Implementation of an innovative form of immediate release medicine for the treatment of the syndrome of the ileum and new analytical methods (Q79986): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): SA.41471 (2015/X) _public:Article 25 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in the application of Article 107 and 108 of the Treaty (OJ(OJ LEU L 187/1, 26.06.2014) The ileum is a chronic disease in the small intestine and a large intestine of abdominal pain and an impairment of defecation rhythm, which are not conditioned by organic or biochemical changes....) |
Property / summary | |||
SA.41471 (2015/X) _public:Article 25 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in the application of Article 107 and 108 of the Treaty (OJ(OJ LEU L 187/1, 26.06.2014) The ileum is a chronic disease in the small intestine and a large intestine of abdominal pain and an impairment of defecation rhythm, which are not conditioned by organic or biochemical changes.The cause of the respiratory syndrome is not entirely explained.In patients with a small intestine syndrome, patients are often faced with symptoms that cause patient concern because they may suggest the existence of an additional disease.These symptoms may relate, inter alia, to sleep disturbance and concentration, fatigue.There is evidence that the more is such reminiscent of the renal disease symptoms, the more likely it is that the patient is suffering from a syndrome of the skin.Operating intestinal activity is regulated not only by the central nervous system and hormones, but also by the internal nervous system by producing their own impulses (& bdn; pogeno & quot;).The neurology base of the respiratory syndrome has led the consortium in partnership to prepare a project with two parallel objectives:The development of the medicinal product & ndash;a peraclontide, effectively active in the ileum of irritate, development of the analytical method for the study of the release of the linaclontide Linaclontide, which is used in a complex of the intestine with the advantage of a park, preventing the end of the sensory/sensory neurons (more specifically the nocyceptors — spain receptors) in the rough gut, acting in an overwhelming analgesic.Hence, its legitimate importance in the context of the Innoneuroharm programme.The medicinal product will be marketed by the project Leader Biofarma sp. z o.o., which has the production, implementation and market potential for placing the product on the Polish market. (English) | |||
Property / summary: SA.41471 (2015/X) _public:Article 25 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in the application of Article 107 and 108 of the Treaty (OJ(OJ LEU L 187/1, 26.06.2014) The ileum is a chronic disease in the small intestine and a large intestine of abdominal pain and an impairment of defecation rhythm, which are not conditioned by organic or biochemical changes.The cause of the respiratory syndrome is not entirely explained.In patients with a small intestine syndrome, patients are often faced with symptoms that cause patient concern because they may suggest the existence of an additional disease.These symptoms may relate, inter alia, to sleep disturbance and concentration, fatigue.There is evidence that the more is such reminiscent of the renal disease symptoms, the more likely it is that the patient is suffering from a syndrome of the skin.Operating intestinal activity is regulated not only by the central nervous system and hormones, but also by the internal nervous system by producing their own impulses (& bdn; pogeno & quot;).The neurology base of the respiratory syndrome has led the consortium in partnership to prepare a project with two parallel objectives:The development of the medicinal product & ndash;a peraclontide, effectively active in the ileum of irritate, development of the analytical method for the study of the release of the linaclontide Linaclontide, which is used in a complex of the intestine with the advantage of a park, preventing the end of the sensory/sensory neurons (more specifically the nocyceptors — spain receptors) in the rough gut, acting in an overwhelming analgesic.Hence, its legitimate importance in the context of the Innoneuroharm programme.The medicinal product will be marketed by the project Leader Biofarma sp. z o.o., which has the production, implementation and market potential for placing the product on the Polish market. (English) / rank | |||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 09:01, 4 March 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Implementation of an innovative form of immediate release medicine for the treatment of the syndrome of the ileum and new analytical methods |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
1,222,346.49 zloty
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2,711,803.73 zloty
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45.08 percent
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1 January 2019
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31 August 2023
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SA.41471(2015/X) Przeznaczenie_pomocy_publicznej: art. 25 rozporządzenia KE nr 651/2014 z dnia 17 czerwca 2014 r. uznające niektóre rodzaje pomocy za zgodne z rynkiem wewnętrznym w stosowaniu art. 107 i 108 Traktatu (Dz. Urz. UE L 187/1 z 26.06.2014)Zespół jelita drażliwego to przewlekła choroba jelita cienkiego i grubego objawiająca się bólami brzucha oraz zaburzeniami rytmu wypróżnień, które nie są uwarunkowane zmianami organicznymi ani biochemicznymi. Przyczyna zespołu jelita drażliwego nie została do końca wyjaśniona. U pacjentów z zespołem jelita drażliwego często spotyka się objawy towarzyszące, które budzą niepokój pacjentów, ponieważ mogą sugerować równoczesne istnienie dodatkowej choroby. Objawy te mogą dotyczyć zaburzeń snu i koncentracji, zmęczenie. Istnieją dowody na to, że im więcej jest takich, przypominających nerwicowe skargi objawów chorobowych, tym większe jest prawdopodobieństwo, że pacjent cierpi na zespół jelita drażliwego. Ruchowa aktywność jelit regulowana jest nie tylko przez centralny układ nerwowy i hormony, ale również wewnętrzny system nerwowy wytwarzający własne impulsy („mózg trzewny"). Neurologiczne podłoże zespołu jelita drażliwego skłoniło Partnerów konsorcjum do przygotowania projektu, stawiającego sobie dwa równolegle realizowane cele: - opracowanie produktu leczniczego – linaklotydu, skutecznie działającego w zespole jelita drażliwego, - opracowanie metody analitycznej do badania uwalniania linaklotydu Linaklotyd, który stosowany jest w zespole jelita drażliwego z przewagą zaparć, uniewrażliwia zakończenia neuronów czuciowych/sensorycznych (a dokładniej hamuje nocyceptory - receptory bólowe) w jelicie grubym działając przeciwbólowo. Stąd też jego uzasadnione znaczenie w ramach programu Innoneuropharm. Produkt leczniczy będzie wdrożony na rynek przez Lidera projektu - firmę Biofarm sp. z o.o., która posiada potencjał produkcyjny, wdrożeniowy i rynkowy do wprowadzenia produktu na rynek polski. (Polish)
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SA.41471 (2015/X) _public:Article 25 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in the application of Article 107 and 108 of the Treaty (OJ(OJ LEU L 187/1, 26.06.2014) The ileum is a chronic disease in the small intestine and a large intestine of abdominal pain and an impairment of defecation rhythm, which are not conditioned by organic or biochemical changes.The cause of the respiratory syndrome is not entirely explained.In patients with a small intestine syndrome, patients are often faced with symptoms that cause patient concern because they may suggest the existence of an additional disease.These symptoms may relate, inter alia, to sleep disturbance and concentration, fatigue.There is evidence that the more is such reminiscent of the renal disease symptoms, the more likely it is that the patient is suffering from a syndrome of the skin.Operating intestinal activity is regulated not only by the central nervous system and hormones, but also by the internal nervous system by producing their own impulses (& bdn; pogeno & quot;).The neurology base of the respiratory syndrome has led the consortium in partnership to prepare a project with two parallel objectives:The development of the medicinal product & ndash;a peraclontide, effectively active in the ileum of irritate, development of the analytical method for the study of the release of the linaclontide Linaclontide, which is used in a complex of the intestine with the advantage of a park, preventing the end of the sensory/sensory neurons (more specifically the nocyceptors — spain receptors) in the rough gut, acting in an overwhelming analgesic.Hence, its legitimate importance in the context of the Innoneuroharm programme.The medicinal product will be marketed by the project Leader Biofarma sp. z o.o., which has the production, implementation and market potential for placing the product on the Polish market. (English)
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