Dragon Max Ltd. implementation of capacity expansion (Q3921184): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The aim of the procurements planned in this project is to increase the capacity of Dragon Max Kft. Production and production processes can be realised by modernising technology, innovation in service and widening product range. Capacity building can be achieved through more efficient and cost-effective technological solutions. After the planned development, the company will be able to produce new products and introduce new services. It will also be able to carry out its existing activities more efficiently and economically (e.g.: there is no need to hire machines, involve subcontractors, buy ready products, etc.). At the same time, you will have a completely new machine fleet that will make it suitable for the latest technological solutions. In conclusion, the planned development in the project would increase the company’s capacity to a cumulatively high extent by the planned development under this project. The activities to be carried out by the Ltd. contribute significantly to the economic development of the leftover settlements and the region, while maintaining and creating jobs is its primary objective. In order to encourage and implement this, it intends to carry out manufacturing activities that have a positive impact on the community’s life, encourage new investments, support local businesses and existing investments. Preparatory action related to the project: The main activities to be carried out under the project, for which the applicant wishes to receive a grant: purchase of equipment. Prior to the submission of the project, a market survey was carried out, in which he informed about the assets to be procured on the market. This included a survey of what machines are available and at what purchase price. The information was based on data available on the internet and through direct contact. In addition, the management agreed with the competent authorities and local authorities due to the necessary permissions and reporting obligations to carry out the activity. Following the compilation of the list of machines to be procured in the project, consultations were held with several potential suppliers in order to select the 3 bidders, from which the bidder would like to choose the most favourable conditions during the implementation. The most important steps of the equipment project are: preparation: determining the list of assets to be procured, requesting 3 quotes, implementation, updating the offers if necessary, selection of the winning supplier, conclusion of the supply contract, ordering equipment, equipment delivery, installation of equipment, training if necessary Please describe the most important steps of the project implementation The most important steps of the project will be procurement of equipment: re-examination of assets to be procured, where necessary (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the procurements planned in this project is to increase the capacity of Dragon Max Kft. Production and production processes can be realised by modernising technology, innovation in service and widening product range. Capacity building can be achieved through more efficient and cost-effective technological solutions. After the planned development, the company will be able to produce new products and introduce new services. It will also be able to carry out its existing activities more efficiently and economically (e.g.: there is no need to hire machines, involve subcontractors, buy ready products, etc.). At the same time, you will have a completely new machine fleet that will make it suitable for the latest technological solutions. In conclusion, the planned development in the project would increase the company’s capacity to a cumulatively high extent by the planned development under this project. The activities to be carried out by the Ltd. contribute significantly to the economic development of the leftover settlements and the region, while maintaining and creating jobs is its primary objective. In order to encourage and implement this, it intends to carry out manufacturing activities that have a positive impact on the community’s life, encourage new investments, support local businesses and existing investments. Preparatory action related to the project: The main activities to be carried out under the project, for which the applicant wishes to receive a grant: purchase of equipment. Prior to the submission of the project, a market survey was carried out, in which he informed about the assets to be procured on the market. This included a survey of what machines are available and at what purchase price. The information was based on data available on the internet and through direct contact. In addition, the management agreed with the competent authorities and local authorities due to the necessary permissions and reporting obligations to carry out the activity. Following the compilation of the list of machines to be procured in the project, consultations were held with several potential suppliers in order to select the 3 bidders, from which the bidder would like to choose the most favourable conditions during the implementation. The most important steps of the equipment project are: preparation: determining the list of assets to be procured, requesting 3 quotes, implementation, updating the offers if necessary, selection of the winning supplier, conclusion of the supply contract, ordering equipment, equipment delivery, installation of equipment, training if necessary Please describe the most important steps of the project implementation The most important steps of the project will be procurement of equipment: re-examination of assets to be procured, where necessary (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the procurements planned in this project is to increase the capacity of Dragon Max Kft. Production and production processes can be realised by modernising technology, innovation in service and widening product range. Capacity building can be achieved through more efficient and cost-effective technological solutions. After the planned development, the company will be able to produce new products and introduce new services. It will also be able to carry out its existing activities more efficiently and economically (e.g.: there is no need to hire machines, involve subcontractors, buy ready products, etc.). At the same time, you will have a completely new machine fleet that will make it suitable for the latest technological solutions. In conclusion, the planned development in the project would increase the company’s capacity to a cumulatively high extent by the planned development under this project. The activities to be carried out by the Ltd. contribute significantly to the economic development of the leftover settlements and the region, while maintaining and creating jobs is its primary objective. In order to encourage and implement this, it intends to carry out manufacturing activities that have a positive impact on the community’s life, encourage new investments, support local businesses and existing investments. Preparatory action related to the project: The main activities to be carried out under the project, for which the applicant wishes to receive a grant: purchase of equipment. Prior to the submission of the project, a market survey was carried out, in which he informed about the assets to be procured on the market. This included a survey of what machines are available and at what purchase price. The information was based on data available on the internet and through direct contact. In addition, the management agreed with the competent authorities and local authorities due to the necessary permissions and reporting obligations to carry out the activity. Following the compilation of the list of machines to be procured in the project, consultations were held with several potential suppliers in order to select the 3 bidders, from which the bidder would like to choose the most favourable conditions during the implementation. The most important steps of the equipment project are: preparation: determining the list of assets to be procured, requesting 3 quotes, implementation, updating the offers if necessary, selection of the winning supplier, conclusion of the supply contract, ordering equipment, equipment delivery, installation of equipment, training if necessary Please describe the most important steps of the project implementation The most important steps of the project will be procurement of equipment: re-examination of assets to be procured, where necessary (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 17:28, 8 February 2022

Project Q3921184 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Dragon Max Ltd. implementation of capacity expansion
Project Q3921184 in Hungary


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    79,985,700 forint
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    221,177.26 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    3 December 2021
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    437,301.914 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    15 December 2021
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    159,971,400.0 forint
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    50.0 percent
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    7 May 2018
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    7 September 2018
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    DRAGON MAX Építőipari és Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    47°36'41.87"N, 21°20'37.46"E
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    Milyen kapacitás bővítés valósul meg Jelen projektben tervezett beszerzések célja, hogy a Dragon Max Kft. kapacitásbővítése valósuljon meg. A termelési, gyártási folyamatok a technológia korszerűsítésével, a szolgáltatási innovációval, a termékkínálat szélesítésével valósíthatók meg a vállalat kapacitásbővítési törekvései. A kapacitásbővítés hatékonyabb és költségkímélőbb technológiai megoldásokkal érhető el. A tervezett fejlesztés megvalósítását követően a cég képes lesz újabb termékek előállítására, új szolgáltatás bevezetésére. Emellett meglévő tevékenységét hatékonyabban és gazdaságosabban tudja majd végezni (pl.: nem kell bérlet gépekkel dolgozni, alvállalkozókat bevonni, kész termékeket vásárolni, stb.). Mindezekkel egy időben teljesen új gépparkkal fog rendelkezni, amelyek alkalmassá teszik a legújabb technológiai megoldások alkalmazására. Összegezve a projektben tervezett fejlesztés a vállalkozás kapacitását halmozottan magas mértékben bővítené a jelen projekt keretében megvalósítani tervezett fejlesztés. A Kft. által végzendő tevékenységek jelentősen hozzájárulnak az elmaradt települések és a térség gazdasági fejlődéséhez, fellendítéséhez emellett kiemelt célja a munkahelyek megtartása és teremtése. Ennek ösztönzése és megvalósítása érdekében olyan gyártási tevékenységet kíván folytatni, amely pozitív hatással van a közösség életére, újabb beruházásokat ösztönözhet, támogatja a helyi vállalkozásokat és meglévő beruházásokat. A projekthez kapcsolódó előkészítő tevékenység: A projekt keretében elvégzendő legfontosabb tevékenységek, melyekhez támogatást kíván igénybe a pályázó: eszközbeszerzés. A projekt benyújtását megelőzően piacfelmérés valósult meg, melynek keretében piacon fellelhető, beszerezni tervezett eszközök vonatkozásában tájékozódott. Ennek keretében felmérésre került, hogy milyen gépek, milyen beszerzési áron állnak rendelkezésre. A tájékozódás alapja az interneten fellelhető adatok és a közvetlen kapcsolatfelvétel útján valósultak meg. Emellett a szakhatóságokkal, önkormányzattal egyeztetett a vezetőség a tevékenység végzéséhez szükséges engedélyek, bejelentési kötelezettségek miatt. A projektben beszerzendő gépek listájának összeállítását követően több lehetséges beszállítóval folytak egyeztetések, annak érdekében, hogy kiválasztásra kerüljön a 3 ajánlatadó cég, amelyek közül a legkedvezőbb feltételeket kínálót kívánja választani a megvalósítás során a pályázó. Az eszközbeszerzéses projekt legfontosabb lépései: előkészítés: beszerzendő eszközök listájának meghatározása, 3 árajánlat bekérése, megvalósítás, szükség esetén az ajánlatok frissítése, a nyertes beszállító kiválasztása, szállítási szerződés megkötése, eszközök megrendelése, eszközök leszállítása, eszközök üzembe helyezése, szükség esetén betanítás Ismertesse a projekt megvalósításának legfontosabb lépéseit A projekt megvalósítás során eszközbeszerzés valósul meg, amelyek legfontosabb lépései: beszerzendő eszközök újbóli megvizsgálása, szükség eset (Hungarian)
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    The aim of the procurements planned in this project is to increase the capacity of Dragon Max Kft. Production and production processes can be realised by modernising technology, innovation in service and widening product range. Capacity building can be achieved through more efficient and cost-effective technological solutions. After the planned development, the company will be able to produce new products and introduce new services. It will also be able to carry out its existing activities more efficiently and economically (e.g.: there is no need to hire machines, involve subcontractors, buy ready products, etc.). At the same time, you will have a completely new machine fleet that will make it suitable for the latest technological solutions. In conclusion, the planned development in the project would increase the company’s capacity to a cumulatively high extent by the planned development under this project. The activities to be carried out by the Ltd. contribute significantly to the economic development of the leftover settlements and the region, while maintaining and creating jobs is its primary objective. In order to encourage and implement this, it intends to carry out manufacturing activities that have a positive impact on the community’s life, encourage new investments, support local businesses and existing investments. Preparatory action related to the project: The main activities to be carried out under the project, for which the applicant wishes to receive a grant: purchase of equipment. Prior to the submission of the project, a market survey was carried out, in which he informed about the assets to be procured on the market. This included a survey of what machines are available and at what purchase price. The information was based on data available on the internet and through direct contact. In addition, the management agreed with the competent authorities and local authorities due to the necessary permissions and reporting obligations to carry out the activity. Following the compilation of the list of machines to be procured in the project, consultations were held with several potential suppliers in order to select the 3 bidders, from which the bidder would like to choose the most favourable conditions during the implementation. The most important steps of the equipment project are: preparation: determining the list of assets to be procured, requesting 3 quotes, implementation, updating the offers if necessary, selection of the winning supplier, conclusion of the supply contract, ordering equipment, equipment delivery, installation of equipment, training if necessary Please describe the most important steps of the project implementation The most important steps of the project will be procurement of equipment: re-examination of assets to be procured, where necessary (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Balmazújváros, Hajdú-Bihar
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