Enhancing the skills of HR Brands International staff according to the current needs of business, by providing vocational training to acquire or enhance professional qualifications, as well as through training for the acquisition of key competences. (Q3848956): Difference between revisions

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Property / financed by
Property / financed by: European Union / rank
Normal rank
Property / country
Property / country: Bulgaria / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
80,850.0 Bulgarian lev
Amount80,850.0 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / budget: 80,850.0 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
41,233.5 Euro
Amount41,233.5 Euro
Property / budget: 41,233.5 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / budget: 41,233.5 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.51 Euro
Amount0.51 Euro
Property / budget: 41,233.5 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 1 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / EU contribution
68,722.5 Bulgarian lev
Amount68,722.5 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / EU contribution: 68,722.5 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
35,048.47 Euro
Amount35,048.47 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 35,048.47 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution: 35,048.47 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.51 Euro
Amount0.51 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 35,048.47 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 1 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / start time
1 June 2018
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 1 June 2018 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
1 June 2019
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 1 June 2019 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3848955 / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Enhancing equal access to lifelong learning for all age groups in formal, non-formal and informal settings, upgrading the knowledge, skills and competences of the workforce, and promoting flexible learning pathways including through career guidance and validation of acquired competences / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Generic productive investment in small and medium–sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Natural gas / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Natural gas / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal and marine energy) and renewable energy integration (including storage, power to gas and renewable hydrogen infrastructure) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Productive investment in large enterprises linked to the low-carbon economy / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Productive investment in large enterprises linked to the low-carbon economy / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Южен централен
Property / location (string): Южен централен / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Social Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
42°0'52.31"N, 25°9'17.53"E
Property / coordinate location: 42°0'52.31"N, 25°9'17.53"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Plovdiv region / rank
Normal rank
Property / programme
Property / programme: Human Resources Development - BG - ESF/YEI / rank
Normal rank
Property / instance of
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 19:03, 19 May 2022

Project Q3848956 in Bulgaria
Language Label Description Also known as
Enhancing the skills of HR Brands International staff according to the current needs of business, by providing vocational training to acquire or enhance professional qualifications, as well as through training for the acquisition of key competences.
Project Q3848956 in Bulgaria


    В съвременните условия постигането на по-висока производителност на труда и по-конкурентоспособна и ефективна работна сила изисква прилагане на иновативни форми на повишаване капацитета на човешките ресурси. Най-ценният капитал за едно дружество е именно човешкият. Затова действията в посока осъвременяване на познанията, уменията и компетенциите на работната ръка, както и насърчаване на гъвкави процеси на учене е от особена значимост за дружеството и неговото развитие. Целта на процедура BG05M9OP001-1.021 „ОБУЧЕНИЯ ЗА ЗАЕТИ ЛИЦА“ – КОМПОНЕНТ II е да повиши способността на заетите лица да посрещнат настъпващите бързи промени на пазара на труда в резултат на структурни фактори като глобализацията, технологичните промени, застаряването на населението. Настоящото проектно предложение е в пълно съответствие с тази цел, тъй като предвижда предоставяне на обучения, необходими на лицата включени в целевата група и идентифицирани след проведена оценка на необходимостта от обучение. Настоящото проектното предложение също така е изцяло съобразено и напълно отговаря на Актуализираната стратегия по заетостта на Република България 2013 – 2020, приета от Министерски съвет на 09 октомври 2013 г., задача 3.1 Повишаване качеството на работната сила според изискванията на работните места и за повишаване на производителността на труда, под-задача 3.1.4. Развитие на формите и насърчаване на участието в учене през целия живот.Основни дейности в проекта са:1. Организация и управление на проекта ( включително информация и комуникация);2. Предоставяне на професионално обучение за придобиване или повишаване на професионалната квалификация на заети лица;3. Предоставяне на обучение за придобиване на ключови компетентности на заети лица, съгласно Европейската квалификационна рамка по: Ключова компетентност 2 „Общуване на чужди езици”, Ключова компетентност 4 „Дигитална компетентност”. (Bulgarian)
    0 references
    In modern conditions, achieving higher labour productivity and a more competitive and efficient workforce requires the implementation of innovative forms of increasing human resources capacity. The most valuable capital for a company is precisely the human capital. Action to update the knowledge, skills and competences of the workforce, as well as promoting flexible learning processes, is therefore of particular importance to the company and its development. The purpose of procedure BG05M9OP001-1.021 “LITES FOR LICKS” — Component II is to increase the ability of employees to face rapid changes in the labour market as a result of structural factors such as globalisation, technological change, population ageing. This project proposal is fully in line with this objective, as it provides for the provision of training necessary for the target group and identified following an assessment of the need for training. The present project proposal is also fully in line with the updated employment strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria 2013-2020, adopted by the Council of Ministers on 9 October 2013, task 3.1. Improving the quality of the workforce according to the requirements of the jobs and increasing labour productivity, sub-task 3.1.4. Developing forms and encouraging participation in lifelong learning.Key activities in the project are:1. Organisation and management of the project (including information and communication);2. Provision of vocational training for the acquisition or improvement of professional qualifications of employed persons;3. Provision of training for the acquisition of key competences to employed persons, in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework on: Key Competence 2 “Communication of Foreign Languages”, Key Competence 4 “Digital Competence”. (English)
    2 December 2021
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    Dans des conditions modernes, l’obtention d’une productivité du travail plus élevée et d’une main-d’œuvre plus compétitive et plus efficace exige la mise en œuvre de formes innovantes d’accroissement des capacités en ressources humaines. Le capital le plus précieux pour une entreprise est précisément le capital humain. Les actions visant à actualiser les connaissances, les aptitudes et les compétences de la main-d’œuvre et à promouvoir des processus d’apprentissage flexibles revêtent donc une importance particulière pour l’entreprise et son développement. L’objectif de la procédure BG05M9OP001-1.021 «LITES FOR LICKS» — Composante II est d’accroître la capacité des salariés à faire face à des changements rapides sur le marché du travail en raison de facteurs structurels tels que la mondialisation, l’évolution technologique, le vieillissement de la population. La présente proposition de projet est pleinement conforme à cet objectif, car elle prévoit la fourniture de la formation nécessaire au groupe cible et identifiée à la suite d’une évaluation de la nécessité d’une formation. La présente proposition de projet est également pleinement conforme à la stratégie actualisée pour l’emploi de la République de Bulgarie 2013-2020, adoptée par le Conseil des ministres le 9 octobre 2013, tâche 3.1. Améliorer la qualité de la main-d’œuvre en fonction des besoins des emplois et accroître la productivité du travail, sous-tâche 3.1.4. Développer des formes et encourager la participation à l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie.Les principales activités du projet sont:1. Organisation et gestion du projet (y compris l’information et la communication);2. Formation professionnelle en vue de l’acquisition ou de l’amélioration des qualifications professionnelles des travailleurs salariés;3. Formation en vue de l’acquisition de compétences clés à l’intention des travailleurs salariés, conformément au cadre européen des certifications sur: Compétence clé 2 «Communication des langues étrangères», Compétence clé 4 «Compétence numérique». (French)
    3 December 2021
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    Unter modernen Bedingungen erfordert die Erreichung einer höheren Arbeitsproduktivität und einer wettbewerbsfähigeren und effizienteren Belegschaft die Einführung innovativer Formen der Erhöhung der Humanressourcen. Das wertvollste Kapital für ein Unternehmen ist genau das Humankapital. Maßnahmen zur Aktualisierung der Kenntnisse, Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen der Arbeitskräfte sowie zur Förderung flexibler Lernprozesse sind daher für das Unternehmen und seine Entwicklung von besonderer Bedeutung. Zweck des Verfahrens BG05M9OP001-1.021 „LITES FOR LICKS“ – Komponente II ist es, die Fähigkeit der Arbeitnehmer, sich aufgrund struktureller Faktoren wie Globalisierung, technologischer Veränderungen, Bevölkerungsalterung rasch zu verändern, zu verbessern. Dieser Projektvorschlag steht voll und ganz im Einklang mit diesem Ziel, da er die Bereitstellung von Schulungen vorsieht, die für die Zielgruppe erforderlich sind und nach einer Bewertung des Ausbildungsbedarfs ermittelt werden. Der vorliegende Projektvorschlag steht auch voll und ganz im Einklang mit der aktualisierten Beschäftigungsstrategie der Republik Bulgarien 2013-2020, die der Ministerrat am 9. Oktober 2013 angenommen hat, Aufgabe 3.1. Verbesserung der Qualität der Arbeitskräfte entsprechend den Anforderungen der Arbeitsplätze und Erhöhung der Arbeitsproduktivität, Teilaufgabe 3.1.4. Entwicklung von Formen und Förderung der Teilnahme am lebenslangen Lernen.Die wichtigsten Aktivitäten des Projekts sind:1. Organisation und Verwaltung des Projekts (einschließlich Information und Kommunikation),2. Berufsausbildung zum Erwerb oder zur Verbesserung von Berufsqualifikationen von Arbeitnehmern (3). Bereitstellung von Schulungen für den Erwerb von Schlüsselkompetenzen für Arbeitnehmer im Einklang mit dem Europäischen Qualifikationsrahmen für: Schlüsselkompetenz 2 „Kommunikation von Fremdsprachen“, Schlüsselkompetenz 4 „Digitale Kompetenz“. (German)
    4 December 2021
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    In moderne omstandigheden vereist het bereiken van een hogere arbeidsproductiviteit en een concurrerender en efficiëntere beroepsbevolking de invoering van innovatieve vormen van vergroting van de personeelscapaciteit. Het meest waardevolle kapitaal voor een bedrijf is juist het menselijk kapitaal. Maatregelen om de kennis, vaardigheden en competenties van het personeel bij te werken en flexibele leerprocessen te bevorderen, zijn daarom van bijzonder belang voor het bedrijf en de ontwikkeling ervan. Het doel van procedure BG05M9OP001-1.021 „LITES FOR LICKS” — Afdeling II is het vergroten van het vermogen van werknemers om het hoofd te bieden aan snelle veranderingen op de arbeidsmarkt als gevolg van structurele factoren zoals globalisering, technologische veranderingen en vergrijzing. Dit projectvoorstel is volledig in overeenstemming met deze doelstelling, aangezien het voorziet in het verstrekken van opleidingen die noodzakelijk zijn voor de doelgroep en die zijn vastgesteld na een beoordeling van de behoefte aan opleiding. Het onderhavige projectvoorstel is ook volledig in overeenstemming met de geactualiseerde werkgelegenheidsstrategie van de Republiek Bulgarije 2013-2020, die op 9 oktober 2013 door de Raad van Ministers is goedgekeurd, taak 3.1. Verbetering van de kwaliteit van de beroepsbevolking overeenkomstig de eisen van de banen en verhoging van de arbeidsproductiviteit, subtaak 3.1.4. Het ontwikkelen van vormen en het stimuleren van deelname aan een leven lang leren.Belangrijkste activiteiten in het project zijn:1. Organisatie en beheer van het project (met inbegrip van informatie en communicatie);2. Beroepsopleiding voor het verwerven of verbeteren van beroepskwalificaties van werknemers (3). Opleiding voor het verwerven van sleutelcompetenties voor werknemers, overeenkomstig het Europees kwalificatiekader inzake: Sleutelcompetentie 2 „Communicatie van vreemde talen”, sleutelcompetentie 4 „Digitale competentie”. (Dutch)
    10 December 2021
    0 references
    In condizioni moderne, conseguire una maggiore produttività del lavoro e una forza lavoro più competitiva ed efficiente richiede l'attuazione di forme innovative di aumento della capacità delle risorse umane. Il capitale più prezioso per un'azienda è proprio il capitale umano. L'azione volta ad aggiornare le conoscenze, le capacità e le competenze della forza lavoro, nonché a promuovere processi di apprendimento flessibili, riveste pertanto un'importanza particolare per l'impresa e il suo sviluppo. Lo scopo della procedura BG05M9OP001-1.021 "LITES FOR LICKS" — Componente II è quello di aumentare la capacità dei lavoratori di far fronte ai rapidi cambiamenti del mercato del lavoro a causa di fattori strutturali quali la globalizzazione, i cambiamenti tecnologici, l'invecchiamento della popolazione. La presente proposta di progetto è pienamente in linea con tale obiettivo, in quanto prevede la formazione necessaria per il gruppo destinatario e individuata a seguito di una valutazione della necessità di formazione. La presente proposta di progetto è inoltre pienamente in linea con la strategia per l'occupazione aggiornata della Repubblica di Bulgaria 2013-2020, adottata dal Consiglio dei ministri il 9 ottobre 2013, compito 3.1. Migliorare la qualità della forza lavoro in base alle esigenze dei posti di lavoro e aumentare la produttività del lavoro, sottocompito 3.1.4. Sviluppare forme e incoraggiare la partecipazione all'apprendimento lungo tutto l'arco della vita. Le attività chiave nel progetto sono:1. Organizzazione e gestione del progetto (compresa l'informazione e la comunicazione);2. Formazione professionale per l'acquisizione o il miglioramento delle qualifiche professionali dei lavoratori subordinati; Fornitura di formazione per l'acquisizione di competenze chiave ai lavoratori subordinati, conformemente al Quadro europeo delle qualifiche in materia di: Competenza chiave 2 "Comunicazione delle lingue straniere", competenza chiave 4 "Competenza digitale". (Italian)
    13 January 2022
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    En las condiciones modernas, lograr una mayor productividad laboral y una mano de obra más competitiva y eficiente requiere la aplicación de formas innovadoras de aumentar la capacidad de recursos humanos. El capital más valioso para una empresa es precisamente el capital humano. Por lo tanto, las acciones para actualizar los conocimientos, las capacidades y las competencias de la mano de obra, así como promover procesos de aprendizaje flexibles, revisten especial importancia para la empresa y su desarrollo. El objetivo del procedimiento BG05M9OP001-1.021 «LITES FOR LICKS» — Componente II es aumentar la capacidad de los empleados para hacer frente a cambios rápidos en el mercado laboral como resultado de factores estructurales como la globalización, el cambio tecnológico y el envejecimiento de la población. La presente propuesta de proyecto se ajusta plenamente a este objetivo, ya que prevé la formación necesaria para el grupo destinatario y se determina tras una evaluación de la necesidad de formación. La presente propuesta de proyecto también se ajusta plenamente a la estrategia de empleo actualizada de la República de Bulgaria 2013-2020, adoptada por el Consejo de Ministros el 9 de octubre de 2013, tarea 3.1. Mejorar la calidad de la mano de obra en función de las necesidades de los puestos de trabajo y aumentar la productividad laboral, subtarea 3.1.4. Desarrollo de formas y fomento de la participación en el aprendizaje permanente.Las actividades clave en el proyecto son: 1. Organización y gestión del proyecto (incluidas la información y la comunicación);2. Formación profesional para la adquisición o mejora de las cualificaciones profesionales de los trabajadores por cuenta ajena;3. Formación para la adquisición de competencias clave a los trabajadores por cuenta ajena, de conformidad con el Marco Europeo de Cualificaciones sobre: Competencia Clave 2 «Comunicación de Lenguas Extranjeras», Competencia Clave 4 «Competencia Digital». (Spanish)
    14 January 2022
    0 references


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