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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Overall, the population of the region is characterised by an ageing population, due both to the large emigration and to the fact that births are decreasing year after year. Young people who leave villages to university and college do not move back after completing their studies. This is not only a problem in terms of the decline in the number of inhabitants, but also concerns the migration of intellectual capital and the maintenance and maintenance of local traditions. We want to stop this process, slow down, with this project. We have a long-lived twinning relationship with the 4 cooperating partners, the outstanding element of which is community development based on traditional activities. Direction of intervention: Networking of cultural civil society organisations and institutions in order to safeguard and nurture multicultural diversity, to broaden the content of the cooperation and to strengthen exchanges of experience. Strengthening local identity, promoting and preserving traditional occupations, natural and built cultural historical values, expanding the range of artisanal circles, local knowledge and traditional groups. The specific research theme: Community development in the light of tradition. Networking of community development organisations, strengthening exchanges of experience. Bringing together young people, strengthening their identity and preserving traditions. Local events: Our traditional program organised from two years to year is the Leepény Festival and the Saint-Mihaly-day Palóc party. These events are always attended by delegations, traditional groups and civil society organisations of sister settlements. Workshops: We planned 6 workshops a year, 18 times in total. The workshops deal partly with the research methodology and partly sum up experience experiences and draw conclusions from what is seen in accordance with the project objectives. During the workshops, the professional developers will get acquainted with the above research methods in detail, and on this basis they will develop a questionnaire that is appropriate for the purpose of the project. After the questionnaire, they are summed up, processed and then disseminated. After joint reflection, discussion and experiential summation, the Methodological Summary is prepared and recommendations are developed. Questionnaires: The questionnaires are created as a product of workshops, with the help of the experts of the cooperating partner. Study trips: 4 study trips a year, 12 times in total. As the location of the study trips, we chose cities, villages and parts of the country, where I already have great success in the areas of community development, hospitality, tourism and identity development based on traditional preservation. One-two and four-day trips were planned according to the specificities of the area to be visited. Training: Intergenerational communication training. In 30 hours, 20 people (young people aged 15-25) took part. The aim of the training programme is to familiarise participants with the information and methods they will be able to use the communication toolkit to suit the situation with people of different generations. Trainings: With our project-informatics training, we prepare the professional implementers to acquire the knowledge and practice suitable for the implementation of the EU project. (project documentation, project IT, competence development.) Dissemination training: The experiences are shared among Hungarian professionals within the framework of training and competence development. Presentation of the experience of the future workshop method as part of training. Experience-experienced round of conversations. Our objectives are: — strengthening and expanding the cross-border relationship — processing theme of family farming in the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy — transfer of good examples, gain experience, develop innovative solutions — deepen intergenerational relationships — increase the activity of older people and young people, start community formation We use the following research methods: The widening circle of actors — getting acquainted with the method The art of the correct choice of methods “Future Workshop” Dialogue circle Opportunities embedded in Traditional preservation programs — experiential learning program. We prepare a final research report on the experiences of the project, the results of the surveys, the process and results of the implementation of the programmes. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Overall, the population of the region is characterised by an ageing population, due both to the large emigration and to the fact that births are decreasing year after year. Young people who leave villages to university and college do not move back after completing their studies. This is not only a problem in terms of the decline in the number of inhabitants, but also concerns the migration of intellectual capital and the maintenance and maintenance of local traditions. We want to stop this process, slow down, with this project. We have a long-lived twinning relationship with the 4 cooperating partners, the outstanding element of which is community development based on traditional activities. Direction of intervention: Networking of cultural civil society organisations and institutions in order to safeguard and nurture multicultural diversity, to broaden the content of the cooperation and to strengthen exchanges of experience. Strengthening local identity, promoting and preserving traditional occupations, natural and built cultural historical values, expanding the range of artisanal circles, local knowledge and traditional groups. The specific research theme: Community development in the light of tradition. Networking of community development organisations, strengthening exchanges of experience. Bringing together young people, strengthening their identity and preserving traditions. Local events: Our traditional program organised from two years to year is the Leepény Festival and the Saint-Mihaly-day Palóc party. These events are always attended by delegations, traditional groups and civil society organisations of sister settlements. Workshops: We planned 6 workshops a year, 18 times in total. The workshops deal partly with the research methodology and partly sum up experience experiences and draw conclusions from what is seen in accordance with the project objectives. During the workshops, the professional developers will get acquainted with the above research methods in detail, and on this basis they will develop a questionnaire that is appropriate for the purpose of the project. After the questionnaire, they are summed up, processed and then disseminated. After joint reflection, discussion and experiential summation, the Methodological Summary is prepared and recommendations are developed. Questionnaires: The questionnaires are created as a product of workshops, with the help of the experts of the cooperating partner. Study trips: 4 study trips a year, 12 times in total. As the location of the study trips, we chose cities, villages and parts of the country, where I already have great success in the areas of community development, hospitality, tourism and identity development based on traditional preservation. One-two and four-day trips were planned according to the specificities of the area to be visited. Training: Intergenerational communication training. In 30 hours, 20 people (young people aged 15-25) took part. The aim of the training programme is to familiarise participants with the information and methods they will be able to use the communication toolkit to suit the situation with people of different generations. Trainings: With our project-informatics training, we prepare the professional implementers to acquire the knowledge and practice suitable for the implementation of the EU project. (project documentation, project IT, competence development.) Dissemination training: The experiences are shared among Hungarian professionals within the framework of training and competence development. Presentation of the experience of the future workshop method as part of training. Experience-experienced round of conversations. Our objectives are: — strengthening and expanding the cross-border relationship — processing theme of family farming in the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy — transfer of good examples, gain experience, develop innovative solutions — deepen intergenerational relationships — increase the activity of older people and young people, start community formation We use the following research methods: The widening circle of actors — getting acquainted with the method The art of the correct choice of methods “Future Workshop” Dialogue circle Opportunities embedded in Traditional preservation programs — experiential learning program. We prepare a final research report on the experiences of the project, the results of the surveys, the process and results of the implementation of the programmes. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Overall, the population of the region is characterised by an ageing population, due both to the large emigration and to the fact that births are decreasing year after year. Young people who leave villages to university and college do not move back after completing their studies. This is not only a problem in terms of the decline in the number of inhabitants, but also concerns the migration of intellectual capital and the maintenance and maintenance of local traditions. We want to stop this process, slow down, with this project. We have a long-lived twinning relationship with the 4 cooperating partners, the outstanding element of which is community development based on traditional activities. Direction of intervention: Networking of cultural civil society organisations and institutions in order to safeguard and nurture multicultural diversity, to broaden the content of the cooperation and to strengthen exchanges of experience. Strengthening local identity, promoting and preserving traditional occupations, natural and built cultural historical values, expanding the range of artisanal circles, local knowledge and traditional groups. The specific research theme: Community development in the light of tradition. Networking of community development organisations, strengthening exchanges of experience. Bringing together young people, strengthening their identity and preserving traditions. Local events: Our traditional program organised from two years to year is the Leepény Festival and the Saint-Mihaly-day Palóc party. These events are always attended by delegations, traditional groups and civil society organisations of sister settlements. Workshops: We planned 6 workshops a year, 18 times in total. The workshops deal partly with the research methodology and partly sum up experience experiences and draw conclusions from what is seen in accordance with the project objectives. During the workshops, the professional developers will get acquainted with the above research methods in detail, and on this basis they will develop a questionnaire that is appropriate for the purpose of the project. After the questionnaire, they are summed up, processed and then disseminated. After joint reflection, discussion and experiential summation, the Methodological Summary is prepared and recommendations are developed. Questionnaires: The questionnaires are created as a product of workshops, with the help of the experts of the cooperating partner. Study trips: 4 study trips a year, 12 times in total. As the location of the study trips, we chose cities, villages and parts of the country, where I already have great success in the areas of community development, hospitality, tourism and identity development based on traditional preservation. One-two and four-day trips were planned according to the specificities of the area to be visited. Training: Intergenerational communication training. In 30 hours, 20 people (young people aged 15-25) took part. The aim of the training programme is to familiarise participants with the information and methods they will be able to use the communication toolkit to suit the situation with people of different generations. Trainings: With our project-informatics training, we prepare the professional implementers to acquire the knowledge and practice suitable for the implementation of the EU project. (project documentation, project IT, competence development.) Dissemination training: The experiences are shared among Hungarian professionals within the framework of training and competence development. Presentation of the experience of the future workshop method as part of training. Experience-experienced round of conversations. Our objectives are: — strengthening and expanding the cross-border relationship — processing theme of family farming in the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy — transfer of good examples, gain experience, develop innovative solutions — deepen intergenerational relationships — increase the activity of older people and young people, start community formation We use the following research methods: The widening circle of actors — getting acquainted with the method The art of the correct choice of methods “Future Workshop” Dialogue circle Opportunities embedded in Traditional preservation programs — experiential learning program. We prepare a final research report on the experiences of the project, the results of the surveys, the process and results of the implementation of the programmes. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 13:48, 8 February 2022
Project Q3904107 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
Project Q3904107 in Hungary |
50,000,000 forint
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143,875.032 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
14 December 2021
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52,631,578.947 forint
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94.999994 percent
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1 November 2017
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29 July 2021
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Varsányi Faluszépítő, Hagyományőrző és Kulturális Egyesület
0 references
A térség népességéről összességében elmondható, hogy elöregedés jellemzi, mely egyrészről köszönhető a jelentős mértékű elvándorlásnak, másrészről pedig annak a ténynek, hogy a születések száma évről-évre csökken. A falvakból egyetemre, főiskolára elkerülő fiatalok nem költöznek vissza tanulmányaik elvégzése után. Ez nem pusztán a lakónépesség számának csökkenését tekintve okoz problémát, hanem egyben a szellemi tőke elvándorlását is jelenti, valamint a helyi hagyományok ápolásának, életben tartásának kérdését is érinti. Ezt a folyamatot szeretnénk megállítani, lassítani, ezzel a projekttel. A 4 együttműködő partnerrel hosszú ideje élő testvértelepülési kapcsolatunk van, amelynek kiemelkedő eleme a hagyományőrző tevékenységen alapuló közösségfejlesztés. A beavatkozási irány: Kulturális civil szervezetek és intézmények hálózati együttműködése a multikulturális sokszínűség megóvása és ápolása, az együttműködések tartalmának kibővítése, tapasztalatcserék erősítése érdekében. A helyi identitás erősítése, a hagyományos foglalkozások, a természeti és épített kultúrtörténeti értékek megismertetése és megőrzése, kézműves szakkör, helyismereti szakkör, hagyományőrző csoportok működési körének bővítése. A konkrét kutatási téma: Közösségfejlesztés a hagyományok tükrében. Közösségfejlesztő szervezetek hálózati együttműködése, tapasztalatcserék erősítése. A fiatalok összefogása, az identitás erősítése, hagyományőrzés jegyében. Helyi rendezvények: Két évről évre megrendezett hagyományőrző programunk a Lepényfesztivál és a Szent-Mihály-napi Palóc Búcsú. Ezeken a rendezvényeken mindig részt vesznek a testvértelepülések delegációi, hagyományőrző csoportjai, civil szervezetei. Műhelymunkák: Évi 6 műhelymunkát terveztünk, összesen 18 alkalommal. A műhelymunkák részben a kutatási módszertannal foglalkoznak, részben pedig a tapasztalati élményeket összegzése, levonják a látottakból a projektcéloknak megfelelő konklúziókat. A műhelymunkák során a szakmai megvalósítók részleteiben megismerkednek a fenti kutatási módszerekkel, s ezek alapján kidolgozzák a projekt céljának megfelelő kérdőívet. A kérdőívezés után összegzik azokat, feldolgozzák, majd elkészítik a disszeminációt. Közös gondolkodás, eszmecsere és tapasztalati összegzés után elkészítik a Módszertani összegzést és kidolgozzák az ajánlásokat. Kérdőívek: A kérdőívek a műhelymunkák termékeként jönnek létre az együttműködő partner szakértőinek közreműködésével. Tanulmányi utak: Évi 4 tanulmányi út, összesen 12 alkalommal. A tanulmányi utak helyszíneként olyan városokat, falvakat, országrészeket választottunk, ahol már szép sikereket étek el a hagyományőrzésen alapuló közösségfejlesztés, vendéglátás, idegenforgalom és az identitásfejlesztés területén. Egy-kettő és négynapos utakat terveztünk a meglátogatandó terület sajátosságainak megfelelően. Képzés: Generációk közötti kommunikáció képzés. 30 órában 20 fő (15-25 év közötti fiatalok) részvételével. A képzési program célja, hogy megismertesse a résztvevőkkel azokkal az információkat, módszereket, amelyek birtokában képesek lesznek a különböző generációkhoz tartozó emberekkel a helyzethez igazodva használni a kommunikációs eszköztárat. Tréningek: Projekt-informatika tréningünkkel készítjük fel a szakmai megvalósítókat az uniós projekt megvalósítására alkalmas ismeretek és gyakorlat megszerzésre céljából. (projektdokumentáció, projekt-informatika, kompetenciafejlesztés.) Disszeminációs tréning: A tapasztalatok megosztás a hazai szakemberek körében, tréning, kompetenciafejlesztés keretén belül. Jövő-Műhely módszer tapasztalatinak bemutatása tréning keretében. Beszélgető kör tapasztalati kipróbálása. Célkitűzéseink: - a határon átnyúló kapcsolat erősítése, bővítése - a családi gazdálkodás az Európa2020 stratégia megvalósításában téma feldolgozása - jó példák átadása, tapasztalatszerzés, innovatív megoldások kialakítása - generációk közötti kapcsolatok elmélyítése - az idősebbek és a fiatalság aktivitásának fokozása, közösségformálás elindítása Az alábbi kutatási módszereket alkalmazzuk: A cselekvők táguló köre- ismerkedés a módszerrel A módszerek helyes megválasztásának művészete "Jövőműhely" Párbeszéd kör Hagyományőrző programokba ágyazott lehetőség- tapasztalati tanulási program. Kutatási zárójelentést készítünk a projekt tapasztalatairól, a felmérések eredményeiről, a programok megvalósításának folyamatáról, eredményeiről. (Hungarian)
0 references
Overall, the population of the region is characterised by an ageing population, due both to the large emigration and to the fact that births are decreasing year after year. Young people who leave villages to university and college do not move back after completing their studies. This is not only a problem in terms of the decline in the number of inhabitants, but also concerns the migration of intellectual capital and the maintenance and maintenance of local traditions. We want to stop this process, slow down, with this project. We have a long-lived twinning relationship with the 4 cooperating partners, the outstanding element of which is community development based on traditional activities. Direction of intervention: Networking of cultural civil society organisations and institutions in order to safeguard and nurture multicultural diversity, to broaden the content of the cooperation and to strengthen exchanges of experience. Strengthening local identity, promoting and preserving traditional occupations, natural and built cultural historical values, expanding the range of artisanal circles, local knowledge and traditional groups. The specific research theme: Community development in the light of tradition. Networking of community development organisations, strengthening exchanges of experience. Bringing together young people, strengthening their identity and preserving traditions. Local events: Our traditional program organised from two years to year is the Leepény Festival and the Saint-Mihaly-day Palóc party. These events are always attended by delegations, traditional groups and civil society organisations of sister settlements. Workshops: We planned 6 workshops a year, 18 times in total. The workshops deal partly with the research methodology and partly sum up experience experiences and draw conclusions from what is seen in accordance with the project objectives. During the workshops, the professional developers will get acquainted with the above research methods in detail, and on this basis they will develop a questionnaire that is appropriate for the purpose of the project. After the questionnaire, they are summed up, processed and then disseminated. After joint reflection, discussion and experiential summation, the Methodological Summary is prepared and recommendations are developed. Questionnaires: The questionnaires are created as a product of workshops, with the help of the experts of the cooperating partner. Study trips: 4 study trips a year, 12 times in total. As the location of the study trips, we chose cities, villages and parts of the country, where I already have great success in the areas of community development, hospitality, tourism and identity development based on traditional preservation. One-two and four-day trips were planned according to the specificities of the area to be visited. Training: Intergenerational communication training. In 30 hours, 20 people (young people aged 15-25) took part. The aim of the training programme is to familiarise participants with the information and methods they will be able to use the communication toolkit to suit the situation with people of different generations. Trainings: With our project-informatics training, we prepare the professional implementers to acquire the knowledge and practice suitable for the implementation of the EU project. (project documentation, project IT, competence development.) Dissemination training: The experiences are shared among Hungarian professionals within the framework of training and competence development. Presentation of the experience of the future workshop method as part of training. Experience-experienced round of conversations. Our objectives are: — strengthening and expanding the cross-border relationship — processing theme of family farming in the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy — transfer of good examples, gain experience, develop innovative solutions — deepen intergenerational relationships — increase the activity of older people and young people, start community formation We use the following research methods: The widening circle of actors — getting acquainted with the method The art of the correct choice of methods “Future Workshop” Dialogue circle Opportunities embedded in Traditional preservation programs — experiential learning program. We prepare a final research report on the experiences of the project, the results of the surveys, the process and results of the implementation of the programmes. (English)
8 February 2022
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Varsány, Nógrád
0 references
0 references