Technological development at Plastunion Kft. (Q3919690): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
During the implementation of the project, Plastunion Kft. intends to purchase only one production tool. This is a plastic injection moulding machine with an exact type of Allrounder 470C 1500-800 Golden Edition. The machine is one of the world’s leading plastic injection moulding machines and can certainly produce the best quality products in Europe. SELOGICA can be programmed by a computer control system to process various thermoplastics and produce finished products. Hydraulic machine with two energy-saving pumps and a control valve responsible for manufacturing movements and pressure control. It’s extremely low in oil demand. The extremely outstanding parameters, they offer production opportunities to produce new products with high added value that can stand up to world class. There are very few scraps among the manufactured products, and in addition, the machine is suitable for producing new types of products by various new templates that expand the company’s product repertoire. This increase in production capacity could provide the company with the production of world-class products and meet the ordering conditions predicted by IKEA. New products could provide completely new services that could significantly increase the number of orders. A modern computer control system would also allow the production of different products to be programmed only in one machine. This would also speed up and increase the volume of production, as the computer program would only need a ‘push of a button’ to change the production, by remembering the various production processes. Thanks to the new innovative technology, the finished products would have a higher added value, their processing and development would be much higher than the products it was possible to produce before development. The purchase of the machine could make progress in the production value chain, by supplying customers (even again in the export markets) with products that they did not have, so they would be able to enter the market with highly competitive products. An increase in sales results, even export results, could be achieved, but the stability of the business would be even better ensured domestically. A more detailed description in the text attachment. (English)
Property / summary: During the implementation of the project, Plastunion Kft. intends to purchase only one production tool. This is a plastic injection moulding machine with an exact type of Allrounder 470C 1500-800 Golden Edition. The machine is one of the world’s leading plastic injection moulding machines and can certainly produce the best quality products in Europe. SELOGICA can be programmed by a computer control system to process various thermoplastics and produce finished products. Hydraulic machine with two energy-saving pumps and a control valve responsible for manufacturing movements and pressure control. It’s extremely low in oil demand. The extremely outstanding parameters, they offer production opportunities to produce new products with high added value that can stand up to world class. There are very few scraps among the manufactured products, and in addition, the machine is suitable for producing new types of products by various new templates that expand the company’s product repertoire. This increase in production capacity could provide the company with the production of world-class products and meet the ordering conditions predicted by IKEA. New products could provide completely new services that could significantly increase the number of orders. A modern computer control system would also allow the production of different products to be programmed only in one machine. This would also speed up and increase the volume of production, as the computer program would only need a ‘push of a button’ to change the production, by remembering the various production processes. Thanks to the new innovative technology, the finished products would have a higher added value, their processing and development would be much higher than the products it was possible to produce before development. The purchase of the machine could make progress in the production value chain, by supplying customers (even again in the export markets) with products that they did not have, so they would be able to enter the market with highly competitive products. An increase in sales results, even export results, could be achieved, but the stability of the business would be even better ensured domestically. A more detailed description in the text attachment. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: During the implementation of the project, Plastunion Kft. intends to purchase only one production tool. This is a plastic injection moulding machine with an exact type of Allrounder 470C 1500-800 Golden Edition. The machine is one of the world’s leading plastic injection moulding machines and can certainly produce the best quality products in Europe. SELOGICA can be programmed by a computer control system to process various thermoplastics and produce finished products. Hydraulic machine with two energy-saving pumps and a control valve responsible for manufacturing movements and pressure control. It’s extremely low in oil demand. The extremely outstanding parameters, they offer production opportunities to produce new products with high added value that can stand up to world class. There are very few scraps among the manufactured products, and in addition, the machine is suitable for producing new types of products by various new templates that expand the company’s product repertoire. This increase in production capacity could provide the company with the production of world-class products and meet the ordering conditions predicted by IKEA. New products could provide completely new services that could significantly increase the number of orders. A modern computer control system would also allow the production of different products to be programmed only in one machine. This would also speed up and increase the volume of production, as the computer program would only need a ‘push of a button’ to change the production, by remembering the various production processes. Thanks to the new innovative technology, the finished products would have a higher added value, their processing and development would be much higher than the products it was possible to produce before development. The purchase of the machine could make progress in the production value chain, by supplying customers (even again in the export markets) with products that they did not have, so they would be able to enter the market with highly competitive products. An increase in sales results, even export results, could be achieved, but the stability of the business would be even better ensured domestically. A more detailed description in the text attachment. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 17:06, 8 February 2022

Project Q3919690 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Technological development at Plastunion Kft.
Project Q3919690 in Hungary


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    24,682,321 forint
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    149,938.277 Euro
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    PLASTUNION Műanyagtermék-Gyártó és Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    47°22'57.83"N, 16°31'49.48"E
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    A projekt megvalósítása során, kizárólag egy darab termelőeszközt kíván a Plastunion Kft. beszerezni. Ez egy műanyag fröccsöntőgép, melynek pontos típusa Allrounder 470C 1500-800 Golden Edition. A gép a műanyag fröccsöntő gépek között a világ élvonalába tartozik és Európában mindenképpen a legjobb minőségű termékeket lehet vele előállítani. Selogica direkt, számítógépes vezérlőrendszer által programozható, különböző hőrelágyuló műanyagok feldolgozására és késztermékek előállítására. Hydraulikus gép, kettő energiatakarékos szivattyúval és egy szabályozó szeleppel, amik felelősek a gyártási mozgásokért és a nyomásszabályozásért. Rendkívül alacsony az olajigénye. A rendkívül kiemelkedő paraméterek, olyan gyártási lehetőségeket nyújtanak, hogy magas hozzáadott értékkel rendelkező új termékeketlehet előállítani, melyek világszínvonalban is megállják a helyüket. Igencsak kevés selejt van a legyártott termékek között és ezen felül a gép alkalmas különböző új sablonok által olyan új típusú termékeket előállítani, melyek bővítik a vállalkozás gyártmányrepertoárját. Ez a termelési kapacitásbővítés világszínvonalú minőségű termékek előállítását biztosíthatná a cég számára és az IKEA által előre jelzett rendelési feltételeknek is eleget tudna tenni. Az új termékek által, teljesen új szolgáltatásokat nyújthatnának, melyek révén jelentősen növekedhetne a megrendelések száma. A modern számítógépes vezérlőrendszer lehetőséget nyújtana arra is, hogy különböző termékek gyártását csupán egy gépbe kelljen beprogramozni. Ezzel is rendkívül felgyorsulna és megnövekedne a termelés volumene, hiszen azáltal, hogy a számítógépes program megjegyezné a különböző gyártási eljárásokat, csupán „egy gombnyomásra” lenne szükség a termelés megváltoztatásához. Az új innovatív technológiának köszönhetően a késztermékek magasabb hozzáadott értékkel bírnának, feldolgozottságuk, kidolgozottságuk jóval magasabb lenne, mint amilyen termékeket fejlesztés előtt lehetőség volt előállítani. A gép beszerzése által a termelési értékláncban előrelépés történhetne, olyan termékekkel is ki tudnák szolgálni (akár újra az export piacokon lévő) a megrendelőket, amivel eddig nem rendelkeztek, szóval rendkívül versenyképes termékekkel tudnának a piacra lépni. Az értékesítés eredményeinek növelése, akár export eredmények is eredményezhetne, de a vállalkozás stabilitásának megőrzése belföldön még jobban biztosított lenne. Bővebb ismertető szöveges csatolmányban. (Hungarian)
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    During the implementation of the project, Plastunion Kft. intends to purchase only one production tool. This is a plastic injection moulding machine with an exact type of Allrounder 470C 1500-800 Golden Edition. The machine is one of the world’s leading plastic injection moulding machines and can certainly produce the best quality products in Europe. SELOGICA can be programmed by a computer control system to process various thermoplastics and produce finished products. Hydraulic machine with two energy-saving pumps and a control valve responsible for manufacturing movements and pressure control. It’s extremely low in oil demand. The extremely outstanding parameters, they offer production opportunities to produce new products with high added value that can stand up to world class. There are very few scraps among the manufactured products, and in addition, the machine is suitable for producing new types of products by various new templates that expand the company’s product repertoire. This increase in production capacity could provide the company with the production of world-class products and meet the ordering conditions predicted by IKEA. New products could provide completely new services that could significantly increase the number of orders. A modern computer control system would also allow the production of different products to be programmed only in one machine. This would also speed up and increase the volume of production, as the computer program would only need a ‘push of a button’ to change the production, by remembering the various production processes. Thanks to the new innovative technology, the finished products would have a higher added value, their processing and development would be much higher than the products it was possible to produce before development. The purchase of the machine could make progress in the production value chain, by supplying customers (even again in the export markets) with products that they did not have, so they would be able to enter the market with highly competitive products. An increase in sales results, even export results, could be achieved, but the stability of the business would be even better ensured domestically. A more detailed description in the text attachment. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Kőszeg, Vas
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