Setting up a video production company (Q3937233): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
My planned company intends to appear in the service (tercier) sector, partly with wedding services (wedding filmmaking) and marketing content editing and production services. The training I have carried out in several fields (Moving Culture and Media Knowledge) and the internships and subsequent work experience (MTVA, various programme-making companies which also produced programmes for national television companies) provide me with the knowledge needed to carry out the high quality of the service groups mentioned above. My main services will include PR and image films, product and company videos, various advertising and video clips, aerial shots, real estate and wedding videos, and documentary and feature films within the film and motion picture production. In addition, I will also provide additional services (graphic mother design, online marketing activities and web page editing) to my prospective clients for the purpose of compiling service packages and for the sake of complexity. 90 % of companies providing such services or similar services are based in Budapest or in the Transdanubian region, whose prices are very high, especially for those living in disadvantaged regions (e.g. the North Great Plain region). I would therefore like to develop service packages that are primarily affordable for those living in the region and those operating in the area, and represent a recognised quality at national level. In order to achieve these objectives, the 4K resolution-enabled content production tools collected in the operational plan and the associated film-like lenses and accessories are necessary, which are unique in the region and represent a professional category at national level. My future target group is made up of two major parts. One part concerns the consumer market, including women and men aged 20-35 to marry. The other main part includes those small and medium-sized enterprises that are part of the organisational market, start-up and already existing, who want to increase the efficiency of selling their products or services using different marketing tools. The complexity of the target group also provides me with continuous orders. I would like to implement my business ideas in the form of an individual business in the form of a KATA tax system — the costs of which are fixed and predictable — because my planned annual turnover will not exceed HUF 12 million. I already have the basic tools for my future services, so the minimum capital requirement to start up my business. As the so-called brand building can be found among my services, with the help of which the image and appearance of a business can be developed, I can do this myself for my own business. Thus, at the time of the planned start-up of my business, I will already have various elements of image (e.g.: logo), business card, leaflets, brochures and more information about my services. I also have a Facebook page with 800 followers built in previous years, which is made up of members belonging to the potential target group. The short-term goal of my business is to build conditions for stable operation and to enter into the average market. My goal will then be to continuously improve my services in terms of quality and to increase the territorial scope of my business to international level as a market leader. The main reason for starting my business is to help businesses in the region operate successfully with my services. In addition to the creation of a business, the possibility of creating their own creative and quality work, and the fact that in the cinematographer and editing profession, external, so-called freelance workers are used for the current project work is an important aspect. For these reasons, and in the form described above, I would like to create my business. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: My planned company intends to appear in the service (tercier) sector, partly with wedding services (wedding filmmaking) and marketing content editing and production services. The training I have carried out in several fields (Moving Culture and Media Knowledge) and the internships and subsequent work experience (MTVA, various programme-making companies which also produced programmes for national television companies) provide me with the knowledge needed to carry out the high quality of the service groups mentioned above. My main services will include PR and image films, product and company videos, various advertising and video clips, aerial shots, real estate and wedding videos, and documentary and feature films within the film and motion picture production. In addition, I will also provide additional services (graphic mother design, online marketing activities and web page editing) to my prospective clients for the purpose of compiling service packages and for the sake of complexity. 90 % of companies providing such services or similar services are based in Budapest or in the Transdanubian region, whose prices are very high, especially for those living in disadvantaged regions (e.g. the North Great Plain region). I would therefore like to develop service packages that are primarily affordable for those living in the region and those operating in the area, and represent a recognised quality at national level. In order to achieve these objectives, the 4K resolution-enabled content production tools collected in the operational plan and the associated film-like lenses and accessories are necessary, which are unique in the region and represent a professional category at national level. My future target group is made up of two major parts. One part concerns the consumer market, including women and men aged 20-35 to marry. The other main part includes those small and medium-sized enterprises that are part of the organisational market, start-up and already existing, who want to increase the efficiency of selling their products or services using different marketing tools. The complexity of the target group also provides me with continuous orders. I would like to implement my business ideas in the form of an individual business in the form of a KATA tax system — the costs of which are fixed and predictable — because my planned annual turnover will not exceed HUF 12 million. I already have the basic tools for my future services, so the minimum capital requirement to start up my business. As the so-called brand building can be found among my services, with the help of which the image and appearance of a business can be developed, I can do this myself for my own business. Thus, at the time of the planned start-up of my business, I will already have various elements of image (e.g.: logo), business card, leaflets, brochures and more information about my services. I also have a Facebook page with 800 followers built in previous years, which is made up of members belonging to the potential target group. The short-term goal of my business is to build conditions for stable operation and to enter into the average market. My goal will then be to continuously improve my services in terms of quality and to increase the territorial scope of my business to international level as a market leader. The main reason for starting my business is to help businesses in the region operate successfully with my services. In addition to the creation of a business, the possibility of creating their own creative and quality work, and the fact that in the cinematographer and editing profession, external, so-called freelance workers are used for the current project work is an important aspect. For these reasons, and in the form described above, I would like to create my business. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: My planned company intends to appear in the service (tercier) sector, partly with wedding services (wedding filmmaking) and marketing content editing and production services. The training I have carried out in several fields (Moving Culture and Media Knowledge) and the internships and subsequent work experience (MTVA, various programme-making companies which also produced programmes for national television companies) provide me with the knowledge needed to carry out the high quality of the service groups mentioned above. My main services will include PR and image films, product and company videos, various advertising and video clips, aerial shots, real estate and wedding videos, and documentary and feature films within the film and motion picture production. In addition, I will also provide additional services (graphic mother design, online marketing activities and web page editing) to my prospective clients for the purpose of compiling service packages and for the sake of complexity. 90 % of companies providing such services or similar services are based in Budapest or in the Transdanubian region, whose prices are very high, especially for those living in disadvantaged regions (e.g. the North Great Plain region). I would therefore like to develop service packages that are primarily affordable for those living in the region and those operating in the area, and represent a recognised quality at national level. In order to achieve these objectives, the 4K resolution-enabled content production tools collected in the operational plan and the associated film-like lenses and accessories are necessary, which are unique in the region and represent a professional category at national level. My future target group is made up of two major parts. One part concerns the consumer market, including women and men aged 20-35 to marry. The other main part includes those small and medium-sized enterprises that are part of the organisational market, start-up and already existing, who want to increase the efficiency of selling their products or services using different marketing tools. The complexity of the target group also provides me with continuous orders. I would like to implement my business ideas in the form of an individual business in the form of a KATA tax system — the costs of which are fixed and predictable — because my planned annual turnover will not exceed HUF 12 million. I already have the basic tools for my future services, so the minimum capital requirement to start up my business. As the so-called brand building can be found among my services, with the help of which the image and appearance of a business can be developed, I can do this myself for my own business. Thus, at the time of the planned start-up of my business, I will already have various elements of image (e.g.: logo), business card, leaflets, brochures and more information about my services. I also have a Facebook page with 800 followers built in previous years, which is made up of members belonging to the potential target group. The short-term goal of my business is to build conditions for stable operation and to enter into the average market. My goal will then be to continuously improve my services in terms of quality and to increase the territorial scope of my business to international level as a market leader. The main reason for starting my business is to help businesses in the region operate successfully with my services. In addition to the creation of a business, the possibility of creating their own creative and quality work, and the fact that in the cinematographer and editing profession, external, so-called freelance workers are used for the current project work is an important aspect. For these reasons, and in the form described above, I would like to create my business. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 9 February 2022
Revision as of 06:35, 9 February 2022
Project Q3937233 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Setting up a video production company |
Project Q3937233 in Hungary |
3,332,773 forint
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4,305,908.269 forint
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77.399931 percent
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1 December 2018
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30 November 2019
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Katona Péter Róbert e.v.
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A tervezett vállalkozásom a szolgáltatói (tercier) szektorban kíván megjelenni részben esküvőipari szolgáltatással (esküvői filmkészítés), részben marketing tartalmak szerkesztésével és előállításával foglalkozó szolgáltatásokkal. Az általam elvégzett, több területre is kiterjedő diplomai képzés (Mozgóképkultúra és médaismeret), valamint a szakmai gyakorlatok és az azt követő munkatapasztalatok (MTVA, különböző műsorkészítő cégek, amelyek szintén országos televíziós társaságoknak készítettek műsorokat) biztosítják számomra azokat az ismeretanyagokat, amelyek szükségesek a korábban említett szolgáltatási csoportok magas színvonalú kivitelezéséhez. A fő szolgáltatásaim közé fog tartozni - a teljesség igénye nélkül - a film- és mozgóképgyártáson belül a PR és imázsfilmek, a termék- és cégbemutató videók, a különböző reklámfilmek és videóklippek, a légifelvételek, az ingatlan- és esküvővideók, valamint a dokumentum- és játékfilmek készítése is. Ezeken kívül a szolgáltatási csomagok összeállítása, és a komplexitás érdekében kiegészítő szolgáltatásokat (grafikai anyakok tervezése, online marketing tevékenységek, illetve weblapszerkesztés) is fogok nyújtani leendő ügyfeleim számára. Ilyen, vagy ehhez hasonló szolgáltatásokat nyújtó vállalkozások 90 %-a budapesti vagy dunántúli székhellyel rendelkezik, melyeknek az árképzései igen magasak, főleg a hátrányos régiókban (pl. az Észak-Alföldi régió) élők számára. Így olyan szolgáltatási csomagokat szeretnék kidolgozni, amelyek első sorban a térségben élők, és a térségben vállalkozást üzemeltetők számára is megfizethetőek, és országos szinten is elismert minőséget képviselnek. E célkitűzéseim megvalósításához szükségesek azok a működési tervben összegyűjtött, 4K felbontásra is képes tartalomelőállító eszközök és a hozzájuk kapcsolódó filmszerű képet nyújtó objektívek és kiegészítők, amelyek egyedülállónak számítanak a térségben és profi kategóriát képviselnek országos szinten is. A leendő célcsoportom két nagy fő részből tevődik össze. Az egyik része a fogyasztói piacot érinti, amelyen belül a házasulandó, 20-35 éves közötti nők és férfiak tartoznak bele. A másik fő rész azokat a szervezeti piachoz tartózó, induló és már meglévő kis- és középvállalkozásokat foglalja magába, amelyek szeretnék növelni a termékei vagy szolgáltatásainak értékesítésének hatékonyságát különböző marketing eszközök felhasználásával. A célcsoport összetettsége biztosítja számomra a folyamatos megrendeléseket is. Az üzleti elképzeléseimet egyéni vállalozás formájában, KATA adózási rendszerben szeretném megvalósítani - amelynek költségei fixek és előre kiszámíthatók -, mivel a tervezett éves árbevételem nem fogja meghaladni a 12 millió Ft-ot. Már rendelkezem a leendő szolgáltatásaimhoz szükséges alapszintű eszközökkel, így a vállalkozásom elindításának minimális a tőkeigénye. Mivel a szolgáltatásaim közt is megtalálható lesz az úgynevezett brandépítés, amely segítségével kialakítható egy-egy vállalkozás arculata és megjelenési formái, így ezt a saját vállalkozásom számára önerőből tudom kivitelezni. Így a vállalkozásom tervezett indításának időpontjában már rendelkezni fogok különböző arculati elemekkel (pl.: logó), névjegykártyával, a szolgáltatásaimat bemutató szórólapokkal, brossúrákkal, valamint további információkat is tartalmazó weboldallal. Ezeken kívül rendelkezésemre áll a korábbi években felépített 800 követővel rendelkező Facebook oldal, amely a potenciális célcsoporthoz tartozó tagokból tevődik össze. A vállalkozásom rövid távú célja, hogy kiépítsem a stabil működés feltételeit, valamint hogy belépjek az átlagos piaci szereplők közé. Ezt követőn a szolgáltatásaim folyamatos minőségbeli fejlesztése lesz a célom, és hogy a vállalkozásom területi hatókörét nemzetközi szintűre emeljem piac vezetői szerepkörben. A vállalkozásom indításának fő oka, hogy a szolgáltatásaim segítségével segítsem a térségben működő vállalkozások sikeres működését. Ezen kívül fontos szempont a vállalkozás létrehozása mellett a saját kreatív és minőségi munkavégzés lehetősége, valamint az a tény, hogy az operatőri és vágói szakmában az épp aktuális projektmunkákra külsős, úgynevezett szabadúszó munkaerőt használnak. Ezen érvek miatt, és a fent leírt formában szeretném létrehozni a vállalkozásom. (Hungarian)
0 references
My planned company intends to appear in the service (tercier) sector, partly with wedding services (wedding filmmaking) and marketing content editing and production services. The training I have carried out in several fields (Moving Culture and Media Knowledge) and the internships and subsequent work experience (MTVA, various programme-making companies which also produced programmes for national television companies) provide me with the knowledge needed to carry out the high quality of the service groups mentioned above. My main services will include PR and image films, product and company videos, various advertising and video clips, aerial shots, real estate and wedding videos, and documentary and feature films within the film and motion picture production. In addition, I will also provide additional services (graphic mother design, online marketing activities and web page editing) to my prospective clients for the purpose of compiling service packages and for the sake of complexity. 90 % of companies providing such services or similar services are based in Budapest or in the Transdanubian region, whose prices are very high, especially for those living in disadvantaged regions (e.g. the North Great Plain region). I would therefore like to develop service packages that are primarily affordable for those living in the region and those operating in the area, and represent a recognised quality at national level. In order to achieve these objectives, the 4K resolution-enabled content production tools collected in the operational plan and the associated film-like lenses and accessories are necessary, which are unique in the region and represent a professional category at national level. My future target group is made up of two major parts. One part concerns the consumer market, including women and men aged 20-35 to marry. The other main part includes those small and medium-sized enterprises that are part of the organisational market, start-up and already existing, who want to increase the efficiency of selling their products or services using different marketing tools. The complexity of the target group also provides me with continuous orders. I would like to implement my business ideas in the form of an individual business in the form of a KATA tax system — the costs of which are fixed and predictable — because my planned annual turnover will not exceed HUF 12 million. I already have the basic tools for my future services, so the minimum capital requirement to start up my business. As the so-called brand building can be found among my services, with the help of which the image and appearance of a business can be developed, I can do this myself for my own business. Thus, at the time of the planned start-up of my business, I will already have various elements of image (e.g.: logo), business card, leaflets, brochures and more information about my services. I also have a Facebook page with 800 followers built in previous years, which is made up of members belonging to the potential target group. The short-term goal of my business is to build conditions for stable operation and to enter into the average market. My goal will then be to continuously improve my services in terms of quality and to increase the territorial scope of my business to international level as a market leader. The main reason for starting my business is to help businesses in the region operate successfully with my services. In addition to the creation of a business, the possibility of creating their own creative and quality work, and the fact that in the cinematographer and editing profession, external, so-called freelance workers are used for the current project work is an important aspect. For these reasons, and in the form described above, I would like to create my business. (English)
9 February 2022
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Mezőtúr, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok
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