Design audit and design strategy stepping up Karnatech’s competitive position (Q88204): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: co-financing rate (P837): 85.0 percentage)
(‎Changed an Item: Import item from Poland)
Property / EU contributionProperty / EU contribution
8,058.0 Euro
Amount8,058.0 Euro
7,463.72 Euro
Amount7,463.72 Euro
Property / budgetProperty / budget
9,480.0 Euro
Amount9,480.0 Euro
8,780.85 Euro
Amount8,780.85 Euro
Property / location (string)
WOJ.: PODKARPACKIE, POW.: stalowowolski
Property / location (string): WOJ.: PODKARPACKIE, POW.: stalowowolski / rank
Normal rank
Property / priority axis
Property / priority axis: ENTERPRISING EASTERN POLAND / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 21:14, 21 October 2022

Project Q88204 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Design audit and design strategy stepping up Karnatech’s competitive position
Project Q88204 in Poland


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    33,575.0 zloty
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    7,463.72 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    39,500.0 zloty
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    8,780.85 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    1 July 2018
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    31 October 2018
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    1. Projekt obejmuje przeprowadzenie audytu wzorniczego w firmie Karnatech Andrzej Karnat w następujących obszarach: - analiza działalności przedsiębiorcy pod względem potencjału i potrzeb wzorniczych, - analiza w zakresie oferty produktowej, - analiza modelu biznesowego, - analiza technologii, - analiza struktury organizacyjnej, - analiza procesów komunikacji i strategii marketingowej, - diagnostyka klientów i konkurencji oraz kluczowych trendów branżowych, - analiza potrzeb w zakresie zarządzania wzornictwem, - analiza oferty pod kątem wykorzystania wzornictwa, - analiza potencjału rynkowego firmy Karnatech. 2. Wynikiem audytu powinna być strategia wzornicza, zawierająca min.: - rekomendacje w zakresie projektowania wzorniczego w naszej firmie - ogólną charakterystykę przedsiębiorcy, zawierającą analizę wzorniczą przedsiębiorstwa w zakresie produktów, technologii, struktury organizacyjnej, procesów komunikacji z klientem, strategii marketingowej, - ogólny opis otoczenia przedsiębiorcy w zakresie designu, zawierający co najmniej informacje odnośnie charakterystyki klientów, opis głównych konkurentów, - opis trendów rynkowych, określenie kluczowych w kontekście wnioskodawcy trendów branżowych, społecznych i technologicznych o dużym potencjale wpływu na rynek wnioskodawcy, - ocenę poziomu wykorzystania wzornictwa w przedsiębiorstwie wnioskodawcy oraz jego potencjału w tym zakresie, - zdefiniowanie problemów wzorniczych w przedsiębiorstwie wnioskodawcy (przy czym problemy te mogą dotyczyć zarówno produktu, jak i innych procesów biznesowych w firmie), - możliwości rozwiązania problemów wzorniczych w przedsiębiorstwie wnioskodawcy. Do przeprowadzenia audytu i opracowania strategii wzorniczej wybrana została firma Synergia Sp. z o.o., która wskazała następujących ekspertów w zakresie wzornictwa: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) Bartłomiej Pniewski. Deklarowany czas przeprowadzenia audytu i opracowania strategii wzorniczej wynosi 90 dni. (Polish)
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    1. The project involves carrying out a design audit at Karnatech Andrzej Karnat in the following areas: — analysis of business activity in terms of potential and design needs, – analysis of product offer, – business model analysis, – technology analysis, – organizational structure analysis, – analysis of communication processes and marketing strategy, – diagnostics of clients and competition and key industry trends, – analysis of design management needs, – offer analysis in terms of design use, – analysis of market potential of Karnatech company. 2. The audit should result in a model strategy, including min.: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr Lutek, (b) Konrad Klimek, (c) Bartłomiej Pniewski. The declared time of audit and design strategy is 90 days. (English)
    14 October 2020
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    1. Le projet comprend la réalisation d’un audit de conception à Karnatech Andrzej Karnat dans les domaines suivants: — analyse de l’activité commerciale de l’entrepreneur en termes de potentiel et de besoins de conception, — analyse de l’offre de produit, — analyse du modèle d’entreprise, — analyse de la structure organisationnelle, — analyse des processus de communication et de la stratégie marketing, — diagnostic des clients et de la concurrence et tendances clés de l’industrie, — analyse des besoins dans le domaine de la gestion de la conception, — analyse de l’offre en termes d’utilisation de la conception, — analyse du potentiel de marché de Karnatech. 2. Le résultat de l’audit devrait être une stratégie de conception comprenant: — recommandations pour la conception de la conception dans notre entreprise — les caractéristiques générales de l’entrepreneur, y compris une analyse de la conception de l’entreprise en termes de produits, de technologie, de structure organisationnelle, de processus de communication avec le client, de stratégie de marketing, — une description générale de l’environnement de conception de l’entrepreneur, comprenant au moins des informations sur les caractéristiques des clients, une description des tendances du marché, une description de l’industrie du demandeur, des tendances sociales et technologiques susceptibles d’avoir un fort impact sur le marché du demandeur, — une évaluation du niveau d’utilisation du dessin dans l’entreprise du demandeur et de son potentiel à cet égard, — pour définir les problèmes de conception dans l’entreprise du demandeur (bien que ces problèmes puissent affecter à la fois le produit et d’autres processus commerciaux de l’entreprise); — la possibilité de résoudre des problèmes de conception dans la société de la requérante. Synergia Sp. z o.o. a été sélectionnée pour réaliser l’audit et élaborer la stratégie de conception, qui a identifié les experts en conception suivants: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) Bartłomiej Pniewski. Le délai déclaré pour la réalisation de l’audit et l’élaboration de la stratégie de conception est de 90 jours. (French)
    30 November 2021
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    1. Das Projekt umfasst die Durchführung eines Designaudits bei Karnatech Andrzej Karnat in folgenden Bereichen: — Analyse der Geschäftstätigkeit des Unternehmers in Bezug auf Potenziale und Designbedürfnisse, – Analyse des Produktangebots, – Analyse des Geschäftsmodells, – Analyse der Organisationsstruktur, – Analyse von Kommunikationsprozessen und Marketingstrategien, – Diagnose von Kunden und Wettbewerb und Schlüsseltrends der Branche, – Bedarfsanalyse im Bereich des Designmanagements, – Analyse des Angebots in Bezug auf den Einsatz von Design, – Analyse des Marktpotenzials von Karnatech. 2. Das Ergebnis der Prüfung sollte eine Gestaltungsstrategie sein, die Folgendes umfasst: — Empfehlungen für Designdesign in unserem Unternehmen – die allgemeinen Merkmale des Unternehmers, einschließlich einer Designanalyse des Unternehmens in Bezug auf Produkte, Technologie, Organisationsstruktur, Kommunikationsprozesse mit dem Kunden, Marketingstrategie, – eine allgemeine Beschreibung des Design-Umfelds des Unternehmers, einschließlich mindestens Informationen über die Merkmale der Kunden, eine Beschreibung der Markttrends, eine Beschreibung der Industrie des Antragstellers, soziale und technologische Trends mit hohem Einflusspotenzial auf den Markt des Antragstellers, – eine Bewertung des Umfangs der Nutzung des Designs im Unternehmen des Antragstellers und dessen Potenzial in dieser Hinsicht – zur Definition von Designproblemen im Unternehmen des Antragstellers (obwohl diese Probleme sowohl das Produkt als auch andere Geschäftsprozesse im Unternehmen des Unternehmens beeinflussen können); – die Möglichkeit, Konstruktionsprobleme im Unternehmen der Klägerin zu lösen. Synergia Sp. z o.o. wurde ausgewählt, um das Audit durchzuführen und die Designstrategie zu entwickeln, die folgende Designexperten identifiziert hat: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) Bartłomiej Pniewski. Die angegebene Zeit für die Durchführung des Audits und die Entwicklung der Planungsstrategie beträgt 90 Tage. (German)
    7 December 2021
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    1. Het project omvat het uitvoeren van een ontwerpaudit bij Karnatech Andrzej Karnat op de volgende gebieden: — analyse van de bedrijfsactiviteit van de ondernemer in termen van potentieel en ontwerpbehoeften, — analyse van het productaanbod, — analyse van het bedrijfsmodel, — analyse van de organisatiestructuur, — analyse van communicatieprocessen en marketingstrategie, — diagnose van klanten en concurrentie en belangrijke trends in de industrie, — analyse van de behoeften op het gebied van ontwerpbeheer, — analyse van het aanbod in termen van het gebruik van ontwerp, — analyse van het marktpotentieel van Karnatech. 2. Het resultaat van de audit moet een ontwerpstrategie zijn, met inbegrip van: — aanbevelingen voor ontwerpontwerp in ons bedrijf — de algemene kenmerken van de ondernemer, waaronder een ontwerpanalyse van het bedrijf in termen van producten, technologie, organisatiestructuur, communicatieprocessen met de klant, marketingstrategie, — een algemene beschrijving van de ontwerpomgeving van de ondernemer, met ten minste informatie over de kenmerken van de klanten, een beschrijving van de markttrends, een beschrijving van de industrie van de aanvrager, sociale en technologische trends met een groot potentieel voor impact op de markt van de aanvrager, — een beoordeling van de mate van gebruik van het ontwerp in de onderneming van de aanvrager en haar potentieel in dit verband — om ontwerpproblemen in de onderneming van de aanvrager te definiëren (hoewel deze problemen zowel het product als andere zakelijke processen in de onderneming kunnen beïnvloeden); — de mogelijkheid om ontwerpproblemen in de onderneming van verzoekster op te lossen. Synergia Sp. z o.o. is geselecteerd om de audit uit te voeren en de ontwerpstrategie te ontwikkelen, waarin de volgende ontwerpdeskundigen zijn geïdentificeerd: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) Bartłomiej Pniewski. De opgegeven tijd voor de uitvoering van de audit en de ontwikkeling van de ontwerpstrategie is 90 dagen. (Dutch)
    16 December 2021
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    1. Il progetto prevede la realizzazione di un audit di progettazione presso Karnatech Andrzej Karnat nei seguenti settori: — analisi dell'attività aziendale dell'imprenditore in termini di potenziali esigenze di progettazione, — analisi dell'offerta di prodotto, — analisi del modello di business, — analisi della struttura organizzativa, — analisi dei processi di comunicazione e strategia di marketing, — diagnosi dei clienti e concorrenza e tendenze chiave del settore, — analisi delle esigenze nel campo della gestione del design, — analisi dell'offerta in termini di utilizzo del design, — analisi del potenziale di mercato di Karnatech. 2. Il risultato dell'audit dovrebbe essere una strategia di progettazione che comprenda: — raccomandazioni per la progettazione nella nostra società — le caratteristiche generali dell'imprenditore, compresa un'analisi progettuale dell'impresa in termini di prodotti, tecnologia, struttura organizzativa, processi di comunicazione con il cliente, strategia di marketing, — una descrizione generale dell'ambiente di progettazione dell'imprenditore, comprendente almeno informazioni sulle caratteristiche dei clienti, una descrizione delle tendenze del mercato, una descrizione dell'industria del richiedente, tendenze sociali e tecnologiche con un elevato potenziale di impatto sul mercato del richiedente, — una valutazione del livello di utilizzo del design nella società del richiedente e il suo potenziale al riguardo, — definire i problemi di progettazione nella società del richiedente (anche se tali problemi possono riguardare sia il prodotto che altri processi aziendali nell'impresa); — la possibilità di risolvere problemi di progettazione nella società della ricorrente. Synergia Sp. z o.o. è stata selezionata per svolgere l'audit e sviluppare la strategia di progettazione, che ha individuato i seguenti esperti di progettazione: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) Bartłomiej Pniewski. Il tempo dichiarato per l'esecuzione dell'audit e per lo sviluppo della strategia di progettazione è di 90 giorni. (Italian)
    16 January 2022
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    1. El proyecto incluye la realización de una auditoría de diseño en Karnatech Andrzej Karnat en las siguientes áreas: — análisis de la actividad empresarial del empresario en términos de potencial y necesidades de diseño, — análisis de la oferta de producto, — análisis del modelo de negocio, — análisis de la estructura organizativa, — análisis de los procesos de comunicación y estrategia de marketing, — diagnóstico de los clientes y la competencia y las tendencias clave de la industria, — análisis de las necesidades en el campo de la gestión del diseño, — análisis de la oferta en términos de uso del diseño, — análisis del potencial de mercado de Karnatech. 2. El resultado de la auditoría debe ser una estrategia de diseño, que incluya: — recomendaciones para el diseño de diseño en nuestra empresa — las características generales del empresario, incluyendo un análisis de diseño de la empresa en términos de productos, tecnología, estructura organizativa, procesos de comunicación con el cliente, estrategia de marketing, — una descripción general del entorno de diseño del empresario, incluyendo al menos información sobre las características de los clientes, una descripción de las tendencias del mercado, una descripción de la industria del solicitante, tendencias sociales y tecnológicas con un alto potencial de impacto en el mercado del solicitante, — evaluación del nivel de utilización del dibujo o modelo en la empresa de la demandante y de su potencial a este respecto, — definir los problemas de diseño en la empresa de la demandante (aunque estos problemas pueden afectar tanto al producto como a otros procesos empresariales en la empresa); — la posibilidad de resolver problemas de diseño en la empresa de la demandante. Synergia Sp. z o.o. ha sido seleccionada para llevar a cabo la auditoría y desarrollar la estrategia de diseño, que ha identificado a los siguientes expertos en diseño: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) Bartłomiej Pniewski. El plazo declarado para llevar a cabo la auditoría y desarrollar la estrategia de diseño es de 90 días. (Spanish)
    19 January 2022
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    1. Projektet omfatter gennemførelse af en designrevision hos Karnatech Andrzej Karnat på følgende områder: âEUR analyse af forretningsaktivitet med hensyn til potentiale og designbehov, âEUR analyse af produkttilbud, â EUR business model analyse, â EUR teknologi analyse, â EUR organisationsstruktur analyse, â EUR analyse af kommunikationsprocesser og marketing strategi, â EUR diagnostik af kunder og konkurrence og centrale branchetendenser, â EUR analyse af design management behov, â EUR tilbyde analyse med hensyn til design brug, â EUR analyse af markedspotentialet i Karnatech selskab. 2. Revisionen bør munde ud i en modelstrategi, der omfatter mindst: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Det erklærede tidspunkt for revision og designstrategi er 90 dage. (Danish)
    26 July 2022
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    1. Το έργο περιλαμβάνει τη διενέργεια ελέγχου σχεδιασμού στην Karnatech Andrzej Karnat στους ακόλουθους τομείς: â EUR ανάλυση της επιχειρηματικής δραστηριότητας από την άποψη του δυναμικού και του σχεδιασμού ανάγκες, â EUR ανάλυση της προσφοράς του προϊόντος, â EUR ανάλυση επιχειρηματικού μοντέλου, â EUR ανάλυση τεχνολογίας, â EUR ανάλυση οργανωτική δομή, â EUR ανάλυση των διαδικασιών επικοινωνίας και της στρατηγικής μάρκετινγκ, â EUR διαγνωστικά των πελατών και του ανταγωνισμού και των βασικών τάσεων της βιομηχανίας, â EUR ανάλυση των αναγκών διαχείρισης σχεδιασμού, â EUR ανάλυση από την άποψη της χρήσης του σχεδιασμού, â EUR ανάλυση του δυναμικού της αγοράς της εταιρείας Karnatech. 2. Ο έλεγχος θα πρέπει να έχει ως αποτέλεσμα μια πρότυπη στρατηγική, συμπεριλαμβανομένων ελάχιστων: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: α) Piotr Lutek, β) Konrad Klimek, γ) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Ο δηλωμένος χρόνος του ελέγχου και της στρατηγικής σχεδιασμού είναι 90 ημέρες. (Greek)
    26 July 2022
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    1. Projekt uključuje provedbu projektne revizije u Karnatech Andrzej Karnat u sljedećim područjima: â EUR analiza poslovne aktivnosti u smislu potencijalnih i dizajnerskih potreba, â EUR analiza ponude proizvoda, â EUR analiza poslovnog modela, â EUR analiza tehnologije, â EUR organizacijska struktura analiza, â EUR analiza komunikacijskih procesa i marketinške strategije, â EUR dijagnostika klijenata i natjecanja i ključnih trendova u industriji, â EUR analiza potreba upravljanja dizajnom, â EUR ponuditi analizu u smislu korištenja dizajna, â EUR analiza tržišnog potencijala Karnatech tvrtke. 2. Revizija bi trebala rezultirati modelom strategije, uključujući min.: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr Lutek, (b) Konrad Klimek, (c) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Deklarirano vrijeme revizije i izrade strategije je 90 dana. (Croatian)
    26 July 2022
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    1. Proiectul presupune efectuarea unui audit de proiectare la Karnatech Andrzej Karnat în următoarele domenii: analiza activității de afaceri în ceea ce privește nevoile potențiale și de proiectare, analiza ofertei de produse, analiza modelului de afaceri, analiza tehnologiei, analiza structurii organizaționale, analiza proceselor de comunicare și a strategiei de marketing, diagnosticarea clienților și a concurenței și tendințele cheie ale industriei, analiza nevoilor de management al designului, analiza ofertei în ceea ce privește utilizarea designului, analiza potențialului de piață al companiei Karnatech. 2. Auditul ar trebui să aibă ca rezultat o strategie model, care să includă min.: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr Lutek, (b) Konrad Klimek, (c) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Timpul declarat de audit și strategie de proiectare este de 90 de zile. (Romanian)
    26 July 2022
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    1. Projekt zahŕňa vykonanie projektového auditu v Karnatech Andrzej Karnat v týchto oblastiach: â EUR analýza obchodnej činnosti z hľadiska potenciálnych a konštrukčných potrieb, â EUR analýza produktovej ponuky, â EUR analýza obchodného modelu, â EUR technologická analýza, â EUR analýza organizačnej štruktúry, â EUR analýza komunikačných procesov a marketingovej stratégie, â EUR diagnostika klientov a konkurencie a kľúčových priemyselných trendov, â EUR analýza potrieb riadenia dizajnu, â EUR ponuka analýzy z hľadiska použitia dizajnu, â EUR analýza trhového potenciálu spoločnosti Karnatech. 2. Výsledkom auditu by mala byť modelová stratégia vrátane min.: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Deklarovaný čas stratégie auditu a návrhu je 90 dní. (Slovak)
    26 July 2022
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    1. Il-proġett jinvolvi t-twettiq ta’ verifika tad-disinn f’Karnatech Andrzej Karnat fl-oqsma li ġejjin: analiżi â EUR â EUR tal-attività tan-negozju f’termini ta ‘potenzjal u l-ħtiġijiet disinn, â EUR analiżi tal-prodott offerta, â EUR analiżi mudell tan-negozju, analiżi teknoloġija â EUR, â EUR analiżi istruttura organizzattiva, â EUR analiżi ta ‘proċessi ta’ komunikazzjoni u l-istrateġija kummerċjalizzazzjoni, â EUR dijanjostika tal-klijenti u l-kompetizzjoni u t-tendenzi l-industrija ewlenin, â EUR analiżi ta ‘disinn ġestjoni ħtiġijiet, â EUR offerta analiżi f’termini ta ‘użu tad-disinn, analiżi â EUR tal-potenzjal tas-suq tal-kumpanija Karnatech. 2. Il-verifika għandha tirriżulta f’mudell ta’ strateġija, inkluż min.: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr Lutek, (b) Konrad Klimek, (c) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Il-ħin iddikjarat tal-istrateġija tal-awditjar u d-disinn huwa ta’ 90 jum. (Maltese)
    26 July 2022
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    1. O projeto envolve a realização de uma auditoria de design na Karnatech Andrzej Karnat nas seguintes áreas: análise da atividade empresarial em termos de potencial e necessidades de design, análise de oferta de produtos, análise de modelos de negócios, análise de tecnologia, análise de estrutura organizacional, análise de processos de comunicação e estratégia de marketing, diagnóstico de clientes e concorrência e tendências-chave da indústria, análise de necessidades de gerenciamento de design, análise de oferta em termos de uso de design, análise do potencial de mercado da empresa Karnatech. 2. A auditoria deve resultar em uma estratégia modelo, incluindo min.: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) BartÅomiej Pniewski. O tempo declarado de auditoria e estratégia de conceção é de 90 dias. (Portuguese)
    26 July 2022
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    1. Hankkeeseen sisältyy suunnittelutarkastus Karnatech Andrzej Karnatissa seuraavilla aloilla: liiketoiminta-analyysi potentiaalin ja suunnittelun tarpeiden kannalta, analyysi tuotetarjonnasta, liiketoimintamallin analyysi, teknologia-analyysi, organisaatiorakenneanalyysi, viestintäprosessien ja markkinointistrategian analyysi, asiakkaiden diagnostiikka ja kilpailu ja alan keskeiset suuntaukset, suunnittelun hallintatarpeiden analyysi, analyysi suunnittelun käytöstä, Karnatech-yrityksen markkinapotentiaalin analyysi. 2. Tarkastuksen olisi johdettava strategiamalliin, joka sisältää seuraavat vähimmäisvaatimukset: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Tarkastus- ja suunnittelustrategian ilmoitettu aika on 90 päivää. (Finnish)
    26 July 2022
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    1. Projekt vključuje izvedbo projektne revizije v Karnatech Andrzej Karnat na naslednjih področjih: analiza poslovne dejavnosti v smislu potencialnih in oblikovalskih potreb, analiza ponudbe izdelkov, analiza poslovnega modela, analiza tehnologije, analiza organizacijske strukture, analiza komunikacijskih procesov in marketinške strategije, diagnostika strank in konkurence ter ključni trendi v industriji, analiza potreb upravljanja oblikovanja, analiza uporabe oblikovanja, analiza tržnega potenciala podjetja Karnatech. 2. Rezultat revizije bi morala biti vzorčna strategija, ki vključuje vsaj: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr Lutek, (b) Konrad Klimek, (c) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Napovedani čas revizijske in projektne strategije je 90 dni. (Slovenian)
    26 July 2022
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    1. Projekt zahrnuje provedení auditu projektu v Karnatech Andrzej Karnat v následujících oblastech: â EUR analýza obchodní činnosti z hlediska potenciálu a potřeb designu, â EUR analýza nabídky produktů, â EUR analýza obchodního modelu, â EUR analýza technologií, â EUR organizační struktura analýza, â EUR analýza komunikačních procesů a marketingové strategie, â EUR diagnostika klientů a konkurence a klíčových průmyslových trendů, â EUR analýza potřeb řízení designu, â EUR analýza z hlediska využití designu, â EUR analýza tržního potenciálu společnosti Karnatech. 2. Výsledkem auditu by měla být modelová strategie, včetně min.: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Deklarovaná doba auditu a strategie návrhu je 90 dní. (Czech)
    26 July 2022
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    1. Projektas apima projekto auditą Karnatech Andrzej Karnat šiose srityse: â EUR analizė verslo veiklos pagal potencialą ir projektavimo poreikius, â EUR analizė produkto pasiūlymas, â EUR verslo modelio analizė, â EUR technologijų analizė, â EUR organizacinės struktūros analizė, â EUR analizė komunikacijos procesų ir rinkodaros strategijos, â EUR diagnostika klientų ir konkurencijos ir pagrindinių pramonės tendencijų, â EUR analizė dizaino valdymo poreikius, â EUR pasiūlyti analizę kalbant apie dizaino naudojimo, â EUR analizė rinkos potencialo Karnatech kompanija. 2. Atlikus auditą turėtų būti parengta pavyzdinė strategija, įskaitant mažiausiai: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Deklaruotas audito ir projektavimo strategijos laikas yra 90 dienų. (Lithuanian)
    26 July 2022
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    1. Projekts ietver projektēšanas audita veikšanu Karnatech Andrzej Karnat šādās jomās: â EUR analīze uzņēmējdarbības ziņā potenciālo un dizaina vajadzībām, â EUR analīze produktu piedāvājuma, â EUR biznesa modeļa analīze, â EUR tehnoloģiju analīze, â EUR organizatoriskās struktūras analīze, â EUR analīze komunikācijas procesu un mārketinga stratēģiju, â EUR diagnostika klientu un konkurences un galvenās nozares tendences, â EUR analīze dizaina vadības vajadzībām, â EUR piedāvājums analīze ziņā dizaina izmantošanu, â EUR analīze tirgus potenciālu Karnatech kompānija. 2. Revīzijas rezultātā jāizstrādā stratēģijas paraugs, tostarp min.: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Deklarētais revīzijas un projektēšanas stratēģijas laiks ir 90 dienas. (Latvian)
    26 July 2022
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    1. Проектът включва извършване на одит на проектирането в Karnatech Andrzej Karnat в следните области: анализ на бизнес дейността по отношение на потенциални и проектни нужди, анализ на предлагането на продукти, анализ на бизнес модела, анализ на технологиите, анализ на организационната структура, анализ на комуникационните процеси и маркетингова стратегия, диагностика на клиенти и конкуренция и ключови тенденции в индустрията, анализ на нуждите от управление на дизайна, анализ по отношение на дизайна, анализ на пазарния потенциал на компанията Karnatech. 2. Одитът следва да доведе до примерна стратегия, включваща минимум: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: а) Piotr Lutek, б) Konrad Klimek, в) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Декларираният срок за одит и стратегия за проектиране е 90 дни. (Bulgarian)
    26 July 2022
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    1. A projekt keretében tervezési ellenőrzést végeznek a Karnatech Andrzej Karnatnál a következő területeken: üzleti tevékenység elemzése a potenciális és tervezési igények szempontjából, termékkínálat elemzése, üzleti modellelemzés, technológiaelemzés, szervezeti struktúraelemzés, kommunikációs folyamatok és marketing stratégia elemzése, ügyfelek diagnosztikája és a verseny és a legfontosabb ipari trendek, a tervezés menedzsment igényeinek elemzése, ajánlatelemzés a tervezési felhasználás szempontjából, a Karnatech vállalat piaci potenciáljának elemzése. 2. Az ellenőrzésnek modellstratégiát kell eredményeznie, amely magában foglalja a következőket: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Az ellenőrzési és tervezési stratégia bejelentett időpontja 90 nap. (Hungarian)
    26 July 2022
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    1. Is éard atá i gceist leis an tionscadal iniúchadh dearaidh a dhéanamh ag Karnatech Andrzej Karnat sna réimsí seo a leanas: â EUR â EUR anailís ar ghníomhaíocht ghnó i dtéarmaí riachtanais féideartha agus dearadh, â EUR EUR anailís ar an táirge, â EUR EUR anailís samhail gnó, â EUR EUR anailís struchtúr eagrúcháin, â EUR anailís ar phróisis chumarsáide agus straitéis margaíochta, â EUR diagnóisic na gcliant agus iomaíocht agus treochtaí tionscail lárnach, â EUR anailís ar riachtanais bainistíochta dearadh, â EUR â anailís a thairiscint i dtéarmaí úsáide dearadh, â EUR EUR anailís ar phoitéinseal margaidh na cuideachta Karnatech. 2. Ba cheart samhailstraitéis a bheith mar thoradh ar an iniúchadh, lena n-áirítear an méid seo a leanas: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr LuTEK, (b) Konrad Klimek, (c) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Is é 90 lá an t-am a fhógraítear an straitéis iniúchóireachta agus deartha. (Irish)
    26 July 2022
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    1. Projektet innebär att genomföra en designrevision på Karnatech Andrzej Karnat inom följande områden: â EUR analys av affärsverksamhet i termer av potential och designbehov, â EUR analys av produkterbjudande, â EUR affärsmodell analys, â EUR teknikanalys, â EUR organisatorisk struktur analys, â EUR analys av kommunikationsprocesser och marknadsföringsstrategi, â EUR diagnostik av kunder och konkurrens och viktiga branschtrender, â EUR analys av design management behov, â EUR erbjudande analys i termer av designanvändning, â EUR analys av marknadspotentialen hos Karnatech företag. 2. Revisionen bör resultera i en modellstrategi, inklusive min. — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Den angivna tiden för revision och utformningsstrategi är 90 dagar. (Swedish)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    1. Projekti raames viiakse Karnatech Andrzej Karnatis läbi projekteerimisaudit järgmistes valdkondades: analüüsi äritegevust nii potentsiaali ja disaini vajadustele, analüüsi toote pakkumise, âEUR ärimudeli analüüs, âEUR tehnoloogia analüüs, âEUR organisatsioonilise struktuuri analüüs, âEUR analüüs sideprotsesse ja turundusstrateegia, âEUR diagnostika klientide ja konkurentsi ja peamised tööstusharu trendid, âEUR analüüs disain juhtimise vajadustele, âEUR pakkumise analüüs nii disaini kasutamine, EUR analüüs turupotentsiaali Karnatech firma. 2. Auditi tulemuseks peaks olema näidisstrateegia, mis hõlmab vähemalt järgmist: — recommendations in the field of design in our company – general characteristics of the entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in the field of products, technology, organisational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy, – a general description of the environment of the entrepreneur in the field of design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s business trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise, and the applicant’s design, as well as to assess the level of use of design in the company’s scope, as well as to the applicant’s general characteristics of the trader’s design, containing at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identifying key business trends in the context of the applicant’s trade, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of the design of the applicant’s design in the enterprise’s scope, as well as the applicant’s design in the context of the applicant’s general characteristics of the entrepreneur, containing at least information on the characteristics of the company, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key problems in the context of the trader, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, – the assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s scope, and the applicant’s choices in terms of the scope of the applicant’s business trends in the context of trader, social and technological trends with a significant impact on the applicant’s market, – assessment of the level of use of design in the company’s enterprise and in the context of the applicant’s design – the general description of the entrepreneur’s characteristics, including at least information on the characteristics of customers, description of the main competitors, – description of market trends, identification of the applicant’s key business trends in the context of the applicant’s sectoral, social and technological trends with a high potential for the applicant’s market, — Synergia Sp. z o.o. was chosen to carry out the audit and design strategy, which identified the following design experts: a) Piotr Lutek, b) Konrad Klimek, c) BartÅomiej Pniewski. Auditi ja projekteerimisstrateegia deklareeritud aeg on 90 päeva. (Estonian)
    26 July 2022
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    WOJ.: PODKARPACKIE, POW.: stalowowolski
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