.In the framework of the project, the use of ICT in the form of a remotely controlled energy management system in the lighting installation is planned. The Applicant will be responsible for the implementation of the project, and the tasks described above within the material scope will be outsourced, which will be selected on the basis of the provisions of the PZP Act, where there are exemptions from the PZP Act, in accordance with the principle of competitiveness. The detailed structure of the organisation of the project implementation system is described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project, the project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment phases in the project.Etap of the project, the procedure for the supervision of the project. The procedure for the implementation of the project was described in Chapter 2.3.1 of SW. Project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.Et. of the project, the procedure for implementing the project is described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project.The project consists of 4 main,internal phases of the project.Et.In the project, the procedure for the implementation of the project is described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project, the projection of which is carried out in the framework of the project. The procedure for implementing the project has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project I-proposal, the project implementation system is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project, the project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.The detailed structure of the project implementation system has been described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the projection of the project, the procedure for the implementation of the project has been completed in section 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment phases in the project.The detailed structure of the project implementation system is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment phases in the project.The detailed structure of the project implementing the project has been described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project is carried out of the project. The procedure for the implementation of the project has been described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project is carried out in the framework of the project. The detailed structure of the project implementation system is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project, which will be selected on the basis of the provisions of the PZP Act, where there are exemptions from the PZP Act, in accordance with the principle of competitiveness. The detailed structure of the organisation of the project implementation system has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.In the context of the project, the procedure for implementing the project has been completed in the framework of the project. The procedure for implementing the project has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project is carried out in the framework of the project. The procedure for implementing the project has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the projection, the procedure for the implementation of the project has been completed by the project. It is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.Et the project is carried out by the project. The procedure for implementing the project is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment phases in the project.The project involves the project. The detai... (Dutch)
    17 December 2021
    0 references
    L'oggetto del progetto è la profonda termomodernizzazione dell'edificio del locale caldaia comunale insieme alla costruzione di una microinstallazione fotovoltaica e la sostituzione dell'illuminazione per un'illuminazione a LED più efficiente dal punto di vista energetico in MPEC sp. z o.o. a Ostróda. L'ambito del progetto: preparazione di documenti tecnici, di gara e di progettazione, tra cui un audit energetico ex ante; lavori di costruzione consistenti nell'isolamento delle pareti esterne, sostituzione di finestre e falegnamerie delle porte, sostituzione dell'illuminazione interna con LED e costruzione di micro-installazione aerea fotovoltaica.Il progetto prevede l'eliminazione dell'installazione parziale della falegnameria delle finestre e della falegnameria di finestre aggiuntive. The scope of the project includes also investor supervision and information and promotion activities.In the framework of the project, the use of ICT in the form of a remotely controlled energy management system in the lighting installation is planned. The Applicant will be responsible for the implementation of the project, and the tasks described above within the material scope will be outsourced, which will be selected on the basis of the provisions of the PZP Act, where there are exemptions from the PZP Act, in accordance with the principle of competitiveness. The detailed structure of the organisation of the project implementation system is described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project, the project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment phases in the project.Etap of the project, the procedure for the supervision of the project. The procedure for the implementation of the project was described in Chapter 2.3.1 of SW. Project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.Et. of the project, the procedure for implementing the project is described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project.The project consists of 4 main,internal phases of the project.Et.In the project, the procedure for the implementation of the project is described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project, the projection of which is carried out in the framework of the project. The procedure for implementing the project has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project I-proposal, the project implementation system is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project, the project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.The detailed structure of the project implementation system has been described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the projection of the project, the procedure for the implementation of the project has been completed in section 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment phases in the project.The detailed structure of the project implementation system is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment phases in the project.The detailed structure of the project implementing the project has been described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project is carried out of the project. The procedure for the implementation of the project has been described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project is carried out in the framework of the project. The detailed structure of the project implementation system is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project, which will be selected on the basis of the provisions of the PZP Act, where there are exemptions from the PZP Act, in accordance with the principle of competitiveness. The detailed structure of the organisation of the project implementation system has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.In the context of the project, the procedure for implementing the project has been completed in the framework of the project. The procedure for implementing the project has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project is carried out in the framework of the project. The procedure for implementing the project has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the projection, the procedure for the implementation of the project has been completed by the project. It is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.Et the project is carried out by the project. The procedure for implementing the project is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetra... (Italian)
    15 January 2022
    0 references
    El objeto del proyecto es la termomodernización profunda del edificio de la sala de calderas municipal junto con la construcción de una microinstalación fotovoltaica y la sustitución de la iluminación por una iluminación led más eficiente energéticamente en MPEC sp. z o.o. en Ostróda. El alcance del proyecto material: preparación de documentos técnicos, de licitación y de diseño, incluida una auditoría energética ex ante; trabajos de construcción consistentes en aislamiento de paredes externas, sustitución de carpintería de ventanas y puertas, sustitución de la iluminación interior por led y construcción de microinstalación de superficie PV.El proyecto incluye la eliminación de la instalación parcial de la carpintería de ventanas y la carpintería de ventanas adicionales. The scope of the project includes also investor supervision and information and promotion activities.In the framework of the project, the use of ICT in the form of a remotely controlled energy management system in the lighting installation is planned. The Applicant will be responsible for the implementation of the project, and the tasks described above within the material scope will be outsourced, which will be selected on the basis of the provisions of the PZP Act, where there are exemptions from the PZP Act, in accordance with the principle of competitiveness. The detailed structure of the organisation of the project implementation system is described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project, the project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment phases in the project.Etap of the project, the procedure for the supervision of the project. The procedure for the implementation of the project was described in Chapter 2.3.1 of SW. Project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.Et. of the project, the procedure for implementing the project is described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project.The project consists of 4 main,internal phases of the project.Et.In the project, the procedure for the implementation of the project is described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project, the projection of which is carried out in the framework of the project. The procedure for implementing the project has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project I-proposal, the project implementation system is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project, the project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.The detailed structure of the project implementation system has been described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the projection of the project, the procedure for the implementation of the project has been completed in section 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment phases in the project.The detailed structure of the project implementation system is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment phases in the project.The detailed structure of the project implementing the project has been described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project is carried out of the project. The procedure for the implementation of the project has been described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project is carried out in the framework of the project. The detailed structure of the project implementation system is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project, which will be selected on the basis of the provisions of the PZP Act, where there are exemptions from the PZP Act, in accordance with the principle of competitiveness. The detailed structure of the organisation of the project implementation system has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.In the context of the project, the procedure for implementing the project has been completed in the framework of the project. The procedure for implementing the project has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the project is carried out in the framework of the project. The procedure for implementing the project has been described in Chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages.Et the projection, the procedure for the implementation of the project has been completed by the project. It is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment stages in the project.Et the project is carried out by the project. The procedure for implementing the project is described in chapter 2.3.1 of the project. The project consists of 4 main, penetrating investment... (Spanish)
    18 January 2022
    0 references
    Formålet med projektet er den dybe termiske modernisering af den kommunale kedelbygning med opførelse af fotovoltaisk mikroinstallation og udveksling af belysning med mere energieffektiv LED-belysning i MPEC sp. z o.o. i Ostróda. Projektets omfang omfatter: forberedende arbejde i den indvendige vinduesdel, der består i udvikling af tekniske døre, udbudsdøre og designdøre, herunder forudgående energisyn bygværker, der omfatter opførelse af indvendige vinduer og indvendige vægge. I forbindelse med projektet planlægges anvendelse af IKT i form af fjernstyring af energistyringssystemet i belysningsinstallationen.Ansøgeren var ansvarlig for gennemførelsen af projektet, og de ovenfor beskrevne opgaver inden for objektets anvendelsesområde vil blive bestilt til eksterne enheder, som vil blive udvalgt på grundlag af bestemmelserne i PZP-loven, hvor der er undtagelser fra bestemmelsen. (Danish)
    2 July 2022
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    Αντικείμενο του έργου είναι ο βαθύς θερμικός εκσυγχρονισμός του δημοτικού λεβήτου με την κατασκευή φωτοβολταϊκής μικροεγκατάστασης και την ανταλλαγή φωτισμού με ενεργειακά αποδοτικό φωτισμό LED στο MPEC sp. z o.o. στην Ostróda. Το αντικείμενο του έργου περιλαμβάνει: προπαρασκευαστικές εργασίες του τμήματος του εσωτερικού παραθύρου που συνίσταται στην ανάπτυξη θυρών τεχνικής, δημοπράτησης και σχεδιασμού, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του εκ των προτέρων ενεργειακού ελέγχου· κατασκευαστικές εργασίες που αφορούν την κατασκευή εσωτερικών παραθύρων και εσωτερικών τοίχων. Στο πλαίσιο του έργου προγραμματίζεται η χρήση ΤΠΕ με τη μορφή τηλεχειρισμού του συστήματος ενεργειακής διαχείρισης στην εγκατάσταση φωτισμού.Για την υλοποίηση του έργου ήταν υπεύθυνος ο αιτών, τα καθήκοντα που περιγράφονται ανωτέρω στο πλαίσιο του αντικειμένου θα ανατεθούν σε εξωτερικούς φορείς, οι οποίοι θα επιλεγούν βάσει των διατάξεων του νόμου PZP, όπου υπάρχουν εξαιρέσεις από την Πράξη Παροχής. (Greek)
    2 July 2022
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    Cilj projekta je duboka toplinska modernizacija komunalne kotlovske zgrade s izgradnjom fotonaponske mikroinstalacije i razmjenom rasvjete s energetski učinkovitijim LED rasvjetom u MPEC sp. z o.o. u Ostró³da. Opseg projekta uključuje: pripremni rad dijela unutarnjeg prozora koji se sastoji od razvoja tehničkih, natječajnih i projektnih vrata, uključujući ex ante energetski pregled; građevinski radovi na izgradnji unutarnjih prozora i unutarnjih zidova. U okviru projekta planirano je korištenje ICT-a u obliku daljinskog upravljanja sustavom upravljanja energijom u rasvjetnoj instalaciji. Za provedbu projekta bio je odgovoran podnositelj zahtjeva, prethodno opisani zadaci u okviru objekta bit će naručeni vanjskim subjektima, koji će biti odabrani na temelju odredbi Zakona o PZP-u, gdje postoje izuzeća od Zakona o odredbama. (Croatian)
    2 July 2022
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    Obiectul proiectului este modernizarea termică profundă a clădirii cazanelor municipale cu construcția de microinstalare fotovoltaică și schimbul de iluminat cu iluminare cu LED-uri mai eficiente din punct de vedere energetic în MPEC sp. z o.o. în Ostróda. Domeniul de aplicare al proiectului include: lucrări pregătitoare pentru partea de fereastră interioară constând în dezvoltarea de uși tehnice, de licitație și de proiectare, inclusiv audit energetic ex ante; lucrări de construcții care implică construcția de ferestre interioare și pereți interiori. În contextul proiectului este planificată utilizarea TIC sub forma controlului de la distanță al sistemului de gestionare a energiei în instalația de iluminat.Pentru implementarea proiectului a fost responsabil solicitantul, sarcinile descrise mai sus în cadrul obiectului vor fi încredințate entităților externe, care vor fi selectate pe baza dispozițiilor Legii PZP, în cazul în care există derogări de la Legea privind furnizarea. (Romanian)
    2 July 2022
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    Predmetom projektu je hlboká tepelná modernizácia obecnej kotolne s výstavbou fotovoltaickej mikroinštalácie a výmena osvetlenia s energeticky úspornejším LED osvetlením v MPEC sp. z o.o. v Ostróde.Rozsah projektu zahŕňa: prípravné práce na časti vnútorného okna pozostávajúce z vývoja technických dverí, dverí verejnej súťaže a konštrukčných dverí vrátane ex ante energetického auditu; stavebné práce zahŕňajúce výstavbu vnútorných okien a vnútorných stien. V rámci projektu je plánované využívanie IKT vo forme diaľkového ovládania systému energetického manažérstva v osvetľovacej inštalácii.Pre realizáciu projektu bol žiadateľ zodpovedný, úlohy opísané vyššie v rámci predmetu budú zadané externým subjektom, ktoré budú vybrané na základe ustanovení zákona PZP, kde existujú výnimky zo zákona o PZP. (Slovak)
    2 July 2022
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    L-għan tal-proġett huwa l-modernizzazzjoni termali profonda tal-bini tal-bojler muniċipali bil-kostruzzjoni ta’ mikroinstallazzjoni fotovoltajka u l-iskambju ta’ dawl b’dawl LED aktar effiċjenti fl-enerġija f’MPEC sp. z o.o. f’Ostróda. L-ambitu tal-proġett jinkludi: xogħol ta’ tħejjija tal-parti tat-tieqa interna li tikkonsisti fl-iżvilupp ta’ bibien tekniċi, tal-offerti u tad-disinn, inkluża verifika ex ante tal-enerġija; xogħlijiet ta’ kostruzzjoni li jinvolvu l-kostruzzjoni ta’ twieqi interni u ħitan interni. Fil-kuntest tal-proġett huwa ppjanat l-użu tal-ICT fil-forma ta’ kontroll mill-bogħod tas-sistema tal-ġestjoni tal-enerġija fl-installazzjoni tad-dawl.Għall-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett kien responsabbli l-Applikant, il-kompiti deskritti hawn fuq fl-ambitu tal-oġġett se jiġu kkummissjonati lil entitajiet esterni, li se jintgħażlu fuq il-bażi tad-dispożizzjonijiet tal-Att PZP, fejn hemm eżenzjonijiet mill-Att tad-Dispożizzjoni. (Maltese)
    2 July 2022
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    O objeto do projeto é a profunda modernização térmica do edifício de caldeiras municipais com a construção de microinstalação fotovoltaica e a troca de iluminação com iluminação LED mais eficiente em energia em MPEC sp. z o.o. em Ostróda.O escopo do projeto inclui: trabalhos preparatórios da parte da janela interior que consiste no desenvolvimento de portas técnicas, de concurso e de conceção, incluindo a auditoria energética ex ante; obras de construção envolvendo a construção de janelas internas e paredes interiores. No contexto do projeto está previsto o uso de TIC sob a forma de controle remoto do sistema de gestão de energia na instalação de iluminação.Para a implementação do projeto foi responsável pelo requerente, as tarefas descritas acima no âmbito do objeto serão encomendadas a entidades externas, que serão selecionadas com base nas disposições da Lei PZP, onde há isenções da Lei de Disposição. (Portuguese)
    2 July 2022
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    Hankkeen tavoitteena on kunnan kattilarakennuksen syvä terminen modernisointi aurinkosähkömikroasennuksen rakentamisella ja valaistuksen vaihtamisella energiatehokkaammalla LED-valaistuksella MPEC sp. z o.o.:ssa Ostródassa. Hankkeeseen kuuluu: sisätilojen ikkunan osan valmistelutyö, joka käsittää teknisten, tarjous- ja suunnitteluovien kehittämisen, mukaan lukien energia-alan ennakkotarkastus; rakennustyöt, joihin kuuluu sisäikkunoiden ja sisäseinien rakentaminen. Hankkeen yhteydessä suunnitellaan tieto- ja viestintätekniikan käyttöä valaistusasennuksessa energianhallintajärjestelmän kauko-ohjauksen muodossa. Hankkeen toteutuksesta vastasi hakija, jonka edellä kuvatut tehtävät annetaan ulkopuolisilta tahoilta, jotka valitaan PZP-lain säännösten perusteella, jos säännöslaissa on poikkeuksia. (Finnish)
    2 July 2022
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    Cilj projekta je globoka toplotna modernizacija občinske kotlovnice z gradnjo fotonapetostne mikroinštalacije in izmenjavo razsvetljave z energetsko učinkovitejšo LED razsvetljavo v MPEC sp. z o.o. v Ostr³da. Področje projekta vključuje: pripravljalno delo dela notranjega okna, ki vključuje razvoj tehničnih, razpisnih in projektnih vrat, vključno s predhodnim energetskim pregledom; gradbena dela, ki vključujejo gradnjo notranjih oken in notranjih sten. V okviru projekta je načrtovana uporaba IKT v obliki daljinskega upravljanja sistema za upravljanje z energijo v svetlobni napravi.Za izvedbo projekta je odgovoren prijavitelj, zgoraj opisane naloge v okviru predmeta bodo naročene na zunanje subjekte, ki bodo izbrani na podlagi določb Zakona o PZP, kjer obstajajo izjeme od Zakona o določbah. (Slovenian)
    2 July 2022
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    Předmětem projektu je hloubková tepelná modernizace městského kotelního objektu s výstavbou fotovoltaické mikroinstalace a výměna osvětlení s energeticky úspornějším LED osvětlením v MPEC sp. z o.o. v Ostróda.Obsah projektu zahrnuje: přípravné práce na vnitřní části okna spočívající ve vývoji technických, nabídkových a konstrukčních dveří, včetně energetického auditu ex ante; stavební práce zahrnující výstavbu vnitřních oken a vnitřních stěn. V rámci projektu je plánováno využití ICT ve formě dálkového ovládání systému hospodaření s energií v osvětlovacím zařízení.Pro realizaci projektu byl žadatel odpovědný, výše popsané úkoly v rámci předmětu budou zadány externím subjektům, které budou vybrány na základě ustanovení zákona o PZP, kde existují výjimky ze zákona o poskytování. (Czech)
    2 July 2022
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    Projekto objektas yra gilus šilumos modernizavimas savivaldybės katilo pastato su fotoelektros mikroįrengimo statybos ir apšvietimo su efektyviau energiją LED apšvietimas MPEC sp. z o.o. į Ostróda.Projekto apimtis apima: vidaus langų dalies parengiamasis darbas, kurį sudaro techninių, konkurso ir projektavimo durų kūrimas, įskaitant ex ante energijos vartojimo auditą; statybos darbai, apimantys vidinių langų ir vidaus sienų statybą. Projekto kontekste planuojama naudoti IRT kaip energijos valdymo sistemos nuotolinį valdymą apšvietimo instaliacijoje. Už projekto įgyvendinimą atsakingas pareiškėjas, pirmiau aprašytos užduotys objekto apimtyje bus pavestos išorės subjektams, kurie bus atrenkami pagal PZP įstatymo nuostatas, kai yra Nuostatų įstatymo išimtys. (Lithuanian)
    2 July 2022
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    Projekta mērķis ir pilsētas katlu ēkas dziļā termiskā modernizācija ar fotoelementu mikrouzstādīšanu un apgaismojuma apmaiņu ar energoefektīvāku LED apgaismojumu MPEC sp. z o.o. in Ostróda. Projekta darbības joma ietver: iekšējo logu daļas sagatavošanas darbi, kas ietver tehnisko, konkursa un projektēšanas durvju izstrādi, tostarp ex ante energoauditu; celtniecības darbi, kas ietver iekšējo logu un iekšējo sienu izbūvi. Projekta ietvaros tiek plānots izmantot IKT kā attālinātu kontroli pār energovadības sistēmu apgaismes iekārtā.Par projekta īstenošanu bija atbildīgs Pretendents, iepriekš aprakstītie uzdevumi objekta ietvaros tiks uzticēti ārējām struktūrām, kuras tiks izvēlētas, pamatojoties uz PZP likuma noteikumiem, kur ir izņēmumi no Nodrošināšanas likuma. (Latvian)
    2 July 2022
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    Целта на проекта е дълбоката топлинна модернизация на общинската котелна сграда с изграждането на фотоволтаична микроинсталация и обмена на осветление с по-енергийно ефективно LED осветление в MPEC sp. z o.o. в Ostróda. Обхватът на проекта включва: подготвителна работа по вътрешната част на прозореца, състояща се в разработването на технически, тръжни и проектни врати, включително предварителен енергиен одит; строителни и монтажни работи по изграждане на вътрешни прозорци и вътрешни стени. В контекста на проекта се планира използването на ИКТ под формата на дистанционно управление на системата за управление на енергията в осветителната инсталация. За изпълнението на проекта отговаря заявителят, описаните по-горе задачи в обхвата на обекта ще бъдат възложени на външни лица, които ще бъдат избрани въз основа на разпоредбите на Закона за ПЗП, когато са налице изключения от Закона за разпоредбата. (Bulgarian)
    2 July 2022
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    A projekt célja az önkormányzati kazánház mély termikus korszerűsítése fotovoltaikus mikroberendezések megépítésével és a világítás energiatakarékosabb LED-es világítással való cseréjével az ostrói MPEC sp. z o.o.-ban. A projekt kiterjed a következőkre: a belső ablakrész előkészítő munkája, amely műszaki, pályázati és tervezési ajtók kifejlesztéséből áll, beleértve az előzetes energetikai ellenőrzést is; belső ablakok és belső falak építését magában foglaló építési munkák. A projekt keretében az IKT-t az energiagazdálkodási rendszer távirányítása formájában fogják használni a világítási létesítményben.A projekt megvalósításához a Kérelmező a tárgykörben leírt feladatokat külső szervezetekre bízza, amelyeket a PZP törvény rendelkezései alapján választanak ki, amennyiben a rendelkezési törvény alóli mentességek vannak érvényben. (Hungarian)
    2 July 2022
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    Is é cuspóir an tionscadail nuachóiriú teirmeach domhain ar fhoirgneamh coire cathrach le tógáil micrea-shuiteáil fhótavoltach agus malartú soilsiú le soilsiú LED níos éifeachtúla ó thaobh fuinnimh de i MPEC sp. z o.o. in Ostróda.The raon feidhme an tionscadail: obair ullmhúcháin ar chuid na fuinneoige inmheánaí arb é atá inti doirse teicniúla, tairisceana agus deartha a fhorbairt, lena n-áirítear iniúchadh fuinnimh ex-ante; oibreacha tógála a bhaineann le fuinneoga inmheánacha agus ballaí inmheánacha a thógáil. I gcomhthéacs an tionscadail, tá sé beartaithe TFC a úsáid i bhfoirm cianrialaithe ar an gcóras bainistíochta fuinnimh sa tsuiteáil soilsithe.I gcás go raibh an tIarratasóir freagrach as an tionscadal a chur i bhfeidhm, déanfar na tascanna thuasluaite laistigh de raon feidhme an chuspóra a choimisiúnú chuig eintitis sheachtracha, a roghnófar ar bhonn fhorálacha an Achta PZP, áit a bhfuil díolúintí ón Acht Soláthair. (Irish)
    2 July 2022
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    Syftet med projektet är en djup termisk modernisering av den kommunala pannbyggnaden med uppförande av solcellsmikroinstallation och utbyte av belysning med mer energieffektiv LED-belysning i MPEC sp. z o.o. i Ostróda. Projektets omfattning omfattar: förberedande arbete för den del av det inre fönstret som består av utveckling av tekniska dörrar, anbudsdörrar och konstruktionsdörrar, inbegripet förhandsbesiktning av energi. bygg- och anläggningsarbeten som omfattar uppförande av invändiga fönster och innerväggar. Inom ramen för projektet planeras användningen av IKT i form av fjärrstyrning av energiledningssystemet i belysningsinstallationen.För genomförandet av projektet var den sökande ansvarig, de uppgifter som beskrivs ovan inom föremålets tillämpningsområde kommer att anförtros externa enheter, som kommer att väljas ut på grundval av bestämmelserna i PZP-lagen, där det finns undantag från lagen om tillhandahållande. (Swedish)
    2 July 2022
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    Projekti objektiks on munitsipaalkatelde hoone sügavtermiline moderniseerimine fotogalvaanilise mikropaigaldise ehitamisega ja valgustuse vahetamine energiatõhusamate LED-valgustusega MPEC sp. z o.o. Ostródas.Projekti ulatus hõlmab järgmist: siseakende osa ettevalmistav töö, mis hõlmab tehniliste, pakkumis- ja projekteerimisuste väljatöötamist, sealhulgas energia eelaudit; ehitustööd, mis hõlmavad siseakende ja siseseinte ehitamist. Projekti raames kavandatakse info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia kasutamist valgustuspaigaldise energiajuhtimissüsteemi kaugjuhtimise vormis. Projekti rakendamise eest vastutas taotleja, eespool kirjeldatud ülesanded objekti ulatuses tellitakse välistelt üksustelt, kes valitakse PZP seaduse sätete alusel, kui on olemas erandid sätteseadusest. (Estonian)
    2 July 2022
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