“Patronage care for elderly and disabled people in Gotse Delchev Municipality” (Q3884755): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claims)
(‎Changed an Item: Import item from Bulgaria)
Property / instance of
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank
Normal rank
Property / financed by
Property / financed by: European Union / rank
Normal rank
Property / country
Property / country: Bulgaria / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Enhancing access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality services, including health care and social services of general interest / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Social Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / programme
Property / programme: Human Resources Development - BG - ESF/YEI / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Община Гоце Делчев
Property / beneficiary name (string): Община Гоце Делчев / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3884741 / rank
Normal rank
Property / thematic objective
Property / thematic objective: Technical assistance / rank
Normal rank
Property / start time
16 March 2020
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 16 March 2020 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
1 March 2021
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 1 March 2021 / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Гоце Делчев
Property / location (string): Гоце Делчев / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
143,880.0 Bulgarian lev
Amount143,880.0 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / budget: 143,880.0 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
73,378.8 Euro
Amount73,378.8 Euro
Property / budget: 73,378.8 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
122,298.0 Bulgarian lev
Amount122,298.0 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / EU contribution: 122,298.0 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
62,371.98 Euro
Amount62,371.98 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 62,371.98 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 19:53, 19 May 2022

Project Q3884755 in Bulgaria
Language Label Description Also known as
“Patronage care for elderly and disabled people in Gotse Delchev Municipality”
Project Q3884755 in Bulgaria


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    122,298.0 Bulgarian lev
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    62,371.98 Euro
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    143,880.0 Bulgarian lev
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    73,378.8 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    16 March 2020
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    1 March 2021
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    Община Гоце Делчев
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    Проектът е насочен към подобряване на качеството на живот и възможностите за социално включване на хората с увреждания и възрастните хора, чрез осигуряване на мрежа от услуги в домашна среда и изграждане на подходящ (материален и кадрови) капацитет за предоставянето им.Във връзка с безпрецедентните предизвикателства, свързани с пандемичен взрив на заболяването от вируса COVID 19 се налага мобилизиране на допълнителни ресурси за превенция и осигуряване на достъпа до услуги на уязвими лица, вкл. хора с увреждания или в невъзможност от самообслужване, които са застрашени в най-голяма степен от COVID 19, както и за лица в карантинен период.Идентифицирана е голяма нужда от предоставянето на услуги по домовете в контекста на създалата се извънредна епидемична ситуация в страната. Дейностите по проекта са насочени към лица, за които е налице социална необходимост от почасови услуги като по този начин се защитава обществения интерес и се отговаря на нуждите на населението от превенция разпространението на COVID 19. (Bulgarian)
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    The project aims at improving the quality of life and opportunities for social inclusion of people with disabilities and the elderly by providing a network of services in the home environment and building appropriate (material and personnel) capacity to provide them.In view of the unprecedented challenges related to a pandemic outbreak of the COVID 19 virus, additional resources are needed to prevent and ensure access to services for vulnerable persons, including people with disabilities or inability to self-service, who are most at risk of COVID 19, as well as for persons in quarantine. There is an identified need for home services in the context of the country’s emergency situation. The project activities target individuals for whom there is a social need for hourly services, thus protecting the public interest and responding to the population’s needs for preventing the spread of COVID 19. (English)
    2 December 2021
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    Le projet vise à améliorer la qualité de vie et les possibilités d’inclusion sociale des personnes handicapées et des personnes âgées en fournissant un réseau de services dans l’environnement domestique et en renforçant les capacités (matérielles et humaines) appropriées pour les fournir. Compte tenu des défis sans précédent liés à une pandémie du virus de la COVID-19, des ressources supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour prévenir et garantir l’accès aux services pour les personnes vulnérables, y compris les personnes handicapées ou l’incapacité d’exercer leur libre-service, qui sont les plus exposées au risque de COVID 19, ainsi que pour les personnes en quarantaine. Il y a un besoin identifié de services à domicile dans le contexte de la situation d’urgence du pays. Les activités du projet ciblent les personnes pour lesquelles il existe un besoin social de services horaires, protégeant ainsi l’intérêt public et répondant aux besoins de la population en matière de prévention de la propagation de la COVID-19. (French)
    3 December 2021
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    Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, die Lebensqualität und die Chancen für die soziale Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen und älteren Menschen zu verbessern, indem ein Netz von Dienstleistungen im häuslichen Umfeld bereitgestellt wird und geeignete (Material- und Personalkapazitäten) aufgebaut werden, um sie bereitzustellen. Angesichts der beispiellosen Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit einem Ausbruch des COVID-19-Virus sind zusätzliche Ressourcen erforderlich, um schutzbedürftigen Personen, einschließlich Menschen mit Behinderungen oder der Unfähigkeit zur Selbstbedienung, die am stärksten von COVID 19 bedroht sind, sowie für Personen in Quarantäne den Zugang zu Dienstleistungen zu verhindern und zu gewährleisten. Die Projektaktivitäten richten sich an Einzelpersonen, für die ein gesellschaftlicher Bedarf an Stundendiensten besteht, wodurch das öffentliche Interesse geschützt und den Bedürfnissen der Bevölkerung nach Verhinderung der Ausbreitung von COVID 19 Rechnung getragen wird. (German)
    4 December 2021
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    Het project heeft tot doel de levenskwaliteit en de mogelijkheden voor sociale inclusie van mensen met een handicap en ouderen te verbeteren door een netwerk van diensten in de thuisomgeving aan te bieden en passende (materiële en personele) capaciteit op te bouwen om hen te voorzien. Gezien de ongekende uitdagingen in verband met een uitbraak van de pandemie van het COVID 19-virus, zijn extra middelen nodig om kwetsbare personen, waaronder personen met een handicap of onvermogen tot zelfbediening, die het grootste risico lopen op COVID 19, en voor personen in quarantaine, toegang tot diensten te voorkomen en ervoor te zorgen dat kwetsbare personen, met inbegrip van personen met een handicap of onvermogen tot zelfbediening, het grootste risico lopen op COVID 19, alsook voor personen in quarantaine. De projectactiviteiten zijn gericht op personen voor wie er een sociale behoefte is aan diensten per uur, waardoor het algemeen belang wordt beschermd en wordt ingespeeld op de behoeften van de bevolking om de verspreiding van COVID-19 te voorkomen. (Dutch)
    12 December 2021
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    Il progetto mira a migliorare la qualità della vita e le opportunità di inclusione sociale delle persone con disabilità e degli anziani fornendo una rete di servizi nell'ambiente domestico e costruendo capacità adeguate (materiali e personale) per fornirle. Alla luce delle sfide senza precedenti legate all'epidemia di pandemia del virus COVID-19, sono necessarie risorse aggiuntive per prevenire e garantire l'accesso ai servizi per le persone vulnerabili, comprese le persone con disabilità o l'incapacità di prestare servizi self-service, che sono maggiormente a rischio di COVID-19, nonché per le persone in quarantena. Vi è una necessità individuata di servizi a domicilio nel contesto della situazione di emergenza del paese. Le attività del progetto sono rivolte a persone per le quali vi è una necessità sociale di servizi orari, tutelando in tal modo l'interesse pubblico e rispondendo alle esigenze della popolazione di prevenire la diffusione della COVID-19. (Italian)
    13 January 2022
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    El proyecto tiene por objeto mejorar la calidad de vida y las oportunidades de inclusión social de las personas con discapacidad y las personas de edad avanzada mediante la prestación de una red de servicios en el entorno domiciliario y la creación de una capacidad adecuada (material y de personal) para prestarlos. Habida cuenta de los retos sin precedentes relacionados con un brote pandémico del virus de la COVID 19, se necesitan recursos adicionales para prevenir y garantizar el acceso a los servicios para las personas vulnerables, incluidas las personas con discapacidad o la incapacidad de autoservicio, que corren el mayor riesgo de COVID-19, así como para las personas en cuarentena. Las actividades del proyecto se dirigen a personas para las que existe una necesidad social de servicios por hora, protegiendo así el interés público y respondiendo a las necesidades de la población para prevenir la propagación de la COVID-19. (Spanish)
    15 January 2022
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    Гоце Делчев
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