Expansion and ambulatory equipping Hospital chronic diseases Smeeni commune, Buzau County (Q2742072): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: EU contribution (P835): 1,498,105.002 euro) |
(Changed an Item: Fixing rounding issue) |
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
1,498,105.00 Euro
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Property / EU contribution: 1,498,105.00 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution: 1,498,105.00 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
exchange rate to Euro: 0.2 Euro
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Property / EU contribution: 1,498,105.00 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 13 September 2021
Revision as of 16:26, 15 December 2021
Project Q2742072 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Expansion and ambulatory equipping Hospital chronic diseases Smeeni commune, Buzau County |
Project Q2742072 in Romania |
7,490,525.01 Romanian Leu
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10,700,750.0 Romanian Leu
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70.0 percent
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1 June 2018
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31 August 2023
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Proiectul “EXTINDERE SI ECHIPARE AMBULATORIU SPITAL DE BOLI CRONICE COMUNA SMEENI JUDETUL BUZAU” are drept obiectiv cresterea accesibilitatii serviciilor de sanatate prin extinderea si dotarea ambulatorului Spitalului de Boli Cronice Smeeni, investitii ce vor contribui la accesul ridicat la servicii de ingrijire medicala primara a populatiei. Obiectivul proiectului este in concordanta cu obiectivul specific al Axei prioritare 8 Dezvoltarea infrastructurii sanitare si sociale, Prioritatea de investitii 8.1 – Investiþii în infrastructurile sanitare si sociale care contribuie la dezvoltarea la nivel naþional, regional si local, reducând inegalitaþile în ceea ce priveste starea de sanatate si promovând incluziunea sociala prin îmbunataþirea accesului la serviciile sociale, culturale si de recreere, precum si trecerea de la serviciile instituþionale la serviciile prestate de comunitaþi, Obiectivul Specific 8.1 – Cresterea accesiblitaþii serviciilor de sanatate, comunitare si a celor de nivel secundar, în special pentru zonele sarace si izolate. In consecinta, prin modernizarea ambulatorului din comuna Smeeni, proiectul va contribui la realizarea acestui obiectiv specific. (Romanian)
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The project “EXTINDATION AND ECHIPATION SPITAL AMBULATION OF CRONIC BOLIS COMMUNA Smeeni JUDETUL BUZAU” aims to increase the accessibility of health services by expanding and equipping the outpatient of Smeeni Chronic Disease Hospital, investments that will contribute to the high access to primary medical care services of the population. The objective of the project is in line with the specific objective of Priority Axis 8 Development of sanitary and social infrastructure, Investment Priority 8.1 – Investments in sanitary and social infrastructures that contribute to development at national, regional and local level, reducing inequalities in health status and promoting social inclusion by improving access to social, cultural and recreational services, as well as the transition from institutional services to community services, Specific Objective 8.1 – Increasing access to health, community and secondary level services, especially for poor and isolated areas. Consequently, by modernising the ambulator in Smeeni commune, the project will contribute to the achievement of this specific objective. (English)
14 September 2021
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Proiectul «extindere SI ECHIPARE AMBULATORIU SPITAL DE BOLI Cronice COMUNA SMEENI judetul BUZAU» sont drept obiectiv cresterea accesibilitatii serviciilor de sanatate prin extinderea si dotarea ambulatorului Spitalului de Boli Cronice Smeeni, investitii ce vor contribui la accesul ridicat la servicii de ingrijire medicala Primara a populatiei. Obiectivul proiectului este in concordanta cu Obiectivul specific al axei prioritare 8 Dezvoltarea Infrastructurii sanitare si sociale, Prioritatea de investitii 8.1 — Investi reducând inegalita’ile în ce priveste starea de sanatate si promovând incluziunea sociala prin îmbunata’irea accesului la Serviciile sociale, culturale si de recreere, precum si trecerea de la Serviciile institu’ionale la Serviciile prestate de comunita’i, Obiectivul Special 8.1 — Cresterea accesiblitaii serviciilor de sanatate, comunitare si a celor de nivel secundar, în special pentru zone sazo sizo. En consecinta, prin modernizarea ambulatorului din comuna Smeeni, Proiectul va contribui la realizarea acestui obiectiv spécifique. (French)
26 November 2021
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Das Projekt „EXTINDATION AND ECHIPATION SPITAL Ambulation of cronic BOLIS communa Smeeni judetul BUZAU“ zielt darauf ab, die Zugänglichkeit der Gesundheitsdienste zu verbessern, indem der ambulante Krankenhaus Smeeni Chronic Disease erweitert und ausgestattet wird, Investitionen, die zum hohen Zugang zu medizinischen Grundversorgungsdiensten der Bevölkerung beitragen werden. Das Ziel des Projekts steht im Einklang mit dem spezifischen Ziel der Prioritätsachse 8 Entwicklung der sanitären und sozialen Infrastruktur, Investitionspriorität 8.1 – Investitionen in sanitäre und soziale Infrastrukturen, die zur Entwicklung auf nationaler, regionaler und lokaler Ebene beitragen, Ungleichheiten im Gesundheitszustand zu verringern und die soziale Inklusion zu fördern, indem der Zugang zu sozialen, kulturellen und Freizeitdienstleistungen verbessert wird, sowie der Übergang von den institutionellen Diensten zu Gemeinschaftsdiensten, Spezifisches Ziel 8.1 – Verbesserung des Zugangs zu Gesundheits-, Gemeinde- und Sekundärdiensten, insbesondere in armen und abgelegenen Gebieten. Folglich wird das Projekt durch die Modernisierung des Ambulators in der Gemeinde Smeeni zur Erreichung dieses spezifischen Ziels beitragen. (German)
1 December 2021
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Het project „EXTINDATION AND ECHIPATION SPITAL ambulation of cronic BOLIS communa Smeeni judetul BUZAU” heeft tot doel de toegankelijkheid van gezondheidsdiensten te vergroten door de polikliniek van Smeeni Chronic Disease Hospital uit te breiden en uit te rusten, investeringen die zullen bijdragen aan de hoge toegang tot eerstelijns medische zorgdiensten van de bevolking. De doelstelling van het project is in overeenstemming met de specifieke doelstelling van prioritaire as 8 — Ontwikkeling van sanitaire en sociale infrastructuur, investeringsprioriteit 8.1 — Investeringen in sanitaire en sociale infrastructuur die bijdragen tot ontwikkeling op nationaal, regionaal en lokaal niveau, vermindering van ongelijkheden in de gezondheidstoestand en bevordering van sociale inclusie door de toegang tot sociale, culturele en recreatieve diensten te verbeteren, evenals de overgang van institutionele diensten naar gemeenschapsdiensten, specifieke doelstelling 8.1 — Verbetering van de toegang tot gezondheidszorg, gemeenschapsdiensten en diensten op secundair niveau, met name voor arme en geïsoleerde gebieden. Door de Ambulator in de gemeente Smeeni te moderniseren, zal het project bijdragen tot de verwezenlijking van deze specifieke doelstelling. (Dutch)
5 December 2021
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Smeeni, Romania
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