Implementation of awareness-raising programmes in Komló (Q3944482): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
Our goal is to increase the knowledge of the target group, to experience the possibilities of using renewable energies, to understand the problems related to energy and to take concrete steps towards sustainable energy management, thereby contributing to the EU’s 20-20-20 objective. We provide knowledge and knowledge to the target group using events, workshops, forums, study competitions, disciplines, online communication and demonstration tools. With the help of a single “know-how content” developed with the help of experts, we would like to ensure that any new stakeholders and actors can be involved in the process and that the ongoing awareness-raising work will continue during the project’s maintenance period. Our aim is to implement energy awareness and dissemination activities for the target group, young people, their parents, their families, employees, building owners, municipal decision-makers and managers, technical managers and decision-makers of both the industrial and service sectors in 2 main topics, in terms of energy saving and energy efficiency and renewable energy use, with the following professional content: I. Energy saving and energy efficiency — The housing stock in the municipality is an energy cost side and awareness of the health effects of buildings. — In the case of planned investments, the possibilities for upgrading buildings, their expected cost-benefits and the support available for them are presented mainly to decision-makers in the form of workshops and professional days. — The presentation of energy efficiency investments as investments is also the main target group of decision-makers, investors and students, as they are the next generation who will buy new homes and build new buildings, we consider it very important that they learn about this degree of energy efficiency and costs already during their education, contributing to the understanding of complex criteria. Transfer of knowledge on the scale and composition of individual energy consumption — targeted to students and their families, based on interactive disciplines, study competitions and self-experienced surveys. — Awareness-raising and knowledge transfer of energy demand reduction and advice on energy savings and energy efficiency requiring attention or less investment, in particular with regard to energy efficiency in heating and energy-enhancing housing. — main target group in the framework of business executives and public administration decision-makers, workshops and advisory days. II. Renewable energy use — Transfer of knowledge about renewable energy sources that can be used by families, in particular the following aspects: types and deployment of renewable energy sources; the relationship between energy efficiency and renewable energy utilisation; actual costs and benefits and returns; the quality and guarantees to be expected from the technologies and the contractor. — in the framework of an interactive knowledge transfer to promote energy awareness in the framework of specialists, study competitions and municipal events, involving energy experts and contractors who respond to everyday problems through practical examples. (e.g. each participant prepares its own renewable energy indicator) — Distribution of information on renewable energy services that can be purchased from suppliers (e.g. green tariff) — information about existing and potential suppliers in the municipality, both in the context of the municipal event and in the context of continuous and up-to-date information in the online space. — Information on local renewable potentials — with the involvement of students, the renewable energy potential of the settlement and region will be assessed through the participation of students, the renewable energy potential of the municipality will be assessed, together with local government decision-makers, the professional significance of the municipal Sustainable and Energy and Climate Action Plan will also be considered in the final phase as part of a workshop and joint work. In the course of our project, we implement the following activities for knowledge transfer: — on a municipal event day, an appearance promoting energy awareness, lectures and interactive sessions. — implementation of information sessions, workshops and forums — organisation of a practice-oriented local study competition — practice-oriented, interactive circles every 2 weeks — online presence, use of websites and social networking sites — creative playful activities at local events — use of demonstration tools. In order to keep information about the various programmes in the project, a sub-page for energy consumers and market players will be set up on the site of the municipality, where, among other things, energy efficiency and energy saving methods, energy efficiency and energy efficiency financial and energy efficiency methods will be provided. (English)
Property / summary: Our goal is to increase the knowledge of the target group, to experience the possibilities of using renewable energies, to understand the problems related to energy and to take concrete steps towards sustainable energy management, thereby contributing to the EU’s 20-20-20 objective. We provide knowledge and knowledge to the target group using events, workshops, forums, study competitions, disciplines, online communication and demonstration tools. With the help of a single “know-how content” developed with the help of experts, we would like to ensure that any new stakeholders and actors can be involved in the process and that the ongoing awareness-raising work will continue during the project’s maintenance period. Our aim is to implement energy awareness and dissemination activities for the target group, young people, their parents, their families, employees, building owners, municipal decision-makers and managers, technical managers and decision-makers of both the industrial and service sectors in 2 main topics, in terms of energy saving and energy efficiency and renewable energy use, with the following professional content: I. Energy saving and energy efficiency — The housing stock in the municipality is an energy cost side and awareness of the health effects of buildings. — In the case of planned investments, the possibilities for upgrading buildings, their expected cost-benefits and the support available for them are presented mainly to decision-makers in the form of workshops and professional days. — The presentation of energy efficiency investments as investments is also the main target group of decision-makers, investors and students, as they are the next generation who will buy new homes and build new buildings, we consider it very important that they learn about this degree of energy efficiency and costs already during their education, contributing to the understanding of complex criteria. Transfer of knowledge on the scale and composition of individual energy consumption — targeted to students and their families, based on interactive disciplines, study competitions and self-experienced surveys. — Awareness-raising and knowledge transfer of energy demand reduction and advice on energy savings and energy efficiency requiring attention or less investment, in particular with regard to energy efficiency in heating and energy-enhancing housing. — main target group in the framework of business executives and public administration decision-makers, workshops and advisory days. II. Renewable energy use — Transfer of knowledge about renewable energy sources that can be used by families, in particular the following aspects: types and deployment of renewable energy sources; the relationship between energy efficiency and renewable energy utilisation; actual costs and benefits and returns; the quality and guarantees to be expected from the technologies and the contractor. — in the framework of an interactive knowledge transfer to promote energy awareness in the framework of specialists, study competitions and municipal events, involving energy experts and contractors who respond to everyday problems through practical examples. (e.g. each participant prepares its own renewable energy indicator) — Distribution of information on renewable energy services that can be purchased from suppliers (e.g. green tariff) — information about existing and potential suppliers in the municipality, both in the context of the municipal event and in the context of continuous and up-to-date information in the online space. — Information on local renewable potentials — with the involvement of students, the renewable energy potential of the settlement and region will be assessed through the participation of students, the renewable energy potential of the municipality will be assessed, together with local government decision-makers, the professional significance of the municipal Sustainable and Energy and Climate Action Plan will also be considered in the final phase as part of a workshop and joint work. In the course of our project, we implement the following activities for knowledge transfer: — on a municipal event day, an appearance promoting energy awareness, lectures and interactive sessions. — implementation of information sessions, workshops and forums — organisation of a practice-oriented local study competition — practice-oriented, interactive circles every 2 weeks — online presence, use of websites and social networking sites — creative playful activities at local events — use of demonstration tools. In order to keep information about the various programmes in the project, a sub-page for energy consumers and market players will be set up on the site of the municipality, where, among other things, energy efficiency and energy saving methods, energy efficiency and energy efficiency financial and energy efficiency methods will be provided. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Our goal is to increase the knowledge of the target group, to experience the possibilities of using renewable energies, to understand the problems related to energy and to take concrete steps towards sustainable energy management, thereby contributing to the EU’s 20-20-20 objective. We provide knowledge and knowledge to the target group using events, workshops, forums, study competitions, disciplines, online communication and demonstration tools. With the help of a single “know-how content” developed with the help of experts, we would like to ensure that any new stakeholders and actors can be involved in the process and that the ongoing awareness-raising work will continue during the project’s maintenance period. Our aim is to implement energy awareness and dissemination activities for the target group, young people, their parents, their families, employees, building owners, municipal decision-makers and managers, technical managers and decision-makers of both the industrial and service sectors in 2 main topics, in terms of energy saving and energy efficiency and renewable energy use, with the following professional content: I. Energy saving and energy efficiency — The housing stock in the municipality is an energy cost side and awareness of the health effects of buildings. — In the case of planned investments, the possibilities for upgrading buildings, their expected cost-benefits and the support available for them are presented mainly to decision-makers in the form of workshops and professional days. — The presentation of energy efficiency investments as investments is also the main target group of decision-makers, investors and students, as they are the next generation who will buy new homes and build new buildings, we consider it very important that they learn about this degree of energy efficiency and costs already during their education, contributing to the understanding of complex criteria. Transfer of knowledge on the scale and composition of individual energy consumption — targeted to students and their families, based on interactive disciplines, study competitions and self-experienced surveys. — Awareness-raising and knowledge transfer of energy demand reduction and advice on energy savings and energy efficiency requiring attention or less investment, in particular with regard to energy efficiency in heating and energy-enhancing housing. — main target group in the framework of business executives and public administration decision-makers, workshops and advisory days. II. Renewable energy use — Transfer of knowledge about renewable energy sources that can be used by families, in particular the following aspects: types and deployment of renewable energy sources; the relationship between energy efficiency and renewable energy utilisation; actual costs and benefits and returns; the quality and guarantees to be expected from the technologies and the contractor. — in the framework of an interactive knowledge transfer to promote energy awareness in the framework of specialists, study competitions and municipal events, involving energy experts and contractors who respond to everyday problems through practical examples. (e.g. each participant prepares its own renewable energy indicator) — Distribution of information on renewable energy services that can be purchased from suppliers (e.g. green tariff) — information about existing and potential suppliers in the municipality, both in the context of the municipal event and in the context of continuous and up-to-date information in the online space. — Information on local renewable potentials — with the involvement of students, the renewable energy potential of the settlement and region will be assessed through the participation of students, the renewable energy potential of the municipality will be assessed, together with local government decision-makers, the professional significance of the municipal Sustainable and Energy and Climate Action Plan will also be considered in the final phase as part of a workshop and joint work. In the course of our project, we implement the following activities for knowledge transfer: — on a municipal event day, an appearance promoting energy awareness, lectures and interactive sessions. — implementation of information sessions, workshops and forums — organisation of a practice-oriented local study competition — practice-oriented, interactive circles every 2 weeks — online presence, use of websites and social networking sites — creative playful activities at local events — use of demonstration tools. In order to keep information about the various programmes in the project, a sub-page for energy consumers and market players will be set up on the site of the municipality, where, among other things, energy efficiency and energy saving methods, energy efficiency and energy efficiency financial and energy efficiency methods will be provided. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 9 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 10:35, 9 February 2022

Project Q3944482 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Implementation of awareness-raising programmes in Komló
Project Q3944482 in Hungary


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    13,826.05 Euro
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    15,357.447 Euro
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    5,617,977.528 forint
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    46°11'28.21"N, 18°15'40.97"E
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    Célunk, hogy a célcsoport bővítse ismereteit, megtapasztalja a megújuló energiák felhasználásának lehetőségeit, megértse az energetikával kapcsolatos problémákat és konkrét lépéseket tegyen a fenntartható energiagazdálkodás irányába, ezzel is hozzájárulva az EU „20-20-20” célkitűzésének megvalósulásához. Tudást és ismereteket adunk át a célcsoport számára rendezvények, workshopok, fórumok, tanulmányi versenyek, szakkörök, online kommunikáció illetve demonstrációs eszközök alkalmazásával. Szakértők bevonásával kidolgozott egységes „know-how tartalom” segítségével szeretnénk elérni, hogy bármilyen új érintett, szereplő bekapcsolódhasson a folyamatba és a projekt fenntartási időszakában is folytatódjon a megkezdett szemléletformálási munka. Célunk, hogy a célcsoport, a fiatalok, szüleik, családjaik, az épületek üzemeltetését végző vállalkozások munkavállalói, épülettulajdonosok, önkormányzati döntéshozók és mind az ipari, mind a szolgáltató szektor ügyvezetői, műszaki vezetői, döntéshozói részére energiatudatossági és ismeretterjesztési tevékenységeket valósítsunk meg 2 fő témakörben, az energiatakarékosság és energiahatékonyság, valamint a megújulóenergia-felhasználás tekintetében az alábbi szakmai tartalommal: I. Energiatakarékosság és energiahatékonyság - A településen levő lakóépületállomány energetikai szempontú költségoldal és az épületek egészségügyi hatásaira való figyelemfelhívás. - A tervezett beruházások esetében az épületek korszerűsítési lehetőségeinek, azok várható költség-haszon értékeinek, és az azokhoz elérhető támogatások ismertetése főként döntéshozók részére workshop, szakmai napok formájában. - Az energiahatékonysági beruházásoknak, mint befektetéseknek a bemutatása szintén a döntéshozók, beruházók a fő célcsoport, valamint a diákok, mivel ők a következő generáció, akik új lakást fognak venni, új épületeket fognak építeni, nagyon fontosnak tartjuk, hogy már a nevelésük során megismerjék az energiahatékonyság és a költségek ilyen mértékű összefüggéseit, hozzájárulva a komplex szempontrendszer megismeréséhez. - Az egyéni energiafogyasztás mértékére és összetételére vonatkozó ismeretek átadása – célzottan a diákok és családjaik számára interaktív szakkörök, tanulmányi versenyek és saját tapasztalatokon alapuló felmérések alapján. - Energiaigények csökkentésére való figyelemfelhívás, ismeretek átadása továbbá az odafigyelést vagy kisebb beruházást igénylő energiamegtakarítási és energiahatékonysági tanácsadás, különös tekintettel a fűtési és energiatudatos lakáskorszerűsítési energiahatékonyságra. – fő célcsoport a vállalkozások ügyvezetői és a közigazgatási döntéshozók, workshopok, tanácsadói napok keretében. II. Megújulóenergia felhasználás - A családok által alkalmazható megújuló energiaforrásokkal kapcsolatos ismeretek átadása, különös tekintettel az alábbi szempontokra: megújuló energiaforrások típusai és alkalmazása; energiahatékonyság és megújulóenergia-hasznosítás egymáshoz való viszonya; tényleges költségek és hasznok, továbbá megtérülés; a technológiáktól és a kivitelezőtől elvárható minőségek és garanciák. – szakkörök, tanulmányi versenyek és települési rendezvény keretében energiatudatosságot népszerűsítő, interaktív tudásátadás keretében, energetikai szakértők és kivitelezők bevonásával, akik a mindennapi problémákra adnak választ, gyakorlati példákon keresztül. (pl. minden résztvevő elkészíti a saját megújuló energiás indikátorát) - A szolgáltatóktól vételezhető, megújuló alapú energiaszolgáltatásokkal (például zöld tarifa) kapcsolatos információk átadása – településen meglévő és potenciális szolgáltatókról való tájékoztatás, mind a települési rendezvény keretében, mind az online térben folyamatos, naprakész információk keretében. - Helyi megújuló potenciálokkal kapcsolatos tájékoztatás – a diákok bevonásával a szakkörök és a tanulmányi versenyek révén felmérésre kerül a település, térség megújuló energiára vonatkozó potenciálja, önkormányzati döntéshozókkal együtt átgondolásra kerül a települési Fenntartható és Energia és Klíma Akcióterv szakmai jelentősége szintén a végső fázisban workshop, közös munka keretében. Projektünk során a tudásátadáshoz az alábbi tevékenységeket valósítjuk meg: - települési rendezvénynapon energiatudatosságot népszerűsítő megjelenés, előadások és interaktív foglalkozásokkal egyaránt. - tájékoztató előadások, workshopok, fórumok megvalósítása - gyakorlatorientált helyi tanulmányi verseny szervezése - gyakorlatorientált, interaktív szakkörök 2 heti rendszerességgel - online jelenlét, honlap, közösségi oldalak használatával - helyi rendezvényeken kreatív játékos foglalkozások - demonstrációs eszközök alkalmazása A projektben a különböző programokról való folyamatos tájékoztatás érdekében a település honlapján egy aloldal kerül kialakításra az energiafogyasztók és a piaci szereplők részére, ahol többek között teret biztosítunk az energiahatékonysági és energiamegtakarítási módszerek, az energiahatékonysággal kapcsolatos pénzügyi és (Hungarian)
    0 references
    Our goal is to increase the knowledge of the target group, to experience the possibilities of using renewable energies, to understand the problems related to energy and to take concrete steps towards sustainable energy management, thereby contributing to the EU’s 20-20-20 objective. We provide knowledge and knowledge to the target group using events, workshops, forums, study competitions, disciplines, online communication and demonstration tools. With the help of a single “know-how content” developed with the help of experts, we would like to ensure that any new stakeholders and actors can be involved in the process and that the ongoing awareness-raising work will continue during the project’s maintenance period. Our aim is to implement energy awareness and dissemination activities for the target group, young people, their parents, their families, employees, building owners, municipal decision-makers and managers, technical managers and decision-makers of both the industrial and service sectors in 2 main topics, in terms of energy saving and energy efficiency and renewable energy use, with the following professional content: I. Energy saving and energy efficiency — The housing stock in the municipality is an energy cost side and awareness of the health effects of buildings. — In the case of planned investments, the possibilities for upgrading buildings, their expected cost-benefits and the support available for them are presented mainly to decision-makers in the form of workshops and professional days. — The presentation of energy efficiency investments as investments is also the main target group of decision-makers, investors and students, as they are the next generation who will buy new homes and build new buildings, we consider it very important that they learn about this degree of energy efficiency and costs already during their education, contributing to the understanding of complex criteria. Transfer of knowledge on the scale and composition of individual energy consumption — targeted to students and their families, based on interactive disciplines, study competitions and self-experienced surveys. — Awareness-raising and knowledge transfer of energy demand reduction and advice on energy savings and energy efficiency requiring attention or less investment, in particular with regard to energy efficiency in heating and energy-enhancing housing. — main target group in the framework of business executives and public administration decision-makers, workshops and advisory days. II. Renewable energy use — Transfer of knowledge about renewable energy sources that can be used by families, in particular the following aspects: types and deployment of renewable energy sources; the relationship between energy efficiency and renewable energy utilisation; actual costs and benefits and returns; the quality and guarantees to be expected from the technologies and the contractor. — in the framework of an interactive knowledge transfer to promote energy awareness in the framework of specialists, study competitions and municipal events, involving energy experts and contractors who respond to everyday problems through practical examples. (e.g. each participant prepares its own renewable energy indicator) — Distribution of information on renewable energy services that can be purchased from suppliers (e.g. green tariff) — information about existing and potential suppliers in the municipality, both in the context of the municipal event and in the context of continuous and up-to-date information in the online space. — Information on local renewable potentials — with the involvement of students, the renewable energy potential of the settlement and region will be assessed through the participation of students, the renewable energy potential of the municipality will be assessed, together with local government decision-makers, the professional significance of the municipal Sustainable and Energy and Climate Action Plan will also be considered in the final phase as part of a workshop and joint work. In the course of our project, we implement the following activities for knowledge transfer: — on a municipal event day, an appearance promoting energy awareness, lectures and interactive sessions. — implementation of information sessions, workshops and forums — organisation of a practice-oriented local study competition — practice-oriented, interactive circles every 2 weeks — online presence, use of websites and social networking sites — creative playful activities at local events — use of demonstration tools. In order to keep information about the various programmes in the project, a sub-page for energy consumers and market players will be set up on the site of the municipality, where, among other things, energy efficiency and energy saving methods, energy efficiency and energy efficiency financial and energy efficiency methods will be provided. (English)
    9 February 2022
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    Komló, Baranya
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