Focus on the family (Q3883649): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The target groups of the project are young people living in Kiskunhalas and Tompa, starting a family, getting married, having children, parents with young children and children, as well as families and persons who need information, assistance, motivation and confidence in matters of relationship, residential, legal, psychological, child-raising, family planning and other family-related issues. The aim of the project is to contribute to increasing the role of the family in society and the development of life management competences of families and young people by involving disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged target groups living and staying here. Furthermore, the aim is to create a supportive environment in Kiskunhalas, which, through the activities of the applicant providing family support, contributes to the birth of planned and desired children in Hungary, to prevent family conflict situations and to manage those already established. Based on the needs assessment of the target group, the needs of the cooperating partners, the agreed goals and strategic principles, separate activities were planned for the target group involved. For young people, we organise family planning counselling and independent life management activities. We provide child-raising counselling, parent academy, child-raising, lifestyle and family life-related activities for parents with young children and family communities. For young people aged between 12 and 14 years of age, we are engaged in group activities related to the prevention of domestic violence. We implement family community building programs with the Reformed parish, the Bóbita kindergarten, the Tompa Cultural House and two associations. We organise legal and psychological counselling for families in specific or difficult situations. Our project is implemented in a wide-ranging cooperation between municipalities, institutions and citizens, under the authority and support of the Municipality of Kiskunhalas. Our Indicators are much higher than the mandatory minimums, but our Foundation’s previous experience on a similar subject can be undertaken over the 2.5 years of the project on the basis of consultations with the partners involved in each activity. The planned project was designed in a complex and mutually reinforcing way in terms of objectives, target groups, activities leading to them, cost-effectiveness. Most of the project’s activities are carried out in Kiskunhalas, but we also implement a program and group activity in Tompa. In the case of programmes, special attention will be paid to the development of male-female cooperation, the development of father-mother roles, adaptation to changed roles, intergenerational respect, forms of cooperation and mutually reinforcing activities. In defining the target group, we took into account the fact that the Municipality of Kiskunhalas is developing a similar project on one topic, TOP 5.2., which specifically foresees the development of similar services for Roma people living in segregated areas. Therefore, in the present project we tried to count a completely different target group, not necessarily Roma or segregated. The objectives and the activities leading to them were precisely defined by activity with the local government’s policy actors, so we completely separated the two projects from each other. Therefore, our cooperation has been developed along the lines of these guidelines with the following organisations: Kiskunhalas City Council, Kiskunhalas Youth Association, Sport for Opportunity Association, Kiskunhalasi Nursery School, Kiskunhalas Kertváros Primary School, HTKT Social Services Centre, Reformed Church, House of Culture and Library Tompa. The Foundation, as an applicant organisation, has all the human resources necessary for the administrative, financial and professional implementation of the project. Angéla Mátrai is a project manager and professional manager with years of experience in project implementation, implementation and organisation and management of professional processes. Júlia Saturday is a financial manager and has more than two years of financial management experience. Their application is ensured throughout the project. In the project we plan to employ Andrea Szőlősiné Németh family therapist for professional tasks and László Szalai to ensure the continuity of logistical tasks. In the course of the project, we will take into account the horizontal aspects. For the application of environmental aspects, we give priority to recycled paper in our administrative workflows, and we always try to work with recycled paper for leaflets and posters. In order to ensure equal opportunities, we try to organise programmes and services in an accessible environment every time. Our website has infocommunication accessibility, and we maintain this (English)
Property / summary: The target groups of the project are young people living in Kiskunhalas and Tompa, starting a family, getting married, having children, parents with young children and children, as well as families and persons who need information, assistance, motivation and confidence in matters of relationship, residential, legal, psychological, child-raising, family planning and other family-related issues. The aim of the project is to contribute to increasing the role of the family in society and the development of life management competences of families and young people by involving disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged target groups living and staying here. Furthermore, the aim is to create a supportive environment in Kiskunhalas, which, through the activities of the applicant providing family support, contributes to the birth of planned and desired children in Hungary, to prevent family conflict situations and to manage those already established. Based on the needs assessment of the target group, the needs of the cooperating partners, the agreed goals and strategic principles, separate activities were planned for the target group involved. For young people, we organise family planning counselling and independent life management activities. We provide child-raising counselling, parent academy, child-raising, lifestyle and family life-related activities for parents with young children and family communities. For young people aged between 12 and 14 years of age, we are engaged in group activities related to the prevention of domestic violence. We implement family community building programs with the Reformed parish, the Bóbita kindergarten, the Tompa Cultural House and two associations. We organise legal and psychological counselling for families in specific or difficult situations. Our project is implemented in a wide-ranging cooperation between municipalities, institutions and citizens, under the authority and support of the Municipality of Kiskunhalas. Our Indicators are much higher than the mandatory minimums, but our Foundation’s previous experience on a similar subject can be undertaken over the 2.5 years of the project on the basis of consultations with the partners involved in each activity. The planned project was designed in a complex and mutually reinforcing way in terms of objectives, target groups, activities leading to them, cost-effectiveness. Most of the project’s activities are carried out in Kiskunhalas, but we also implement a program and group activity in Tompa. In the case of programmes, special attention will be paid to the development of male-female cooperation, the development of father-mother roles, adaptation to changed roles, intergenerational respect, forms of cooperation and mutually reinforcing activities. In defining the target group, we took into account the fact that the Municipality of Kiskunhalas is developing a similar project on one topic, TOP 5.2., which specifically foresees the development of similar services for Roma people living in segregated areas. Therefore, in the present project we tried to count a completely different target group, not necessarily Roma or segregated. The objectives and the activities leading to them were precisely defined by activity with the local government’s policy actors, so we completely separated the two projects from each other. Therefore, our cooperation has been developed along the lines of these guidelines with the following organisations: Kiskunhalas City Council, Kiskunhalas Youth Association, Sport for Opportunity Association, Kiskunhalasi Nursery School, Kiskunhalas Kertváros Primary School, HTKT Social Services Centre, Reformed Church, House of Culture and Library Tompa. The Foundation, as an applicant organisation, has all the human resources necessary for the administrative, financial and professional implementation of the project. Angéla Mátrai is a project manager and professional manager with years of experience in project implementation, implementation and organisation and management of professional processes. Júlia Saturday is a financial manager and has more than two years of financial management experience. Their application is ensured throughout the project. In the project we plan to employ Andrea Szőlősiné Németh family therapist for professional tasks and László Szalai to ensure the continuity of logistical tasks. In the course of the project, we will take into account the horizontal aspects. For the application of environmental aspects, we give priority to recycled paper in our administrative workflows, and we always try to work with recycled paper for leaflets and posters. In order to ensure equal opportunities, we try to organise programmes and services in an accessible environment every time. Our website has infocommunication accessibility, and we maintain this (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The target groups of the project are young people living in Kiskunhalas and Tompa, starting a family, getting married, having children, parents with young children and children, as well as families and persons who need information, assistance, motivation and confidence in matters of relationship, residential, legal, psychological, child-raising, family planning and other family-related issues. The aim of the project is to contribute to increasing the role of the family in society and the development of life management competences of families and young people by involving disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged target groups living and staying here. Furthermore, the aim is to create a supportive environment in Kiskunhalas, which, through the activities of the applicant providing family support, contributes to the birth of planned and desired children in Hungary, to prevent family conflict situations and to manage those already established. Based on the needs assessment of the target group, the needs of the cooperating partners, the agreed goals and strategic principles, separate activities were planned for the target group involved. For young people, we organise family planning counselling and independent life management activities. We provide child-raising counselling, parent academy, child-raising, lifestyle and family life-related activities for parents with young children and family communities. For young people aged between 12 and 14 years of age, we are engaged in group activities related to the prevention of domestic violence. We implement family community building programs with the Reformed parish, the Bóbita kindergarten, the Tompa Cultural House and two associations. We organise legal and psychological counselling for families in specific or difficult situations. Our project is implemented in a wide-ranging cooperation between municipalities, institutions and citizens, under the authority and support of the Municipality of Kiskunhalas. Our Indicators are much higher than the mandatory minimums, but our Foundation’s previous experience on a similar subject can be undertaken over the 2.5 years of the project on the basis of consultations with the partners involved in each activity. The planned project was designed in a complex and mutually reinforcing way in terms of objectives, target groups, activities leading to them, cost-effectiveness. Most of the project’s activities are carried out in Kiskunhalas, but we also implement a program and group activity in Tompa. In the case of programmes, special attention will be paid to the development of male-female cooperation, the development of father-mother roles, adaptation to changed roles, intergenerational respect, forms of cooperation and mutually reinforcing activities. In defining the target group, we took into account the fact that the Municipality of Kiskunhalas is developing a similar project on one topic, TOP 5.2., which specifically foresees the development of similar services for Roma people living in segregated areas. Therefore, in the present project we tried to count a completely different target group, not necessarily Roma or segregated. The objectives and the activities leading to them were precisely defined by activity with the local government’s policy actors, so we completely separated the two projects from each other. Therefore, our cooperation has been developed along the lines of these guidelines with the following organisations: Kiskunhalas City Council, Kiskunhalas Youth Association, Sport for Opportunity Association, Kiskunhalasi Nursery School, Kiskunhalas Kertváros Primary School, HTKT Social Services Centre, Reformed Church, House of Culture and Library Tompa. The Foundation, as an applicant organisation, has all the human resources necessary for the administrative, financial and professional implementation of the project. Angéla Mátrai is a project manager and professional manager with years of experience in project implementation, implementation and organisation and management of professional processes. Júlia Saturday is a financial manager and has more than two years of financial management experience. Their application is ensured throughout the project. In the project we plan to employ Andrea Szőlősiné Németh family therapist for professional tasks and László Szalai to ensure the continuity of logistical tasks. In the course of the project, we will take into account the horizontal aspects. For the application of environmental aspects, we give priority to recycled paper in our administrative workflows, and we always try to work with recycled paper for leaflets and posters. In order to ensure equal opportunities, we try to organise programmes and services in an accessible environment every time. Our website has infocommunication accessibility, and we maintain this (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 09:54, 8 February 2022

Project Q3883649 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Focus on the family
Project Q3883649 in Hungary


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    40,000,000 forint
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    109,345.02 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    10 December 2021
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    128,641.205 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    10 December 2021
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    47,058,823.529 forint
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    85.0 percent
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    1 February 2017
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    30 September 2019
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    Civilek a Jövőért Alapítvány
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    A projekt célcsoportjai a Kiskunhalason és Tompán élő, családalapítás, házasságkötés, gyermekvállalás előtt álló fiatalok, a kisgyermekes és gyermekes szülők, valamint olyan családok, személyek, akik párkapcsolati, lakossági, jogi, pszichés, gyermeknevelési, családtervezési és egyéb családdal kapcsolatos témában információra, segítségre, motivációra, magabiztosságra szorulnak. A projekt célja, hogy az itt élő és tartózkodó hátrányos és nem hátrányos helyzetű célcsoportok bevonásával hozzájáruljon a család társadalmi szerepének növeléséhez, a családok, fiatalok életvezetési kompetenciáinak fejlesztéséhez. Cél továbbá, hogy Kiskunhalason egy olyan támogató környezet jöjjön létre, amely a pályázó családtámogatást nyújtó tevékenységével hozzájárul ahhoz, hogy Magyarországon a tervezett és vágyott gyermekek megszülethessenek, a családi konfliktushelyzetek megelőzhetőek, a már kialakultak kezelhetőek legyenek. A célcsoport körében végzett szükségletfelmérésre, az együttműködő partnerek igényeire, a közösen kialakított célokra, stratégiai elvekre alapozva a bevont célcsoportnak külön-külön tevékenységeket terveztünk. A fiatalok számára családtervezési tanácsadást, önálló életvezetéssel kapcsolatos foglalkozásokat szervezünk. A kisgyermekes szülők, családi közösségek számára gyermeknevelési tanácsadást, szülőakadémiát, gyermekneveléssel, életmóddal, családi életvitellel kapcsolatos foglalkozásokat valósítunk meg. A 12-14 év közötti általános iskolai fiatalok számára a kapcsolati erőszak megelőzésével kapcsolatos csoportfoglalkozásokat tartunk. Családi közösségépítő programokat a református egyházközséggel, a Bóbita óvodával, a tompai művelődési házzal, s két egyesülettel valósítjuk meg a projekt során. A sajátos vagy nehéz helyzetben lévő családok számára jogi és pszichológiai tanácsadásokat szervezünk. Projektünket széles körű önkormányzati-intézményi-civil összefogásban valósítjuk meg, Kiskunhalas Város Önkormányzatának felhatalmazása és támogatása mellett. Indikátoraink jóval meghaladják a kötelező minimumokat, azonban alapítványunk korábban hasonló témában szerzett tapasztalatai, s az egyes tevékenységekbe bevont partnerekkel folytatott egyeztetések alapján vállalhatók a projekt 2,5 éve alatt. A tervezett projektet célok, célcsoportok, hozzájuk vezető tevékenységek, költséghatékonyság szempontjából komplexen, egymást erősítő módon terveztük meg. A projekt tevékenységeinek többsége Kiskunhalason valósul meg, de programot, csoportos foglalkozás Tompán is valósítunk meg. A programok esetében kiemel figyelmet fordítunk a férfi-nő közti együttműködés fejlesztésének, apa-anya szerepek kialakításának, a megváltozott szerepekhez való alkalmazkodásnak, a generációk közti tisztelet, együttműködési formák, egymást erősítő tevékenységek mentén. A célcsoport meghatározásánál figyelembe vettük, hogy Kiskunhalas Város Önkormányzata egy témájában hasonló, TOP 5.2. projekt kidolgozásán fáradozik, amely kifejezetten a roma, szegregált területeken élők számára hasonló szolgáltatások kialakítását irányozza elő. Ezért jelen projektben igyekeztünk teljesen más, nem feltétlenül roma, s nem feltétlenül szegregált területen élő célcsoporttal számolni. Az önkormányzat szakmapolitikai szereplőivel pontosan, tevékenységenként lehatárolásra kerültek a célok, a hozzájuk vezető tevékenységek, így a két projektet teljes mértékben elkülönítettük egymástól. Ezért az együttműködéseinket is ezen irányelvek mentén alakítottuk ki az alábbi szervezetekkel: Kiskunhalas Város Önkormányzata, Kiskunhalasi Ifjúsági Egyesület, Sport az Esélyért Egyesület, Kiskunhalasi Bóbita Óvoda, Kiskunhalasi Kertvárosi Általános Iskola, HTKT Szociális Szolgáltató Központ, Református Egyházközség, Művelődési Ház és Könyvtár Tompa. Az alapítvány, mint pályázó szervezet rendelkezik mindazon humán erőforrásokkal, amely a projekt adminisztratív, pénzügyi, szakmai lebonyolításához szükséges. Mátrai Angéla projektmenedzser és szakmai vezető mind projektek lebonyolítása, megvalósítása tevékenységben, mind szakmai folyamatok szervezésében, irányításában járatos, többéves tapasztalattal rendelkezik. Szombati Júlia pénzügyi vezető pénzügyi végzettséggel, s több, mint két év pénzügyi vezetői tapasztalattal rendelkezik. Alkalmazásukat a projektben mindvégig biztosítjuk. A projektben tervezzük foglalkoztatni Szőlősiné Németh Andrea szociális munkás-családterapeutát szakmai feladatok végzésére, valamint Szalai Lászlót logisztikai feladatok folyamatosságának biztosítására. A projekt során figyelemmel vagyunk a horizontális szempontokra. A környezeti szempontok alkalmazására adminisztrációs munkafolyamatainknál előnyben részesítjük az újrahasznosított papírt, a szórólapok, plakátok esetében is igyekszünk minden esetben újrahasznosított papírral dolgozni. Az esélyegyenlőségi szempontok érvényre juttatásához a programokat, szolgáltatásokat minden alkalommal igyekszünk akadálymentes környezetben megszervezni. Honlapunk infokommunikációs akadálymentességgel rendelkezik, s ezt fenntartjuk (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The target groups of the project are young people living in Kiskunhalas and Tompa, starting a family, getting married, having children, parents with young children and children, as well as families and persons who need information, assistance, motivation and confidence in matters of relationship, residential, legal, psychological, child-raising, family planning and other family-related issues. The aim of the project is to contribute to increasing the role of the family in society and the development of life management competences of families and young people by involving disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged target groups living and staying here. Furthermore, the aim is to create a supportive environment in Kiskunhalas, which, through the activities of the applicant providing family support, contributes to the birth of planned and desired children in Hungary, to prevent family conflict situations and to manage those already established. Based on the needs assessment of the target group, the needs of the cooperating partners, the agreed goals and strategic principles, separate activities were planned for the target group involved. For young people, we organise family planning counselling and independent life management activities. We provide child-raising counselling, parent academy, child-raising, lifestyle and family life-related activities for parents with young children and family communities. For young people aged between 12 and 14 years of age, we are engaged in group activities related to the prevention of domestic violence. We implement family community building programs with the Reformed parish, the Bóbita kindergarten, the Tompa Cultural House and two associations. We organise legal and psychological counselling for families in specific or difficult situations. Our project is implemented in a wide-ranging cooperation between municipalities, institutions and citizens, under the authority and support of the Municipality of Kiskunhalas. Our Indicators are much higher than the mandatory minimums, but our Foundation’s previous experience on a similar subject can be undertaken over the 2.5 years of the project on the basis of consultations with the partners involved in each activity. The planned project was designed in a complex and mutually reinforcing way in terms of objectives, target groups, activities leading to them, cost-effectiveness. Most of the project’s activities are carried out in Kiskunhalas, but we also implement a program and group activity in Tompa. In the case of programmes, special attention will be paid to the development of male-female cooperation, the development of father-mother roles, adaptation to changed roles, intergenerational respect, forms of cooperation and mutually reinforcing activities. In defining the target group, we took into account the fact that the Municipality of Kiskunhalas is developing a similar project on one topic, TOP 5.2., which specifically foresees the development of similar services for Roma people living in segregated areas. Therefore, in the present project we tried to count a completely different target group, not necessarily Roma or segregated. The objectives and the activities leading to them were precisely defined by activity with the local government’s policy actors, so we completely separated the two projects from each other. Therefore, our cooperation has been developed along the lines of these guidelines with the following organisations: Kiskunhalas City Council, Kiskunhalas Youth Association, Sport for Opportunity Association, Kiskunhalasi Nursery School, Kiskunhalas Kertváros Primary School, HTKT Social Services Centre, Reformed Church, House of Culture and Library Tompa. The Foundation, as an applicant organisation, has all the human resources necessary for the administrative, financial and professional implementation of the project. Angéla Mátrai is a project manager and professional manager with years of experience in project implementation, implementation and organisation and management of professional processes. Júlia Saturday is a financial manager and has more than two years of financial management experience. Their application is ensured throughout the project. In the project we plan to employ Andrea Szőlősiné Németh family therapist for professional tasks and László Szalai to ensure the continuity of logistical tasks. In the course of the project, we will take into account the horizontal aspects. For the application of environmental aspects, we give priority to recycled paper in our administrative workflows, and we always try to work with recycled paper for leaflets and posters. In order to ensure equal opportunities, we try to organise programmes and services in an accessible environment every time. Our website has infocommunication accessibility, and we maintain this (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Kiskunhalas, Bács-Kiskun
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