My profession, my future, my success (Q90803): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The main aim of the project is:Improving employability and active employment of 152 young people by 29 (80 K and 72M), without work, which does not take part in education and training (NEETs) living in Małopolskie Province, in the period 01.04.2016-31.03.2018.The target group of the project is women and men resident/y (within the meaning of the Civil Code) in the Małopolskie Province aged 15-29.These will be inactive people who do not participat...)
Property / summary
The main aim of the project is:Improving employability and active employment of 152 young people by 29 (80 K and 72M), without work, which does not take part in education and training (NEETs) living in Małopolskie Province, in the period 01.04.2016-31.03.2018.The target group of the project is women and men resident/y (within the meaning of the Civil Code) in the Małopolskie Province aged 15-29.These will be inactive people who do not participate in education and training (NEETs).In addition, 50 % of the project participants (min.76) will be disabled persons.Women will account for a minimum of 66 % of project participants.The project will deliver results:— L.persons inactive.Not in education or training that have received an offer of employment, continuing education, apprenticeship or traineeship upon leaving:89/47K/42M — L’inactive persons.Not in education or training, participating in education/training or receiving qualifications or working (including self-employment) upon leaving:119/62K/57M — inactive persons not in education or training that have completed an action supported by the Human Employment Initiative młodych:146/74K/72M — Employment efficiency of 60 % -L.inactive, not in education or training, supported by the Programme:152/80K, 72M.Main tasks.The purpose of the project is to support the individual and comprehensive activation of young people’s education and education by:— Individual assistance — IPDs — Collective guidance — Psychological support — High quality vocational training, culminating in an examination.65 % of participants + internship vouchers for 8 UP (English)
Property / summary: The main aim of the project is:Improving employability and active employment of 152 young people by 29 (80 K and 72M), without work, which does not take part in education and training (NEETs) living in Małopolskie Province, in the period 01.04.2016-31.03.2018.The target group of the project is women and men resident/y (within the meaning of the Civil Code) in the Małopolskie Province aged 15-29.These will be inactive people who do not participate in education and training (NEETs).In addition, 50 % of the project participants (min.76) will be disabled persons.Women will account for a minimum of 66 % of project participants.The project will deliver results:— L.persons inactive.Not in education or training that have received an offer of employment, continuing education, apprenticeship or traineeship upon leaving:89/47K/42M — L’inactive persons.Not in education or training, participating in education/training or receiving qualifications or working (including self-employment) upon leaving:119/62K/57M — inactive persons not in education or training that have completed an action supported by the Human Employment Initiative młodych:146/74K/72M — Employment efficiency of 60 % -L.inactive, not in education or training, supported by the Programme:152/80K, 72M.Main tasks.The purpose of the project is to support the individual and comprehensive activation of young people’s education and education by:— Individual assistance — IPDs — Collective guidance — Psychological support — High quality vocational training, culminating in an examination.65 % of participants + internship vouchers for 8 UP (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 11:07, 4 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
My profession, my future, my success
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    1,893,473.84 zloty
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    454,433.7216 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    2,060,587.48 zloty
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    494,540.9952 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    91.89 percent
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    1 April 2016
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    31 March 2018
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    Celem głównym projektu jest: Poprawa zdolności do zatrudnienia oraz podnoszenia poziomu aktywności zawodowej 152 osób młodych do 29 r.ż.(80 K i 72M) bez pracy, które nie uczestniczą w kształceniu i szkoleniu (tzw. młodzież NEET) zamieszkujących na terenie województwa małopolskiego, w okresie 01.04.2016r.-31.03.2018r. Grupę docelową projektu stanowią kobiety i mężczyźni zamieszkujące/y (w rozumieniu Kodeksu Cywilnego) na terenie Województwa Małopolskiego w wieku 15-29 lat. Będą to osoby bierne zawodowo, które nie uczestniczą w kształceniu i szkoleniu (tzw. młodzież NEET). Dodatkowo min. 50% uczestników projektu (min.76 osób) będą stanowiły osoby niepełnosprawne. Kobiety będą stanowiły min. 66% uczestników projektu. Dzięki realizacji projektu zostaną osiągnięte rezultaty: - L.osób biernych zawod.  nieuczestniczących w kształceniu lub szkoleniu, które otrzymały ofertę pracy, kształcenia ustawicznego, przygotowania zawodowego lub stażu po opuszczeniu programu: 89/47K/42M - L. osób biernych zawod.  nieuczestniczących w kształceniu lub szkoleniu, uczestniczących w kształceniu/szkoleniu lub uzyskujących kwalifikacje lub pracujących (łącznie z pracującymi na własny rachunek) po opuszczeniu programu: 119/62K/57M - L. osób biernych zawodowo nieuczestniczących w kształceniu lub szkoleniu, które ukończyły interwencję wspieraną w ramach Inicjatywy na rzecz zatrudnienia ludzi młodych:146/74K/72M - Efektywność zatrudnieniowa na poziomie 60% - L.osób biernych zawodowo, nieuczestniczących w kształceniu lub szkoleniu, objętych wsparciem w programie: 152/80K,72M. Głów. zadania, które zostaną zrealiz.  w ramach proj. dotyczą wsparcia indywidualnej i kompleksowej aktywizacji zawodowo-edukacyjnej osób młodych poprzez: - Poradnictwo indywidualne - IPD - Poradnictwo grupowe - Wsparcie psychologiczne - Wysokiej jakości szkolenia zawodowe zakończone egzaminem. - Staże dla 65% uczestników + bony stażowe dla 8 UP (Polish)
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    The main aim of the project is:Improving employability and active employment of 152 young people by 29 (80 K and 72M), without work, which does not take part in education and training (NEETs) living in Małopolskie Province, in the period 01.04.2016-31.03.2018.The target group of the project is women and men resident/y (within the meaning of the Civil Code) in the Małopolskie Province aged 15-29.These will be inactive people who do not participate in education and training (NEETs).In addition, 50 % of the project participants (min.76) will be disabled persons.Women will account for a minimum of 66 % of project participants.The project will deliver results:— L.persons inactive.Not in education or training that have received an offer of employment, continuing education, apprenticeship or traineeship upon leaving:89/47K/42M — L’inactive persons.Not in education or training, participating in education/training or receiving qualifications or working (including self-employment) upon leaving:119/62K/57M — inactive persons not in education or training that have completed an action supported by the Human Employment Initiative młodych:146/74K/72M — Employment efficiency of 60 % -L.inactive, not in education or training, supported by the Programme:152/80K, 72M.Main tasks.The purpose of the project is to support the individual and comprehensive activation of young people’s education and education by:— Individual assistance — IPDs — Collective guidance — Psychological support — High quality vocational training, culminating in an examination.65 % of participants + internship vouchers for 8 UP (English)
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