Improve the quality and access to specialised care in the context of the structured development of the psychiatric care system. (Q3896426): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: add summary) |
(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The prevalence and prevalence of mental illnesses within the Hungarian population is extremely high. If people with addictive problems are included, even one in four people in our country can be affected. This is a “popular disease” problem. The health burden is significant in terms of numbers for both society, including families, health care and, of course, the patient. The health care system for mentally ill patients gradually declined since the mid-2000s. The reduction mainly affected acute care. Neither the cross-section of rehabilitation services nor the development of outpatient care followed the capacity reduction. Thus, the quality of life and life opportunities of people with psychiatric illnesses have been reduced. The burden on the micro and macro environments has increased significantly. The burden is further increased by the costs of disability and early retirement. International studies also confirm that the average lifetime of people with mental illnesses is 10-12 years shorter than the average population. There are significant differences in the distribution of care and access to care within the country, both at county and regional level, in terms of infrastructure and human resources. As a result of EU-funded applications for chronic care (psychiatric rehabilitation), psychiatric rehabilitation capacity improved by around 4 % on a national average and regional disparities at the primary infrastructure level decreased moderately. The objective of this tender is to develop acute psychiatric care. In the course of the preparatory work, the technical working group supporting the project identified priorities that follow the most important lines of action for the future of psychiatry. In addition to the previously listed burdens for people with mental illness, there are significant disadvantages resulting from stigmatisation and prejudices, which further impair the chances of healing rehabilitation and often prevent an improvement in the quality of life. Because of the above, our priority is to have at least one psychiatric class suitable for active care in each county, where modern, effective, differentiated therapeutic modality is available in the 21st century, while providing adequate human resources. It is also a priority to improve patient safety and infrastructure solutions for emergency care, including, of course, benefits that can be considered as “crisis” and can be dismissed within 24 hours or, in case of any physical complaint, can be directed to specialised outpatient care and/or inpatient care. The concept thus separates emergency (within 24 hours) and active psychiatric care. Efforts should be made to reach the completed level of care in the framework of active care, therefore improving the accommodation conditions of patients, limiting the number of beds in the wards (up to 4 beds), increasing the number of bathrooms connected to the wards, improving the working conditions of doctors and psychologists in the class, setting up medical-psychological therapeutic rooms or employing and group rooms. This should not be developed separately, but in the framework of a health institution with a high population of patients (county hospital). A rethinking acute psychiatric care in this structure can significantly reduce stigmatisation with a measurable improvement in efficiency (shorter nursing time) and effectiveness. Among our priorities is the physical separation of disturbed conditions (e.g. disturbed conditions resulting from a complication of physical illness in old age) from acute psychiatric care. In order to implement the above ideas, we sent questionnaires to the institutions providing active psychiatric care and asked for development proposals and plans. In the course of on-site visits, they also held face-to-face consultations with staff and management on the possibilities for improvement along priorities. By processing the incoming materials and taking into account the amount available in the project, priorities have been established. Thus, we have identified 14 places where the expected result and psychiatric development of the amount invested will be implemented conceptually. As the project is completed, it is expected that differences in the quality of access to care in the country will be reduced. Regardless of the place of residence, we strive to develop optimal care, thereby increasing patient satisfaction in the long term, reducing the psychosocial burden, allowing for better harmonisation of rehabilitation and outpatient development opportunities. As a result of all of this, people with mental illnesses can improve their life opportunities, resocialisation and thus reduce the economic burden. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The prevalence and prevalence of mental illnesses within the Hungarian population is extremely high. If people with addictive problems are included, even one in four people in our country can be affected. This is a “popular disease” problem. The health burden is significant in terms of numbers for both society, including families, health care and, of course, the patient. The health care system for mentally ill patients gradually declined since the mid-2000s. The reduction mainly affected acute care. Neither the cross-section of rehabilitation services nor the development of outpatient care followed the capacity reduction. Thus, the quality of life and life opportunities of people with psychiatric illnesses have been reduced. The burden on the micro and macro environments has increased significantly. The burden is further increased by the costs of disability and early retirement. International studies also confirm that the average lifetime of people with mental illnesses is 10-12 years shorter than the average population. There are significant differences in the distribution of care and access to care within the country, both at county and regional level, in terms of infrastructure and human resources. As a result of EU-funded applications for chronic care (psychiatric rehabilitation), psychiatric rehabilitation capacity improved by around 4 % on a national average and regional disparities at the primary infrastructure level decreased moderately. The objective of this tender is to develop acute psychiatric care. In the course of the preparatory work, the technical working group supporting the project identified priorities that follow the most important lines of action for the future of psychiatry. In addition to the previously listed burdens for people with mental illness, there are significant disadvantages resulting from stigmatisation and prejudices, which further impair the chances of healing rehabilitation and often prevent an improvement in the quality of life. Because of the above, our priority is to have at least one psychiatric class suitable for active care in each county, where modern, effective, differentiated therapeutic modality is available in the 21st century, while providing adequate human resources. It is also a priority to improve patient safety and infrastructure solutions for emergency care, including, of course, benefits that can be considered as “crisis” and can be dismissed within 24 hours or, in case of any physical complaint, can be directed to specialised outpatient care and/or inpatient care. The concept thus separates emergency (within 24 hours) and active psychiatric care. Efforts should be made to reach the completed level of care in the framework of active care, therefore improving the accommodation conditions of patients, limiting the number of beds in the wards (up to 4 beds), increasing the number of bathrooms connected to the wards, improving the working conditions of doctors and psychologists in the class, setting up medical-psychological therapeutic rooms or employing and group rooms. This should not be developed separately, but in the framework of a health institution with a high population of patients (county hospital). A rethinking acute psychiatric care in this structure can significantly reduce stigmatisation with a measurable improvement in efficiency (shorter nursing time) and effectiveness. Among our priorities is the physical separation of disturbed conditions (e.g. disturbed conditions resulting from a complication of physical illness in old age) from acute psychiatric care. In order to implement the above ideas, we sent questionnaires to the institutions providing active psychiatric care and asked for development proposals and plans. In the course of on-site visits, they also held face-to-face consultations with staff and management on the possibilities for improvement along priorities. By processing the incoming materials and taking into account the amount available in the project, priorities have been established. Thus, we have identified 14 places where the expected result and psychiatric development of the amount invested will be implemented conceptually. As the project is completed, it is expected that differences in the quality of access to care in the country will be reduced. Regardless of the place of residence, we strive to develop optimal care, thereby increasing patient satisfaction in the long term, reducing the psychosocial burden, allowing for better harmonisation of rehabilitation and outpatient development opportunities. As a result of all of this, people with mental illnesses can improve their life opportunities, resocialisation and thus reduce the economic burden. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The prevalence and prevalence of mental illnesses within the Hungarian population is extremely high. If people with addictive problems are included, even one in four people in our country can be affected. This is a “popular disease” problem. The health burden is significant in terms of numbers for both society, including families, health care and, of course, the patient. The health care system for mentally ill patients gradually declined since the mid-2000s. The reduction mainly affected acute care. Neither the cross-section of rehabilitation services nor the development of outpatient care followed the capacity reduction. Thus, the quality of life and life opportunities of people with psychiatric illnesses have been reduced. The burden on the micro and macro environments has increased significantly. The burden is further increased by the costs of disability and early retirement. International studies also confirm that the average lifetime of people with mental illnesses is 10-12 years shorter than the average population. There are significant differences in the distribution of care and access to care within the country, both at county and regional level, in terms of infrastructure and human resources. As a result of EU-funded applications for chronic care (psychiatric rehabilitation), psychiatric rehabilitation capacity improved by around 4 % on a national average and regional disparities at the primary infrastructure level decreased moderately. The objective of this tender is to develop acute psychiatric care. In the course of the preparatory work, the technical working group supporting the project identified priorities that follow the most important lines of action for the future of psychiatry. In addition to the previously listed burdens for people with mental illness, there are significant disadvantages resulting from stigmatisation and prejudices, which further impair the chances of healing rehabilitation and often prevent an improvement in the quality of life. Because of the above, our priority is to have at least one psychiatric class suitable for active care in each county, where modern, effective, differentiated therapeutic modality is available in the 21st century, while providing adequate human resources. It is also a priority to improve patient safety and infrastructure solutions for emergency care, including, of course, benefits that can be considered as “crisis” and can be dismissed within 24 hours or, in case of any physical complaint, can be directed to specialised outpatient care and/or inpatient care. The concept thus separates emergency (within 24 hours) and active psychiatric care. Efforts should be made to reach the completed level of care in the framework of active care, therefore improving the accommodation conditions of patients, limiting the number of beds in the wards (up to 4 beds), increasing the number of bathrooms connected to the wards, improving the working conditions of doctors and psychologists in the class, setting up medical-psychological therapeutic rooms or employing and group rooms. This should not be developed separately, but in the framework of a health institution with a high population of patients (county hospital). A rethinking acute psychiatric care in this structure can significantly reduce stigmatisation with a measurable improvement in efficiency (shorter nursing time) and effectiveness. Among our priorities is the physical separation of disturbed conditions (e.g. disturbed conditions resulting from a complication of physical illness in old age) from acute psychiatric care. In order to implement the above ideas, we sent questionnaires to the institutions providing active psychiatric care and asked for development proposals and plans. In the course of on-site visits, they also held face-to-face consultations with staff and management on the possibilities for improvement along priorities. By processing the incoming materials and taking into account the amount available in the project, priorities have been established. Thus, we have identified 14 places where the expected result and psychiatric development of the amount invested will be implemented conceptually. As the project is completed, it is expected that differences in the quality of access to care in the country will be reduced. Regardless of the place of residence, we strive to develop optimal care, thereby increasing patient satisfaction in the long term, reducing the psychosocial burden, allowing for better harmonisation of rehabilitation and outpatient development opportunities. As a result of all of this, people with mental illnesses can improve their life opportunities, resocialisation and thus reduce the economic burden. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 12:02, 8 February 2022
Project Q3896426 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Improve the quality and access to specialised care in the context of the structured development of the psychiatric care system. |
Project Q3896426 in Hungary |
6,287,338.88 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
10 December 2021
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2,300,000,000 forint
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7,396,869.271 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
10 December 2021
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2,705,882,352.941 forint
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85.0 percent
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1 March 2017
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31 March 2022
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A mentális betegségek prevalenciája, előfordulása a magyar lakosságon belül rendkívül magas. Ha az addiktológiai problémákkal élőket is hozzávesszük, hazánkban akár minden negyedik lakos érintett lehet. Ez „népbetegség” szintű problémát jelent. Az egészségügyi terhek számok tükrében jelentősek mind a társadalom – ezen belül a családok –, mind az egészségügy, és természetesen a beteg számára is. A mentális betegeket ellátó egészségügyi intézményrendszer a 2000-es évek közepétől fokozatosan csökkent. A csökkenés elsődlegesen az akut ellátást érintette. A kapacitásszűkülést sem a rehabilitációs ellátások keresztmetszete, sem a járóbeteg ellátás fejlesztése nem követte. Így a pszichiátriai betegségekkel élők életminősége, életlehetőségei csökkentek. A mikro- és makro környezet terhei jelentősen nőttek. A terheket a fogyatékosság és az idő előtti nyugdíjba vonulásból származó költségek tovább emelik. A nemzetközi vizsgálatok is azt erősítik, hogy a mentális betegségekkel élők átlag élettartama 10-12 esztendővel rövidebb, mint az átlag lakosságé. Az ellátás és az ellátáshoz való hozzáférés országon belüli elosztásában megyei, ill. regionális szinten jelentős különbségek vannak mind infrastrukturális, mind a humán erőforrás tekintetében. Az uniós forrásból megvalósuló krónikus ellátást támogató (pszichiátriai rehabilitációt célzó) pályázatok eredményeképpen a pszichiátriai rehabilitációs kapacitás országos átlagban kb. 4%-ot javult, és mérsékelten csökkentek a regionális különbségek elsődleges infrastrukturális szinten. Jelen pályázat az akut pszichiátriai ellátás fejlesztését tűzte ki célul. A projekt munkáját segítő szakmai munkacsoport az előkészítő munka során olyan prioritásokat fogalmazott meg, melyek a pszichiátria jövője szempontjából a legfontosabb cselekvési irányokat követik. A mentális betegséggel élők korábban felsorolt terhei mellett jelentős a stigmatizációból, előítéletekből származó hátrányok, melyek tovább rontják a gyógyulási rehabilitációs esélyeket, és gyakran megakadályozzák az életminőség javulását. A felsoroltak miatt a prioritásaink között elsődlegesen szerepel, hogy megyénként legalább egy olyan aktív betegellátásra alkalmas pszichiátriai osztály legyen, ahol a korszerű, hatékony, differenciált terápiás modalitások rendelkezésre állnak a XXI. században elvárható infrastrukturális viszonyok, és kellő humán erőforrás biztosítása mellett. Prioritás továbbá, a sürgősségi ellátások betegbiztonsági és infrastrukturális megoldásának javítása, ide értendők természetesen azon ellátások is, melyek „krízisnek” tekinthetők, és 24 órán belül elbocsájthatóvá válnak, vagy bármely testi panasz esetén a szakirányú járóbeteg ellátásba és/vagy fekvőbeteg ellátásba irányíthatók. A koncepcióban így elkülönül a sürgősségi (24 órán belüli), és az aktív pszichiátriai ellátás. Törekedni kell az aktív ellátás kereteiben a befejezett ellátási szint elérésére, ezért prioritás a betegek elhelyezési körülményeinek javítása, a kórtermek ágyszámának korlátozása (maximum 4 ágyas kórtermek), a kórtermekhez kapcsolódó fürdőszobák számának növelése, az osztályon dolgozó orvosok, pszichológusok munkakörülményeinek javítása, orvosi-pszichológusi terápiás szobák, ill. foglalkoztató és csoportszobák kialakítása. Mindezt nem elkülönítetten, hanem egy nagy betegforgalmú egészségügyi intézmény (megyei kórház) keretében célszerű kialakítani. Ebben a struktúrában újragondolt akut pszichiátriai ellátás éppen a hatékonyság (rövidebb ápolási idő) és eredményesség mérhető javulással a stigmatizáció jelentősen csökkenthető. A prioritásaink között szerepel nem utolsó sorba szakmai profil a zavart állapotok (pl. idős korban jelentkező testi betegség szövődményeképpen kialakuló zavart állapotok) fizikai elkülönítése az akut pszichiátriai ellátástól. A fenti elképzelések megvalósításához az aktív pszichiátriai ellátását nyújtó intézményeknek igény felmérő kérdőíveket küldtünk, ill. fejlesztési javaslatokat, terveket kértünk be. Helyszíni bejárások alkalmával személyes egyeztetéseket is folytattak az ellátó helyeken dolgozókkal és menedzsmenttel a prioritások mentén megvalósítható fejlesztések lehetőségeiről. A beérkező anyagok feldolgozásával és a projektben rendelkezésre álló keretösszeg figyelembevételével fontossági sorrendeket állítottunk fel. Így 14 olyan helyet határoztunk meg, ahol a befektetett összeg várható eredmény és pszichiátriai fejlesztés konceptuális megvalósításra kerül. A projekt befejezésével várhatóan csökkennek az országban az ellátáshoz való jutás minőségének különbségei. Lakhelytől függetlenül törekszünk optimális ellátások kialakítására, amivel hosszú távon a betegelégedettség nő, csökkenhet a pszichoszociális teher, lehetőség lehet a rehabilitáció, és a járóbeteg ellátás adta fejlesztési lehetőségek jobb harmonizációjára. Mindezek együttes eredményeképpen javulhat a mentális betegségekben élők életlehetősége, reszocializációjuk és ezzel csökken a gazdasági teher is. (Hungarian)
0 references
The prevalence and prevalence of mental illnesses within the Hungarian population is extremely high. If people with addictive problems are included, even one in four people in our country can be affected. This is a “popular disease” problem. The health burden is significant in terms of numbers for both society, including families, health care and, of course, the patient. The health care system for mentally ill patients gradually declined since the mid-2000s. The reduction mainly affected acute care. Neither the cross-section of rehabilitation services nor the development of outpatient care followed the capacity reduction. Thus, the quality of life and life opportunities of people with psychiatric illnesses have been reduced. The burden on the micro and macro environments has increased significantly. The burden is further increased by the costs of disability and early retirement. International studies also confirm that the average lifetime of people with mental illnesses is 10-12 years shorter than the average population. There are significant differences in the distribution of care and access to care within the country, both at county and regional level, in terms of infrastructure and human resources. As a result of EU-funded applications for chronic care (psychiatric rehabilitation), psychiatric rehabilitation capacity improved by around 4 % on a national average and regional disparities at the primary infrastructure level decreased moderately. The objective of this tender is to develop acute psychiatric care. In the course of the preparatory work, the technical working group supporting the project identified priorities that follow the most important lines of action for the future of psychiatry. In addition to the previously listed burdens for people with mental illness, there are significant disadvantages resulting from stigmatisation and prejudices, which further impair the chances of healing rehabilitation and often prevent an improvement in the quality of life. Because of the above, our priority is to have at least one psychiatric class suitable for active care in each county, where modern, effective, differentiated therapeutic modality is available in the 21st century, while providing adequate human resources. It is also a priority to improve patient safety and infrastructure solutions for emergency care, including, of course, benefits that can be considered as “crisis” and can be dismissed within 24 hours or, in case of any physical complaint, can be directed to specialised outpatient care and/or inpatient care. The concept thus separates emergency (within 24 hours) and active psychiatric care. Efforts should be made to reach the completed level of care in the framework of active care, therefore improving the accommodation conditions of patients, limiting the number of beds in the wards (up to 4 beds), increasing the number of bathrooms connected to the wards, improving the working conditions of doctors and psychologists in the class, setting up medical-psychological therapeutic rooms or employing and group rooms. This should not be developed separately, but in the framework of a health institution with a high population of patients (county hospital). A rethinking acute psychiatric care in this structure can significantly reduce stigmatisation with a measurable improvement in efficiency (shorter nursing time) and effectiveness. Among our priorities is the physical separation of disturbed conditions (e.g. disturbed conditions resulting from a complication of physical illness in old age) from acute psychiatric care. In order to implement the above ideas, we sent questionnaires to the institutions providing active psychiatric care and asked for development proposals and plans. In the course of on-site visits, they also held face-to-face consultations with staff and management on the possibilities for improvement along priorities. By processing the incoming materials and taking into account the amount available in the project, priorities have been established. Thus, we have identified 14 places where the expected result and psychiatric development of the amount invested will be implemented conceptually. As the project is completed, it is expected that differences in the quality of access to care in the country will be reduced. Regardless of the place of residence, we strive to develop optimal care, thereby increasing patient satisfaction in the long term, reducing the psychosocial burden, allowing for better harmonisation of rehabilitation and outpatient development opportunities. As a result of all of this, people with mental illnesses can improve their life opportunities, resocialisation and thus reduce the economic burden. (English)
8 February 2022
0 references
Szombathely, Vas
0 references
0 references