Community space of our audience — Development of infrastructure at the Fejér György City Library in Keszthely (Q3903875): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The development of infrastructure in the framework of the project is the basis of a complex service development. In order for the library to serve its customers in the right quality, it is essential to continuously develop its services, following the changing needs and to turn the technical innovations to its own advantage. As a result of the project, the expansion of existing services, the quality improvement and the development of new services will be achieved. The set of devices to be developed will be suitable for adults to catch up with modern tools, informally train and develop their digital knowledge. It will be possible to develop non-formal training courses for students in public education (new types of library usage lessons, IT tools, quality use of software, etc.). The new creative community/teaching space will be suitable for organising and managing them, as well as an opportunity for all ages to have fun and recreation in cultural conditions. All of this means that the library is no longer thought of only in connection with the rental of books or the quiet reading and deepening, but it is recognised as a place where you can learn and meet with pleasure, without constraints, where it is good to come to any time. This makes it a part of their daily lives for young people and older people. Creating a creative community space: The created creative community space serves all this by creating the possibility of informal and non-formal training for the small group (5-25 people), the infrastructural background (laptops, tablets, LCD displays, sound equipment, software, target furniture, etc.), at the same time it becomes a meeting place where visitors can enjoy themselves (not necessarily in library silence) without using their smartphones. This is how we balance man and technology. The institution has always put great emphasis on following technical progress and adapting it in order to make its services available to its users in the highest quality. During the design of the tools, they could be mobilised in order to accommodate a larger number of participants in each programme, even by using the library’s reading room (inclusive capacity: 100 persons). It is also necessary to purchase a touch screen library terminal, which allows our readers to find out about the library’s programs, search in the catalogue, and get quick information. Development of an integrated library system: Within the framework of the tender, it will be possible to further develop TextLib IKR in order to expand the services available 24 hours: to provide our readers with all the information about the required documents (AutoLink, Tlwww plus), to provide information about the library’s current programs, to search for, to use our 24-hour services via mobile application (Android app), to receive a message about their rentals on their Facebook profile (Facebook messaging), to make the library’s online services more secure for its users (Management of secure websites), to make it easier for partner institutions to use them (Institutional rental), so that we can perform detailed statistical searches of OPAC searches in order to further explore reader’s needs and habits. (English)
Property / summary: The development of infrastructure in the framework of the project is the basis of a complex service development. In order for the library to serve its customers in the right quality, it is essential to continuously develop its services, following the changing needs and to turn the technical innovations to its own advantage. As a result of the project, the expansion of existing services, the quality improvement and the development of new services will be achieved. The set of devices to be developed will be suitable for adults to catch up with modern tools, informally train and develop their digital knowledge. It will be possible to develop non-formal training courses for students in public education (new types of library usage lessons, IT tools, quality use of software, etc.). The new creative community/teaching space will be suitable for organising and managing them, as well as an opportunity for all ages to have fun and recreation in cultural conditions. All of this means that the library is no longer thought of only in connection with the rental of books or the quiet reading and deepening, but it is recognised as a place where you can learn and meet with pleasure, without constraints, where it is good to come to any time. This makes it a part of their daily lives for young people and older people. Creating a creative community space: The created creative community space serves all this by creating the possibility of informal and non-formal training for the small group (5-25 people), the infrastructural background (laptops, tablets, LCD displays, sound equipment, software, target furniture, etc.), at the same time it becomes a meeting place where visitors can enjoy themselves (not necessarily in library silence) without using their smartphones. This is how we balance man and technology. The institution has always put great emphasis on following technical progress and adapting it in order to make its services available to its users in the highest quality. During the design of the tools, they could be mobilised in order to accommodate a larger number of participants in each programme, even by using the library’s reading room (inclusive capacity: 100 persons). It is also necessary to purchase a touch screen library terminal, which allows our readers to find out about the library’s programs, search in the catalogue, and get quick information. Development of an integrated library system: Within the framework of the tender, it will be possible to further develop TextLib IKR in order to expand the services available 24 hours: to provide our readers with all the information about the required documents (AutoLink, Tlwww plus), to provide information about the library’s current programs, to search for, to use our 24-hour services via mobile application (Android app), to receive a message about their rentals on their Facebook profile (Facebook messaging), to make the library’s online services more secure for its users (Management of secure websites), to make it easier for partner institutions to use them (Institutional rental), so that we can perform detailed statistical searches of OPAC searches in order to further explore reader’s needs and habits. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The development of infrastructure in the framework of the project is the basis of a complex service development. In order for the library to serve its customers in the right quality, it is essential to continuously develop its services, following the changing needs and to turn the technical innovations to its own advantage. As a result of the project, the expansion of existing services, the quality improvement and the development of new services will be achieved. The set of devices to be developed will be suitable for adults to catch up with modern tools, informally train and develop their digital knowledge. It will be possible to develop non-formal training courses for students in public education (new types of library usage lessons, IT tools, quality use of software, etc.). The new creative community/teaching space will be suitable for organising and managing them, as well as an opportunity for all ages to have fun and recreation in cultural conditions. All of this means that the library is no longer thought of only in connection with the rental of books or the quiet reading and deepening, but it is recognised as a place where you can learn and meet with pleasure, without constraints, where it is good to come to any time. This makes it a part of their daily lives for young people and older people. Creating a creative community space: The created creative community space serves all this by creating the possibility of informal and non-formal training for the small group (5-25 people), the infrastructural background (laptops, tablets, LCD displays, sound equipment, software, target furniture, etc.), at the same time it becomes a meeting place where visitors can enjoy themselves (not necessarily in library silence) without using their smartphones. This is how we balance man and technology. The institution has always put great emphasis on following technical progress and adapting it in order to make its services available to its users in the highest quality. During the design of the tools, they could be mobilised in order to accommodate a larger number of participants in each programme, even by using the library’s reading room (inclusive capacity: 100 persons). It is also necessary to purchase a touch screen library terminal, which allows our readers to find out about the library’s programs, search in the catalogue, and get quick information. Development of an integrated library system: Within the framework of the tender, it will be possible to further develop TextLib IKR in order to expand the services available 24 hours: to provide our readers with all the information about the required documents (AutoLink, Tlwww plus), to provide information about the library’s current programs, to search for, to use our 24-hour services via mobile application (Android app), to receive a message about their rentals on their Facebook profile (Facebook messaging), to make the library’s online services more secure for its users (Management of secure websites), to make it easier for partner institutions to use them (Institutional rental), so that we can perform detailed statistical searches of OPAC searches in order to further explore reader’s needs and habits. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:46, 8 February 2022

Project Q3903875 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Community space of our audience — Development of infrastructure at the Fejér György City Library in Keszthely
Project Q3903875 in Hungary


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    48,626,603 forint
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    3 December 2021
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    156,384.62 Euro
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    14 December 2021
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    57,207,768.235 forint
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    1 February 2018
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    31 January 2020
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    46°46'3.04"N, 17°14'46.61"E
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    A projekt keretében megvalósuló infrastruktúrafejlesztés egy komplex szolgáltatásfejlesztés alapját képezi. Ahhoz, hogy a könyvtár megfelelő minőségben szolgálhassa ki ügyfeleit, elengedhetetlen, hogy folyamatosan fejlessze szolgáltatásait, követve az igények változását és saját javára fordítsa a technikai újdonságokat, újításokat. A projekt eredményeként megvalósul a meglévő szolgáltatások bővítése, minőségi fejlesztése illetve, új szolgáltatások kialakítása. A kialakításra kerülő eszközpark alkalmas lesz a felnőttek modern eszközökkel történő felzárkóztatására, informális képzésére, digitális tudásuk fejlesztésére. Lehetővé válik a közoktatásban résztvevő tanulók számára lebonyolítandó nem formális képzések (új típusú könyvtárhasználati órák, informatikai eszközök, szoftverek minőségi használatának oktatása stb.) kialakítása. Az új kreatív közösségi/oktató tér alkalmas lesz ezek megszervezésére és lebonyolítására, valamint lehetőséget teremt minden korosztály számára a kulturált körülmények között történő szórakozásra, kikapcsolódásra. Mindez együttesen azt eredményezi, hogy a könyvtárra már nem csak a könyvek kölcsönzése, vagy a csendben olvasás, elmélyülés kapcsán gondolnak, hanem olyan helyként ismerik meg, ahol élvezetesen, kötöttségek nélkül lehet tanulni, találkozni, ahová bármikor jó betérni. Így ez a fiatalok és idősebbek számára is a mindennapjaik részévé válik. Kreatív közösségi tér létrehozása: A létrehozott kreatív közösség tér mindezt úgy szolgálja, hogy megteremti a kiscsoportos (5–25 fő) informális és nem formális képzésének lehetőségét, infrastrukturális hátterét (laptopok, tabletek, LCD-kijelző, hangtechnikai berendezések, szoftverek, célbútorzat stb.), ugyanakkor egy olyan találkozóhellyé válik, ahol (nem feltétlenül könyvtári csendben) jól érezhetik magukat az ide látogatók okostelefonjaik használata nélkül is. Így teremtve meg az egyensúlyt az ember és a technika között. Az intézmény mindig nagy hangsúlyt helyezett arra, hogy kövesse a technikai fejlődést, azt adaptálja annak érdekében, hogy szolgáltatásait a legmagasabb minőségben tudja használói rendelkezésére bocsátani. Az eszközök tervezése során meghatározó szempont volt mobilizálhatóságuk, hogy egy-egy programon nagyobb résztvevői létszám is befogadható legyen, akár a könyvtár olvasótermének kihasználásával (befogadóképessége: 100 fő). Szükséges egy érintőképernyős könyvtári terminál beszerzése is, melynek segítségével olvasóink tájékozódhatnak a könyvtár programjairól, kereshetnek a katalógusban, gyors információt szerezhetnek. Integrált Könyvtári Rendszer fejlesztése: A pályázat keretében lehetőség lesz a TextLib IKR további fejlesztésére a 24 órában elérhető szolgáltatások bővítése érdekében azért: -hogy olvasóink minden információt megkapjanak a szükséges dokumentumról (AutoLink, Tlwww plusz), -értesüljenek a könyvtár aktuális programjairól, kereshessenek, igénybe vehessék 24 órás szolgáltatásainkat mobil applikáció segítségével (Android alkalmazás), -üzenetet kaphassanak kölcsönzéseikről Facebook profiljukon (Facebook üzenet küldés), -hogy a könyvtár biztonságosabbá tegye használói számára online elérhető szolgáltatásait (Biztonságos weblapok kezelése), -hogy partner intézményei számára megkönnyítse a használatot (Intézményi kölcsönzés), -hogy az OPAC-ban történő keresésekről részletes statisztikai lekeresést végezhessünk az olvasói igények és szokások mélyebb feltárása érdekében. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The development of infrastructure in the framework of the project is the basis of a complex service development. In order for the library to serve its customers in the right quality, it is essential to continuously develop its services, following the changing needs and to turn the technical innovations to its own advantage. As a result of the project, the expansion of existing services, the quality improvement and the development of new services will be achieved. The set of devices to be developed will be suitable for adults to catch up with modern tools, informally train and develop their digital knowledge. It will be possible to develop non-formal training courses for students in public education (new types of library usage lessons, IT tools, quality use of software, etc.). The new creative community/teaching space will be suitable for organising and managing them, as well as an opportunity for all ages to have fun and recreation in cultural conditions. All of this means that the library is no longer thought of only in connection with the rental of books or the quiet reading and deepening, but it is recognised as a place where you can learn and meet with pleasure, without constraints, where it is good to come to any time. This makes it a part of their daily lives for young people and older people. Creating a creative community space: The created creative community space serves all this by creating the possibility of informal and non-formal training for the small group (5-25 people), the infrastructural background (laptops, tablets, LCD displays, sound equipment, software, target furniture, etc.), at the same time it becomes a meeting place where visitors can enjoy themselves (not necessarily in library silence) without using their smartphones. This is how we balance man and technology. The institution has always put great emphasis on following technical progress and adapting it in order to make its services available to its users in the highest quality. During the design of the tools, they could be mobilised in order to accommodate a larger number of participants in each programme, even by using the library’s reading room (inclusive capacity: 100 persons). It is also necessary to purchase a touch screen library terminal, which allows our readers to find out about the library’s programs, search in the catalogue, and get quick information. Development of an integrated library system: Within the framework of the tender, it will be possible to further develop TextLib IKR in order to expand the services available 24 hours: to provide our readers with all the information about the required documents (AutoLink, Tlwww plus), to provide information about the library’s current programs, to search for, to use our 24-hour services via mobile application (Android app), to receive a message about their rentals on their Facebook profile (Facebook messaging), to make the library’s online services more secure for its users (Management of secure websites), to make it easier for partner institutions to use them (Institutional rental), so that we can perform detailed statistical searches of OPAC searches in order to further explore reader’s needs and habits. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Keszthely, Zala
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