People ready for the future of Vulcan (Q3097442): Difference between revisions

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Des gens prêts pour l’avenir de Vulcain

Revision as of 10:12, 26 November 2021

Project Q3097442 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
People ready for the future of Vulcan
Project Q3097442 in Romania


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    6,233,105.87 Romanian Leu
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    1,246,621.174 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    6,710,064.88 Romanian Leu
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    1,342,012.976 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    92.89 percent
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    13 April 2021
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    12 October 2023
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    45°22'29.50"N, 23°17'38.72"E
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    Reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie sau excluziune sociala in zone urbane marginalizate total sau partial pe teritoriul municipiului Vulcan prin implementarea de masuri integrate care vizeaza: imbunatatirea calitatii vietii, creşterea coeziunii sociale, imbunatatirea mediului de viata (infrastructura, acces la servicii, locuire) prin creşterea economica in teritoriul SDL şi prin masuri specifice de ocupare pentru un numar de 740 persoane timp de 30 luni. Obiectivul general este in concordanta cu Obiectivul specific al axei prioritare 5 din POCU „reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie sau excluziune sociala din comunitatile marginalizate (roma si non-roma) din oraşe cu peste 20.000 locuitori, cu accent pe cele cu populatie apartinând minoritatii Roma, prin implementarea de masuri/ operatiuni integrate in contextul mecanismului de DLRC" Prin obiectivele se urmareşte, la nivel national indeplinirea obiectivului-tinta asumat in cadrul PNR, acela de reducere cu 580.000 a numarului persoanelor expuse riscului de saracie sau excluziune sociala pâna in 2020. De asemenea obiectivele specifice sunt in concordanta cu programul POCU 2014 - 2020, axa prioritara AP 5 care recomanda „.... asigurarea unei abordari integrate, evitarea unor masuri disparate a caror eficacitate este diminuata in lipsa unor masuri eficiente de acompaniere a masurilor principale si neajunsuri legate de o insuficienta adaptare la specificul local al nevoilor grupurilor aflate in risc de saracie/ al comunitatilor marginalizate si dezvoltarii." De asemenea, in elaborarea Obiectivelor specifice s-a tinut cont de orientarile cuprinse in Recomandarile Specifice de Tara privind Reducerea Saraciei, Strategia Nationala pentru Incluziunea Sociala si Reducerea Saraciei, Strategia Nationala privind Imbatrânirea Activa, Strategia Guvernului României de Incluziune a Cetatenilor Români apartinând Minoritatii Romilor pentru perioada 2014-2020, Strategia Nationala de Sanatate 2014-2020, Strategia Nationala de Protectie a Drepturilor Copilului 2014-2020. Principiile avute in vedere pentru selectarea masurilor care trebuiesc luate pentru a duce la indeplinire Strategia de dezvoltare Locala a Municipiului Vulcan in concordanta cu cerintele documentelor programatice mentionate anterior sunt: • Complementaritatea interventiilor finantate prin POR (AP 9: Sprijinirea regenerarii economice si sociale a comunitatilor defavorizate din mediul urban) si POCU (AP5 Dezvoltare locala plasata sub responsabilitatea comunitatii) Pentru indeplinirea obiectivului general al proiectului se vor realiza urmatoarele obiective specifice: • Eficacitatea si eficienta masurilor propuse pentru atingerea rezultatelor • Principiul interventiei plasata in zona nevoii identificate pentru un impact cât mai mare asupra beneficiarilor finali/ masura in care actiunile propuse tin cont de nevoile identificate ale comunitatilor si grupurilor asistate • Principiul pachetului integrat de masu (Romanian)
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    Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion in totally or partially marginalised urban areas on the territory of Vulcan by implementing integrated measures aimed at: improving the quality of life, increasing social cohesion, improving the living environment (infrastructure, access to services, housing) through economic growth in the SDL territory and through specific employment measures for 740 people for 30 months. The general objective is consistent with the specific objective of Priority Axis 5 of POCU “reduce the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion from marginalised communities (Roma and non-Roma) in cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants, with a focus on those with the population belonging to the Roma minority, by implementing measures/operations integrated in the context of the CLLD mechanism” The objectives aim, at national level, to achieve the target assumed in the NRP, which is to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion by 580,000 by 2020. Also, the specific objectives are in line with the POCU programme 2014-2020, the priority axis AP 5 that recommends “... ensuring an integrated approach, avoiding disparate measures whose effectiveness is diminished in the absence of effective measures to accompany the main measures and shortcomings related to an insufficient adaptation to the local specific needs of groups at risk of poverty/marginalised communities and development.” Also, in the elaboration of the Specific Objectives, the Guidelines for the Country Specific Recommendations on the Reduction of Saracy, the National Strategy for Social Inclusion and Reduction of Saracies 2014-2020, the National Strategy for the National Inclusion and Reduction of Romania, the National Strategy for the National Inclusion and Reduction of Romania, the National Strategy for the National Inclusion and Reduction of the National Activity of Romania, the National Strategy for National Inclusion and Reduction of Sarajevo, the AP5 priority axis, which recommends “... ensuring an integrated approach, avoiding disparate measures whose effectiveness is diminished in the absence of effective measures to accompany the main measures and shortcomings related to an insufficient adaptation to the local specific needs of groups at risk of poverty/marginised communities and their development”. The principles envisaged for selecting the measures to be taken in order to achieve the Vulcan Local Development Strategy in accordance with the requirements of the above mentioned programming documents are: • Complementarity of interventions financed by ROP (AP 9: Supporting the economic and social regeneration of disadvantaged communities in urban areas) and POCU (AP5 Local development placed under the responsibility of the community) In order to achieve the general objective of the project, the following specific objectives will be achieved: • The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed measures to achieve the results • The principle of intervention placed in the identified need area for as much impact on the final beneficiaries as possible/measure in which the proposed actions take into account the identified needs of the assisted communities and groups • Principle of the integrated table package (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Vulcan, Romania
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