Development and development for the future generation in Pitvaros (Q3901961): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: add summary) |
(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The main objective of the project is to facilitate the renewal of the Petőfi Sándor Primary School and the Primary Art School in Atrialos by means of a complex solution of the enrolment difficulties (mandatory enrolment, student composition, infrastructure and professional development) so that the children of the region can benefit from quality education, accessible by everyone — whether from urban or surrounding settlements — to provide individualised and inclusive education, thus ensuring equal opportunities for them. In addition to professional renewal and development, it is of utmost importance that children can continue their studies in a highly developed institution that meets their age, needs and the expectations of the modern age. The objective of this project is to ensure the institutional building and the availability of assets in line with the above requirements. Detailed technical description of the planned development: Within the framework of the project, two properties are involved in the development: — during the development of the headquarters institution (Pitvaros, Kossuth u. 27), the renovation of the school building, the conversion of the current service home into educational premises, the construction of an extension for connecting the buildings, the renovation of the related playground and the purchase of the necessary tools (furniture, teaching equipment, IT equipment) are carried out. — the establishment of a playground at the head office of the institution (Pitvaros, Petőfi tér 15.) and the purchase of teaching equipment, furniture and IT equipment for the lower classes. The aim of the project is to have a state-run institution in the district that meets the legal requirements and the needs of the modern age and ensures that children have access to equal and quality education. It should also be able to receive children as competitive institutions in the long term, taking into account the shrinking number of children in the surrounding settlements and the low number of schools in the surrounding settlements, to the same or even better quality than other institutions in the surrounding cities. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The main objective of the project is to facilitate the renewal of the Petőfi Sándor Primary School and the Primary Art School in Atrialos by means of a complex solution of the enrolment difficulties (mandatory enrolment, student composition, infrastructure and professional development) so that the children of the region can benefit from quality education, accessible by everyone — whether from urban or surrounding settlements — to provide individualised and inclusive education, thus ensuring equal opportunities for them. In addition to professional renewal and development, it is of utmost importance that children can continue their studies in a highly developed institution that meets their age, needs and the expectations of the modern age. The objective of this project is to ensure the institutional building and the availability of assets in line with the above requirements. Detailed technical description of the planned development: Within the framework of the project, two properties are involved in the development: — during the development of the headquarters institution (Pitvaros, Kossuth u. 27), the renovation of the school building, the conversion of the current service home into educational premises, the construction of an extension for connecting the buildings, the renovation of the related playground and the purchase of the necessary tools (furniture, teaching equipment, IT equipment) are carried out. — the establishment of a playground at the head office of the institution (Pitvaros, Petőfi tér 15.) and the purchase of teaching equipment, furniture and IT equipment for the lower classes. The aim of the project is to have a state-run institution in the district that meets the legal requirements and the needs of the modern age and ensures that children have access to equal and quality education. It should also be able to receive children as competitive institutions in the long term, taking into account the shrinking number of children in the surrounding settlements and the low number of schools in the surrounding settlements, to the same or even better quality than other institutions in the surrounding cities. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The main objective of the project is to facilitate the renewal of the Petőfi Sándor Primary School and the Primary Art School in Atrialos by means of a complex solution of the enrolment difficulties (mandatory enrolment, student composition, infrastructure and professional development) so that the children of the region can benefit from quality education, accessible by everyone — whether from urban or surrounding settlements — to provide individualised and inclusive education, thus ensuring equal opportunities for them. In addition to professional renewal and development, it is of utmost importance that children can continue their studies in a highly developed institution that meets their age, needs and the expectations of the modern age. The objective of this project is to ensure the institutional building and the availability of assets in line with the above requirements. Detailed technical description of the planned development: Within the framework of the project, two properties are involved in the development: — during the development of the headquarters institution (Pitvaros, Kossuth u. 27), the renovation of the school building, the conversion of the current service home into educational premises, the construction of an extension for connecting the buildings, the renovation of the related playground and the purchase of the necessary tools (furniture, teaching equipment, IT equipment) are carried out. — the establishment of a playground at the head office of the institution (Pitvaros, Petőfi tér 15.) and the purchase of teaching equipment, furniture and IT equipment for the lower classes. The aim of the project is to have a state-run institution in the district that meets the legal requirements and the needs of the modern age and ensures that children have access to equal and quality education. It should also be able to receive children as competitive institutions in the long term, taking into account the shrinking number of children in the surrounding settlements and the low number of schools in the surrounding settlements, to the same or even better quality than other institutions in the surrounding cities. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 12:44, 8 February 2022
Project Q3901961 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Development and development for the future generation in Pitvaros |
Project Q3901961 in Hungary |
482,683,410 forint
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1,319,475.73 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
10 December 2021
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1,552,324.384 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
10 December 2021
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567,862,835.294 forint
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85.0 percent
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1 October 2017
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31 August 2021
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Hódmezővásárhelyi Tankerületi Központ
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A projekt fő célja, hogy a beiskolázási nehézségek (kötelező beiskolázás, tanulói összetétel, infrastruktúra és szakmai fejlődés) komplex megoldásával segítse elő az Pitvarosi Petőfi Sándor Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola megújulását, ezáltal a térség gyermekei minőségi, mindenki – legyen városi, vagy környező településről bejáró tanuló – által elérhető, egyénre szabott, inkluzív nevelést biztosító oktatásban részesülhessenek, így biztosítva számukra az esélyegyenlőséget. A szakmai megújulás, fejlődés mellett kiemelten fontos, hogy a gyermekek az életkoruknak, igényeiknek és a modern kor elvárásainak megfelelő, igényesen kialakított intézményben folytathassák tanulmányaikat. Jelen projekt célja a fenti elvárásoknak megfelelő intézményi épület és eszközellátottság biztosítása. A tervezett fejlesztés részletes műszaki bemutatása: A projekt keretében két ingatlan érintett a fejlesztésben: - a székhely intézmény (Pitvaros, Kossuth u. 27.) fejlesztése során az iskolaépület felújítása, a jelenlegi szolgálati lakás átalakítása oktatást szolgáló helyiségekké, az épületek összekötését szolgáló bővítmény létesítése, a kapcsolódó játszóudvar felújítása, valamint a működéshez szükséges eszközök (bútor, taneszköz, informatikai eszköz) beszerzése valósul meg. - a székhely intézmény telephelyén (Pitvaros, Petőfi tér 15.) játszóudvar kialakítása valósul meg, valamint az alsó tagozatosok részére taneszközök, bútorok, informatikai eszközök beszerzésére kerül sor. A projekt célja, hogy a körzetben működjön olyan állami fenntartású intézmény, amely megfelel a jogszabályi előírásoknak, továbbá a modern kor igényeinek és biztosítja a gyermekek számára az egyenlő és minőségi oktatáshoz való hozzáférést. Továbbá – a környező települések csökkenő gyermeklétszámát, és a környező települések iskoláinak alacsony létszámát figyelembe véve - képes legyen hosszú távon versenyképes intézményként fogadni a gyermekeket, ugyanolyan, vagy akár jobb színvonalon, mint a környező városokban működő többi intézmény. (Hungarian)
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The main objective of the project is to facilitate the renewal of the Petőfi Sándor Primary School and the Primary Art School in Atrialos by means of a complex solution of the enrolment difficulties (mandatory enrolment, student composition, infrastructure and professional development) so that the children of the region can benefit from quality education, accessible by everyone — whether from urban or surrounding settlements — to provide individualised and inclusive education, thus ensuring equal opportunities for them. In addition to professional renewal and development, it is of utmost importance that children can continue their studies in a highly developed institution that meets their age, needs and the expectations of the modern age. The objective of this project is to ensure the institutional building and the availability of assets in line with the above requirements. Detailed technical description of the planned development: Within the framework of the project, two properties are involved in the development: — during the development of the headquarters institution (Pitvaros, Kossuth u. 27), the renovation of the school building, the conversion of the current service home into educational premises, the construction of an extension for connecting the buildings, the renovation of the related playground and the purchase of the necessary tools (furniture, teaching equipment, IT equipment) are carried out. — the establishment of a playground at the head office of the institution (Pitvaros, Petőfi tér 15.) and the purchase of teaching equipment, furniture and IT equipment for the lower classes. The aim of the project is to have a state-run institution in the district that meets the legal requirements and the needs of the modern age and ensures that children have access to equal and quality education. It should also be able to receive children as competitive institutions in the long term, taking into account the shrinking number of children in the surrounding settlements and the low number of schools in the surrounding settlements, to the same or even better quality than other institutions in the surrounding cities. (English)
8 February 2022
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Pitvaros, Csongrád-Csanád
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