Capacity-enhancing investment at PNH Kft. (Q3914883): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
xxxxxxxxxx The main goal of the project is to put a bending machine into operation on the Vasvár site and to install a complete line of paint along with material handling equipment. However, the installation of the technology requires the construction of a hall with a floor area of 3 765 m², which serves the needs of the machinery and the business’s growth needs. The bending equipment is an innovative device both in its performance and in its capacity; the production equipment is also able to process workpieces as large as the technology currently available is not suitable. The aim of the Ltd. is to ensure that the working phase of bending is fully separated by product scope: equipment suitable for the processing of small parts of fireplaces is purchased within the framework of the GINOP-14 tender, while the equipment suitable for processing containers and railway units is purchased within the framework of this tender. The acquisition of the paint line and the associated material handling line is important to achieve professional work. The equipment delivers a guaranteed high quality, while ensuring fast case management. The paint line creates the possibility of premium painting, by installing the subcontractor’s dependence can be significantly reduced, which is important both for ensuring the quality and keeping of the agreed deadlines. The equipment forms a homogeneous, uniform surface and can maintain quality 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It has the advantage of increasing the proportion of finished products in parallel with the expansion of its capacity, given that just-in-time can handle workpieces that are required. However, not only does it have an advantage over existing low-performance paint sprayers, but the company can gain considerable time when a change of colour becomes necessary. The commonly used technology requires the replacement of filters in the event of a change of colour, resulting in a loss of production of at least 45 minutes. This is not necessary when using the technology to be acquired. The additional advantage of the system is the environmentally conscious approach, the built-in wastewater treatment system ensures the treatment of water. The IT system running in the background indicates errors, workflows, daily or shift records and can store a significant amount of archive data, which can be beneficial even when investigating a client complaint. On the basis of the above, it can be said that with the expansion of capacity there will be a relevant advance in the quality of the products produced at PNH Kft. Thanks to the development, a company that produces almost entirely on the export market will be able to build new connections, as the development will allow it to supply to partners who need products with higher added value (higher machining level). It can therefore be said that export sales will increase directly with the increase in turnover (5 % increase). Continue in a separate document (English)
Property / summary: xxxxxxxxxx The main goal of the project is to put a bending machine into operation on the Vasvár site and to install a complete line of paint along with material handling equipment. However, the installation of the technology requires the construction of a hall with a floor area of 3 765 m², which serves the needs of the machinery and the business’s growth needs. The bending equipment is an innovative device both in its performance and in its capacity; the production equipment is also able to process workpieces as large as the technology currently available is not suitable. The aim of the Ltd. is to ensure that the working phase of bending is fully separated by product scope: equipment suitable for the processing of small parts of fireplaces is purchased within the framework of the GINOP-14 tender, while the equipment suitable for processing containers and railway units is purchased within the framework of this tender. The acquisition of the paint line and the associated material handling line is important to achieve professional work. The equipment delivers a guaranteed high quality, while ensuring fast case management. The paint line creates the possibility of premium painting, by installing the subcontractor’s dependence can be significantly reduced, which is important both for ensuring the quality and keeping of the agreed deadlines. The equipment forms a homogeneous, uniform surface and can maintain quality 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It has the advantage of increasing the proportion of finished products in parallel with the expansion of its capacity, given that just-in-time can handle workpieces that are required. However, not only does it have an advantage over existing low-performance paint sprayers, but the company can gain considerable time when a change of colour becomes necessary. The commonly used technology requires the replacement of filters in the event of a change of colour, resulting in a loss of production of at least 45 minutes. This is not necessary when using the technology to be acquired. The additional advantage of the system is the environmentally conscious approach, the built-in wastewater treatment system ensures the treatment of water. The IT system running in the background indicates errors, workflows, daily or shift records and can store a significant amount of archive data, which can be beneficial even when investigating a client complaint. On the basis of the above, it can be said that with the expansion of capacity there will be a relevant advance in the quality of the products produced at PNH Kft. Thanks to the development, a company that produces almost entirely on the export market will be able to build new connections, as the development will allow it to supply to partners who need products with higher added value (higher machining level). It can therefore be said that export sales will increase directly with the increase in turnover (5 % increase). Continue in a separate document (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: xxxxxxxxxx The main goal of the project is to put a bending machine into operation on the Vasvár site and to install a complete line of paint along with material handling equipment. However, the installation of the technology requires the construction of a hall with a floor area of 3 765 m², which serves the needs of the machinery and the business’s growth needs. The bending equipment is an innovative device both in its performance and in its capacity; the production equipment is also able to process workpieces as large as the technology currently available is not suitable. The aim of the Ltd. is to ensure that the working phase of bending is fully separated by product scope: equipment suitable for the processing of small parts of fireplaces is purchased within the framework of the GINOP-14 tender, while the equipment suitable for processing containers and railway units is purchased within the framework of this tender. The acquisition of the paint line and the associated material handling line is important to achieve professional work. The equipment delivers a guaranteed high quality, while ensuring fast case management. The paint line creates the possibility of premium painting, by installing the subcontractor’s dependence can be significantly reduced, which is important both for ensuring the quality and keeping of the agreed deadlines. The equipment forms a homogeneous, uniform surface and can maintain quality 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It has the advantage of increasing the proportion of finished products in parallel with the expansion of its capacity, given that just-in-time can handle workpieces that are required. However, not only does it have an advantage over existing low-performance paint sprayers, but the company can gain considerable time when a change of colour becomes necessary. The commonly used technology requires the replacement of filters in the event of a change of colour, resulting in a loss of production of at least 45 minutes. This is not necessary when using the technology to be acquired. The additional advantage of the system is the environmentally conscious approach, the built-in wastewater treatment system ensures the treatment of water. The IT system running in the background indicates errors, workflows, daily or shift records and can store a significant amount of archive data, which can be beneficial even when investigating a client complaint. On the basis of the above, it can be said that with the expansion of capacity there will be a relevant advance in the quality of the products produced at PNH Kft. Thanks to the development, a company that produces almost entirely on the export market will be able to build new connections, as the development will allow it to supply to partners who need products with higher added value (higher machining level). It can therefore be said that export sales will increase directly with the increase in turnover (5 % increase). Continue in a separate document (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:31, 8 February 2022

Project Q3914883 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Capacity-enhancing investment at PNH Kft.
Project Q3914883 in Hungary


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    724,208,745 forint
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    2,002,589.26 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    3 December 2021
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    5,656,330.186 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    14 December 2021
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    2,069,167,842.857 forint
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    27 February 2017
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    16 July 2019
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    PNH Ipari-, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    47°2'20.33"N, 16°47'3.80"E
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    xxxxxxxxxxxxx A projekt fő célja, hogy a vasvári telephelyen üzembe helyezésre kerüljön egy hajlító gép robottal valamint egy komplett festősor telepítése is megtörténne anyagmozgató berendezéssel együtt. A technológia telepítéséhez azonban szükséges egy 3765 m2 alapterületű csarnok felépítése, ami kiszolgálja a gépek igényeit és a vállalkozás növekedési igényét. A hajlító berendezés mind teljesítményében, mind a befogadóképességében innovatív berendezés; a termelő berendezés képes feldolgozni akkora munkadarabokat is, amire a jelenleg rendelkezésre álló technológia nem alkalmas. A Kft. célja, hogy a hajlítás munkafázisa teljesen szeparáltan valósuljon meg termékkörönként: a kandallók kis elemeinek feldolgozására alkalmas berendezés beszerzése GINOP-14-es pályázat keretén belül történik, míg a konténerek, vasúti egységek feldolgozására alkalmas berendezés jelen pályázat keretén belül kerül beszerzésre. A festősor és hozzá tartozó anyagmozgató sor beszerzése a professzionális munkavégzés elérése miatt fontos. A berendezés garantált magas minőséget produkál, a gyors ügykezelés biztosítása mellett. A festősor megteremti a lehetőségét a prémium festésnek, telepítésével jelentősen csökkenthető az alvállalkozói függelem, ami mind a minőség biztosítása okán, mind a vállalt határidők tartása miatt fontos. A berendezés homogén, egységes felületet képez, a minőséget pedig a nap huszonnégy órájában, heti hét napon át tudja tartani. Előnye, hogy a kapacitása bővítésével párhuzamosan megteremthető a késztermékek arányának növelése, tekintettel arra, hogy just-in-time képes olyan munkadarabok kezelésére, amire igény van. Azonban előnye nem csak itt mutatkozik meg a meglévő kis teljesítményű festékszóró berendezéssel szemben, hanem ott nyerhet a vállalkozás jelentős időt, amikor színcsere válik szükségessé. Az általánosan elterjedt technológia igényli a filter cseréjét színváltás esetén, ami legalább 45 perces termelés kiesést okozott. A beszerezni kívánt technológia alkalmazása során ez nem szükséges. A rendszer további előnye a környezettudatos szemlélete, beépített szennyvízkezelő rendszer gondoskodik a víz kezeléséről. A háttérben futó informatikai rendszer monitoros üzenetküldéssel jelzi a hibákat, munkafolyamatokat, napi vagy műszakonkénti jegyzőkönyvet készít és jelentős mennyiségű archív adatot képes tárolni, ami előnyös lehet akár egy ügyfélpanasz kivizsgálásakor is. Fentiek alapján elmondható, hogy a kapacitás bővítésével az előállított termékek minőségében is releváns előhaladás következik be a PNH Kft.-nél. A csaknem teljes mértékben export piacra gyártó vállalkozás a fejlesztésnek köszönhetően újabb kapcsolatokat építhet, hiszen a fejlesztés nyomán már olyan partnerekhez is beszállíthat, akiknek a magasabb hozzáadott értékkel rendelkező termékekre van igénye (magasabb megmunkálási szint). Tehát elmondható, hogy az export értékesítés volumene az árbevétel növekedésével egyenes arányban (5%-os emelkedés) nőni fog. Külön dokumentumban tovább (Hungarian)
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    xxxxxxxxxx The main goal of the project is to put a bending machine into operation on the Vasvár site and to install a complete line of paint along with material handling equipment. However, the installation of the technology requires the construction of a hall with a floor area of 3 765 m², which serves the needs of the machinery and the business’s growth needs. The bending equipment is an innovative device both in its performance and in its capacity; the production equipment is also able to process workpieces as large as the technology currently available is not suitable. The aim of the Ltd. is to ensure that the working phase of bending is fully separated by product scope: equipment suitable for the processing of small parts of fireplaces is purchased within the framework of the GINOP-14 tender, while the equipment suitable for processing containers and railway units is purchased within the framework of this tender. The acquisition of the paint line and the associated material handling line is important to achieve professional work. The equipment delivers a guaranteed high quality, while ensuring fast case management. The paint line creates the possibility of premium painting, by installing the subcontractor’s dependence can be significantly reduced, which is important both for ensuring the quality and keeping of the agreed deadlines. The equipment forms a homogeneous, uniform surface and can maintain quality 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It has the advantage of increasing the proportion of finished products in parallel with the expansion of its capacity, given that just-in-time can handle workpieces that are required. However, not only does it have an advantage over existing low-performance paint sprayers, but the company can gain considerable time when a change of colour becomes necessary. The commonly used technology requires the replacement of filters in the event of a change of colour, resulting in a loss of production of at least 45 minutes. This is not necessary when using the technology to be acquired. The additional advantage of the system is the environmentally conscious approach, the built-in wastewater treatment system ensures the treatment of water. The IT system running in the background indicates errors, workflows, daily or shift records and can store a significant amount of archive data, which can be beneficial even when investigating a client complaint. On the basis of the above, it can be said that with the expansion of capacity there will be a relevant advance in the quality of the products produced at PNH Kft. Thanks to the development, a company that produces almost entirely on the export market will be able to build new connections, as the development will allow it to supply to partners who need products with higher added value (higher machining level). It can therefore be said that export sales will increase directly with the increase in turnover (5 % increase). Continue in a separate document (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Vasvár, Vas
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