Increase the production capacity of the ‘IMTEF’ Cooperative to maintain competitiveness (Q3914415): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: add summary) |
(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
At all stages of the production process of the air spring metal structure, it is necessary to purchase modern equipment for both capacity expansion and technological development necessary to maintain competitiveness. The purchase of press machines is also of particular importance for increasing added value, as modern high-performance machines allow the development of a previously semi-finished product (air spring metal structure) into finished products, i.e. the sale of products at higher prices on the market. High-performance presses would also enable the production of agricultural machinery components (agricultural machinery discs) and garden flekken and disc ovens to start within the holding, which could not have been done so far without capacity. The additional tools to be procured under the project (a lathe machine, sawing machine, welding machine, salt spray chamber) are intended to serve both the conditions of capacity expansion and technological development to maintain competitiveness. Project preparation activities: significant needs assessment, market research and interviews with market partners took place. The companies surveyed would consider it necessary to increase the level of processing of the products produced by the company, i.e. the production of the finished product, while ensuring appropriate market prices. If the applicant is able to provide adequate market prices to the partners, it would also be possible to increase the quantity of products to be supplied. In previous years, the company’s management set the product range as a goal, in order to develop products adapted to the needs of the market. (agricultural machine parts (disks), flekken ovens for cooking and cooking in the garden, baking discs) The technological development would also allow the serial production of the listed products. The list of assets to be procured was drawn up by the management of the company, taking into account the needs of the market, after which the company’s management requested a quote from a company with a reputation on the relevant market, for each item of purchase. As a first step in the implementation of the project, all equipment would be ordered on the basis of the requested and attached offers, the confirmation of which would be accompanied by the conclusion of a delivery contract. Once the assets have been delivered and installed, the project would be closed once the invoice has been paid. The subject matter of the tenders must comply with the relevant European directives, standards and the Hungarian regulations, standards and environmental protection requirements harmonising them. Devices shall be CE certified. The technical parameters of the equipment are set out in the enclosed quotations. By purchasing equipment, the company would move forward in the production chain as it would produce finished products instead of the current semi-finished product, so it would be possible to sell a product with a higher level of processing and significant added value. Justification in a separate statement. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: At all stages of the production process of the air spring metal structure, it is necessary to purchase modern equipment for both capacity expansion and technological development necessary to maintain competitiveness. The purchase of press machines is also of particular importance for increasing added value, as modern high-performance machines allow the development of a previously semi-finished product (air spring metal structure) into finished products, i.e. the sale of products at higher prices on the market. High-performance presses would also enable the production of agricultural machinery components (agricultural machinery discs) and garden flekken and disc ovens to start within the holding, which could not have been done so far without capacity. The additional tools to be procured under the project (a lathe machine, sawing machine, welding machine, salt spray chamber) are intended to serve both the conditions of capacity expansion and technological development to maintain competitiveness. Project preparation activities: significant needs assessment, market research and interviews with market partners took place. The companies surveyed would consider it necessary to increase the level of processing of the products produced by the company, i.e. the production of the finished product, while ensuring appropriate market prices. If the applicant is able to provide adequate market prices to the partners, it would also be possible to increase the quantity of products to be supplied. In previous years, the company’s management set the product range as a goal, in order to develop products adapted to the needs of the market. (agricultural machine parts (disks), flekken ovens for cooking and cooking in the garden, baking discs) The technological development would also allow the serial production of the listed products. The list of assets to be procured was drawn up by the management of the company, taking into account the needs of the market, after which the company’s management requested a quote from a company with a reputation on the relevant market, for each item of purchase. As a first step in the implementation of the project, all equipment would be ordered on the basis of the requested and attached offers, the confirmation of which would be accompanied by the conclusion of a delivery contract. Once the assets have been delivered and installed, the project would be closed once the invoice has been paid. The subject matter of the tenders must comply with the relevant European directives, standards and the Hungarian regulations, standards and environmental protection requirements harmonising them. Devices shall be CE certified. The technical parameters of the equipment are set out in the enclosed quotations. By purchasing equipment, the company would move forward in the production chain as it would produce finished products instead of the current semi-finished product, so it would be possible to sell a product with a higher level of processing and significant added value. Justification in a separate statement. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: At all stages of the production process of the air spring metal structure, it is necessary to purchase modern equipment for both capacity expansion and technological development necessary to maintain competitiveness. The purchase of press machines is also of particular importance for increasing added value, as modern high-performance machines allow the development of a previously semi-finished product (air spring metal structure) into finished products, i.e. the sale of products at higher prices on the market. High-performance presses would also enable the production of agricultural machinery components (agricultural machinery discs) and garden flekken and disc ovens to start within the holding, which could not have been done so far without capacity. The additional tools to be procured under the project (a lathe machine, sawing machine, welding machine, salt spray chamber) are intended to serve both the conditions of capacity expansion and technological development to maintain competitiveness. Project preparation activities: significant needs assessment, market research and interviews with market partners took place. The companies surveyed would consider it necessary to increase the level of processing of the products produced by the company, i.e. the production of the finished product, while ensuring appropriate market prices. If the applicant is able to provide adequate market prices to the partners, it would also be possible to increase the quantity of products to be supplied. In previous years, the company’s management set the product range as a goal, in order to develop products adapted to the needs of the market. (agricultural machine parts (disks), flekken ovens for cooking and cooking in the garden, baking discs) The technological development would also allow the serial production of the listed products. The list of assets to be procured was drawn up by the management of the company, taking into account the needs of the market, after which the company’s management requested a quote from a company with a reputation on the relevant market, for each item of purchase. As a first step in the implementation of the project, all equipment would be ordered on the basis of the requested and attached offers, the confirmation of which would be accompanied by the conclusion of a delivery contract. Once the assets have been delivered and installed, the project would be closed once the invoice has been paid. The subject matter of the tenders must comply with the relevant European directives, standards and the Hungarian regulations, standards and environmental protection requirements harmonising them. Devices shall be CE certified. The technical parameters of the equipment are set out in the enclosed quotations. By purchasing equipment, the company would move forward in the production chain as it would produce finished products instead of the current semi-finished product, so it would be possible to sell a product with a higher level of processing and significant added value. Justification in a separate statement. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 14:11, 8 February 2022
Project Q3914415 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Increase the production capacity of the ‘IMTEF’ Cooperative to maintain competitiveness |
Project Q3914415 in Hungary |
105,580,559 forint
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577,235.438 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
14 December 2021
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211,161,118.0 forint
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50.0 percent
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24 August 2015
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31 May 2016
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"IMTEF" Ipari és Mezőgazdasági Terméket Előállító és Forgalmazó Szövetkezet
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A légrugó fémszerkezet gyártási folyamatának valamennyi fázisában mind a kapacitásbővítés, mind pedig a versenyképesség fenntartásához szükséges technológiai fejlesztés céljából korszerű eszközök beszerzése szükséges. Présgépek beszerzése a hozzáadott-érték növelése szempontjából is kiemelt jelentőséggel bír, ugyanis a korszerű, nagyteljesítményű gépek által lehetővé válik a korábban félkész termék (légrugó fémszerkezet) késztermékké történő továbbfejlesztése, azaz a termékek magasabb áron történő értékesítése a piacon. A nagy teljesítményű présgépek lehetővé tennék, hogy beinduljon az üzemen belül a mezőgazdasági gépalkatrészek (mezőgazdasági géptárcsák), valamint a kerti flekken- és tárcsasütők szériagyártása is, amelyre kapacitás hiányában idáig nem kerülhetett sor. A projekt keretében beszerzendő további eszközök (esztergagép, fűrészgép, hegesztőgép, sópermet kamra) mind a kapacitásbővítést feltételeit, a versenyképesség fenntartását szolgáló technológiai fejlesztést hivatottak szolgálni. A projekt előkészítési tevékenysége: jelentős igényfelmérés, piackutatás történt, a piaci partnerekkel személyes elbeszélgetés történt. A megkérdezett cégek szükségesnek tartanák a cég által gyártott termékek feldolgozottsági szintjének növelését, azaz a késztermék előállítását megfelelő piaci árak biztosítása mellett. Amennyiben a pályázó megfelelő piaci árakat tud a partnerek részére biztosítani, a beszállítandó, megvásárolandó termékek mennyiségének növelésére is lehetőség nyílna. A cégvezetés már a korábbi években is célként fogalmazta meg a termékpaletta bővítést, amelynek érdekében a piaci igényekhez igazodó termékek fejlesztésén dolgozott. (mezőgazdasági gépalkatrészek (tárcsák), kerti sütéshez-főzéshez használható flekkensütők, sütőtárcsák) A technológiai fejlesztés lehetővé tenné a felsorolt termékek szériagyártását is. A beszerzendő eszközök listáját a piaci igényeinek figyelembevételével a cég vezetése állította össze melyet követően a cég vezetése beszerezési tárgyanként 3-3, az érintett piacon jó hírnévvel rendelkező cégtől kért árajánlatot. A projekt megvalósításának első lépéseként a bekért és csatolt ajánlatok alapján minden eszköz megrendelésre kerülne, melynek visszaigazolásával egyidejűleg szállítási szerződés kerülne megkötésre. Az eszközök leszállítását, és beüzemelését követően a számla kifizetését követően kerülne sor a projekt zárására. Az ajánlatok tárgyának meg kell felelniük a vonatkozó európai irányelveknek, szabványoknak, illetve az azokat harmonizáló magyar rendeleteknek, szabványoknak, környezetvédelmi előírásoknak. Az eszközöknek CE minősítéssel kell, hogy ellátva legyenek. Az eszközök műszaki paramétereit a csatolt árajánlatok tartalmazzák. Az eszközbeszerzés által a cég a termelési láncban előrébb lépne, ugyanis a jelenlegi félkész termék helyett készterméket állítana elő, így egy magasabb feldolgozottsági szintű, jelentős hozzáadott értéket képviselő termék értékesítésére lenne lehetőség. Indoklás külön nyilatkozatban. (Hungarian)
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At all stages of the production process of the air spring metal structure, it is necessary to purchase modern equipment for both capacity expansion and technological development necessary to maintain competitiveness. The purchase of press machines is also of particular importance for increasing added value, as modern high-performance machines allow the development of a previously semi-finished product (air spring metal structure) into finished products, i.e. the sale of products at higher prices on the market. High-performance presses would also enable the production of agricultural machinery components (agricultural machinery discs) and garden flekken and disc ovens to start within the holding, which could not have been done so far without capacity. The additional tools to be procured under the project (a lathe machine, sawing machine, welding machine, salt spray chamber) are intended to serve both the conditions of capacity expansion and technological development to maintain competitiveness. Project preparation activities: significant needs assessment, market research and interviews with market partners took place. The companies surveyed would consider it necessary to increase the level of processing of the products produced by the company, i.e. the production of the finished product, while ensuring appropriate market prices. If the applicant is able to provide adequate market prices to the partners, it would also be possible to increase the quantity of products to be supplied. In previous years, the company’s management set the product range as a goal, in order to develop products adapted to the needs of the market. (agricultural machine parts (disks), flekken ovens for cooking and cooking in the garden, baking discs) The technological development would also allow the serial production of the listed products. The list of assets to be procured was drawn up by the management of the company, taking into account the needs of the market, after which the company’s management requested a quote from a company with a reputation on the relevant market, for each item of purchase. As a first step in the implementation of the project, all equipment would be ordered on the basis of the requested and attached offers, the confirmation of which would be accompanied by the conclusion of a delivery contract. Once the assets have been delivered and installed, the project would be closed once the invoice has been paid. The subject matter of the tenders must comply with the relevant European directives, standards and the Hungarian regulations, standards and environmental protection requirements harmonising them. Devices shall be CE certified. The technical parameters of the equipment are set out in the enclosed quotations. By purchasing equipment, the company would move forward in the production chain as it would produce finished products instead of the current semi-finished product, so it would be possible to sell a product with a higher level of processing and significant added value. Justification in a separate statement. (English)
8 February 2022
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Ibrány, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg
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