Gyulai Happy Apor Vilmos Nursery School Development (Q3947562): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: add summary)
(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
1. The Diocese and the parish set the goal of returning to the labour market for families with young children, in such a way that they wish to transform the kindergarten institution into such a pleasant, cozy and future-looking atmosphere, so that even more parents from the very small age (2-3 years old) can write their children to the institution of the kindergarten with a good heart. A further development goal is to create an environment for service users at the site where their daily physical activity needs can be met in a modern and comfortable environment in a modern and comfortable environment, so that both parents can work more calmly and more focused on their own work if they are aware that the education body pays the utmost attention to the health and needs of their children. 2. The running costs of the building represent a very significant part of the owner’s annual costs. The high operating costs are mainly due to the high cost of gas energy from the heat demand. The building is used continuously and for its intended purpose. On the basis of the above, it is proposed to reduce the energy demand for heating. This can be achieved by thermal insulation of the external boundaries of the building and the replacement of doors and windows. Energy modernisation of the building (external thermal insulation, modernisation of the entire heating system, replacement of doors and windows) will be implemented among the eligible activities of the investment. Will be constructed: gym room, medical room, equipment room. Work on a sanitary facility is also planned. Renovation works on the urvar concern the fence bordering the plot as well as the renewal and parking of the green area. Among the independently eligible activities of the investment, the development of a gym room, the construction of a medical room and separator, the construction of a servoir, the energy modernisation of the building (external thermal insulation, modernisation of the entire heating system, modernisation of insulation, grassing, parking, extension of the terrace, covering and covering) will be realised. Among the activities that can be independently supported, the purchase of equipment will involve the purchase of indoor and outdoor playground games and motion development equipment. Among the mandatory activities, the building will be fully upgraded to energy. 3. The project is in line with point 3.2 of the call. 4. The planned investment will contribute to the return of parents with young children to the labour market, thereby increasing employment and/or improving access to kindergarten care. The development is in line with the objectives of the call and meets and contributes to the objectives set out in the call. The activities planned to be declared in the project correspond to the eligible activities and do not include the ineligible activities listed in point 3.1.4 of the Call. The feasibility and feasibility of the development concept can be assessed on the basis of the available information. The planned milestones are realistic and in line with the timetable set out in the call. The project includes infrastructure development and equipment procurement. As a result of this development, services become accessible, equalised or improved territorial disparities, especially for poor families and disadvantaged children. The investment is planned in a cost-effective manner, with a realistic and cost-effective budget. 5. The planned development project contributes to the achievement of the strategic objectives set out in the county regional development programme. 6. The project involves a rehabilitation environmental engineer/expert who participates in the planning and technical preparation and implementation works and publishes a statement on the implementation at the end of the project. 7. The project respects the cost limits for children/places set out in point 5.6 of the call. The number of places in kindergarten is 75, and the total eligible construction cost limit of the developed kindergarten places is HUF 2 000 000 per person net. 75 *2 000 000=150 000 000 HUF. The relevant total costs do not exceed this amount. (English)
Property / summary: 1. The Diocese and the parish set the goal of returning to the labour market for families with young children, in such a way that they wish to transform the kindergarten institution into such a pleasant, cozy and future-looking atmosphere, so that even more parents from the very small age (2-3 years old) can write their children to the institution of the kindergarten with a good heart. A further development goal is to create an environment for service users at the site where their daily physical activity needs can be met in a modern and comfortable environment in a modern and comfortable environment, so that both parents can work more calmly and more focused on their own work if they are aware that the education body pays the utmost attention to the health and needs of their children. 2. The running costs of the building represent a very significant part of the owner’s annual costs. The high operating costs are mainly due to the high cost of gas energy from the heat demand. The building is used continuously and for its intended purpose. On the basis of the above, it is proposed to reduce the energy demand for heating. This can be achieved by thermal insulation of the external boundaries of the building and the replacement of doors and windows. Energy modernisation of the building (external thermal insulation, modernisation of the entire heating system, replacement of doors and windows) will be implemented among the eligible activities of the investment. Will be constructed: gym room, medical room, equipment room. Work on a sanitary facility is also planned. Renovation works on the urvar concern the fence bordering the plot as well as the renewal and parking of the green area. Among the independently eligible activities of the investment, the development of a gym room, the construction of a medical room and separator, the construction of a servoir, the energy modernisation of the building (external thermal insulation, modernisation of the entire heating system, modernisation of insulation, grassing, parking, extension of the terrace, covering and covering) will be realised. Among the activities that can be independently supported, the purchase of equipment will involve the purchase of indoor and outdoor playground games and motion development equipment. Among the mandatory activities, the building will be fully upgraded to energy. 3. The project is in line with point 3.2 of the call. 4. The planned investment will contribute to the return of parents with young children to the labour market, thereby increasing employment and/or improving access to kindergarten care. The development is in line with the objectives of the call and meets and contributes to the objectives set out in the call. The activities planned to be declared in the project correspond to the eligible activities and do not include the ineligible activities listed in point 3.1.4 of the Call. The feasibility and feasibility of the development concept can be assessed on the basis of the available information. The planned milestones are realistic and in line with the timetable set out in the call. The project includes infrastructure development and equipment procurement. As a result of this development, services become accessible, equalised or improved territorial disparities, especially for poor families and disadvantaged children. The investment is planned in a cost-effective manner, with a realistic and cost-effective budget. 5. The planned development project contributes to the achievement of the strategic objectives set out in the county regional development programme. 6. The project involves a rehabilitation environmental engineer/expert who participates in the planning and technical preparation and implementation works and publishes a statement on the implementation at the end of the project. 7. The project respects the cost limits for children/places set out in point 5.6 of the call. The number of places in kindergarten is 75, and the total eligible construction cost limit of the developed kindergarten places is HUF 2 000 000 per person net. 75 *2 000 000=150 000 000 HUF. The relevant total costs do not exceed this amount. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: 1. The Diocese and the parish set the goal of returning to the labour market for families with young children, in such a way that they wish to transform the kindergarten institution into such a pleasant, cozy and future-looking atmosphere, so that even more parents from the very small age (2-3 years old) can write their children to the institution of the kindergarten with a good heart. A further development goal is to create an environment for service users at the site where their daily physical activity needs can be met in a modern and comfortable environment in a modern and comfortable environment, so that both parents can work more calmly and more focused on their own work if they are aware that the education body pays the utmost attention to the health and needs of their children. 2. The running costs of the building represent a very significant part of the owner’s annual costs. The high operating costs are mainly due to the high cost of gas energy from the heat demand. The building is used continuously and for its intended purpose. On the basis of the above, it is proposed to reduce the energy demand for heating. This can be achieved by thermal insulation of the external boundaries of the building and the replacement of doors and windows. Energy modernisation of the building (external thermal insulation, modernisation of the entire heating system, replacement of doors and windows) will be implemented among the eligible activities of the investment. Will be constructed: gym room, medical room, equipment room. Work on a sanitary facility is also planned. Renovation works on the urvar concern the fence bordering the plot as well as the renewal and parking of the green area. Among the independently eligible activities of the investment, the development of a gym room, the construction of a medical room and separator, the construction of a servoir, the energy modernisation of the building (external thermal insulation, modernisation of the entire heating system, modernisation of insulation, grassing, parking, extension of the terrace, covering and covering) will be realised. Among the activities that can be independently supported, the purchase of equipment will involve the purchase of indoor and outdoor playground games and motion development equipment. Among the mandatory activities, the building will be fully upgraded to energy. 3. The project is in line with point 3.2 of the call. 4. The planned investment will contribute to the return of parents with young children to the labour market, thereby increasing employment and/or improving access to kindergarten care. The development is in line with the objectives of the call and meets and contributes to the objectives set out in the call. The activities planned to be declared in the project correspond to the eligible activities and do not include the ineligible activities listed in point 3.1.4 of the Call. The feasibility and feasibility of the development concept can be assessed on the basis of the available information. The planned milestones are realistic and in line with the timetable set out in the call. The project includes infrastructure development and equipment procurement. As a result of this development, services become accessible, equalised or improved territorial disparities, especially for poor families and disadvantaged children. The investment is planned in a cost-effective manner, with a realistic and cost-effective budget. 5. The planned development project contributes to the achievement of the strategic objectives set out in the county regional development programme. 6. The project involves a rehabilitation environmental engineer/expert who participates in the planning and technical preparation and implementation works and publishes a statement on the implementation at the end of the project. 7. The project respects the cost limits for children/places set out in point 5.6 of the call. The number of places in kindergarten is 75, and the total eligible construction cost limit of the developed kindergarten places is HUF 2 000 000 per person net. 75 *2 000 000=150 000 000 HUF. The relevant total costs do not exceed this amount. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 9 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 11:48, 9 February 2022

Project Q3947562 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Gyulai Happy Apor Vilmos Nursery School Development
Project Q3947562 in Hungary


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    166,760,150 forint
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    461,126.83 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    6 December 2021
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    512,202.039 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    15 December 2021
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    187,370,955.056 forint
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    88.999999 percent
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    16 June 2017
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    2 July 2018
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    Szeged-Csanádi Egyházmegye
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    46°38'37.93"N, 21°16'29.14"E
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    1. Az Egyházmegye és az egyházközség célul tűzte ki a kisgyermekes családok munkaerőpiacra történő visszajutását oly módon, hogy az óvodai intézményt egy olyan kellemes, hangulatos és jövőbe tekintő légkörré kívánja alakítani, úgy, hogy ezáltal még több szülő a gyermekét már egészen kicsi (2-3 éves) korától jó szívvel az óvoda intézményébe írassa. További fejlesztési cél, hogy olyan környezetet alakítsunk ki a telephelyen a szolgáltatást igénybevevők számára, ahol a napi testmozgásigényük, maximálisan, minden körülmények között kielégíthetővé váljon egy modern és komfortos környezetben, ezáltal is elősegítve a szülők munkavállalását, hiszen mindkét szülő nyugodtabban vállal úgy munkát, sokkal koncentráltabban tud saját munkavégzésére összpontosítani, ha tisztában van azzal, hogy gyermeke egészségére, igényeire a lehető legalaposabb módon odafigyel a nevelőtestület. 2. Az épület üzemeltetési költségei a tulajdonos éves költségeinek egy igen jelentős részét teszik ki. A magas üzemeltetési költségeket főleg a fűtési hőigényből származó magas gázenergia-költség teszi ki. Az épületet folyamatosan, és rendeltetésszerűen használják. A fentiek alapján javasolt a fűtési energiaigény csökkentése. Ez az épület külső határoló felületeinek hőszigetelésével, nyílászáróinak cseréjével érhető el. A beruházás önállóan támogatható tevékenységei közül az épület energetikai korszerűsítése valósul meg (külső hőszigetelés, a teljes fűtési rendszer korszerűsítése, a nyílászárók cseréje. Kialakításra kerülnek: tornaszoba, orvosi szoba, szertár. Vizesblokkot érintő munkák is tervezettek. Az urvaron végzett felújítási munkák érintik a telket határoló kerítést valamint a zöldterület megújítását, parkosítását. A beruházás önállóan támogatható tevékenységei közül a tornaszoba kialakítása, orvosi szoba és elkülönítő kialakítása, szertár kiépítése, az épület energetikai korszerűsítése valósul meg (külső hőszigetelés, a teljes fűtési rendszer korszerűsítése, a szigetelés korszerűsítése, füvesítés, parkosítás, teraszbővítés, burkolás és fedés). Az önállóan támogatható tevékenységek közül eszközbeszerzés keretein belül beltéri-és kültéri játszótéri játékok, mozgásfejlesztő eszközök beszerzésére kerül sor. A kötelezően megvalósítandó tevékenységek közül az épület teljes energetikai korszerűsítése valósul meg. 3. A projekt illeszkedik a felhívás 3.2-es pontjához. 4. A tervezett beruházás hozzájárul a kisgyermeket nevelő szülők munkaerőpiacra történő visszatéréséhez, ezáltal a foglalkoztatás növeléséhez, és/vagy az óvodai ellátáshoz való jobb hozzáféréshez. A fejlesztés összhangban van a felhívás céljaival, a felhívásban szereplő célokat teljesíti, illetve azokhoz hozzájárul. A projektben elszámolni tervezett tevékenységek megfelelnek a támogatható tevékenységeknek és nem tartalmaznak a Felhívás 3.1.4. pontjában felsorolt nem támogatható tevékenységeket. A fejlesztési elképzelés kivitelezhetősége, megvalósíthatósága a rendelkezésre álló információk alapján megítélhető. A betervezett mérföldkövek reálisak és a felhívásban rögzített ütemezéssel összhangban vannak. A projekt infastrukturális fejlesztést és eszközbeszerzést tartalmaz. A fejlesztés eredményeként a szolgáltatások hozzáférhetővé válnak, kiegyenlítődnek vagy javulnak a területi különbségek, különösen a szegény családok és a hátrányos helyzetű gyermekek számára. A beruházás költséghatékony módon, reális és takarékos költségvetéssel tervezett. 5. A tervezett fejlesztési projekt hozzájárul a megyei területfejlesztési programban nevesített stratégiai célok teljesüléséhez. 6. A projekt az akadálymentesítés munkanembe un. rehabilitációs környezettervező szakmérnököt/szakértőt von be, aki részt vesz a tervezési és műszaki előkészítés, megvalósítás munkálatokba valamint a megvalósulásról a projekt végén nyilatozatot tesz. 7. A projekt betartja a felhívás 5.6 pontjában foglalt gyermekekre/férőhelyekre vonatkozó költségkorlátokat. Az óvodai férőhelyek száma 75, a fejlesztett óvodai férőhelyek összes elszámolható építési költségkorlátja nettó 2 000 000 Ft/férőhely. 75 *2 000 000=150 000 000 Ft. A vonatkozó összeköltsége nem haladja meg ezt az összeget. (Hungarian)
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    1. The Diocese and the parish set the goal of returning to the labour market for families with young children, in such a way that they wish to transform the kindergarten institution into such a pleasant, cozy and future-looking atmosphere, so that even more parents from the very small age (2-3 years old) can write their children to the institution of the kindergarten with a good heart. A further development goal is to create an environment for service users at the site where their daily physical activity needs can be met in a modern and comfortable environment in a modern and comfortable environment, so that both parents can work more calmly and more focused on their own work if they are aware that the education body pays the utmost attention to the health and needs of their children. 2. The running costs of the building represent a very significant part of the owner’s annual costs. The high operating costs are mainly due to the high cost of gas energy from the heat demand. The building is used continuously and for its intended purpose. On the basis of the above, it is proposed to reduce the energy demand for heating. This can be achieved by thermal insulation of the external boundaries of the building and the replacement of doors and windows. Energy modernisation of the building (external thermal insulation, modernisation of the entire heating system, replacement of doors and windows) will be implemented among the eligible activities of the investment. Will be constructed: gym room, medical room, equipment room. Work on a sanitary facility is also planned. Renovation works on the urvar concern the fence bordering the plot as well as the renewal and parking of the green area. Among the independently eligible activities of the investment, the development of a gym room, the construction of a medical room and separator, the construction of a servoir, the energy modernisation of the building (external thermal insulation, modernisation of the entire heating system, modernisation of insulation, grassing, parking, extension of the terrace, covering and covering) will be realised. Among the activities that can be independently supported, the purchase of equipment will involve the purchase of indoor and outdoor playground games and motion development equipment. Among the mandatory activities, the building will be fully upgraded to energy. 3. The project is in line with point 3.2 of the call. 4. The planned investment will contribute to the return of parents with young children to the labour market, thereby increasing employment and/or improving access to kindergarten care. The development is in line with the objectives of the call and meets and contributes to the objectives set out in the call. The activities planned to be declared in the project correspond to the eligible activities and do not include the ineligible activities listed in point 3.1.4 of the Call. The feasibility and feasibility of the development concept can be assessed on the basis of the available information. The planned milestones are realistic and in line with the timetable set out in the call. The project includes infrastructure development and equipment procurement. As a result of this development, services become accessible, equalised or improved territorial disparities, especially for poor families and disadvantaged children. The investment is planned in a cost-effective manner, with a realistic and cost-effective budget. 5. The planned development project contributes to the achievement of the strategic objectives set out in the county regional development programme. 6. The project involves a rehabilitation environmental engineer/expert who participates in the planning and technical preparation and implementation works and publishes a statement on the implementation at the end of the project. 7. The project respects the cost limits for children/places set out in point 5.6 of the call. The number of places in kindergarten is 75, and the total eligible construction cost limit of the developed kindergarten places is HUF 2 000 000 per person net. 75 *2 000 000=150 000 000 HUF. The relevant total costs do not exceed this amount. (English)
    9 February 2022
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    Gyula, Békés
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