Construction of a complex for social services for persons with mental disorders (Q3885062): Difference between revisions

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Property / instance of
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank
Normal rank
Property / financed by
Property / financed by: European Union / rank
Normal rank
Property / country
Property / country: Bulgaria / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
3,987,899.85 Bulgarian lev
Amount3,987,899.85 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / budget: 3,987,899.85 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
2,033,828.92 Euro
Amount2,033,828.92 Euro
Property / budget: 2,033,828.92 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / budget: 2,033,828.92 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.51 Euro
Amount0.51 Euro
Property / budget: 2,033,828.92 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 1 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / EU contribution
3,389,714.87 Bulgarian lev
Amount3,389,714.87 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / EU contribution: 3,389,714.87 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
1,728,754.58 Euro
Amount1,728,754.58 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 1,728,754.58 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution: 1,728,754.58 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.51 Euro
Amount0.51 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 1,728,754.58 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 1 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / start time
18 December 2018
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 18 December 2018 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
19 April 2021
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 19 April 2021 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3885056 / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Other social infrastructure contributing to regional and local development / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Generic productive investment in small and medium–sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Natural gas / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Natural gas / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Renewable energy: wind / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Natural gas (TEN-E) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Railways (TEN-T comprehensive) / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): Дряново / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Regional Development Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / programme
Property / programme: Regions in Growth - BG - ERDF / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
42°58'33.85"N, 25°28'27.16"E
Property / coordinate location: 42°58'33.85"N, 25°28'27.16"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Gabrovo Province / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 17:43, 19 May 2022

Project Q3885062 in Bulgaria
Language Label Description Also known as
Construction of a complex for social services for persons with mental disorders
Project Q3885062 in Bulgaria


    Проектното предложение предвижда изграждането на комплекс за социални услуги за лица с психични разстройства на територията на община Дряново, съгласно Картата на услугите за подкрепа в общността и Картата на резидентните услуги, чрез:1. Изграждане на 7 сгради (ново строителство), всяка от които с предназначение за предоставяне на услуга „Център за грижа за лица с психични разстройства“ с общ капацитет 105 лица (места) в град Дряново, община Дряново, област Габрово. Центровете представляват отделни масивни сгради, разположени в общ парцел, със самостоятелни прилежащи дворни пространства. Архитектурно ще бъдат оформени в единен композиционен комплекс. Общото за комплекса външно прилежащо пространство ще се оформи като паркова среда, с места за почивка и разходки. Във всяка от посочените сгради ще има помещения за общо ползване, лични и сервизни помещения (складови; инсталационни; за персонала, според нормативните изисквания). Ще бъдат осъществени дейности по инженеринг (проектиране, авторски надзор и изпълнение на строителството); изготвяне на оценка за съответствие; строителен надзор; информационно-комуникационна кампания за популяризиране на проекта и източниците на финансиране. Община Дряново ще осигури с друго финансиране различно от финансирането по настоящата схема по ОП РР, необходимото оборудване и обзавеждане за безпроблемното функциониране на социалните услуги от резидентен тип, съобразно изискванията за предоставяне на съответната услуга, а прилежащите дворни пространства ще бъдат благоустроени. (Bulgarian)
    0 references
    The project proposal provides for the construction of a complex of social services for persons with mental disorders on the territory of the municipality of Dryanovo, according to the map of support services in the community and the map of resident services through:1. Construction of 7 buildings (new construction), each of which is designed to provide the service “Center for Care of Persons with Mental Disorders” with a total capacity of 105 persons (places) in the town of Dryanovo, Dryanovo Municipality, Gabrovo region. The centres are separate massive buildings, located in a common plot, with separate adjacent yards. Architecturally they will be formed in a single composition complex. The common space for the complex will be formed as a park environment, with places for rest and walks. Each of these buildings will have shared, personal and service premises (warehouses; installation; for staff, according to regulatory requirements). Engineering activities (design, author’s supervision and construction execution) will be carried out; preparation of conformity assessment; construction supervision; information and communication campaign to promote the project and the sources of funding. Dryanovo Municipality will provide with other funding other than the financing under the current scheme under OP RD, the necessary equipment and furniture for the smooth functioning of the social services of the resident type, in accordance with the requirements for providing the relevant service, and the adjacent yards will be renovated. (English)
    2 December 2021
    0 references
    La proposition de projet prévoit la construction d’un complexe de services sociaux pour les personnes souffrant de troubles mentaux sur le territoire de la municipalité de Dryanovo, selon la carte des services d’appui dans la communauté et la carte des services résidents à travers:1. Construction de 7 bâtiments (nouvelle construction), dont chacun est conçu pour fournir le service «Centre de prise en charge des personnes souffrant de troubles mentaux» d’une capacité totale de 105 personnes (lieu) dans la ville de Dryanovo, municipalité de Dryanovo, région de Gabrovo. Les centres sont des bâtiments massifs séparés, situés dans un terrain commun, avec des cours adjacentes séparées. Sur le plan architectural, elles seront formées dans un seul complexe de composition. L’espace commun pour le complexe sera formé comme un environnement de parc, avec des lieux de repos et de promenades. Chacun de ces bâtiments disposera de locaux partagés, personnels et de services (entrepôts; installation; pour le personnel, conformément aux exigences réglementaires). Des activités d’ingénierie (conception, supervision de l’auteur et exécution de la construction) seront menées; préparation de l’évaluation de la conformité; la supervision de la construction; campagne d’information et de communication visant à promouvoir le projet et les sources de financement. La municipalité de Dryanovo fournira d’autres fonds que le financement au titre du régime actuel au titre de l’OP RD, l’équipement et le mobilier nécessaires au bon fonctionnement des services sociaux du type résident, conformément aux exigences relatives à la fourniture du service pertinent, et les chantiers navals adjacents seront rénovés. (French)
    3 December 2021
    0 references
    Der Projektvorschlag sieht den Bau eines Komplexes von sozialen Dienstleistungen für Personen mit psychischen Störungen auf dem Gebiet der Gemeinde Dryanovo vor, entsprechend der Karte der Unterstützungsdienste in der Gemeinschaft und der Karte der gebietsansässigen Dienstleistungen durch:1. Bau von 7 Gebäuden (Neubau), von denen jedes den Service „Center for Care of Persons with Mental Disorders“ mit einer Gesamtkapazität von 105 Personen (Orte) in der Stadt Dryanovo, Dryanovo Gemeinde, Gabrovo Region bieten soll. Die Zentren sind separate massive Gebäude, in einem gemeinsamen Grundstück, mit separaten benachbarten Werften. Architektonisch werden sie in einem einzigen Kompositionskomplex gebildet. Der gemeinsame Raum für den Komplex wird als Parkumgebung gebildet werden, mit Plätzen für Erholung und Spaziergänge. Jedes dieser Gebäude hat gemeinsame, persönliche und Serviceräume (Lagerhäuser; Installation; für das Personal, entsprechend den regulatorischen Anforderungen). Technische Tätigkeiten (Design, Aufsicht und Bauausführung) werden durchgeführt; Vorbereitung der Konformitätsbewertung; Bauaufsicht; Informations- und Kommunikationskampagne zur Förderung des Projekts und der Finanzierungsquellen. Dryanovo Municipality wird mit anderen Mitteln als der Finanzierung im Rahmen der derzeitigen Regelung im Rahmen der OP RD zur Verfügung stellen, die notwendige Ausrüstung und Möbel für das reibungslose Funktionieren der sozialen Dienstleistungen der gebietsansässigen Art, in Übereinstimmung mit den Anforderungen für die Erbringung der entsprechenden Dienstleistungen, und die angrenzenden Werften renoviert werden. (German)
    4 December 2021
    0 references
    Het projectvoorstel voorziet in de bouw van een complex van sociale diensten voor personen met psychische stoornissen op het grondgebied van de gemeente Dryanovo, volgens de kaart van ondersteunende diensten in de gemeenschap en de kaart van ingezeten diensten door:1. Bouw van 7 gebouwen (nieuwbouw), die elk zijn ontworpen voor de dienst „Center for Care of Persons with Mental Disorders” met een totale capaciteit van 105 personen (plaatsen) in de stad Dryanovo, gemeente Dryanovo, regio Gabrovo. De centra zijn aparte massieve gebouwen, gelegen op een gemeenschappelijk perceel, met aparte aangrenzende werven. Architectonisch worden ze gevormd in één compositiecomplex. De gemeenschappelijke ruimte voor het complex zal worden gevormd als een park omgeving, met plaatsen voor rust en wandelingen. Elk van deze gebouwen zal beschikken over gedeelde, persoonlijke en dienstruimten (magazijnen; installatie; voor personeel, overeenkomstig de wettelijke voorschriften). Ingenieursactiviteiten (ontwerp, toezicht op de auteur en uitvoering van de bouw) worden uitgevoerd; voorbereiding van de conformiteitsbeoordeling; toezicht op de bouw; voorlichtings- en communicatiecampagne ter bevordering van het project en de financieringsbronnen. De gemeente Dryanovo verstrekt andere financiering dan de financiering in het kader van de huidige regeling in het kader van de OP PO, de nodige uitrusting en meubilair voor de goede werking van de sociale diensten van het type ingezetene, in overeenstemming met de vereisten voor het verlenen van de desbetreffende dienst, en de aangrenzende werven zullen worden gerenoveerd. (Dutch)
    12 December 2021
    0 references
    La proposta di progetto prevede la costruzione di un complesso di servizi sociali per le persone con disturbi mentali sul territorio del comune di Dryanovo, secondo la mappa dei servizi di supporto nella comunità e la mappa dei servizi residenti attraverso:1. Costruzione di 7 edifici (nuova costruzione), ciascuno dei quali è progettato per fornire il servizio "Centro per la cura delle persone con disturbi mentali" con una capacità totale di 105 persone (luoghi) nella città di Dryanovo, Comune di Dryanovo, regione Gabrovo. I centri sono edifici massicci separati, situati in un terreno comune, con cantieri adiacenti separati. Architettonicamente si formeranno in un unico complesso compositivo. Lo spazio comune per il complesso sarà formato come un ambiente parco, con posti per il riposo e passeggiate. Ciascuno di questi edifici avrà locali condivisi, personali e di servizio (magazzini; installazione; per il personale, secondo i requisiti normativi). Saranno svolte attività ingegneristiche (progettazione, supervisione dell'autore ed esecuzione delle costruzioni); preparazione della valutazione della conformità; supervisione delle costruzioni; campagna di informazione e comunicazione per promuovere il progetto e le fonti di finanziamento. Il Comune di Dryanovo fornirà finanziamenti diversi dal finanziamento nell'ambito dell'attuale regime nell'ambito del PO RD, le attrezzature e i mobili necessari per il buon funzionamento dei servizi sociali di tipo residente, conformemente ai requisiti per la prestazione del servizio pertinente, e i cantieri adiacenti saranno ristrutturati. (Italian)
    13 January 2022
    0 references
    La propuesta de proyecto prevé la construcción de un complejo de servicios sociales para las personas con trastornos mentales en el territorio del municipio de Dryanovo, de acuerdo con el mapa de servicios de apoyo en la comunidad y el mapa de servicios de residentes a través de:1. Construcción de 7 edificios (nueva construcción), cada uno de los cuales está diseñado para prestar el servicio «Centro de Atención a Personas con Trastornos Mentales» con una capacidad total de 105 personas (lugares) en la ciudad de Dryanovo, municipio de Dryanovo, región de Gabrovo. Los centros son edificios masivos separados, ubicados en una parcela común, con patios adyacentes separados. Arquitectónicamente se formarán en un único complejo de composición. El espacio común para el complejo se formará como un entorno de parque, con lugares para descansar y caminar. Cada uno de estos edificios tendrá locales compartidos, personales y de servicio (almacén; instalación; para el personal, de acuerdo con los requisitos reglamentarios). Se llevarán a cabo actividades de ingeniería (diseño, supervisión del autor y ejecución de la construcción); preparación de la evaluación de la conformidad; supervisión de la construcción; campaña de información y comunicación para promover el proyecto y las fuentes de financiación. El municipio de Dryanovo proporcionará otra financiación distinta de la financiación en el marco del régimen actual en el marco del PO RD, el equipo y el mobiliario necesarios para el buen funcionamiento de los servicios sociales del tipo residente, de conformidad con los requisitos para prestar el servicio pertinente, y se renovarán los astilleros adyacentes. (Spanish)
    15 January 2022
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