Activation of young people who are unemployed in the powiat bielski (I) (Q88867): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project is to increase the employability of young people under the age of 30 who are unemployed in the powiat bielski.The main output of the project will be to start employment at the end of the project, without taking into account the unemployed people who will receive the funds for setting up a business, by the following groups of persons aged 18-29 registered in the PLO Bielsko Podlaska:— 35 % of the long-term unemployed;17 % o...) |
Property / summary | |||
The aim of the project is to increase the employability of young people under the age of 30 who are unemployed in the powiat bielski.The main output of the project will be to start employment at the end of the project, without taking into account the unemployed people who will receive the funds for setting up a business, by the following groups of persons aged 18-29 registered in the PLO Bielsko Podlaska:— 35 % of the long-term unemployed;17 % of unemployed persons with reduced disability;36 % of the low-skilled;43 % of those who do not qualify for any of the following groups.In the framework of the project, unemployed persons below the age of 30 will be eligible for the Aid Profile I (inactive) or Profile II (the so-called ‘unemployed’).All project participants must meet the requirements of the so-called NEETs groups, i.e.:the person does not work, is not in education or training.As part of the project, for each participant, the presentation of a specific activation offer will be preceded by an analysis of the participant’s skills, suitability and professional problems.On this basis, the district employment office will implement the relevant labour market services and instruments referred to in the Act on the Promotion of Employment and Labour Market Institutions.Each participant in an individual Action Plan, will be covered by the work of the Agency.The project will propose the following forms of activation:internships, individual training through training vouchers, settlement vouchers, the possibility of obtaining funds for starting a business.For the implementation of traineeships, traineeships will be funded, some of those who will be required will be sent for medical examination before the start of the traineeship.The training voucher will include the cost of training, if necessary a medical examination and travel costs for training. (English) | |||
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to increase the employability of young people under the age of 30 who are unemployed in the powiat bielski.The main output of the project will be to start employment at the end of the project, without taking into account the unemployed people who will receive the funds for setting up a business, by the following groups of persons aged 18-29 registered in the PLO Bielsko Podlaska:— 35 % of the long-term unemployed;17 % of unemployed persons with reduced disability;36 % of the low-skilled;43 % of those who do not qualify for any of the following groups.In the framework of the project, unemployed persons below the age of 30 will be eligible for the Aid Profile I (inactive) or Profile II (the so-called ‘unemployed’).All project participants must meet the requirements of the so-called NEETs groups, i.e.:the person does not work, is not in education or training.As part of the project, for each participant, the presentation of a specific activation offer will be preceded by an analysis of the participant’s skills, suitability and professional problems.On this basis, the district employment office will implement the relevant labour market services and instruments referred to in the Act on the Promotion of Employment and Labour Market Institutions.Each participant in an individual Action Plan, will be covered by the work of the Agency.The project will propose the following forms of activation:internships, individual training through training vouchers, settlement vouchers, the possibility of obtaining funds for starting a business.For the implementation of traineeships, traineeships will be funded, some of those who will be required will be sent for medical examination before the start of the traineeship.The training voucher will include the cost of training, if necessary a medical examination and travel costs for training. (English) / rank | |||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 10:50, 4 March 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Activation of young people who are unemployed in the powiat bielski (I) |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
800,900.0 zloty
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950,100.0 zloty
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84.3 percent
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1 April 2015
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31 December 2015
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Celem projektu jest zwiększenie możliwości zatrudnienia osób młodych poniżej 30 roku życia pozostających bez pracy w powiecie bielskim. Głównym rezultatem projektu będzie podjęcie zatrudnienia po zakończeniu udziału w projekcie, nie uwzględniając osób bezrobotnych, które otrzymają środki na podjęcie działalności gospodarczej, przez następujące grupy osób w wieku 18-29, zarejestrowanych w PUP w Bielsku Podlaskim: - 35% osób długotrwale bezrobotnych; - 17% bezrobotnych z orzeczonym stopniem niepełnosprawności; - 36% osób bezrobotnych o niskich kwalifikacjach; - 43% osób, które nie kwalifikują się do żadnej z niżej wymienionych grup. W ramach projektu wsparciem zostaną objęte osoby bezrobotne poniżej 30 roku życia zakwalifikowane do profilu pomocy I (tzw. bezrobotni aktywni) lub profilu II (tzw. bezrobotni wymagający wsparcia). Wszyscy uczestnicy projektu muszą spełniać wymagania tzw. grupy młodzieży NEET tj.: osoba nie pracuje, nie kształci się i nie szkoli się. W ramach projektu, w przypadku każdego uczestnika przedstawienie konkretnej oferty aktywizacji zawodowej poprzedzi analiza umiejętności, predyspozycji i problemów zawodowych danego uczestnika. Na tej podstawie powiatowy urząd pracy realizować będzie odpowiednio dobrane usługi i instrumenty rynku pracy, o których mowa w ustawie o promocji zatrudnienia i instytucjach rynku pracy. Każdy uczestnik z opracowanym Indywidualnym Planem Działania, zostanie objęty pośrednictwem pracy. W ramach projektu zostaną zaproponowane następujące formy aktywizacji: staże, szkolenia indywidualne dzięki bonom szkoleniowym, bony na zasiedlenie, możliwość uzyskania środków na rozpoczęcie działalności gospodarczej. W przypadku realizacji staży finansowane będą stypendia stażowe, część osób, w przypadkach których będzie to niezbędne, zostanie wysłanych na badania lekarskie przed rozpoczęciem stażu. W skład bonu szkoleniowego wejdzie koszt szkolenia, w razie potrzeby badania lekarskie i koszty dojazdów na szkolenie. (Polish)
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The aim of the project is to increase the employability of young people under the age of 30 who are unemployed in the powiat bielski.The main output of the project will be to start employment at the end of the project, without taking into account the unemployed people who will receive the funds for setting up a business, by the following groups of persons aged 18-29 registered in the PLO Bielsko Podlaska:— 35 % of the long-term unemployed;17 % of unemployed persons with reduced disability;36 % of the low-skilled;43 % of those who do not qualify for any of the following groups.In the framework of the project, unemployed persons below the age of 30 will be eligible for the Aid Profile I (inactive) or Profile II (the so-called ‘unemployed’).All project participants must meet the requirements of the so-called NEETs groups, i.e.:the person does not work, is not in education or training.As part of the project, for each participant, the presentation of a specific activation offer will be preceded by an analysis of the participant’s skills, suitability and professional problems.On this basis, the district employment office will implement the relevant labour market services and instruments referred to in the Act on the Promotion of Employment and Labour Market Institutions.Each participant in an individual Action Plan, will be covered by the work of the Agency.The project will propose the following forms of activation:internships, individual training through training vouchers, settlement vouchers, the possibility of obtaining funds for starting a business.For the implementation of traineeships, traineeships will be funded, some of those who will be required will be sent for medical examination before the start of the traineeship.The training voucher will include the cost of training, if necessary a medical examination and travel costs for training. (English)
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