Establishment of a Women’s Centre in Balmazújváros (Q3887175): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
The project is 290/2014. (XI. 26.) it is carried out in the territory of a beneficiary district, in Balmazújváros, on the basis of Government Decree No 26/2015. The submitted project plan contributes to the following core objectives and functions of the organisation: management of social services, regular contacts, cooperation with civil and ecclesiastical organisations, private individuals. Problems identified justifying the project: Long-term unemployment for women can become permanent after returning from GYES. Roma women, mothers with multiple children, over 45 and single mothers are at multiple disadvantages in the settlement. Domestic violence is present in the municipality, which is also a serious obstacle to their employment. The project’s short-term objective is to provide information, awareness-raising and opportunities in the field of female employment. The long-term objective is to operate the cooperation established in the programme on a sustainable and systematic basis. Quantifiable results: 1 Women’s Information and Service Centre, 500 women taking part in organised trainings, 500 women using support services, 5 persons personally achieved through adapted training, 1000 people in communication and awareness-raising activities, 20 cooperation with local employers, 50 persons providing childcare and other household support services. At the time of the implementation of the project, the project KÖFOP-1.2.1-VEKOP-16 — Connection construction for the national extension of the municipal ASP system does not remove significant human resources. Human resources for implementation: 1 major project manager with at least 2 years of project management experience and higher education. 1 head of finance with a minimum of 20 hours per week with a specialised tertiary degree. 1 professional manager working for 40 hours per week. 4 professionals working for 20 hours per week. The venues for the implementation of the programmes and services are the Polish Menyhért City Library and Péter Veres Cultural Centre operating under the management of the municipality. Organizational stability is guaranteed by several years of experience of project manager, professional manager and financial manager. The starting point is that women from disadvantaged backgrounds are unable to engage in public life at the same level as the problems they face, due to their vulnerability, neediness, lack of information and other reasons, nor are they able to participate effectively in shaping their own destiny. Our target group consists of the female inhabitants of the entire urban population who are in a more difficult social and economic situation: Mothers in Gyes, unemployed, job-seeking women, women returning to work, depressed but active women who have difficulties in reconciling work and private life. Employers and their professional organisations. Based on the local government’s own records, the Reformed Church is also able to engage its target groups through its wide-ranging personal contact system. The target group was thoroughly and personally familiarised with the applicant organisations, and this is how we can respond to their needs. They have been involved in project planning in person through our existing programmes and through other informal channels. Description of activities and methods: 1. Information, sensitisation and cooperation between local employers and their professional organisations: Woman in work-shop — sensitising workshop for employers. Organising a job fair to assess individual competencies using a suitable diagnostic tool. 2. Organisation of professional local events and meetings: Woman in work — a professional day, organising a round table with the involvement of local organisations and civil society. 3. Encouraging the spread of atypical forms of employment: Efficiently and flexibly in the world of work. Organising a job fair with the presentation of successful women, motivational lectures, job-search techniques, autobiography presentations. 4. Local presentation of the potential and benefits of women’s social and economic empowerment: Women’s Motivation and Success Day. “Successful Adams, Devoted Eves” — campaign film taking into account local specificities and opportunities. Flash-mob organisation of local communities, schools on prominent days. Mother Olympics" — "Man-Women" Olympics — playful series competitions, funny tasks, work efficiency tests. “The birth of our country!” — presenting a woman with a successful or significant social role on the spot in a documentary. 5. Women in rural development, regional development and economic development: Find and share good practices. The establishment and operation of the Women’s Information and Service Centre in cooperation with the family-friendly country’s priority call with the following services: Formal and non-formal training, development and preparation: self-knowledge, communication, networking, personal efficiency, development of k... (English)
Property / summary: The project is 290/2014. (XI. 26.) it is carried out in the territory of a beneficiary district, in Balmazújváros, on the basis of Government Decree No 26/2015. The submitted project plan contributes to the following core objectives and functions of the organisation: management of social services, regular contacts, cooperation with civil and ecclesiastical organisations, private individuals. Problems identified justifying the project: Long-term unemployment for women can become permanent after returning from GYES. Roma women, mothers with multiple children, over 45 and single mothers are at multiple disadvantages in the settlement. Domestic violence is present in the municipality, which is also a serious obstacle to their employment. The project’s short-term objective is to provide information, awareness-raising and opportunities in the field of female employment. The long-term objective is to operate the cooperation established in the programme on a sustainable and systematic basis. Quantifiable results: 1 Women’s Information and Service Centre, 500 women taking part in organised trainings, 500 women using support services, 5 persons personally achieved through adapted training, 1000 people in communication and awareness-raising activities, 20 cooperation with local employers, 50 persons providing childcare and other household support services. At the time of the implementation of the project, the project KÖFOP-1.2.1-VEKOP-16 — Connection construction for the national extension of the municipal ASP system does not remove significant human resources. Human resources for implementation: 1 major project manager with at least 2 years of project management experience and higher education. 1 head of finance with a minimum of 20 hours per week with a specialised tertiary degree. 1 professional manager working for 40 hours per week. 4 professionals working for 20 hours per week. The venues for the implementation of the programmes and services are the Polish Menyhért City Library and Péter Veres Cultural Centre operating under the management of the municipality. Organizational stability is guaranteed by several years of experience of project manager, professional manager and financial manager. The starting point is that women from disadvantaged backgrounds are unable to engage in public life at the same level as the problems they face, due to their vulnerability, neediness, lack of information and other reasons, nor are they able to participate effectively in shaping their own destiny. Our target group consists of the female inhabitants of the entire urban population who are in a more difficult social and economic situation: Mothers in Gyes, unemployed, job-seeking women, women returning to work, depressed but active women who have difficulties in reconciling work and private life. Employers and their professional organisations. Based on the local government’s own records, the Reformed Church is also able to engage its target groups through its wide-ranging personal contact system. The target group was thoroughly and personally familiarised with the applicant organisations, and this is how we can respond to their needs. They have been involved in project planning in person through our existing programmes and through other informal channels. Description of activities and methods: 1. Information, sensitisation and cooperation between local employers and their professional organisations: Woman in work-shop — sensitising workshop for employers. Organising a job fair to assess individual competencies using a suitable diagnostic tool. 2. Organisation of professional local events and meetings: Woman in work — a professional day, organising a round table with the involvement of local organisations and civil society. 3. Encouraging the spread of atypical forms of employment: Efficiently and flexibly in the world of work. Organising a job fair with the presentation of successful women, motivational lectures, job-search techniques, autobiography presentations. 4. Local presentation of the potential and benefits of women’s social and economic empowerment: Women’s Motivation and Success Day. “Successful Adams, Devoted Eves” — campaign film taking into account local specificities and opportunities. Flash-mob organisation of local communities, schools on prominent days. Mother Olympics" — "Man-Women" Olympics — playful series competitions, funny tasks, work efficiency tests. “The birth of our country!” — presenting a woman with a successful or significant social role on the spot in a documentary. 5. Women in rural development, regional development and economic development: Find and share good practices. The establishment and operation of the Women’s Information and Service Centre in cooperation with the family-friendly country’s priority call with the following services: Formal and non-formal training, development and preparation: self-knowledge, communication, networking, personal efficiency, development of k... (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The project is 290/2014. (XI. 26.) it is carried out in the territory of a beneficiary district, in Balmazújváros, on the basis of Government Decree No 26/2015. The submitted project plan contributes to the following core objectives and functions of the organisation: management of social services, regular contacts, cooperation with civil and ecclesiastical organisations, private individuals. Problems identified justifying the project: Long-term unemployment for women can become permanent after returning from GYES. Roma women, mothers with multiple children, over 45 and single mothers are at multiple disadvantages in the settlement. Domestic violence is present in the municipality, which is also a serious obstacle to their employment. The project’s short-term objective is to provide information, awareness-raising and opportunities in the field of female employment. The long-term objective is to operate the cooperation established in the programme on a sustainable and systematic basis. Quantifiable results: 1 Women’s Information and Service Centre, 500 women taking part in organised trainings, 500 women using support services, 5 persons personally achieved through adapted training, 1000 people in communication and awareness-raising activities, 20 cooperation with local employers, 50 persons providing childcare and other household support services. At the time of the implementation of the project, the project KÖFOP-1.2.1-VEKOP-16 — Connection construction for the national extension of the municipal ASP system does not remove significant human resources. Human resources for implementation: 1 major project manager with at least 2 years of project management experience and higher education. 1 head of finance with a minimum of 20 hours per week with a specialised tertiary degree. 1 professional manager working for 40 hours per week. 4 professionals working for 20 hours per week. The venues for the implementation of the programmes and services are the Polish Menyhért City Library and Péter Veres Cultural Centre operating under the management of the municipality. Organizational stability is guaranteed by several years of experience of project manager, professional manager and financial manager. The starting point is that women from disadvantaged backgrounds are unable to engage in public life at the same level as the problems they face, due to their vulnerability, neediness, lack of information and other reasons, nor are they able to participate effectively in shaping their own destiny. Our target group consists of the female inhabitants of the entire urban population who are in a more difficult social and economic situation: Mothers in Gyes, unemployed, job-seeking women, women returning to work, depressed but active women who have difficulties in reconciling work and private life. Employers and their professional organisations. Based on the local government’s own records, the Reformed Church is also able to engage its target groups through its wide-ranging personal contact system. The target group was thoroughly and personally familiarised with the applicant organisations, and this is how we can respond to their needs. They have been involved in project planning in person through our existing programmes and through other informal channels. Description of activities and methods: 1. Information, sensitisation and cooperation between local employers and their professional organisations: Woman in work-shop — sensitising workshop for employers. Organising a job fair to assess individual competencies using a suitable diagnostic tool. 2. Organisation of professional local events and meetings: Woman in work — a professional day, organising a round table with the involvement of local organisations and civil society. 3. Encouraging the spread of atypical forms of employment: Efficiently and flexibly in the world of work. Organising a job fair with the presentation of successful women, motivational lectures, job-search techniques, autobiography presentations. 4. Local presentation of the potential and benefits of women’s social and economic empowerment: Women’s Motivation and Success Day. “Successful Adams, Devoted Eves” — campaign film taking into account local specificities and opportunities. Flash-mob organisation of local communities, schools on prominent days. Mother Olympics" — "Man-Women" Olympics — playful series competitions, funny tasks, work efficiency tests. “The birth of our country!” — presenting a woman with a successful or significant social role on the spot in a documentary. 5. Women in rural development, regional development and economic development: Find and share good practices. The establishment and operation of the Women’s Information and Service Centre in cooperation with the family-friendly country’s priority call with the following services: Formal and non-formal training, development and preparation: self-knowledge, communication, networking, personal efficiency, development of k... (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 09:53, 8 February 2022

Project Q3887175 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Establishment of a Women’s Centre in Balmazújváros
Project Q3887175 in Hungary


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    A projekt a 290/2014. (XI. 26.) Korm. rendelet alapján kedvezményezett járás területén valósul meg, Balmazújvárosban. A benyújtott projektterv a szervezet alábbi alapcéljaihoz és funkcióihoz járul hozzá: szociális szolgáltatások igazgatása, rendszeres kapcsolattartás, együttműködés civil és egyházi szervezetekkel, magánszemélyekkel. A projektet indokoló azonosított problémák: A nők esetében tartós munkanélküliség állandósulhat GYÁS, GYES-ről való visszatérés után. A roma nők, a többgyermekes anyák, a 45 felettiek és a gyermeküket egyedül nevelő anyák többszörösen hátrányos helyzetben vannak a településen. A településen jelen van a családon belüli erőszak jelensége, ami szintén komoly akadályozó tényező a munkavállalásukban. A projekt rövid távú célja a tájékoztatás, szemléletformálás és a lehetőségek feltárása és biztosítása a női foglalkoztatás terén. Hosszú távú cél a programban kialakított együttműködések tartós, rendszerszintű működtetése. Számszerűsíthető eredmények: 1 db Női Információs és Szolgáltató Központ, 500 fő szervezett képzéseken részt vevő, 500 fő segítő szolgáltatásokat igénybe vevő nő, 5 db adaptált képzés, 1000 fő kommunikációs és szemléletformáló tevékenységek során személyesen elért személy, 20 db együttműködés helyi munkaadókkal, 50 fő gyermekfelügyeleti és egyéb háztartást segítő szolgáltatást nyújtó személy. A projekt megvalósításának idején a KÖFOP-1.2.1-VEKOP-16 - Csatlakoztatási konstrukció az önkormányzati ASP rendszer országos kiterjesztéséhez c. pályázat jelentős humánerőforrást nem von el. A megvalósításra biztosított humán erőforrások: 1 fő projektmenedzser legalább 2 éves projektmenedzsment tapasztalatokkal és felsőfokú végzettséggel. 1 fő pénzügyi vezető minimum heti 20 órában szakirányú felsőfokú végzettséggel. 1 fő szakmai vezető heti 40 órás munkaviszonyban. 4 fő szakmai megvalósító heti 20 órás munkaviszonyban. A programok és szolgáltatások megvalósítási helyszínei az önkormányzat fenntartásában működő Lengyel Menyhért Városi Könyvtár és Veres Péter Kulturális Központ. A szervezeti stabilitást a projektmenedzser, a szakmai vezető és a pénzügyi vezető több éves tapasztalata garantálja. A kiinduló helyzet, hogy a hátrányos helyzetű nők kiszolgáltatottságuk, rászorultságuk, információ hiányuk és egyéb okok miatt nem tudnak olyan szinten bekapcsolódni a közéletbe mint azt az őket érintő problémák igényelnék, és nem képesek saját sorsuk alakításában sem hatékonyan részt venni. Célcsoportunk a teljes városi lakosság nehezebb társadalmi és gazdasági helyzetben lévő női lakóiból tevődik össze: Gyes-en lévő anyukák, munkanélküli, munkakereső nők, a munka világába vissza térő nők, leszázalékolt de aktív nők, akiknek nehézséget okoz a munka és a magánélet összehangolása. A munkaadók és szakmai szervezeteik. Az önkormányzat saját nyilvántartásai alapján, a református egyház szintén széles körű személyes kapcsolatrendszerén keresztül tudja bevonni célcsoportjait. A célcsoportot a pályázó szervezetek alaposan és személyesen is megismerte, igényeikre így reagálni tudunk. A projekt tervezésébe a már működő programjainkon személyesen és más informális csatornákon keresztül vontuk be őket. Tevékenységek és módszerek bemutatása: 1. Helyi munkaadók és szakmai szervezeteik tájékoztatása, érzékenyítése, együttműködések kialakítása: Woman in work-shop – munkáltatók számára szervezett érzékenyítő workshop. Állásbörze szervezése egyéni kompetenciák felmérése alkalmas diagnosztikai eszköz segítségével. 2. Szakmai helyi rendezvények, találkozók szervezése: Woman in work – szakmai nap, kerekasztal szervezése a helyi szervezetek és civilek bevonásával. 3. Atipikus foglalkoztatási formák elterjesztésének ösztönzése: Hatékonyan és rugalmasan a munka világában. Állásbörze szervezése sikeres nők bemutatásával, motivációs előadásokkal, álláskeresési technikák, önéletrajzírás előadással. 4. Nők társadalmi és gazdasági szerepvállalásában rejlő lehetőségek és előnyök helyi bemutatása: Női Motivációs és Sikernap. "Sikeres Ádámok, elhivatott Évák" - kampányfilm a helyi sajátosságok, lehetőségek figyelembevételével. Flash-mob szervezése helyi közösségek, iskolák bevonásával jeles napokon. Anya Olimpia" - "Férfi-Nő" Olimpia - játékos sorversenyek, vicces feladatok, munkahatékonyság tesztek. "A mi hazánk szülötte!" - helyben sikeres vagy jelentős társadalmi szerepet betöltő nő bemutatása dokumentum kisfilmben. 5. A nők vidékfejlesztésben, térségfejlesztésben, gazdaságfejlesztésben témában: Jó gyakorlatok felkutatása és megosztása. Az Családbarát ország kiemelt felhívással együttműködve a Női Információs és Szolgáltató Központ létrehozása és működtetése az alábbi szolgáltatásokkal: Formális és nem-formális képzések, fejlesztések, felkészítések lebonyolítása: önismeret, kommunikáció, kapcsolatépítés, személyes hatékonyság, kulcskompetenciák fejlesztése, szülői szerepek, egyéni konzultációk, szülésre felkészítés, családi gazdálkodás, kiégés, alkalmazkodás, családon belüli erőszak (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The project is 290/2014. (XI. 26.) it is carried out in the territory of a beneficiary district, in Balmazújváros, on the basis of Government Decree No 26/2015. The submitted project plan contributes to the following core objectives and functions of the organisation: management of social services, regular contacts, cooperation with civil and ecclesiastical organisations, private individuals. Problems identified justifying the project: Long-term unemployment for women can become permanent after returning from GYES. Roma women, mothers with multiple children, over 45 and single mothers are at multiple disadvantages in the settlement. Domestic violence is present in the municipality, which is also a serious obstacle to their employment. The project’s short-term objective is to provide information, awareness-raising and opportunities in the field of female employment. The long-term objective is to operate the cooperation established in the programme on a sustainable and systematic basis. Quantifiable results: 1 Women’s Information and Service Centre, 500 women taking part in organised trainings, 500 women using support services, 5 persons personally achieved through adapted training, 1000 people in communication and awareness-raising activities, 20 cooperation with local employers, 50 persons providing childcare and other household support services. At the time of the implementation of the project, the project KÖFOP-1.2.1-VEKOP-16 — Connection construction for the national extension of the municipal ASP system does not remove significant human resources. Human resources for implementation: 1 major project manager with at least 2 years of project management experience and higher education. 1 head of finance with a minimum of 20 hours per week with a specialised tertiary degree. 1 professional manager working for 40 hours per week. 4 professionals working for 20 hours per week. The venues for the implementation of the programmes and services are the Polish Menyhért City Library and Péter Veres Cultural Centre operating under the management of the municipality. Organizational stability is guaranteed by several years of experience of project manager, professional manager and financial manager. The starting point is that women from disadvantaged backgrounds are unable to engage in public life at the same level as the problems they face, due to their vulnerability, neediness, lack of information and other reasons, nor are they able to participate effectively in shaping their own destiny. Our target group consists of the female inhabitants of the entire urban population who are in a more difficult social and economic situation: Mothers in Gyes, unemployed, job-seeking women, women returning to work, depressed but active women who have difficulties in reconciling work and private life. Employers and their professional organisations. Based on the local government’s own records, the Reformed Church is also able to engage its target groups through its wide-ranging personal contact system. The target group was thoroughly and personally familiarised with the applicant organisations, and this is how we can respond to their needs. They have been involved in project planning in person through our existing programmes and through other informal channels. Description of activities and methods: 1. Information, sensitisation and cooperation between local employers and their professional organisations: Woman in work-shop — sensitising workshop for employers. Organising a job fair to assess individual competencies using a suitable diagnostic tool. 2. Organisation of professional local events and meetings: Woman in work — a professional day, organising a round table with the involvement of local organisations and civil society. 3. Encouraging the spread of atypical forms of employment: Efficiently and flexibly in the world of work. Organising a job fair with the presentation of successful women, motivational lectures, job-search techniques, autobiography presentations. 4. Local presentation of the potential and benefits of women’s social and economic empowerment: Women’s Motivation and Success Day. “Successful Adams, Devoted Eves” — campaign film taking into account local specificities and opportunities. Flash-mob organisation of local communities, schools on prominent days. Mother Olympics" — "Man-Women" Olympics — playful series competitions, funny tasks, work efficiency tests. “The birth of our country!” — presenting a woman with a successful or significant social role on the spot in a documentary. 5. Women in rural development, regional development and economic development: Find and share good practices. The establishment and operation of the Women’s Information and Service Centre in cooperation with the family-friendly country’s priority call with the following services: Formal and non-formal training, development and preparation: self-knowledge, communication, networking, personal efficiency, development of k... (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Balmazújváros, Hajdú-Bihar
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