Implementing educational innovations at Edutus College (Q3901114): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
Edutus College is a state-recognised, non-state higher education institution based in Tatabánya. Apart from its headquarters, the College carries out higher education activities in the training venues in Budapest and Odorheiu Secuiesc. The College’s Institutional Development Plan was adopted by the Ministry of Human Resources in the summer of 2016. According to IFT’s target system, the main objective of the College is to obtain the University of Applied Sciences qualification by September 2017. This requires the extension of the training portfolio, which mainly concerns the educational activity. For the project, the following objectives have been formulated in connection with the OP and the call for proposals of this project, in line with the objectives of the IFT and the Higher Education Strategy: Improving access to higher education, in particular for young people with disabilities and developing methodological and other background conditions, 2. promoting the retention and graduation of students in higher education 3.Adult vocational training, new vocational education and training courses, start of training Related tevékenységek:Pályára, in order to facilitate the entry and retention of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, in particular with disabilities, in higher education, related mentoring programme and educational methodological and sensitising training for teachers Scholarship conditionality and documentation for students with disabilities.Developing and launching a new programme of higher education vocational training and OKJ training courses for students, and specifically for students with disabilities.Organisation of a summer course for students with the title “How to write a successful thesis?” 2. Strengthening educational innovation 1.a Vocational training courses starting at the College, reshaping the curricula of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, supporting the centralisation of practice and student work 2. expansion of learning support services for students of the college 3.Development of English-language curricula 4.Development of educational and methodological training of the college teachers, presenting them with new and innovative methods 5. Strengthening the link between education and the world of work 6.Digital development of the educational and learning process 7. development of language skills of library holders and college staff working in educational administration Related activities: Reshaping the curricula of higher education vocational education, Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in line with the above objectives, developing the content and methodological development of the first semester subject, which includes methods of obtaining information related to studenthood, methods of obtaining professional information and processing, etc. For each basic degree, the development of English language curricula for at least 2 subjects Instructors, practitioners, master trainers, educational and methodological training courses per department of 2 days of further training for students in order to develop competences that can be used in the labour market development of training modules with the participation of enterprise professionals development of educational and educational methods Online courses, launch of pilot program organisation of library usage student trainings further development of webinar system Introduction of working language courses III. Development of internationalisation 1. development of international higher education networking, expansion of foreign higher education institutional partners, development of joint courses and courses Related activity: Development of the 4th Carpathian Basin Education Space 1. Establishment of joint Hungarian language and multilingual trainings and related curriculum development 2.Teacher-up-training and exchange of experience programs 3. Sharing of good practices Related activity: Development and launch of a pilot programme in cooperation with the partner institution of Ukraine 1.Development of higher education health education1.Improvement of college sports life, launch of new services and increase student participation in sport activities, strengthening communication of student sports results Related tevékenység:Sportversenyek, organisation of “tour run” contribution to the development of the VI.MTMI(STEM) training area 1.a Increasing the number of female students in the technical courses of the college Related activity: Organisation of a 1-week summer university for girls in order to promote technical studies The institutional interventions, the carrying out of research and methodological developments that underpin the development of the institutions. Direct target groups related to the current project planned at Edutus College: •potential students, current students, lecturers, participating master instructors, corporate professionals, practitioners of the college • students and lecturers of higher educ... (English)
Property / summary: Edutus College is a state-recognised, non-state higher education institution based in Tatabánya. Apart from its headquarters, the College carries out higher education activities in the training venues in Budapest and Odorheiu Secuiesc. The College’s Institutional Development Plan was adopted by the Ministry of Human Resources in the summer of 2016. According to IFT’s target system, the main objective of the College is to obtain the University of Applied Sciences qualification by September 2017. This requires the extension of the training portfolio, which mainly concerns the educational activity. For the project, the following objectives have been formulated in connection with the OP and the call for proposals of this project, in line with the objectives of the IFT and the Higher Education Strategy: Improving access to higher education, in particular for young people with disabilities and developing methodological and other background conditions, 2. promoting the retention and graduation of students in higher education 3.Adult vocational training, new vocational education and training courses, start of training Related tevékenységek:Pályára, in order to facilitate the entry and retention of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, in particular with disabilities, in higher education, related mentoring programme and educational methodological and sensitising training for teachers Scholarship conditionality and documentation for students with disabilities.Developing and launching a new programme of higher education vocational training and OKJ training courses for students, and specifically for students with disabilities.Organisation of a summer course for students with the title “How to write a successful thesis?” 2. Strengthening educational innovation 1.a Vocational training courses starting at the College, reshaping the curricula of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, supporting the centralisation of practice and student work 2. expansion of learning support services for students of the college 3.Development of English-language curricula 4.Development of educational and methodological training of the college teachers, presenting them with new and innovative methods 5. Strengthening the link between education and the world of work 6.Digital development of the educational and learning process 7. development of language skills of library holders and college staff working in educational administration Related activities: Reshaping the curricula of higher education vocational education, Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in line with the above objectives, developing the content and methodological development of the first semester subject, which includes methods of obtaining information related to studenthood, methods of obtaining professional information and processing, etc. For each basic degree, the development of English language curricula for at least 2 subjects Instructors, practitioners, master trainers, educational and methodological training courses per department of 2 days of further training for students in order to develop competences that can be used in the labour market development of training modules with the participation of enterprise professionals development of educational and educational methods Online courses, launch of pilot program organisation of library usage student trainings further development of webinar system Introduction of working language courses III. Development of internationalisation 1. development of international higher education networking, expansion of foreign higher education institutional partners, development of joint courses and courses Related activity: Development of the 4th Carpathian Basin Education Space 1. Establishment of joint Hungarian language and multilingual trainings and related curriculum development 2.Teacher-up-training and exchange of experience programs 3. Sharing of good practices Related activity: Development and launch of a pilot programme in cooperation with the partner institution of Ukraine 1.Development of higher education health education1.Improvement of college sports life, launch of new services and increase student participation in sport activities, strengthening communication of student sports results Related tevékenység:Sportversenyek, organisation of “tour run” contribution to the development of the VI.MTMI(STEM) training area 1.a Increasing the number of female students in the technical courses of the college Related activity: Organisation of a 1-week summer university for girls in order to promote technical studies The institutional interventions, the carrying out of research and methodological developments that underpin the development of the institutions. Direct target groups related to the current project planned at Edutus College: •potential students, current students, lecturers, participating master instructors, corporate professionals, practitioners of the college • students and lecturers of higher educ... (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Edutus College is a state-recognised, non-state higher education institution based in Tatabánya. Apart from its headquarters, the College carries out higher education activities in the training venues in Budapest and Odorheiu Secuiesc. The College’s Institutional Development Plan was adopted by the Ministry of Human Resources in the summer of 2016. According to IFT’s target system, the main objective of the College is to obtain the University of Applied Sciences qualification by September 2017. This requires the extension of the training portfolio, which mainly concerns the educational activity. For the project, the following objectives have been formulated in connection with the OP and the call for proposals of this project, in line with the objectives of the IFT and the Higher Education Strategy: Improving access to higher education, in particular for young people with disabilities and developing methodological and other background conditions, 2. promoting the retention and graduation of students in higher education 3.Adult vocational training, new vocational education and training courses, start of training Related tevékenységek:Pályára, in order to facilitate the entry and retention of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, in particular with disabilities, in higher education, related mentoring programme and educational methodological and sensitising training for teachers Scholarship conditionality and documentation for students with disabilities.Developing and launching a new programme of higher education vocational training and OKJ training courses for students, and specifically for students with disabilities.Organisation of a summer course for students with the title “How to write a successful thesis?” 2. Strengthening educational innovation 1.a Vocational training courses starting at the College, reshaping the curricula of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, supporting the centralisation of practice and student work 2. expansion of learning support services for students of the college 3.Development of English-language curricula 4.Development of educational and methodological training of the college teachers, presenting them with new and innovative methods 5. Strengthening the link between education and the world of work 6.Digital development of the educational and learning process 7. development of language skills of library holders and college staff working in educational administration Related activities: Reshaping the curricula of higher education vocational education, Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in line with the above objectives, developing the content and methodological development of the first semester subject, which includes methods of obtaining information related to studenthood, methods of obtaining professional information and processing, etc. For each basic degree, the development of English language curricula for at least 2 subjects Instructors, practitioners, master trainers, educational and methodological training courses per department of 2 days of further training for students in order to develop competences that can be used in the labour market development of training modules with the participation of enterprise professionals development of educational and educational methods Online courses, launch of pilot program organisation of library usage student trainings further development of webinar system Introduction of working language courses III. Development of internationalisation 1. development of international higher education networking, expansion of foreign higher education institutional partners, development of joint courses and courses Related activity: Development of the 4th Carpathian Basin Education Space 1. Establishment of joint Hungarian language and multilingual trainings and related curriculum development 2.Teacher-up-training and exchange of experience programs 3. Sharing of good practices Related activity: Development and launch of a pilot programme in cooperation with the partner institution of Ukraine 1.Development of higher education health education1.Improvement of college sports life, launch of new services and increase student participation in sport activities, strengthening communication of student sports results Related tevékenység:Sportversenyek, organisation of “tour run” contribution to the development of the VI.MTMI(STEM) training area 1.a Increasing the number of female students in the technical courses of the college Related activity: Organisation of a 1-week summer university for girls in order to promote technical studies The institutional interventions, the carrying out of research and methodological developments that underpin the development of the institutions. Direct target groups related to the current project planned at Edutus College: •potential students, current students, lecturers, participating master instructors, corporate professionals, practitioners of the college • students and lecturers of higher educ... (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 12:36, 8 February 2022

Project Q3901114 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Implementing educational innovations at Edutus College
Project Q3901114 in Hungary


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    EDUTUS Egyetem
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    Az Edutus Főiskola államilag elismert, nem állami felsőoktatási intézmény Tatabánya székhellyel. A Főiskola a székhelyén kívül a Budapesten és a Székelyudvarhelyen található képzési helyszíneken folytat felsőoktatási tevékenységet. A Főiskola Intézményfejlesztési Tervét 2016 nyarán fogadta el az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma. Az IFT célrendszere szerint a Főiskola legfontosabb célkitűzése, hogy 2017 szeptemberére megszerezze az alkalmazott tudományok egyeteme minősítést. Ehhez elsősorban a képzési portfolió bővítésére van szükség, ami főleg az oktatási tevékenységet érinti.A projekt kapcsán a következő célkitűzéseket fogalmaztuk meg az OP-hoz és a jelen pályázati konstrukció felhívásához kapcsolódóan, illeszkedve az IFT céljaihoz és a Felsőoktatási stratégiához is: I.felsőoktatási részvétel növelése-CÉL 1.a felsőoktatáshoz való hozzáférés javítása, különös tekintettel a fogyatékos fiatalokra, valamint ennek módszertani és egyéb háttérfeltételeinek kidolgozása, megteremtése 2.a felsőoktatásban a hallgatók bennmaradásának és diplomaszerzésének elősegítése 3.felnőtt képzés, felsőoktatási szakképzés terén új szakok, képzések indítása Kapcsolódó tevékenységek:Pályára állító Program kidolgozása, a hátrányos helyzetű, különösen a fogyatékos fiatalok felsőoktatásba való bekerülésének és bennmaradásának elősegítése érdekében, kapcsolódó mentorprogram és oktatás-módszertani, érzékenyítő képzések az oktatók számára Ösztöndíj feltételrendszer, dokumentáció kidolgozása kifejezetten fogyatékkal élő hallgatók számára.Új felsőoktatási szakképzés és OKJ képzés programjának kidolgozása, elindításaTanulásmódszertani tréningek szervezése a hallgatóknak, és speciálisan a HH, fogyatékos hallgatóknak.Nyári kurzus szervezése „Hogyan írjunk sikeres szakdolgozatot?” címmel hallgatóknak II.oktatási innováció erősítése 1.a Főiskolán induló szakképzések, alapképzések és mesterképzés tanterveinek átalakítása, gyakorlat- és hallgatói munkavégzés központúvá tételének támogatása 2.tanulás támogató szolgáltatások bővítése a főiskola hallgatói számára 3.angol nyelvű tananyagok kidolgozása 4.a főiskola oktatóinak oktatás-módszertani továbbképzése, új, innovatív módszerek megismertetése velük oktatás és a munka világa közötti kapcsolat erősítése 6.oktatási-tanulási folyamat digitális fejlesztése 7.könyvtárosok és oktatási adminisztrációban dolgozó főiskolai munkatársak nyelvtudásának fejlesztése Kapcsolódó tevékenységek: A felsőoktatási szakképzések, alapképzések és mesterképzés tanterveinek átalakítása a fenti céloknak megfelelően Első féléves tantárgy tartalmi és módszertani kidolgozása, amely magában foglalja hallgatói léthez kapcsolódó információszerzés módszereit, szakmai információszerzés és feldolgozás módszereit, stb.Minden alapszakhoz minimum 2 tárgy angol nyelvű tananyagának kidolgozása Oktatók, gyakorló szakemberek, mesteroktatók oktatás-módszertani továbbképzése 2 napos továbbképzés tanszékenként Tréningek szervezése a hallgatók számára a munkaerőpiacon hasznosítható kompetenciák fejlesztése érdekében Speciális képzések, képzési modulok fejlesztése vállalati közreműködéssel Vállalati szakemberek pedagógiai, oktatás-módszertani továbbképzése Online kurzusok kidolgozása, pilot program indítása Könyvtárhasználati hallgatói tréningek szervezése Webináriumi rendszer továbbfejlesztése Dolgozói nyelvi képzések indítása III.Nemzetköziesítés fejlesztése 1.nemzetközi felsőoktatási hálózatosodás fejlesztése, külföldi felsőoktatási intézményi partnerkör bővítése, közös képzések, kurzusok kidolgozása Kapcsolódó tevékenység: Nemzetközi Hét program továbbfejlesztése, kurzusbővítése IV.Kárpát-medencei oktatási tér kialakítása 1.közös magyar nyelvű és többnyelvű képzések kialakítása és kapcsolódó tananyagfejlesztés 2.tanár-továbbképzési és tapasztalatcsere programok szervezése 3.jó gyakorlatok megosztása Kapcsolódó tevékenység: Magor Program keretében pilot program kifejlesztése, elindítása Ukrajnai partnerintézménnyel közösen V.Felsőoktatási egészségnevelés fejlesztése1.a főiskolai sportélet fejlesztése, új szolgáltatások indítása, illetve a hallgatói részvétel növelése a sporttevékenységekben, hallgatói sporteredmények kommunikációjának erősítése Kapcsolódó tevékenység:Sportversenyek indítása,„turulfutás”szervezése VI.MTMI(STEM) képzési terület fejlesztéséhez hozzájárulás 1.a főiskola műszaki képzésein a női hallgatók számának növelése Kapcsolódó tevékenység: 1 hetes nyári egyetem szervezése lányok számára a műszaki szakok népszerűsítése érdekében Az intézményi beavatkozások, fejlesztéseket megalapozó kutatások, módszertani fejlesztések lebonyolítása. A közvetlen célcsoportok az Edutus Főiskolán tervezett jelenlegi projekthez kapcsolódóan: •a főiskola potenciális hallgatói, jelenlegi hallgatói, oktatói, a projektbe bekapcsolódó, részt vevő mesteroktatók, vállalati szakemberek, gyakorló szakemberek •határontúli-ukrajnai-(magyar képzés folytató)felsőoktatási intézmények hallgatói és oktatói (Hungarian)
    0 references
    Edutus College is a state-recognised, non-state higher education institution based in Tatabánya. Apart from its headquarters, the College carries out higher education activities in the training venues in Budapest and Odorheiu Secuiesc. The College’s Institutional Development Plan was adopted by the Ministry of Human Resources in the summer of 2016. According to IFT’s target system, the main objective of the College is to obtain the University of Applied Sciences qualification by September 2017. This requires the extension of the training portfolio, which mainly concerns the educational activity. For the project, the following objectives have been formulated in connection with the OP and the call for proposals of this project, in line with the objectives of the IFT and the Higher Education Strategy: Improving access to higher education, in particular for young people with disabilities and developing methodological and other background conditions, 2. promoting the retention and graduation of students in higher education 3.Adult vocational training, new vocational education and training courses, start of training Related tevékenységek:Pályára, in order to facilitate the entry and retention of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, in particular with disabilities, in higher education, related mentoring programme and educational methodological and sensitising training for teachers Scholarship conditionality and documentation for students with disabilities.Developing and launching a new programme of higher education vocational training and OKJ training courses for students, and specifically for students with disabilities.Organisation of a summer course for students with the title “How to write a successful thesis?” 2. Strengthening educational innovation 1.a Vocational training courses starting at the College, reshaping the curricula of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, supporting the centralisation of practice and student work 2. expansion of learning support services for students of the college 3.Development of English-language curricula 4.Development of educational and methodological training of the college teachers, presenting them with new and innovative methods 5. Strengthening the link between education and the world of work 6.Digital development of the educational and learning process 7. development of language skills of library holders and college staff working in educational administration Related activities: Reshaping the curricula of higher education vocational education, Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in line with the above objectives, developing the content and methodological development of the first semester subject, which includes methods of obtaining information related to studenthood, methods of obtaining professional information and processing, etc. For each basic degree, the development of English language curricula for at least 2 subjects Instructors, practitioners, master trainers, educational and methodological training courses per department of 2 days of further training for students in order to develop competences that can be used in the labour market development of training modules with the participation of enterprise professionals development of educational and educational methods Online courses, launch of pilot program organisation of library usage student trainings further development of webinar system Introduction of working language courses III. Development of internationalisation 1. development of international higher education networking, expansion of foreign higher education institutional partners, development of joint courses and courses Related activity: Development of the 4th Carpathian Basin Education Space 1. Establishment of joint Hungarian language and multilingual trainings and related curriculum development 2.Teacher-up-training and exchange of experience programs 3. Sharing of good practices Related activity: Development and launch of a pilot programme in cooperation with the partner institution of Ukraine 1.Development of higher education health education1.Improvement of college sports life, launch of new services and increase student participation in sport activities, strengthening communication of student sports results Related tevékenység:Sportversenyek, organisation of “tour run” contribution to the development of the VI.MTMI(STEM) training area 1.a Increasing the number of female students in the technical courses of the college Related activity: Organisation of a 1-week summer university for girls in order to promote technical studies The institutional interventions, the carrying out of research and methodological developments that underpin the development of the institutions. Direct target groups related to the current project planned at Edutus College: •potential students, current students, lecturers, participating master instructors, corporate professionals, practitioners of the college • students and lecturers of higher educ... (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Tatabánya, Komárom-Esztergom
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