Start non-ferrous metal production at AL-CU Service Kft (Q3914395): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: add summary)
(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The development under this project relates to TEAOR 2441‘08 “Manufacture of precious metals — gold, silver, refining from ores or waste”, 2443’08 “Manufacture of lead, zinc and tin” (production of lead, zinc and tin by electrolytic refining), 2444‘08 “Manufacture of copper by electrolytic refining” and 2445’08 “Manufacture of other non-ferrous metals” (manufacture of chrome, manganese, nickel from electrolysis and aluminium thermal refining). The undertaking is considered to be an undertaking moving forward in the production value chain. To date, only semi-finished “semi-finished” waste materials have been supplied to large metal companies. These semi-finished raw materials, mainly iron and aluminium, have been subject to chemical and physical pollution. By purchasing the new production line, we will be able to produce metals of stock market purity ourselves, and we can pour them into any form with powder metallurgical technology according to the customer’s needs. With the development, bypassing multinational companies and traders in the metal industry, we can directly supply metal materials of appropriate quality and purity to the SME sector; our customers will primarily be fine foundries, metal surface operators, electronics manufacturers and chemical companies. In order to achieve higher added value products from metal waste, special equipment is needed. In total, e-waste contains 70 % of ferrous metals and plastics in terms of composition and only 2 % rich in precious metals. Prior to machine dismantling, manual preparation is required for reusability testing and for the removal of substances causing pollution. Disassembled motherboards and CPUs, sorted out from waste, are accessible through machine shredders. A device divides the parts into uniform and further sortable parts in their material. The next step is to separate the pre-cut material into marketable fractions. The first equipment of the production line selects the materials according to their electromagnetic properties. The materials are then processed according to their properties and then drawn into forms after analysis. The device to be procured is suitable for the recovery of 7 t of precious metal per day. Based on our preliminary calculations, our capacity will be 3.5 tonnes per day in the first year and 4.9 tonnes in the 2nd year. Based on these calculations, it is expected that from the 3 rd year we will recover 6 t of precious metal per day. This advanced technology allows Al-Cu Ltd. to manufacture metals. As a result of the development, higher value-added can be realised, we will generate additional revenue, and with the new activity we will introduce useful activities from both environmental and national economic point of view. In addition, the development allows us to move forward in the production value chain and to produce finished products ourselves from the materials that have so far been handed over as semi-finished products. (English)
Property / summary: The development under this project relates to TEAOR 2441‘08 “Manufacture of precious metals — gold, silver, refining from ores or waste”, 2443’08 “Manufacture of lead, zinc and tin” (production of lead, zinc and tin by electrolytic refining), 2444‘08 “Manufacture of copper by electrolytic refining” and 2445’08 “Manufacture of other non-ferrous metals” (manufacture of chrome, manganese, nickel from electrolysis and aluminium thermal refining). The undertaking is considered to be an undertaking moving forward in the production value chain. To date, only semi-finished “semi-finished” waste materials have been supplied to large metal companies. These semi-finished raw materials, mainly iron and aluminium, have been subject to chemical and physical pollution. By purchasing the new production line, we will be able to produce metals of stock market purity ourselves, and we can pour them into any form with powder metallurgical technology according to the customer’s needs. With the development, bypassing multinational companies and traders in the metal industry, we can directly supply metal materials of appropriate quality and purity to the SME sector; our customers will primarily be fine foundries, metal surface operators, electronics manufacturers and chemical companies. In order to achieve higher added value products from metal waste, special equipment is needed. In total, e-waste contains 70 % of ferrous metals and plastics in terms of composition and only 2 % rich in precious metals. Prior to machine dismantling, manual preparation is required for reusability testing and for the removal of substances causing pollution. Disassembled motherboards and CPUs, sorted out from waste, are accessible through machine shredders. A device divides the parts into uniform and further sortable parts in their material. The next step is to separate the pre-cut material into marketable fractions. The first equipment of the production line selects the materials according to their electromagnetic properties. The materials are then processed according to their properties and then drawn into forms after analysis. The device to be procured is suitable for the recovery of 7 t of precious metal per day. Based on our preliminary calculations, our capacity will be 3.5 tonnes per day in the first year and 4.9 tonnes in the 2nd year. Based on these calculations, it is expected that from the 3 rd year we will recover 6 t of precious metal per day. This advanced technology allows Al-Cu Ltd. to manufacture metals. As a result of the development, higher value-added can be realised, we will generate additional revenue, and with the new activity we will introduce useful activities from both environmental and national economic point of view. In addition, the development allows us to move forward in the production value chain and to produce finished products ourselves from the materials that have so far been handed over as semi-finished products. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The development under this project relates to TEAOR 2441‘08 “Manufacture of precious metals — gold, silver, refining from ores or waste”, 2443’08 “Manufacture of lead, zinc and tin” (production of lead, zinc and tin by electrolytic refining), 2444‘08 “Manufacture of copper by electrolytic refining” and 2445’08 “Manufacture of other non-ferrous metals” (manufacture of chrome, manganese, nickel from electrolysis and aluminium thermal refining). The undertaking is considered to be an undertaking moving forward in the production value chain. To date, only semi-finished “semi-finished” waste materials have been supplied to large metal companies. These semi-finished raw materials, mainly iron and aluminium, have been subject to chemical and physical pollution. By purchasing the new production line, we will be able to produce metals of stock market purity ourselves, and we can pour them into any form with powder metallurgical technology according to the customer’s needs. With the development, bypassing multinational companies and traders in the metal industry, we can directly supply metal materials of appropriate quality and purity to the SME sector; our customers will primarily be fine foundries, metal surface operators, electronics manufacturers and chemical companies. In order to achieve higher added value products from metal waste, special equipment is needed. In total, e-waste contains 70 % of ferrous metals and plastics in terms of composition and only 2 % rich in precious metals. Prior to machine dismantling, manual preparation is required for reusability testing and for the removal of substances causing pollution. Disassembled motherboards and CPUs, sorted out from waste, are accessible through machine shredders. A device divides the parts into uniform and further sortable parts in their material. The next step is to separate the pre-cut material into marketable fractions. The first equipment of the production line selects the materials according to their electromagnetic properties. The materials are then processed according to their properties and then drawn into forms after analysis. The device to be procured is suitable for the recovery of 7 t of precious metal per day. Based on our preliminary calculations, our capacity will be 3.5 tonnes per day in the first year and 4.9 tonnes in the 2nd year. Based on these calculations, it is expected that from the 3 rd year we will recover 6 t of precious metal per day. This advanced technology allows Al-Cu Ltd. to manufacture metals. As a result of the development, higher value-added can be realised, we will generate additional revenue, and with the new activity we will introduce useful activities from both environmental and national economic point of view. In addition, the development allows us to move forward in the production value chain and to produce finished products ourselves from the materials that have so far been handed over as semi-finished products. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:11, 8 February 2022

Project Q3914395 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Start non-ferrous metal production at AL-CU Service Kft
Project Q3914395 in Hungary


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    861,690,852 forint
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    2,382,756.16 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    3 December 2021
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    4,711,080.345 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    14 December 2021
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    1,723,381,704.0 forint
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    50.0 percent
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    5 September 2016
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    30 September 2017
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    AL - CU SERVICE Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    48°0'21.71"N, 19°47'5.64"E
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    Jelen projekt keretében megvalósuló fejlesztés a TEAOR 2441’08 „Nemesfémgyártás”(nemesfémek –arany,ezüst– gyártása, finomítása ércből vagy hulladékból),2443’08 „Ólom, cink, ón gyártása” (az ólom, a cink és az ón gyártása elektrolízises finomítással hulladékból), 2444’08 „Rézgyártás”(a réz gyártása elektrolízises finomítással rézhulladékból) és a 2445’08 „Egyéb nem vas fém gyártása”(a króm, a mangán, a nikkel gyártása elektrolízises és alumíniumtermikus finomítással hulladékból) tevékenységekhez kapcsolódik. A vállalkozás termelési értékláncban előrelépő vállalkozásnak minősül. Idáig csak elsődlegesen feldolgozott „félkész” hulladék alapanyagot szállított be nagy fémipari cégeknek.Ezen félkész,elsősorban vas és alumínium alapanyagok kémiai és fizikai szennyezésekkel voltak terheltek. Az új gyártósor megvásárlásával mi magunk is képesek leszünk gyártani a tőzsdei tisztaságú fémeket,valamint a megrendelői igényeknek megfelelően porkohászati technológiával bármilyen formába tudjuk önteni azokat.A fejlesztéssel a fémipari multinacionális vállalatokat és kereskedőket megkerülve, közvetlenül tudunk megfelelő minőségű és tisztaságú fémalapanyagokat szállítani a kkv szektor részére; megrendelőink elsősorban a finomöntödék, fémfelületkezelők, elektronikai gyártók és vegyipari cégek lesznek. Ahhoz,hogy a fém hulladékokból magasabb hozzáadott-értékű termékek előállítását tudjuk megvalósítani, speciális berendezések szükségesek. Az e-hulladékok összetételük tekintetében összesen 70% vasfémet és műanyagot tartalmaznak, és csak 2% nemesfémekben gazdag anyagot. A gépi bontást megelőzően kézi előkészítés szükséges az újrahasználhatóság vizsgálatára és a környezetszennyezést okozó anyagok eltávolítására. A hulladékból kiválogatott, szétszerelt alaplapok és CPU-k belső része gépi aprítás segítségével hozzáférhetővé válik. Egy berendezés az alkatrészeket anyagukban egynemű,tovább válogatható részekre bontja. Következő lépésben a cél az, hogy az előaprított anyagot értékesíthető frakciókra válasszuk szét. A gyártó gépsor első berendezése az anyagokat elektromágneses tulajdonságaik alapján válogatja. Ezután az anyagok tulajdonságaiknak megfelelő módon feldolgozásra kerülnek, majd–analízis után–formákba csapoljuk. A beszerzendő eszköz napi 7 t nemesfém visszanyerésére alkalmas. Előzetes számításaink alapján az első évben napi 3,5 tonna, a 2.évben 4,9 tonna lesz a kapacitásunk. Ezen kalkulációk alapján előreláthatóan a 3.évtől elérjük a napi 6 t nemesfém visszanyerését. Ez a fejlett technológia lehetővé teszi, hogy az Al-Cu Kft. fémek gyártásával foglalkozzon. A fejlesztés eredményeképp magasabb hozzáadott-érték teremtés valósulhat meg,további árbevételre teszünk szert,és az új tevékenységgel környezeti és nemzetgazdasági szempontból is egyaránt hasznos tevékenységet vezetünk majd be. Ezen kívül a fejlesztés lehetővé teszi, hogy a termelési értékláncban előre lépjünk,és az eddig félkész termékként továbbadott anyagokból mi magunk állítsunk elő készterméket. (Hungarian)
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    The development under this project relates to TEAOR 2441‘08 “Manufacture of precious metals — gold, silver, refining from ores or waste”, 2443’08 “Manufacture of lead, zinc and tin” (production of lead, zinc and tin by electrolytic refining), 2444‘08 “Manufacture of copper by electrolytic refining” and 2445’08 “Manufacture of other non-ferrous metals” (manufacture of chrome, manganese, nickel from electrolysis and aluminium thermal refining). The undertaking is considered to be an undertaking moving forward in the production value chain. To date, only semi-finished “semi-finished” waste materials have been supplied to large metal companies. These semi-finished raw materials, mainly iron and aluminium, have been subject to chemical and physical pollution. By purchasing the new production line, we will be able to produce metals of stock market purity ourselves, and we can pour them into any form with powder metallurgical technology according to the customer’s needs. With the development, bypassing multinational companies and traders in the metal industry, we can directly supply metal materials of appropriate quality and purity to the SME sector; our customers will primarily be fine foundries, metal surface operators, electronics manufacturers and chemical companies. In order to achieve higher added value products from metal waste, special equipment is needed. In total, e-waste contains 70 % of ferrous metals and plastics in terms of composition and only 2 % rich in precious metals. Prior to machine dismantling, manual preparation is required for reusability testing and for the removal of substances causing pollution. Disassembled motherboards and CPUs, sorted out from waste, are accessible through machine shredders. A device divides the parts into uniform and further sortable parts in their material. The next step is to separate the pre-cut material into marketable fractions. The first equipment of the production line selects the materials according to their electromagnetic properties. The materials are then processed according to their properties and then drawn into forms after analysis. The device to be procured is suitable for the recovery of 7 t of precious metal per day. Based on our preliminary calculations, our capacity will be 3.5 tonnes per day in the first year and 4.9 tonnes in the 2nd year. Based on these calculations, it is expected that from the 3 rd year we will recover 6 t of precious metal per day. This advanced technology allows Al-Cu Ltd. to manufacture metals. As a result of the development, higher value-added can be realised, we will generate additional revenue, and with the new activity we will introduce useful activities from both environmental and national economic point of view. In addition, the development allows us to move forward in the production value chain and to produce finished products ourselves from the materials that have so far been handed over as semi-finished products. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Bátonyterenye, Nógrád
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