Library development in Tata (Q3903869): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
The Móricz Zsigmond Library in Tata was founded by the Municipality in 1949 and is currently maintained: the municipality is the governing body authorised by the founders’ rights. The Library performs its activities at the headquarters of the institution and in two branch libraries. The number of staff authorised by the municipality is 9.5 persons. The institution is currently located within the building of the Magyary Zoltán Cultural House, which was built at the end of the 60s and is now outdated and unable to meet the needs of the 21st century. We cannot solve the necessary renovation of the building from this tender, it is of a much larger scale, so we are trying to obtain other resources. However, the current tender for the development of ICT tools and furniture can also provide us with the right framework, so we chose activities 5 and 6. We will equip our Relax room with the furniture and some of the ICT tools to be used as a venue for our informal and non-formal competence development. In the area of IT infrastructure, the library currently awaits readers with a sufficient number of computers, but the growing need for visitors to use their own devices (laptops, notebooks, etc.) cannot be provided by our current set of devices. The condition of the equipment is mixed, mostly worn and worn furniture, armchairs and shelves serving for decades. The objective of this project is as follows: infrastructural development of our library through the acquisition of ICT and other tools to provide our lifelong learning services with a higher quality. The planned infrastructure development contributes to the more effective performance of our professional tasks. We have involved our target group — pupils, employees in public education institutions and those involved in lifelong learning — in the design of our project. The detailed description of the needs assessment can be found in point 7 of our professional plan. 106 people replied to our questionnaire. In the course of our project we undertake to achieve the following indicators and quantified professional expectations: — 1 developed informal non-formal learning space (Relax room) — furnishing it with furniture and ICT tools (for more information: (a list of tools) — at least 300 persons per year participating in an informal non-formal learning programme during the maintenance period — detailed description of this in point 14 of the professional plan — 325 acquired ICT Library tools — are described in detail in the tool list. The project management activity is implemented throughout the project implementation by the Project Management Organisation. Equal opportunities and environmental aspects are implemented in the design and implementation of the project in accordance with point of the Call. Planned start of implementation of the project: 1 April 2018 Planned physical completion of the project: 30 September 2019 with a maturity of 18 months. (English)
Property / summary: The Móricz Zsigmond Library in Tata was founded by the Municipality in 1949 and is currently maintained: the municipality is the governing body authorised by the founders’ rights. The Library performs its activities at the headquarters of the institution and in two branch libraries. The number of staff authorised by the municipality is 9.5 persons. The institution is currently located within the building of the Magyary Zoltán Cultural House, which was built at the end of the 60s and is now outdated and unable to meet the needs of the 21st century. We cannot solve the necessary renovation of the building from this tender, it is of a much larger scale, so we are trying to obtain other resources. However, the current tender for the development of ICT tools and furniture can also provide us with the right framework, so we chose activities 5 and 6. We will equip our Relax room with the furniture and some of the ICT tools to be used as a venue for our informal and non-formal competence development. In the area of IT infrastructure, the library currently awaits readers with a sufficient number of computers, but the growing need for visitors to use their own devices (laptops, notebooks, etc.) cannot be provided by our current set of devices. The condition of the equipment is mixed, mostly worn and worn furniture, armchairs and shelves serving for decades. The objective of this project is as follows: infrastructural development of our library through the acquisition of ICT and other tools to provide our lifelong learning services with a higher quality. The planned infrastructure development contributes to the more effective performance of our professional tasks. We have involved our target group — pupils, employees in public education institutions and those involved in lifelong learning — in the design of our project. The detailed description of the needs assessment can be found in point 7 of our professional plan. 106 people replied to our questionnaire. In the course of our project we undertake to achieve the following indicators and quantified professional expectations: — 1 developed informal non-formal learning space (Relax room) — furnishing it with furniture and ICT tools (for more information: (a list of tools) — at least 300 persons per year participating in an informal non-formal learning programme during the maintenance period — detailed description of this in point 14 of the professional plan — 325 acquired ICT Library tools — are described in detail in the tool list. The project management activity is implemented throughout the project implementation by the Project Management Organisation. Equal opportunities and environmental aspects are implemented in the design and implementation of the project in accordance with point of the Call. Planned start of implementation of the project: 1 April 2018 Planned physical completion of the project: 30 September 2019 with a maturity of 18 months. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The Móricz Zsigmond Library in Tata was founded by the Municipality in 1949 and is currently maintained: the municipality is the governing body authorised by the founders’ rights. The Library performs its activities at the headquarters of the institution and in two branch libraries. The number of staff authorised by the municipality is 9.5 persons. The institution is currently located within the building of the Magyary Zoltán Cultural House, which was built at the end of the 60s and is now outdated and unable to meet the needs of the 21st century. We cannot solve the necessary renovation of the building from this tender, it is of a much larger scale, so we are trying to obtain other resources. However, the current tender for the development of ICT tools and furniture can also provide us with the right framework, so we chose activities 5 and 6. We will equip our Relax room with the furniture and some of the ICT tools to be used as a venue for our informal and non-formal competence development. In the area of IT infrastructure, the library currently awaits readers with a sufficient number of computers, but the growing need for visitors to use their own devices (laptops, notebooks, etc.) cannot be provided by our current set of devices. The condition of the equipment is mixed, mostly worn and worn furniture, armchairs and shelves serving for decades. The objective of this project is as follows: infrastructural development of our library through the acquisition of ICT and other tools to provide our lifelong learning services with a higher quality. The planned infrastructure development contributes to the more effective performance of our professional tasks. We have involved our target group — pupils, employees in public education institutions and those involved in lifelong learning — in the design of our project. The detailed description of the needs assessment can be found in point 7 of our professional plan. 106 people replied to our questionnaire. In the course of our project we undertake to achieve the following indicators and quantified professional expectations: — 1 developed informal non-formal learning space (Relax room) — furnishing it with furniture and ICT tools (for more information: (a list of tools) — at least 300 persons per year participating in an informal non-formal learning programme during the maintenance period — detailed description of this in point 14 of the professional plan — 325 acquired ICT Library tools — are described in detail in the tool list. The project management activity is implemented throughout the project implementation by the Project Management Organisation. Equal opportunities and environmental aspects are implemented in the design and implementation of the project in accordance with point of the Call. Planned start of implementation of the project: 1 April 2018 Planned physical completion of the project: 30 September 2019 with a maturity of 18 months. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:46, 8 February 2022

Project Q3903869 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Library development in Tata
Project Q3903869 in Hungary


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    45,611,425 forint
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    126,125.17 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    3 December 2021
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    146,687.717 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    14 December 2021
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    53,660,500.0 forint
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    84.999953 percent
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    1 April 2018
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    30 September 2019
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    47°39'0.32"N, 18°19'5.27"E
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    A tatai Móricz Zsigmond Könyvtárat az önkormányzat alapította 1949-ben és jelenleg is annak fenntartásában működik: az önkormányzat az alapítói jogokkal felhatalmazott irányító szerv. A könyvtár tevékenységét az intézmény székhelyén és két fiókkönyvtárban látja el. Az önkormányzat által engedélyezett létszámkeret 9,5 fő. Az intézmény jelenleg a Magyary Zoltán Művelődési Ház épületén belül található, amelyet a 60-as évek végén építettek, mára már elavult, nem képes ellátni a XXI. század igényeit. Az épülettel kapcsolatos szükséges felújítást jelen pályázatból nem tudjuk megoldani, annak nagyságrendje sokkal nagyobb, így arra más forrásokat próbálunk szerezni. Ám az IKT eszközök és a berendezés, bútorzat fejlesztésére jelen pályázat is megfelelő keretet biztosíthat számunkra, így az 5. és 6. tevékenységet választottuk. A beszerezni kívánt bútorokkal és az IKT eszközök egy részével Relax termünket fogjuk felszerelni, mely az informális és nem formális kompetenciafejlesztéseink helyszínéül szolgál majd. Informatikai infrastruktúra terén a könyvtár jelenleg megfelelő számú számítógéppel várja az olvasókat, azonban azt a növekvő igényt, hogy a látogatók a saját eszközeiket is tudják használni (laptop, notebook stb.), jelenlegi eszközparkunk nem tudja biztosítani. A berendezés állapota vegyes, többségében az évtizedek óta szolgáló kopott és elhasználódott bútorok, fotelek, polcok várják az ide érkezőket. Jelen projektünk célkitűzése az alábbi: könyvtárunk infrastrukturális fejlesztése IKT és egyéb eszközök beszerzésével az egész életen át tartó tanuláshoz kapcsolódó szolgáltatásaink színvonalasabb ellátása érdekében. A tervezett infrastruktúra fejlesztés hozzájárul szakmai feladataink eredményesebb elvégzéséhez. Célcsoportunkat - a köznevelési intézményekben tanulók, dolgozók, valamint az egész életen át tartó tanulásban részt vevők - bevontuk projektünk tervezésébe, az igényfelmérés részletes bemutatása szakmai tervünk 7. pontjában található. Kérdőívünket 106 fő töltötte ki. Projektünk során az alábbi indikátorok és számszerűsített szakmai elvárások elérését vállaljuk: - 1 db fejlesztett informális, nem formális tanulást szolgáló tér (Relax terem) – ennek bútorokkal és IKT eszközökkel való berendezése (bővebben lásd: eszközlista), - legalább 300 fő/év informális, nem formális tanulási programban résztvevő a fenntartási időszakban – ennek részletes bemutatása a szakmai terv 14. pontjában található, - 325 db beszerzett könyvtári IKT eszköz – ezek részletes bemutatása az eszközlistában található. A projektmenedzsment tevékenység a projekt megvalósítás alatt végig megvalósul a Projektmenedzsment szervezet által. A projekt tervezése és megvalósítása során Esélyegyenlőség és környezetvédelmi szempontok érvényesítése megvalósul a Felhívás pontjának megfelelően. A projekt megvalósításának tervezett kezdete: 2018. április 1. A projekt tervezett fizikai befejezése: 2019. szeptember 30., futamidő 18 hónap. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The Móricz Zsigmond Library in Tata was founded by the Municipality in 1949 and is currently maintained: the municipality is the governing body authorised by the founders’ rights. The Library performs its activities at the headquarters of the institution and in two branch libraries. The number of staff authorised by the municipality is 9.5 persons. The institution is currently located within the building of the Magyary Zoltán Cultural House, which was built at the end of the 60s and is now outdated and unable to meet the needs of the 21st century. We cannot solve the necessary renovation of the building from this tender, it is of a much larger scale, so we are trying to obtain other resources. However, the current tender for the development of ICT tools and furniture can also provide us with the right framework, so we chose activities 5 and 6. We will equip our Relax room with the furniture and some of the ICT tools to be used as a venue for our informal and non-formal competence development. In the area of IT infrastructure, the library currently awaits readers with a sufficient number of computers, but the growing need for visitors to use their own devices (laptops, notebooks, etc.) cannot be provided by our current set of devices. The condition of the equipment is mixed, mostly worn and worn furniture, armchairs and shelves serving for decades. The objective of this project is as follows: infrastructural development of our library through the acquisition of ICT and other tools to provide our lifelong learning services with a higher quality. The planned infrastructure development contributes to the more effective performance of our professional tasks. We have involved our target group — pupils, employees in public education institutions and those involved in lifelong learning — in the design of our project. The detailed description of the needs assessment can be found in point 7 of our professional plan. 106 people replied to our questionnaire. In the course of our project we undertake to achieve the following indicators and quantified professional expectations: — 1 developed informal non-formal learning space (Relax room) — furnishing it with furniture and ICT tools (for more information: (a list of tools) — at least 300 persons per year participating in an informal non-formal learning programme during the maintenance period — detailed description of this in point 14 of the professional plan — 325 acquired ICT Library tools — are described in detail in the tool list. The project management activity is implemented throughout the project implementation by the Project Management Organisation. Equal opportunities and environmental aspects are implemented in the design and implementation of the project in accordance with point of the Call. Planned start of implementation of the project: 1 April 2018 Planned physical completion of the project: 30 September 2019 with a maturity of 18 months. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Tata, Komárom-Esztergom
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