The placing on the market of innovative plastic packaging technology with enhanced functional characteristics. (Q82531): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Label in wikidata changed)
(‎Created claim: summary (P836): “The project ORPLAST Jerzy Orlikowski Spółka Jawna consists of the implementation of an innovative production technology developed in the framework of the R & D carried out and commissioned by the firm, which will enable the production of new products in the form of plastic containers of unprecedented functional and functional properties and high-performance mechanical performance.The introduction of innovative products into the market was prece...)
Property / summary
“The project ORPLAST Jerzy Orlikowski Spółka Jawna consists of the implementation of an innovative production technology developed in the framework of the R & D carried out and commissioned by the firm, which will enable the production of new products in the form of plastic containers of unprecedented functional and functional properties and high-performance mechanical performance.The introduction of innovative products into the market was preceded by a thorough analysis of the outlet market by which ORPLAST was able to identify the needs of both current and potential customers.Thanks to its long-standing activity in the plastic industry, ORPLAST was able to develop the concept of a technology line enabling the production of plastic containers which, through its mechanical parameters (lightness, wall thickness, transparency), functional and utility features (hinges, hinged lid, universal design for packaging families, wheels, rings), but primarily to add an active anti-bacterial function, to be achieved by adding a product containing nanoparticles, are distinguished from competing products.The new product will be a breakthrough in the packaging industry that could not be achieved without an innovative manufacturing technology.This project contributes to meeting the objectives of Action 3.2 of developing innovation among SMEs through the implementation and commercialisation of new products.The investment shall also be in line with the implementation of the principle of sustainable development and to the horizontal policies of the European Union.” (English)
Property / summary: “The project ORPLAST Jerzy Orlikowski Spółka Jawna consists of the implementation of an innovative production technology developed in the framework of the R & D carried out and commissioned by the firm, which will enable the production of new products in the form of plastic containers of unprecedented functional and functional properties and high-performance mechanical performance.The introduction of innovative products into the market was preceded by a thorough analysis of the outlet market by which ORPLAST was able to identify the needs of both current and potential customers.Thanks to its long-standing activity in the plastic industry, ORPLAST was able to develop the concept of a technology line enabling the production of plastic containers which, through its mechanical parameters (lightness, wall thickness, transparency), functional and utility features (hinges, hinged lid, universal design for packaging families, wheels, rings), but primarily to add an active anti-bacterial function, to be achieved by adding a product containing nanoparticles, are distinguished from competing products.The new product will be a breakthrough in the packaging industry that could not be achieved without an innovative manufacturing technology.This project contributes to meeting the objectives of Action 3.2 of developing innovation among SMEs through the implementation and commercialisation of new products.The investment shall also be in line with the implementation of the principle of sustainable development and to the horizontal policies of the European Union.” (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 09:25, 4 March 2020

Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language Label Description Also known as
The placing on the market of innovative plastic packaging technology with enhanced functional characteristics.
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio


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    6,000,000.0 zloty
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    1,440,000.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    11,665,000.0 zloty
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    2,799,600.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    51.44 percent
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    1 February 2016
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    31 October 2017
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    "Projekt przedsiębiorstwa ORPLAST Jerzy Orlikowski Spółka Jawna polega na wdrożeniu opracowanej w ramach przeprowadzonych oraz zleconych przez firmę prac badawczo-rozwojowych innowacyjnej technologii produkcji, dzięki której możliwe stanie się uruchomienie produkcji nowych wyrobów w postaci pojemników z tworzyw sztucznych o niespotykanych dotychczas właściwościach funkcjonalno-użytkowych, oraz wysokowydajnych parametrach mechanicznych. Wprowadzenie na rynek innowacyjnych wyrobów poprzedzone zostało dogłębną analizą rynku zbytu, dzięki której firma ORPLAST była w stanie zidentyfikować potrzeby zarówno obecnych jak i potencjalnych odbiorców. Dzięki swojej długoletniej działalności w branży tworzyw sztucznych, firma ORPLAST była zdolna opracować koncepcję linii technologicznej, umożliwiającej produkcję pojemników z tworzyw sztucznych, które poprzez swoje parametry mechaniczne (lekkość, grubość ścianki, przejrzystość), cechy funkcjonalno-użytkowe (klips będący zawiasem, uchylna pokrywka, uniwersalny design rodziny opakowań, kółka jezdne, rączki), ale przede wszystkim dodanie aktywnej funkcji antybakteryjnej, możliwej do osiągnięcia poprzez dodanie środka zawierającego nanocząstki metali, odróżniać się będą od produktów konkurencyjnych. Nowy produkt stanowić będzie przełom w branży opakowań, którego uzyskanie nie byłoby możliwe bez zastosowania wdrażanej, innowacyjnej technologii produkcji. Niniejszy projekt przyczynia się do spełnienia celów działania 3.2, polegających na rozwoju innowacyjności wśród przedsiębiorstw z sektora MŚP poprzez wdrażanie i komercjalizację nowych wyrobów. Inwestycja wpisuje się również w realizację zasady zrównoważonego rozwoju oraz polityk horyzontalnych Unii Europejskiej." (Polish)
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    “The project ORPLAST Jerzy Orlikowski Spółka Jawna consists of the implementation of an innovative production technology developed in the framework of the R & D carried out and commissioned by the firm, which will enable the production of new products in the form of plastic containers of unprecedented functional and functional properties and high-performance mechanical performance.The introduction of innovative products into the market was preceded by a thorough analysis of the outlet market by which ORPLAST was able to identify the needs of both current and potential customers.Thanks to its long-standing activity in the plastic industry, ORPLAST was able to develop the concept of a technology line enabling the production of plastic containers which, through its mechanical parameters (lightness, wall thickness, transparency), functional and utility features (hinges, hinged lid, universal design for packaging families, wheels, rings), but primarily to add an active anti-bacterial function, to be achieved by adding a product containing nanoparticles, are distinguished from competing products.The new product will be a breakthrough in the packaging industry that could not be achieved without an innovative manufacturing technology.This project contributes to meeting the objectives of Action 3.2 of developing innovation among SMEs through the implementation and commercialisation of new products.The investment shall also be in line with the implementation of the principle of sustainable development and to the horizontal policies of the European Union.” (English)
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