Corporate infocommunication development at HB GROUP Kft. (Q3923772): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
Software specifications to be introduced: Distance and group work Support Objective: more flexible access to the company’s system, users are not localised and can be used in a fully equivalent way. The group’s work will help the company to operate more efficiently. Possibility of building a shared information base: unified structure, remotely accessible. In all cases, remote access is subject to an authorisation level. Creating the possibility of electronic handling and storage of paper documents: documents stored in the software can be handled. Real-time messaging service: in writing, real-time communication can be carried out in the software. Task status system: tasks can be created in the program, tasks can be assigned to groups and users. The tasks also have priority and status. System/solution using mobile techniques related to a given functional area creating more flexible work, solving spatial problems Warehouse management: the warehouse workers receive the order through the PDA, which must be prepared by the given partner. With the help of the PDA, the ordered goods are extracted and when the removal is closed, the office staff can prepare the invoice from the items collected. (Greek) Goods inspection in stores: employees do not have to stand next to the computer directly to receive the goods electronically. Stock check: with PDA it is possible to check the products)for example, how many pieces of the product are in the store). preparation of: when placing an order, the shop worker does not have to be at the machine, but can prepare on-site how many pieces of the product they would like to order. At management level: predefined queries can be launched from the corporate governance system. The system should be able to customise functions by parameterising: users only have access to specific parts of the system, data can be retrieved and modified. Simple user identification: access to the system should only be made once, in accordance with the privileges, for each user to have access only to what he/she is entitled to. Identification: username, pin code. Be integrated with at least one system in a functional target area: integrated into the corporate governance system. Standard communication of a mobile device: it meets the standards. Mobile app — security aspects: the connection is secure, communication can be encrypted in areas where sensitive data is retrieved. Remote Mobile Device Management: in fact, it is realised because no data is stored on the device in connection with the tasks to be performed in connection with the Software-related expert service: Consulting Customisation/Configuration Installation System prepares (English)
Property / summary: Software specifications to be introduced: Distance and group work Support Objective: more flexible access to the company’s system, users are not localised and can be used in a fully equivalent way. The group’s work will help the company to operate more efficiently. Possibility of building a shared information base: unified structure, remotely accessible. In all cases, remote access is subject to an authorisation level. Creating the possibility of electronic handling and storage of paper documents: documents stored in the software can be handled. Real-time messaging service: in writing, real-time communication can be carried out in the software. Task status system: tasks can be created in the program, tasks can be assigned to groups and users. The tasks also have priority and status. System/solution using mobile techniques related to a given functional area creating more flexible work, solving spatial problems Warehouse management: the warehouse workers receive the order through the PDA, which must be prepared by the given partner. With the help of the PDA, the ordered goods are extracted and when the removal is closed, the office staff can prepare the invoice from the items collected. (Greek) Goods inspection in stores: employees do not have to stand next to the computer directly to receive the goods electronically. Stock check: with PDA it is possible to check the products)for example, how many pieces of the product are in the store). preparation of: when placing an order, the shop worker does not have to be at the machine, but can prepare on-site how many pieces of the product they would like to order. At management level: predefined queries can be launched from the corporate governance system. The system should be able to customise functions by parameterising: users only have access to specific parts of the system, data can be retrieved and modified. Simple user identification: access to the system should only be made once, in accordance with the privileges, for each user to have access only to what he/she is entitled to. Identification: username, pin code. Be integrated with at least one system in a functional target area: integrated into the corporate governance system. Standard communication of a mobile device: it meets the standards. Mobile app — security aspects: the connection is secure, communication can be encrypted in areas where sensitive data is retrieved. Remote Mobile Device Management: in fact, it is realised because no data is stored on the device in connection with the tasks to be performed in connection with the Software-related expert service: Consulting Customisation/Configuration Installation System prepares (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Software specifications to be introduced: Distance and group work Support Objective: more flexible access to the company’s system, users are not localised and can be used in a fully equivalent way. The group’s work will help the company to operate more efficiently. Possibility of building a shared information base: unified structure, remotely accessible. In all cases, remote access is subject to an authorisation level. Creating the possibility of electronic handling and storage of paper documents: documents stored in the software can be handled. Real-time messaging service: in writing, real-time communication can be carried out in the software. Task status system: tasks can be created in the program, tasks can be assigned to groups and users. The tasks also have priority and status. System/solution using mobile techniques related to a given functional area creating more flexible work, solving spatial problems Warehouse management: the warehouse workers receive the order through the PDA, which must be prepared by the given partner. With the help of the PDA, the ordered goods are extracted and when the removal is closed, the office staff can prepare the invoice from the items collected. (Greek) Goods inspection in stores: employees do not have to stand next to the computer directly to receive the goods electronically. Stock check: with PDA it is possible to check the products)for example, how many pieces of the product are in the store). preparation of: when placing an order, the shop worker does not have to be at the machine, but can prepare on-site how many pieces of the product they would like to order. At management level: predefined queries can be launched from the corporate governance system. The system should be able to customise functions by parameterising: users only have access to specific parts of the system, data can be retrieved and modified. Simple user identification: access to the system should only be made once, in accordance with the privileges, for each user to have access only to what he/she is entitled to. Identification: username, pin code. Be integrated with at least one system in a functional target area: integrated into the corporate governance system. Standard communication of a mobile device: it meets the standards. Mobile app — security aspects: the connection is secure, communication can be encrypted in areas where sensitive data is retrieved. Remote Mobile Device Management: in fact, it is realised because no data is stored on the device in connection with the tasks to be performed in connection with the Software-related expert service: Consulting Customisation/Configuration Installation System prepares (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 17:52, 8 February 2022

Project Q3923772 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Corporate infocommunication development at HB GROUP Kft.
Project Q3923772 in Hungary


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    36,148,140 forint
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    99,957.20 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    3 December 2021
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    247,038.702 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    15 December 2021
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    90,370,350.0 forint
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    40.0 percent
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    1 April 2018
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    31 May 2021
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    HB GROUP Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    46°21'23.29"N, 17°47'19.28"E
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    A bevezetni kívánt szoftver specifikációk: Táv- és csoportmunka támogatás Célja: rugalmasabb hozzáférés a vállalat rendszeréhez, a felhasználók nincsenek helyhez kötve és a rendszer teljesen egyenértékűen tudják használni. A csoport munka pedig a vállalat hatékonyabb működését segíti elő. Osztott információs bázis építésének lehetősége: egységes szerkezetű, távolról is elérhető. Minden esetben jogosultsági szinthez kötött a távoli elérhetőség. Papír alapú dokumentumok elektronikus kezelési, tárolási lehetőségének megteremtése: a szoftverben letárolt dokumentumok kezelhetőek. Valós idejű üzenetküldő szolgáltatás: írásban valós idejű kommunikáció folytatható a szoftverben. Feladat státuszát követő rendszer: a programban létrehozhatóak feladatok, a feladatok hozzárendelhetőek csoportokhoz és felhasználókhoz. A feladatok rendelkeznek prioritással és státusszal is. Adott funkcionális területhez kapcsolódó mobil technikát használó rendszer/megoldás Célja: rugalmasabb munkavégzés kialakítása, térbeli problémák megoldása Megvalósítási területek: Raktári irányítás: a raktárban dolgozók a PDA-n keresztül kapják meg a megrendelést, amit az adott partnernek össze kell készíteni. A PDA segítségével kiszedik a megrendelt árut és amikor lezárják a kiszedést az irodai dolgozók el tudják készíteni a számlát a kiszedett tételekből. (nagyker) Áru ellenőrzés a boltokban: a beérkezett áru bevételezésénél a dolgozóknak nem kell közvetlenül a számítógép mellett állniuk, hogy át tudják venni elektronikusan az árut és bevételezzék. Készlet ellenőrzés: a PDA-val lehetőség van az adott termékek ellenőrzésére )például hány darab található az adott termékből a boltban). elkészítése: a megrendelés írásánál sem kell a bolti dolgozónak a gépnél állnia, hanem a helyszínen tudja összekészíteni, hogy melyik termékből hány darabot szeretne rendelni. Vezetői szinten: előre definiált lekérdezések indíthatóak a vállalatirányítási rendszerből. A rendszer legyen képes paraméterezéssel funkciók testreszabására: a felhasználók csak adott részekhez férhetnek hozzá a rendszerhez, az adatok lekérdezhetőek és módosíthatóak. Egyszerű felhasználó azonosítás: a rendszerbe egyszer kell csak belépni a továbbiakban a jogosultságoknak megfelelően minden felhasználó csak ahhoz fér hozzá, amihez joga van. Azonosítás: felhasználónév, pin kód. Legyen integrálható legalább egy funkcionális célterületen kialakított rendszerrel: a vállalatirányítási rendszerhez integrált. Mobileszköz szabványos kommunikációja: megfelel a szabványoknak. Mobil alkalmazás – biztonsági szempontok: biztonságos a kapcsolat, titkosítható is a kommunikáció azokon a területek, ahol szenzitív adatok kerülnek lekérésre. Távoli mobil-eszköz menedzsment: tulajdonképpen megvalósul, mert semmilyen adat nem kerül letárolásra az eszközön Szoftverhez köthető szakértői szolgáltatáshoz kapcsolódóan elvégzendő feladatok: Tanácsadás Testre szabás/ konfiguráció Telepítés Rendszer felkészít (Hungarian)
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    Software specifications to be introduced: Distance and group work Support Objective: more flexible access to the company’s system, users are not localised and can be used in a fully equivalent way. The group’s work will help the company to operate more efficiently. Possibility of building a shared information base: unified structure, remotely accessible. In all cases, remote access is subject to an authorisation level. Creating the possibility of electronic handling and storage of paper documents: documents stored in the software can be handled. Real-time messaging service: in writing, real-time communication can be carried out in the software. Task status system: tasks can be created in the program, tasks can be assigned to groups and users. The tasks also have priority and status. System/solution using mobile techniques related to a given functional area creating more flexible work, solving spatial problems Warehouse management: the warehouse workers receive the order through the PDA, which must be prepared by the given partner. With the help of the PDA, the ordered goods are extracted and when the removal is closed, the office staff can prepare the invoice from the items collected. (Greek) Goods inspection in stores: employees do not have to stand next to the computer directly to receive the goods electronically. Stock check: with PDA it is possible to check the products)for example, how many pieces of the product are in the store). preparation of: when placing an order, the shop worker does not have to be at the machine, but can prepare on-site how many pieces of the product they would like to order. At management level: predefined queries can be launched from the corporate governance system. The system should be able to customise functions by parameterising: users only have access to specific parts of the system, data can be retrieved and modified. Simple user identification: access to the system should only be made once, in accordance with the privileges, for each user to have access only to what he/she is entitled to. Identification: username, pin code. Be integrated with at least one system in a functional target area: integrated into the corporate governance system. Standard communication of a mobile device: it meets the standards. Mobile app — security aspects: the connection is secure, communication can be encrypted in areas where sensitive data is retrieved. Remote Mobile Device Management: in fact, it is realised because no data is stored on the device in connection with the tasks to be performed in connection with the Software-related expert service: Consulting Customisation/Configuration Installation System prepares (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Kaposvár, Somogy
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