Capacity expansion of Borsod-Bau 2000 Ltd. in Edelény (Q3916097): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
The production technology to be developed is the production of construction concrete products: structural concrete, watertight concrete, polymer fiber concrete, steel hair reinforced concrete, road base concrete and CKT. The planned range of products can still be adapted to your specific needs. The target group of sales is retail customers, resellers, and entrepreneurs and municipal customers. The service to be developed is that in addition to production, the Applicant also performs the construction and home delivery. With this, you can provide a complex service that makes you more competitive. The capacity of the concrete mixing machine is about 29 m³/h x 8 hours = 232 m³/day, which means 25000-50 000 m³ per year. The increase in production-related turnover is in the order of 300,000-400 000 eFt per year, which represents an increase of about 40-50 %. The increase in turnover related to the construction is estimated at HUF 100 000 e per year, so a total increase of about 50-60 % is expected and planned. The complex provision of manufacturing and construction services makes it more competitive than its competitors who can only partially perform these tasks. The capacity extension of Borsod Bau 2000 Ltd. is therefore carried out in the workflows generated during the production and construction of concrete. Thanks to the investment, its capacity will increase by around 50-60 % on the basis of the above calculations. In the framework of this project, the purchase of machinery, installation, and IPAR 4.0 Acquisition of an enterprise management system will be realised. The company’s professional management assessed the state of the existing technological equipment and designed the list of equipment needed for the activities to be introduced. You have already contacted the manufacturer-supplier partners of the devices, and there have been several face-to-face meetings. The implementation of the project is planned to take 18 months, for which the project’s financing plan has been prepared. The first step will be the ordering of machinery-tools, and then the implementation of the acquisitions and the financial financing of the task. Then the commissioning and trial productions are followed, after which production can be started. One of the most important conditions for suppliers of equipment/machinery is that they have sufficient references and offer the most favourable offer. For the smooth implementation of the project, the Applicant uses the services of the project manager company in order to ensure the appropriate professional level. The new tools, machines and new technology systems to be procured will be integrated into the existing technological process in such a way that the Applicant has previously carried out manufacturing and construction activities, so he has knowledge and experience in this technology. Equipment to be procured: — Concrete mixing plant — 2 pcs JCB 3CX — 1 pcs JCB 4CX — 1 pcs Zaggy pump, 1 pressure test pump, 1 drill hammer, 1 chisel hammer, 1 tamperer, 1 pc welding inverter, 1 sheet vibrator (English)
Property / summary: The production technology to be developed is the production of construction concrete products: structural concrete, watertight concrete, polymer fiber concrete, steel hair reinforced concrete, road base concrete and CKT. The planned range of products can still be adapted to your specific needs. The target group of sales is retail customers, resellers, and entrepreneurs and municipal customers. The service to be developed is that in addition to production, the Applicant also performs the construction and home delivery. With this, you can provide a complex service that makes you more competitive. The capacity of the concrete mixing machine is about 29 m³/h x 8 hours = 232 m³/day, which means 25000-50 000 m³ per year. The increase in production-related turnover is in the order of 300,000-400 000 eFt per year, which represents an increase of about 40-50 %. The increase in turnover related to the construction is estimated at HUF 100 000 e per year, so a total increase of about 50-60 % is expected and planned. The complex provision of manufacturing and construction services makes it more competitive than its competitors who can only partially perform these tasks. The capacity extension of Borsod Bau 2000 Ltd. is therefore carried out in the workflows generated during the production and construction of concrete. Thanks to the investment, its capacity will increase by around 50-60 % on the basis of the above calculations. In the framework of this project, the purchase of machinery, installation, and IPAR 4.0 Acquisition of an enterprise management system will be realised. The company’s professional management assessed the state of the existing technological equipment and designed the list of equipment needed for the activities to be introduced. You have already contacted the manufacturer-supplier partners of the devices, and there have been several face-to-face meetings. The implementation of the project is planned to take 18 months, for which the project’s financing plan has been prepared. The first step will be the ordering of machinery-tools, and then the implementation of the acquisitions and the financial financing of the task. Then the commissioning and trial productions are followed, after which production can be started. One of the most important conditions for suppliers of equipment/machinery is that they have sufficient references and offer the most favourable offer. For the smooth implementation of the project, the Applicant uses the services of the project manager company in order to ensure the appropriate professional level. The new tools, machines and new technology systems to be procured will be integrated into the existing technological process in such a way that the Applicant has previously carried out manufacturing and construction activities, so he has knowledge and experience in this technology. Equipment to be procured: — Concrete mixing plant — 2 pcs JCB 3CX — 1 pcs JCB 4CX — 1 pcs Zaggy pump, 1 pressure test pump, 1 drill hammer, 1 chisel hammer, 1 tamperer, 1 pc welding inverter, 1 sheet vibrator (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The production technology to be developed is the production of construction concrete products: structural concrete, watertight concrete, polymer fiber concrete, steel hair reinforced concrete, road base concrete and CKT. The planned range of products can still be adapted to your specific needs. The target group of sales is retail customers, resellers, and entrepreneurs and municipal customers. The service to be developed is that in addition to production, the Applicant also performs the construction and home delivery. With this, you can provide a complex service that makes you more competitive. The capacity of the concrete mixing machine is about 29 m³/h x 8 hours = 232 m³/day, which means 25000-50 000 m³ per year. The increase in production-related turnover is in the order of 300,000-400 000 eFt per year, which represents an increase of about 40-50 %. The increase in turnover related to the construction is estimated at HUF 100 000 e per year, so a total increase of about 50-60 % is expected and planned. The complex provision of manufacturing and construction services makes it more competitive than its competitors who can only partially perform these tasks. The capacity extension of Borsod Bau 2000 Ltd. is therefore carried out in the workflows generated during the production and construction of concrete. Thanks to the investment, its capacity will increase by around 50-60 % on the basis of the above calculations. In the framework of this project, the purchase of machinery, installation, and IPAR 4.0 Acquisition of an enterprise management system will be realised. The company’s professional management assessed the state of the existing technological equipment and designed the list of equipment needed for the activities to be introduced. You have already contacted the manufacturer-supplier partners of the devices, and there have been several face-to-face meetings. The implementation of the project is planned to take 18 months, for which the project’s financing plan has been prepared. The first step will be the ordering of machinery-tools, and then the implementation of the acquisitions and the financial financing of the task. Then the commissioning and trial productions are followed, after which production can be started. One of the most important conditions for suppliers of equipment/machinery is that they have sufficient references and offer the most favourable offer. For the smooth implementation of the project, the Applicant uses the services of the project manager company in order to ensure the appropriate professional level. The new tools, machines and new technology systems to be procured will be integrated into the existing technological process in such a way that the Applicant has previously carried out manufacturing and construction activities, so he has knowledge and experience in this technology. Equipment to be procured: — Concrete mixing plant — 2 pcs JCB 3CX — 1 pcs JCB 4CX — 1 pcs Zaggy pump, 1 pressure test pump, 1 drill hammer, 1 chisel hammer, 1 tamperer, 1 pc welding inverter, 1 sheet vibrator (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:33, 8 February 2022

Project Q3916097 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Capacity expansion of Borsod-Bau 2000 Ltd. in Edelény
Project Q3916097 in Hungary


    0 references
    151,284,855 forint
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    418,334.39 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    3 December 2021
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    829,035.668 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    14 December 2021
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    303,273,304.065 forint
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    49.884325 percent
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    27 February 2017
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    21 February 2019
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    Borsod-Bau 2000 Közműépítő Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    48°18'15.66"N, 20°44'26.23"E
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    A fejleszteni kívánt termelési technológia az Építési betontermékek gyártása, mely termékei: szerkezeti beton, vízzáró beton, polimerszálas beton, acélhaj erősítésű beton, útalap beton és CKT. A tervezett termékválaszték még igazítható az egyedi igényekhez. Az értékesítés célcsoportja a lakossági megrendelők, a viszonteladók, és a vállalkozói, önkormányzati megrendelők. A fejleszteni kívánt szolgáltatás, hogy a gyártás mellett a kivitelezést, valamint a házhoz-szállítást is elvégzi a Pályázó. Ezzel komplex szolgáltatást tud nyújtani, mellyel versenyképesebbé válik. A betonkeverő gép kapacitása kb. 29 m3/óra x 8 óra =232 m3/nap, mely évi 25000-50000 m3-t jelent. A gyártáshoz kapcsolódó árbevétel növekmény nagyságrendileg 300.000-400 000 eFt évente, mely kb. 40-50%-os növekedést jelent. A kivitelezéshez kapcsolódó árbevétel növekmény kb 100 000 e Ft évente, így összesen kb.50-60%-os növekedés várható és tervezhető. A komplex gyártási-kivitelezési szolgáltatásnyújtásnak köszönhetően versenyképesebbé válik mint azon versenytársai akik csak részben tudják ezeket a feladatokat elvégezni. A Borsod Bau 2000 Kft. kapacitásbővítése tehát a betongyártás és kivitelezése során keletkező munkafolyamatokban valósul meg. A beruházásnak köszönhetően kapacitása kb. 50-60%-kal fog növekedni a fenti számítások alapján. Jelen projekt keretében gépbeszerzés, telepítés, és IPAR 4.0 Vállalatirányítási rendszer beszerzése valósul meg. Ennek előkészítése már hónapok óta zajlik, a Társaság szakmai vezetése felmérte a meglévő technológiai eszközök állapotát, valamint megtervezte a bevezetésre kerülő tevékenységhez szükséges gépek eszközök listáját. Az eszközöket gyártó-szállító partnerekkel már felvette a kapcsolatot, több személyes egyeztetés is történt. A projekt megvalósítása a tervek szerint 18 hónapot fog igénybe venni, erre készült el a projekt finanszírozási terve is. Első lépés a gépek-eszközök megrendelése lesz, majd a beszerzések megvalósítása, pénzügyi finanszírozása a feladat. Ezután az üzembe helyezés és próbagyártások következnek, ezt követően indulhat meg a termelés. Az eszközök/gépek beszállítóival szemben támasztott egyik legfontosabb feltétel, hogy kellő referenciákkal rendelkezzenek, valamint a legkedvezőbb ajánlatot adják. A projekt zökkenőmentes megvalósításához a Pályázó projektmenedzser cég szolgáltatásait veszi igénybe, a megfelelő szakmai színvonal biztosítása érdekében. A beszerzendő új eszközök, gépek, új technológiai rendszerek úgy kapcsolódnak be a meglévő technológiai folyamatba, hogy korábban is folytatott gyártó és kivitelező tevékenységet a Pályázó, így van ismerete és tapasztalata ebben a technológiában. Beszerzendő eszközök-gépek: - Betonkeverő telep - 2 db JCB 3CX - 1 db JCB 4CX - 1 db Zaggyszivattyú, 1 db nyomáspróba szivattyú, 1 db fúrókalapács, 1 db vésőkalapács, 1 db döngölő, 1 db hegesztő inverter, 1 db lapvibrátor (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The production technology to be developed is the production of construction concrete products: structural concrete, watertight concrete, polymer fiber concrete, steel hair reinforced concrete, road base concrete and CKT. The planned range of products can still be adapted to your specific needs. The target group of sales is retail customers, resellers, and entrepreneurs and municipal customers. The service to be developed is that in addition to production, the Applicant also performs the construction and home delivery. With this, you can provide a complex service that makes you more competitive. The capacity of the concrete mixing machine is about 29 m³/h x 8 hours = 232 m³/day, which means 25000-50 000 m³ per year. The increase in production-related turnover is in the order of 300,000-400 000 eFt per year, which represents an increase of about 40-50 %. The increase in turnover related to the construction is estimated at HUF 100 000 e per year, so a total increase of about 50-60 % is expected and planned. The complex provision of manufacturing and construction services makes it more competitive than its competitors who can only partially perform these tasks. The capacity extension of Borsod Bau 2000 Ltd. is therefore carried out in the workflows generated during the production and construction of concrete. Thanks to the investment, its capacity will increase by around 50-60 % on the basis of the above calculations. In the framework of this project, the purchase of machinery, installation, and IPAR 4.0 Acquisition of an enterprise management system will be realised. The company’s professional management assessed the state of the existing technological equipment and designed the list of equipment needed for the activities to be introduced. You have already contacted the manufacturer-supplier partners of the devices, and there have been several face-to-face meetings. The implementation of the project is planned to take 18 months, for which the project’s financing plan has been prepared. The first step will be the ordering of machinery-tools, and then the implementation of the acquisitions and the financial financing of the task. Then the commissioning and trial productions are followed, after which production can be started. One of the most important conditions for suppliers of equipment/machinery is that they have sufficient references and offer the most favourable offer. For the smooth implementation of the project, the Applicant uses the services of the project manager company in order to ensure the appropriate professional level. The new tools, machines and new technology systems to be procured will be integrated into the existing technological process in such a way that the Applicant has previously carried out manufacturing and construction activities, so he has knowledge and experience in this technology. Equipment to be procured: — Concrete mixing plant — 2 pcs JCB 3CX — 1 pcs JCB 4CX — 1 pcs Zaggy pump, 1 pressure test pump, 1 drill hammer, 1 chisel hammer, 1 tamperer, 1 pc welding inverter, 1 sheet vibrator (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Edelény, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén
    0 references


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