Helping to adapt to structural changes (Q3940755): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
At present, the main challenges of employment policy are labour shortages and mismatches on the supply and demand sides, partly due to differences in labour market needs and skills structures for those seeking employment, and partly to territorial disparities. The Government intends to address these challenges by strengthening active labour market instruments to facilitate access to the open labour market, by promoting the exit from public employment to the competitive sector and by reforming the public employment system, improving the mobility of workers and increasing the capacity of companies to create jobs. However, the favourable economic environment and the growing demand for labour do not mean that there are no structural changes leading to job losses and the creation of new jobs. Technological progress, automation and digitalisation are likely to have a significant impact on labour market developments in the coming decades. In particular, the demand for labour in certain sectors and jobs is expected to decrease, thanks to the fact that automation can replace human work for a large number of routine activities. According to OECD data, the proportion of routine jobs requiring intermediate qualifications has already decreased significantly in the European Union over the last decade, while the share of highly skilled non-routine jobs has increased. This trend will continue and accelerate over the next decade. In terms of the extent of the impact on the labour market, there are different scenarios in international literature, but there is typically consensus that digitalisation and automation induce structural changes in the labour market that workers will have to adapt to. Services and subsidies to help change jobs in the labour market can play a role in this. The post-2008 economic and financial crisis has shown that this requires measures that can be activated immediately and are able to react quickly to the announced collective redundancies. It is therefore also appropriate to establish such a mechanism in the current favourable labour market environment. The objective of the flagship project is to help workers expected to be redeployed before the termination of the employment relationship in order to help them find a job and prevent them from becoming unemployed. The scheme provides an opportunity to deal with possible redundancies in the public sector and to help public sector workers find themselves in the competitive sector. The target group of the priority project is workers who may be affected by collective redundancies in enterprises/public sector employers, or whose employment relationship is expected to end within one year, and this has been communicated in writing by the employer to the employee and the public employment body in advance. In the flagship project, government agencies can finance outplacement services and training for workers affected by the redundancy. This means a package of personalised services that will help you identify opportunities for re-employment and/or transition through personal counselling, and finance individual training, skills development and labour market services before the end of your employment relationship. Expects the employer who has declared the redundancies to cooperate so that part of the working time can be used by individuals to participate in training or services, but does not directly support the employer. The main professional content of the project consists of the following activities supporting the re-location of the target group and the change of profession: — provision of labour market services (services before the termination of the employment relationship of the individual may be financed from the source of the programme) — Support for training costs (training fee) — Salary supplement during training — Replacement allowance during training (replacement allowance only for the post-employment training period) — Cost support for training-related inter-urban travel — Support for accommodation related to training (if the employment relationship is terminated during training) — Training-related meal allowance (if the employment relationship is terminated during training) — Time of training support for the costs of childcare (if in the meantime the trainee becomes a registered jobseeker) — Subsidy for the costs of caring for a relative during the training period (if the trainee becomes a registered job seeker in the meantime) — Professional (training) fitness check. (English)
Property / summary: At present, the main challenges of employment policy are labour shortages and mismatches on the supply and demand sides, partly due to differences in labour market needs and skills structures for those seeking employment, and partly to territorial disparities. The Government intends to address these challenges by strengthening active labour market instruments to facilitate access to the open labour market, by promoting the exit from public employment to the competitive sector and by reforming the public employment system, improving the mobility of workers and increasing the capacity of companies to create jobs. However, the favourable economic environment and the growing demand for labour do not mean that there are no structural changes leading to job losses and the creation of new jobs. Technological progress, automation and digitalisation are likely to have a significant impact on labour market developments in the coming decades. In particular, the demand for labour in certain sectors and jobs is expected to decrease, thanks to the fact that automation can replace human work for a large number of routine activities. According to OECD data, the proportion of routine jobs requiring intermediate qualifications has already decreased significantly in the European Union over the last decade, while the share of highly skilled non-routine jobs has increased. This trend will continue and accelerate over the next decade. In terms of the extent of the impact on the labour market, there are different scenarios in international literature, but there is typically consensus that digitalisation and automation induce structural changes in the labour market that workers will have to adapt to. Services and subsidies to help change jobs in the labour market can play a role in this. The post-2008 economic and financial crisis has shown that this requires measures that can be activated immediately and are able to react quickly to the announced collective redundancies. It is therefore also appropriate to establish such a mechanism in the current favourable labour market environment. The objective of the flagship project is to help workers expected to be redeployed before the termination of the employment relationship in order to help them find a job and prevent them from becoming unemployed. The scheme provides an opportunity to deal with possible redundancies in the public sector and to help public sector workers find themselves in the competitive sector. The target group of the priority project is workers who may be affected by collective redundancies in enterprises/public sector employers, or whose employment relationship is expected to end within one year, and this has been communicated in writing by the employer to the employee and the public employment body in advance. In the flagship project, government agencies can finance outplacement services and training for workers affected by the redundancy. This means a package of personalised services that will help you identify opportunities for re-employment and/or transition through personal counselling, and finance individual training, skills development and labour market services before the end of your employment relationship. Expects the employer who has declared the redundancies to cooperate so that part of the working time can be used by individuals to participate in training or services, but does not directly support the employer. The main professional content of the project consists of the following activities supporting the re-location of the target group and the change of profession: — provision of labour market services (services before the termination of the employment relationship of the individual may be financed from the source of the programme) — Support for training costs (training fee) — Salary supplement during training — Replacement allowance during training (replacement allowance only for the post-employment training period) — Cost support for training-related inter-urban travel — Support for accommodation related to training (if the employment relationship is terminated during training) — Training-related meal allowance (if the employment relationship is terminated during training) — Time of training support for the costs of childcare (if in the meantime the trainee becomes a registered jobseeker) — Subsidy for the costs of caring for a relative during the training period (if the trainee becomes a registered job seeker in the meantime) — Professional (training) fitness check. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: At present, the main challenges of employment policy are labour shortages and mismatches on the supply and demand sides, partly due to differences in labour market needs and skills structures for those seeking employment, and partly to territorial disparities. The Government intends to address these challenges by strengthening active labour market instruments to facilitate access to the open labour market, by promoting the exit from public employment to the competitive sector and by reforming the public employment system, improving the mobility of workers and increasing the capacity of companies to create jobs. However, the favourable economic environment and the growing demand for labour do not mean that there are no structural changes leading to job losses and the creation of new jobs. Technological progress, automation and digitalisation are likely to have a significant impact on labour market developments in the coming decades. In particular, the demand for labour in certain sectors and jobs is expected to decrease, thanks to the fact that automation can replace human work for a large number of routine activities. According to OECD data, the proportion of routine jobs requiring intermediate qualifications has already decreased significantly in the European Union over the last decade, while the share of highly skilled non-routine jobs has increased. This trend will continue and accelerate over the next decade. In terms of the extent of the impact on the labour market, there are different scenarios in international literature, but there is typically consensus that digitalisation and automation induce structural changes in the labour market that workers will have to adapt to. Services and subsidies to help change jobs in the labour market can play a role in this. The post-2008 economic and financial crisis has shown that this requires measures that can be activated immediately and are able to react quickly to the announced collective redundancies. It is therefore also appropriate to establish such a mechanism in the current favourable labour market environment. The objective of the flagship project is to help workers expected to be redeployed before the termination of the employment relationship in order to help them find a job and prevent them from becoming unemployed. The scheme provides an opportunity to deal with possible redundancies in the public sector and to help public sector workers find themselves in the competitive sector. The target group of the priority project is workers who may be affected by collective redundancies in enterprises/public sector employers, or whose employment relationship is expected to end within one year, and this has been communicated in writing by the employer to the employee and the public employment body in advance. In the flagship project, government agencies can finance outplacement services and training for workers affected by the redundancy. This means a package of personalised services that will help you identify opportunities for re-employment and/or transition through personal counselling, and finance individual training, skills development and labour market services before the end of your employment relationship. Expects the employer who has declared the redundancies to cooperate so that part of the working time can be used by individuals to participate in training or services, but does not directly support the employer. The main professional content of the project consists of the following activities supporting the re-location of the target group and the change of profession: — provision of labour market services (services before the termination of the employment relationship of the individual may be financed from the source of the programme) — Support for training costs (training fee) — Salary supplement during training — Replacement allowance during training (replacement allowance only for the post-employment training period) — Cost support for training-related inter-urban travel — Support for accommodation related to training (if the employment relationship is terminated during training) — Training-related meal allowance (if the employment relationship is terminated during training) — Time of training support for the costs of childcare (if in the meantime the trainee becomes a registered jobseeker) — Subsidy for the costs of caring for a relative during the training period (if the trainee becomes a registered job seeker in the meantime) — Professional (training) fitness check. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 9 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 07:49, 9 February 2022

Project Q3940755 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Helping to adapt to structural changes
Project Q3940755 in Hungary


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    276,521,000.0 Euro
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    100,000,000,000 forint
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    440,254,074.599 Euro
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    161,051,343,168.202 forint
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    62.092 percent
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    1 January 2018
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    31 October 2022
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    47°29'30.62"N, 18°58'44.15"E
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    A foglalkoztatáspolitika fő kihívásai jelenleg a munkaerő-hiány, valamint a keresleti és kínálati oldal egyensúlytalanságai, amelyek részben a munkaerő-piaci igények és a munkát keresők képzettségi szerkezetének különbségeiből, részben pedig a területi egyenlőtlenségekből fakadnak. E kihívásokat a Kormány a nyílt munkaerőpiacon való elhelyezkedést elősegítő aktív munkaerőpiaci eszközök erősítésével, a közfoglalkoztatásból a versenyszférába való kivezetés előmozdításával és a közfoglalkoztatás rendszerének átalakításával, a munkavállalók mobilitásának javításával, valamint a vállalatok munkahely-teremtő képességének növelésével kívánja kezelni. A kedvező gazdasági környezet és a növekvő munkaerő-kereslet azonban nem jelenti azt, hogy nincsenek strukturális változások, amelyek munkahelyek megszűnésével és új munkahelyek létrejöttével járnak. A technológiai fejlődés, az automatizáció és a digitalizáció a következő évtizedekben minden bizonnyal jelentősen befolyásolja majd a munkaerőpiac alakulását. Mindenekelőtt az élőmunka iránti igény csökkenésével lehet számolni egyes ágazatokban és munkakörökben annak köszönhetően, hogy az automatizáció révén a rutinszerű tevékenységek egy jó része esetében kiválthatóvá válik az emberi munkavégzés. Az OECD adatai szerint a középszintű végzettséget igénylő rutin jellegű munkák aránya már az elmúlt évtizedben is jelentős csökkenést mutatott az Európai Unióban, miközben a magasan képzett munkaerőt igénylő, nem rutin jellegű munkák aránya nőtt. A következő évtizedben ennek a tendenciának a folytatódásával, gyorsulásával lehet számolni. A munkaerőpiaci következmények mértékét tekintve a nemzetközi szakirodalomban eltérő szcenáriókkal találkozhatunk, de abban jellemzően egyetértés van, hogy a digitalizáció és automatizáció olyan strukturális változásokat indukál a munkaerőpiacon, amihez a munkavállalóknak alkalmazkodnia kell majd. Ebben lehet szerepe a munkaerőpiacon belüli az állásváltoztatást segítő szolgáltatásoknak, támogatásoknak. A 2008-at követő gazdasági-pénzügyi válság megmutatta, hogy ehhez olyan, azonnal aktiválható intézkedések intézkedésekre van szükség, amelyek képesek gyorsan reagálni a bejelentett csoportos létszámleépítésekre. Ezért a jelenlegi kedvező munkaerőpiaci környezetben is indokolt egy ilyen mechanizmus kialakítása. A kiemelt projekt célja, hogy segítséget nyújtson a várhatóan létszámleépítéssel érintett munkavállalóknak még a munkaviszony megszűnését megelőzően az újbóli elhelyezkedés segítése, a munkanélkülivé válás megelőzése érdekében. A konstrukció lehetőséget ad a közszférát érintő esetleges létszámleépítések kezelésére, a közszférában dolgozók versenyszférában való elhelyezkedésének segítésére is. A kiemelt projekt célcsoportját azon munkavállalók alkotják, akik a vállalkozásoknál/közszféra foglalkoztatóknál adott esetben bekövetkező csoportos létszámleépítések során érintetté válhatnak, vagy akik munkaviszonya várhatóan egy éven belül megszűnik, és ezt a munkaadó a munkavállalóval, valamint az állami foglalkoztatási szervvel előzetesen írásban közölte. A kiemelt projektben a kormányhivatalok a leépítéssel érintett munkavállalók számára finanszírozhatják meg az újbóli elhelyezkedést elősegítő „outplacement” szolgáltatásokat és képzéseket. Ez olyan személyre szabott szolgáltatáscsomagot jelent, amely személyes tanácsadás révén segít feltérképezni az újbóli elhelyezkedés és/vagy szakmaváltás lehetőségeit, és finanszírozza az egyén képzését, kompetencia fejlesztését, valamint munkaerőpiaci szolgáltatásokat biztosít számára még a munkaviszonya megszűnése előtt. A létszámleépítést bejelentő munkáltatótól együttműködést vár annak érdekében, hogy a munkaidő egy részét az egyének a képzésben vagy szolgáltatásban való részvételre fordíthassák, de a munkáltatót közvetlenül nem részesíti támogatásban. A projekt fő szakmai tartalmát célcsoport újbóli elhelyezkedését, szakmaváltását segítő alábbi tevékenységek jelentik: - munkaerőpiaci szolgáltatás nyújtása (az egyén munkaviszonyának megszűnése előtti szolgáltatások finanszírozhatók a program forrásából) - Képzési költség (tanfolyami díj) támogatása - Képzés ideje alatti kereset-kiegészítés - Képzés ideje alatti keresetpótló juttatás (kizárólag a munkaviszony megszűnését követő képzési időszakra nyújtható keresetpótló juttatás) - Képzéshez kapcsolódó helyközi utazás költségtámogatása - Képzéshez kapcsolódó szállásköltség támogatása (ha a munkaviszony a képzés alatt megszűnik) - Képzéshez kapcsolódó étkezési költség támogatása (ha a munkaviszony a képzés alatt megszűnik) - Képzés ideje alatt igénybevett gyermekfelügyelet költségeinek támogatása (amennyiben időközben nyilvántartott álláskeresővé válik a képzésben résztvevő) - Képzés ideje alatt a hozzátartozó gondozásával járó költségek támogatása (amennyiben időközben nyilvántartott álláskeresővé válik a képzésben résztvevő) - Szakmai (képzéssel kapcsolatos) alkalmassági vizsgálat. (Hungarian)
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    At present, the main challenges of employment policy are labour shortages and mismatches on the supply and demand sides, partly due to differences in labour market needs and skills structures for those seeking employment, and partly to territorial disparities. The Government intends to address these challenges by strengthening active labour market instruments to facilitate access to the open labour market, by promoting the exit from public employment to the competitive sector and by reforming the public employment system, improving the mobility of workers and increasing the capacity of companies to create jobs. However, the favourable economic environment and the growing demand for labour do not mean that there are no structural changes leading to job losses and the creation of new jobs. Technological progress, automation and digitalisation are likely to have a significant impact on labour market developments in the coming decades. In particular, the demand for labour in certain sectors and jobs is expected to decrease, thanks to the fact that automation can replace human work for a large number of routine activities. According to OECD data, the proportion of routine jobs requiring intermediate qualifications has already decreased significantly in the European Union over the last decade, while the share of highly skilled non-routine jobs has increased. This trend will continue and accelerate over the next decade. In terms of the extent of the impact on the labour market, there are different scenarios in international literature, but there is typically consensus that digitalisation and automation induce structural changes in the labour market that workers will have to adapt to. Services and subsidies to help change jobs in the labour market can play a role in this. The post-2008 economic and financial crisis has shown that this requires measures that can be activated immediately and are able to react quickly to the announced collective redundancies. It is therefore also appropriate to establish such a mechanism in the current favourable labour market environment. The objective of the flagship project is to help workers expected to be redeployed before the termination of the employment relationship in order to help them find a job and prevent them from becoming unemployed. The scheme provides an opportunity to deal with possible redundancies in the public sector and to help public sector workers find themselves in the competitive sector. The target group of the priority project is workers who may be affected by collective redundancies in enterprises/public sector employers, or whose employment relationship is expected to end within one year, and this has been communicated in writing by the employer to the employee and the public employment body in advance. In the flagship project, government agencies can finance outplacement services and training for workers affected by the redundancy. This means a package of personalised services that will help you identify opportunities for re-employment and/or transition through personal counselling, and finance individual training, skills development and labour market services before the end of your employment relationship. Expects the employer who has declared the redundancies to cooperate so that part of the working time can be used by individuals to participate in training or services, but does not directly support the employer. The main professional content of the project consists of the following activities supporting the re-location of the target group and the change of profession: — provision of labour market services (services before the termination of the employment relationship of the individual may be financed from the source of the programme) — Support for training costs (training fee) — Salary supplement during training — Replacement allowance during training (replacement allowance only for the post-employment training period) — Cost support for training-related inter-urban travel — Support for accommodation related to training (if the employment relationship is terminated during training) — Training-related meal allowance (if the employment relationship is terminated during training) — Time of training support for the costs of childcare (if in the meantime the trainee becomes a registered jobseeker) — Subsidy for the costs of caring for a relative during the training period (if the trainee becomes a registered job seeker in the meantime) — Professional (training) fitness check. (English)
    9 February 2022
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    Budapest, Budapest
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