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Revision as of 09:46, 8 October 2021
Project Q3098516 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | A new professional opportunity for young unemployed NEETs |
Project Q3098516 in Romania |
3,927,578.82 Romanian Leu
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4,808,030.96 Romanian Leu
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81.69 percent
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8 September 2021
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31 August 2023
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Obiectivul general al proiectului este de a creste, pe parcursul a 24 luni calendaristice, gradul de ocupare al tinerilor NEET someri cu varsta intre 16-29 ani inregistrati la SPO din Regiunea Centru, prin imbunatatirea nivelului de competente cerut pe piata muncii, cu accent pe tinerii NEET mediu, greu si foarte greu ocupabili, tinerii NEET femei, cei apartinand minoritatii rome si cei din mediul rural, care sunt mult mai expusi excluziunii sociale, precum si prin masuri de stimulare a ocuparii si a ocuparii pe cont propriu prin incurajarea antreprenoriatului in randul tinerilor NEET din Reg.Centru, corelativ cu masuri care contribuie la atingerea temelor secundare FSE "Inovarea sociala"si "Nediscriminarea". Proiectul isi aduce contributia la realizarea obiectivelor specifice AP 2/PI 8.ii/OS 2.1 si OS 2.2 deoarece obiectivul pe care si-l propune este similar cu obiectivele specifice al apelului, adica imbunatatirea nivelului de competente si cresterea ocuparii tinerilor NEETs someri cu varsta intre 16-29 de ani, inregistrati la Serviciul Public de Ocupare, cu rezidenta in regiunile eligibile, respectiv Regiunea Centru. De asemenea, proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivelor si prioritatilor programului si apelului prin modul in care isi defineste grupul tinta, activitatile si rezultatele prevazute. Grupul tinta eligibil al proiectului se incadreaza in grupul tinta pe care il stabileste AP 2/PI 8.ii/OS 2.1 si OS 2.2, cf. Ghidului Solicitantului, mai precis, sunt 372 de tineri NEETs someri cu varsta intre 16-29 de ani, inregistrati la Serviciul Public de Ocupare, cu rezidenta in Regiunea Centru (regiune eligibilea). Dintre acestia, 11,02% sunt de etnie roma, 21,24% au domiciliu/rezidenta in zona rurala, 31,18% au nivelul de ocupabilitate C si D, si 50% sunt femei. Proiectul contribuie la atingerea rezultatelor asteptate ale apelului, prin modul in care isi stabileste indicatorii de realizare: - indicatorul 4S225 atinge valoarea 372 persoane - indicatorului 4S3 va atinge valoarea de 80,65 % din indicatorul 4S225 - indicatorul 4S200 va atinge valoarea de peste 43% din 4S225 Activitatile proiectului raspund prioritatilor si obiectivului specific AP 2/PI 8.ii/OS 2.1 si OS 2.2 deoarece sunt prevazute masuri care vizeaza: a) identificarea tinerilor din Regiunea Centru cu varsta intre 16-29 de ani care nu sunt ocupati si care nu urmeaza o forma de educatie sau formare pentru a fi indruma catre SPO in vederea inregistrarii si profilarii - se coreleaza cu act. 1 suport din Ghidul Solicitantului b) dezvoltarea competenentelor tinerilor NEETs someri prin masuri integrate de sprijin pentru participarea la programe de FPC – se coreleaza cu act. 2 relevanta si obligatorie din Ghidul Solitantului c) cresterea ocuparii tinerilor NEETs someri prin servicii de stimulare a ocuparii – medierea muncii – se coreleaza cu act. 3 relevanta si obligatorie din Ghidul Solicitantului d) cresterea ocuparii pe cont propriu prin sustinerea (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to increase, during 24 calendar months, the employment rate of NEETs aged 16-29 years registered at the SPO in the Centre Region, by improving the level of skills required on the labour market, with a focus on average NEETs, hard and very difficult to occupy, young women NEETs, those belonging to the Roma minority and those from rural areas, who are more exposed to social exclusion, as well as by measures to stimulate self-employment and self-employment by encouraging entrepreneurship among NEETs from the Center, correlated with measures that contribute to the achievement of the ESF sub themes “Social Innovation” and “Non-discrimination”. The project contributes to the achievement of specific objectives AP 2/PI 8.ii/OS 2.1 and OS 2.2 because its objective is similar to the specific objectives of the call, i.e. improving the level of competence and increasing the employment of NEETs unemployed aged 16-29, registered with the Public Employment Service, with residency in the eligible regions, namely the Centre Region. The project also contributes to the achievement of the objectives and priorities of the program and call through the way in which it defines its target group, activities and expected results. The eligible target group of the project falls within the target group set by AP 2/PI 8.ii/OS 2.1 and OS 2.2, cf. The Applicant’s Guide, more specifically, are 372 unemployed NEETs aged 16-29, registered with the Public Employment Service, residing in the Centre Region (eligible region). Of these, 11.02 % are Roma, 21.24 % live in rural areas, 31.18 % have occupational levels C and D, and 50 % are women. The project contributes to achieving the expected results of the call, by setting its output indicators: — indicator 4S225 reaches 372 people – 4S3 indicator will reach 80.65 % of 4S225 indicator – 4S200 indicator will reach more than 43 % of 4S225 Project activities responding to priorities and specific objective AP 2/PI 8.ii/OS 2.1 and OS 2.2 because measures are foreseen to: a) the identification of young people in the Centre Region aged 16-29 who are not busy and who do not follow a form of education or training to be directed to the SPO for registration and profiling – correlate with the act. 1 support from the Applicant’s Guide b) developing the skills of unemployed NEETs through integrated support measures for participation in CVT programs – correlates with the act. 2 Relevant and mandatory from the Solitant’s Guide c) the increase in employment of NEETs unemployed through employment stimulation services – labor mediation – correlates with the act. 3 Relevant and mandatory from the Applicant’s Guide d) increasing self-employment by supporting (English)
16 September 2021
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Judeţul Alba, Romania
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Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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Judeţul Harghita, Romania
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Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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0 references