THE ‘ACADEMY OF POSITIVE COMMUNICATION’. (Q120051): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The objective is to improve the functioning of the 19-70os.poverty or exclusion, by extending the provision of and family support services in MGOPS Ustręca dol. to 01.09.2018-31.08.2020, resident in the municipality of Ustrzyki Dolne (Zwar.Podkarpackie) and receiving social assistance or qualifying for social assistance, while at the same time making it difficult for them to carry out their duties. The following shall be added: Numbe...)
Property / summary
The objective is to improve the functioning of the 19-70os.poverty or exclusion, by extending the provision of and family support services in MGOPS Ustręca dol. to 01.09.2018-31.08.2020, resident in the municipality of Ustrzyki Dolne (Zwar.Podkarpackie) and receiving social assistance or qualifying for social assistance, while at the same time making it difficult for them to carry out their duties. The following shall be added: Number of service places supported in the course of service and social affairs and shall be completed after completion of the proj.-6; Ms L.os.imperi.bdistress or exclusion of job seekers, participants in education, training, gain or training (including the moving from business.) after leaving 6-; Subject to the provision of family support and care services at the end of the proj.-6; Adversely affected by a poverty or exclusion which has been made up by the Member States: social Affairs and Partnership — 24; parental 24; lifebo-24; A threat of poverty or exclusion which has increased the degree of autonomy through the inclusion of social work. -19; L.children who have acquired a skilful deal of aggressiveness and control over their emotions, 32; L.op. learning and memorisation (32); Parents who have improved family relations and improved health through a psychological/family/psychiatric counselling/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/ L.op. with improved health through specialist support for child therapist/speech therapist/neurologop./pedag./psych.dziec.-32. Gr.doc: 19Family of danger: poverty and/or exclusion, benefiting from the social assistance provided for in § (Journal of Laws 2017, item). 1769 as amended) or eligible for aid in favour of social assistance under Article 7 (12.03.2004) of Article 70 of the Act. oS. (39k, 31M), including 30 parents (19K, 11M) and 40 (20K, 20M). Zd.: Social work, supportive family support for carers, Spec. Type of support (English)
Property / summary: The objective is to improve the functioning of the 19-70os.poverty or exclusion, by extending the provision of and family support services in MGOPS Ustręca dol. to 01.09.2018-31.08.2020, resident in the municipality of Ustrzyki Dolne (Zwar.Podkarpackie) and receiving social assistance or qualifying for social assistance, while at the same time making it difficult for them to carry out their duties. The following shall be added: Number of service places supported in the course of service and social affairs and shall be completed after completion of the proj.-6; Ms L.os.imperi.bdistress or exclusion of job seekers, participants in education, training, gain or training (including the moving from business.) after leaving 6-; Subject to the provision of family support and care services at the end of the proj.-6; Adversely affected by a poverty or exclusion which has been made up by the Member States: social Affairs and Partnership — 24; parental 24; lifebo-24; A threat of poverty or exclusion which has increased the degree of autonomy through the inclusion of social work. -19; L.children who have acquired a skilful deal of aggressiveness and control over their emotions, 32; L.op. learning and memorisation (32); Parents who have improved family relations and improved health through a psychological/family/psychiatric counselling/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/ L.op. with improved health through specialist support for child therapist/speech therapist/neurologop./pedag./psych.dziec.-32. Gr.doc: 19Family of danger: poverty and/or exclusion, benefiting from the social assistance provided for in § (Journal of Laws 2017, item). 1769 as amended) or eligible for aid in favour of social assistance under Article 7 (12.03.2004) of Article 70 of the Act. oS. (39k, 31M), including 30 parents (19K, 11M) and 40 (20K, 20M). Zd.: Social work, supportive family support for carers, Spec. Type of support (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 08:56, 10 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    678,985.22 zloty
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    13 January 2020
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    798,806.15 zloty
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    191,713.476 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    1 September 2018
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    31 August 2020
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    Gł.celem proj.jest poprawa funkcjonowania 19rodzin-70os.zagroż.ubóstwem lub wyklucz.społ.,poprzez poszerzenie oferty dot.realiz.usług społ.i usług wsparcia rodziny w MGOPS Ustrzyki Dol. w okr.01.09.2018-31.08.2020,zamieszkałych na terenie Gminy Ustrzyki Dolne(woj.podkarpackie)i korzystających ze świadczeń pomocy społ.lub kwalifik. się do objęcia wsparciem pomocy społ.,przeżywające jednocześnie trudności w pełnieniu funkcji opiek.-wychow. Rez: Liczba wspartych w progr.miejsc świadcz.usł.społ.,istniej.po zakończ.proj.-6; L.os.zagroż.ubóst.lub wyklucz.społ.poszukujących pracy,uczestnicz.w kształc.lub szkoleniu,zdobywaj.kwalifik.,pracujących(łącznie z prowadz.dział wł.rach.)po opuszcz.progr.-6; L.utworz. w progr.miejsc świadcz.usł.wspierania rodziny i pieczy zastęp.istniejących po zakończ.proj.-6; L.os.zagroż.ubóst.lub wyklucz.społ.,które podniosły swoje kompet.: społ.i partnerskie-24; rodzicielskie-24; życiowe-24; L.rodzin zagroż.ubóst.lub wyklucz.społ.,które zwiększyły stopień samodzielności poprzez objęcie pracą socj.-19; L.dzieci,które nabyły umiejętn.radzenia sobie z agresją oraz kontroli nad swoimi emocjami-32;,które nabyły umiejęt.efekt. uczenia się i zapamiętywania-32; L.rodziców,u których odnotowano poprawę relacji rodzinnych i poprawę stanu zdrowia poprzez poradnictwo psycholog./rodzinne/psychiatr./terapeut./rehabilitac./fizjoterapeut.oraz udział w gr.wsparcia-24;,u których odnotowano poprawę stanu zdrowia poprzez specjalist.wsparcie terapeuty dziec./logopedy/neurologop./pedag./psych.dziec.-32. Gr.doc.:19rodzin zagroż.ubóst.lub wyklucz.społ.,korzystające ze świad.z pom.społ.zgod.z ust.z dn.12 marca 2004 o pomocy społ.(Dz.U.z 2017r.poz. 1769 ze zm.)lub kwalifik. się do objęcia wsparciem pomocy społ.,wg art.7 ust.z dn.12.03.2004 ww. ust., ter.Gm.Ustrzyki Dol.:70os.(39K,31M),w tym 30rodziców(19K,11M)oraz 40dzieci(20K,20M). Zad.: Praca socjalna,Ścieżka wsparcia dla rodzin z problemami opiekuńczo-wych, Spec. Wsparcie Rodzi (Polish)
    0 references
    The objective is to improve the functioning of the 19-70os.poverty or exclusion, by extending the provision of and family support services in MGOPS Ustręca dol. to 01.09.2018-31.08.2020, resident in the municipality of Ustrzyki Dolne (Zwar.Podkarpackie) and receiving social assistance or qualifying for social assistance, while at the same time making it difficult for them to carry out their duties. The following shall be added: Number of service places supported in the course of service and social affairs and shall be completed after completion of the proj.-6; Ms L.os.imperi.bdistress or exclusion of job seekers, participants in education, training, gain or training (including the moving from business.) after leaving 6-; Subject to the provision of family support and care services at the end of the proj.-6; Adversely affected by a poverty or exclusion which has been made up by the Member States: social Affairs and Partnership — 24; parental 24; lifebo-24; A threat of poverty or exclusion which has increased the degree of autonomy through the inclusion of social work. -19; L.children who have acquired a skilful deal of aggressiveness and control over their emotions, 32; L.op. learning and memorisation (32); Parents who have improved family relations and improved health through a psychological/family/psychiatric counselling/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/physiotherapist/ L.op. with improved health through specialist support for child therapist/speech therapist/neurologop./pedag./psych.dziec.-32. Gr.doc: 19Family of danger: poverty and/or exclusion, benefiting from the social assistance provided for in § (Journal of Laws 2017, item). 1769 as amended) or eligible for aid in favour of social assistance under Article 7 (12.03.2004) of Article 70 of the Act. oS. (39k, 31M), including 30 parents (19K, 11M) and 40 (20K, 20M). Zd.: Social work, supportive family support for carers, Spec. Type of support (English)
    0 references


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