Development of gender equality strategies in international cooperation in Tata (Q3904128): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
At the 1993 World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna, it was stated that “Women’s rights are human rights.” Our social development programme, in international cooperation, covers 3 critical areas of the programme of action adopted at the 24-year conference: 1. unequal access to education-training, (2) unequal access to health care, (3) unequal access to economic goods and productive activities, Based on the case study of the impact analysis of the ÁROP programmes, we emphasise some territorially independent (synergistic) elements for female target groups: •?Job, labour market counselling, •?Complex assistance programmes for women, •?Enhancing advice on the expected requirements of future childbirth among parents and potential parents in difficult economic and social situations. •?Strengthening awareness of victim protection in order to reduce the chances of victimisation, •?Enlargement of programmes providing complex assistance to economically vulnerable women General and special objectives With the involvement of four international (2 Serbian and 2 Slovak) partners, exploit the potential of working together to reduce gender equality through the development and dissemination of collaborative social innovations (good practices): — The aim of our project is to learn about domestic and international experiences and good practices in the field of gender equality, individual and community improvement of quality of life during 6 workshops per year and 4 study visits per year — Elaboration of recommendations in the professional recommendation with a minimum of 120 000 characters, suitable for regional and sectoral dissemination. — Raise awareness of civil and professional protocols designed to reduce gender equality, and better address problems by managing synergies between international/cross-border/cooperation. — International cooperation facilitates the exchange and dissemination of professionals and knowledge, the joint programmes/results strengthen professional identity and the narrower-wider (European) belonging to the two countries (Hungary-Slovakia) with research on a target group of 100-100 people, formulating comparative research in the final report of 1 research of at least 120,000 characters. — Develop active professional/political cooperation along the northern and southern borders of Hungary in order to reduce gender equality. — Activities help to promote equal treatment both across borders and through training sessions, one-day and 30 hours, which also contribute to reducing educational/employment inequalities. — The programmes support the rooting of family-friendly local communities in social catch-up. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: At the 1993 World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna, it was stated that “Women’s rights are human rights.” Our social development programme, in international cooperation, covers 3 critical areas of the programme of action adopted at the 24-year conference: 1. unequal access to education-training, (2) unequal access to health care, (3) unequal access to economic goods and productive activities, Based on the case study of the impact analysis of the ÁROP programmes, we emphasise some territorially independent (synergistic) elements for female target groups: •?Job, labour market counselling, •?Complex assistance programmes for women, •?Enhancing advice on the expected requirements of future childbirth among parents and potential parents in difficult economic and social situations. •?Strengthening awareness of victim protection in order to reduce the chances of victimisation, •?Enlargement of programmes providing complex assistance to economically vulnerable women General and special objectives With the involvement of four international (2 Serbian and 2 Slovak) partners, exploit the potential of working together to reduce gender equality through the development and dissemination of collaborative social innovations (good practices): — The aim of our project is to learn about domestic and international experiences and good practices in the field of gender equality, individual and community improvement of quality of life during 6 workshops per year and 4 study visits per year — Elaboration of recommendations in the professional recommendation with a minimum of 120 000 characters, suitable for regional and sectoral dissemination. — Raise awareness of civil and professional protocols designed to reduce gender equality, and better address problems by managing synergies between international/cross-border/cooperation. — International cooperation facilitates the exchange and dissemination of professionals and knowledge, the joint programmes/results strengthen professional identity and the narrower-wider (European) belonging to the two countries (Hungary-Slovakia) with research on a target group of 100-100 people, formulating comparative research in the final report of 1 research of at least 120,000 characters. — Develop active professional/political cooperation along the northern and southern borders of Hungary in order to reduce gender equality. — Activities help to promote equal treatment both across borders and through training sessions, one-day and 30 hours, which also contribute to reducing educational/employment inequalities. — The programmes support the rooting of family-friendly local communities in social catch-up. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: At the 1993 World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna, it was stated that “Women’s rights are human rights.” Our social development programme, in international cooperation, covers 3 critical areas of the programme of action adopted at the 24-year conference: 1. unequal access to education-training, (2) unequal access to health care, (3) unequal access to economic goods and productive activities, Based on the case study of the impact analysis of the ÁROP programmes, we emphasise some territorially independent (synergistic) elements for female target groups: •?Job, labour market counselling, •?Complex assistance programmes for women, •?Enhancing advice on the expected requirements of future childbirth among parents and potential parents in difficult economic and social situations. •?Strengthening awareness of victim protection in order to reduce the chances of victimisation, •?Enlargement of programmes providing complex assistance to economically vulnerable women General and special objectives With the involvement of four international (2 Serbian and 2 Slovak) partners, exploit the potential of working together to reduce gender equality through the development and dissemination of collaborative social innovations (good practices): — The aim of our project is to learn about domestic and international experiences and good practices in the field of gender equality, individual and community improvement of quality of life during 6 workshops per year and 4 study visits per year — Elaboration of recommendations in the professional recommendation with a minimum of 120 000 characters, suitable for regional and sectoral dissemination. — Raise awareness of civil and professional protocols designed to reduce gender equality, and better address problems by managing synergies between international/cross-border/cooperation. — International cooperation facilitates the exchange and dissemination of professionals and knowledge, the joint programmes/results strengthen professional identity and the narrower-wider (European) belonging to the two countries (Hungary-Slovakia) with research on a target group of 100-100 people, formulating comparative research in the final report of 1 research of at least 120,000 characters. — Develop active professional/political cooperation along the northern and southern borders of Hungary in order to reduce gender equality. — Activities help to promote equal treatment both across borders and through training sessions, one-day and 30 hours, which also contribute to reducing educational/employment inequalities. — The programmes support the rooting of family-friendly local communities in social catch-up. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 13:48, 8 February 2022
Project Q3904128 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Development of gender equality strategies in international cooperation in Tata |
Project Q3904128 in Hungary |
50,000,000 forint
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143,875.032 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
14 December 2021
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52,631,578.947 forint
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94.999998 percent
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1 February 2018
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31 January 2020
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Magyary Zoltán Népfőiskolai Társaság
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Az 1993-as bécsi Emberi Jogi Világkonferencián rögzítették azt, hogy „a nők jogai emberi jogok.” Nemzetközi együttműködésben megvalósuló, szociális fejlesztési programunk a 24 éve megrendezett konferencián elfogadott cselekvési program 3 kritikus területére terjed ki: 1. egyenlőtlen hozzáférés az oktatáshoz-képzéshez, 2. egyenlőtlen hozzáférés az egészségügyi ellátáshoz, 3. egyenlőtlen hozzáférés a gazdasági javakhoz és a produktív tevékenységekhez, Az ÁROP programok hatás-elemzésének esettanulmánya alapján programunkban néhány területileg független adaptálható (szinergikus) elemet hangsúlyozunk a női célcsoportok számára: •?Foglalkoztatási, munkaerő-piaci tanácsadás, •?Nők számára szervezett komplex segítő programok, •?A jövőbeni gyermekvállalás várható követelményeivel kapcsolatos tanácsadás, felvilágosítás erősítése a nehéz gazdasági, társadalmi helyzetben lévő szülők és potenciális szülők körében. •?Áldozatvédelemmel kapcsolatos felvilágosító tevékenység erősítése az áldozattá válás esélyeinek csökkentése érdekében, •?Gazdaságilag kiszolgáltatott nők számára komplex segítségnyújtást biztosító programok bővítése Általános és speciális célok A négy nemzetközi ( 2 db szerb és 2 szlovák) együttműködő partner bevonásával a közös munkában rejlő lehetőségek kiaknázása a nemek közötti esélyegyenlőség csökkenése érdekében az együttműködő szociális innovációk (jó gyakorlatok) fejlesztése, disszeminációja révén: - A projektünk célja hazai és nemzetközi tapasztalatok és jó gyakorlatok megismerése a neme közötti esélyegyenlőség témaköréhez kapcsolódó, egyéni és közösségi életminőség-javító fejlesztések terén az évi 6 műhelymunka és az évi 4 db tanulmányút során - Ajánlások kidolgozása az 1 db minimum 120 000 karaktert tartalmazó szakmai ajánlásban, mely a területi-ágazati disszeminációra alkalmas. - A nemek közötti esélyegyenlőség csökkentésére kialakított civil és professzionális protokollok megismertetése, a problémák hatékonyabb kezelése a nemzetközi /határokon átnyúló/ együttműködések szinergiáinak menedzselése. - A nemzetközi együttműködések segítik a szakemberek és a tudás cseréjét, disszeminációját, a közös programok / eredmények erősítik a szakmai identitást és a szűkebb-tágabb térségi (európai) összetartozást a két országban (Magyarország-Szlovákia) 100-100 fős célcsoporton történő kutatással, megfogalmazva az összehasonlító kutatást, az 1 db, legalább 120.000 karakteres kutatási zárójelentésben. - Aktív szakmai/szakpolitikai együttműködés kialakítása hazánk északi és déli határai mentén a nemek közötti esélyegyenlőség csökkentése érdekében. - A tevékenységek határokon innen és határokon túl is segítik az egyenlő bánásmód érvényesülését érzékenyítő tréningekkel és egynapos, illetve 30 órás felkészítésekkel, melyek hozzájárulnak az oktatási/foglalkoztatási egyenlőtlenségek mérsékléséhez is. - A programok támogatják a családbarát lokális közösségek meggyökeresedését a társadalmi felzárkózás terén. (Hungarian)
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At the 1993 World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna, it was stated that “Women’s rights are human rights.” Our social development programme, in international cooperation, covers 3 critical areas of the programme of action adopted at the 24-year conference: 1. unequal access to education-training, (2) unequal access to health care, (3) unequal access to economic goods and productive activities, Based on the case study of the impact analysis of the ÁROP programmes, we emphasise some territorially independent (synergistic) elements for female target groups: •?Job, labour market counselling, •?Complex assistance programmes for women, •?Enhancing advice on the expected requirements of future childbirth among parents and potential parents in difficult economic and social situations. •?Strengthening awareness of victim protection in order to reduce the chances of victimisation, •?Enlargement of programmes providing complex assistance to economically vulnerable women General and special objectives With the involvement of four international (2 Serbian and 2 Slovak) partners, exploit the potential of working together to reduce gender equality through the development and dissemination of collaborative social innovations (good practices): — The aim of our project is to learn about domestic and international experiences and good practices in the field of gender equality, individual and community improvement of quality of life during 6 workshops per year and 4 study visits per year — Elaboration of recommendations in the professional recommendation with a minimum of 120 000 characters, suitable for regional and sectoral dissemination. — Raise awareness of civil and professional protocols designed to reduce gender equality, and better address problems by managing synergies between international/cross-border/cooperation. — International cooperation facilitates the exchange and dissemination of professionals and knowledge, the joint programmes/results strengthen professional identity and the narrower-wider (European) belonging to the two countries (Hungary-Slovakia) with research on a target group of 100-100 people, formulating comparative research in the final report of 1 research of at least 120,000 characters. — Develop active professional/political cooperation along the northern and southern borders of Hungary in order to reduce gender equality. — Activities help to promote equal treatment both across borders and through training sessions, one-day and 30 hours, which also contribute to reducing educational/employment inequalities. — The programmes support the rooting of family-friendly local communities in social catch-up. (English)
8 February 2022
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Tata, Komárom-Esztergom
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