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Impact professionnel pour les employés |
Revision as of 10:13, 26 November 2021
Project Q3097723 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Professional impact for employees |
Project Q3097723 in Romania |
3,969,655.04 Romanian Leu
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4,721,827.4 Romanian Leu
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84.07 percent
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15 February 2021
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14 September 2022
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Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in imbunatatirea calitatii resurselor umane din regiunile Sud-Vest Oltenia, Centru si Nord-Vest si cresterea nivelului de calificare al angajatilor prin programe de formare profesionala continua corelate cu nevoile pietei muncii si prin crearea unei atitudini pro-active în ceea ce privește formarea profesională a angajaților. Activitatile proiectului au un impact major si de lunga durata asupra grupului tinta al proiectului si contribuie la cresterea participarii angajatilor la programelor de formare profesionala continua, cu accent pe cei adulti, cu un nivel scazut de calificare si persoanele cu varsta de peste 40 de ani, din zone rurale defavorizate (obiectiv specific POCU 6.12) prin: 1) organizarea si desfasurarea unei campanii de informare si constientizarea a angajatilor din 3 regiuni de dezvoltare (SV Oltenia, Centru, NV) privind necesitatea participarii la programe de formare continua. Cei 320 de participanti la conferinte vor fi informati cu privire la:- Reglementarile privind formarea profesionala continua; - Cadrul institutional al formarii profesionale continue a angajatilor; - Caracteristici generale ale programelor / ofertei de formare; - Formarea profesionala in intreprinderi; - Calitatea ofertei de formare continua din perspectiva resurselor umane si materiale;- Politica firmelor in domeniul formarii profesionale continue; - Evaluarea nevoilor de formare ale angajatilor; - Strategiile angajatorilor in domeniul dezvoltarii resurselor umane / FPC; - Prioritati in formarea profesionala continua a angajatilor;- Motivatia privind participarea la formare si nivelul de satisfactie; - Modalitati de stimulare a participarii angajatilor la FPC; - Impactul participarii la cursuri de formare asupra companiei si angajatilor; - Nevoi viitoare de formare profesionala continua. Este binecunoscut faptul ca randamentul unei companii este direct proportional cu nivelul de formare al angajatilor, iar investitia ce vizeaza dezvoltarea resursei umane reprezinta o cale sigura de a performa. Pe termen lung, interventia vizata prin aceasta campanie, va contribui la dezvoltarea unei perceptii pozitive in randul angajatilor cu privire la impactul formarii asupra parcursului profesional si personal, reflectat in cresterea productivitatii, a competitivitatii si, nu in ultima instanta, a veniturilor acestora si a nivelului de trai; 2) Implementarea unui program integrat de informare, consiliere profesionala si tutorat (evaluare, informare, suport, dezvoltare personala, dezvoltare in cariera), care vizeaza atât dezvoltarea perspectivelor de carieră cât și dezvoltarea abilităților profesionale. Astfel, efectul pozitiv pe termen lung al proiectui se reflecta in dezvoltarea perspectivelor de cariera, abilitatilor profesionale, competentelor de comunicare si psiho-sociale ale angajatilor din grupul tinta, cat si in dobandirea capacitatii de identificare a preferintelor si aptitudinilor fata de optiunile de angajare si/sau pr (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to improve the quality of human resources in the regions of South-West Oltenia, Centre and North-West and to increase the qualification level of employees through continuous training programs correlated with the needs of the labour market and by creating a pro-active attitude regarding the training of employees. The project activities have a major and long-lasting impact on the target group of the project and contribute to increasing the participation of employees in continuous training programs, with a focus on adults, with a low level of qualification and people over 40 years old, from disadvantaged rural areas (specific objective POCU 6.12) by: 1) organising and conducting an information campaign and awareness raising of employees from 3 development regions (SV Oltenia, Centre, NV) regarding the need to participate in continuous training programs. The 320 participants in the conferences will be informed about:- Regulations on continuous training; The institutional framework of continuous professional training of employees; General characteristics of the training programmes/offer; — Professional training in enterprises; — The quality of the continuous training offer from the perspective of human and material resources;- Firms policy in the field of continuous professional training; — Assessment of the training needs of employees; — Employers’ strategies in the field of human resources development/PCF; — Priorities in continuous training of employees;- Motivation regarding participation in training and level of satisfaction; — Ways of stimulating employee participation in CVT; The impact of participation in training courses on the company and employees; — Future continuous training needs. It is well known that the return of a company is directly proportional to the level of training of employees, and the investment aimed at human resource development is a sure way to perform. In the long term, the intervention targeted by this campaign will contribute to the development of a positive perception among employees regarding the impact of training on professional and personal pathways, reflected in increasing productivity, competitiveness and, not in the last instance, their incomes and living standards; 2) Implementation of an integrated information program, professional counseling and tutoring (evaluation, information, support, personal development, career development), aimed at both the development of career perspectives and the development of professional skills. Thus, the positive long-term effect of the project is reflected in the development of career prospects, professional skills, communication and psycho-social competences of the target group employees, as well as in acquiring the capacity to identify preferences and skills over employment options and/or pr (English)
14 September 2021
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Judeţul Alba, Romania
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Judeţul Sălaj, Romania
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Judeţul Satu Mare, Romania
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Judeţul Maramureş, Romania
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Judeţul Cluj, Romania
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Judeţul Bistriţa-Năsăud, Romania
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Judeţul Bihor, Romania
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Judeţul Vâlcea, Romania
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Judeţul Olt, Romania
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Judeţul Mehedinţi, Romania
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Judeţul Gorj, Romania
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Judeţul Dolj, Romania
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Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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Judeţul Harghita, Romania
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Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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