super MAMA — A comprehensive programme for the social and occupational reintegration of women (Q117240): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The project is addressed to 50 MATEK, from the municipalities of Sub-region Białystok, with an above-average percentage of social assistance benefits in the case of unemployment benefits of the MULTI-CURRENCY community due to two conditions. The aim is to increase their participation and social reintegration through comprehensive support based on the IR. The project follows a thorough analysis of women’s needs and expectations and is responsible...) |
Property / summary | |||
The project is addressed to 50 MATEK, from the municipalities of Sub-region Białystok, with an above-average percentage of social assistance benefits in the case of unemployment benefits of the MULTI-CURRENCY community due to two conditions. The aim is to increase their participation and social reintegration through comprehensive support based on the IR. The project follows a thorough analysis of women’s needs and expectations and is responsible for the low level of life skills, the withdrawal from the Republic of Poland and the obsolescence of the professional qualifications of MATEK and their insufficient experience, is also a response to the inadequacy of the instruments to support social and occupational reintegration into their individual needs. The leader and the Partner in a multi-sectoral partnership have developed a set of comprehensive and personalised forms of support: development of an IŚR for each of the beneficiaries, meetings of support groups, workshops developing competency development, throughout the project of psychological care, sociotherapist, lawyer and mediator. In addition, during activities with their mothers, activities will be organised for their children. 40 Os will undergo a vocational training course (the professional training courses are for the professions sought at the local level of the Republic of Poland), individual employment placements, and 20 traineeships will be carried out on a 4-month professional traineeship. The support instruments will be adapted to the specific needs of the participants (for reasons of age, education and status in the Republic of Poland), and the support is adapted to the people with disabilities. The project is part of: HPT to 2020, National Anti-Poverty and Social Exclusion 2020, Public Policy Strategy, Woj. Podlaskie to 2020. Under the project, the following conditions will be met: 1.multisectoral partnership, for persons experiencing multiple exclusion, 3. from municipalities with above-average percentage of social assistance unemployment benefits, 4.Use of innovative solutions for OP HC. (English) | |||
Property / summary: The project is addressed to 50 MATEK, from the municipalities of Sub-region Białystok, with an above-average percentage of social assistance benefits in the case of unemployment benefits of the MULTI-CURRENCY community due to two conditions. The aim is to increase their participation and social reintegration through comprehensive support based on the IR. The project follows a thorough analysis of women’s needs and expectations and is responsible for the low level of life skills, the withdrawal from the Republic of Poland and the obsolescence of the professional qualifications of MATEK and their insufficient experience, is also a response to the inadequacy of the instruments to support social and occupational reintegration into their individual needs. The leader and the Partner in a multi-sectoral partnership have developed a set of comprehensive and personalised forms of support: development of an IŚR for each of the beneficiaries, meetings of support groups, workshops developing competency development, throughout the project of psychological care, sociotherapist, lawyer and mediator. In addition, during activities with their mothers, activities will be organised for their children. 40 Os will undergo a vocational training course (the professional training courses are for the professions sought at the local level of the Republic of Poland), individual employment placements, and 20 traineeships will be carried out on a 4-month professional traineeship. The support instruments will be adapted to the specific needs of the participants (for reasons of age, education and status in the Republic of Poland), and the support is adapted to the people with disabilities. The project is part of: HPT to 2020, National Anti-Poverty and Social Exclusion 2020, Public Policy Strategy, Woj. Podlaskie to 2020. Under the project, the following conditions will be met: 1.multisectoral partnership, for persons experiencing multiple exclusion, 3. from municipalities with above-average percentage of social assistance unemployment benefits, 4.Use of innovative solutions for OP HC. (English) / rank | |||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 08:24, 10 March 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | super MAMA — A comprehensive programme for the social and occupational reintegration of women |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
666,192.91 zloty
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783,756.37 zloty
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85.0 percent
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1 January 2019
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30 June 2020
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Projekt jest skierowany do 50 MATEK z gmin Subregionu Białostockiego o ponadprzeciętnym odsetku świadczeń pomocy społecznej z tytułu bezrobocia doświadczających WIELOKROTNEGO WYKLUCZENIA z powodu dwóch przesłanek. Celem jest zwiększenie ich aktywności zawodowej i reintegracja społeczna poprzez kompleksowe wsparcie w oparciu o IŚR. Projekt powstał po wnikliwej analizie potrzeb oraz oczekiwań kobiet i odpowiada na niski poziom kompetencji życiowych, wycofywanie się z RP i dezaktualizację kwalifikacji zawodowych MATEK oraz ich niedostateczne doświadczenie, jest też odpowiedzią na niedostosowanie instrumentów wsparcia reintegracji społeczno-zawodowej do ich indywidualnych potrzeb. Lider i Partner w ramach wielosektorowego partnerstwa opracowali zestaw kompleksowych i zindywidualizowanych form wsparcia: wypracowanie IŚR dla każdej beneficjentki, spotkania grup wsparcia, warsztaty rozwijające kompetencje życiowe, przez cały projekt opieka psychologa, socjoterapeuty, prawnika i mediatora. Dodatkowo podczas trwania zajęć z MATKAMI - będą organizowane zajęcia animacyjne dla ich dzieci. 40 BO przejdzie kurs zawodowy potwierdzający kwalifikacje/kompetencje zawodowe (przygotowane kursy zawodowe dotyczą zawodów poszukiwanych na lokalnym RP), indywidualne pośrednictwo pracy, a 20 odbędzie 4-miesięczne staże zawodowe. Instrumenty wsparcia zostaną zaadaptowane do konkretnych potrzeb danych uczestniczek (ze względu na wiek, wykształcenie i status na RP), wsparcie dostosowane jest do os. z niepełnosprawnościami. Projekt wpisuje się w: SRWP do 2020, Krajowy Program Przeciwdziałania Ubóstwu i Wykluczeniu Społecznemu 2020, Strategię Polityki Społecznej Woj. Podlaskiego do 2020. W ramach projektu zrealizowane zostaną następujące warunki premiujące: 1.partnerstwo wielosektorowe, 2.wsparcie os. doświadczających wielokrotnego wykluczenia, 3. z gmin o ponadprzeciętnym odsetku świadczeń pomocy społecznej z tytułu bezrobocia, 4.wykorzystanie rozwiązań innowacyjnych PO KL. (Polish)
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The project is addressed to 50 MATEK, from the municipalities of Sub-region Białystok, with an above-average percentage of social assistance benefits in the case of unemployment benefits of the MULTI-CURRENCY community due to two conditions. The aim is to increase their participation and social reintegration through comprehensive support based on the IR. The project follows a thorough analysis of women’s needs and expectations and is responsible for the low level of life skills, the withdrawal from the Republic of Poland and the obsolescence of the professional qualifications of MATEK and their insufficient experience, is also a response to the inadequacy of the instruments to support social and occupational reintegration into their individual needs. The leader and the Partner in a multi-sectoral partnership have developed a set of comprehensive and personalised forms of support: development of an IŚR for each of the beneficiaries, meetings of support groups, workshops developing competency development, throughout the project of psychological care, sociotherapist, lawyer and mediator. In addition, during activities with their mothers, activities will be organised for their children. 40 Os will undergo a vocational training course (the professional training courses are for the professions sought at the local level of the Republic of Poland), individual employment placements, and 20 traineeships will be carried out on a 4-month professional traineeship. The support instruments will be adapted to the specific needs of the participants (for reasons of age, education and status in the Republic of Poland), and the support is adapted to the people with disabilities. The project is part of: HPT to 2020, National Anti-Poverty and Social Exclusion 2020, Public Policy Strategy, Woj. Podlaskie to 2020. Under the project, the following conditions will be met: 1.multisectoral partnership, for persons experiencing multiple exclusion, 3. from municipalities with above-average percentage of social assistance unemployment benefits, 4.Use of innovative solutions for OP HC. (English)
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