Purchase and installation of a solar system at the site No. 2 of Krisztina Merkl Entrepreneur Fadd, Church Street. (Q3934942): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
By implementing the project, the applicant company aims to ensure that the electricity needs of the implementation site are partly covered by renewable energy in order to achieve the most economical and cost-effective operation possible. In line with this, the activities under the project are linked to the target area “Establishment of a solar system for the generation of electricity in the grid”. The rated power of the solar system to be installed exceeds 15 kWp, making it one of the activities that can be independently supported on the basis of the Call (3.1.1.) (A) III). As a first step in the preparation of the project, the annual electricity consumption of the implementation site was determined by summarising the available information. It was then examined whether the roofing structure of the building where the economic activity took place was suitable for the reception of a solar system and the building was assessed. In order to accurately determine the cost of the investment, the undertaking which delivered and installed the system was selected on the basis of a combination of financial and technical criteria. The technical description of the system and the layout plan of the solar panels were then completed as the final step of the preparatory action carried out before the submission of the aid application. These documents will be submitted as an annex to the aid application. The planned works are not subject to a building permit activity. The connection documentation of the solar system shall be authorised by the power supplier, which shall be carried out after the sponsor’s decision. We plan to start the physical implementation of the project in the autumn of 2020, during which certain elements of the system will be delivered and installed. The installed system is connected to the electrical system of the building as well as to the grid. The acquisition and installation of measuring and control systems takes place. The network usage contract will be amended to close the physical implementation. The amount of electricity consumption at the installation site is 156.091 kWh/year. The solar system to be installed under the project with a rated power of 50,24 kWp can replace a significant proportion of this consumption, contributing to reducing operating costs and ensuring sustainable development. The technical parameters of the planned system are as follows: — solar cells: 157 pcs LONGi 320Wp mono, product warranty 10 years, performance warranty 25 years — 84.5 %, place of origin: China. — inverter: Saj Suntrio Plus 50K SAJ Wifi module, 10 years product warranty, which can be supplemented with + 5 years warranty, place of origin: China. — support structure: Alu and stainless steel support structure for inclined roof, — DC box: manufacturer Hensel, place of origin: Hungary. (English)
Property / summary: By implementing the project, the applicant company aims to ensure that the electricity needs of the implementation site are partly covered by renewable energy in order to achieve the most economical and cost-effective operation possible. In line with this, the activities under the project are linked to the target area “Establishment of a solar system for the generation of electricity in the grid”. The rated power of the solar system to be installed exceeds 15 kWp, making it one of the activities that can be independently supported on the basis of the Call (3.1.1.) (A) III). As a first step in the preparation of the project, the annual electricity consumption of the implementation site was determined by summarising the available information. It was then examined whether the roofing structure of the building where the economic activity took place was suitable for the reception of a solar system and the building was assessed. In order to accurately determine the cost of the investment, the undertaking which delivered and installed the system was selected on the basis of a combination of financial and technical criteria. The technical description of the system and the layout plan of the solar panels were then completed as the final step of the preparatory action carried out before the submission of the aid application. These documents will be submitted as an annex to the aid application. The planned works are not subject to a building permit activity. The connection documentation of the solar system shall be authorised by the power supplier, which shall be carried out after the sponsor’s decision. We plan to start the physical implementation of the project in the autumn of 2020, during which certain elements of the system will be delivered and installed. The installed system is connected to the electrical system of the building as well as to the grid. The acquisition and installation of measuring and control systems takes place. The network usage contract will be amended to close the physical implementation. The amount of electricity consumption at the installation site is 156.091 kWh/year. The solar system to be installed under the project with a rated power of 50,24 kWp can replace a significant proportion of this consumption, contributing to reducing operating costs and ensuring sustainable development. The technical parameters of the planned system are as follows: — solar cells: 157 pcs LONGi 320Wp mono, product warranty 10 years, performance warranty 25 years — 84.5 %, place of origin: China. — inverter: Saj Suntrio Plus 50K SAJ Wifi module, 10 years product warranty, which can be supplemented with + 5 years warranty, place of origin: China. — support structure: Alu and stainless steel support structure for inclined roof, — DC box: manufacturer Hensel, place of origin: Hungary. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: By implementing the project, the applicant company aims to ensure that the electricity needs of the implementation site are partly covered by renewable energy in order to achieve the most economical and cost-effective operation possible. In line with this, the activities under the project are linked to the target area “Establishment of a solar system for the generation of electricity in the grid”. The rated power of the solar system to be installed exceeds 15 kWp, making it one of the activities that can be independently supported on the basis of the Call (3.1.1.) (A) III). As a first step in the preparation of the project, the annual electricity consumption of the implementation site was determined by summarising the available information. It was then examined whether the roofing structure of the building where the economic activity took place was suitable for the reception of a solar system and the building was assessed. In order to accurately determine the cost of the investment, the undertaking which delivered and installed the system was selected on the basis of a combination of financial and technical criteria. The technical description of the system and the layout plan of the solar panels were then completed as the final step of the preparatory action carried out before the submission of the aid application. These documents will be submitted as an annex to the aid application. The planned works are not subject to a building permit activity. The connection documentation of the solar system shall be authorised by the power supplier, which shall be carried out after the sponsor’s decision. We plan to start the physical implementation of the project in the autumn of 2020, during which certain elements of the system will be delivered and installed. The installed system is connected to the electrical system of the building as well as to the grid. The acquisition and installation of measuring and control systems takes place. The network usage contract will be amended to close the physical implementation. The amount of electricity consumption at the installation site is 156.091 kWh/year. The solar system to be installed under the project with a rated power of 50,24 kWp can replace a significant proportion of this consumption, contributing to reducing operating costs and ensuring sustainable development. The technical parameters of the planned system are as follows: — solar cells: 157 pcs LONGi 320Wp mono, product warranty 10 years, performance warranty 25 years — 84.5 %, place of origin: China. — inverter: Saj Suntrio Plus 50K SAJ Wifi module, 10 years product warranty, which can be supplemented with + 5 years warranty, place of origin: China. — support structure: Alu and stainless steel support structure for inclined roof, — DC box: manufacturer Hensel, place of origin: Hungary. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 21:45, 8 February 2022

Project Q3934942 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Purchase and installation of a solar system at the site No. 2 of Krisztina Merkl Entrepreneur Fadd, Church Street.
Project Q3934942 in Hungary


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    66,915.914 Euro
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    46°27'31.36"N, 18°49'56.57"E
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    A projekt megvalósításával a pályázó vállalkozás azt kívánja elérni, hogy a megvalósítási helyszín villamos energia szükséglete részben megújuló energiából kerüljön biztosításra a minél gazdaságosabb és költséghatékonyabb működés elérése érdekében. Ezzel összhangban a projekt keretében megvalósuló tevékenységek a „Napelemes rendszer telepítése hálózati villamosenergia-termelés céljából” célterülethez kapcsolódnak. A telepítendő napelemes rendszer névleges teljesítménye meghaladja a 15 kWp-t, ezáltal a Felhívás alapján az önállóan támogatható tevékenységek közé tartozik (3.1.1. A) III.). A projekt előkészítésének első lépéseként a rendelkezésre álló információk összegzésével meghatározásra került a megvalósítási helyszín éves villamos-energia fogyasztása. Ezt követően megvizsgálásra került, hogy a gazdasági tevékenységnek helyet biztosító épület tetőszerkezete alkalmas-e napelemes rendszer fogadására és megtörtént az épület felmérése. A beruházás bekerülési értékének pontos meghatározása érdekében a pénzügyi és műszaki szempontok együttes mérlegelése alapján kiválasztásra került a rendszert leszállító és telepítő vállalkozás. Ezt követően a támogatási kérelem benyújtása előtt végrehajtott előkészítési tevékenység utolsó lépéseként elkészült a rendszer műszaki leírása, valamint a napelem panelek elrendezési terve. Ezen dokumentumok a támogatási kérelem mellékleteként benyújtásra kerülnek. A tervezett beruházás nem építési engedély köteles tevékenység. A napelemes rendszer csatlakozási dokumentációját az áramszolgáltatónál engedélyeztetni kell, melyre a támogatói döntést követően kerül sor. A projekt fizikai megvalósítását 2020. őszén tervezzük megkezdeni, mely során leszállításra és telepítésre kerülnek a rendszer egyes elemei. A kiépített rendszer csatlakoztatásra kerül az épület elektromos rendszeréhez, valamint a hálózathoz. Megtörténik a mérő- és szabályozó rendszerek beszerzése és felszerelése. A fizikai megvalósítás zárásaként módosításra kerül a hálózathasználati szerződés. A villamos energia fogyasztás mértéke a megvalósítási helyszínen 156.091 kWh/év. A projekt keretében telepítendő 50,24 kWp névleges teljesítményű napelemes rendszer ezen fogyasztás jelentős hányadát képes kiváltani, hozzájárulva a működési költségek csökkentéséhez és a fenntartható fejlődés biztosításához. A tervezett rendszer műszaki paraméterei az alábbiak: - napelem cellák: 157 db LONGi 320Wp mono, termékgarancia 10 év, teljesítménygarancia 25 év – 84,5%, származási hely: Kína. - inverter: SAJ Suntrio Plus 50K SAJ Wifi modullal, 10 év gyártói termékgarancia, ami +5 év jótállással kiegészíthető, származási hely: Kína. - tartószerkezet: alu és rozsdamentes tartószerkezet ferde tetőre, - DC doboz: gyártó Hensel, származási hely: Magyarország. (Hungarian)
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    By implementing the project, the applicant company aims to ensure that the electricity needs of the implementation site are partly covered by renewable energy in order to achieve the most economical and cost-effective operation possible. In line with this, the activities under the project are linked to the target area “Establishment of a solar system for the generation of electricity in the grid”. The rated power of the solar system to be installed exceeds 15 kWp, making it one of the activities that can be independently supported on the basis of the Call (3.1.1.) (A) III). As a first step in the preparation of the project, the annual electricity consumption of the implementation site was determined by summarising the available information. It was then examined whether the roofing structure of the building where the economic activity took place was suitable for the reception of a solar system and the building was assessed. In order to accurately determine the cost of the investment, the undertaking which delivered and installed the system was selected on the basis of a combination of financial and technical criteria. The technical description of the system and the layout plan of the solar panels were then completed as the final step of the preparatory action carried out before the submission of the aid application. These documents will be submitted as an annex to the aid application. The planned works are not subject to a building permit activity. The connection documentation of the solar system shall be authorised by the power supplier, which shall be carried out after the sponsor’s decision. We plan to start the physical implementation of the project in the autumn of 2020, during which certain elements of the system will be delivered and installed. The installed system is connected to the electrical system of the building as well as to the grid. The acquisition and installation of measuring and control systems takes place. The network usage contract will be amended to close the physical implementation. The amount of electricity consumption at the installation site is 156.091 kWh/year. The solar system to be installed under the project with a rated power of 50,24 kWp can replace a significant proportion of this consumption, contributing to reducing operating costs and ensuring sustainable development. The technical parameters of the planned system are as follows: — solar cells: 157 pcs LONGi 320Wp mono, product warranty 10 years, performance warranty 25 years — 84.5 %, place of origin: China. — inverter: Saj Suntrio Plus 50K SAJ Wifi module, 10 years product warranty, which can be supplemented with + 5 years warranty, place of origin: China. — support structure: Alu and stainless steel support structure for inclined roof, — DC box: manufacturer Hensel, place of origin: Hungary. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Fadd, Tolna
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