Virtual Central European Open Innovation Network — VCELL (Q3911428): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The creator of the VCELL system is the Central European Entrepreneurship Knowledge Centre Ltd., the aim of which is to strengthen the cooperation of enterprises in the Central European region, to generate joint projects and to facilitate the development of bi- and multilateral relations. Company owner, employees and partners have decades of experience in business development and incubation at both domestic and international level. The sustainability of the platform can be ensured through the support of the Pact actors and through turnover from users. From the other revenues of the SPA Ltd., it provides financial cover for the operation until VCELL becomes self-sufficient. With this development we want to create VCELL. (Virtual Central-European Livig Lab) Living Lab is an innovation ecosystem with the active involvement of members, based on a partnership between businesses, residents and government, and which allows members to actively contribute to the development and innovation process through: • early involvement of users in creative processes in order to take into account expected behaviour patterns as soon as possible; • bridging the gap between developing technologies and related underinformed business actors; • early assessment of social and economic impacts. Within the ecosystem, there are two platforms: start-up and dynamic. The start-up gives start-up information to start-ups and provides opportunities to assess local and local social impacts, and dynamic provides support to existing businesses by involving virtual coaches and ecosystem members. Incubation, in its traditional conception, provides infrastructure, certain services and, in good cases, some knowledge during a fragile period of business. We focus on the transmission of knowledge in virtual incubation. We do not focus our efforts on building our own knowledge base, but on ensuring that our partners and clients always have access to the most relevant knowledge content for them, in the most appropriate form and in the most economical way possible. As a kind of “knowledge broker” we provide access to “all existing” knowledge. Our added value is reflected in the organisation of knowledge processes, quality assurance and continuous improvement of the system. Embedding in an open innovation process ensures that knowledge is transferred to meet the needs and local responses are generated because of localisation. By using the Living Lab, it is possible to collect and transfer market information at the local level that has not been available to micro and small businesses by other means or in a very costly way. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The creator of the VCELL system is the Central European Entrepreneurship Knowledge Centre Ltd., the aim of which is to strengthen the cooperation of enterprises in the Central European region, to generate joint projects and to facilitate the development of bi- and multilateral relations. Company owner, employees and partners have decades of experience in business development and incubation at both domestic and international level. The sustainability of the platform can be ensured through the support of the Pact actors and through turnover from users. From the other revenues of the SPA Ltd., it provides financial cover for the operation until VCELL becomes self-sufficient. With this development we want to create VCELL. (Virtual Central-European Livig Lab) Living Lab is an innovation ecosystem with the active involvement of members, based on a partnership between businesses, residents and government, and which allows members to actively contribute to the development and innovation process through: • early involvement of users in creative processes in order to take into account expected behaviour patterns as soon as possible; • bridging the gap between developing technologies and related underinformed business actors; • early assessment of social and economic impacts. Within the ecosystem, there are two platforms: start-up and dynamic. The start-up gives start-up information to start-ups and provides opportunities to assess local and local social impacts, and dynamic provides support to existing businesses by involving virtual coaches and ecosystem members. Incubation, in its traditional conception, provides infrastructure, certain services and, in good cases, some knowledge during a fragile period of business. We focus on the transmission of knowledge in virtual incubation. We do not focus our efforts on building our own knowledge base, but on ensuring that our partners and clients always have access to the most relevant knowledge content for them, in the most appropriate form and in the most economical way possible. As a kind of “knowledge broker” we provide access to “all existing” knowledge. Our added value is reflected in the organisation of knowledge processes, quality assurance and continuous improvement of the system. Embedding in an open innovation process ensures that knowledge is transferred to meet the needs and local responses are generated because of localisation. By using the Living Lab, it is possible to collect and transfer market information at the local level that has not been available to micro and small businesses by other means or in a very costly way. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The creator of the VCELL system is the Central European Entrepreneurship Knowledge Centre Ltd., the aim of which is to strengthen the cooperation of enterprises in the Central European region, to generate joint projects and to facilitate the development of bi- and multilateral relations. Company owner, employees and partners have decades of experience in business development and incubation at both domestic and international level. The sustainability of the platform can be ensured through the support of the Pact actors and through turnover from users. From the other revenues of the SPA Ltd., it provides financial cover for the operation until VCELL becomes self-sufficient. With this development we want to create VCELL. (Virtual Central-European Livig Lab) Living Lab is an innovation ecosystem with the active involvement of members, based on a partnership between businesses, residents and government, and which allows members to actively contribute to the development and innovation process through: • early involvement of users in creative processes in order to take into account expected behaviour patterns as soon as possible; • bridging the gap between developing technologies and related underinformed business actors; • early assessment of social and economic impacts. Within the ecosystem, there are two platforms: start-up and dynamic. The start-up gives start-up information to start-ups and provides opportunities to assess local and local social impacts, and dynamic provides support to existing businesses by involving virtual coaches and ecosystem members. Incubation, in its traditional conception, provides infrastructure, certain services and, in good cases, some knowledge during a fragile period of business. We focus on the transmission of knowledge in virtual incubation. We do not focus our efforts on building our own knowledge base, but on ensuring that our partners and clients always have access to the most relevant knowledge content for them, in the most appropriate form and in the most economical way possible. As a kind of “knowledge broker” we provide access to “all existing” knowledge. Our added value is reflected in the organisation of knowledge processes, quality assurance and continuous improvement of the system. Embedding in an open innovation process ensures that knowledge is transferred to meet the needs and local responses are generated because of localisation. By using the Living Lab, it is possible to collect and transfer market information at the local level that has not been available to micro and small businesses by other means or in a very costly way. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 14:11, 8 February 2022
Project Q3911428 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Virtual Central European Open Innovation Network — VCELL |
Project Q3911428 in Hungary |
38,199,324 forint
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161,592.439 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
14 December 2021
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59,112,864.239 forint
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64.620589 percent
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1 February 2019
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21 January 2020
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KVT Közép-Európai Vállalkozói Tudásközpont Oktató Kutató és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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A VCELL rendszer létrehozója a Közép-európai Vállalkozói Tudásközpont Kft., amely célja hogy a Közép-európai térség vállalkozásainak együttműködését szorosabbra vonja, közös projekteket generáljon és segítse bi- és multilaterális kapcsolatok kialakulását. Társaság tulajdonosa, munkatársai, partnerei több évtizedes vállalkozásfejlesztési és inkubációs tapasztalattal rendelkeznek hazai és nemzetközi szinten egyaránt. A platform fenntarthatósága a paktum szereplők támogatásán és a használóktól származó árbevételből biztosítható. A KVT kft. egyéb bevételeiből biztosítja az alapműködés pénzügyi fedezetét addig amíg a VCELL önfenntartóvá nem válik. A fejlesztéssel létre kívánjuk hozni a VCELL-t. (Virtuális Közép-európai nyíli innovációs hálózatát angolul Virtual Central-European Livig Lab) A Living Lab a tagok aktív közreműködésével működő innovációs ökoszisztéma, amely az vállalkozások, a lakók és a kormányzat partnerségére épül, és amely lehetővé teszi a tagok számára, hogy aktívan közreműködjenek a fejlesztési és innovációs folyamatban a következőkön keresztül: • a felhasználók korai bevonása a kreatív folyamatokba, azért, hogy minél korábban figyelembe lehessen venni a várható viselkedési mintákat; • a fejlődő technológiák és az ezekkel kapcsolatban alulinformált üzleti szereplők közötti eltérés áthidalása; • társadalmi, gazdasági hatások korai felmérése. Az ökoszisztémán belül működik két platform a start-up és a dynamic. A start-up a vállalkozás indításon gondolkodók számára ad információt kezdés és biztosít lehetőséget a helyi és lokális társadalmi hatások felmérésére, a dynamic a már működő vállalkozások számára ad támogatást virtuális coach és az ökoszisztáma tagjainak bevonásával. Az inkubáció, hagyományos felfogásban, infrastruktúrát, bizonyos szolgáltatásokat és – jó esetben – némi tudást biztosít a vállalkozások sérülékeny időszakában. Mi a virtuális inkubáció keretében a tudás közvetítésére helyezzük a hangsúlyt. Erőfeszítéseinket nem a minél nagyobb saját tudásbázis felépítésére fókuszáljuk, hanem arra, hogy partnereink, ügyfeleink mindig a számukra legrelevánsabb tudástartalmakhoz jussanak hozzá, a legalkalmasabb formában, a lehető leggazdaságosabban. Egyfajta „tudás brókerként” az „összes létező” tudáshoz biztosítjuk a hozzáférést. Hozzáadott értékünk a tudásfolyamatok szervezésében, a rendszer minőségbiztosításában és folyamatos fejlesztésében jelenik meg. A nyílt innovációs folyamatba ágyazás biztosítja, hogy az igényeknek megfelelő információt tudást transzferáljuk és ezt a lokalizáció miatt nem általános hanem helyi válaszok születnek. A Living lab adta lehetőség kihasználásával olyan piaci információk gyűjtésére és transzferálására van lehetőség lokális szinten, amely eddig más eszközökkel nem vagy csak nagyon költséges módon a mikro és kisvállalkozások számára nem elérhetó módon álltak rendelkezésre. (Hungarian)
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The creator of the VCELL system is the Central European Entrepreneurship Knowledge Centre Ltd., the aim of which is to strengthen the cooperation of enterprises in the Central European region, to generate joint projects and to facilitate the development of bi- and multilateral relations. Company owner, employees and partners have decades of experience in business development and incubation at both domestic and international level. The sustainability of the platform can be ensured through the support of the Pact actors and through turnover from users. From the other revenues of the SPA Ltd., it provides financial cover for the operation until VCELL becomes self-sufficient. With this development we want to create VCELL. (Virtual Central-European Livig Lab) Living Lab is an innovation ecosystem with the active involvement of members, based on a partnership between businesses, residents and government, and which allows members to actively contribute to the development and innovation process through: • early involvement of users in creative processes in order to take into account expected behaviour patterns as soon as possible; • bridging the gap between developing technologies and related underinformed business actors; • early assessment of social and economic impacts. Within the ecosystem, there are two platforms: start-up and dynamic. The start-up gives start-up information to start-ups and provides opportunities to assess local and local social impacts, and dynamic provides support to existing businesses by involving virtual coaches and ecosystem members. Incubation, in its traditional conception, provides infrastructure, certain services and, in good cases, some knowledge during a fragile period of business. We focus on the transmission of knowledge in virtual incubation. We do not focus our efforts on building our own knowledge base, but on ensuring that our partners and clients always have access to the most relevant knowledge content for them, in the most appropriate form and in the most economical way possible. As a kind of “knowledge broker” we provide access to “all existing” knowledge. Our added value is reflected in the organisation of knowledge processes, quality assurance and continuous improvement of the system. Embedding in an open innovation process ensures that knowledge is transferred to meet the needs and local responses are generated because of localisation. By using the Living Lab, it is possible to collect and transfer market information at the local level that has not been available to micro and small businesses by other means or in a very costly way. (English)
8 February 2022
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Tihany, Veszprém
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