Development and piloting of a rail axle weighing system (Q3942990): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The transport of vehicles overloaded in respect of axles or weights poses an immediate threat and risk to both the newly constructed and pre-existing rail network and to transport safety, and makes the operation of traffic unpredictable. The aim of the project is a complex, national transport control system (hereinafter referred to as: The establishment of a VTSM Network) which ensures the reduction of unauthorised or non-licensed traffic of overloaded vehicles and the immediate and rapid sanctioning of trains running irregularly by using the existing track network network (including GySEV and industrial track network elements) with official and control powers. For the regulatory system resulting from the development, the measurement data provided by the dynamic wheel load measuring and flat-wheel signalling equipment provided by the Hungarian dynamic wheel load meter and flat-wheel signalling equipment, implemented on the core network operated by MÁV in accordance with the provisions of Government Decree 1078/2012 (III.28), must also be used, and it must be possible to connect other measuring equipment (measuring systems providing similar data operated by another infrastructure manager) to the central system. When determining the locations for the installation of measuring devices, it should be borne in mind that only vehicles not exceeding the permissible load values should be transferred to the TEN-T core network elements that have been refurbished with significant investments in recent times. In the course of the project, the objective is to develop automatic and effective measuring stations that do not require stopping vehicles. Based on the data recorded at the measuring stations, the VTSM Network should be able to support automatic sanctions based on strict liability. The data recorded and transmitted at the measuring stations should also support the carrying out of full checks. The project’s task is to create an IT infrastructure (both physical infrastructure and applications) supporting measurements and penalties, in addition to providing the necessary legal environment and procedure, in addition to the establishment of a set of devices providing axle load, total weight and identification data, which is connected by various organisations using interfaces (see above: associated authorities and track managers). The subject of the procurement covers the railway track, the construction of the built infrastructure environment, the design, development, integration and installation of specialised systems, the establishment of the hardware and data transmission environment necessary for the operation of the VTSM Network, the acquisition of licences related to the software and hardware components to be delivered, the provision of related services and the purchase of equipment supporting related controls. The aim of the VTSM network to be set up is to serve in a manageable way the axle load and other controls carried out by the railway authority and to provide data by other authorities using a real-time data link (mainly: security, rail, customs, tax) and allow data from other systems using real-time data link. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The transport of vehicles overloaded in respect of axles or weights poses an immediate threat and risk to both the newly constructed and pre-existing rail network and to transport safety, and makes the operation of traffic unpredictable. The aim of the project is a complex, national transport control system (hereinafter referred to as: The establishment of a VTSM Network) which ensures the reduction of unauthorised or non-licensed traffic of overloaded vehicles and the immediate and rapid sanctioning of trains running irregularly by using the existing track network network (including GySEV and industrial track network elements) with official and control powers. For the regulatory system resulting from the development, the measurement data provided by the dynamic wheel load measuring and flat-wheel signalling equipment provided by the Hungarian dynamic wheel load meter and flat-wheel signalling equipment, implemented on the core network operated by MÁV in accordance with the provisions of Government Decree 1078/2012 (III.28), must also be used, and it must be possible to connect other measuring equipment (measuring systems providing similar data operated by another infrastructure manager) to the central system. When determining the locations for the installation of measuring devices, it should be borne in mind that only vehicles not exceeding the permissible load values should be transferred to the TEN-T core network elements that have been refurbished with significant investments in recent times. In the course of the project, the objective is to develop automatic and effective measuring stations that do not require stopping vehicles. Based on the data recorded at the measuring stations, the VTSM Network should be able to support automatic sanctions based on strict liability. The data recorded and transmitted at the measuring stations should also support the carrying out of full checks. The project’s task is to create an IT infrastructure (both physical infrastructure and applications) supporting measurements and penalties, in addition to providing the necessary legal environment and procedure, in addition to the establishment of a set of devices providing axle load, total weight and identification data, which is connected by various organisations using interfaces (see above: associated authorities and track managers). The subject of the procurement covers the railway track, the construction of the built infrastructure environment, the design, development, integration and installation of specialised systems, the establishment of the hardware and data transmission environment necessary for the operation of the VTSM Network, the acquisition of licences related to the software and hardware components to be delivered, the provision of related services and the purchase of equipment supporting related controls. The aim of the VTSM network to be set up is to serve in a manageable way the axle load and other controls carried out by the railway authority and to provide data by other authorities using a real-time data link (mainly: security, rail, customs, tax) and allow data from other systems using real-time data link. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The transport of vehicles overloaded in respect of axles or weights poses an immediate threat and risk to both the newly constructed and pre-existing rail network and to transport safety, and makes the operation of traffic unpredictable. The aim of the project is a complex, national transport control system (hereinafter referred to as: The establishment of a VTSM Network) which ensures the reduction of unauthorised or non-licensed traffic of overloaded vehicles and the immediate and rapid sanctioning of trains running irregularly by using the existing track network network (including GySEV and industrial track network elements) with official and control powers. For the regulatory system resulting from the development, the measurement data provided by the dynamic wheel load measuring and flat-wheel signalling equipment provided by the Hungarian dynamic wheel load meter and flat-wheel signalling equipment, implemented on the core network operated by MÁV in accordance with the provisions of Government Decree 1078/2012 (III.28), must also be used, and it must be possible to connect other measuring equipment (measuring systems providing similar data operated by another infrastructure manager) to the central system. When determining the locations for the installation of measuring devices, it should be borne in mind that only vehicles not exceeding the permissible load values should be transferred to the TEN-T core network elements that have been refurbished with significant investments in recent times. In the course of the project, the objective is to develop automatic and effective measuring stations that do not require stopping vehicles. Based on the data recorded at the measuring stations, the VTSM Network should be able to support automatic sanctions based on strict liability. The data recorded and transmitted at the measuring stations should also support the carrying out of full checks. The project’s task is to create an IT infrastructure (both physical infrastructure and applications) supporting measurements and penalties, in addition to providing the necessary legal environment and procedure, in addition to the establishment of a set of devices providing axle load, total weight and identification data, which is connected by various organisations using interfaces (see above: associated authorities and track managers). The subject of the procurement covers the railway track, the construction of the built infrastructure environment, the design, development, integration and installation of specialised systems, the establishment of the hardware and data transmission environment necessary for the operation of the VTSM Network, the acquisition of licences related to the software and hardware components to be delivered, the provision of related services and the purchase of equipment supporting related controls. The aim of the VTSM network to be set up is to serve in a manageable way the axle load and other controls carried out by the railway authority and to provide data by other authorities using a real-time data link (mainly: security, rail, customs, tax) and allow data from other systems using real-time data link. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 9 February 2022
Revision as of 09:33, 9 February 2022
Project Q3942990 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Development and piloting of a rail axle weighing system |
Project Q3942990 in Hungary |
2,472,972,500 forint
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8,321,451.703 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
15 December 2021
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3,044,108,052.882 forint
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81.238262 percent
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1 March 2018
0 references
31 December 2022
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KTI Közlekedéstudományi Intézet Nonprofit Kft.
0 references
A tengely- vagy össztömeg tekintetében túlterhelt járművek közlekedése az újonnan megépített és a már korábban meglévő vasúti hálózatra, illetve a közlekedés biztonságára egyaránt közvetlen veszélyt és kockázatot jelent, valamint a forgalom lebonyolítását kiszámíthatatlanná teszi. A projekt célja egy olyan komplex, országos közlekedési hatósági ellenőrző rendszer (továbbiakban: VTSM Hálózat) kialakítása, amely a meglévő vágányhálózat (ide kell érteni a GySEV által üzemeltett és az iparvágány hálózati elemeket is) igénybevételével összefüggő, hatósági és ellenőrzési jogosultságokat tartalmazó vasúti közlekedési rendszerek együttműködési lehetőségeit kihasználva biztosítja a túlterhelt járművek engedély nélküli, vagy az engedélyben foglaltaktól eltérő közlekedésének visszaszorítását, a szabálytalanul közlekedő szerelvények azonnali és gyors szankcionálását. A fejlesztés során létrejövő hatósági rendszerhez a már meglévő hazai – a MÁV által működtetett törzshálózaton a 1078/2012 (III.28) Korm. hat. rendelkezései alapján megvalósult – dinamikus kerékterhelés mérő és laposkerék jelzőberendezések által szolgáltatott mérési adatokat is fel kell használni, illetve lehetőséget kell biztosítani egyéb (társhatósági, más pályahálózat üzemeltető által működtetett hasonló adatokat szolgáltató mérőrendszerek) mérőberendezéseknek a központi rendszerhez való kapcsolódására. A mérőeszközök telepítési helyeinek meghatározásakor szem előtt kell tartani, hogy az elmúlt időszakban jelentős beruházással felújított TEN-T törzshálózati elemekre már csak a megengedett terhelési értékeket meg nem haladó járművek kerüljenek továbbításra. A projekt során a járművek megállítását nem igénylő, automatikus működésű, joghatályos mérésre alkalmas Mérőállomások kialakítása a cél. A Mérőállomásokon rögzített adatok alapján a VTSM Hálózatnak alkalmasnak kell lennie az objektív felelősségen alapuló automatikus szankcionálás támogatására. A Mérőállomásokon rögzített és továbbított adatoknak támogatniuk kell a teljes körű ellenőrzések elvégzését is. A projekt feladata a tengelyterhelés, össztömeg és azonosító adatokat szolgáltató eszközpark kialakítása mellett a szükséges jogszabályi környezet és eljárási rend biztosításán túl egy, a méréseket és bírságolást támogató informatikai infrastruktúra (fizikai infrastruktúra és alkalmazások egyaránt) kialakítása, ami interfészek segítségével összeköttetésben áll különböző szervezetek (lásd fentebb: társhatóságok és pályaüzemeltetők) kapcsolódó rendszereivel. A beszerzés tárgya a vasúti pályára, az épített infrastruktúra környezet kialakítására, szakrendszerek tervezésére, fejlesztésére, integrálására, üzembeállítására, a VTSM Hálózat működtetéséhez szükséges hardver- és adattovábbító környezet kialakítására, valamint a leszállítandó szoftver és hardver elemekhez kapcsolódó licencek beszerzésére, a fentiekhez kapcsolódó szolgáltatásnyújtásra, valamint a kapcsolódó ellenőrzéseket támogató eszközök beszerzésére terjed ki. A kialakításra kerülő VTSM Hálózat célja, hogy jól kezelhetően kiszolgálja a vasútért felelős hatóság által végzett tengelyterhelés- és egyéb ellenőrzéseket, valamint valósidejű adatkapcsolat alkalmazásával adatokat biztosítson más hatóságok (elsősorban: biztonsági-, vasúti-, vám-, adó-) rendszerei számára, továbbá tegye lehetővé valósidejű adatkapcsolat alkalmazásával adatok egyéb rendszerekből történő hozzáférhetőségét is. (Hungarian)
0 references
The transport of vehicles overloaded in respect of axles or weights poses an immediate threat and risk to both the newly constructed and pre-existing rail network and to transport safety, and makes the operation of traffic unpredictable. The aim of the project is a complex, national transport control system (hereinafter referred to as: The establishment of a VTSM Network) which ensures the reduction of unauthorised or non-licensed traffic of overloaded vehicles and the immediate and rapid sanctioning of trains running irregularly by using the existing track network network (including GySEV and industrial track network elements) with official and control powers. For the regulatory system resulting from the development, the measurement data provided by the dynamic wheel load measuring and flat-wheel signalling equipment provided by the Hungarian dynamic wheel load meter and flat-wheel signalling equipment, implemented on the core network operated by MÁV in accordance with the provisions of Government Decree 1078/2012 (III.28), must also be used, and it must be possible to connect other measuring equipment (measuring systems providing similar data operated by another infrastructure manager) to the central system. When determining the locations for the installation of measuring devices, it should be borne in mind that only vehicles not exceeding the permissible load values should be transferred to the TEN-T core network elements that have been refurbished with significant investments in recent times. In the course of the project, the objective is to develop automatic and effective measuring stations that do not require stopping vehicles. Based on the data recorded at the measuring stations, the VTSM Network should be able to support automatic sanctions based on strict liability. The data recorded and transmitted at the measuring stations should also support the carrying out of full checks. The project’s task is to create an IT infrastructure (both physical infrastructure and applications) supporting measurements and penalties, in addition to providing the necessary legal environment and procedure, in addition to the establishment of a set of devices providing axle load, total weight and identification data, which is connected by various organisations using interfaces (see above: associated authorities and track managers). The subject of the procurement covers the railway track, the construction of the built infrastructure environment, the design, development, integration and installation of specialised systems, the establishment of the hardware and data transmission environment necessary for the operation of the VTSM Network, the acquisition of licences related to the software and hardware components to be delivered, the provision of related services and the purchase of equipment supporting related controls. The aim of the VTSM network to be set up is to serve in a manageable way the axle load and other controls carried out by the railway authority and to provide data by other authorities using a real-time data link (mainly: security, rail, customs, tax) and allow data from other systems using real-time data link. (English)
9 February 2022
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Budapest, Budapest
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