Introduction of complex infocommunication development at Marázplast Kft. (Q3923733): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
The professional content of the modules of the CÉGMENEDZSER ERP “FULL” system is as follows: CRM — Customer Contact Module: it versatilely manages external (Customs) and internal (Services) contacts. Assists in customer searches and communications, which are also subject to precise purchase. It can communicate with all modules and even provide data to the decision-maker in its context. Controlling and Decision Support Module: it collects data from all areas of company management in a complex way. It can communicate with all modules and even provide data to the decision-maker in its context. (e.g.: annual and weekly plan preparation, definition and measurement of indicators, cash flow statement, dynamic queries) it automates logistical tasks and provides transparency about the life of a product, group of articles or product group. It is possible to generate supplier orders automatically, and it is possible to fix the expected purchase price and deadline after the supplier’s confirmation. Possible supplier delays can also be traced. It is also possible to aggregate the products to be ordered as a supplier. It can communicate with all modules and even provide data to the decision-maker in its context. PRODUCTION AREA: the module prepares the precalculation at production and compares it with the production post-calculation, so you can see exactly how much it is worth selling the manufactured products and how much profit they make. Working time and HR module: complete staff records (registration of personal data, employment contracts, allowances, leave). The system can also keep records of the equipment and equipment associated with the staff. With the help of the module, colleagues working in the hr department get a full overview of the staff. The working time recording module is able to prepare the data for payroll. ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: the company can digitise the documents generated in the course of its operations, store them in a structured way, according to the highest security standards, and then provide access to the users according to their privileges. MOBILE APPLICATION: the application helps workers to perform their tasks without a computer and to contribute proactively to production. Native application that can be run in IOS and ANDROID environments. The design of the software is very simple, user-friendly, but is subject to authorisation, so it can be used for different data usages and inputs from user to user. The application is able to build its own offline database, so most features can be used even if the communication between the smart device and the company’s server is not built. (English)
Property / summary: The professional content of the modules of the CÉGMENEDZSER ERP “FULL” system is as follows: CRM — Customer Contact Module: it versatilely manages external (Customs) and internal (Services) contacts. Assists in customer searches and communications, which are also subject to precise purchase. It can communicate with all modules and even provide data to the decision-maker in its context. Controlling and Decision Support Module: it collects data from all areas of company management in a complex way. It can communicate with all modules and even provide data to the decision-maker in its context. (e.g.: annual and weekly plan preparation, definition and measurement of indicators, cash flow statement, dynamic queries) it automates logistical tasks and provides transparency about the life of a product, group of articles or product group. It is possible to generate supplier orders automatically, and it is possible to fix the expected purchase price and deadline after the supplier’s confirmation. Possible supplier delays can also be traced. It is also possible to aggregate the products to be ordered as a supplier. It can communicate with all modules and even provide data to the decision-maker in its context. PRODUCTION AREA: the module prepares the precalculation at production and compares it with the production post-calculation, so you can see exactly how much it is worth selling the manufactured products and how much profit they make. Working time and HR module: complete staff records (registration of personal data, employment contracts, allowances, leave). The system can also keep records of the equipment and equipment associated with the staff. With the help of the module, colleagues working in the hr department get a full overview of the staff. The working time recording module is able to prepare the data for payroll. ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: the company can digitise the documents generated in the course of its operations, store them in a structured way, according to the highest security standards, and then provide access to the users according to their privileges. MOBILE APPLICATION: the application helps workers to perform their tasks without a computer and to contribute proactively to production. Native application that can be run in IOS and ANDROID environments. The design of the software is very simple, user-friendly, but is subject to authorisation, so it can be used for different data usages and inputs from user to user. The application is able to build its own offline database, so most features can be used even if the communication between the smart device and the company’s server is not built. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The professional content of the modules of the CÉGMENEDZSER ERP “FULL” system is as follows: CRM — Customer Contact Module: it versatilely manages external (Customs) and internal (Services) contacts. Assists in customer searches and communications, which are also subject to precise purchase. It can communicate with all modules and even provide data to the decision-maker in its context. Controlling and Decision Support Module: it collects data from all areas of company management in a complex way. It can communicate with all modules and even provide data to the decision-maker in its context. (e.g.: annual and weekly plan preparation, definition and measurement of indicators, cash flow statement, dynamic queries) it automates logistical tasks and provides transparency about the life of a product, group of articles or product group. It is possible to generate supplier orders automatically, and it is possible to fix the expected purchase price and deadline after the supplier’s confirmation. Possible supplier delays can also be traced. It is also possible to aggregate the products to be ordered as a supplier. It can communicate with all modules and even provide data to the decision-maker in its context. PRODUCTION AREA: the module prepares the precalculation at production and compares it with the production post-calculation, so you can see exactly how much it is worth selling the manufactured products and how much profit they make. Working time and HR module: complete staff records (registration of personal data, employment contracts, allowances, leave). The system can also keep records of the equipment and equipment associated with the staff. With the help of the module, colleagues working in the hr department get a full overview of the staff. The working time recording module is able to prepare the data for payroll. ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: the company can digitise the documents generated in the course of its operations, store them in a structured way, according to the highest security standards, and then provide access to the users according to their privileges. MOBILE APPLICATION: the application helps workers to perform their tasks without a computer and to contribute proactively to production. Native application that can be run in IOS and ANDROID environments. The design of the software is very simple, user-friendly, but is subject to authorisation, so it can be used for different data usages and inputs from user to user. The application is able to build its own offline database, so most features can be used even if the communication between the smart device and the company’s server is not built. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 17:38, 8 February 2022

Project Q3923733 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Introduction of complex infocommunication development at Marázplast Kft.
Project Q3923733 in Hungary


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    MARÁZPLAST Háztartási Nagykereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    46°21'23.29"N, 17°47'19.28"E
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    A CÉGMENEDZSER ERP „FULL” rendszer moduljainak szakmai tartalma az alábbi: CRM – Ügyfélkapcsolati modul: sokoldalúan kezeli a külső (Vevők) és belső (Dolgozók) kapcsolattartást. Segítséget ad a precíz vásárláshoz is kötött Vevőkereséshez illetve kommunikációkhoz. Minden modullal képes kommunikálni és akár összefüggéseiben is képes a döntéshozónak adatot szolgáltatni. KONTROLLING és DÖNTÉSTÁMOGATÁS modul: a cégvezetés minden területéről gyűjt adatokat komplexen képes kiértékelni. Minden modullal képes kommunikálni és akár összefüggéseiben is képes a döntéshozónak adatot szolgáltatni. (pl.: éves-, heti terv készítés, mutatók definiálása és visszamérése, cash-flow kimutatás, dinamikus lekérdezések) BESZERZÉS és LOGISZTIKA: automatizálja a logisztikai feladatokat, illetve átláthatóságot nyújt egy-egy termék, cikkcsoport vagy termékcsoport életútjáról. Automatizáltan lehet beszállítói megrendeléseket generálni, és lehetőség van a szállítói visszaigazolás után, a várható beszerzési ár és határidő rögzítésére. Az esetleges beszállítói késések is nyomon követhetőek. Lehetőség van arra is, hogy beszállítóként összesítse a program a megrendelendő termékeket. Minden modullal képes kommunikálni és akár összefüggéseiben is képes a döntéshozónak adatot szolgáltatni. GYÁRTÁS TERÜLET: a modul elkészíti az előkalkulációt a gyártásnál, és ezt össze is hasonlítja a gyártási utókalkulációval, így pontosan látni lehet, mennyiért érdemes eladni a legyártott termékeket illetve, hogy azok mennyi profitot termelnek. MUNKAIDŐ és HR modul: a munkatársak teljes nyilvántartását elvégzi (személyes adatik, munkaszerződéseik, juttatásaik, szabadságaik nyilvántartása). A munkatársakhoz kapcsolódó eszközöket, berendezéseket is képes a rendszer nyilvántartani. A modul segítségével, a hr osztályon dolgozó kollégák teljes rálátást kapnak a munkatársakról. A munkaidő nyilvántartó modul képes bérszámfejtésre előkészíteni az adatokat. ELEKTRONIKUS IRATKEZELÉS: a cég működése során keletkezett dokumentumokat digitalizálni tudja, azokat strukturáltan, a legmagasabb biztonsági előírások alapján tárolja, majd jogosultság szerint hozzáférést biztosítson a felhasználóknak. MOBIL ALKALMAZÁS: az applikáció segíti a munkavállalókat abban, hogy számítógép nélkül is el tudják végezni feladatukat, illetve proaktívan járuljanak hozzá a termeléshez. Natív alkalmazás mely, IOS és ANDROID környezetben is futtatható. A szoftver felépítése nagyon egyszerű, felhasználóbarát, de jogosultsághoz kötött, így akár felhasználónként más-más adatfelhasználásra, bevitelre alkalmas. Az alkalmazás képes saját offline adatbázist építeni, így a legtöbb funkció akkor is használható, ha a kommunikáció nem épül fel az okos eszköz és a cég szervere között. (Hungarian)
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    The professional content of the modules of the CÉGMENEDZSER ERP “FULL” system is as follows: CRM — Customer Contact Module: it versatilely manages external (Customs) and internal (Services) contacts. Assists in customer searches and communications, which are also subject to precise purchase. It can communicate with all modules and even provide data to the decision-maker in its context. Controlling and Decision Support Module: it collects data from all areas of company management in a complex way. It can communicate with all modules and even provide data to the decision-maker in its context. (e.g.: annual and weekly plan preparation, definition and measurement of indicators, cash flow statement, dynamic queries) it automates logistical tasks and provides transparency about the life of a product, group of articles or product group. It is possible to generate supplier orders automatically, and it is possible to fix the expected purchase price and deadline after the supplier’s confirmation. Possible supplier delays can also be traced. It is also possible to aggregate the products to be ordered as a supplier. It can communicate with all modules and even provide data to the decision-maker in its context. PRODUCTION AREA: the module prepares the precalculation at production and compares it with the production post-calculation, so you can see exactly how much it is worth selling the manufactured products and how much profit they make. Working time and HR module: complete staff records (registration of personal data, employment contracts, allowances, leave). The system can also keep records of the equipment and equipment associated with the staff. With the help of the module, colleagues working in the hr department get a full overview of the staff. The working time recording module is able to prepare the data for payroll. ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: the company can digitise the documents generated in the course of its operations, store them in a structured way, according to the highest security standards, and then provide access to the users according to their privileges. MOBILE APPLICATION: the application helps workers to perform their tasks without a computer and to contribute proactively to production. Native application that can be run in IOS and ANDROID environments. The design of the software is very simple, user-friendly, but is subject to authorisation, so it can be used for different data usages and inputs from user to user. The application is able to build its own offline database, so most features can be used even if the communication between the smart device and the company’s server is not built. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Kaposvár, Somogy
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