Duration of Youth 2019 (Q91063): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): General objective of the TUW 1100-29 and 900M — 15-24 years — will increase its KS to increase its chances on the labour market.The main objective is to fulfil the specific objective of OP KED: “Donations and lifting by young people up to the age of 29 years of social skills in the labour market”.Main reserves 990 K and 810 M under the age of 30 will raise 8 of the 15 social competences useful on the labour market.Recruitment — requires substant...)
Property / summary
General objective of the TUW 1100-29 and 900M — 15-24 years — will increase its KS to increase its chances on the labour market.The main objective is to fulfil the specific objective of OP KED: “Donations and lifting by young people up to the age of 29 years of social skills in the labour market”.Main reserves 990 K and 810 M under the age of 30 will raise 8 of the 15 social competences useful on the labour market.Recruitment — requires substantive verification of knowledge and KS, qualification for the project, verification of progress made before completion of the shareholding. 2.Individual plans for development based on work with chem and baby3.Training Youth Academy, workshop to acquire knowledge and skills of KS.4.Social Projects and Voluntary Service — implemented by UU in 4-personal teams in its local environment — developing practical skills. 5.Two types of youth work centres for young people with project activities and UU are running projects targeted, during and after the project, to the local community. 6.Young people advise on and act as a task for representatives of the representatives of young people who are comprehensively preparing young people in terms of social competence for active citizenship and peer involvement in social communication. the project will be implemented in accordance with the values of the European Solidarity Corps:respect for human dignity, human rights, including respect for diversity, by promoting fair and equitable societies in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality prevail, so as to strengthen social cohesion. (English)
Property / summary: General objective of the TUW 1100-29 and 900M — 15-24 years — will increase its KS to increase its chances on the labour market.The main objective is to fulfil the specific objective of OP KED: “Donations and lifting by young people up to the age of 29 years of social skills in the labour market”.Main reserves 990 K and 810 M under the age of 30 will raise 8 of the 15 social competences useful on the labour market.Recruitment — requires substantive verification of knowledge and KS, qualification for the project, verification of progress made before completion of the shareholding. 2.Individual plans for development based on work with chem and baby3.Training Youth Academy, workshop to acquire knowledge and skills of KS.4.Social Projects and Voluntary Service — implemented by UU in 4-personal teams in its local environment — developing practical skills. 5.Two types of youth work centres for young people with project activities and UU are running projects targeted, during and after the project, to the local community. 6.Young people advise on and act as a task for representatives of the representatives of young people who are comprehensively preparing young people in terms of social competence for active citizenship and peer involvement in social communication. the project will be implemented in accordance with the values of the European Solidarity Corps:respect for human dignity, human rights, including respect for diversity, by promoting fair and equitable societies in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality prevail, so as to strengthen social cohesion. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 11:16, 4 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
Duration of Youth 2019
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    7,894,271.61 zloty
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    1,894,625.1864 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    9,366,720.0 zloty
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    2,248,012.8 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    84.28 percent
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    1 June 2019
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    31 May 2021
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    CEL OGÓLNY PROJEKTUW ciągu 24 m-cy 1100K i 900M - 15-29 lat zdobędzie/ podwyższy posiadane KS - by zwiększyć szanse na rynku pracy. Cel główny wypełnia cel szczegółowy PO WER:"Zdobywanie i podnoszenie przez osoby młode do 29 roku życia umiejętności społecznych ważnych na rynku pracy".GŁÓWNE REZULTATY 990 K i 810 M poniżej 30 lat podniesie min.8 z 15 kompetencji społecznych przydatne na rynku pracy.GRUPA DOCELOWA2000 UU, 1100 K i 900M 15-29 lat, członków / wolontariuszy lub działających w Caritas, Związku Harcerstwa Rzeczypospoliteji podm. reprezentujących młodzież.GŁÓWNE ZADANIADziałania sąw części wdrożeniem modeli innowacyjnych POKL modeli z KPRES:1. Rekrutacja - wymaga weryfikacji merytorycznej wiedzy i KS, zakwalifikowaniu do projektu, zweryfikowaniu postępu przed zakończeniem udziału.2. Indywidualne Plany Rozwoju stworzone na podstawie pracy z coachem i opiekunem3. Młodzieżowa Akademia Kompetencji szkolenia, warsztaty służące zdobyciu wiedzy i umiejętności w zakresie KS.4. Projekty Społeczne i Staże Wolontariackie - realizowane przez UU w 4-osobowych zespołach w swoim środowisku lokalnym - rozwój praktycznych umiejętności.5. Centra Młodzieżowej Aktywności dwa typy miejsc dla młodzieży, w której odywają się aktywności projektowe oraz UU realizują projekty skierowane, w trakcie trwania i po projekcie, do społeczności lokalnej.6. Młodzież radzi i działa zadanie dla przedstawicieli podmiotów reprezentujących młodzież, które kompleksowo przygotowuje młode osoby pod względem kompetencji społecznych do aktywności obywatelskiej i angażowania rówieśników w działania prospołeczne.Projekt będzie realizowany zgodnie z wartościami przyświecającymi Europejskiemu Korpusowi Solidarności: poszanowanie godności ludzkiej, praw człowieka, w tym poszanowanie dla różnorodności, przez promowanie sprawiedliwego i równego społeczeństwa, w którym panuje pluralizm, niedyskryminacja, tolerancja, sprawiedliwość, solidarność i równość, co umożliwi wzmacnianie spójności społecznej. (Polish)
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    General objective of the TUW 1100-29 and 900M — 15-24 years — will increase its KS to increase its chances on the labour market.The main objective is to fulfil the specific objective of OP KED: “Donations and lifting by young people up to the age of 29 years of social skills in the labour market”.Main reserves 990 K and 810 M under the age of 30 will raise 8 of the 15 social competences useful on the labour market.Recruitment — requires substantive verification of knowledge and KS, qualification for the project, verification of progress made before completion of the shareholding. 2.Individual plans for development based on work with chem and baby3.Training Youth Academy, workshop to acquire knowledge and skills of KS.4.Social Projects and Voluntary Service — implemented by UU in 4-personal teams in its local environment — developing practical skills. 5.Two types of youth work centres for young people with project activities and UU are running projects targeted, during and after the project, to the local community. 6.Young people advise on and act as a task for representatives of the representatives of young people who are comprehensively preparing young people in terms of social competence for active citizenship and peer involvement in social communication. the project will be implemented in accordance with the values of the European Solidarity Corps:respect for human dignity, human rights, including respect for diversity, by promoting fair and equitable societies in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality prevail, so as to strengthen social cohesion. (English)
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