Start-up aid for the development of a small farm of farmer Vanya Kincheva — Nedkova for growing cherries, apricots, plums, apples, wine grapes and bee families. (Q3846210): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The farmer grows 2,000 decares of cherries, 1,000 decares of apricots, 2,400 decares of plums, 1,600 decares of apples, 1,000 decares of wine vineyard and 49 pcs of bee colonies. To restructure its holding, the beneficiary by step through its own breeding activity will increase the number of bee colonies. In business 2019-2020, they will grow by 15pcs. By the year of inspection — 2021, bee colonies will grow by another 20 or a total of 35 bee c...)
(‎Changed an Item: Edited by the infer coords bot - inferring coordinates from location)
Property / coordinate location
42°40'54.34"N, 26°18'55.26"E
Property / coordinate location: 42°40'54.34"N, 26°18'55.26"E / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 11:39, 3 December 2021

Project Q3846210 in Bulgaria
Language Label Description Also known as
Start-up aid for the development of a small farm of farmer Vanya Kincheva — Nedkova for growing cherries, apricots, plums, apples, wine grapes and bee families.
Project Q3846210 in Bulgaria


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    24,936.45 Bulgarian lev
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    12,717.59 Euro
    1 December 2021
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    29,337.0 Bulgarian lev
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    14,961.87 Euro
    1 December 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    15 March 2021
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    15 September 2025
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    42°40'54.34"N, 26°18'55.26"E
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    Фермерът отглежда 2,000 дка череши,1,000 дка кайсии, 2,400 дка сливи, 1,600 дка ябълки, 1,000 дка винено лозе и 49бр пчелни семейства. За преструкториране на своето стопанство бенефициенът по етапно чрез собствена развъдна дейност ще увеличава броя на пчелните семейства. През стопанската 2019-2020г те ще нарастнат с 15бр. До годината на проверка- 2021г пчелните семейства ще нарастнат с още 20 бр. или общо 35 бр. пчелни семейства за целия период, като по този начин ще изпълни цел 1 от бизнес плана си -"Увеличаване на икономическия размер на стопанството с минимум 2000 евро измерен в Стандартен производствен обем". С цел оптимизиране на производството в стопанството, и извършване на време и в срок на всички агротехнически мероприятия , кандидатът предвижда да закупи трактор подходящ за нуждите на стопанството.Тази инвестиция ще извърши до девет месеца след одобрението на проекта. До годината на проверка, но не по-късно от избраната крайна дата на проверка - 09.09.2021г ще премине обучение, включващо най-малко 18 учебни часа по основните проблеми на опазване на околната среда в земеделието извършено от обучаваща институция, съгласно Закона за висшето образование или Закона за професионалното образование и обучение или от обучаваща организация, одобрена по мярка 1 „Трансфер на знания и действия по осведомяване“ от ПРСР 2014-2020 г.и/или ще получи консултантски пакет ТП 2 по подмярка 2.1.2 „Консултантски услуги за малки земеделски стопани“ от Мярка 2 „Консултантски услуги, услуги по управление на стопанство и услуги по заместване в стопанство“ от ПРСР 2014-2020г. (Bulgarian)
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    The farmer grows 2,000 decares of cherries, 1,000 decares of apricots, 2,400 decares of plums, 1,600 decares of apples, 1,000 decares of wine vineyard and 49 pcs of bee colonies. To restructure its holding, the beneficiary by step through its own breeding activity will increase the number of bee colonies. In business 2019-2020, they will grow by 15pcs. By the year of inspection — 2021, bee colonies will grow by another 20 or a total of 35 bee colonies for the whole period, thus fulfilling Objective 1 of their business plan — ‘Increasing the economic size of the holding by a minimum of EUR 2 000 measured in standard production volume’. In order to optimise the production of the farm, and to carry out a time and within the time limit of all agricultural activities, the applicant intends to purchase a tractor suitable for the needs of the holding. This investment will be made within nine months after the approval of the project. By the year of the inspection, but no later than the selected final date of inspection — 09.09.2021, a training course comprising at least 18 training hours on the main issues of environmental protection in agriculture will be completed by a training institution, according to the Higher Education Act or the Law on Vocational Education and Training or by a training organisation approved under Measure 1 “Transfer of knowledge and awareness actions” of RDP 2014-2020 and/or will receive an advisory package TP 2 under sub-measure 2.1.2 “Consultancy services for small farmers” of Measure 2 “Consultation services, farm management services and farm replacement services” of the 2014-2020 RDP. (English)
    2 December 2021
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