Activation of persons aged 30 and above not in employment in the powiat łeckim (V) (Q133038): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The project aims to increase the employability of unemployed people aged 30 and over (i.e. from day 30 of birth) in Ełk County. The project will support a group of 388 unemployed people who are unemployed in the area of Ełk aged 30 and over, and in addition meeting at least one of the criteria, i.e. the long-term unemployed, people with disabilities, people over the age of 50, women, low-skilled people (i.e. the low-skilled). The target date for...)
Property / summary
The project aims to increase the employability of unemployed people aged 30 and over (i.e. from day 30 of birth) in Ełk County. The project will support a group of 388 unemployed people who are unemployed in the area of Ełk aged 30 and over, and in addition meeting at least one of the criteria, i.e. the long-term unemployed, people with disabilities, people over the age of 50, women, low-skilled people (i.e. the low-skilled). The target date for the selection of the group of participants will be until 30.06.2020. at least 40 long-term unemployed, 8 persons with a disability background, 36 years after 50 and at least 92 with low qualifications are planned to receive support. The tasks to be carried out in the framework of the project are, inter alia, the placement of the work to which all project participants will be subject. 388, to identify the problems of the unemployed and target them into the forms of support planned in the project, which will be reflected in the specific Action Plan. Other tasks to be carried out as part of the project are professional work placements for 190, intervention works for 89, start-up grants for 32, refunds of 57 posts for work stations and training for 20. The choice of this group is due to the need to take comprehensive action in favour of unemployed people who have problems finding a job. A free market, strong competition and a growing form of paid education place people in the face of the reality of meeting the high demands of employers with regard to professional qualifications and other skills needed at work. (English)
Property / summary: The project aims to increase the employability of unemployed people aged 30 and over (i.e. from day 30 of birth) in Ełk County. The project will support a group of 388 unemployed people who are unemployed in the area of Ełk aged 30 and over, and in addition meeting at least one of the criteria, i.e. the long-term unemployed, people with disabilities, people over the age of 50, women, low-skilled people (i.e. the low-skilled). The target date for the selection of the group of participants will be until 30.06.2020. at least 40 long-term unemployed, 8 persons with a disability background, 36 years after 50 and at least 92 with low qualifications are planned to receive support. The tasks to be carried out in the framework of the project are, inter alia, the placement of the work to which all project participants will be subject. 388, to identify the problems of the unemployed and target them into the forms of support planned in the project, which will be reflected in the specific Action Plan. Other tasks to be carried out as part of the project are professional work placements for 190, intervention works for 89, start-up grants for 32, refunds of 57 posts for work stations and training for 20. The choice of this group is due to the need to take comprehensive action in favour of unemployed people who have problems finding a job. A free market, strong competition and a growing form of paid education place people in the face of the reality of meeting the high demands of employers with regard to professional qualifications and other skills needed at work. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 20:56, 10 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Activation of persons aged 30 and above not in employment in the powiat łeckim (V)
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    2,939,012.73 zloty
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    53°49'26.4"N, 22°21'42.8"E
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    53°52'26.0"N, 22°40'21.0"E
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    53°41'53.2"N, 22°26'2.8"E
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    53°55'15.2"N, 22°10'23.9"E
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    Celem projektu jest zwiększenie możliwości zatrudnienia osób bezrobotnych w wieku 30 lat i więcej ( tj. od dnia 30 urodzin ) w powiecie ełckim. W ramach projektu wsparciem zostanie objęta grupa 388 osób bezrobotnych mieszkańców pow. ełckiego w wieku 30 lat i więcej, a dodatkowo spełniające co najmniej jedno z kryteriów tj. os. długotrwale bezrobotne, os. z niepełnosprawnościami, os. powyżej 50 roku życia, kobiety, os. niskowykwalifikowane (tj. osoby o niskich kwalifikacjach). Termin rekrutacji grupy uczestników będzie trwał do 30.06.2020 r. Uszczegóławiając planuje się objęcie wsparciem co najmniej 40 osób długotrwale bezrobotnych, 8 osób z orzeczonym stopniem niepełnosprawności, 36 os. po 50 roku życia oraz min. 92 os. z niskimi kwalifikacjami. Zadania jakie chcemy realizować w ramach projektu to pośrednictwo pracy, którym objęci będą wszyscy uczestnicy projektu tj. 388 os., mające na celu zidentyfikowanie problemów os.bezrobotnych i ukierunkowanie ich na zaplanowane w projekcie formy wsparcia, co znajdzie odzwierciedlenie w opracowanym Indywidualnym Planie Działania. Inne zadania, jakie będą realizowane w ramach projektu to staże zawodowe dla 190 os., prace interwencyjne dla 89 os., dotacje na rozpoczęcie działalności gospodarczej dla 32 os., refundacje wyposażenia stanowisk pracy dla 57 os. oraz szkolenia dla 20 os. Wybór tej grupy wynika z potrzeby podjęcia kompleksowych działań na rzecz osób bezrobotnych, które mają problemy ze znalezieniem pracy. Wolny rynek, silna konkurencja a także coraz powszechniejsza forma płatnej edukacji stawiają grono osób w obliczu rzeczywistości, która niesie konieczność sprostania wysokim wymaganiom pracodawców odnośnie kwalifikacji zawodowych i innych umiejętności niezbędnych w pracy. (Polish)
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    The project aims to increase the employability of unemployed people aged 30 and over (i.e. from day 30 of birth) in Ełk County. The project will support a group of 388 unemployed people who are unemployed in the area of Ełk aged 30 and over, and in addition meeting at least one of the criteria, i.e. the long-term unemployed, people with disabilities, people over the age of 50, women, low-skilled people (i.e. the low-skilled). The target date for the selection of the group of participants will be until 30.06.2020. at least 40 long-term unemployed, 8 persons with a disability background, 36 years after 50 and at least 92 with low qualifications are planned to receive support. The tasks to be carried out in the framework of the project are, inter alia, the placement of the work to which all project participants will be subject. 388, to identify the problems of the unemployed and target them into the forms of support planned in the project, which will be reflected in the specific Action Plan. Other tasks to be carried out as part of the project are professional work placements for 190, intervention works for 89, start-up grants for 32, refunds of 57 posts for work stations and training for 20. The choice of this group is due to the need to take comprehensive action in favour of unemployed people who have problems finding a job. A free market, strong competition and a growing form of paid education place people in the face of the reality of meeting the high demands of employers with regard to professional qualifications and other skills needed at work. (English)
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