Sustainable valorisation of lipid waste: Use of micro-organisms in the production of bio-surfactants (Waste2Surf) (Q3056466): Difference between revisions
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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in es, and other parts: Adding Spanish translations) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, ga, sl, bg, mt, pt, da, ro, sv, nl, fr, de, it, lv, es, and other parts: Adding translations: et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, ga, sl, bg, mt, pt, da, ro, sv,) |
label / et | label / et | ||||||||||||||
Lipiidijäätmete säästev väärtustamine: Mikroorganismide kasutamine biopindaktiivsete ainete tootmisel (Waste2Surf) | |||||||||||||||
label / lt | label / lt | ||||||||||||||
Tvari lipidų atliekų valorizacija: Mikroorganizmų naudojimas gaminant biopaviršius (Waste2Surf) | |||||||||||||||
label / hr | label / hr | ||||||||||||||
Održiva valorizacija lipidnog otpada: Upotreba mikroorganizama u proizvodnji biosurfaktanta (Waste2Surf) | |||||||||||||||
label / el | label / el | ||||||||||||||
Βιώσιμη αξιοποίηση των αποβλήτων λιπιδίων: Χρήση μικροοργανισμών στην παραγωγή βιοεπιφανειοδραστικών ουσιών (Waste2Surf) | |||||||||||||||
label / sk | label / sk | ||||||||||||||
Udržateľná valorizácia lipidového odpadu: Použitie mikroorganizmov pri výrobe biopovrchovo aktívnych látok (Waste2Surf) | |||||||||||||||
label / fi | label / fi | ||||||||||||||
Rasvajätteen kestävä hyödyntäminen: Mikro-organismien käyttö biopinta-aktiivisten aineiden (Waste2Surf) tuotannossa | |||||||||||||||
label / pl | label / pl | ||||||||||||||
Zrównoważona waloryzacja odpadów lipidowych: Stosowanie mikroorganizmów w produkcji biosurfactantów (Waste2Surf) | |||||||||||||||
label / hu | label / hu | ||||||||||||||
A lipidhulladék fenntartható hasznosítása: Mikroorganizmusok felhasználása biofelületaktív anyagok (Waste2Surf) előállítása során | |||||||||||||||
label / cs | label / cs | ||||||||||||||
Udržitelné zhodnocení lipidového odpadu: Použití mikroorganismů při výrobě biosurfaktantů (Waste2Surf) | |||||||||||||||
label / ga | label / ga | ||||||||||||||
Luachshocrú inbhuanaithe dramhaíola lipidí: Miocrorgánaigh a úsáid i dtáirgeadh bith-fhíonán (Waste2Surf) | |||||||||||||||
label / sl | label / sl | ||||||||||||||
Trajnostna valorizacija lipidnih odpadkov: Uporaba mikroorganizmov pri proizvodnji biopovršinsko aktivnih snovi (Waste2Surf) | |||||||||||||||
label / bg | label / bg | ||||||||||||||
Устойчива валоризация на липидните отпадъци: Използване на микроорганизми при производството на биоповърхностноактивни вещества (Waste2Surf) | |||||||||||||||
label / mt | label / mt | ||||||||||||||
Valorizzazzjoni sostenibbli tal-iskart tal-lipidi: L-użu ta’ mikroorganiżmi fil-produzzjoni tal-bijosurfactants (Waste2Surf) | |||||||||||||||
label / pt | label / pt | ||||||||||||||
Valorização sustentável dos resíduos lipídicos: Utilização de microrganismos na produção de biossurfactantes (Waste2Surf) | |||||||||||||||
label / da | label / da | ||||||||||||||
Bæredygtig valorisering af fedtaffald: Anvendelse af mikroorganismer ved fremstilling af biooverfladeaktive stoffer (Waste2Surf) | |||||||||||||||
label / ro | label / ro | ||||||||||||||
Valorificarea durabilă a deșeurilor lipidice: Utilizarea microorganismelor în producția de biosurfacți (Waste2Surf) | |||||||||||||||
label / sv | label / sv | ||||||||||||||
Hållbar tillvaratagande av fettavfall: Användning av mikroorganismer vid framställning av bioytaktiva ämnen (Waste2Surf) | |||||||||||||||
description / bg | description / bg | ||||||||||||||
Проект Q3056466 в Латвия | |||||||||||||||
description / hr | description / hr | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056466 u Latviji | |||||||||||||||
description / hu | description / hu | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056466 Lettországban | |||||||||||||||
description / cs | description / cs | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056466 v Lotyšsku | |||||||||||||||
description / da | description / da | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056466 i Letland | |||||||||||||||
description / nl | description / nl | ||||||||||||||
Project Q3056466 in Letland | |||||||||||||||
description / et | description / et | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056466 Lätis | |||||||||||||||
description / fi | description / fi | ||||||||||||||
Projekti Q3056466 Latviassa | |||||||||||||||
description / fr | description / fr | ||||||||||||||
Projet Q3056466 en Lettonie | |||||||||||||||
description / de | description / de | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056466 in Lettland | |||||||||||||||
description / el | description / el | ||||||||||||||
Έργο Q3056466 στη Λετονία | |||||||||||||||
description / ga | description / ga | ||||||||||||||
Tionscadal Q3056466 sa Laitvia | |||||||||||||||
description / it | description / it | ||||||||||||||
Progetto Q3056466 in Lettonia | |||||||||||||||
description / lv | description / lv | ||||||||||||||
Projekts Q3056466 Latvijā | |||||||||||||||
description / lt | description / lt | ||||||||||||||
Projektas Q3056466 Latvijoje | |||||||||||||||
description / mt | description / mt | ||||||||||||||
Proġett Q3056466 fil-Latvja | |||||||||||||||
description / pl | description / pl | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056466 na Łotwie | |||||||||||||||
description / pt | description / pt | ||||||||||||||
Projeto Q3056466 na Letônia | |||||||||||||||
description / ro | description / ro | ||||||||||||||
Proiectul Q3056466 în Letonia | |||||||||||||||
description / sk | description / sk | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056466 v Lotyšsku | |||||||||||||||
description / sl | description / sl | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056466 v Latviji | |||||||||||||||
description / es | description / es | ||||||||||||||
Proyecto Q3056466 en Letonia | |||||||||||||||
description / sv | description / sv | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056466 i Lettland | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Väärtuslike toodete suuremahuline tootmine suurtest jäätmetest on valdkond, kus teadmistepõhisel biomajandusel on suurim potentsiaal. Maailmas tekkivate orgaaniliste jäätmete kogus kasvab igal aastal järsult. Toiduainete tootmise ja toitlustussektori õli- ja rasvajäätmed (W-FOG) on muutunud linnapiirkondades oluliseks orgaaniliste jäätmete vooks. Euroopa Liidu hinnangute kohaselt toodab iga inimene aastas keskmiselt 8 liitrit kasutatud toiduõli. Kogu maailmas toodetakse igal aastal umbes 29 miljonit tonni küpsetusõli. Samal ajal on W-FOGi haldamine problemaatiline ja selle kasutamine piirdub bioenergia tootmisega. Projekti Waste2Surf raames pakutakse välja uus viis W-FOG kasutamiseks, st madala hinnaga toorainena biopindaktiivsete ainete tootmiseks, alternatiivina naftast sünteesitavatele mittebiolagunevatele sünteetilistele pindaktiivsetele ainetele, mis on taastumatu ressurss, mis kasutab keemilise sünteesi viise, mis võivad olla keskkonnale ohtlikud. Pindaktiivsed ained on üks olulisemaid kemikaale, mida kasutatakse peaaegu kõigis igapäevatoodetes – puhastusvahendites, kosmeetikatoodetes, toiduainetes, ravimites jne. Surmaaktiivsete ainete ülemaailmne turg peaks 2024. aastal ületama 41 miljardit eurot. BSi peamised eelised on nende taastuv päritolu, biolagunemine, madal mürgisus, paremad vahutamisomadused ja stabiilne aktiivsus erinevates tingimustes. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Lõpuks töötatakse välja mittekonventsionaalsete eraldus- ja aereerimistehnikate integreerimine automatiseeritud bioreaktorite süsteemi. Bioreaktor varustatakse progressiivse modelleeriva fermentatsiooni kontrollsüsteemiga. (Estonian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Väärtuslike toodete suuremahuline tootmine suurtest jäätmetest on valdkond, kus teadmistepõhisel biomajandusel on suurim potentsiaal. Maailmas tekkivate orgaaniliste jäätmete kogus kasvab igal aastal järsult. Toiduainete tootmise ja toitlustussektori õli- ja rasvajäätmed (W-FOG) on muutunud linnapiirkondades oluliseks orgaaniliste jäätmete vooks. Euroopa Liidu hinnangute kohaselt toodab iga inimene aastas keskmiselt 8 liitrit kasutatud toiduõli. Kogu maailmas toodetakse igal aastal umbes 29 miljonit tonni küpsetusõli. Samal ajal on W-FOGi haldamine problemaatiline ja selle kasutamine piirdub bioenergia tootmisega. Projekti Waste2Surf raames pakutakse välja uus viis W-FOG kasutamiseks, st madala hinnaga toorainena biopindaktiivsete ainete tootmiseks, alternatiivina naftast sünteesitavatele mittebiolagunevatele sünteetilistele pindaktiivsetele ainetele, mis on taastumatu ressurss, mis kasutab keemilise sünteesi viise, mis võivad olla keskkonnale ohtlikud. Pindaktiivsed ained on üks olulisemaid kemikaale, mida kasutatakse peaaegu kõigis igapäevatoodetes – puhastusvahendites, kosmeetikatoodetes, toiduainetes, ravimites jne. Surmaaktiivsete ainete ülemaailmne turg peaks 2024. aastal ületama 41 miljardit eurot. BSi peamised eelised on nende taastuv päritolu, biolagunemine, madal mürgisus, paremad vahutamisomadused ja stabiilne aktiivsus erinevates tingimustes. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Lõpuks töötatakse välja mittekonventsionaalsete eraldus- ja aereerimistehnikate integreerimine automatiseeritud bioreaktorite süsteemi. Bioreaktor varustatakse progressiivse modelleeriva fermentatsiooni kontrollsüsteemiga. (Estonian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Väärtuslike toodete suuremahuline tootmine suurtest jäätmetest on valdkond, kus teadmistepõhisel biomajandusel on suurim potentsiaal. Maailmas tekkivate orgaaniliste jäätmete kogus kasvab igal aastal järsult. Toiduainete tootmise ja toitlustussektori õli- ja rasvajäätmed (W-FOG) on muutunud linnapiirkondades oluliseks orgaaniliste jäätmete vooks. Euroopa Liidu hinnangute kohaselt toodab iga inimene aastas keskmiselt 8 liitrit kasutatud toiduõli. Kogu maailmas toodetakse igal aastal umbes 29 miljonit tonni küpsetusõli. Samal ajal on W-FOGi haldamine problemaatiline ja selle kasutamine piirdub bioenergia tootmisega. Projekti Waste2Surf raames pakutakse välja uus viis W-FOG kasutamiseks, st madala hinnaga toorainena biopindaktiivsete ainete tootmiseks, alternatiivina naftast sünteesitavatele mittebiolagunevatele sünteetilistele pindaktiivsetele ainetele, mis on taastumatu ressurss, mis kasutab keemilise sünteesi viise, mis võivad olla keskkonnale ohtlikud. Pindaktiivsed ained on üks olulisemaid kemikaale, mida kasutatakse peaaegu kõigis igapäevatoodetes – puhastusvahendites, kosmeetikatoodetes, toiduainetes, ravimites jne. Surmaaktiivsete ainete ülemaailmne turg peaks 2024. aastal ületama 41 miljardit eurot. BSi peamised eelised on nende taastuv päritolu, biolagunemine, madal mürgisus, paremad vahutamisomadused ja stabiilne aktiivsus erinevates tingimustes. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Lõpuks töötatakse välja mittekonventsionaalsete eraldus- ja aereerimistehnikate integreerimine automatiseeritud bioreaktorite süsteemi. Bioreaktor varustatakse progressiivse modelleeriva fermentatsiooni kontrollsüsteemiga. (Estonian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
| |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Didelės apimties vertingų produktų gamyba iš didelio masto atliekų yra sritis, kurioje žiniomis grindžiamas bioekonomikos metodas turi didžiausią potencialą. Pasaulyje susidarančių organinių atliekų kiekis kasmet smarkiai didėja. Maisto gamybos ir viešojo maitinimo sektoriuose alyvų ir riebalų atliekos (W-FOG) tapo svarbiu organinių atliekų srautu miestuose. Remiantis Europos Sąjungos skaičiavimais, kiekvienas asmuo pagamina vidutiniškai 8 litrus sunaudoto kepimo aliejaus per metus. Visame pasaulyje kasmet pagaminama apie 29 mln. tonų kepimo aliejaus. Tuo tarpu W-FOG valdymas yra problemiškas, o jo naudojimas apsiriboja bioenergijos gamyba. Projekte Waste2Surf siūlomas naujas W-FOG naudojimo būdas, t. y. kaip žemos kainos žaliava biologinių paviršiaus medžiagų (BS) gamybai, alternatyva biologiškai neskaidomoms sintetinėms paviršinio aktyvumo medžiagoms, sintetosioms iš naftos, – neatsinaujinantiems ištekliams, naudojantiems cheminės sintezės būdus, kurie gali būti pavojingi aplinkai. Paviršinio aktyvumo medžiagos yra viena iš svarbiausių cheminių medžiagų, naudojamų beveik visuose kasdieniuose produktuose – valymo produktuose, kosmetikoje, maisto produktuose, farmacijos produktuose ir kt. Tikimasi, kad 2024 m. pasaulinė aktyviųjų paviršiaus medžiagų rinka viršys 41 mlrd. EUR. Pagrindiniai BS privalumai yra jų atsinaujinanti kilmė, biologinis skaidymas, mažas toksiškumas, geresnės putojimo savybės ir stabilus aktyvumas skirtingomis sąlygomis. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Galiausiai bus sukurtas netradicinio atskyrimo ir aeravimo metodų integravimas į automatizuotą biologinio reaktoriaus sistemą. Bioreaktoriuje bus įrengta progresyvi modeliavimo fermentacijos kontrolės sistema. (Lithuanian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Didelės apimties vertingų produktų gamyba iš didelio masto atliekų yra sritis, kurioje žiniomis grindžiamas bioekonomikos metodas turi didžiausią potencialą. Pasaulyje susidarančių organinių atliekų kiekis kasmet smarkiai didėja. Maisto gamybos ir viešojo maitinimo sektoriuose alyvų ir riebalų atliekos (W-FOG) tapo svarbiu organinių atliekų srautu miestuose. Remiantis Europos Sąjungos skaičiavimais, kiekvienas asmuo pagamina vidutiniškai 8 litrus sunaudoto kepimo aliejaus per metus. Visame pasaulyje kasmet pagaminama apie 29 mln. tonų kepimo aliejaus. Tuo tarpu W-FOG valdymas yra problemiškas, o jo naudojimas apsiriboja bioenergijos gamyba. Projekte Waste2Surf siūlomas naujas W-FOG naudojimo būdas, t. y. kaip žemos kainos žaliava biologinių paviršiaus medžiagų (BS) gamybai, alternatyva biologiškai neskaidomoms sintetinėms paviršinio aktyvumo medžiagoms, sintetosioms iš naftos, – neatsinaujinantiems ištekliams, naudojantiems cheminės sintezės būdus, kurie gali būti pavojingi aplinkai. Paviršinio aktyvumo medžiagos yra viena iš svarbiausių cheminių medžiagų, naudojamų beveik visuose kasdieniuose produktuose – valymo produktuose, kosmetikoje, maisto produktuose, farmacijos produktuose ir kt. Tikimasi, kad 2024 m. pasaulinė aktyviųjų paviršiaus medžiagų rinka viršys 41 mlrd. EUR. Pagrindiniai BS privalumai yra jų atsinaujinanti kilmė, biologinis skaidymas, mažas toksiškumas, geresnės putojimo savybės ir stabilus aktyvumas skirtingomis sąlygomis. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Galiausiai bus sukurtas netradicinio atskyrimo ir aeravimo metodų integravimas į automatizuotą biologinio reaktoriaus sistemą. Bioreaktoriuje bus įrengta progresyvi modeliavimo fermentacijos kontrolės sistema. (Lithuanian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Didelės apimties vertingų produktų gamyba iš didelio masto atliekų yra sritis, kurioje žiniomis grindžiamas bioekonomikos metodas turi didžiausią potencialą. Pasaulyje susidarančių organinių atliekų kiekis kasmet smarkiai didėja. Maisto gamybos ir viešojo maitinimo sektoriuose alyvų ir riebalų atliekos (W-FOG) tapo svarbiu organinių atliekų srautu miestuose. Remiantis Europos Sąjungos skaičiavimais, kiekvienas asmuo pagamina vidutiniškai 8 litrus sunaudoto kepimo aliejaus per metus. Visame pasaulyje kasmet pagaminama apie 29 mln. tonų kepimo aliejaus. Tuo tarpu W-FOG valdymas yra problemiškas, o jo naudojimas apsiriboja bioenergijos gamyba. Projekte Waste2Surf siūlomas naujas W-FOG naudojimo būdas, t. y. kaip žemos kainos žaliava biologinių paviršiaus medžiagų (BS) gamybai, alternatyva biologiškai neskaidomoms sintetinėms paviršinio aktyvumo medžiagoms, sintetosioms iš naftos, – neatsinaujinantiems ištekliams, naudojantiems cheminės sintezės būdus, kurie gali būti pavojingi aplinkai. Paviršinio aktyvumo medžiagos yra viena iš svarbiausių cheminių medžiagų, naudojamų beveik visuose kasdieniuose produktuose – valymo produktuose, kosmetikoje, maisto produktuose, farmacijos produktuose ir kt. Tikimasi, kad 2024 m. pasaulinė aktyviųjų paviršiaus medžiagų rinka viršys 41 mlrd. EUR. Pagrindiniai BS privalumai yra jų atsinaujinanti kilmė, biologinis skaidymas, mažas toksiškumas, geresnės putojimo savybės ir stabilus aktyvumas skirtingomis sąlygomis. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Galiausiai bus sukurtas netradicinio atskyrimo ir aeravimo metodų integravimas į automatizuotą biologinio reaktoriaus sistemą. Bioreaktoriuje bus įrengta progresyvi modeliavimo fermentacijos kontrolės sistema. (Lithuanian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Velika proizvodnja vrijednih proizvoda od velikog otpada područje je u kojem pristup biogospodarstva utemeljen na znanju ima najveći potencijal. Količina organskog otpada proizvedenog u svijetu naglo raste svake godine. Otpadna ulja i masti (W-FOG) iz sektora proizvodnje hrane i ugostiteljstva postali su važan tok organskog otpada u urbanim područjima. Prema procjenama Europske unije, svaka osoba godišnje proizvodi prosječno 8 litara korištenog ulja za kuhanje. Diljem svijeta godišnje se proizvodi oko 29 milijuna tona ulja za pečenje. U međuvremenu, upravljanje W-FOG-om problematično je i njegova je uporaba ograničena na proizvodnju bioenergije. Projektom Waste2Surf predlaže se novi način uporabe W-FOG-a, tj. kao sirovine niske cijene za proizvodnju biosurfactantsa (BS), alternativu nebiorazgradivim sintetičkim površinski aktivnim tvarima sintetiziranim iz nafte, neobnovljivim resursom koji koristi putove kemijske sinteze koji mogu biti opasni za okoliš. Površinski aktivne tvari jedna su od najvažnijih kemikalija koje se upotrebljavaju u gotovo svim svakodnevnim proizvodima – proizvodima za čišćenje, kozmetici, hrani, farmaceutskim proizvodima itd. Očekuje se da će 2024. globalno tržište površinski aktivnih tvari premašiti 41 milijardu EUR. Glavne prednosti BS-a uključuju njihovo obnovljivo podrijetlo, biorazgradnju, nisku toksičnost, bolja svojstva pjenjenja i stabilnu aktivnost u različitim uvjetima. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Naposljetku će se razviti integracija nekonvencionalnih tehnika odvajanja i prozračivanja u automatizirani sustav bioreaktora. Bioreaktor će biti opremljen progresivnim sustavom za kontrolu fermentacije. (Croatian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Velika proizvodnja vrijednih proizvoda od velikog otpada područje je u kojem pristup biogospodarstva utemeljen na znanju ima najveći potencijal. Količina organskog otpada proizvedenog u svijetu naglo raste svake godine. Otpadna ulja i masti (W-FOG) iz sektora proizvodnje hrane i ugostiteljstva postali su važan tok organskog otpada u urbanim područjima. Prema procjenama Europske unije, svaka osoba godišnje proizvodi prosječno 8 litara korištenog ulja za kuhanje. Diljem svijeta godišnje se proizvodi oko 29 milijuna tona ulja za pečenje. U međuvremenu, upravljanje W-FOG-om problematično je i njegova je uporaba ograničena na proizvodnju bioenergije. Projektom Waste2Surf predlaže se novi način uporabe W-FOG-a, tj. kao sirovine niske cijene za proizvodnju biosurfactantsa (BS), alternativu nebiorazgradivim sintetičkim površinski aktivnim tvarima sintetiziranim iz nafte, neobnovljivim resursom koji koristi putove kemijske sinteze koji mogu biti opasni za okoliš. Površinski aktivne tvari jedna su od najvažnijih kemikalija koje se upotrebljavaju u gotovo svim svakodnevnim proizvodima – proizvodima za čišćenje, kozmetici, hrani, farmaceutskim proizvodima itd. Očekuje se da će 2024. globalno tržište površinski aktivnih tvari premašiti 41 milijardu EUR. Glavne prednosti BS-a uključuju njihovo obnovljivo podrijetlo, biorazgradnju, nisku toksičnost, bolja svojstva pjenjenja i stabilnu aktivnost u različitim uvjetima. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Naposljetku će se razviti integracija nekonvencionalnih tehnika odvajanja i prozračivanja u automatizirani sustav bioreaktora. Bioreaktor će biti opremljen progresivnim sustavom za kontrolu fermentacije. (Croatian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Velika proizvodnja vrijednih proizvoda od velikog otpada područje je u kojem pristup biogospodarstva utemeljen na znanju ima najveći potencijal. Količina organskog otpada proizvedenog u svijetu naglo raste svake godine. Otpadna ulja i masti (W-FOG) iz sektora proizvodnje hrane i ugostiteljstva postali su važan tok organskog otpada u urbanim područjima. Prema procjenama Europske unije, svaka osoba godišnje proizvodi prosječno 8 litara korištenog ulja za kuhanje. Diljem svijeta godišnje se proizvodi oko 29 milijuna tona ulja za pečenje. U međuvremenu, upravljanje W-FOG-om problematično je i njegova je uporaba ograničena na proizvodnju bioenergije. Projektom Waste2Surf predlaže se novi način uporabe W-FOG-a, tj. kao sirovine niske cijene za proizvodnju biosurfactantsa (BS), alternativu nebiorazgradivim sintetičkim površinski aktivnim tvarima sintetiziranim iz nafte, neobnovljivim resursom koji koristi putove kemijske sinteze koji mogu biti opasni za okoliš. Površinski aktivne tvari jedna su od najvažnijih kemikalija koje se upotrebljavaju u gotovo svim svakodnevnim proizvodima – proizvodima za čišćenje, kozmetici, hrani, farmaceutskim proizvodima itd. Očekuje se da će 2024. globalno tržište površinski aktivnih tvari premašiti 41 milijardu EUR. Glavne prednosti BS-a uključuju njihovo obnovljivo podrijetlo, biorazgradnju, nisku toksičnost, bolja svojstva pjenjenja i stabilnu aktivnost u različitim uvjetima. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Naposljetku će se razviti integracija nekonvencionalnih tehnika odvajanja i prozračivanja u automatizirani sustav bioreaktora. Bioreaktor će biti opremljen progresivnim sustavom za kontrolu fermentacije. (Croatian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
| |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Η μεγάλης κλίμακας παραγωγή πολύτιμων προϊόντων από απόβλητα μεγάλης κλίμακας είναι ο τομέας στον οποίο η προσέγγιση της βιοοικονομίας που βασίζεται στη γνώση έχει το μεγαλύτερο δυναμικό. Ο όγκος των οργανικών αποβλήτων που παράγονται στον κόσμο αυξάνεται απότομα κάθε χρόνο. Τα χρησιμοποιημένα έλαια και λίπη (W-FOG) από τους τομείς της παραγωγής τροφίμων και της εστίασης έχουν καταστεί σημαντικό ρεύμα οργανικών αποβλήτων στις αστικές περιοχές. Σύμφωνα με εκτιμήσεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, κάθε άτομο παράγει κατά μέσο όρο 8 λίτρα χρησιμοποιημένου μαγειρικού ελαίου ετησίως. Σε όλο τον κόσμο, περίπου 29 εκατομμύρια τόνοι ψησίματος παράγονται ετησίως. Εν τω μεταξύ, η διαχείριση W-FOG είναι προβληματική και η χρήση της περιορίζεται στην παραγωγή βιοενέργειας. Το έργο Waste2Surf προτείνει μια νέα οδό χρήσης του W-FOG, δηλαδή ως πρώτης ύλης χαμηλής τιμής για την παραγωγή βιοεπιφανειοδραστικών ουσιών (BS), μια εναλλακτική λύση αντί των μη βιοαποικοδομήσιμων συνθετικών επιφανειοδραστικών ουσιών που συντίθενται από το πετρέλαιο, ενός μη ανανεώσιμου πόρου που χρησιμοποιεί οδούς χημικής σύνθεσης που μπορεί να είναι επικίνδυνες για το περιβάλλον. Οι επιφανειοδραστικές ουσίες είναι μία από τις σημαντικότερες χημικές ουσίες που χρησιμοποιούνται σχεδόν σε όλα τα προϊόντα καθημερινής χρήσης — προϊόντα καθαρισμού, καλλυντικά, τρόφιμα, φαρμακευτικά προϊόντα κ.λπ. Η παγκόσμια αγορά επιφανειοδραστικών ουσιών αναμένεται να υπερβεί τα 41 δισ. ευρώ το 2024. Τα κύρια πλεονεκτήματα της BS περιλαμβάνουν την ανανεώσιμη προέλευσή τους, τη βιοαποικοδόμηση, τη χαμηλή τοξικότητα, τις καλύτερες ιδιότητες αφρού και τη σταθερή δραστηριότητα υπό διαφορετικές συνθήκες. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Τέλος, θα αναπτυχθεί η ενσωμάτωση μη συμβατικών τεχνικών διαχωρισμού και αερισμού στο αυτοματοποιημένο σύστημα βιοαντιδραστήρων. Ο βιοαντιδραστήρας θα είναι εξοπλισμένος με ένα προοδευτικό σύστημα ελέγχου ζύμωσης μοντελοποίησης. (Greek) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Η μεγάλης κλίμακας παραγωγή πολύτιμων προϊόντων από απόβλητα μεγάλης κλίμακας είναι ο τομέας στον οποίο η προσέγγιση της βιοοικονομίας που βασίζεται στη γνώση έχει το μεγαλύτερο δυναμικό. Ο όγκος των οργανικών αποβλήτων που παράγονται στον κόσμο αυξάνεται απότομα κάθε χρόνο. Τα χρησιμοποιημένα έλαια και λίπη (W-FOG) από τους τομείς της παραγωγής τροφίμων και της εστίασης έχουν καταστεί σημαντικό ρεύμα οργανικών αποβλήτων στις αστικές περιοχές. Σύμφωνα με εκτιμήσεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, κάθε άτομο παράγει κατά μέσο όρο 8 λίτρα χρησιμοποιημένου μαγειρικού ελαίου ετησίως. Σε όλο τον κόσμο, περίπου 29 εκατομμύρια τόνοι ψησίματος παράγονται ετησίως. Εν τω μεταξύ, η διαχείριση W-FOG είναι προβληματική και η χρήση της περιορίζεται στην παραγωγή βιοενέργειας. Το έργο Waste2Surf προτείνει μια νέα οδό χρήσης του W-FOG, δηλαδή ως πρώτης ύλης χαμηλής τιμής για την παραγωγή βιοεπιφανειοδραστικών ουσιών (BS), μια εναλλακτική λύση αντί των μη βιοαποικοδομήσιμων συνθετικών επιφανειοδραστικών ουσιών που συντίθενται από το πετρέλαιο, ενός μη ανανεώσιμου πόρου που χρησιμοποιεί οδούς χημικής σύνθεσης που μπορεί να είναι επικίνδυνες για το περιβάλλον. Οι επιφανειοδραστικές ουσίες είναι μία από τις σημαντικότερες χημικές ουσίες που χρησιμοποιούνται σχεδόν σε όλα τα προϊόντα καθημερινής χρήσης — προϊόντα καθαρισμού, καλλυντικά, τρόφιμα, φαρμακευτικά προϊόντα κ.λπ. Η παγκόσμια αγορά επιφανειοδραστικών ουσιών αναμένεται να υπερβεί τα 41 δισ. ευρώ το 2024. Τα κύρια πλεονεκτήματα της BS περιλαμβάνουν την ανανεώσιμη προέλευσή τους, τη βιοαποικοδόμηση, τη χαμηλή τοξικότητα, τις καλύτερες ιδιότητες αφρού και τη σταθερή δραστηριότητα υπό διαφορετικές συνθήκες. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Τέλος, θα αναπτυχθεί η ενσωμάτωση μη συμβατικών τεχνικών διαχωρισμού και αερισμού στο αυτοματοποιημένο σύστημα βιοαντιδραστήρων. Ο βιοαντιδραστήρας θα είναι εξοπλισμένος με ένα προοδευτικό σύστημα ελέγχου ζύμωσης μοντελοποίησης. (Greek) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Η μεγάλης κλίμακας παραγωγή πολύτιμων προϊόντων από απόβλητα μεγάλης κλίμακας είναι ο τομέας στον οποίο η προσέγγιση της βιοοικονομίας που βασίζεται στη γνώση έχει το μεγαλύτερο δυναμικό. Ο όγκος των οργανικών αποβλήτων που παράγονται στον κόσμο αυξάνεται απότομα κάθε χρόνο. Τα χρησιμοποιημένα έλαια και λίπη (W-FOG) από τους τομείς της παραγωγής τροφίμων και της εστίασης έχουν καταστεί σημαντικό ρεύμα οργανικών αποβλήτων στις αστικές περιοχές. Σύμφωνα με εκτιμήσεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, κάθε άτομο παράγει κατά μέσο όρο 8 λίτρα χρησιμοποιημένου μαγειρικού ελαίου ετησίως. Σε όλο τον κόσμο, περίπου 29 εκατομμύρια τόνοι ψησίματος παράγονται ετησίως. Εν τω μεταξύ, η διαχείριση W-FOG είναι προβληματική και η χρήση της περιορίζεται στην παραγωγή βιοενέργειας. Το έργο Waste2Surf προτείνει μια νέα οδό χρήσης του W-FOG, δηλαδή ως πρώτης ύλης χαμηλής τιμής για την παραγωγή βιοεπιφανειοδραστικών ουσιών (BS), μια εναλλακτική λύση αντί των μη βιοαποικοδομήσιμων συνθετικών επιφανειοδραστικών ουσιών που συντίθενται από το πετρέλαιο, ενός μη ανανεώσιμου πόρου που χρησιμοποιεί οδούς χημικής σύνθεσης που μπορεί να είναι επικίνδυνες για το περιβάλλον. Οι επιφανειοδραστικές ουσίες είναι μία από τις σημαντικότερες χημικές ουσίες που χρησιμοποιούνται σχεδόν σε όλα τα προϊόντα καθημερινής χρήσης — προϊόντα καθαρισμού, καλλυντικά, τρόφιμα, φαρμακευτικά προϊόντα κ.λπ. Η παγκόσμια αγορά επιφανειοδραστικών ουσιών αναμένεται να υπερβεί τα 41 δισ. ευρώ το 2024. Τα κύρια πλεονεκτήματα της BS περιλαμβάνουν την ανανεώσιμη προέλευσή τους, τη βιοαποικοδόμηση, τη χαμηλή τοξικότητα, τις καλύτερες ιδιότητες αφρού και τη σταθερή δραστηριότητα υπό διαφορετικές συνθήκες. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Τέλος, θα αναπτυχθεί η ενσωμάτωση μη συμβατικών τεχνικών διαχωρισμού και αερισμού στο αυτοματοποιημένο σύστημα βιοαντιδραστήρων. Ο βιοαντιδραστήρας θα είναι εξοπλισμένος με ένα προοδευτικό σύστημα ελέγχου ζύμωσης μοντελοποίησης. (Greek) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Rozsiahla výroba hodnotných výrobkov z rozsiahleho odpadu je oblasť, v ktorej má prístup založený na poznatkoch najväčší potenciál. Objem organického odpadu vyprodukovaného vo svete sa každý rok prudko zvyšuje. Odpadové oleje a tuky (W-FOG) z odvetví výroby potravín a stravovania sa stali dôležitým tokom organického odpadu v mestských oblastiach. Podľa odhadov Európskej únie každý človek vyrobí priemerne 8 litrov použitého kuchynského oleja ročne. Na celom svete sa ročne vyrobí asi 29 miliónov ton oleja na pečenie. Zatiaľ je riadenie W-FOG problematické a jeho použitie je obmedzené na výrobu bioenergie. Projekt Waste2Surf navrhuje novú cestu využívania W-FOG, t. j. ako nízku cenu suroviny na výrobu biopovrchovoaktív (BS), alternatívu k biologicky nerozložiteľným syntetickým povrchovo aktívnym látkam syntetizovaným z ropy, neobnoviteľný zdroj využívajúci spôsoby chemickej syntézy, ktoré môžu byť nebezpečné pre životné prostredie. Povrchovo aktívne látky sú jednou z najdôležitejších chemikálií používaných v takmer všetkých každodenných výrobkoch – čistiacich prostriedkoch, kozmetike, potravinách, farmaceutických výrobkoch atď. Očakáva sa, že globálny trh s povrchovo aktívnymi látkami v roku 2024 prekročí 41 miliárd EUR. Medzi hlavné výhody BS patrí ich obnoviteľný pôvod, biodegradácia, nízka toxicita, lepšie peniace vlastnosti a stabilná aktivita za rôznych podmienok. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Napokon sa vyvinie integrácia nekonvenčných techník separácie a prevzdušňovania do automatizovaného bioreaktorového systému. Bioreaktor bude vybavený progresívnym modelovacím systémom riadenia fermentácie. (Slovak) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Rozsiahla výroba hodnotných výrobkov z rozsiahleho odpadu je oblasť, v ktorej má prístup založený na poznatkoch najväčší potenciál. Objem organického odpadu vyprodukovaného vo svete sa každý rok prudko zvyšuje. Odpadové oleje a tuky (W-FOG) z odvetví výroby potravín a stravovania sa stali dôležitým tokom organického odpadu v mestských oblastiach. Podľa odhadov Európskej únie každý človek vyrobí priemerne 8 litrov použitého kuchynského oleja ročne. Na celom svete sa ročne vyrobí asi 29 miliónov ton oleja na pečenie. Zatiaľ je riadenie W-FOG problematické a jeho použitie je obmedzené na výrobu bioenergie. Projekt Waste2Surf navrhuje novú cestu využívania W-FOG, t. j. ako nízku cenu suroviny na výrobu biopovrchovoaktív (BS), alternatívu k biologicky nerozložiteľným syntetickým povrchovo aktívnym látkam syntetizovaným z ropy, neobnoviteľný zdroj využívajúci spôsoby chemickej syntézy, ktoré môžu byť nebezpečné pre životné prostredie. Povrchovo aktívne látky sú jednou z najdôležitejších chemikálií používaných v takmer všetkých každodenných výrobkoch – čistiacich prostriedkoch, kozmetike, potravinách, farmaceutických výrobkoch atď. Očakáva sa, že globálny trh s povrchovo aktívnymi látkami v roku 2024 prekročí 41 miliárd EUR. Medzi hlavné výhody BS patrí ich obnoviteľný pôvod, biodegradácia, nízka toxicita, lepšie peniace vlastnosti a stabilná aktivita za rôznych podmienok. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Napokon sa vyvinie integrácia nekonvenčných techník separácie a prevzdušňovania do automatizovaného bioreaktorového systému. Bioreaktor bude vybavený progresívnym modelovacím systémom riadenia fermentácie. (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Rozsiahla výroba hodnotných výrobkov z rozsiahleho odpadu je oblasť, v ktorej má prístup založený na poznatkoch najväčší potenciál. Objem organického odpadu vyprodukovaného vo svete sa každý rok prudko zvyšuje. Odpadové oleje a tuky (W-FOG) z odvetví výroby potravín a stravovania sa stali dôležitým tokom organického odpadu v mestských oblastiach. Podľa odhadov Európskej únie každý človek vyrobí priemerne 8 litrov použitého kuchynského oleja ročne. Na celom svete sa ročne vyrobí asi 29 miliónov ton oleja na pečenie. Zatiaľ je riadenie W-FOG problematické a jeho použitie je obmedzené na výrobu bioenergie. Projekt Waste2Surf navrhuje novú cestu využívania W-FOG, t. j. ako nízku cenu suroviny na výrobu biopovrchovoaktív (BS), alternatívu k biologicky nerozložiteľným syntetickým povrchovo aktívnym látkam syntetizovaným z ropy, neobnoviteľný zdroj využívajúci spôsoby chemickej syntézy, ktoré môžu byť nebezpečné pre životné prostredie. Povrchovo aktívne látky sú jednou z najdôležitejších chemikálií používaných v takmer všetkých každodenných výrobkoch – čistiacich prostriedkoch, kozmetike, potravinách, farmaceutických výrobkoch atď. Očakáva sa, že globálny trh s povrchovo aktívnymi látkami v roku 2024 prekročí 41 miliárd EUR. Medzi hlavné výhody BS patrí ich obnoviteľný pôvod, biodegradácia, nízka toxicita, lepšie peniace vlastnosti a stabilná aktivita za rôznych podmienok. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Napokon sa vyvinie integrácia nekonvenčných techník separácie a prevzdušňovania do automatizovaného bioreaktorového systému. Bioreaktor bude vybavený progresívnym modelovacím systémom riadenia fermentácie. (Slovak) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Laajamittainen arvokkaiden tuotteiden tuotanto laajamittaisesta jätteestä on ala, jolla tietopohjaiseen biotalouteen perustuvalla lähestymistavalla on suurimmat mahdollisuudet. Orgaanisen jätteen määrä maailmassa kasvaa jyrkästi joka vuosi. Elintarvike- ja ravintola-alan jäteöljyistä ja -rasvoista (W-FOG) on tullut merkittävä orgaanisen jätteen virta kaupunkialueilla. Euroopan unionin arvioiden mukaan kukin henkilö tuottaa keskimäärin 8 litraa käytettyä ruokaöljyä vuodessa. Ympäri maailmaa tuotetaan vuosittain noin 29 miljoonaa tonnia leivinöljyä. W-FOG:n hallinta on kuitenkin ongelmallista, ja sen käyttö rajoittuu bioenergian tuotantoon. Waste2Surf-hankkeessa ehdotetaan uutta W-FOG:n käyttöreittiä eli alhaisen hinnan raaka-aineena biopinta-aktiivisten aineiden tuotannossa, joka on vaihtoehto öljystä syntetisoiduille ei-biohajoaville synteettisille pinta-aktiivisille aineille. Kyseessä on uusiutumaton luonnonvara, jossa käytetään kemiallisia synteesejä, jotka voivat olla ympäristölle vaarallisia. Pinta-aktiiviset aineet ovat yksi tärkeimmistä kemikaaleista, joita käytetään lähes kaikissa päivittäistuotteissa – puhdistusaineissa, kosmetiikassa, elintarvikkeissa, lääkkeissä jne. Ala-aktiivisten aineiden maailmanlaajuisten markkinoiden odotetaan ylittävän 41 miljardia euroa vuonna 2024. BS:n tärkeimmät edut ovat uusiutuva alkuperä, biohajoaminen, alhainen myrkyllisyys, paremmat vaahtoamisominaisuudet ja vakaa aktiivisuus erilaisissa olosuhteissa. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Lisäksi kehitetään epätavanomaisten erottelu- ja ilmastustekniikoiden integrointia automatisoituun bioreaktorijärjestelmään. Bioreaktori on varustettu progressiivisella mallinnuksen käymisen valvontajärjestelmällä. (Finnish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Laajamittainen arvokkaiden tuotteiden tuotanto laajamittaisesta jätteestä on ala, jolla tietopohjaiseen biotalouteen perustuvalla lähestymistavalla on suurimmat mahdollisuudet. Orgaanisen jätteen määrä maailmassa kasvaa jyrkästi joka vuosi. Elintarvike- ja ravintola-alan jäteöljyistä ja -rasvoista (W-FOG) on tullut merkittävä orgaanisen jätteen virta kaupunkialueilla. Euroopan unionin arvioiden mukaan kukin henkilö tuottaa keskimäärin 8 litraa käytettyä ruokaöljyä vuodessa. Ympäri maailmaa tuotetaan vuosittain noin 29 miljoonaa tonnia leivinöljyä. W-FOG:n hallinta on kuitenkin ongelmallista, ja sen käyttö rajoittuu bioenergian tuotantoon. Waste2Surf-hankkeessa ehdotetaan uutta W-FOG:n käyttöreittiä eli alhaisen hinnan raaka-aineena biopinta-aktiivisten aineiden tuotannossa, joka on vaihtoehto öljystä syntetisoiduille ei-biohajoaville synteettisille pinta-aktiivisille aineille. Kyseessä on uusiutumaton luonnonvara, jossa käytetään kemiallisia synteesejä, jotka voivat olla ympäristölle vaarallisia. Pinta-aktiiviset aineet ovat yksi tärkeimmistä kemikaaleista, joita käytetään lähes kaikissa päivittäistuotteissa – puhdistusaineissa, kosmetiikassa, elintarvikkeissa, lääkkeissä jne. Ala-aktiivisten aineiden maailmanlaajuisten markkinoiden odotetaan ylittävän 41 miljardia euroa vuonna 2024. BS:n tärkeimmät edut ovat uusiutuva alkuperä, biohajoaminen, alhainen myrkyllisyys, paremmat vaahtoamisominaisuudet ja vakaa aktiivisuus erilaisissa olosuhteissa. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Lisäksi kehitetään epätavanomaisten erottelu- ja ilmastustekniikoiden integrointia automatisoituun bioreaktorijärjestelmään. Bioreaktori on varustettu progressiivisella mallinnuksen käymisen valvontajärjestelmällä. (Finnish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Laajamittainen arvokkaiden tuotteiden tuotanto laajamittaisesta jätteestä on ala, jolla tietopohjaiseen biotalouteen perustuvalla lähestymistavalla on suurimmat mahdollisuudet. Orgaanisen jätteen määrä maailmassa kasvaa jyrkästi joka vuosi. Elintarvike- ja ravintola-alan jäteöljyistä ja -rasvoista (W-FOG) on tullut merkittävä orgaanisen jätteen virta kaupunkialueilla. Euroopan unionin arvioiden mukaan kukin henkilö tuottaa keskimäärin 8 litraa käytettyä ruokaöljyä vuodessa. Ympäri maailmaa tuotetaan vuosittain noin 29 miljoonaa tonnia leivinöljyä. W-FOG:n hallinta on kuitenkin ongelmallista, ja sen käyttö rajoittuu bioenergian tuotantoon. Waste2Surf-hankkeessa ehdotetaan uutta W-FOG:n käyttöreittiä eli alhaisen hinnan raaka-aineena biopinta-aktiivisten aineiden tuotannossa, joka on vaihtoehto öljystä syntetisoiduille ei-biohajoaville synteettisille pinta-aktiivisille aineille. Kyseessä on uusiutumaton luonnonvara, jossa käytetään kemiallisia synteesejä, jotka voivat olla ympäristölle vaarallisia. Pinta-aktiiviset aineet ovat yksi tärkeimmistä kemikaaleista, joita käytetään lähes kaikissa päivittäistuotteissa – puhdistusaineissa, kosmetiikassa, elintarvikkeissa, lääkkeissä jne. Ala-aktiivisten aineiden maailmanlaajuisten markkinoiden odotetaan ylittävän 41 miljardia euroa vuonna 2024. BS:n tärkeimmät edut ovat uusiutuva alkuperä, biohajoaminen, alhainen myrkyllisyys, paremmat vaahtoamisominaisuudet ja vakaa aktiivisuus erilaisissa olosuhteissa. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Lisäksi kehitetään epätavanomaisten erottelu- ja ilmastustekniikoiden integrointia automatisoituun bioreaktorijärjestelmään. Bioreaktori on varustettu progressiivisella mallinnuksen käymisen valvontajärjestelmällä. (Finnish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Produkcja na dużą skalę cennych produktów z odpadów na dużą skalę to obszar, w którym podejście biogospodarki oparte na wiedzy ma największy potencjał. Ilość odpadów organicznych wytwarzanych na świecie gwałtownie rośnie z roku na rok. Oleje i tłuszcze odpadowe (W-FOG) z sektorów produkcji żywności i gastronomii stały się ważnym strumieniem odpadów organicznych na obszarach miejskich. Według szacunków Unii Europejskiej każda osoba produkuje średnio 8 litrów zużytego oleju kuchennego rocznie. Na całym świecie rocznie produkuje się około 29 milionów ton oleju do pieczenia. Tymczasem zarządzanie W-FOG jest problematyczne, a jego wykorzystanie ogranicza się do produkcji bioenergii. W ramach projektu Waste2Surf zaproponowano nową drogę wykorzystania W-FOG, tj. jako tani surowiec do produkcji biosurfactantów (BS), alternatywę dla syntetycznych środków powierzchniowo czynnych nieulegających biodegradacji syntetyzowanych z ropy naftowej, nieodnawialnego zasobu wykorzystującego drogi syntezy chemicznej, które mogą być niebezpieczne dla środowiska. Środki powierzchniowo czynne są jedną z najważniejszych substancji chemicznych stosowanych w prawie wszystkich produktach codziennego użytku – produktach czyszczących, kosmetycznych, spożywczych, farmaceutycznych itp. Oczekuje się, że światowy rynek środków powierzchniowo czynnych przekroczy 41 mld EUR w 2024 r. Główne zalety BS obejmują ich odnawialne pochodzenie, biodegradację, niską toksyczność, lepsze właściwości spieniające i stabilną aktywność w różnych warunkach. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Wreszcie rozwinięta zostanie integracja niekonwencjonalnych technik separacji i napowietrzania w zautomatyzowanym systemie bioreaktorów. Bioreaktor będzie wyposażony w progresywny modelowy system kontroli fermentacji. (Polish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Produkcja na dużą skalę cennych produktów z odpadów na dużą skalę to obszar, w którym podejście biogospodarki oparte na wiedzy ma największy potencjał. Ilość odpadów organicznych wytwarzanych na świecie gwałtownie rośnie z roku na rok. Oleje i tłuszcze odpadowe (W-FOG) z sektorów produkcji żywności i gastronomii stały się ważnym strumieniem odpadów organicznych na obszarach miejskich. Według szacunków Unii Europejskiej każda osoba produkuje średnio 8 litrów zużytego oleju kuchennego rocznie. Na całym świecie rocznie produkuje się około 29 milionów ton oleju do pieczenia. Tymczasem zarządzanie W-FOG jest problematyczne, a jego wykorzystanie ogranicza się do produkcji bioenergii. W ramach projektu Waste2Surf zaproponowano nową drogę wykorzystania W-FOG, tj. jako tani surowiec do produkcji biosurfactantów (BS), alternatywę dla syntetycznych środków powierzchniowo czynnych nieulegających biodegradacji syntetyzowanych z ropy naftowej, nieodnawialnego zasobu wykorzystującego drogi syntezy chemicznej, które mogą być niebezpieczne dla środowiska. Środki powierzchniowo czynne są jedną z najważniejszych substancji chemicznych stosowanych w prawie wszystkich produktach codziennego użytku – produktach czyszczących, kosmetycznych, spożywczych, farmaceutycznych itp. Oczekuje się, że światowy rynek środków powierzchniowo czynnych przekroczy 41 mld EUR w 2024 r. Główne zalety BS obejmują ich odnawialne pochodzenie, biodegradację, niską toksyczność, lepsze właściwości spieniające i stabilną aktywność w różnych warunkach. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Wreszcie rozwinięta zostanie integracja niekonwencjonalnych technik separacji i napowietrzania w zautomatyzowanym systemie bioreaktorów. Bioreaktor będzie wyposażony w progresywny modelowy system kontroli fermentacji. (Polish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Produkcja na dużą skalę cennych produktów z odpadów na dużą skalę to obszar, w którym podejście biogospodarki oparte na wiedzy ma największy potencjał. Ilość odpadów organicznych wytwarzanych na świecie gwałtownie rośnie z roku na rok. Oleje i tłuszcze odpadowe (W-FOG) z sektorów produkcji żywności i gastronomii stały się ważnym strumieniem odpadów organicznych na obszarach miejskich. Według szacunków Unii Europejskiej każda osoba produkuje średnio 8 litrów zużytego oleju kuchennego rocznie. Na całym świecie rocznie produkuje się około 29 milionów ton oleju do pieczenia. Tymczasem zarządzanie W-FOG jest problematyczne, a jego wykorzystanie ogranicza się do produkcji bioenergii. W ramach projektu Waste2Surf zaproponowano nową drogę wykorzystania W-FOG, tj. jako tani surowiec do produkcji biosurfactantów (BS), alternatywę dla syntetycznych środków powierzchniowo czynnych nieulegających biodegradacji syntetyzowanych z ropy naftowej, nieodnawialnego zasobu wykorzystującego drogi syntezy chemicznej, które mogą być niebezpieczne dla środowiska. Środki powierzchniowo czynne są jedną z najważniejszych substancji chemicznych stosowanych w prawie wszystkich produktach codziennego użytku – produktach czyszczących, kosmetycznych, spożywczych, farmaceutycznych itp. Oczekuje się, że światowy rynek środków powierzchniowo czynnych przekroczy 41 mld EUR w 2024 r. Główne zalety BS obejmują ich odnawialne pochodzenie, biodegradację, niską toksyczność, lepsze właściwości spieniające i stabilną aktywność w różnych warunkach. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Wreszcie rozwinięta zostanie integracja niekonwencjonalnych technik separacji i napowietrzania w zautomatyzowanym systemie bioreaktorów. Bioreaktor będzie wyposażony w progresywny modelowy system kontroli fermentacji. (Polish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
A nagyléptékű hulladékból származó értékes termékek nagy volumenű előállítása az a terület, ahol a tudásalapú biogazdasági megközelítés a legnagyobb potenciállal rendelkezik. A világon keletkező szerves hulladék mennyisége évente meredeken növekszik. Az élelmiszer-termelésből és a vendéglátó-ipari ágazatból származó hulladékolajok és zsírok (W-FOG) fontos szerves hulladékáramká váltak a városi területeken. Az Európai Unió becslései szerint minden személy évente átlagosan 8 liter használt étolajat állít elő. Világszerte évente mintegy 29 millió tonna sütőolajat állítanak elő. Eközben a W-FOG kezelése problematikus, használata pedig a bioenergia-termelésre korlátozódik. A Waste2Surf projekt a W-FOG új felhasználási módját javasolja, azaz alacsony árú nyersanyagként biofelületaktív anyagok előállításához, ami alternatívája az olajból előállított, biológiailag nem lebomló szintetikus felületaktív anyagoknak, amely nem megújuló erőforrás, amely környezeti szempontból veszélyes kémiai szintézisi útvonalakat használ. A felületaktív anyagok az egyik legfontosabb vegyi anyag, amelyet szinte minden mindennapi termékben – tisztítószerekben, kozmetikumokban, élelmiszerekben, gyógyszerekben stb. – használnak. A felületaktív anyagok globális piaca 2024-ben várhatóan meghaladja a 41 milliárd eurót. A BS fő előnye a megújuló eredet, a biológiai lebomlás, az alacsony toxicitás, a jobb habzási tulajdonságok és a stabil aktivitás különböző körülmények között. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Végül ki kell dolgozni a nem hagyományos szétválasztási és levegőztetési technikáknak az automatizált bioreaktor-rendszerbe való integrálását. A bioreaktor egy progresszív modellezésű fermentációs vezérlőrendszerrel lesz felszerelve. (Hungarian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: A nagyléptékű hulladékból származó értékes termékek nagy volumenű előállítása az a terület, ahol a tudásalapú biogazdasági megközelítés a legnagyobb potenciállal rendelkezik. A világon keletkező szerves hulladék mennyisége évente meredeken növekszik. Az élelmiszer-termelésből és a vendéglátó-ipari ágazatból származó hulladékolajok és zsírok (W-FOG) fontos szerves hulladékáramká váltak a városi területeken. Az Európai Unió becslései szerint minden személy évente átlagosan 8 liter használt étolajat állít elő. Világszerte évente mintegy 29 millió tonna sütőolajat állítanak elő. Eközben a W-FOG kezelése problematikus, használata pedig a bioenergia-termelésre korlátozódik. A Waste2Surf projekt a W-FOG új felhasználási módját javasolja, azaz alacsony árú nyersanyagként biofelületaktív anyagok előállításához, ami alternatívája az olajból előállított, biológiailag nem lebomló szintetikus felületaktív anyagoknak, amely nem megújuló erőforrás, amely környezeti szempontból veszélyes kémiai szintézisi útvonalakat használ. A felületaktív anyagok az egyik legfontosabb vegyi anyag, amelyet szinte minden mindennapi termékben – tisztítószerekben, kozmetikumokban, élelmiszerekben, gyógyszerekben stb. – használnak. A felületaktív anyagok globális piaca 2024-ben várhatóan meghaladja a 41 milliárd eurót. A BS fő előnye a megújuló eredet, a biológiai lebomlás, az alacsony toxicitás, a jobb habzási tulajdonságok és a stabil aktivitás különböző körülmények között. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Végül ki kell dolgozni a nem hagyományos szétválasztási és levegőztetési technikáknak az automatizált bioreaktor-rendszerbe való integrálását. A bioreaktor egy progresszív modellezésű fermentációs vezérlőrendszerrel lesz felszerelve. (Hungarian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: A nagyléptékű hulladékból származó értékes termékek nagy volumenű előállítása az a terület, ahol a tudásalapú biogazdasági megközelítés a legnagyobb potenciállal rendelkezik. A világon keletkező szerves hulladék mennyisége évente meredeken növekszik. Az élelmiszer-termelésből és a vendéglátó-ipari ágazatból származó hulladékolajok és zsírok (W-FOG) fontos szerves hulladékáramká váltak a városi területeken. Az Európai Unió becslései szerint minden személy évente átlagosan 8 liter használt étolajat állít elő. Világszerte évente mintegy 29 millió tonna sütőolajat állítanak elő. Eközben a W-FOG kezelése problematikus, használata pedig a bioenergia-termelésre korlátozódik. A Waste2Surf projekt a W-FOG új felhasználási módját javasolja, azaz alacsony árú nyersanyagként biofelületaktív anyagok előállításához, ami alternatívája az olajból előállított, biológiailag nem lebomló szintetikus felületaktív anyagoknak, amely nem megújuló erőforrás, amely környezeti szempontból veszélyes kémiai szintézisi útvonalakat használ. A felületaktív anyagok az egyik legfontosabb vegyi anyag, amelyet szinte minden mindennapi termékben – tisztítószerekben, kozmetikumokban, élelmiszerekben, gyógyszerekben stb. – használnak. A felületaktív anyagok globális piaca 2024-ben várhatóan meghaladja a 41 milliárd eurót. A BS fő előnye a megújuló eredet, a biológiai lebomlás, az alacsony toxicitás, a jobb habzási tulajdonságok és a stabil aktivitás különböző körülmények között. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Végül ki kell dolgozni a nem hagyományos szétválasztási és levegőztetési technikáknak az automatizált bioreaktor-rendszerbe való integrálását. A bioreaktor egy progresszív modellezésű fermentációs vezérlőrendszerrel lesz felszerelve. (Hungarian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Rozsáhlá výroba cenných produktů z rozsáhlého odpadu je oblastí, kde má přístup založený na znalostech biohospodářství největší potenciál. Objem organického odpadu vyprodukovaného ve světě každým rokem prudce roste. Odpadní oleje a tuky (W-FOG) z odvětví výroby potravin a stravovacích služeb se staly důležitým tokem organického odpadu v městských oblastech. Podle odhadů Evropské unie vyprodukuje každý člověk průměrně 8 litrů použitého kuchyňského oleje ročně. Po celém světě se ročně vyrábí asi 29 milionů tun pečícího oleje. Mezitím je řízení W-FOG problematické a jeho použití je omezeno na výrobu bioenergie. Projekt Waste2Surf navrhuje nový způsob využití W-FOG, tj. jako nízkocennou surovinu pro výrobu biosurfaktantů (BS), alternativu k biologicky nerozložitelným syntetickým povrchově aktivním látkám syntetizovaným z ropy, což je neobnovitelný zdroj využívající způsoby chemické syntézy, které mohou být nebezpečné pro životní prostředí. Povrchově aktivní látky jsou jednou z nejdůležitějších chemických látek používaných téměř ve všech každodenních výrobcích – čisticích prostředcích, kosmetice, potravinách, léčivech atd. Očekává se, že celosvětový trh s povrchově aktivními látkami v roce 2024 překročí 41 miliard EUR. Mezi hlavní výhody BS patří jejich obnovitelný původ, biologický rozklad, nízká toxicita, lepší pěnové vlastnosti a stabilní aktivita za různých podmínek. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. V neposlední řadě bude vyvinuto začlenění nekonvenčních separačních a provzdušňovacích technik do automatizovaného systému bioreaktoru. Bioreaktor bude vybaven progresivním modelovacím řídicím systémem fermentace. (Czech) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Rozsáhlá výroba cenných produktů z rozsáhlého odpadu je oblastí, kde má přístup založený na znalostech biohospodářství největší potenciál. Objem organického odpadu vyprodukovaného ve světě každým rokem prudce roste. Odpadní oleje a tuky (W-FOG) z odvětví výroby potravin a stravovacích služeb se staly důležitým tokem organického odpadu v městských oblastech. Podle odhadů Evropské unie vyprodukuje každý člověk průměrně 8 litrů použitého kuchyňského oleje ročně. Po celém světě se ročně vyrábí asi 29 milionů tun pečícího oleje. Mezitím je řízení W-FOG problematické a jeho použití je omezeno na výrobu bioenergie. Projekt Waste2Surf navrhuje nový způsob využití W-FOG, tj. jako nízkocennou surovinu pro výrobu biosurfaktantů (BS), alternativu k biologicky nerozložitelným syntetickým povrchově aktivním látkám syntetizovaným z ropy, což je neobnovitelný zdroj využívající způsoby chemické syntézy, které mohou být nebezpečné pro životní prostředí. Povrchově aktivní látky jsou jednou z nejdůležitějších chemických látek používaných téměř ve všech každodenních výrobcích – čisticích prostředcích, kosmetice, potravinách, léčivech atd. Očekává se, že celosvětový trh s povrchově aktivními látkami v roce 2024 překročí 41 miliard EUR. Mezi hlavní výhody BS patří jejich obnovitelný původ, biologický rozklad, nízká toxicita, lepší pěnové vlastnosti a stabilní aktivita za různých podmínek. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. V neposlední řadě bude vyvinuto začlenění nekonvenčních separačních a provzdušňovacích technik do automatizovaného systému bioreaktoru. Bioreaktor bude vybaven progresivním modelovacím řídicím systémem fermentace. (Czech) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Rozsáhlá výroba cenných produktů z rozsáhlého odpadu je oblastí, kde má přístup založený na znalostech biohospodářství největší potenciál. Objem organického odpadu vyprodukovaného ve světě každým rokem prudce roste. Odpadní oleje a tuky (W-FOG) z odvětví výroby potravin a stravovacích služeb se staly důležitým tokem organického odpadu v městských oblastech. Podle odhadů Evropské unie vyprodukuje každý člověk průměrně 8 litrů použitého kuchyňského oleje ročně. Po celém světě se ročně vyrábí asi 29 milionů tun pečícího oleje. Mezitím je řízení W-FOG problematické a jeho použití je omezeno na výrobu bioenergie. Projekt Waste2Surf navrhuje nový způsob využití W-FOG, tj. jako nízkocennou surovinu pro výrobu biosurfaktantů (BS), alternativu k biologicky nerozložitelným syntetickým povrchově aktivním látkám syntetizovaným z ropy, což je neobnovitelný zdroj využívající způsoby chemické syntézy, které mohou být nebezpečné pro životní prostředí. Povrchově aktivní látky jsou jednou z nejdůležitějších chemických látek používaných téměř ve všech každodenních výrobcích – čisticích prostředcích, kosmetice, potravinách, léčivech atd. Očekává se, že celosvětový trh s povrchově aktivními látkami v roce 2024 překročí 41 miliard EUR. Mezi hlavní výhody BS patří jejich obnovitelný původ, biologický rozklad, nízká toxicita, lepší pěnové vlastnosti a stabilní aktivita za různých podmínek. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. V neposlední řadě bude vyvinuto začlenění nekonvenčních separačních a provzdušňovacích technik do automatizovaného systému bioreaktoru. Bioreaktor bude vybaven progresivním modelovacím řídicím systémem fermentace. (Czech) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Is é táirgeadh mórscála táirgí luachmhara ó dhramhaíl ar mhórscála an réimse ina bhfuil an acmhainneacht is mó ag cur chuige bithgheilleagair eolasbhunaithe. Tá méid na dramhaíola orgánaí a ghintear ar fud an domhain ag méadú go mór gach bliain. Tá dramholaí agus dramhshaillte (W-FOG) ó na hearnálacha táirgthe bia agus lónadóireachta anois ina sruth tábhachtach dramhaíola orgánaí i gceantair uirbeacha. De réir meastachán ón Aontas Eorpach, táirgeann gach duine 8 lítear d’ola chócaireachta a úsáidtear in aghaidh na bliana ar an meán. Ar fud an domhain, déantar thart ar 29 milliún tonna d’ola bácála a tháirgeadh gach bliain. Idir an dá linn, tá bainistíocht W-FOG fadhbanna agus tá a úsáid teoranta do tháirgeadh bithfhuinnimh. Molann an tionscadal Waste2Surf bealach nua úsáide de W-FOG, i.e. mar amhábhar ar phraghas íseal chun bith-fhiontráin (BS) a tháirgeadh, rogha eile ar dhromchlaghníomhaithe sintéiseacha neamh-bhithmhillte atá sintéisithe ó ola, acmhainn neamh-inathnuaite ag baint úsáide as conairí sintéise ceimiceacha a d’fhéadfadh a bheith guaiseach don chomhshaol. Tá dromchlaghníomhaithe ar cheann de na ceimiceáin is tábhachtaí a úsáidtear i mbeagnach gach táirge laethúil — táirgí glantacháin, cosmaidí, bia, cógaisíocht, etc. Meastar go mbeidh an margadh domhanda le haghaidh dromchlaghníomhaithe níos mó ná EUR 41 bhilliún in 2024. I measc na bpríomhbhuntáistí a bhaineann le BS tá a dtionscnamh in-athnuaite, bith-dhíghrádú, tocsaineacht íseal, airíonna cúir níos fearr agus gníomhaíocht chobhsaí faoi choinníollacha éagsúla. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Ar deireadh, forbrófar comhtháthú teicnící deighilte neamhghnácha agus aeraithe isteach sa chóras bith-imoibreora uathoibrithe. Beidh córas rialaithe coipeadh samhaltaithe forásach ag an mbith-imoibreoir. (Irish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Is é táirgeadh mórscála táirgí luachmhara ó dhramhaíl ar mhórscála an réimse ina bhfuil an acmhainneacht is mó ag cur chuige bithgheilleagair eolasbhunaithe. Tá méid na dramhaíola orgánaí a ghintear ar fud an domhain ag méadú go mór gach bliain. Tá dramholaí agus dramhshaillte (W-FOG) ó na hearnálacha táirgthe bia agus lónadóireachta anois ina sruth tábhachtach dramhaíola orgánaí i gceantair uirbeacha. De réir meastachán ón Aontas Eorpach, táirgeann gach duine 8 lítear d’ola chócaireachta a úsáidtear in aghaidh na bliana ar an meán. Ar fud an domhain, déantar thart ar 29 milliún tonna d’ola bácála a tháirgeadh gach bliain. Idir an dá linn, tá bainistíocht W-FOG fadhbanna agus tá a úsáid teoranta do tháirgeadh bithfhuinnimh. Molann an tionscadal Waste2Surf bealach nua úsáide de W-FOG, i.e. mar amhábhar ar phraghas íseal chun bith-fhiontráin (BS) a tháirgeadh, rogha eile ar dhromchlaghníomhaithe sintéiseacha neamh-bhithmhillte atá sintéisithe ó ola, acmhainn neamh-inathnuaite ag baint úsáide as conairí sintéise ceimiceacha a d’fhéadfadh a bheith guaiseach don chomhshaol. Tá dromchlaghníomhaithe ar cheann de na ceimiceáin is tábhachtaí a úsáidtear i mbeagnach gach táirge laethúil — táirgí glantacháin, cosmaidí, bia, cógaisíocht, etc. Meastar go mbeidh an margadh domhanda le haghaidh dromchlaghníomhaithe níos mó ná EUR 41 bhilliún in 2024. I measc na bpríomhbhuntáistí a bhaineann le BS tá a dtionscnamh in-athnuaite, bith-dhíghrádú, tocsaineacht íseal, airíonna cúir níos fearr agus gníomhaíocht chobhsaí faoi choinníollacha éagsúla. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Ar deireadh, forbrófar comhtháthú teicnící deighilte neamhghnácha agus aeraithe isteach sa chóras bith-imoibreora uathoibrithe. Beidh córas rialaithe coipeadh samhaltaithe forásach ag an mbith-imoibreoir. (Irish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Is é táirgeadh mórscála táirgí luachmhara ó dhramhaíl ar mhórscála an réimse ina bhfuil an acmhainneacht is mó ag cur chuige bithgheilleagair eolasbhunaithe. Tá méid na dramhaíola orgánaí a ghintear ar fud an domhain ag méadú go mór gach bliain. Tá dramholaí agus dramhshaillte (W-FOG) ó na hearnálacha táirgthe bia agus lónadóireachta anois ina sruth tábhachtach dramhaíola orgánaí i gceantair uirbeacha. De réir meastachán ón Aontas Eorpach, táirgeann gach duine 8 lítear d’ola chócaireachta a úsáidtear in aghaidh na bliana ar an meán. Ar fud an domhain, déantar thart ar 29 milliún tonna d’ola bácála a tháirgeadh gach bliain. Idir an dá linn, tá bainistíocht W-FOG fadhbanna agus tá a úsáid teoranta do tháirgeadh bithfhuinnimh. Molann an tionscadal Waste2Surf bealach nua úsáide de W-FOG, i.e. mar amhábhar ar phraghas íseal chun bith-fhiontráin (BS) a tháirgeadh, rogha eile ar dhromchlaghníomhaithe sintéiseacha neamh-bhithmhillte atá sintéisithe ó ola, acmhainn neamh-inathnuaite ag baint úsáide as conairí sintéise ceimiceacha a d’fhéadfadh a bheith guaiseach don chomhshaol. Tá dromchlaghníomhaithe ar cheann de na ceimiceáin is tábhachtaí a úsáidtear i mbeagnach gach táirge laethúil — táirgí glantacháin, cosmaidí, bia, cógaisíocht, etc. Meastar go mbeidh an margadh domhanda le haghaidh dromchlaghníomhaithe níos mó ná EUR 41 bhilliún in 2024. I measc na bpríomhbhuntáistí a bhaineann le BS tá a dtionscnamh in-athnuaite, bith-dhíghrádú, tocsaineacht íseal, airíonna cúir níos fearr agus gníomhaíocht chobhsaí faoi choinníollacha éagsúla. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Ar deireadh, forbrófar comhtháthú teicnící deighilte neamhghnácha agus aeraithe isteach sa chóras bith-imoibreora uathoibrithe. Beidh córas rialaithe coipeadh samhaltaithe forásach ag an mbith-imoibreoir. (Irish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Obsežna proizvodnja dragocenih proizvodov iz velikih odpadkov je področje, na katerem ima pristop biogospodarstva, ki temelji na znanju, največji potencial. Količina organskih odpadkov, ki nastanejo na svetu, vsako leto strmo narašča. Odpadna olja in maščobe (W-FOG) iz sektorja proizvodnje hrane in gostinskih dejavnosti so postali pomemben tok organskih odpadkov na mestnih območjih. Po ocenah Evropske unije vsaka oseba letno proizvede povprečno 8 litrov uporabljenega olja za kuhanje. Po vsem svetu se letno proizvede približno 29 milijonov ton olja za peko. Medtem je upravljanje W-FOG problematično, njegova uporaba pa je omejena na proizvodnjo bioenergije. Projekt Waste2Surf predlaga novo pot uporabe W-FOG, tj. kot nizkocenovna surovina za proizvodnjo biopovršinsko aktivnih snovi (BS), alternativa biorazgradljivim sintetičnim površinsko aktivnim snovem, sintetiziranim iz nafte, neobnovljivemu viru, ki uporablja poti kemične sinteze, ki so lahko okoljsko nevarne. Površinsko aktivne snovi so ena najpomembnejših kemikalij, ki se uporabljajo v skoraj vseh vsakodnevnih izdelkih – čistilih, kozmetičnih izdelkih, hrani, farmacevtskih izdelkih itd. Globalni trg za površinsko aktivne snovi naj bi v letu 2024 presegel 41 milijard evrov. Glavne prednosti BS so njihov obnovljivi izvor, biorazgradnja, nizka toksičnost, boljše lastnosti penjenja in stabilna dejavnost pod različnimi pogoji. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Razvila se bo tudi vključitev tehnik nekonvencionalne ločevanja in prezračevanja v avtomatizirani bioreaktorski sistem. Bioreaktor bo opremljen s progresivnim modeliranjem sistema za nadzor fermentacije. (Slovenian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Obsežna proizvodnja dragocenih proizvodov iz velikih odpadkov je področje, na katerem ima pristop biogospodarstva, ki temelji na znanju, največji potencial. Količina organskih odpadkov, ki nastanejo na svetu, vsako leto strmo narašča. Odpadna olja in maščobe (W-FOG) iz sektorja proizvodnje hrane in gostinskih dejavnosti so postali pomemben tok organskih odpadkov na mestnih območjih. Po ocenah Evropske unije vsaka oseba letno proizvede povprečno 8 litrov uporabljenega olja za kuhanje. Po vsem svetu se letno proizvede približno 29 milijonov ton olja za peko. Medtem je upravljanje W-FOG problematično, njegova uporaba pa je omejena na proizvodnjo bioenergije. Projekt Waste2Surf predlaga novo pot uporabe W-FOG, tj. kot nizkocenovna surovina za proizvodnjo biopovršinsko aktivnih snovi (BS), alternativa biorazgradljivim sintetičnim površinsko aktivnim snovem, sintetiziranim iz nafte, neobnovljivemu viru, ki uporablja poti kemične sinteze, ki so lahko okoljsko nevarne. Površinsko aktivne snovi so ena najpomembnejših kemikalij, ki se uporabljajo v skoraj vseh vsakodnevnih izdelkih – čistilih, kozmetičnih izdelkih, hrani, farmacevtskih izdelkih itd. Globalni trg za površinsko aktivne snovi naj bi v letu 2024 presegel 41 milijard evrov. Glavne prednosti BS so njihov obnovljivi izvor, biorazgradnja, nizka toksičnost, boljše lastnosti penjenja in stabilna dejavnost pod različnimi pogoji. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Razvila se bo tudi vključitev tehnik nekonvencionalne ločevanja in prezračevanja v avtomatizirani bioreaktorski sistem. Bioreaktor bo opremljen s progresivnim modeliranjem sistema za nadzor fermentacije. (Slovenian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Obsežna proizvodnja dragocenih proizvodov iz velikih odpadkov je področje, na katerem ima pristop biogospodarstva, ki temelji na znanju, največji potencial. Količina organskih odpadkov, ki nastanejo na svetu, vsako leto strmo narašča. Odpadna olja in maščobe (W-FOG) iz sektorja proizvodnje hrane in gostinskih dejavnosti so postali pomemben tok organskih odpadkov na mestnih območjih. Po ocenah Evropske unije vsaka oseba letno proizvede povprečno 8 litrov uporabljenega olja za kuhanje. Po vsem svetu se letno proizvede približno 29 milijonov ton olja za peko. Medtem je upravljanje W-FOG problematično, njegova uporaba pa je omejena na proizvodnjo bioenergije. Projekt Waste2Surf predlaga novo pot uporabe W-FOG, tj. kot nizkocenovna surovina za proizvodnjo biopovršinsko aktivnih snovi (BS), alternativa biorazgradljivim sintetičnim površinsko aktivnim snovem, sintetiziranim iz nafte, neobnovljivemu viru, ki uporablja poti kemične sinteze, ki so lahko okoljsko nevarne. Površinsko aktivne snovi so ena najpomembnejših kemikalij, ki se uporabljajo v skoraj vseh vsakodnevnih izdelkih – čistilih, kozmetičnih izdelkih, hrani, farmacevtskih izdelkih itd. Globalni trg za površinsko aktivne snovi naj bi v letu 2024 presegel 41 milijard evrov. Glavne prednosti BS so njihov obnovljivi izvor, biorazgradnja, nizka toksičnost, boljše lastnosti penjenja in stabilna dejavnost pod različnimi pogoji. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Razvila se bo tudi vključitev tehnik nekonvencionalne ločevanja in prezračevanja v avtomatizirani bioreaktorski sistem. Bioreaktor bo opremljen s progresivnim modeliranjem sistema za nadzor fermentacije. (Slovenian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Широкомащабното производство на ценни продукти от широкомащабни отпадъци е областта, в която подходът на биоикономиката, основан на знанието, има най-голям потенциал. Обемът на органичните отпадъци, генерирани в света, нараства рязко всяка година. Отпадъчните масла и мазнини (W-FOG) от секторите на производството на храни и кетъринга се превърнаха във важен поток от органични отпадъци в градските райони. Според оценките на Европейския съюз всеки човек произвежда средно 8 литра използвано олио за готвене годишно. По света годишно се произвеждат около 29 милиона тона печива. Междувременно управлението на W-FOG е проблематично и използването му е ограничено до производството на биоенергия. Проектът Waste2Surf предлага нов начин на използване на W-FOG, т.е. като суровина с ниска цена за производството на биоповърхностни активни вещества (BS), алтернатива на небиоразградимите синтетични повърхностноактивни вещества, синтезирани от нефт, невъзобновяем ресурс, използващ начини на химичен синтез, които могат да бъдат опасни за околната среда. Повърхностноактивните вещества са един от най-важните химикали, използвани в почти всички продукти за ежедневна употреба — почистващи продукти, козметика, храни, фармацевтични продукти и др. Очаква се световният пазар на повърхностноактивни вещества да надхвърли 41 милиарда евро през 2024 г. Основните предимства на BS включват техния възобновяем произход, биоразграждане, ниска токсичност, по-добри свойства на пяна и стабилна активност при различни условия. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. И накрая, ще бъде разработено интегрирането на неконвенционални техники за разделяне и аериране в автоматизираната система за биореактори. Биореакторът ще бъде оборудван с прогресивна система за контрол на ферментацията. (Bulgarian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Широкомащабното производство на ценни продукти от широкомащабни отпадъци е областта, в която подходът на биоикономиката, основан на знанието, има най-голям потенциал. Обемът на органичните отпадъци, генерирани в света, нараства рязко всяка година. Отпадъчните масла и мазнини (W-FOG) от секторите на производството на храни и кетъринга се превърнаха във важен поток от органични отпадъци в градските райони. Според оценките на Европейския съюз всеки човек произвежда средно 8 литра използвано олио за готвене годишно. По света годишно се произвеждат около 29 милиона тона печива. Междувременно управлението на W-FOG е проблематично и използването му е ограничено до производството на биоенергия. Проектът Waste2Surf предлага нов начин на използване на W-FOG, т.е. като суровина с ниска цена за производството на биоповърхностни активни вещества (BS), алтернатива на небиоразградимите синтетични повърхностноактивни вещества, синтезирани от нефт, невъзобновяем ресурс, използващ начини на химичен синтез, които могат да бъдат опасни за околната среда. Повърхностноактивните вещества са един от най-важните химикали, използвани в почти всички продукти за ежедневна употреба — почистващи продукти, козметика, храни, фармацевтични продукти и др. Очаква се световният пазар на повърхностноактивни вещества да надхвърли 41 милиарда евро през 2024 г. Основните предимства на BS включват техния възобновяем произход, биоразграждане, ниска токсичност, по-добри свойства на пяна и стабилна активност при различни условия. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. И накрая, ще бъде разработено интегрирането на неконвенционални техники за разделяне и аериране в автоматизираната система за биореактори. Биореакторът ще бъде оборудван с прогресивна система за контрол на ферментацията. (Bulgarian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Широкомащабното производство на ценни продукти от широкомащабни отпадъци е областта, в която подходът на биоикономиката, основан на знанието, има най-голям потенциал. Обемът на органичните отпадъци, генерирани в света, нараства рязко всяка година. Отпадъчните масла и мазнини (W-FOG) от секторите на производството на храни и кетъринга се превърнаха във важен поток от органични отпадъци в градските райони. Според оценките на Европейския съюз всеки човек произвежда средно 8 литра използвано олио за готвене годишно. По света годишно се произвеждат около 29 милиона тона печива. Междувременно управлението на W-FOG е проблематично и използването му е ограничено до производството на биоенергия. Проектът Waste2Surf предлага нов начин на използване на W-FOG, т.е. като суровина с ниска цена за производството на биоповърхностни активни вещества (BS), алтернатива на небиоразградимите синтетични повърхностноактивни вещества, синтезирани от нефт, невъзобновяем ресурс, използващ начини на химичен синтез, които могат да бъдат опасни за околната среда. Повърхностноактивните вещества са един от най-важните химикали, използвани в почти всички продукти за ежедневна употреба — почистващи продукти, козметика, храни, фармацевтични продукти и др. Очаква се световният пазар на повърхностноактивни вещества да надхвърли 41 милиарда евро през 2024 г. Основните предимства на BS включват техния възобновяем произход, биоразграждане, ниска токсичност, по-добри свойства на пяна и стабилна активност при различни условия. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. И накрая, ще бъде разработено интегрирането на неконвенционални техники за разделяне и аериране в автоматизираната система за биореактори. Биореакторът ще бъде оборудван с прогресивна система за контрол на ферментацията. (Bulgarian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Il-produzzjoni fuq skala kbira ta’ prodotti ta’ valur minn skart fuq skala kbira hija l-qasam fejn approċċ ta’ bijoekonomija bbażat fuq l-għarfien għandu l-akbar potenzjal. Il-volum ta’ skart organiku ġġenerat fid-dinja qed jiżdied drastikament kull sena. Iż-żjut u x-xaħmijiet għar-rimi (W-FOG) mis-setturi tal-produzzjoni tal-ikel u tal-forniment tal-ikel saru fluss importanti ta’ skart organiku fiż-żoni urbani. Skont l-istimi tal-Unjoni Ewropea, kull persuna tipproduċi medja ta’ 8 litri ta’ żejt tat-tisjir użat fis-sena. Madwar id-dinja, kull sena jiġu prodotti madwar 29 miljun tunnellata ta’ żejt tal-ħami. Sadanittant, il-ġestjoni tad-W-FOG hija problematika u l-użu tagħha huwa limitat għall-produzzjoni tal-bijoenerġija. Il-proġett Waste2Surf jipproponi rotta ġdida ta’ użu tal-W-FOG, jiġifieri bħala materja prima bi prezz baxx għall-produzzjoni tal-bijosurfactants (BS), alternattiva għal surfactants sintetiċi mhux bijodegradabbli sintetizzati miż-żejt, riżorsa mhux rinnovabbli bl-użu ta’ mogħdijiet ta’ sinteżi kimika li jistgħu jkunu perikolużi għall-ambjent. L-aġenti tensjoattivi huma waħda mill-aktar sustanzi kimiċi importanti użati fi kważi l-prodotti kollha ta’ kuljum — il-prodotti tat-tindif, il-kożmetiċi, l-ikel, il-farmaċewtiċi, eċċ. Is-suq globali għall-aġenti tensjoattivi huwa mistenni li jaqbeż il-EUR 41 biljun fl-2024. Il-vantaġġi ewlenin tal-BS jinkludu l-oriġini rinnovabbli tagħhom, il-bijodegradazzjoni, it-tossiċità baxxa, il-karatteristiċi aħjar tar-ragħwa u l-attività stabbli taħt kundizzjonijiet differenti. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Fl-aħħar nett, se tiġi żviluppata l-integrazzjoni ta’ separazzjoni mhux konvenzjonali u tekniki ta’ tirwiħ fis-sistema awtomatizzata ta’ bijoreattur. Il-bijoreattur se jkun mgħammar b’sistema ta’ kontroll tal-fermentazzjoni ta’ mmudellar progressiv. (Maltese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Il-produzzjoni fuq skala kbira ta’ prodotti ta’ valur minn skart fuq skala kbira hija l-qasam fejn approċċ ta’ bijoekonomija bbażat fuq l-għarfien għandu l-akbar potenzjal. Il-volum ta’ skart organiku ġġenerat fid-dinja qed jiżdied drastikament kull sena. Iż-żjut u x-xaħmijiet għar-rimi (W-FOG) mis-setturi tal-produzzjoni tal-ikel u tal-forniment tal-ikel saru fluss importanti ta’ skart organiku fiż-żoni urbani. Skont l-istimi tal-Unjoni Ewropea, kull persuna tipproduċi medja ta’ 8 litri ta’ żejt tat-tisjir użat fis-sena. Madwar id-dinja, kull sena jiġu prodotti madwar 29 miljun tunnellata ta’ żejt tal-ħami. Sadanittant, il-ġestjoni tad-W-FOG hija problematika u l-użu tagħha huwa limitat għall-produzzjoni tal-bijoenerġija. Il-proġett Waste2Surf jipproponi rotta ġdida ta’ użu tal-W-FOG, jiġifieri bħala materja prima bi prezz baxx għall-produzzjoni tal-bijosurfactants (BS), alternattiva għal surfactants sintetiċi mhux bijodegradabbli sintetizzati miż-żejt, riżorsa mhux rinnovabbli bl-użu ta’ mogħdijiet ta’ sinteżi kimika li jistgħu jkunu perikolużi għall-ambjent. L-aġenti tensjoattivi huma waħda mill-aktar sustanzi kimiċi importanti użati fi kważi l-prodotti kollha ta’ kuljum — il-prodotti tat-tindif, il-kożmetiċi, l-ikel, il-farmaċewtiċi, eċċ. Is-suq globali għall-aġenti tensjoattivi huwa mistenni li jaqbeż il-EUR 41 biljun fl-2024. Il-vantaġġi ewlenin tal-BS jinkludu l-oriġini rinnovabbli tagħhom, il-bijodegradazzjoni, it-tossiċità baxxa, il-karatteristiċi aħjar tar-ragħwa u l-attività stabbli taħt kundizzjonijiet differenti. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Fl-aħħar nett, se tiġi żviluppata l-integrazzjoni ta’ separazzjoni mhux konvenzjonali u tekniki ta’ tirwiħ fis-sistema awtomatizzata ta’ bijoreattur. Il-bijoreattur se jkun mgħammar b’sistema ta’ kontroll tal-fermentazzjoni ta’ mmudellar progressiv. (Maltese) / rank | |||||||||||||||
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Property / summary: Il-produzzjoni fuq skala kbira ta’ prodotti ta’ valur minn skart fuq skala kbira hija l-qasam fejn approċċ ta’ bijoekonomija bbażat fuq l-għarfien għandu l-akbar potenzjal. Il-volum ta’ skart organiku ġġenerat fid-dinja qed jiżdied drastikament kull sena. Iż-żjut u x-xaħmijiet għar-rimi (W-FOG) mis-setturi tal-produzzjoni tal-ikel u tal-forniment tal-ikel saru fluss importanti ta’ skart organiku fiż-żoni urbani. Skont l-istimi tal-Unjoni Ewropea, kull persuna tipproduċi medja ta’ 8 litri ta’ żejt tat-tisjir użat fis-sena. Madwar id-dinja, kull sena jiġu prodotti madwar 29 miljun tunnellata ta’ żejt tal-ħami. Sadanittant, il-ġestjoni tad-W-FOG hija problematika u l-użu tagħha huwa limitat għall-produzzjoni tal-bijoenerġija. Il-proġett Waste2Surf jipproponi rotta ġdida ta’ użu tal-W-FOG, jiġifieri bħala materja prima bi prezz baxx għall-produzzjoni tal-bijosurfactants (BS), alternattiva għal surfactants sintetiċi mhux bijodegradabbli sintetizzati miż-żejt, riżorsa mhux rinnovabbli bl-użu ta’ mogħdijiet ta’ sinteżi kimika li jistgħu jkunu perikolużi għall-ambjent. L-aġenti tensjoattivi huma waħda mill-aktar sustanzi kimiċi importanti użati fi kważi l-prodotti kollha ta’ kuljum — il-prodotti tat-tindif, il-kożmetiċi, l-ikel, il-farmaċewtiċi, eċċ. Is-suq globali għall-aġenti tensjoattivi huwa mistenni li jaqbeż il-EUR 41 biljun fl-2024. Il-vantaġġi ewlenin tal-BS jinkludu l-oriġini rinnovabbli tagħhom, il-bijodegradazzjoni, it-tossiċità baxxa, il-karatteristiċi aħjar tar-ragħwa u l-attività stabbli taħt kundizzjonijiet differenti. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Fl-aħħar nett, se tiġi żviluppata l-integrazzjoni ta’ separazzjoni mhux konvenzjonali u tekniki ta’ tirwiħ fis-sistema awtomatizzata ta’ bijoreattur. Il-bijoreattur se jkun mgħammar b’sistema ta’ kontroll tal-fermentazzjoni ta’ mmudellar progressiv. (Maltese) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
A produção em larga escala de produtos valiosos a partir de resíduos em grande escala é o domínio em que uma abordagem bioeconomia baseada no conhecimento tem o maior potencial. O volume de resíduos orgânicos gerados no mundo está aumentando acentuadamente a cada ano. Os óleos usados e as gorduras (W-FOG) dos setores da produção alimentar e da restauração tornaram-se um importante fluxo de resíduos orgânicos nas zonas urbanas. Segundo estimativas da União Europeia, cada pessoa produz, em média, 8 litros de óleo de cozinha usado por ano. Em todo o mundo, cerca de 29 milhões de toneladas de fermento são produzidas anualmente. Entretanto, o gerenciamento do W-FOG é problemático e seu uso é limitado à produção de bioenergia. O projeto Waste2Surf propõe uma nova via de utilização do W-FOG, ou seja, como matéria-prima de baixo preço para a produção de biossurfactantes (BS), uma alternativa aos tensioativos sintéticos não biodegradáveis sintetizados a partir de petróleo, um recurso não renovável que utiliza vias de síntese química que podem ser ambientalmente perigosas. Os tensioativos são um dos produtos químicos mais importantes utilizados em quase todos os produtos do quotidiano — produtos de limpeza, cosméticos, alimentos, produtos farmacêuticos, etc. O mercado mundial dos tensioativos deverá exceder 41 mil milhões de euros em 2024. As principais vantagens da BS incluem sua origem renovável, biodegradação, baixa toxicidade, melhores propriedades de formação de espuma e atividade estável sob diferentes condições. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Por último, será desenvolvida a integração de técnicas não convencionais de separação e aeração no sistema automatizado de biorreatores. O biorreator será equipado com um sistema de controle de fermentação de modelagem progressiva. (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: A produção em larga escala de produtos valiosos a partir de resíduos em grande escala é o domínio em que uma abordagem bioeconomia baseada no conhecimento tem o maior potencial. O volume de resíduos orgânicos gerados no mundo está aumentando acentuadamente a cada ano. Os óleos usados e as gorduras (W-FOG) dos setores da produção alimentar e da restauração tornaram-se um importante fluxo de resíduos orgânicos nas zonas urbanas. Segundo estimativas da União Europeia, cada pessoa produz, em média, 8 litros de óleo de cozinha usado por ano. Em todo o mundo, cerca de 29 milhões de toneladas de fermento são produzidas anualmente. Entretanto, o gerenciamento do W-FOG é problemático e seu uso é limitado à produção de bioenergia. O projeto Waste2Surf propõe uma nova via de utilização do W-FOG, ou seja, como matéria-prima de baixo preço para a produção de biossurfactantes (BS), uma alternativa aos tensioativos sintéticos não biodegradáveis sintetizados a partir de petróleo, um recurso não renovável que utiliza vias de síntese química que podem ser ambientalmente perigosas. Os tensioativos são um dos produtos químicos mais importantes utilizados em quase todos os produtos do quotidiano — produtos de limpeza, cosméticos, alimentos, produtos farmacêuticos, etc. O mercado mundial dos tensioativos deverá exceder 41 mil milhões de euros em 2024. As principais vantagens da BS incluem sua origem renovável, biodegradação, baixa toxicidade, melhores propriedades de formação de espuma e atividade estável sob diferentes condições. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Por último, será desenvolvida a integração de técnicas não convencionais de separação e aeração no sistema automatizado de biorreatores. O biorreator será equipado com um sistema de controle de fermentação de modelagem progressiva. (Portuguese) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: A produção em larga escala de produtos valiosos a partir de resíduos em grande escala é o domínio em que uma abordagem bioeconomia baseada no conhecimento tem o maior potencial. O volume de resíduos orgânicos gerados no mundo está aumentando acentuadamente a cada ano. Os óleos usados e as gorduras (W-FOG) dos setores da produção alimentar e da restauração tornaram-se um importante fluxo de resíduos orgânicos nas zonas urbanas. Segundo estimativas da União Europeia, cada pessoa produz, em média, 8 litros de óleo de cozinha usado por ano. Em todo o mundo, cerca de 29 milhões de toneladas de fermento são produzidas anualmente. Entretanto, o gerenciamento do W-FOG é problemático e seu uso é limitado à produção de bioenergia. O projeto Waste2Surf propõe uma nova via de utilização do W-FOG, ou seja, como matéria-prima de baixo preço para a produção de biossurfactantes (BS), uma alternativa aos tensioativos sintéticos não biodegradáveis sintetizados a partir de petróleo, um recurso não renovável que utiliza vias de síntese química que podem ser ambientalmente perigosas. Os tensioativos são um dos produtos químicos mais importantes utilizados em quase todos os produtos do quotidiano — produtos de limpeza, cosméticos, alimentos, produtos farmacêuticos, etc. O mercado mundial dos tensioativos deverá exceder 41 mil milhões de euros em 2024. As principais vantagens da BS incluem sua origem renovável, biodegradação, baixa toxicidade, melhores propriedades de formação de espuma e atividade estável sob diferentes condições. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Por último, será desenvolvida a integração de técnicas não convencionais de separação e aeração no sistema automatizado de biorreatores. O biorreator será equipado com um sistema de controle de fermentação de modelagem progressiva. (Portuguese) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Storstilet produktion af værdifulde produkter fra storskalaaffald er det område, hvor en videnbaseret bioøkonomitilgang har det største potentiale. Mængden af organisk affald, der produceres i verden, stiger kraftigt hvert år. Olieaffald og fedtstoffer (W-FOG) fra fødevareproduktions- og cateringsektoren er blevet en vigtig strøm af organisk affald i byområder. Ifølge skøn fra Den Europæiske Union producerer hver person i gennemsnit 8 liter brugt madolie om året. Rundt om i verden produceres der årligt ca. 29 millioner tons bageolie. I mellemtiden er W-FOG-styring problematisk, og dens anvendelse er begrænset til produktion af bioenergi. Waste2Surf-projektet foreslår en ny anvendelsesvej for W-FOG, dvs. som en lavprisråvare til fremstilling af biooverfladeaktive stoffer (BS), et alternativ til ikke-bionedbrydelige syntetiske overfladeaktive stoffer syntetiseret fra olie, en ikke-vedvarende ressource ved hjælp af kemiske synteseveje, der kan være miljøfarlige. Overfladeaktive stoffer er et af de vigtigste kemikalier, der anvendes i næsten alle hverdagsprodukter — rengøringsmidler, kosmetik, fødevarer, lægemidler osv. Det globale marked for overfladeaktive stoffer forventes at overstige 41 mia. EUR i 2024. De vigtigste fordele ved BS omfatter deres vedvarende oprindelse, bionedbrydning, lav toksicitet, bedre skumdannende egenskaber og stabil aktivitet under forskellige forhold. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Endelig vil der blive udviklet integration af ukonventionelle separations- og beluftningsteknikker i det automatiserede bioreaktorsystem. Bioreaktoren vil blive udstyret med et progressivt modellering gæringskontrolsystem. (Danish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Storstilet produktion af værdifulde produkter fra storskalaaffald er det område, hvor en videnbaseret bioøkonomitilgang har det største potentiale. Mængden af organisk affald, der produceres i verden, stiger kraftigt hvert år. Olieaffald og fedtstoffer (W-FOG) fra fødevareproduktions- og cateringsektoren er blevet en vigtig strøm af organisk affald i byområder. Ifølge skøn fra Den Europæiske Union producerer hver person i gennemsnit 8 liter brugt madolie om året. Rundt om i verden produceres der årligt ca. 29 millioner tons bageolie. I mellemtiden er W-FOG-styring problematisk, og dens anvendelse er begrænset til produktion af bioenergi. Waste2Surf-projektet foreslår en ny anvendelsesvej for W-FOG, dvs. som en lavprisråvare til fremstilling af biooverfladeaktive stoffer (BS), et alternativ til ikke-bionedbrydelige syntetiske overfladeaktive stoffer syntetiseret fra olie, en ikke-vedvarende ressource ved hjælp af kemiske synteseveje, der kan være miljøfarlige. Overfladeaktive stoffer er et af de vigtigste kemikalier, der anvendes i næsten alle hverdagsprodukter — rengøringsmidler, kosmetik, fødevarer, lægemidler osv. Det globale marked for overfladeaktive stoffer forventes at overstige 41 mia. EUR i 2024. De vigtigste fordele ved BS omfatter deres vedvarende oprindelse, bionedbrydning, lav toksicitet, bedre skumdannende egenskaber og stabil aktivitet under forskellige forhold. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Endelig vil der blive udviklet integration af ukonventionelle separations- og beluftningsteknikker i det automatiserede bioreaktorsystem. Bioreaktoren vil blive udstyret med et progressivt modellering gæringskontrolsystem. (Danish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Storstilet produktion af værdifulde produkter fra storskalaaffald er det område, hvor en videnbaseret bioøkonomitilgang har det største potentiale. Mængden af organisk affald, der produceres i verden, stiger kraftigt hvert år. Olieaffald og fedtstoffer (W-FOG) fra fødevareproduktions- og cateringsektoren er blevet en vigtig strøm af organisk affald i byområder. Ifølge skøn fra Den Europæiske Union producerer hver person i gennemsnit 8 liter brugt madolie om året. Rundt om i verden produceres der årligt ca. 29 millioner tons bageolie. I mellemtiden er W-FOG-styring problematisk, og dens anvendelse er begrænset til produktion af bioenergi. Waste2Surf-projektet foreslår en ny anvendelsesvej for W-FOG, dvs. som en lavprisråvare til fremstilling af biooverfladeaktive stoffer (BS), et alternativ til ikke-bionedbrydelige syntetiske overfladeaktive stoffer syntetiseret fra olie, en ikke-vedvarende ressource ved hjælp af kemiske synteseveje, der kan være miljøfarlige. Overfladeaktive stoffer er et af de vigtigste kemikalier, der anvendes i næsten alle hverdagsprodukter — rengøringsmidler, kosmetik, fødevarer, lægemidler osv. Det globale marked for overfladeaktive stoffer forventes at overstige 41 mia. EUR i 2024. De vigtigste fordele ved BS omfatter deres vedvarende oprindelse, bionedbrydning, lav toksicitet, bedre skumdannende egenskaber og stabil aktivitet under forskellige forhold. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Endelig vil der blive udviklet integration af ukonventionelle separations- og beluftningsteknikker i det automatiserede bioreaktorsystem. Bioreaktoren vil blive udstyret med et progressivt modellering gæringskontrolsystem. (Danish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Producția la scară largă de produse valoroase din deșeuri la scară largă este domeniul în care o abordare bazată pe cunoaștere în domeniul bioeconomiei are cel mai mare potențial. Volumul de deșeuri organice generate în lume crește brusc în fiecare an. Uleiurile și grăsimile uzate (W-FOG) din sectoarele producției alimentare și alimentației publice au devenit un flux important de deșeuri organice în zonele urbane. Potrivit estimărilor Uniunii Europene, fiecare persoană produce în medie 8 litri de ulei de gătit uzat pe an. În întreaga lume, aproximativ 29 de milioane de tone de ulei de copt sunt produse anual. Între timp, gestionarea W-FOG este problematică, iar utilizarea sa este limitată la producția de bioenergie. Proiectul Waste2Surf propune o nouă cale de utilizare a W-FOG, și anume ca materie primă cu preț scăzut pentru producția de biosurfacți (BS), o alternativă la agenții tensioactivi sintetici nebiodegradabili sintetizați din petrol, o resursă neregenerabilă utilizând căi de sinteză chimică care pot fi periculoase pentru mediu. Agenții tensioactivi sunt una dintre cele mai importante substanțe chimice utilizate în aproape toate produsele de uz cotidian – produse de curățenie, produse cosmetice, alimente, produse farmaceutice etc. Se preconizează că piața mondială a agenților tensioactivi va depăși 41 de miliarde EUR în 2024. Principalele avantaje ale BS includ originea lor regenerabilă, biodegradarea, toxicitatea scăzută, proprietățile de spumare mai bune și activitatea stabilă în condiții diferite. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. În cele din urmă, se va dezvolta integrarea tehnicilor neconvenționale de separare și aerare în sistemul bioreactor automatizat. Bioreactorul va fi echipat cu un sistem progresiv de control al fermentației. (Romanian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Producția la scară largă de produse valoroase din deșeuri la scară largă este domeniul în care o abordare bazată pe cunoaștere în domeniul bioeconomiei are cel mai mare potențial. Volumul de deșeuri organice generate în lume crește brusc în fiecare an. Uleiurile și grăsimile uzate (W-FOG) din sectoarele producției alimentare și alimentației publice au devenit un flux important de deșeuri organice în zonele urbane. Potrivit estimărilor Uniunii Europene, fiecare persoană produce în medie 8 litri de ulei de gătit uzat pe an. În întreaga lume, aproximativ 29 de milioane de tone de ulei de copt sunt produse anual. Între timp, gestionarea W-FOG este problematică, iar utilizarea sa este limitată la producția de bioenergie. Proiectul Waste2Surf propune o nouă cale de utilizare a W-FOG, și anume ca materie primă cu preț scăzut pentru producția de biosurfacți (BS), o alternativă la agenții tensioactivi sintetici nebiodegradabili sintetizați din petrol, o resursă neregenerabilă utilizând căi de sinteză chimică care pot fi periculoase pentru mediu. Agenții tensioactivi sunt una dintre cele mai importante substanțe chimice utilizate în aproape toate produsele de uz cotidian – produse de curățenie, produse cosmetice, alimente, produse farmaceutice etc. Se preconizează că piața mondială a agenților tensioactivi va depăși 41 de miliarde EUR în 2024. Principalele avantaje ale BS includ originea lor regenerabilă, biodegradarea, toxicitatea scăzută, proprietățile de spumare mai bune și activitatea stabilă în condiții diferite. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. În cele din urmă, se va dezvolta integrarea tehnicilor neconvenționale de separare și aerare în sistemul bioreactor automatizat. Bioreactorul va fi echipat cu un sistem progresiv de control al fermentației. (Romanian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Producția la scară largă de produse valoroase din deșeuri la scară largă este domeniul în care o abordare bazată pe cunoaștere în domeniul bioeconomiei are cel mai mare potențial. Volumul de deșeuri organice generate în lume crește brusc în fiecare an. Uleiurile și grăsimile uzate (W-FOG) din sectoarele producției alimentare și alimentației publice au devenit un flux important de deșeuri organice în zonele urbane. Potrivit estimărilor Uniunii Europene, fiecare persoană produce în medie 8 litri de ulei de gătit uzat pe an. În întreaga lume, aproximativ 29 de milioane de tone de ulei de copt sunt produse anual. Între timp, gestionarea W-FOG este problematică, iar utilizarea sa este limitată la producția de bioenergie. Proiectul Waste2Surf propune o nouă cale de utilizare a W-FOG, și anume ca materie primă cu preț scăzut pentru producția de biosurfacți (BS), o alternativă la agenții tensioactivi sintetici nebiodegradabili sintetizați din petrol, o resursă neregenerabilă utilizând căi de sinteză chimică care pot fi periculoase pentru mediu. Agenții tensioactivi sunt una dintre cele mai importante substanțe chimice utilizate în aproape toate produsele de uz cotidian – produse de curățenie, produse cosmetice, alimente, produse farmaceutice etc. Se preconizează că piața mondială a agenților tensioactivi va depăși 41 de miliarde EUR în 2024. Principalele avantaje ale BS includ originea lor regenerabilă, biodegradarea, toxicitatea scăzută, proprietățile de spumare mai bune și activitatea stabilă în condiții diferite. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. În cele din urmă, se va dezvolta integrarea tehnicilor neconvenționale de separare și aerare în sistemul bioreactor automatizat. Bioreactorul va fi echipat cu un sistem progresiv de control al fermentației. (Romanian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
| |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Storskalig produktion av värdefulla produkter från storskaligt avfall är det område där en kunskapsbaserad bioekonomistrategi har störst potential. Mängden organiskt avfall som genereras i världen ökar kraftigt varje år. Spilloljor och spillfetter (W-FOG) från livsmedelsproduktions- och cateringsektorerna har blivit en viktig ström av organiskt avfall i stadsområden. Enligt uppskattningar från Europeiska unionen producerar varje person i genomsnitt 8 liter använd matolja per år. Runt om i världen produceras årligen cirka 29 miljoner ton bakolja. Samtidigt är hanteringen av W-FOG problematisk och dess användning är begränsad till bioenergiproduktion. I Waste2Surf-projektet föreslås en ny metod för användning av W-FOG, dvs. som en lågprisråvara för produktion av bioytaktiva ämnen, ett alternativ till icke biologiskt nedbrytbara syntetiska ytaktiva ämnen som syntetiserats från olja, en icke-förnybar resurs med användning av kemiska syntesvägar som kan vara miljöfarliga. Ytaktiva ämnen är en av de viktigaste kemikalierna som används i nästan alla vardagsprodukter – rengöringsprodukter, kosmetika, livsmedel, läkemedel etc. Den globala marknaden för ytaktiva ämnen förväntas överstiga 41 miljarder euro 2024. De främsta fördelarna med BS är deras förnybara ursprung, biologisk nedbrytning, låg toxicitet, bättre skumbildningsegenskaper och stabil aktivitet under olika förhållanden. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Slutligen kommer integreringen av okonventionella separations- och luftningstekniker i det automatiserade bioreaktorsystemet att utvecklas. Bioreaktorn kommer att utrustas med ett progressivt modelleringssystem för fermentering. (Swedish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Storskalig produktion av värdefulla produkter från storskaligt avfall är det område där en kunskapsbaserad bioekonomistrategi har störst potential. Mängden organiskt avfall som genereras i världen ökar kraftigt varje år. Spilloljor och spillfetter (W-FOG) från livsmedelsproduktions- och cateringsektorerna har blivit en viktig ström av organiskt avfall i stadsområden. Enligt uppskattningar från Europeiska unionen producerar varje person i genomsnitt 8 liter använd matolja per år. Runt om i världen produceras årligen cirka 29 miljoner ton bakolja. Samtidigt är hanteringen av W-FOG problematisk och dess användning är begränsad till bioenergiproduktion. I Waste2Surf-projektet föreslås en ny metod för användning av W-FOG, dvs. som en lågprisråvara för produktion av bioytaktiva ämnen, ett alternativ till icke biologiskt nedbrytbara syntetiska ytaktiva ämnen som syntetiserats från olja, en icke-förnybar resurs med användning av kemiska syntesvägar som kan vara miljöfarliga. Ytaktiva ämnen är en av de viktigaste kemikalierna som används i nästan alla vardagsprodukter – rengöringsprodukter, kosmetika, livsmedel, läkemedel etc. Den globala marknaden för ytaktiva ämnen förväntas överstiga 41 miljarder euro 2024. De främsta fördelarna med BS är deras förnybara ursprung, biologisk nedbrytning, låg toxicitet, bättre skumbildningsegenskaper och stabil aktivitet under olika förhållanden. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Slutligen kommer integreringen av okonventionella separations- och luftningstekniker i det automatiserade bioreaktorsystemet att utvecklas. Bioreaktorn kommer att utrustas med ett progressivt modelleringssystem för fermentering. (Swedish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Storskalig produktion av värdefulla produkter från storskaligt avfall är det område där en kunskapsbaserad bioekonomistrategi har störst potential. Mängden organiskt avfall som genereras i världen ökar kraftigt varje år. Spilloljor och spillfetter (W-FOG) från livsmedelsproduktions- och cateringsektorerna har blivit en viktig ström av organiskt avfall i stadsområden. Enligt uppskattningar från Europeiska unionen producerar varje person i genomsnitt 8 liter använd matolja per år. Runt om i världen produceras årligen cirka 29 miljoner ton bakolja. Samtidigt är hanteringen av W-FOG problematisk och dess användning är begränsad till bioenergiproduktion. I Waste2Surf-projektet föreslås en ny metod för användning av W-FOG, dvs. som en lågprisråvara för produktion av bioytaktiva ämnen, ett alternativ till icke biologiskt nedbrytbara syntetiska ytaktiva ämnen som syntetiserats från olja, en icke-förnybar resurs med användning av kemiska syntesvägar som kan vara miljöfarliga. Ytaktiva ämnen är en av de viktigaste kemikalierna som används i nästan alla vardagsprodukter – rengöringsprodukter, kosmetika, livsmedel, läkemedel etc. Den globala marknaden för ytaktiva ämnen förväntas överstiga 41 miljarder euro 2024. De främsta fördelarna med BS är deras förnybara ursprung, biologisk nedbrytning, låg toxicitet, bättre skumbildningsegenskaper och stabil aktivitet under olika förhållanden. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Slutligen kommer integreringen av okonventionella separations- och luftningstekniker i det automatiserade bioreaktorsystemet att utvecklas. Bioreaktorn kommer att utrustas med ett progressivt modelleringssystem för fermentering. (Swedish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
Revision as of 20:07, 3 August 2022
Project Q3056466 in Latvia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Sustainable valorisation of lipid waste: Use of micro-organisms in the production of bio-surfactants (Waste2Surf) |
Project Q3056466 in Latvia |
374,472.9 Euro
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647,877.0 Euro
0 references
57.8 percent
0 references
1 October 2020
0 references
30 September 2023
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Liela apjoma vērtīgo produktu ražošana no liela apjoma atkritumiem ir joma, kurā uz zināšanām balstītai bioekonomikas pieejai ir vislielākais potenciāls. Pasaulē ar katru gadu krasi pieaug radītais organisko atkritumu apjoms. Eļļas un tauku atkritumi (W-FOG) no pārtikas ražošanas un ēdināšanas sektoriem ir kļuvuši par nozīmīgu organisko atkritumu plūsmu pilsētās. Saskaņā ar Eiropas Savienības aplēsēm katrs cilvēks gadā saražo vidēji 8 litrus izlietotās cepameļļas. Visā pasaulē ik gadu tiek radīts apmēram 29 miljoni tonnu izlietotās cepameļļas gadā. Tikmēr W-FOG apsaimniekošana ir problemātiska, un to izmantošana aprobežojas ar bioenerģijas ražošanu. Projektā Waste2Surf tiek piedāvāts jauns W-FOG izmantošanas ceļš, t.i. kā zemas cenas izejviela, lai ražotu bio-virsmaktīvas vielas (BS) – alternatīvu bioloģiski nedegradējamām sintētiskajām virsmaktīvajām vielām, kas sintezētas no naftas, neatjaunojama resursa, izmantojot ķīmiskus sintēzes ceļus, kas var būt videi bīstami. Virsmaktīvās vielas ir viena no svarīgākajām ķīmiskajām vielām, ko izmanto gandrīz visos ikdienas produktos – tīrīšanas līdzekļos, kosmētikā, pārtikā, farmācijā u.c. Paredzams, ka 2024. gadā globālā virsmaktīvo vielu tirgus vērtība pārsniegs 41 miljardu eiro. Galvenās BS priekšrocības ietver to atjaunojamo izcelsmi, bionoārdīšanos, zemu toksiskumu, labākas putošanas īpašības un stabilu aktivitāti dažādos apstākļos. Ņemot vērā to priekšrocības, BS ir milzīgs tirgus potenciāls, jo īpaši, ja tās ir ražotas no atkritumiem.Projekta Waste2Surf mērķis ir izveidot biotehnoloģiskas ražošanas procesa izstrādes darbplūsmu, kur tiek ietverta ilgtermiņa ilgtspējības modelēšana, mikroorganismu celmu dizains un bioprocesa izveide rūpniecības bioatkritumu ilgtspējīgai biotransformācijai – lipīdu atkritumu (izlietota pārtikas eļļa, dzīvnieku tauki un citi), kas savākti pārtikas ražošanā un ēdināšanas sektorā, pārveidei augstvērtīgās bio-virsmaktīvajās vielās.Projekts veicinās Viedās specializācijas stratēģijas (RIS3) prioritārās jomas “Zināšanu ietilpīga bioekonomika” attīstību, un projekta rezultātus izmantos vairākas mērķgrupas.Projekta galvenās aktivitātes ietvers jaunas procesa izstrādes darbplūsmas izveidi, integrējot uz modeļiem balstītu metabolisko inženieriju, kas sastāv no BS ražojoša rauga celmiem, bioprocesa attīstību atkritumu pārveidei produktā un ilgtermiņa dzīves cikla ilgtspējības novērtējumu attiecībā uz atkritumu-produkta-tirgus sistēmu. Atkritumu biokonversijas modeļu saraksts tiks sakārtots atbilstoši integrētam kritērijam, ņemot vērā vides ilgtspējību, ekonomiskos parametrus un sociālo ietekmi. Visbeidzot, tiks izstrādāta netradicionālu atdalīšanas un aerācijas metožu integrēšana automatizētajā bioreaktoru sistēmā. Bioreaktors tiks aprīkots ar progresīvu modeļprognozējošu fermentācijas kontroles sistēmu. Tādējādi tiks iegūta izmaksu ziņā efektīva un ilgtspējīga sistēma BS iegūšanai no W-FOG, kas rezultēsies ar jaunas tehnoloģijas prototipu (TRL4).Laboratorijas mēroga BS ražošana tiks īstenota kopā ar industriālo partneri – pieredzējušu bioreaktoru ražotāju, 1996. gadā dibināto AS Biotehniskais centrs.Projekta Waste2Surf rezultāti risinās RIS3 izaugsmes prioritātes:(1) efektīvāka resursu izmantošana tiks panākta ar ekoloģiski inovatīvu pievienotās vērtības produktu un biotehnoloģiju radīšanu;(2) tiks paaugstināta inovācijas spēju, izstrādājot un validējot jaunas tehnoloģijas pašreizējās pārtikas ražošanas, atkritumu apsaimniekošanas un ķīmisko produktu ražošanas nozarēs;(3) vismaz vienā no prioritārajām Latvijas tautsaimniecības nozarēm – zināšanu intensīvā bioekonomikā – attīstīsies zināšanu bāze un cilvēkresursi, radot efektīvākus bioresursu izmantošanas ceļus;(4) tiks izveidotas inovācijas sistēmas, attīstot ekoinovatīvus pievienotās vērtības bioproduktus, kam ir eksporta potenciāls, un radot ilgtspējīgas darbavietas ar to saistītajās nozarēs, tādējādi veicinot uz zināšanām balstītu ekonomikas izaugsmi;(5) tiks risinātas sociālās, vides, klimata un atkritumu problēmas, ierosinot jaunus biotehnoloģiskus risinājumus pārtikas ražošanas, atkritumu apsaimniekošanas un bioproduktu ražošanas nozarēs.Projekta NACE kods: 72.11 Pētniecība un eksperimentālā izstrāde biotehnoloģijas jomāTips: ar saimniecisku darbību nesaistīts rūpniecisks pētījumsProjekta īstenošanas jomai (tautsaimniecības nozarei) un sagaidāmajiem rezultātiem atbilstošais saimniecisko darbību statistiskās klasifikācijas NACE kods: 38.3 Atkritumu pārstrāde.Pētniecības apakšnozare: Rūpniecības biotehnoloģija (2.9)Ilgums: 36 mēneši (1.10.2020. – 30.09.2023.)Kopējās izmaksas: 647 877,00 EUR (374 472,90 EUR – ERAF atbalsts), kas sadalītas starp Latvijas Universitāti (386 864,50 EUR; 59,71 %) un industriālo partneri – privāto komersantu AS Biotehniskais centrs (261 012,50 EUR; 40,29 %)Atslēgas vārdi: Bioreaktors; Aprites bioekonomika; Metaboliskā inženierija; Matemātiskā modelēšana; Atkritumu valorizācija (Latvian)
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Large-scale production of valuable products from large-scale waste is the area where a knowledge-based bioeconomy approach has the greatest potential. The volume of organic waste generated in the world is increasing sharply each year. Waste oils and fats (W-FOG) from the food production and catering sectors have become an important stream of organic waste in urban areas. According to estimates from the European Union, each person produces an average of 8 litres of used cooking oil per year. Around the world, about 29 million tons of baking oil is produced annually. Meanwhile, W-FOG management is problematic and its use is limited to bioenergy production. The Waste2Surf project proposes a new route of use of W-FOG, i.e. as a low price raw material for the production of bio-surfactants (BS), an alternative to non-biodegradable synthetic surfactants synthesised from oil, a non-renewable resource using pathways of chemical synthesis that can be environmentally hazardous. Surfactants are one of the most important chemicals used in almost all everyday products – cleaning products, cosmetics, food, pharmaceuticals, etc. The global market for surfactants is expected to exceed EUR 41 billion in 2024. The main advantages of BS include their renewable origin, biodegradation, low toxicity, better foaming properties and stable activity under different conditions. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Finally, the integration of unconventional separation and aeration techniques into the automated bioreactor system will be developed. The bioreactor will be equipped with a progressive modeling fermentation control system. (English)
15 July 2021
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La production de produits de grande valeur à partir de déchets à grande échelle est le domaine dans lequel une approche bioéconomique fondée sur la connaissance présente le plus grand potentiel. La quantité de déchets organiques produits dans le monde augmente considérablement chaque année. Les huiles usagées et graisses (W-FOG) des secteurs de la production alimentaire et de la restauration sont devenues un flux important de déchets organiques dans les villes. L’Union européenne estime que chaque personne produit en moyenne 8 litres d’huile de cuisson usagée par an. Environ 29 millions de tonnes d’huile de cuisson usagée par an sont produites dans le monde entier. Entre-temps, la gestion du W-FOG est problématique et son utilisation est limitée à la production de bioénergie. Le projet Waste2Surf offre une nouvelle voie d’utilisation W-FOG, c’est-à-dire comme matière première à faible coût pour la production de biosurfactants (BS), une alternative aux tensioactifs synthétiques non biodégradables synthétisés à partir de l’huile, une ressource non renouvelable utilisant des voies de synthèse chimique qui peuvent être dangereuses pour l’environnement. Les tensioactifs sont l’un des produits chimiques les plus importants utilisés dans presque tous les produits de tous les jours — produits de nettoyage, cosmétiques, aliments, produits pharmaceutiques, etc. Le marché mondial des tensioactifs devrait dépasser 41 milliards d’euros en 2024. Les principaux avantages du BS comprennent leur origine renouvelable, leur biodégradation, leur faible toxicité, de meilleures propriétés moussantes et leur activité stable dans différentes conditions. Compte tenu de leurs avantages, BS a un énorme potentiel de marché, en particulier s’il est produit à partir de déchets.L’objectif du projet Waste2Surf est de créer un flux de travail pour le développement d’un processus de production biotechnologique comprenant la modélisation de la durabilité à long terme, la conception des souches microbiennes et le développement de bioprocédés pour la biotransformation durable des biodéchets industriels — déchets lipidiques (huile alimentaire utilisée, graisse animale et autres), collectés dans la production et la restauration alimentaires, en vue de la conversion en biosurfactants de haute valeur. Le projet contribuera au développement de la stratégie de spécialisation intelligente (RIS3) domaine prioritaire «Knowledge-intensive bioeconomie» et les résultats du processus de développement des nouveaux produits de développement des groupes de production de produits seront les groupes cibles du projet d’ingénierie de la durabilité du projet. La liste des modèles de bioconversion des déchets sera organisée selon un critère intégré tenant compte de la durabilité environnementale, des paramètres économiques et des incidences sociales. Enfin, l’intégration des méthodes de séparation et d’aération non conventionnelles dans le système automatisé de bioréacteur sera développée. Le bioréacteur sera équipé d’un système de contrôle de la fermentation prédictive de modélisation avancée. Il en résultera un système rentable et durable d’obtention du BS de W-FOG, ce qui débouchera sur un prototype de nouvelle technologie (TRL4). La production de BS à l’échelle du laboratoire sera mise en œuvre en collaboration avec un partenaire industriel — un fabricant expérimenté de bioréacteurs, établi en 1996 par le Biotechnic Centre of AS. Les résultats du projet Waste2Surf répondront aux priorités de croissance RIS3:(1) une utilisation plus efficace des ressources sera réalisée par la création de produits à valeur ajoutée éco-innovants et de biotechnologies; (2) Les capacités d’innovation seront renforcées par le développement et la validation de nouvelles technologies dans les secteurs actuels de la production alimentaire, de la gestion des déchets et de la production chimique; (3) au moins un des secteurs prioritaires de l’économie lettone — la bioéconomie à forte intensité de connaissances — développera la base de connaissances et les ressources humaines, en créant des moyens plus efficaces d’utiliser les bioressources;(4) des systèmes d’innovation seront mis en place, en développant des bioproduits éco-innovants à valeur ajoutée présentant un potentiel d’exportation et en créant des emplois durables dans les industries connexes, contribuant ainsi à la croissance économique fondée sur la connaissance;(5) les problèmes sociaux, environnementaux, climatiques et de déchets seront abordés en proposant de nouvelles solutions biotechnologiques dans la production alimentaire, la gestion des déchets et les bioindustries. (French)
25 November 2021
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Die Herstellung von wertvollen Großprodukten aus Großmüll ist der Bereich, in dem ein wissensbasierter Bioökonomie-Ansatz das größte Potenzial hat. Die Menge an organischen Abfällen, die in der Welt anfallen, wächst jedes Jahr dramatisch. Altöle und Fette (W-FOG) aus der Lebensmittel- und Gastronomiebranche sind zu einem wichtigen Strom organischer Abfälle in Städten geworden. Die Europäische Union schätzt, dass jede Person durchschnittlich 8 Liter gebrauchtes Speiseöl pro Jahr produziert. Weltweit werden rund 29 Millionen Tonnen gebrauchtes Speiseöl pro Jahr erzeugt. Unterdessen ist das Management von W-FOG problematisch und beschränkt sich auf die Bioenergieproduktion. Das Projekt Waste2Surf bietet einen neuen W-FOG-Use-Pfad, d. h. als kostengünstiger Rohstoff für die Herstellung von Biosurfactants (BS), eine Alternative zu nicht biologisch abbaubaren synthetischen Tensiden, die aus Öl synthetisiert werden, eine nicht erneuerbare Ressource mit chemischen Synthesepfaden, die für die Umwelt gefährlich sein können. Tenside sind eine der wichtigsten Chemikalien, die in fast allen Alltagsprodukten verwendet werden – Reinigungsprodukte, Kosmetika, Lebensmittel, Pharmazeutika usw. Der globale Markt für Tenside wird im Jahr 2024 voraussichtlich 41 Mrd. EUR überschreiten. Die Hauptvorteile von BS sind deren nachwachsender Ursprung, Bioabbau, geringe Toxizität, bessere Schäumeigenschaften und stabile Aktivität unter verschiedenen Bedingungen. Das Ziel des Projekts Waste2Surf ist es, einen Workflow für die Entwicklung eines biotechnologischen Produktionsprozesses zu schaffen, der langfristige Nachhaltigkeitsmodellierung, mikrobiellen Dehnungsdesign und Bioprozessentwicklung für die nachhaltige Biotransformation industrieller Bioabfälle – Lipidabfälle (verwendetes Lebensmittelöl, tierisches Fett u. a.) umfasst, die in der Lebensmittelproduktion und -verpflegung gesammelt werden, um in hochwertige Bio-Übertragungsstoffe umzuwandeln. Das Projekt wird zur Entwicklung der Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3) beitragen. Die Liste der Biokonversionsmodelle für Abfälle wird nach einem integrierten Kriterium unter Berücksichtigung der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit, der wirtschaftlichen Parameter und der sozialen Auswirkungen erstellt. Schließlich wird die Integration unkonventioneller Trenn- und Belüftungsmethoden in das automatisierte Bioreaktorsystem entwickelt. Der Bioreaktor wird mit einem fortschrittlichen Modellierungsvorhersagementsteuerungssystem ausgestattet. Dies wird zu einem kostengünstigen und nachhaltigen System für die Beschaffung von BS von W-FOG führen, der zu einem Prototyp der neuen Technologie (TRL4) führen wird.Die Labor-BS-Produktion wird gemeinsam mit einem Industriepartner – einem erfahrenen Bioreaktorhersteller, der 1996 vom Biotechnischen Zentrum der AS gegründet wurde, umgesetzt werden. Die Ergebnisse des Projekts Waste2Surf werden sich mit RIS3-Wachstumsprioritäten befassen:(1) Eine effizientere Ressourcennutzung wird durch die Schaffung von Öko-innovativen Mehrwertprodukten und Biotechnologien erreicht. (2) Die Innovationskapazitäten werden durch die Entwicklung und Validierung neuer Technologien in der derzeitigen Lebensmittelproduktion, der Abfallwirtschaft und der chemischen Produktion erhöht; (3) mindestens einer der vorrangigen Sektoren der lettischen Wirtschaft – die wissensintensive Bioökonomie – wird die Wissensbasis und die Humanressourcen entwickeln, effizientere Möglichkeiten für die Nutzung von Bioressourcen schaffen;(4) Innovationssysteme werden eingerichtet, die Entwicklung von Öko-innovativen Mehrwert biobasierter Produkte mit Exportpotenzial und die Schaffung nachhaltiger Arbeitsplätze in verwandten Industrien, wodurch ein Beitrag zum wissensbasierten Wirtschaftswachstum geleistet wird;(5) die sozialen, ökologischen, klimatischen und Abfallprobleme werden durch die Vorlage neuer biotechnologischer Lösungen in der Lebensmittelproduktion, der Abfallwirtschaft und der biobasierten Industrie gelöst. 72.11 Forschung und experimentelle Entwicklung in der BiotechnologieTyp: nichtwirtschaftliche IndustriestudieDer NACE-Code der statistischen Systematik der Wirtschaftszweige, der dem Durchführungsbereich des Projekts (für den Wirtschaftszweig) und den erwarteten Ergebnissen entspricht: 38.3 Abfallrecycling.Forschungsteilsektor: Industrielle Biotechnologie (2.9)Dauer: 36 Monate (1.10.2020) — 30.09.2023)Gesamtkosten: 647 877,00 EUR (374 472,90 EUR – EFRE-Unterstützung), aufgeteilt auf die Universität Lettland (386 864,50 EUR; 59,71 %) und Industriepartner – JSC Biotechnic Centre (261 012,50 EUR; 40,29 %)Schlagworte: Bioreaktor; Kreislauforientierte Bioökonomie; Stoffwechseltechnik; Mathematische Modellierung; Verwertung von Abfällen (German)
28 November 2021
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De productie van grootschalige waardevolle producten uit grootschalig afval is het gebied waar een op kennis gebaseerde bio-economie het grootste potentieel heeft. De hoeveelheid organisch afval die in de wereld wordt geproduceerd, groeit elk jaar dramatisch. Afgewerkte oliën en vetten (W-FOG) uit de voedselproductie- en cateringsector zijn een belangrijke stroom van organisch afval in steden geworden. De Europese Unie schat dat elke persoon gemiddeld 8 liter gebruikte kookolie per jaar produceert. Wereldwijd wordt ongeveer 29 miljoen ton gebruikte braadolie per jaar geproduceerd. Ondertussen is het beheer van W-FOG problematisch en is het gebruik ervan beperkt tot de productie van bio-energie. Het Waste2Surf-project biedt een nieuwe W-FOG-gebruiksroute, d.w.z. als goedkope grondstof voor de productie van bio-oppervlakteactieve stoffen (BS), een alternatief voor niet-biologisch afbreekbare synthetische oppervlakteactieve stoffen gesynthetiseerd uit olie, een niet-hernieuwbare hulpbron met chemische syntheseroutes die gevaarlijk kunnen zijn voor het milieu. Oppervlakteactieve stoffen zijn een van de belangrijkste chemische stoffen die in bijna alle dagelijkse producten worden gebruikt — schoonmaakproducten, cosmetica, voedingsmiddelen, farmaceutische producten, enz. De wereldmarkt voor oppervlakteactieve stoffen zal naar verwachting in 2024 meer dan 41 miljard euro bedragen. De belangrijkste voordelen van BS zijn hun hernieuwbare oorsprong, biologische afbraak, lage toxiciteit, betere schuimeigenschappen en stabiele activiteit onder verschillende omstandigheden. Gezien hun voordelen heeft BS een enorm marktpotentieel, vooral als het wordt geproduceerd uit afval.Het doel van het Waste2Surf-project is om een workflow te creëren voor de ontwikkeling van een biotechnologisch productieproces met duurzaamheidsmodellering op lange termijn, microbiële stamontwerp en bioprocesontwikkeling voor de duurzame biotransformatie van industrieel bioafval — vetafval (gebruikt voedselolie, diervet en andere), verzameld in de voedselproductie en catering, voor omzetting in hoogwaardige biosurfactanten. Het project zal bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van de Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3) prioriteitsgebied „Knowledge-intensieve bio-economie” en de resultaten van het project zullen worden gebruikt voor de ontwikkeling van de levenscyclus van het project. De lijst van bioconversiemodellen voor afval wordt georganiseerd volgens een geïntegreerd criterium, waarbij rekening wordt gehouden met ecologische duurzaamheid, economische parameters en sociale effecten. Ten slotte zal de integratie van onconventionele scheidings- en beluchtingsmethoden in het geautomatiseerde bioreactorsysteem worden ontwikkeld. De bioreactor zal worden uitgerust met een geavanceerd modellering voorspellend fermentatiecontrolesysteem. Dit zal resulteren in een kosteneffectief en duurzaam systeem voor het verkrijgen van BS van W-FOG, dat zal resulteren in een prototype van nieuwe technologie (TRL4).Laboratorium-schaal BS-productie zal worden geïmplementeerd in samenwerking met een industriële partner — een ervaren bioreactorfabrikant, opgericht in 1996 door het Biotechnic Centre of AS. De resultaten van het project Waste2Surf zullen de groeiprioriteiten van RIS3 aanpakken:(1) een efficiënter gebruik van hulpbronnen zal worden bereikt door de creatie van eco-innovatieve producten met toegevoegde waarde en biotechnologie; (2) Innovatieve capaciteit zal worden vergroot door de ontwikkeling en validering van nieuwe technologieën in de huidige sectoren van de voedselproductie, afvalbeheer en chemische productie; (3) ten minste een van de prioritaire sectoren van de Letse economie — de kennisintensieve bio-economie — zal de kennisbasis en het menselijk potentieel ontwikkelen, waardoor efficiëntere manieren worden gecreëerd om gebruik te maken van biohulpbronnen;(4) innovatiesystemen zullen worden opgezet, biogebaseerde producten met een eco-innovatieve toegevoegde waarde met exportpotentieel ontwikkelen en duurzame banen in aanverwante industrieën creëren, waardoor wordt bijgedragen tot op kennis gebaseerde economische groei;(5) de sociale, milieu-, klimaat- en afvalproblemen zullen worden aangepakt door nieuwe biotechnologische oplossingen voor de voedselproductie, het afvalbeheer en de biogebaseerde industrieën voor te stellen. (Dutch)
28 November 2021
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La produzione di prodotti di valore su larga scala a partire da rifiuti su larga scala è l'area in cui un approccio basato sulla conoscenza in materia di bioeconomia ha il massimo potenziale. La quantità di rifiuti organici prodotti nel mondo cresce drammaticamente ogni anno. Gli oli e i grassi usati (W-FOG) provenienti dai settori della produzione alimentare e della ristorazione sono diventati un importante flusso di rifiuti organici nelle città. L'Unione europea stima che ogni persona produce in media 8 litri di olio da cucina usato all'anno. In tutto il mondo vengono prodotte circa 29 milioni di tonnellate di olio da cucina usato all'anno. Nel frattempo, la gestione del W-FOG è problematica e il suo utilizzo è limitato alla produzione di bioenergia. Il progetto Waste2Surf offre una nuova via d'uso W-FOG, ossia come materia prima a basso costo per la produzione di bioprodotti (BS), un'alternativa ai tensioattivi sintetici non biodegradabili sintetizzati dall'olio, una risorsa non rinnovabile che utilizza percorsi di sintesi chimica che possono essere pericolosi per l'ambiente. I tensioattivi sono una delle sostanze chimiche più importanti utilizzate in quasi tutti i prodotti di uso quotidiano — prodotti per la pulizia, cosmetici, alimenti, prodotti farmaceutici, ecc. Il mercato globale dei tensioattivi dovrebbe superare i 41 miliardi di euro nel 2024. I principali vantaggi di BS includono la loro origine rinnovabile, biodegradazione, bassa tossicità, migliori proprietà di schiumatura e attività stabile in diverse condizioni. Lo scopo del progetto Waste2Surf è quello di creare un flusso di lavoro per lo sviluppo di un processo di produzione biotecnologica che comprenda modelli di sostenibilità a lungo termine, progettazione di ceppi microbici e sviluppo di bioprocessi per la biotrasformazione sostenibile dei rifiuti organici industriali — rifiuti di lipidi (olio alimentare utilizzato, grassi animali e altri), raccolti nella produzione alimentare e nella ristorazione, per la conversione in bioprodotti di alto valore. Il progetto contribuirà allo sviluppo del processo di trasformazione dei rifiuti (Smart Specialization Strategy — RIS3) area prioritaria "Conoscenza ad alta intensità di bioeconomia" e i risultati del progetto di trasformazione del nuovo processo di trasformazione saranno utilizzati da diversi gruppi di trasformazione. L'elenco dei modelli di bioconversione dei rifiuti sarà organizzato secondo un criterio integrato, tenendo conto della sostenibilità ambientale, dei parametri economici e degli impatti sociali. Infine, si svilupperà l'integrazione dei metodi di separazione e di aerazione non convenzionali nel sistema automatizzato di bioreattori. Il bioreattore sarà dotato di un avanzato sistema di controllo della fermentazione predittiva di modellizzazione. Ciò si tradurrà in un sistema sostenibile ed efficiente in termini di costi per l'ottenimento di BS da W-FOG, che si tradurrà in un prototipo di nuova tecnologia (TRL4). La produzione di BS su scala laboratorio sarà attuata insieme a un partner industriale — un produttore esperto di bioreattori, istituito nel 1996 dal Centro Biotecnico di AS. I risultati del progetto Waste2Surf affronteranno le priorità di crescita RIS3:(1) un uso più efficiente delle risorse sarà realizzato attraverso la creazione di prodotti a valore aggiunto ecoinnovativo e biotecnologie; (2) La capacità innovativa sarà aumentata sviluppando e convalidando nuove tecnologie negli attuali settori della produzione alimentare, della gestione dei rifiuti e della produzione chimica; (3) almeno uno dei settori prioritari dell'economia lettone — la bioeconomia ad alta intensità di conoscenza — svilupperà la base di conoscenze e le risorse umane, creando modi più efficienti di utilizzo delle biorisorse;(4) saranno istituiti sistemi di innovazione, sviluppando bioprodotti a valore aggiunto ecoinnovativo con potenziale di esportazione e creando posti di lavoro sostenibili nelle industrie connesse, contribuendo in tal modo alla crescita economica basata sulla conoscenza;(5) i problemi sociali, ambientali, climatici e dei rifiuti saranno affrontati proponendo nuove soluzioni biotecnologiche nella produzione alimentare, nella gestione dei rifiuti e nelle industrie bio-based. 72.11 Ricerca e sviluppo sperimentale nel settore delle biotecnologieTipo: studio industriale non economicoIl codice NACE della classificazione statistica delle attività economiche corrispondente all'ambito di attuazione del progetto (per il settore economico) e i risultati attesi: 38.3 Riciclo dei rifiuti.sottosettore della ricerca: Biotecnologia industriale (2.9)Durata: 36 mesi (1.10.2020) — 30.09.2023)Costi totali: 647 877,00 EUR (374 472,90 EUR — sostegno FESR), suddivisi tra l'Università di Lettonia (386 864,50 EUR; 59,71 %) e partner industriali — Centro biotecnologico JSC (EUR 261012,50; 40,29 %)Parole chiave: Bioreattore; Bioeconomia circolare; Ingegneria metabolica; Modellizzazione matematica; Valorizzaz... (Italian)
11 January 2022
0 references
La producción de productos valiosos a gran escala a partir de residuos a gran escala es el ámbito en el que un enfoque de bioeconomía basado en el conocimiento tiene el mayor potencial. La cantidad de residuos orgánicos generados en el mundo está creciendo dramáticamente cada año. Los aceites y grasas residuales (W-FOG) de los sectores de la producción de alimentos y la restauración se han convertido en un importante flujo de residuos orgánicos en las ciudades. La Unión Europea estima que cada persona produce una media de 8 litros de aceite de cocina usado al año. Alrededor de 29 millones de toneladas de aceite de cocina usado al año se generan en todo el mundo. Mientras tanto, la gestión de W-FOG es problemática y su uso se limita a la producción de bioenergía. El proyecto Waste2Surf ofrece una nueva vía de uso W-FOG, es decir, como materia prima de bajo coste para la producción de biotensioactivos (BS), una alternativa a los tensioactivos sintéticos no biodegradables sintetizados a partir del petróleo, recurso no renovable que utiliza vías de síntesis química que pueden ser peligrosas para el medio ambiente. Los tensioactivos son uno de los productos químicos más importantes utilizados en casi todos los productos cotidianos: productos de limpieza, cosméticos, alimentos, productos farmacéuticos, etc. Se espera que el mercado mundial de tensioactivos supere los 41 000 millones de euros en 2024. Las principales ventajas de la BS incluyen su origen renovable, biodegradación, baja toxicidad, mejores propiedades de espuma y actividad estable en diferentes condiciones. Dadas sus ventajas, BS tiene un enorme potencial de mercado, especialmente si se produce a partir de residuos.El objetivo del proyecto Waste2Surf es crear un flujo de trabajo para el desarrollo de un proceso de producción biotecnológica que incluya la modelización de la sostenibilidad a largo plazo, el diseño de cepas microbianas y el desarrollo de bioprocesos para la biotransformación sostenible de biorresiduos industriales — residuos lipídicos (aceite alimentario usado, grasa animal y otros), recogidos en la producción y restauración de alimentos, para su conversión en biosurfactantes de alto valor. El proyecto contribuirá al desarrollo de la estrategia de especialización inteligente (RIS3), el área prioritaria de la estrategia de especialización inteligente (RIS3), «bioeconomía intensiva en conocimiento», y los resultados de la evaluación del proyecto serán utilizados en el desarrollo de un nuevo sistema de bioproceso-, y el desarrollo del bioproceso consistirá en la creación de un nuevo ciclo de bioproductos, y el desarrollo del bioproducto a largo plazo. La lista de modelos de bioconversión de residuos se organizará con arreglo a un criterio integrado, teniendo en cuenta la sostenibilidad medioambiental, los parámetros económicos y los impactos sociales. Por último, se desarrollará la integración de métodos de separación y aireación no convencionales en el sistema automatizado de biorreactores. El biorreactor estará equipado con un avanzado modelo de sistema de control predictivo de fermentación. Esto dará lugar a un sistema rentable y sostenible para la obtención de BS de W-FOG, que dará lugar a un prototipo de nueva tecnología (TRL4).La producción de BS a escala de laboratorio se implementará junto con un socio industrial, un fabricante experimentado de biorreactores, establecido en 1996 por el Centro Biotecnológico de AS. Los resultados del proyecto Waste2Surf abordarán las prioridades de crecimiento RIS3:(1) se logrará un uso más eficiente de los recursos mediante la creación de productos y biotecnologías con valor añadido ecoinnovador; (2) Se incrementará la capacidad innovadora mediante el desarrollo y la validación de nuevas tecnologías en los sectores actuales de la producción de alimentos, la gestión de residuos y la producción química; 3) al menos uno de los sectores prioritarios de la economía letona -la bioeconomía intensiva en conocimientos- desarrollará la base de conocimientos y los recursos humanos, creando formas más eficientes de utilizar los recursos biológicos;(4) se establecerán sistemas de innovación, desarrollarán productos biológicos con valor añadido ecológico con potencial de exportación y crearán puestos de trabajo sostenibles en las industrias conexas, contribuyendo así al crecimiento económico basado en el conocimiento;(5) los problemas sociales, medioambientales, climáticos y de residuos se abordarán proponiendo nuevas soluciones biotecnológicas en la producción de alimentos, la gestión de residuos y las bioindustrias. 72.11 Investigación y desarrollo experimental en biotecnologíaTipo: estudio industrial no económicoEl código NACE de la nomenclatura estadística de actividades económicas correspondiente al ámbito de aplicación del proyecto (para el sector económico) y los resultados esperados: 38.3 Reciclaje de desechos. Subsector de investigación: Biotecnología industrial (2.9)Duración: 36 meses (1.10.2020) — ... (Spanish)
12 January 2022
0 references
Väärtuslike toodete suuremahuline tootmine suurtest jäätmetest on valdkond, kus teadmistepõhisel biomajandusel on suurim potentsiaal. Maailmas tekkivate orgaaniliste jäätmete kogus kasvab igal aastal järsult. Toiduainete tootmise ja toitlustussektori õli- ja rasvajäätmed (W-FOG) on muutunud linnapiirkondades oluliseks orgaaniliste jäätmete vooks. Euroopa Liidu hinnangute kohaselt toodab iga inimene aastas keskmiselt 8 liitrit kasutatud toiduõli. Kogu maailmas toodetakse igal aastal umbes 29 miljonit tonni küpsetusõli. Samal ajal on W-FOGi haldamine problemaatiline ja selle kasutamine piirdub bioenergia tootmisega. Projekti Waste2Surf raames pakutakse välja uus viis W-FOG kasutamiseks, st madala hinnaga toorainena biopindaktiivsete ainete tootmiseks, alternatiivina naftast sünteesitavatele mittebiolagunevatele sünteetilistele pindaktiivsetele ainetele, mis on taastumatu ressurss, mis kasutab keemilise sünteesi viise, mis võivad olla keskkonnale ohtlikud. Pindaktiivsed ained on üks olulisemaid kemikaale, mida kasutatakse peaaegu kõigis igapäevatoodetes – puhastusvahendites, kosmeetikatoodetes, toiduainetes, ravimites jne. Surmaaktiivsete ainete ülemaailmne turg peaks 2024. aastal ületama 41 miljardit eurot. BSi peamised eelised on nende taastuv päritolu, biolagunemine, madal mürgisus, paremad vahutamisomadused ja stabiilne aktiivsus erinevates tingimustes. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Lõpuks töötatakse välja mittekonventsionaalsete eraldus- ja aereerimistehnikate integreerimine automatiseeritud bioreaktorite süsteemi. Bioreaktor varustatakse progressiivse modelleeriva fermentatsiooni kontrollsüsteemiga. (Estonian)
3 August 2022
0 references
Didelės apimties vertingų produktų gamyba iš didelio masto atliekų yra sritis, kurioje žiniomis grindžiamas bioekonomikos metodas turi didžiausią potencialą. Pasaulyje susidarančių organinių atliekų kiekis kasmet smarkiai didėja. Maisto gamybos ir viešojo maitinimo sektoriuose alyvų ir riebalų atliekos (W-FOG) tapo svarbiu organinių atliekų srautu miestuose. Remiantis Europos Sąjungos skaičiavimais, kiekvienas asmuo pagamina vidutiniškai 8 litrus sunaudoto kepimo aliejaus per metus. Visame pasaulyje kasmet pagaminama apie 29 mln. tonų kepimo aliejaus. Tuo tarpu W-FOG valdymas yra problemiškas, o jo naudojimas apsiriboja bioenergijos gamyba. Projekte Waste2Surf siūlomas naujas W-FOG naudojimo būdas, t. y. kaip žemos kainos žaliava biologinių paviršiaus medžiagų (BS) gamybai, alternatyva biologiškai neskaidomoms sintetinėms paviršinio aktyvumo medžiagoms, sintetosioms iš naftos, – neatsinaujinantiems ištekliams, naudojantiems cheminės sintezės būdus, kurie gali būti pavojingi aplinkai. Paviršinio aktyvumo medžiagos yra viena iš svarbiausių cheminių medžiagų, naudojamų beveik visuose kasdieniuose produktuose – valymo produktuose, kosmetikoje, maisto produktuose, farmacijos produktuose ir kt. Tikimasi, kad 2024 m. pasaulinė aktyviųjų paviršiaus medžiagų rinka viršys 41 mlrd. EUR. Pagrindiniai BS privalumai yra jų atsinaujinanti kilmė, biologinis skaidymas, mažas toksiškumas, geresnės putojimo savybės ir stabilus aktyvumas skirtingomis sąlygomis. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Galiausiai bus sukurtas netradicinio atskyrimo ir aeravimo metodų integravimas į automatizuotą biologinio reaktoriaus sistemą. Bioreaktoriuje bus įrengta progresyvi modeliavimo fermentacijos kontrolės sistema. (Lithuanian)
3 August 2022
0 references
Velika proizvodnja vrijednih proizvoda od velikog otpada područje je u kojem pristup biogospodarstva utemeljen na znanju ima najveći potencijal. Količina organskog otpada proizvedenog u svijetu naglo raste svake godine. Otpadna ulja i masti (W-FOG) iz sektora proizvodnje hrane i ugostiteljstva postali su važan tok organskog otpada u urbanim područjima. Prema procjenama Europske unije, svaka osoba godišnje proizvodi prosječno 8 litara korištenog ulja za kuhanje. Diljem svijeta godišnje se proizvodi oko 29 milijuna tona ulja za pečenje. U međuvremenu, upravljanje W-FOG-om problematično je i njegova je uporaba ograničena na proizvodnju bioenergije. Projektom Waste2Surf predlaže se novi način uporabe W-FOG-a, tj. kao sirovine niske cijene za proizvodnju biosurfactantsa (BS), alternativu nebiorazgradivim sintetičkim površinski aktivnim tvarima sintetiziranim iz nafte, neobnovljivim resursom koji koristi putove kemijske sinteze koji mogu biti opasni za okoliš. Površinski aktivne tvari jedna su od najvažnijih kemikalija koje se upotrebljavaju u gotovo svim svakodnevnim proizvodima – proizvodima za čišćenje, kozmetici, hrani, farmaceutskim proizvodima itd. Očekuje se da će 2024. globalno tržište površinski aktivnih tvari premašiti 41 milijardu EUR. Glavne prednosti BS-a uključuju njihovo obnovljivo podrijetlo, biorazgradnju, nisku toksičnost, bolja svojstva pjenjenja i stabilnu aktivnost u različitim uvjetima. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Naposljetku će se razviti integracija nekonvencionalnih tehnika odvajanja i prozračivanja u automatizirani sustav bioreaktora. Bioreaktor će biti opremljen progresivnim sustavom za kontrolu fermentacije. (Croatian)
3 August 2022
0 references
Η μεγάλης κλίμακας παραγωγή πολύτιμων προϊόντων από απόβλητα μεγάλης κλίμακας είναι ο τομέας στον οποίο η προσέγγιση της βιοοικονομίας που βασίζεται στη γνώση έχει το μεγαλύτερο δυναμικό. Ο όγκος των οργανικών αποβλήτων που παράγονται στον κόσμο αυξάνεται απότομα κάθε χρόνο. Τα χρησιμοποιημένα έλαια και λίπη (W-FOG) από τους τομείς της παραγωγής τροφίμων και της εστίασης έχουν καταστεί σημαντικό ρεύμα οργανικών αποβλήτων στις αστικές περιοχές. Σύμφωνα με εκτιμήσεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, κάθε άτομο παράγει κατά μέσο όρο 8 λίτρα χρησιμοποιημένου μαγειρικού ελαίου ετησίως. Σε όλο τον κόσμο, περίπου 29 εκατομμύρια τόνοι ψησίματος παράγονται ετησίως. Εν τω μεταξύ, η διαχείριση W-FOG είναι προβληματική και η χρήση της περιορίζεται στην παραγωγή βιοενέργειας. Το έργο Waste2Surf προτείνει μια νέα οδό χρήσης του W-FOG, δηλαδή ως πρώτης ύλης χαμηλής τιμής για την παραγωγή βιοεπιφανειοδραστικών ουσιών (BS), μια εναλλακτική λύση αντί των μη βιοαποικοδομήσιμων συνθετικών επιφανειοδραστικών ουσιών που συντίθενται από το πετρέλαιο, ενός μη ανανεώσιμου πόρου που χρησιμοποιεί οδούς χημικής σύνθεσης που μπορεί να είναι επικίνδυνες για το περιβάλλον. Οι επιφανειοδραστικές ουσίες είναι μία από τις σημαντικότερες χημικές ουσίες που χρησιμοποιούνται σχεδόν σε όλα τα προϊόντα καθημερινής χρήσης — προϊόντα καθαρισμού, καλλυντικά, τρόφιμα, φαρμακευτικά προϊόντα κ.λπ. Η παγκόσμια αγορά επιφανειοδραστικών ουσιών αναμένεται να υπερβεί τα 41 δισ. ευρώ το 2024. Τα κύρια πλεονεκτήματα της BS περιλαμβάνουν την ανανεώσιμη προέλευσή τους, τη βιοαποικοδόμηση, τη χαμηλή τοξικότητα, τις καλύτερες ιδιότητες αφρού και τη σταθερή δραστηριότητα υπό διαφορετικές συνθήκες. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Τέλος, θα αναπτυχθεί η ενσωμάτωση μη συμβατικών τεχνικών διαχωρισμού και αερισμού στο αυτοματοποιημένο σύστημα βιοαντιδραστήρων. Ο βιοαντιδραστήρας θα είναι εξοπλισμένος με ένα προοδευτικό σύστημα ελέγχου ζύμωσης μοντελοποίησης. (Greek)
3 August 2022
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Rozsiahla výroba hodnotných výrobkov z rozsiahleho odpadu je oblasť, v ktorej má prístup založený na poznatkoch najväčší potenciál. Objem organického odpadu vyprodukovaného vo svete sa každý rok prudko zvyšuje. Odpadové oleje a tuky (W-FOG) z odvetví výroby potravín a stravovania sa stali dôležitým tokom organického odpadu v mestských oblastiach. Podľa odhadov Európskej únie každý človek vyrobí priemerne 8 litrov použitého kuchynského oleja ročne. Na celom svete sa ročne vyrobí asi 29 miliónov ton oleja na pečenie. Zatiaľ je riadenie W-FOG problematické a jeho použitie je obmedzené na výrobu bioenergie. Projekt Waste2Surf navrhuje novú cestu využívania W-FOG, t. j. ako nízku cenu suroviny na výrobu biopovrchovoaktív (BS), alternatívu k biologicky nerozložiteľným syntetickým povrchovo aktívnym látkam syntetizovaným z ropy, neobnoviteľný zdroj využívajúci spôsoby chemickej syntézy, ktoré môžu byť nebezpečné pre životné prostredie. Povrchovo aktívne látky sú jednou z najdôležitejších chemikálií používaných v takmer všetkých každodenných výrobkoch – čistiacich prostriedkoch, kozmetike, potravinách, farmaceutických výrobkoch atď. Očakáva sa, že globálny trh s povrchovo aktívnymi látkami v roku 2024 prekročí 41 miliárd EUR. Medzi hlavné výhody BS patrí ich obnoviteľný pôvod, biodegradácia, nízka toxicita, lepšie peniace vlastnosti a stabilná aktivita za rôznych podmienok. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Napokon sa vyvinie integrácia nekonvenčných techník separácie a prevzdušňovania do automatizovaného bioreaktorového systému. Bioreaktor bude vybavený progresívnym modelovacím systémom riadenia fermentácie. (Slovak)
3 August 2022
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Laajamittainen arvokkaiden tuotteiden tuotanto laajamittaisesta jätteestä on ala, jolla tietopohjaiseen biotalouteen perustuvalla lähestymistavalla on suurimmat mahdollisuudet. Orgaanisen jätteen määrä maailmassa kasvaa jyrkästi joka vuosi. Elintarvike- ja ravintola-alan jäteöljyistä ja -rasvoista (W-FOG) on tullut merkittävä orgaanisen jätteen virta kaupunkialueilla. Euroopan unionin arvioiden mukaan kukin henkilö tuottaa keskimäärin 8 litraa käytettyä ruokaöljyä vuodessa. Ympäri maailmaa tuotetaan vuosittain noin 29 miljoonaa tonnia leivinöljyä. W-FOG:n hallinta on kuitenkin ongelmallista, ja sen käyttö rajoittuu bioenergian tuotantoon. Waste2Surf-hankkeessa ehdotetaan uutta W-FOG:n käyttöreittiä eli alhaisen hinnan raaka-aineena biopinta-aktiivisten aineiden tuotannossa, joka on vaihtoehto öljystä syntetisoiduille ei-biohajoaville synteettisille pinta-aktiivisille aineille. Kyseessä on uusiutumaton luonnonvara, jossa käytetään kemiallisia synteesejä, jotka voivat olla ympäristölle vaarallisia. Pinta-aktiiviset aineet ovat yksi tärkeimmistä kemikaaleista, joita käytetään lähes kaikissa päivittäistuotteissa – puhdistusaineissa, kosmetiikassa, elintarvikkeissa, lääkkeissä jne. Ala-aktiivisten aineiden maailmanlaajuisten markkinoiden odotetaan ylittävän 41 miljardia euroa vuonna 2024. BS:n tärkeimmät edut ovat uusiutuva alkuperä, biohajoaminen, alhainen myrkyllisyys, paremmat vaahtoamisominaisuudet ja vakaa aktiivisuus erilaisissa olosuhteissa. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Lisäksi kehitetään epätavanomaisten erottelu- ja ilmastustekniikoiden integrointia automatisoituun bioreaktorijärjestelmään. Bioreaktori on varustettu progressiivisella mallinnuksen käymisen valvontajärjestelmällä. (Finnish)
3 August 2022
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Produkcja na dużą skalę cennych produktów z odpadów na dużą skalę to obszar, w którym podejście biogospodarki oparte na wiedzy ma największy potencjał. Ilość odpadów organicznych wytwarzanych na świecie gwałtownie rośnie z roku na rok. Oleje i tłuszcze odpadowe (W-FOG) z sektorów produkcji żywności i gastronomii stały się ważnym strumieniem odpadów organicznych na obszarach miejskich. Według szacunków Unii Europejskiej każda osoba produkuje średnio 8 litrów zużytego oleju kuchennego rocznie. Na całym świecie rocznie produkuje się około 29 milionów ton oleju do pieczenia. Tymczasem zarządzanie W-FOG jest problematyczne, a jego wykorzystanie ogranicza się do produkcji bioenergii. W ramach projektu Waste2Surf zaproponowano nową drogę wykorzystania W-FOG, tj. jako tani surowiec do produkcji biosurfactantów (BS), alternatywę dla syntetycznych środków powierzchniowo czynnych nieulegających biodegradacji syntetyzowanych z ropy naftowej, nieodnawialnego zasobu wykorzystującego drogi syntezy chemicznej, które mogą być niebezpieczne dla środowiska. Środki powierzchniowo czynne są jedną z najważniejszych substancji chemicznych stosowanych w prawie wszystkich produktach codziennego użytku – produktach czyszczących, kosmetycznych, spożywczych, farmaceutycznych itp. Oczekuje się, że światowy rynek środków powierzchniowo czynnych przekroczy 41 mld EUR w 2024 r. Główne zalety BS obejmują ich odnawialne pochodzenie, biodegradację, niską toksyczność, lepsze właściwości spieniające i stabilną aktywność w różnych warunkach. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Wreszcie rozwinięta zostanie integracja niekonwencjonalnych technik separacji i napowietrzania w zautomatyzowanym systemie bioreaktorów. Bioreaktor będzie wyposażony w progresywny modelowy system kontroli fermentacji. (Polish)
3 August 2022
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A nagyléptékű hulladékból származó értékes termékek nagy volumenű előállítása az a terület, ahol a tudásalapú biogazdasági megközelítés a legnagyobb potenciállal rendelkezik. A világon keletkező szerves hulladék mennyisége évente meredeken növekszik. Az élelmiszer-termelésből és a vendéglátó-ipari ágazatból származó hulladékolajok és zsírok (W-FOG) fontos szerves hulladékáramká váltak a városi területeken. Az Európai Unió becslései szerint minden személy évente átlagosan 8 liter használt étolajat állít elő. Világszerte évente mintegy 29 millió tonna sütőolajat állítanak elő. Eközben a W-FOG kezelése problematikus, használata pedig a bioenergia-termelésre korlátozódik. A Waste2Surf projekt a W-FOG új felhasználási módját javasolja, azaz alacsony árú nyersanyagként biofelületaktív anyagok előállításához, ami alternatívája az olajból előállított, biológiailag nem lebomló szintetikus felületaktív anyagoknak, amely nem megújuló erőforrás, amely környezeti szempontból veszélyes kémiai szintézisi útvonalakat használ. A felületaktív anyagok az egyik legfontosabb vegyi anyag, amelyet szinte minden mindennapi termékben – tisztítószerekben, kozmetikumokban, élelmiszerekben, gyógyszerekben stb. – használnak. A felületaktív anyagok globális piaca 2024-ben várhatóan meghaladja a 41 milliárd eurót. A BS fő előnye a megújuló eredet, a biológiai lebomlás, az alacsony toxicitás, a jobb habzási tulajdonságok és a stabil aktivitás különböző körülmények között. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Végül ki kell dolgozni a nem hagyományos szétválasztási és levegőztetési technikáknak az automatizált bioreaktor-rendszerbe való integrálását. A bioreaktor egy progresszív modellezésű fermentációs vezérlőrendszerrel lesz felszerelve. (Hungarian)
3 August 2022
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Rozsáhlá výroba cenných produktů z rozsáhlého odpadu je oblastí, kde má přístup založený na znalostech biohospodářství největší potenciál. Objem organického odpadu vyprodukovaného ve světě každým rokem prudce roste. Odpadní oleje a tuky (W-FOG) z odvětví výroby potravin a stravovacích služeb se staly důležitým tokem organického odpadu v městských oblastech. Podle odhadů Evropské unie vyprodukuje každý člověk průměrně 8 litrů použitého kuchyňského oleje ročně. Po celém světě se ročně vyrábí asi 29 milionů tun pečícího oleje. Mezitím je řízení W-FOG problematické a jeho použití je omezeno na výrobu bioenergie. Projekt Waste2Surf navrhuje nový způsob využití W-FOG, tj. jako nízkocennou surovinu pro výrobu biosurfaktantů (BS), alternativu k biologicky nerozložitelným syntetickým povrchově aktivním látkám syntetizovaným z ropy, což je neobnovitelný zdroj využívající způsoby chemické syntézy, které mohou být nebezpečné pro životní prostředí. Povrchově aktivní látky jsou jednou z nejdůležitějších chemických látek používaných téměř ve všech každodenních výrobcích – čisticích prostředcích, kosmetice, potravinách, léčivech atd. Očekává se, že celosvětový trh s povrchově aktivními látkami v roce 2024 překročí 41 miliard EUR. Mezi hlavní výhody BS patří jejich obnovitelný původ, biologický rozklad, nízká toxicita, lepší pěnové vlastnosti a stabilní aktivita za různých podmínek. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. V neposlední řadě bude vyvinuto začlenění nekonvenčních separačních a provzdušňovacích technik do automatizovaného systému bioreaktoru. Bioreaktor bude vybaven progresivním modelovacím řídicím systémem fermentace. (Czech)
3 August 2022
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Is é táirgeadh mórscála táirgí luachmhara ó dhramhaíl ar mhórscála an réimse ina bhfuil an acmhainneacht is mó ag cur chuige bithgheilleagair eolasbhunaithe. Tá méid na dramhaíola orgánaí a ghintear ar fud an domhain ag méadú go mór gach bliain. Tá dramholaí agus dramhshaillte (W-FOG) ó na hearnálacha táirgthe bia agus lónadóireachta anois ina sruth tábhachtach dramhaíola orgánaí i gceantair uirbeacha. De réir meastachán ón Aontas Eorpach, táirgeann gach duine 8 lítear d’ola chócaireachta a úsáidtear in aghaidh na bliana ar an meán. Ar fud an domhain, déantar thart ar 29 milliún tonna d’ola bácála a tháirgeadh gach bliain. Idir an dá linn, tá bainistíocht W-FOG fadhbanna agus tá a úsáid teoranta do tháirgeadh bithfhuinnimh. Molann an tionscadal Waste2Surf bealach nua úsáide de W-FOG, i.e. mar amhábhar ar phraghas íseal chun bith-fhiontráin (BS) a tháirgeadh, rogha eile ar dhromchlaghníomhaithe sintéiseacha neamh-bhithmhillte atá sintéisithe ó ola, acmhainn neamh-inathnuaite ag baint úsáide as conairí sintéise ceimiceacha a d’fhéadfadh a bheith guaiseach don chomhshaol. Tá dromchlaghníomhaithe ar cheann de na ceimiceáin is tábhachtaí a úsáidtear i mbeagnach gach táirge laethúil — táirgí glantacháin, cosmaidí, bia, cógaisíocht, etc. Meastar go mbeidh an margadh domhanda le haghaidh dromchlaghníomhaithe níos mó ná EUR 41 bhilliún in 2024. I measc na bpríomhbhuntáistí a bhaineann le BS tá a dtionscnamh in-athnuaite, bith-dhíghrádú, tocsaineacht íseal, airíonna cúir níos fearr agus gníomhaíocht chobhsaí faoi choinníollacha éagsúla. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Ar deireadh, forbrófar comhtháthú teicnící deighilte neamhghnácha agus aeraithe isteach sa chóras bith-imoibreora uathoibrithe. Beidh córas rialaithe coipeadh samhaltaithe forásach ag an mbith-imoibreoir. (Irish)
3 August 2022
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Obsežna proizvodnja dragocenih proizvodov iz velikih odpadkov je področje, na katerem ima pristop biogospodarstva, ki temelji na znanju, največji potencial. Količina organskih odpadkov, ki nastanejo na svetu, vsako leto strmo narašča. Odpadna olja in maščobe (W-FOG) iz sektorja proizvodnje hrane in gostinskih dejavnosti so postali pomemben tok organskih odpadkov na mestnih območjih. Po ocenah Evropske unije vsaka oseba letno proizvede povprečno 8 litrov uporabljenega olja za kuhanje. Po vsem svetu se letno proizvede približno 29 milijonov ton olja za peko. Medtem je upravljanje W-FOG problematično, njegova uporaba pa je omejena na proizvodnjo bioenergije. Projekt Waste2Surf predlaga novo pot uporabe W-FOG, tj. kot nizkocenovna surovina za proizvodnjo biopovršinsko aktivnih snovi (BS), alternativa biorazgradljivim sintetičnim površinsko aktivnim snovem, sintetiziranim iz nafte, neobnovljivemu viru, ki uporablja poti kemične sinteze, ki so lahko okoljsko nevarne. Površinsko aktivne snovi so ena najpomembnejših kemikalij, ki se uporabljajo v skoraj vseh vsakodnevnih izdelkih – čistilih, kozmetičnih izdelkih, hrani, farmacevtskih izdelkih itd. Globalni trg za površinsko aktivne snovi naj bi v letu 2024 presegel 41 milijard evrov. Glavne prednosti BS so njihov obnovljivi izvor, biorazgradnja, nizka toksičnost, boljše lastnosti penjenja in stabilna dejavnost pod različnimi pogoji. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Razvila se bo tudi vključitev tehnik nekonvencionalne ločevanja in prezračevanja v avtomatizirani bioreaktorski sistem. Bioreaktor bo opremljen s progresivnim modeliranjem sistema za nadzor fermentacije. (Slovenian)
3 August 2022
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Широкомащабното производство на ценни продукти от широкомащабни отпадъци е областта, в която подходът на биоикономиката, основан на знанието, има най-голям потенциал. Обемът на органичните отпадъци, генерирани в света, нараства рязко всяка година. Отпадъчните масла и мазнини (W-FOG) от секторите на производството на храни и кетъринга се превърнаха във важен поток от органични отпадъци в градските райони. Според оценките на Европейския съюз всеки човек произвежда средно 8 литра използвано олио за готвене годишно. По света годишно се произвеждат около 29 милиона тона печива. Междувременно управлението на W-FOG е проблематично и използването му е ограничено до производството на биоенергия. Проектът Waste2Surf предлага нов начин на използване на W-FOG, т.е. като суровина с ниска цена за производството на биоповърхностни активни вещества (BS), алтернатива на небиоразградимите синтетични повърхностноактивни вещества, синтезирани от нефт, невъзобновяем ресурс, използващ начини на химичен синтез, които могат да бъдат опасни за околната среда. Повърхностноактивните вещества са един от най-важните химикали, използвани в почти всички продукти за ежедневна употреба — почистващи продукти, козметика, храни, фармацевтични продукти и др. Очаква се световният пазар на повърхностноактивни вещества да надхвърли 41 милиарда евро през 2024 г. Основните предимства на BS включват техния възобновяем произход, биоразграждане, ниска токсичност, по-добри свойства на пяна и стабилна активност при различни условия. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. И накрая, ще бъде разработено интегрирането на неконвенционални техники за разделяне и аериране в автоматизираната система за биореактори. Биореакторът ще бъде оборудван с прогресивна система за контрол на ферментацията. (Bulgarian)
3 August 2022
0 references
Il-produzzjoni fuq skala kbira ta’ prodotti ta’ valur minn skart fuq skala kbira hija l-qasam fejn approċċ ta’ bijoekonomija bbażat fuq l-għarfien għandu l-akbar potenzjal. Il-volum ta’ skart organiku ġġenerat fid-dinja qed jiżdied drastikament kull sena. Iż-żjut u x-xaħmijiet għar-rimi (W-FOG) mis-setturi tal-produzzjoni tal-ikel u tal-forniment tal-ikel saru fluss importanti ta’ skart organiku fiż-żoni urbani. Skont l-istimi tal-Unjoni Ewropea, kull persuna tipproduċi medja ta’ 8 litri ta’ żejt tat-tisjir użat fis-sena. Madwar id-dinja, kull sena jiġu prodotti madwar 29 miljun tunnellata ta’ żejt tal-ħami. Sadanittant, il-ġestjoni tad-W-FOG hija problematika u l-użu tagħha huwa limitat għall-produzzjoni tal-bijoenerġija. Il-proġett Waste2Surf jipproponi rotta ġdida ta’ użu tal-W-FOG, jiġifieri bħala materja prima bi prezz baxx għall-produzzjoni tal-bijosurfactants (BS), alternattiva għal surfactants sintetiċi mhux bijodegradabbli sintetizzati miż-żejt, riżorsa mhux rinnovabbli bl-użu ta’ mogħdijiet ta’ sinteżi kimika li jistgħu jkunu perikolużi għall-ambjent. L-aġenti tensjoattivi huma waħda mill-aktar sustanzi kimiċi importanti użati fi kważi l-prodotti kollha ta’ kuljum — il-prodotti tat-tindif, il-kożmetiċi, l-ikel, il-farmaċewtiċi, eċċ. Is-suq globali għall-aġenti tensjoattivi huwa mistenni li jaqbeż il-EUR 41 biljun fl-2024. Il-vantaġġi ewlenin tal-BS jinkludu l-oriġini rinnovabbli tagħhom, il-bijodegradazzjoni, it-tossiċità baxxa, il-karatteristiċi aħjar tar-ragħwa u l-attività stabbli taħt kundizzjonijiet differenti. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Fl-aħħar nett, se tiġi żviluppata l-integrazzjoni ta’ separazzjoni mhux konvenzjonali u tekniki ta’ tirwiħ fis-sistema awtomatizzata ta’ bijoreattur. Il-bijoreattur se jkun mgħammar b’sistema ta’ kontroll tal-fermentazzjoni ta’ mmudellar progressiv. (Maltese)
3 August 2022
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A produção em larga escala de produtos valiosos a partir de resíduos em grande escala é o domínio em que uma abordagem bioeconomia baseada no conhecimento tem o maior potencial. O volume de resíduos orgânicos gerados no mundo está aumentando acentuadamente a cada ano. Os óleos usados e as gorduras (W-FOG) dos setores da produção alimentar e da restauração tornaram-se um importante fluxo de resíduos orgânicos nas zonas urbanas. Segundo estimativas da União Europeia, cada pessoa produz, em média, 8 litros de óleo de cozinha usado por ano. Em todo o mundo, cerca de 29 milhões de toneladas de fermento são produzidas anualmente. Entretanto, o gerenciamento do W-FOG é problemático e seu uso é limitado à produção de bioenergia. O projeto Waste2Surf propõe uma nova via de utilização do W-FOG, ou seja, como matéria-prima de baixo preço para a produção de biossurfactantes (BS), uma alternativa aos tensioativos sintéticos não biodegradáveis sintetizados a partir de petróleo, um recurso não renovável que utiliza vias de síntese química que podem ser ambientalmente perigosas. Os tensioativos são um dos produtos químicos mais importantes utilizados em quase todos os produtos do quotidiano — produtos de limpeza, cosméticos, alimentos, produtos farmacêuticos, etc. O mercado mundial dos tensioativos deverá exceder 41 mil milhões de euros em 2024. As principais vantagens da BS incluem sua origem renovável, biodegradação, baixa toxicidade, melhores propriedades de formação de espuma e atividade estável sob diferentes condições. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Por último, será desenvolvida a integração de técnicas não convencionais de separação e aeração no sistema automatizado de biorreatores. O biorreator será equipado com um sistema de controle de fermentação de modelagem progressiva. (Portuguese)
3 August 2022
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Storstilet produktion af værdifulde produkter fra storskalaaffald er det område, hvor en videnbaseret bioøkonomitilgang har det største potentiale. Mængden af organisk affald, der produceres i verden, stiger kraftigt hvert år. Olieaffald og fedtstoffer (W-FOG) fra fødevareproduktions- og cateringsektoren er blevet en vigtig strøm af organisk affald i byområder. Ifølge skøn fra Den Europæiske Union producerer hver person i gennemsnit 8 liter brugt madolie om året. Rundt om i verden produceres der årligt ca. 29 millioner tons bageolie. I mellemtiden er W-FOG-styring problematisk, og dens anvendelse er begrænset til produktion af bioenergi. Waste2Surf-projektet foreslår en ny anvendelsesvej for W-FOG, dvs. som en lavprisråvare til fremstilling af biooverfladeaktive stoffer (BS), et alternativ til ikke-bionedbrydelige syntetiske overfladeaktive stoffer syntetiseret fra olie, en ikke-vedvarende ressource ved hjælp af kemiske synteseveje, der kan være miljøfarlige. Overfladeaktive stoffer er et af de vigtigste kemikalier, der anvendes i næsten alle hverdagsprodukter — rengøringsmidler, kosmetik, fødevarer, lægemidler osv. Det globale marked for overfladeaktive stoffer forventes at overstige 41 mia. EUR i 2024. De vigtigste fordele ved BS omfatter deres vedvarende oprindelse, bionedbrydning, lav toksicitet, bedre skumdannende egenskaber og stabil aktivitet under forskellige forhold. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Endelig vil der blive udviklet integration af ukonventionelle separations- og beluftningsteknikker i det automatiserede bioreaktorsystem. Bioreaktoren vil blive udstyret med et progressivt modellering gæringskontrolsystem. (Danish)
3 August 2022
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Producția la scară largă de produse valoroase din deșeuri la scară largă este domeniul în care o abordare bazată pe cunoaștere în domeniul bioeconomiei are cel mai mare potențial. Volumul de deșeuri organice generate în lume crește brusc în fiecare an. Uleiurile și grăsimile uzate (W-FOG) din sectoarele producției alimentare și alimentației publice au devenit un flux important de deșeuri organice în zonele urbane. Potrivit estimărilor Uniunii Europene, fiecare persoană produce în medie 8 litri de ulei de gătit uzat pe an. În întreaga lume, aproximativ 29 de milioane de tone de ulei de copt sunt produse anual. Între timp, gestionarea W-FOG este problematică, iar utilizarea sa este limitată la producția de bioenergie. Proiectul Waste2Surf propune o nouă cale de utilizare a W-FOG, și anume ca materie primă cu preț scăzut pentru producția de biosurfacți (BS), o alternativă la agenții tensioactivi sintetici nebiodegradabili sintetizați din petrol, o resursă neregenerabilă utilizând căi de sinteză chimică care pot fi periculoase pentru mediu. Agenții tensioactivi sunt una dintre cele mai importante substanțe chimice utilizate în aproape toate produsele de uz cotidian – produse de curățenie, produse cosmetice, alimente, produse farmaceutice etc. Se preconizează că piața mondială a agenților tensioactivi va depăși 41 de miliarde EUR în 2024. Principalele avantaje ale BS includ originea lor regenerabilă, biodegradarea, toxicitatea scăzută, proprietățile de spumare mai bune și activitatea stabilă în condiții diferite. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. În cele din urmă, se va dezvolta integrarea tehnicilor neconvenționale de separare și aerare în sistemul bioreactor automatizat. Bioreactorul va fi echipat cu un sistem progresiv de control al fermentației. (Romanian)
3 August 2022
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Storskalig produktion av värdefulla produkter från storskaligt avfall är det område där en kunskapsbaserad bioekonomistrategi har störst potential. Mängden organiskt avfall som genereras i världen ökar kraftigt varje år. Spilloljor och spillfetter (W-FOG) från livsmedelsproduktions- och cateringsektorerna har blivit en viktig ström av organiskt avfall i stadsområden. Enligt uppskattningar från Europeiska unionen producerar varje person i genomsnitt 8 liter använd matolja per år. Runt om i världen produceras årligen cirka 29 miljoner ton bakolja. Samtidigt är hanteringen av W-FOG problematisk och dess användning är begränsad till bioenergiproduktion. I Waste2Surf-projektet föreslås en ny metod för användning av W-FOG, dvs. som en lågprisråvara för produktion av bioytaktiva ämnen, ett alternativ till icke biologiskt nedbrytbara syntetiska ytaktiva ämnen som syntetiserats från olja, en icke-förnybar resurs med användning av kemiska syntesvägar som kan vara miljöfarliga. Ytaktiva ämnen är en av de viktigaste kemikalierna som används i nästan alla vardagsprodukter – rengöringsprodukter, kosmetika, livsmedel, läkemedel etc. Den globala marknaden för ytaktiva ämnen förväntas överstiga 41 miljarder euro 2024. De främsta fördelarna med BS är deras förnybara ursprung, biologisk nedbrytning, låg toxicitet, bättre skumbildningsegenskaper och stabil aktivitet under olika förhållanden. In view of their advantages, BS has huge market potential, in particular when produced from waste.The Waste2Surf project aims to create a workflow for the development of biotechnological production process, which includes long-term sustainability modelling, microbial strain design and bioprocess for sustainable bio-waste bio-industrial bio-transformation – sustainability of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into a multi-targeted design for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-electic process – the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others) collected in food and catering sectors, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-design of the design process through the use of bio-focussing (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for conversion of multi-targeted bio-design of the bio-design of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-focus on the design of lipid waste (spent food oils, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the bio-directional bio-directional bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in food production and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-direction of the bio-design of the bio-industrial, using the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted design to a multi-target design of the design of the bio-direction of the design of the bio-industrial bio-industrial-based bio-industrial economy through the transformation of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for transformation into multi-targeted bio-direction of the design of the bio-direction of the bio-directional of the bio-based bio-industrial, using the bio-conversion of lipid waste (spent food oil, animal fat and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for the transformation of a multi-targeted bio-waste to a sustainable biotransformation of the bio-design of the bio-industrial process through bio-industrial sustainability (conversion of spent food oil, animal fats and others), collected in the food industry and in the catering sector, for conversion of a multi-targeted bio-waste to the sustainable biotransformation of industrial biowaste, and the development of a bioprocess for sustainable biotransformation of the bio-based bio-industrial:conversion of lipid waste (spent oils, animal The list of bioconversion models of waste will be arranged according to an integrated criterion, taking into account environmental sustainability, economic parameters and social impacts. Slutligen kommer integreringen av okonventionella separations- och luftningstekniker i det automatiserade bioreaktorsystemet att utvecklas. Bioreaktorn kommer att utrustas med ett progressivt modelleringssystem för fermentering. (Swedish)
3 August 2022
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Jelgavas iela 1, Rīga, LV-1004
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Dzērbenes iela 27, Rīga, LV-1006
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