Creating an Active Age Management Sample Program (Q3911287): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
The common problem of the countries of the European Union is the ageing of society. The share of the inactive pensioner population is growing at an accelerated pace, while the proportion of the active and working population is declining. In Hungary over the last two years the labour market is no longer an oversupply, but a significant demand for labour. The lack of labour force is increasingly becoming a barrier to economic development. The main objective of the project is to learn about international experiences and good practices in order to better address the social deficits and problems to be addressed, which also coincides with the interest of the planned international partners. Knowledge of policy and company experiences is intended to increase the chances of an ageing 50+ “Silver Age” generation on the labour market, both by learning about practices to preserve the working capacity of ageing workers and by facilitating their reintegration into the labour market. International networking and exchange of experience can facilitate the establishment of an Active Age Management Sample Program, which has been present in international practice since the beginning of the 2000s, by integrating the adaptation of good international practices and changing the attitude of the employer side. In the case of the 50+ generation, this means the development of a complex social catch-up model, which is a novel initiative for the target group. Target group of the project The target group focuses on the 50+ so-called “silver age” generations, in the underdeveloped regions of Hungary, characterised by high unemployment. In addition, the target group includes those workers who are still active in the labour market, but who are critical to maintaining their ability to work, who have an economic — social interest — and who cannot be deprived of the transfer of professional experience and knowledge accumulated during their careers. Those who have undertaken to acquire new skills in their 50+ years — i.e. "restarters"" are a specific layer that also needs support. Among those over the age of 50, there is a specific group of people with high schooling, who have not in any way been included in the problem of unemployment, many of whom are false entrepreneurs. With regard to the target group, we also consider it worthwhile to think proactively, i.e. to address the range of workers excluded from the labour market in the next 10 years in digitalisation and robotics. The consortium implementing the project and the international partners The application will be implemented in the form of a consortium in accordance with the requirements of the call. The RÉS Association performs the role of consortium leader for the development of the regional and local labour market. The consortium leader is supported by the National Human Management Association with relevant professional experience in the implementation of the application activities. The applicants have relevant expertise in the field of development and previous application experience, which foresees successful project implementation. The implementation of the professional activities of the tender largely builds on the knowledge base of foreign partners. The international partners of the tender are as follows: 1. HR CENTER — CROATIA 2. INSTITUTIO PRO EDUCATIONEM TRANSILVANIENSIS ASSOCIATION — ROMANIA 3. HR MANAGEMENT CLUB — ROMANIA 4. Europäische Vereinigung für Bildung, Kultur und Soziales (EUBIKUS) — GERMANY (English)
Property / summary: The common problem of the countries of the European Union is the ageing of society. The share of the inactive pensioner population is growing at an accelerated pace, while the proportion of the active and working population is declining. In Hungary over the last two years the labour market is no longer an oversupply, but a significant demand for labour. The lack of labour force is increasingly becoming a barrier to economic development. The main objective of the project is to learn about international experiences and good practices in order to better address the social deficits and problems to be addressed, which also coincides with the interest of the planned international partners. Knowledge of policy and company experiences is intended to increase the chances of an ageing 50+ “Silver Age” generation on the labour market, both by learning about practices to preserve the working capacity of ageing workers and by facilitating their reintegration into the labour market. International networking and exchange of experience can facilitate the establishment of an Active Age Management Sample Program, which has been present in international practice since the beginning of the 2000s, by integrating the adaptation of good international practices and changing the attitude of the employer side. In the case of the 50+ generation, this means the development of a complex social catch-up model, which is a novel initiative for the target group. Target group of the project The target group focuses on the 50+ so-called “silver age” generations, in the underdeveloped regions of Hungary, characterised by high unemployment. In addition, the target group includes those workers who are still active in the labour market, but who are critical to maintaining their ability to work, who have an economic — social interest — and who cannot be deprived of the transfer of professional experience and knowledge accumulated during their careers. Those who have undertaken to acquire new skills in their 50+ years — i.e. "restarters"" are a specific layer that also needs support. Among those over the age of 50, there is a specific group of people with high schooling, who have not in any way been included in the problem of unemployment, many of whom are false entrepreneurs. With regard to the target group, we also consider it worthwhile to think proactively, i.e. to address the range of workers excluded from the labour market in the next 10 years in digitalisation and robotics. The consortium implementing the project and the international partners The application will be implemented in the form of a consortium in accordance with the requirements of the call. The RÉS Association performs the role of consortium leader for the development of the regional and local labour market. The consortium leader is supported by the National Human Management Association with relevant professional experience in the implementation of the application activities. The applicants have relevant expertise in the field of development and previous application experience, which foresees successful project implementation. The implementation of the professional activities of the tender largely builds on the knowledge base of foreign partners. The international partners of the tender are as follows: 1. HR CENTER — CROATIA 2. INSTITUTIO PRO EDUCATIONEM TRANSILVANIENSIS ASSOCIATION — ROMANIA 3. HR MANAGEMENT CLUB — ROMANIA 4. Europäische Vereinigung für Bildung, Kultur und Soziales (EUBIKUS) — GERMANY (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The common problem of the countries of the European Union is the ageing of society. The share of the inactive pensioner population is growing at an accelerated pace, while the proportion of the active and working population is declining. In Hungary over the last two years the labour market is no longer an oversupply, but a significant demand for labour. The lack of labour force is increasingly becoming a barrier to economic development. The main objective of the project is to learn about international experiences and good practices in order to better address the social deficits and problems to be addressed, which also coincides with the interest of the planned international partners. Knowledge of policy and company experiences is intended to increase the chances of an ageing 50+ “Silver Age” generation on the labour market, both by learning about practices to preserve the working capacity of ageing workers and by facilitating their reintegration into the labour market. International networking and exchange of experience can facilitate the establishment of an Active Age Management Sample Program, which has been present in international practice since the beginning of the 2000s, by integrating the adaptation of good international practices and changing the attitude of the employer side. In the case of the 50+ generation, this means the development of a complex social catch-up model, which is a novel initiative for the target group. Target group of the project The target group focuses on the 50+ so-called “silver age” generations, in the underdeveloped regions of Hungary, characterised by high unemployment. In addition, the target group includes those workers who are still active in the labour market, but who are critical to maintaining their ability to work, who have an economic — social interest — and who cannot be deprived of the transfer of professional experience and knowledge accumulated during their careers. Those who have undertaken to acquire new skills in their 50+ years — i.e. "restarters"" are a specific layer that also needs support. Among those over the age of 50, there is a specific group of people with high schooling, who have not in any way been included in the problem of unemployment, many of whom are false entrepreneurs. With regard to the target group, we also consider it worthwhile to think proactively, i.e. to address the range of workers excluded from the labour market in the next 10 years in digitalisation and robotics. The consortium implementing the project and the international partners The application will be implemented in the form of a consortium in accordance with the requirements of the call. The RÉS Association performs the role of consortium leader for the development of the regional and local labour market. The consortium leader is supported by the National Human Management Association with relevant professional experience in the implementation of the application activities. The applicants have relevant expertise in the field of development and previous application experience, which foresees successful project implementation. The implementation of the professional activities of the tender largely builds on the knowledge base of foreign partners. The international partners of the tender are as follows: 1. HR CENTER — CROATIA 2. INSTITUTIO PRO EDUCATIONEM TRANSILVANIENSIS ASSOCIATION — ROMANIA 3. HR MANAGEMENT CLUB — ROMANIA 4. Europäische Vereinigung für Bildung, Kultur und Soziales (EUBIKUS) — GERMANY (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:49, 8 February 2022

Project Q3911287 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Creating an Active Age Management Sample Program
Project Q3911287 in Hungary


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    RÉS Egyesület a Regionális és Lokális MUnkaerőpiac Fejlesztéséért
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    47°31'53.04"N, 21°37'33.53"E
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    A pályázat célja Az Európai Unió országainak közös problémája a társadalom elöregedése. Az inaktív nyugdíjas társadalmi réteg aránya gyorsuló ütemben nő, ezzel szemben csökken az aktív és keresőképes lakosság aránya. Magyarországon az utóbbi két évben a munkaerőpiacon már nem túlkínálat, hanem jelentős munkaerő kereslet jelenik meg. A hiányzó munkaerő egyre inkább a gazdasági fejlődés gátjává válik. A projekt fő célkitűzése a nemzetközi tapasztalatok és jó gyakorlatok megismerése, a megoldandó társadalmi hiányok és problémák jobb kezelése érdekében, amely a tervezett nemzetközi partnerek érdekeltségével is egybeesik. A szakpolitikai, vállalati tapasztalatok megismerése az idősödő 50+ úgynevezett „Silver Age” generáció munkaerő-piaci esélyeinek növelését szolgálja, egyrészt az idősödő dolgozók munkaképességének megőrzésére szolgáló gyakorlatok megismerésével, másrészt munkaerőpiaci reintegrációjuk elősegítése révén. A nemzetközi hálózatépítés és tapasztalatcsere elősegítheti egy – a nemzetközi gyakorlatban már a 2000-res évek elejétől jelenlévő – Aktív Kormenedzsment Mintaprogram létrehozását a jó nemzetközi gyakorlatok adaptálásának beépítésével, a munkáltatói oldal szemléletváltását. Az 50 + generáció esetében ez egy komplex esélyteremtő társadalmi felzárkózási modell kialakítását jelenti, amely a célcsoportot tekintve újszerű kezdeményezést jelent. A pályázat célcsoportja A célcsoport az 50+ úgynevezett "silver age" generációra fókuszál, hazánk elmaradottabb - magas munkanélküliséggel jellemezhető – régióiban. Ezen kívül a célcsoporthoz tartoznak azok munkaerőpiacon még aktív, de munkaképességük megőrzése szempontjából kritikus munkavállalók is , akik munkaerőpiacon tartása gazdasági - társadalmi érdek, valamint nem nélkülözhető az életpályájuk során felgyűlt szakmai tapasztalat és tudás átadásuk sem. Az 50+ éveikben új szaktudás megszerzését vállalók - u.n. "újrakezdők" csoportja" egy specifikus, szintén támogatást igénylő réteg. Az 50 év felettiek között sajátos csoport a magas iskolai végzettséggel rendelkezők, akik semmilyen módon nem kerültek a látókörbe a munkanélküliség problematikája kapcsán, közülük sokan kényszervállalkozók. A célcsoport tekintetében érdemesnek tartjuk a proaktív gondolkodást is, azaz a digitalizáció és a robottechnika során az elkövetkező 10 évben munkaerőpiacról kiszoruló munkavállalók körének kezelésére is érdemes figyelmet fordítani. A projektet megvalósító konzorcium és a nemzetközi partnerek A pályázat - a felhívás előírásaival összhangban - konzorciumi formában valósul meg. A konzorciumvezetői szerepet a RÉS Egyesület a Regionális és Lokális Munkaerőpiac Fejlesztéséért látja el. A konzorciumvezetőt a pályázati tevékenységek megvalósításában az Országos Humánmenedzsment Egyesület támogatja releváns szakmai tapasztalatával. A pályázati szereplők a fejlesztés témájához kapcsolódó releváns szakértelemmel, megelőző pályázati tapasztalattal rendelkeznek, ami sikeres projektvégrehajtást prognosztizál. A pályázat szakmai tevékenységeinek a megvalósítása nagyban épít a külföldi partnerek tudásbázisára. A pályázat nemzetközi partnerei az alábbiak: 1. HR CENTER - HORVÁTORSZÁG 2. INSTITUTIO PRO EDUCATIONEM TRANSILVANIENSIS EGYESÜLET - ROMÁNIA 3. HR MANAGEMENT CLUB - ROMÁNIA 4. Europäische Vereinigung für Bildung, Kultur und Soziales (EUBIKUS) - NÉMETORSZÁG (Hungarian)
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    The common problem of the countries of the European Union is the ageing of society. The share of the inactive pensioner population is growing at an accelerated pace, while the proportion of the active and working population is declining. In Hungary over the last two years the labour market is no longer an oversupply, but a significant demand for labour. The lack of labour force is increasingly becoming a barrier to economic development. The main objective of the project is to learn about international experiences and good practices in order to better address the social deficits and problems to be addressed, which also coincides with the interest of the planned international partners. Knowledge of policy and company experiences is intended to increase the chances of an ageing 50+ “Silver Age” generation on the labour market, both by learning about practices to preserve the working capacity of ageing workers and by facilitating their reintegration into the labour market. International networking and exchange of experience can facilitate the establishment of an Active Age Management Sample Program, which has been present in international practice since the beginning of the 2000s, by integrating the adaptation of good international practices and changing the attitude of the employer side. In the case of the 50+ generation, this means the development of a complex social catch-up model, which is a novel initiative for the target group. Target group of the project The target group focuses on the 50+ so-called “silver age” generations, in the underdeveloped regions of Hungary, characterised by high unemployment. In addition, the target group includes those workers who are still active in the labour market, but who are critical to maintaining their ability to work, who have an economic — social interest — and who cannot be deprived of the transfer of professional experience and knowledge accumulated during their careers. Those who have undertaken to acquire new skills in their 50+ years — i.e. "restarters"" are a specific layer that also needs support. Among those over the age of 50, there is a specific group of people with high schooling, who have not in any way been included in the problem of unemployment, many of whom are false entrepreneurs. With regard to the target group, we also consider it worthwhile to think proactively, i.e. to address the range of workers excluded from the labour market in the next 10 years in digitalisation and robotics. The consortium implementing the project and the international partners The application will be implemented in the form of a consortium in accordance with the requirements of the call. The RÉS Association performs the role of consortium leader for the development of the regional and local labour market. The consortium leader is supported by the National Human Management Association with relevant professional experience in the implementation of the application activities. The applicants have relevant expertise in the field of development and previous application experience, which foresees successful project implementation. The implementation of the professional activities of the tender largely builds on the knowledge base of foreign partners. The international partners of the tender are as follows: 1. HR CENTER — CROATIA 2. INSTITUTIO PRO EDUCATIONEM TRANSILVANIENSIS ASSOCIATION — ROMANIA 3. HR MANAGEMENT CLUB — ROMANIA 4. Europäische Vereinigung für Bildung, Kultur und Soziales (EUBIKUS) — GERMANY (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar
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