Q3749796 (Q3749796): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Structural solutions from hemp — the aim of the project is to promote the generalisation of the hemp-lime structure as a viable alternative to construction, due to its energy efficiency and environmental performance. The hemp structure combines the good properties of well-known building materials — concrete, wood and stone. In the construction sector, the introduction of new materials is slow. Although there is practical experience and research...)
Property / summary
Structural solutions from hemp — the aim of the project is to promote the generalisation of the hemp-lime structure as a viable alternative to construction, due to its energy efficiency and environmental performance. The hemp structure combines the good properties of well-known building materials — concrete, wood and stone. In the construction sector, the introduction of new materials is slow. Although there is practical experience and research data from abroad on hemp structures, domestic material evidence is needed in order for related business activities and construction to develop in Finland. The risks and investments in the construction sector are high, so development projects can increase knowledge, know-how and experience in new materials and support business development. The introduction of new building materials raises a number of questions that this project seeks to clarify to entrepreneurs, consumers, designers and public authorities. The project also promotes the development of a new industry in the province and supports resource-efficient and carbon-neutral construction.The project produces transparent, concrete information on the sound insulation properties of the structure and fire safety as a basis for more specific product development for companies. The decomposition definitions provide information on the recyclability of material from field and mines back into the field as a fertiliser, so that no waste would be generated from the structure during its life cycle. A product brochure will be compiled of the results, and a separate publication will be made on recyclability. Construction companies will be informed throughout the project and new cooperation networks will be formed through personal contacts, e.g. at industry events. Product development related to hemp-lime construction has not been carried out in Finland before. Fibre hemp fibre is one of the strongest natural fibres in the world and has grown in the world for industrial use since the 21st century. In Varsinais-Suomi, it was cultivated on approximately 100 hectares in 2015, but the trend is growing sharply. The harvest has a valuable fibre of about 30 % and the remaining about 70 % of a light woody shiver, which is currently largely used as bedding for animals. The shingle produced by one hectare of arable land provides the material for building a private house. The thigh is used in combination with lime as a composite structure similar to concrete. The structure contains about 70 % hemp and about 30 % lime. The hemp structure used as a massive structure requires a load-bearing body, but not a separate insulation. The hemp lime structure binds carbon dioxide to itself for years from the construction as the lime is carbonised. The hemp and lime needed for the construction can be produced 100 % domestically. The objectives of the project are combined with the objectives of the partnership strategy for Southwest Finland, which are built on a renewed business life, work and well-being. Hemp produces good results when making the region a pioneer in the circular economy and a model area. The project is also in line with the objectives of the government’s key projects to increase housing construction and find bioeconomy and clean solutions. The aim is to increase self-sufficiency, create new jobs and achieve climate goals. (English)
Property / summary: Structural solutions from hemp — the aim of the project is to promote the generalisation of the hemp-lime structure as a viable alternative to construction, due to its energy efficiency and environmental performance. The hemp structure combines the good properties of well-known building materials — concrete, wood and stone. In the construction sector, the introduction of new materials is slow. Although there is practical experience and research data from abroad on hemp structures, domestic material evidence is needed in order for related business activities and construction to develop in Finland. The risks and investments in the construction sector are high, so development projects can increase knowledge, know-how and experience in new materials and support business development. The introduction of new building materials raises a number of questions that this project seeks to clarify to entrepreneurs, consumers, designers and public authorities. The project also promotes the development of a new industry in the province and supports resource-efficient and carbon-neutral construction.The project produces transparent, concrete information on the sound insulation properties of the structure and fire safety as a basis for more specific product development for companies. The decomposition definitions provide information on the recyclability of material from field and mines back into the field as a fertiliser, so that no waste would be generated from the structure during its life cycle. A product brochure will be compiled of the results, and a separate publication will be made on recyclability. Construction companies will be informed throughout the project and new cooperation networks will be formed through personal contacts, e.g. at industry events. Product development related to hemp-lime construction has not been carried out in Finland before. Fibre hemp fibre is one of the strongest natural fibres in the world and has grown in the world for industrial use since the 21st century. In Varsinais-Suomi, it was cultivated on approximately 100 hectares in 2015, but the trend is growing sharply. The harvest has a valuable fibre of about 30 % and the remaining about 70 % of a light woody shiver, which is currently largely used as bedding for animals. The shingle produced by one hectare of arable land provides the material for building a private house. The thigh is used in combination with lime as a composite structure similar to concrete. The structure contains about 70 % hemp and about 30 % lime. The hemp structure used as a massive structure requires a load-bearing body, but not a separate insulation. The hemp lime structure binds carbon dioxide to itself for years from the construction as the lime is carbonised. The hemp and lime needed for the construction can be produced 100 % domestically. The objectives of the project are combined with the objectives of the partnership strategy for Southwest Finland, which are built on a renewed business life, work and well-being. Hemp produces good results when making the region a pioneer in the circular economy and a model area. The project is also in line with the objectives of the government’s key projects to increase housing construction and find bioeconomy and clean solutions. The aim is to increase self-sufficiency, create new jobs and achieve climate goals. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Structural solutions from hemp — the aim of the project is to promote the generalisation of the hemp-lime structure as a viable alternative to construction, due to its energy efficiency and environmental performance. The hemp structure combines the good properties of well-known building materials — concrete, wood and stone. In the construction sector, the introduction of new materials is slow. Although there is practical experience and research data from abroad on hemp structures, domestic material evidence is needed in order for related business activities and construction to develop in Finland. The risks and investments in the construction sector are high, so development projects can increase knowledge, know-how and experience in new materials and support business development. The introduction of new building materials raises a number of questions that this project seeks to clarify to entrepreneurs, consumers, designers and public authorities. The project also promotes the development of a new industry in the province and supports resource-efficient and carbon-neutral construction.The project produces transparent, concrete information on the sound insulation properties of the structure and fire safety as a basis for more specific product development for companies. The decomposition definitions provide information on the recyclability of material from field and mines back into the field as a fertiliser, so that no waste would be generated from the structure during its life cycle. A product brochure will be compiled of the results, and a separate publication will be made on recyclability. Construction companies will be informed throughout the project and new cooperation networks will be formed through personal contacts, e.g. at industry events. Product development related to hemp-lime construction has not been carried out in Finland before. Fibre hemp fibre is one of the strongest natural fibres in the world and has grown in the world for industrial use since the 21st century. In Varsinais-Suomi, it was cultivated on approximately 100 hectares in 2015, but the trend is growing sharply. The harvest has a valuable fibre of about 30 % and the remaining about 70 % of a light woody shiver, which is currently largely used as bedding for animals. The shingle produced by one hectare of arable land provides the material for building a private house. The thigh is used in combination with lime as a composite structure similar to concrete. The structure contains about 70 % hemp and about 30 % lime. The hemp structure used as a massive structure requires a load-bearing body, but not a separate insulation. The hemp lime structure binds carbon dioxide to itself for years from the construction as the lime is carbonised. The hemp and lime needed for the construction can be produced 100 % domestically. The objectives of the project are combined with the objectives of the partnership strategy for Southwest Finland, which are built on a renewed business life, work and well-being. Hemp produces good results when making the region a pioneer in the circular economy and a model area. The project is also in line with the objectives of the government’s key projects to increase housing construction and find bioeconomy and clean solutions. The aim is to increase self-sufficiency, create new jobs and achieve climate goals. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 22 November 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 22:41, 22 November 2021

Project Q3749796 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q3749796 in France


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    70,417 Euro
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    100,595.0 Euro
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    70.0 percent
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    1 June 2016
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    30 September 2018
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    Turun ammattikorkeakoulu oy
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    Rakenneratkaisuja hampusta – hankkeen tavoitteena on edistää hamppu-kalkkirakenteen yleistymistä varteenotettavaksi vaihtoehdoksi rakentamisessa sen energiatehokkuuden ja ekologisuuden vuoksi. Hamppurakenteessa yhdistyvät tunnettujen rakennusmateriaalien - betonin, puun ja kiven - hyvät ominaisuudet. Rakennusalalla uusien materiaalien käyttöönotto on hidasta. Vaikka hamppurakenteista on käytännön kokemusta ja tutkimustietoa ulkomailta, tarvitaan materiaalista kotimaista näyttöä, jotta siihen liittyvä yritystoiminta ja rakentaminen voi kehittyä Suomessa. Rakennusalan riskit ja investoinnit ovat suuria, joten kehittämishankkeiden avulla voidaan lisätä tietoa, osaamista ja kokemusta uuden materiaalin osalta ja tukea yritystoiminnan kehittymistä. Uuden rakennusmateriaalin käyttöönottoon liittyy paljon kysymyksiä, joita tällä hankkeella halutaan selventää yrittäjille, kuluttajille, suunnittelijoille ja viranomaisille. Näin edistetään myös uuden elinkeinon kehittymistä maakunnassa ja tuetaan resurssitehokasta ja hiilineutraalia rakentamista.Hankkeessa tuotetaan avointa konkreettista tietoa rakenteen äänieristävyysominaisuuksista ja paloturvallisuudesta eksaktimman tuotekehittämisen pohjaksi yritysten hyödynnettäväksi. Maatumismäärittelyillä saadaan tietoa pellolta ja kaivoksista saadun materiaalin kierrätettävyydestä takaisin peltoon lannoitteeksi, jolloin rakenteesta ei missään sen elinkaaren aikana syntyisi jätettä. Tuloksista kootaan tuote-esite, kierrätettävyyden osalta tehdään oma julkaisu. Rakennusalan yrityksiä informoidaan koko hankkeen ajan ja uusia yhteistyöverkostoja muodostetaan henkilökohtaisin kontaktein mm. alan tapahtumissa. Hamppu-kalkkirakentamiseen liittyvää tuotekehittämistä ei ole tehty aiemmin Suomessa. Kuituhampun kuitu on yksi maailman vahvimmista luonnonkuiduista ja sen viljely teolliseen käyttöön on lisääntynyt maailmalla 2000-luvulta lähtien. Varsinais-Suomessa sitä viljeltiin vuonna 2015 noin 100 hehtaarin alalla, mutta suunta on voimakkaassa kasvussa. Sadosta on arvokasta kuitua n. 30 %. ja loput n. 70 % kevyttä puumaista päistärettä, joka menee tällä hetkellä suurilta osin eläinten kuivikkeeksi. Yhden peltohehtaarin tuottamalla päistäreellä saadaan materiaali omakotitalon rakentamiseen. Päistärettä käytetään kalkin kanssa yhdistettynä betonin kaltaisena komposiittirakenteena. Rakenne sisältää n. 70 % hamppua ja n. 30% kalkkia. Massiivirakenteena käytettävä hamppurakenne vaatii kantavan rungon, muttei erillistä eristystä. Hamppu-kalkkirakenne sitoo hiilidioksidia itseensä vielä vuosia rakentamisesta kalkin karbonatisoituessa. Rakentamiseen tarvittava hamppu ja kalkki voidaan tuottaa 100 % kotimaisena. Hankkeen tavoitteet sulautuvat Varsinais-Suomen kumppanuusstrategian tavoitteisiin, jotka rakentuvat uudistuvalle elinkeinoelämälle, työlle ja hyvinvoinnille. Hampulla saadaan hyviä tuloksia kun maakunnasta tehdään kiertotalouden edelläkävijää ja mallialuetta. Hanke on myös linjassa hallituksen kärkihankkeiden tavoitteiden kanssa asuntorakentamisen lisäämiseksi ja biotalouden ja puhtaiden ratkaisujen löytämiseksi. Tavoitteena on lisätä omavaraisuutta, luoda uusia työpaikkoja ja saavuttaa ilmastotavoitteet. (Finnish)
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    Structural solutions from hemp — the aim of the project is to promote the generalisation of the hemp-lime structure as a viable alternative to construction, due to its energy efficiency and environmental performance. The hemp structure combines the good properties of well-known building materials — concrete, wood and stone. In the construction sector, the introduction of new materials is slow. Although there is practical experience and research data from abroad on hemp structures, domestic material evidence is needed in order for related business activities and construction to develop in Finland. The risks and investments in the construction sector are high, so development projects can increase knowledge, know-how and experience in new materials and support business development. The introduction of new building materials raises a number of questions that this project seeks to clarify to entrepreneurs, consumers, designers and public authorities. The project also promotes the development of a new industry in the province and supports resource-efficient and carbon-neutral construction.The project produces transparent, concrete information on the sound insulation properties of the structure and fire safety as a basis for more specific product development for companies. The decomposition definitions provide information on the recyclability of material from field and mines back into the field as a fertiliser, so that no waste would be generated from the structure during its life cycle. A product brochure will be compiled of the results, and a separate publication will be made on recyclability. Construction companies will be informed throughout the project and new cooperation networks will be formed through personal contacts, e.g. at industry events. Product development related to hemp-lime construction has not been carried out in Finland before. Fibre hemp fibre is one of the strongest natural fibres in the world and has grown in the world for industrial use since the 21st century. In Varsinais-Suomi, it was cultivated on approximately 100 hectares in 2015, but the trend is growing sharply. The harvest has a valuable fibre of about 30 % and the remaining about 70 % of a light woody shiver, which is currently largely used as bedding for animals. The shingle produced by one hectare of arable land provides the material for building a private house. The thigh is used in combination with lime as a composite structure similar to concrete. The structure contains about 70 % hemp and about 30 % lime. The hemp structure used as a massive structure requires a load-bearing body, but not a separate insulation. The hemp lime structure binds carbon dioxide to itself for years from the construction as the lime is carbonised. The hemp and lime needed for the construction can be produced 100 % domestically. The objectives of the project are combined with the objectives of the partnership strategy for Southwest Finland, which are built on a renewed business life, work and well-being. Hemp produces good results when making the region a pioneer in the circular economy and a model area. The project is also in line with the objectives of the government’s key projects to increase housing construction and find bioeconomy and clean solutions. The aim is to increase self-sufficiency, create new jobs and achieve climate goals. (English)
    22 November 2021
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