For a hygienic and barrier-free environment in Bárczi. (Q3903336): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: add summary)
(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The institution, the Nyíregyháza Bárczi Gusztáv Primary School, Skills Development School, College and ONE is located in the downtown of Nyíregyháza, which was built in 1949 as an independent support school. He/she provides full-time education for pupils or autistic children who are prevented from primary and intellectual education up to 1 to 8 years. Intellectually obstructed and autistic pupils can continue their studies in a full-time Skills School after leaving primary school until 9-12. The aim of the complex development to be carried out by us is to realise the maximum potential of a child with special educational needs in a developing environment according to the state of health and individual abilities of the child, with professional individual treatment. This also brings about the development of their physical — mental health. The main goal is to help students to socialise, to develop their balanced and healthy development, to learn, to prepare them for a successful career, to develop and develop their personality. He/she educates students to develop and develop a healthy and cultural lifestyle, taking into account individual specificities. Our school’s current classrooms are in poor condition, typically with parquet coverings, where the varnish has worn off over time, so the wood layer is severely damaged from use. The condition of the toilets is underestimated. Unobstructed transport is not ensured in the building performing educational and educational functions, so that the principles of joint and several planning and the efforts of the town’s equal opportunities programme to implement the principles of universal planning in the public institutions of the municipality are not respected in the current phase of the building, so that access to the services provided requires equal opportunities for the elderly, children and those with physical and mental disabilities. To this end, the accessibility of the building is absolutely necessary. Due to the special nature of the institution, we strive to follow the ideology of planning for everyone in addition to joint and several planning. During the implementation of the project, we will renovate the water blocks of buildings A and B, in which all coverings, wet fixtures and their fittings, plumbing, drainage and drop pipes are replaced. Both the wall covering and the floor covering are refurbished, and the interior doors of the sanitary block are also replaced. We replace the floor coverings of 6 gym floors with high wear resistance PVC, and the rear entrance door of the building is accessible according to the applicable standards. The total renewal of the sanitary facilities in buildings A and B includes the following items: Complete refurbishment of the first-floor, first-floor and second-floor sanitary facilities of Épulet A (boy + girl + full refurbishment of teacher’s sanitary facilities: replacement of sewage and plumbing, construction of domestic hot water, replacement of complete enclosures, replacement of water block doors, installation of new toilets, wash basins, wall roads) Total 3 pcs. Complete sanitary block; Complete refurbishment of the basement, ground floor and 2 1st floor sanitary facilities of building B (boy + girl + full refurbishment of teacher’s sanitary facilities: replacement of sewage and plumbing, construction of domestic hot water, replacement of complete enclosures, replacement of water block doors, installation of new toilets, wash basins, wall roads) Total 4 pcs. Complete sanitary block; Refurbishment of 6 classrooms. Since the start of the renovation works is planned for the summer school break, their completion will not affect the educational activity. Access to the institution will also be granted to the contractors selected to perform the work during the holiday period, so that the works can be completed by the beginning of the schooling period. Infrastructural development contributes to reducing geographical and economic disparities, catching up in the region and strengthening the local economy, thus ensuring the liveability and survival of the settlement. The functions and services following the implementation of the development are organised in such a way that they can be used for as many people as possible, regardless of age, gender, abilities or state of life, thus making the local society and its departments performing community functions as “user-friendly” as possible. (English)
Property / summary: The institution, the Nyíregyháza Bárczi Gusztáv Primary School, Skills Development School, College and ONE is located in the downtown of Nyíregyháza, which was built in 1949 as an independent support school. He/she provides full-time education for pupils or autistic children who are prevented from primary and intellectual education up to 1 to 8 years. Intellectually obstructed and autistic pupils can continue their studies in a full-time Skills School after leaving primary school until 9-12. The aim of the complex development to be carried out by us is to realise the maximum potential of a child with special educational needs in a developing environment according to the state of health and individual abilities of the child, with professional individual treatment. This also brings about the development of their physical — mental health. The main goal is to help students to socialise, to develop their balanced and healthy development, to learn, to prepare them for a successful career, to develop and develop their personality. He/she educates students to develop and develop a healthy and cultural lifestyle, taking into account individual specificities. Our school’s current classrooms are in poor condition, typically with parquet coverings, where the varnish has worn off over time, so the wood layer is severely damaged from use. The condition of the toilets is underestimated. Unobstructed transport is not ensured in the building performing educational and educational functions, so that the principles of joint and several planning and the efforts of the town’s equal opportunities programme to implement the principles of universal planning in the public institutions of the municipality are not respected in the current phase of the building, so that access to the services provided requires equal opportunities for the elderly, children and those with physical and mental disabilities. To this end, the accessibility of the building is absolutely necessary. Due to the special nature of the institution, we strive to follow the ideology of planning for everyone in addition to joint and several planning. During the implementation of the project, we will renovate the water blocks of buildings A and B, in which all coverings, wet fixtures and their fittings, plumbing, drainage and drop pipes are replaced. Both the wall covering and the floor covering are refurbished, and the interior doors of the sanitary block are also replaced. We replace the floor coverings of 6 gym floors with high wear resistance PVC, and the rear entrance door of the building is accessible according to the applicable standards. The total renewal of the sanitary facilities in buildings A and B includes the following items: Complete refurbishment of the first-floor, first-floor and second-floor sanitary facilities of Épulet A (boy + girl + full refurbishment of teacher’s sanitary facilities: replacement of sewage and plumbing, construction of domestic hot water, replacement of complete enclosures, replacement of water block doors, installation of new toilets, wash basins, wall roads) Total 3 pcs. Complete sanitary block; Complete refurbishment of the basement, ground floor and 2 1st floor sanitary facilities of building B (boy + girl + full refurbishment of teacher’s sanitary facilities: replacement of sewage and plumbing, construction of domestic hot water, replacement of complete enclosures, replacement of water block doors, installation of new toilets, wash basins, wall roads) Total 4 pcs. Complete sanitary block; Refurbishment of 6 classrooms. Since the start of the renovation works is planned for the summer school break, their completion will not affect the educational activity. Access to the institution will also be granted to the contractors selected to perform the work during the holiday period, so that the works can be completed by the beginning of the schooling period. Infrastructural development contributes to reducing geographical and economic disparities, catching up in the region and strengthening the local economy, thus ensuring the liveability and survival of the settlement. The functions and services following the implementation of the development are organised in such a way that they can be used for as many people as possible, regardless of age, gender, abilities or state of life, thus making the local society and its departments performing community functions as “user-friendly” as possible. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The institution, the Nyíregyháza Bárczi Gusztáv Primary School, Skills Development School, College and ONE is located in the downtown of Nyíregyháza, which was built in 1949 as an independent support school. He/she provides full-time education for pupils or autistic children who are prevented from primary and intellectual education up to 1 to 8 years. Intellectually obstructed and autistic pupils can continue their studies in a full-time Skills School after leaving primary school until 9-12. The aim of the complex development to be carried out by us is to realise the maximum potential of a child with special educational needs in a developing environment according to the state of health and individual abilities of the child, with professional individual treatment. This also brings about the development of their physical — mental health. The main goal is to help students to socialise, to develop their balanced and healthy development, to learn, to prepare them for a successful career, to develop and develop their personality. He/she educates students to develop and develop a healthy and cultural lifestyle, taking into account individual specificities. Our school’s current classrooms are in poor condition, typically with parquet coverings, where the varnish has worn off over time, so the wood layer is severely damaged from use. The condition of the toilets is underestimated. Unobstructed transport is not ensured in the building performing educational and educational functions, so that the principles of joint and several planning and the efforts of the town’s equal opportunities programme to implement the principles of universal planning in the public institutions of the municipality are not respected in the current phase of the building, so that access to the services provided requires equal opportunities for the elderly, children and those with physical and mental disabilities. To this end, the accessibility of the building is absolutely necessary. Due to the special nature of the institution, we strive to follow the ideology of planning for everyone in addition to joint and several planning. During the implementation of the project, we will renovate the water blocks of buildings A and B, in which all coverings, wet fixtures and their fittings, plumbing, drainage and drop pipes are replaced. Both the wall covering and the floor covering are refurbished, and the interior doors of the sanitary block are also replaced. We replace the floor coverings of 6 gym floors with high wear resistance PVC, and the rear entrance door of the building is accessible according to the applicable standards. The total renewal of the sanitary facilities in buildings A and B includes the following items: Complete refurbishment of the first-floor, first-floor and second-floor sanitary facilities of Épulet A (boy + girl + full refurbishment of teacher’s sanitary facilities: replacement of sewage and plumbing, construction of domestic hot water, replacement of complete enclosures, replacement of water block doors, installation of new toilets, wash basins, wall roads) Total 3 pcs. Complete sanitary block; Complete refurbishment of the basement, ground floor and 2 1st floor sanitary facilities of building B (boy + girl + full refurbishment of teacher’s sanitary facilities: replacement of sewage and plumbing, construction of domestic hot water, replacement of complete enclosures, replacement of water block doors, installation of new toilets, wash basins, wall roads) Total 4 pcs. Complete sanitary block; Refurbishment of 6 classrooms. Since the start of the renovation works is planned for the summer school break, their completion will not affect the educational activity. Access to the institution will also be granted to the contractors selected to perform the work during the holiday period, so that the works can be completed by the beginning of the schooling period. Infrastructural development contributes to reducing geographical and economic disparities, catching up in the region and strengthening the local economy, thus ensuring the liveability and survival of the settlement. The functions and services following the implementation of the development are organised in such a way that they can be used for as many people as possible, regardless of age, gender, abilities or state of life, thus making the local society and its departments performing community functions as “user-friendly” as possible. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:47, 8 February 2022

Project Q3903336 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
For a hygienic and barrier-free environment in Bárczi.
Project Q3903336 in Hungary


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    38,738,311 forint
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    107,119.56 Euro
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    3 December 2021
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    124,583.575 Euro
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    14 December 2021
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    45,574,483.529 forint
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    84.999986 percent
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    1 December 2017
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    31 December 2018
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    Nyíregyházi Tankerületi Központ
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    47°57'20.81"N, 21°43'0.48"E
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    Az intézmény, a Nyíregyházi Bárczi Gusztáv Általános Iskola, Készségfejlesztő Iskola, Kollégium és EGYMI a Nyíregyháza belvárosában található, mely 1949-ben épült, önálló kisegítő iskolaként. Az általános iskolatanulásban- és értelmileg akadályozott tanulók, illetve autista gyermekek nappali rendszerű nevelését, oktatását látja el 1-8. évfolyamig. Az értelmileg akadályozott, valamint az autista tanulók az általános iskola befejezése után nappali rendszerű Készségfejlesztő Iskolában folytathatják tanulmányaikat 9-12. évfolyamig. Az általunk megvalósítandó komplex fejlesztés célja, hogy a sajátos nevelési igényű gyermek egészségi állapota és egyéni képességei szerint fejlesztő környezetben, szakszerű egyéni bánásmóddal kibontakoztassa képességei maximumát. Ezzel testi – lelki egészségük fejlődése is megvalósul. Cél legfőképp a tanulók szocializációjának, kiegyensúlyozott és egészséges fejlődésének, tanulásának, a sikeres életpályára való felkészítésének segítése, személyiségének fejlesztése, kibontakoztatása. Egyéni sajátosságok figyelembevételével neveli a diákokat az egészséges és kulturált életmód igényére, annak kialakítására. Iskolánk jelenlegi tantermei rossz állapotúak, jellemzően parketta burkolattal ellátva, melyen az idők folyamán a lakk lekopott, így a faréteg erősen roncsolódott a használattól. A mellékhelyiségek állapota kritikán aluli. Az akadálymentes közlekedés az oktatási-nevelési funkciókat ellátó épületben nem biztosított, így az épület jelenlegi során nem érvényesülnek sem az egyetemleges tervezés elvei, sem pedig a település esélyegyenlőségi programjának törekvései, mely szerint a település közintézményeiben érvényesíteni kell az egyetemes tervezés elveit, így a biztosított szolgáltatásokhoz való hozzáféréshez az idősek, gyerekek, illetve testi-szellemi fogyatékkal élők számára is egyenlő esélyeket kell biztosítani. Ennek érdekében az épület akadálymentesítésére feltétlenül szükség van. A fejlesztéseink megvalósítása során az intézmény speciális jellegéből adódóan az egyetemleges tervezés mellett a mindenkinek tervezés ideológiáját is követni igyekszünk. A beruházás megvalósítása során az intézmény „A” és „B” épület vizesblokkjának felújítását végezzük el, melynek keretében valamennyi burkolat, vizes berendezési tárgy és szerelvényeik, vízvezetékek, lefolyó- és ejtővezetékek cserére kerülnek. A falburkolat illetve a padlóburkolat egyaránt felújításra kerül, illetve a vizesblokk belső ajtóit is cseréljük. 6 db tornaterem parketta padlóburkolatát nagy kopásállóságú PVC burkolatra cseréljük, illetve az épület hátsó bejárati ajtaját az érvényes szabványoknak megfelelően akadálymentesítjük. Az "A" és "B" épület vizesblokkjainak teljes körű fejújítása az alábbi tételeket tartalmazza: "A" épulet földszinti, első emeleti, és második emeleti vizesblokkjának teljes felújítása (fiú + lány + tanári vizesblokk teljes körű felújítása: szennyvíz és vízvezeték cseréje, használati meleg víz kiépítése,teljes burkolat cseréje, vizesblokk ajtóinak cseréje, új WC-k, mosdók, falikutak beszerelése) Összesen 3 db. Komlett vizesblokk; "B" épület alagsori, földszinti, és 2 db első emeleti vizesblokkjának teljes felújítása (fiú + lány + tanári vizesblokk teljes körű felújítása: szennyvíz és vízvezeték cseréje, használati meleg víz kiépítése,teljes burkolat cseréje, vizesblokk ajtóinak cseréje, új WC-k, mosdók, falikutak beszerelése) Összesen 4 db. Komlett vizesblokk; 6 db tanterem burkolatának felújítása. Mivel a felújítási munkálatok megkezdését a nyári tanítási szünet idejére tervezzük, ezért azok elvégzése az oktatási tevékenységet nem befolyásolja majd. Az intézménybe való bejutást a munka elvégzésére kiválasztott kivitelezők számára szünidő időtartama alatt is biztosítjuk majd annak érdekében, hogy a munkálatok a tanítási idő kezdetére befejeződhessenek. Az infrastrukturális fejlesztés hozzájárul a földrajzi és gazdasági szempontból is meghatározható különbségek csökkentéséhez, a térségi felzárkóztatásához és a helyi gazdaság megerősítéséhez, biztosítva ezzel a település élhetőségét, fennmaradását. A fejlesztés megvalósítását követő funkciókat, szolgáltatásokat a település úgy szervezi, hogy azokat lehető legtöbb ember számára, korra, nemre, képességekre és életállapotra való tekintet nélkül igénybe vehesse, elérve ezzel, hogy a helyi társadalom, illetve annak közösségi funkciókat ellátó szervezeti egységei minél „felhasználóbarátabbak” legyenek. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The institution, the Nyíregyháza Bárczi Gusztáv Primary School, Skills Development School, College and ONE is located in the downtown of Nyíregyháza, which was built in 1949 as an independent support school. He/she provides full-time education for pupils or autistic children who are prevented from primary and intellectual education up to 1 to 8 years. Intellectually obstructed and autistic pupils can continue their studies in a full-time Skills School after leaving primary school until 9-12. The aim of the complex development to be carried out by us is to realise the maximum potential of a child with special educational needs in a developing environment according to the state of health and individual abilities of the child, with professional individual treatment. This also brings about the development of their physical — mental health. The main goal is to help students to socialise, to develop their balanced and healthy development, to learn, to prepare them for a successful career, to develop and develop their personality. He/she educates students to develop and develop a healthy and cultural lifestyle, taking into account individual specificities. Our school’s current classrooms are in poor condition, typically with parquet coverings, where the varnish has worn off over time, so the wood layer is severely damaged from use. The condition of the toilets is underestimated. Unobstructed transport is not ensured in the building performing educational and educational functions, so that the principles of joint and several planning and the efforts of the town’s equal opportunities programme to implement the principles of universal planning in the public institutions of the municipality are not respected in the current phase of the building, so that access to the services provided requires equal opportunities for the elderly, children and those with physical and mental disabilities. To this end, the accessibility of the building is absolutely necessary. Due to the special nature of the institution, we strive to follow the ideology of planning for everyone in addition to joint and several planning. During the implementation of the project, we will renovate the water blocks of buildings A and B, in which all coverings, wet fixtures and their fittings, plumbing, drainage and drop pipes are replaced. Both the wall covering and the floor covering are refurbished, and the interior doors of the sanitary block are also replaced. We replace the floor coverings of 6 gym floors with high wear resistance PVC, and the rear entrance door of the building is accessible according to the applicable standards. The total renewal of the sanitary facilities in buildings A and B includes the following items: Complete refurbishment of the first-floor, first-floor and second-floor sanitary facilities of Épulet A (boy + girl + full refurbishment of teacher’s sanitary facilities: replacement of sewage and plumbing, construction of domestic hot water, replacement of complete enclosures, replacement of water block doors, installation of new toilets, wash basins, wall roads) Total 3 pcs. Complete sanitary block; Complete refurbishment of the basement, ground floor and 2 1st floor sanitary facilities of building B (boy + girl + full refurbishment of teacher’s sanitary facilities: replacement of sewage and plumbing, construction of domestic hot water, replacement of complete enclosures, replacement of water block doors, installation of new toilets, wash basins, wall roads) Total 4 pcs. Complete sanitary block; Refurbishment of 6 classrooms. Since the start of the renovation works is planned for the summer school break, their completion will not affect the educational activity. Access to the institution will also be granted to the contractors selected to perform the work during the holiday period, so that the works can be completed by the beginning of the schooling period. Infrastructural development contributes to reducing geographical and economic disparities, catching up in the region and strengthening the local economy, thus ensuring the liveability and survival of the settlement. The functions and services following the implementation of the development are organised in such a way that they can be used for as many people as possible, regardless of age, gender, abilities or state of life, thus making the local society and its departments performing community functions as “user-friendly” as possible. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Nyíregyháza, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg
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