Kisújszállás is your home! (Q3883514): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
By implementing the planned project, the Municipality of Kisújszállás contributes to the localisation and coordination of the local labour market needs of young people living in the settlement and to supporting the preferential housing of young people living in their settlements and wishing to settle there. In the framework of the planned project “Kisújszállás is your home!” we aim to reach almost 400 young people aged between 18 and 35, for whom we provide programmes and services to support their potential in the labour market and their employment opportunities and, on the other hand, encourage them to stay in the settlement and to return to Kisújszállás and to settle in. In order to achieve the overall objective, the following specific objectives have been set out for this project: • Improve the housing conditions of young people in Kisújszállás by providing discounted, independent housing opportunities. • Implement (self-)employment schemes based on local opportunities. • By supporting specific tools (incentives) tailored to local specificities, conditions and needs, rural young people should remain locally active • Enhancing the employability potential of young people with particular disadvantages • Strengthening the social role of small local communities • Strengthening social responsibility among young people participating in the project This project indirectly contributes to reducing human resources shortages in human public services and local skills shortages. In order to achieve the stated objectives, we plan to implement the following activities during the implementation of the project. SELF-ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: 1. Designing and equipping the property owned by the applicant for independent housing, for young individuals participating in the project, and for couples and families. The Municipality of Kisújszállás is the refurbishment and refurbishment of the property No. 52/1. hrsz. at 5310 Kisújszállás, Rákóczi u. 16, in order to accommodate 11 young people. 2. Provision of local services to support young people’s career planning, job acquisition skills (e.g. CV writing, interview preparation, job search opportunities, upskilling and reskilling opportunities). We are waiting for the interested young people in the framework of personalised counselling and jobseekers’ club. 3. Organisation of activities with the participation of the target group, based on the development concept submitted in the application for support, identifying local opportunities, values and talents, generating economic cooperation based on this. As part of this activity, we will present the opportunities offered by local businesses to young people at urban events and in the context of the series of events entitled ‘My Art coat of arms’. 4. Develop and provide a knowledge transfer/local incentive system for the target group (up to the end of the project) to allow participation in the local economy on the basis of point 3. In the framework of the incentive scheme presented in the Professional Development Concept, we train/retrain young people according to the needs of the labour market, grant scholarships for the duration of the bachelor’s course, and support the transition to self-employment for long-term settlements and young people in shortage occupations. 5. Tailor-made preparation for participation in national and EU application programmes in the area of development. After group information, we provide an individual consultation on 5 occasions, where we prepare the young person for entry into the programmes, we will assist in the preparation of the necessary application material. INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: We assessed the needs of local businesses (questionnaires) and young people (Youth Forum) in order to prepare the concept of professional development and to develop the application for support. During the preparation and implementation of the tender, we cooperate with New Generation Center Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. In order to select the contractor of the works, we conduct a public procurement procedure. In order to successfully implement the project, we set up a project management organisation. Mandatory publicity is ensured. We're holding a project-wide audit. Equal opportunities and environmental aspects are being mainstreamed. (English)
Property / summary: By implementing the planned project, the Municipality of Kisújszállás contributes to the localisation and coordination of the local labour market needs of young people living in the settlement and to supporting the preferential housing of young people living in their settlements and wishing to settle there. In the framework of the planned project “Kisújszállás is your home!” we aim to reach almost 400 young people aged between 18 and 35, for whom we provide programmes and services to support their potential in the labour market and their employment opportunities and, on the other hand, encourage them to stay in the settlement and to return to Kisújszállás and to settle in. In order to achieve the overall objective, the following specific objectives have been set out for this project: • Improve the housing conditions of young people in Kisújszállás by providing discounted, independent housing opportunities. • Implement (self-)employment schemes based on local opportunities. • By supporting specific tools (incentives) tailored to local specificities, conditions and needs, rural young people should remain locally active • Enhancing the employability potential of young people with particular disadvantages • Strengthening the social role of small local communities • Strengthening social responsibility among young people participating in the project This project indirectly contributes to reducing human resources shortages in human public services and local skills shortages. In order to achieve the stated objectives, we plan to implement the following activities during the implementation of the project. SELF-ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: 1. Designing and equipping the property owned by the applicant for independent housing, for young individuals participating in the project, and for couples and families. The Municipality of Kisújszállás is the refurbishment and refurbishment of the property No. 52/1. hrsz. at 5310 Kisújszállás, Rákóczi u. 16, in order to accommodate 11 young people. 2. Provision of local services to support young people’s career planning, job acquisition skills (e.g. CV writing, interview preparation, job search opportunities, upskilling and reskilling opportunities). We are waiting for the interested young people in the framework of personalised counselling and jobseekers’ club. 3. Organisation of activities with the participation of the target group, based on the development concept submitted in the application for support, identifying local opportunities, values and talents, generating economic cooperation based on this. As part of this activity, we will present the opportunities offered by local businesses to young people at urban events and in the context of the series of events entitled ‘My Art coat of arms’. 4. Develop and provide a knowledge transfer/local incentive system for the target group (up to the end of the project) to allow participation in the local economy on the basis of point 3. In the framework of the incentive scheme presented in the Professional Development Concept, we train/retrain young people according to the needs of the labour market, grant scholarships for the duration of the bachelor’s course, and support the transition to self-employment for long-term settlements and young people in shortage occupations. 5. Tailor-made preparation for participation in national and EU application programmes in the area of development. After group information, we provide an individual consultation on 5 occasions, where we prepare the young person for entry into the programmes, we will assist in the preparation of the necessary application material. INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: We assessed the needs of local businesses (questionnaires) and young people (Youth Forum) in order to prepare the concept of professional development and to develop the application for support. During the preparation and implementation of the tender, we cooperate with New Generation Center Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. In order to select the contractor of the works, we conduct a public procurement procedure. In order to successfully implement the project, we set up a project management organisation. Mandatory publicity is ensured. We're holding a project-wide audit. Equal opportunities and environmental aspects are being mainstreamed. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: By implementing the planned project, the Municipality of Kisújszállás contributes to the localisation and coordination of the local labour market needs of young people living in the settlement and to supporting the preferential housing of young people living in their settlements and wishing to settle there. In the framework of the planned project “Kisújszállás is your home!” we aim to reach almost 400 young people aged between 18 and 35, for whom we provide programmes and services to support their potential in the labour market and their employment opportunities and, on the other hand, encourage them to stay in the settlement and to return to Kisújszállás and to settle in. In order to achieve the overall objective, the following specific objectives have been set out for this project: • Improve the housing conditions of young people in Kisújszállás by providing discounted, independent housing opportunities. • Implement (self-)employment schemes based on local opportunities. • By supporting specific tools (incentives) tailored to local specificities, conditions and needs, rural young people should remain locally active • Enhancing the employability potential of young people with particular disadvantages • Strengthening the social role of small local communities • Strengthening social responsibility among young people participating in the project This project indirectly contributes to reducing human resources shortages in human public services and local skills shortages. In order to achieve the stated objectives, we plan to implement the following activities during the implementation of the project. SELF-ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: 1. Designing and equipping the property owned by the applicant for independent housing, for young individuals participating in the project, and for couples and families. The Municipality of Kisújszállás is the refurbishment and refurbishment of the property No. 52/1. hrsz. at 5310 Kisújszállás, Rákóczi u. 16, in order to accommodate 11 young people. 2. Provision of local services to support young people’s career planning, job acquisition skills (e.g. CV writing, interview preparation, job search opportunities, upskilling and reskilling opportunities). We are waiting for the interested young people in the framework of personalised counselling and jobseekers’ club. 3. Organisation of activities with the participation of the target group, based on the development concept submitted in the application for support, identifying local opportunities, values and talents, generating economic cooperation based on this. As part of this activity, we will present the opportunities offered by local businesses to young people at urban events and in the context of the series of events entitled ‘My Art coat of arms’. 4. Develop and provide a knowledge transfer/local incentive system for the target group (up to the end of the project) to allow participation in the local economy on the basis of point 3. In the framework of the incentive scheme presented in the Professional Development Concept, we train/retrain young people according to the needs of the labour market, grant scholarships for the duration of the bachelor’s course, and support the transition to self-employment for long-term settlements and young people in shortage occupations. 5. Tailor-made preparation for participation in national and EU application programmes in the area of development. After group information, we provide an individual consultation on 5 occasions, where we prepare the young person for entry into the programmes, we will assist in the preparation of the necessary application material. INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: We assessed the needs of local businesses (questionnaires) and young people (Youth Forum) in order to prepare the concept of professional development and to develop the application for support. During the preparation and implementation of the tender, we cooperate with New Generation Center Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. In order to select the contractor of the works, we conduct a public procurement procedure. In order to successfully implement the project, we set up a project management organisation. Mandatory publicity is ensured. We're holding a project-wide audit. Equal opportunities and environmental aspects are being mainstreamed. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 10:45, 8 February 2022

Project Q3883514 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Kisújszállás is your home!
Project Q3883514 in Hungary


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    Kisújszállás Város Önkormányzata a tervezett projekt megvalósításával hozzájárul a településen élő fiatalok helyben maradásához a helyi munkaerő-piaci igények feltérképezéséhez és koordináláshoz, valamint a településükön élő, továbbá az oda letelepülni szándékozó fiatalok kedvezményes lakhatásának támogatásához. A „Kisújszállás a Te otthonod!” című tervezett projekt keretében közel 400 fő 18 és 35 év közötti fiatal elérését célozzuk, akik számára olyan programokat, szolgáltatásokat biztosítunk, amely egyrészt támogatja a munkaerő-piaci potenciáljukat és foglalkoztatási lehetőségeiket, másrészt pedig szorgalmazza a településen való maradásukat, valamint Kisújszállásra való vissza- illetve beköltözésüket, letelepedésüket. Az átfogó cél elérése érdekében jelen projekthez kapcsolódóan az alábbi konkrét célok kerültek megfogalmazásra: • Javuljanak Kisújszálláson a fiatalok lakhatási körülményei, kedvezményes, önálló lakhatási lehetőségek biztosítása által. • A helyi lehetőségekre épülő, (ön)foglalkoztatást célzó programok valósuljanak meg. • Helyi sajátosságokhoz, adottságokhoz, igényekhez illeszkedő, egyedi eszközök támogatása (ösztönzők) révén maradjanak helyben a vidéki fiatalok • A helyi, főképp hátrányos helyzetű fiatalok foglalkoztathatósági potenciáljának növelése • Helyi kisközösségek társadalom-szervező szerepének megerősítése • Társadalmi felelősségvállalás erősítése a projektben résztvevő fiatalok között Jelen projekt közvetve hozzájárul a humán közszolgáltatások területén meglévő humánerőforrás-hiány, valamint a helyi szakemberhiány csökkenéséhez. A korábban jelzett célok megvalósítása érdekében az alábbi tevékenységek megvalósítását tervezzük a projekt végrehajtása során. ÖNÁLLÓAN TÁMOGATHATÓ TEVÉKENYSÉGEK: 1. A támogatást igénylő tulajdonában lévő ingatlanok kialakítása, felszerelése önálló lakhatás céljából, a projektben résztvevő, a célcsoportba tartozó fiatal egyének, illetve párok, családok számára. Kisújszállás Város Önkormányzata az 5310 Kisújszállás, Rákóczi u. 16. szám alatti, 52/1. hrsz.-ú ingatlan nem engedélyköteles felújítása, átalakítása 11 fiatal lakhatása érdekében. 2. Fiatalok életpálya-tervezését segítő helyi szolgáltatások nyújtása, munkaszerzési ismeretek (pl. önéletrajz írás, interjú felkészítés, munkakeresési lehetőségek megismerése, továbbképzési és átképzési lehetőségek) bővítése. Személyre szabott tanácsadás és Álláskeresők klubja keretében várjuk az érdeklődő fiatalokat. 3. A célcsoport bevonásával, a támogatási kérelemben benyújtott fejlesztési koncepción alapuló helyi lehetőségeket, értékeket, adottságokat feltáró, erre épülő gazdasági együttműködéseket generáló tevékenységek szervezése. A tevékenység keretében a helyi vállalkozások által nyújtott lehetőségeket ismertetjük meg a fiatalokkal városi rendezvényeken és a „Mesterségem címere” című rendezvénysorozat keretében. 4. A 3. pont alapján a helyi gazdaságba való bekapcsolódást lehetővé tevő ismeretátadás / helyi ösztönző rendszer kialakítása és nyújtása célcsoport számára (legfeljebb a projekt lezárásáig). A Szakmai fejlesztési koncepcióban bemutatott ösztönző rendszer keretében a munkaerő piaci igényeknek megfelelően képezzük/átképezzük a fiatalokat, főiskolai képzés idejére ösztöndíjat adunk, támogatjuk az önfoglalkoztatóvá válást a tartós letelepedést és a hiányszakmákban elhelyezkedő fiatalokat. 5. Személyre szabott felkészítés a fejlesztési célterületen megvalósuló, hazai és uniós pályázati programokban való részvételre. Csoportos tájékoztatást követően 5 alkalommal egyéni konzultáció biztosítása, ahol a fiatalt felkészítjük a programokba való belépésre, segítséget nyújtunk a szükséges pályázati anyag elkészítésében. ÖNÁLLÓAN NEM TÁMOGATHATÓ TEVÉKENYSÉGEK: A Szakmai fejlesztési koncepció elkészítése és a támogatási kérelem kidolgozása céljából felmértük a helyi vállalkozások (kérdőív), valamint a fiatalok (Ifjúsági fórum) igényeit. A pályázat előkészítése és megvalósítása során együttműködünk az Új Nemzedék Központ Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft-vel. Az építési beruházás kivitelezőjének kiválasztása érdekében közbeszerzési eljárását folytatunk le. A projekt sikeres megvalósítása érdekében projektmenedzsment szervezet hozunk létre. A kötelező nyilvánosságot biztosítjuk. Projektszintű könyvvizsgálatot tartunk. Az Esélyegyenlőség és a környezetvédelmi szempontokat érvényesítjük. (Hungarian)
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    By implementing the planned project, the Municipality of Kisújszállás contributes to the localisation and coordination of the local labour market needs of young people living in the settlement and to supporting the preferential housing of young people living in their settlements and wishing to settle there. In the framework of the planned project “Kisújszállás is your home!” we aim to reach almost 400 young people aged between 18 and 35, for whom we provide programmes and services to support their potential in the labour market and their employment opportunities and, on the other hand, encourage them to stay in the settlement and to return to Kisújszállás and to settle in. In order to achieve the overall objective, the following specific objectives have been set out for this project: • Improve the housing conditions of young people in Kisújszállás by providing discounted, independent housing opportunities. • Implement (self-)employment schemes based on local opportunities. • By supporting specific tools (incentives) tailored to local specificities, conditions and needs, rural young people should remain locally active • Enhancing the employability potential of young people with particular disadvantages • Strengthening the social role of small local communities • Strengthening social responsibility among young people participating in the project This project indirectly contributes to reducing human resources shortages in human public services and local skills shortages. In order to achieve the stated objectives, we plan to implement the following activities during the implementation of the project. SELF-ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: 1. Designing and equipping the property owned by the applicant for independent housing, for young individuals participating in the project, and for couples and families. The Municipality of Kisújszállás is the refurbishment and refurbishment of the property No. 52/1. hrsz. at 5310 Kisújszállás, Rákóczi u. 16, in order to accommodate 11 young people. 2. Provision of local services to support young people’s career planning, job acquisition skills (e.g. CV writing, interview preparation, job search opportunities, upskilling and reskilling opportunities). We are waiting for the interested young people in the framework of personalised counselling and jobseekers’ club. 3. Organisation of activities with the participation of the target group, based on the development concept submitted in the application for support, identifying local opportunities, values and talents, generating economic cooperation based on this. As part of this activity, we will present the opportunities offered by local businesses to young people at urban events and in the context of the series of events entitled ‘My Art coat of arms’. 4. Develop and provide a knowledge transfer/local incentive system for the target group (up to the end of the project) to allow participation in the local economy on the basis of point 3. In the framework of the incentive scheme presented in the Professional Development Concept, we train/retrain young people according to the needs of the labour market, grant scholarships for the duration of the bachelor’s course, and support the transition to self-employment for long-term settlements and young people in shortage occupations. 5. Tailor-made preparation for participation in national and EU application programmes in the area of development. After group information, we provide an individual consultation on 5 occasions, where we prepare the young person for entry into the programmes, we will assist in the preparation of the necessary application material. INELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: We assessed the needs of local businesses (questionnaires) and young people (Youth Forum) in order to prepare the concept of professional development and to develop the application for support. During the preparation and implementation of the tender, we cooperate with New Generation Center Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. In order to select the contractor of the works, we conduct a public procurement procedure. In order to successfully implement the project, we set up a project management organisation. Mandatory publicity is ensured. We're holding a project-wide audit. Equal opportunities and environmental aspects are being mainstreamed. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Kisújszállás, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok
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